SEO optimization services. Simple search optimization

Hello dear friends. Today we will talk about how to optimize (configure) a website created on the WordPress platform for search engines... I'm not going to get into the SEO jungle and talk about tricks and tricks that are difficult to verify.

These rules must be adhered to from the very first day of website creation and maintained throughout the entire time.

The settings, which many site owners do not pay attention to, allow you to customize search robots in a friendly way and increase traffic. Of course, provided that you write interesting and useful articles and do not turn your site into an advertising dump.

WordPress is the most popular platform for building websites, it is user-friendly and has many settings that you should use to improve your site's visibility in search results.

Optimizing headlines

Starting with the title of the site and moving on to the titles of the articles, you should understand that search engines see 60 - 65 characters in the title. This means that the keywords should be at the beginning of the title and it should not be too long.

And if the title of articles is an essential requirement when publishing in WordPress, then the title of the site may be overlooked. The reason for this is the skin settings. In many themes, it is possible to display a logo or heading, and the owners, without thinking about the importance of the heading, for the sake of the design, choose the logo.

But, and for this there is a solution. You need to install the All in One SEO Pack plugin and add a site title and description.

Site title and description

In this case, even when using a logo, the search robot will see the title of the site.

Next, you need to take care of the headlines of the articles, they are one of the most important criteria for promotion in search engines. The title allows search engines and users to determine what the article is about even before visiting it. Therefore, it is important to compose a title that will immediately speak about the content of the article, and at the same time will contain a key request.

But, in addition to a well-written title, it should display correctly on the site and in the search results. The All in One SEO Pack plugin will help you with this, too, which allows you to customize the titles for all articles, posts, categories, and so on.

Setting Headers in the All in One SEO Pack Plugin

This will allow you to quickly set up headers without tinkering with the site code. For articles, it is recommended to leave only the title of the article, without adding the title of the site.

Use H1 headings for articles

Search engines give different weight keywords depending on the type of title. To receive you need to maximum impact from the keywords of the article title, put it in the H1 tag.

At the same time, you should understand that the name of the site should also be marked with the H1 tag, but only on the main page. In this case, the title of the highest type can be found on the page only once. Otherwise, it is considered a gross semantic markup error. That is, on the main page H1 - the site title, in the H1 posts - the title of the article.

For the correct formation of the url of the site pages, you need to go to the administrative panel in the section "Settings" and select the display format of the address.

Example of links on the site

This can be done by selecting the item "Record Title" or use a custom option and add keys to generate the address.

/% category% /% postmane% /

/% postmane% /

Use bread crumbs

This is another little thing that many site owners overlook. In turn "Bread crumbs" create convenience for readers and contain internal links to site pages that help search robots to determine the relevance of an article for search queries.

And also breadcrumbs give search robots the structure of your site, which also speeds up indexing.

Many modern templates contain built-in display functionality bread crumbs... If your theme does not have such an option, then it can be easily implemented using plugins. One such plugin is Breadcrumb NavXT.

Optimize website images

It is very important to be uploaded to the site. Since images also play a role in search engine promotion. Image search is widely used and is one of the traffic sources.

Pictures in Yandex search

The names of the images should carry a semantic load at least partially. But, at the same time, the names should not be too long. Use dashes to separate words, don't put them all together.

sozdanie-img.jpg is better than sozdanieimg.jpg or foto003.jpg

Before loading images, you need to minimize their size so that they do not slow down the page loading. I am currently using the TinyPNG online service for this. It also has a WordPress plugin, but I don't want to load my blog with additional plugins, so I process the images in the service before loading.

After uploading the image to the site, be sure to add. It will also improve your site's visibility in search.

Alt attribute for images

At the end of the article. This will help your visitors stay on your site, read your other articles, and improve behavioral factors.

And this block will allow search engines to find similar posts that have a similar topic. And evaluate the quality of internal linking.

Example of a list of related articles

Create a sitemap and robots.txt for search engines

The presence of the file, as well as adding them to the offices of the webmaster of search engines, significantly speeds up the indexing of the site. This allows search robots to get the structure of your site's pages and up-to-date information about new articles or changes in old ones.

You can create a sitemap using plugins. It can be a separate plugin or the same All in One SEO Pack that allows you to generate dynamic sitemaps and create robots.txt.

Avoid duplicate content

Search engines don't like duplicate pages. And WordPress has this an unpleasant surprise... So make sure you have one that points to the true page and helps you get rid of duplicates, if any.

It is also necessary to set up a redirect that will help prevent duplicates and exclude existing ones from search results.

In addition to the sitemap, these measures will help to avoid the appearance of duplicates and get rid of the existing ones, if any are present in the search.


These are just the main points to pay attention to and which will allow you to get search traffic.

These settings can be made in a few days and then only follow the recommendations for working with images when uploading them to the site.

That's all for me today, friends, I wish you success.

Best regards, Maxim Zaitsev.

Hello friends! The topic of today's article is SEO optimization services. You will get acquainted with ten young services that greatly simplify the life of a modern webmaster. Optimization of the site and content, checking positions and auditing pages, grouping keys and many other useful things that will help automate most of the work on your site. So let's go!

SEO website optimization services

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the rating of online tools that will be useful to all beginners and advanced SEO-schnik. I have collected well-known SEO optimization services that automate most of the time-consuming tasks and allow you to quickly receive all the necessary information about a particular resource.


SEO service that provides information about your or a competitive resource. A 100-point scale of this indicates the level of trust of search engines to your site, on which it directly depends. As an additional functionality, the site offers the opportunity to work directly with the link exchange, while receiving information about the level of their trust without time and effort.


Shareware SEO service (yes free check one site, then - from 390 to 1990 rubles per month) provides reports that are generated in automatic mode and provide all the information you need to. If necessary, users can connect their Yandex Metrica and Google Analytics accounts.


A complete set of SEO tools offering work with:

  • Content and PR. The ability to collect information about your own brand, audit backlinks, dozens of opportunities for promotion.
  • Social media... Social media audience tracking tools, visitor engagement checker, popular posts, competitor comparison and other tools.
  • SEO tools... Technical audit, competitive intelligence, tracking your own and competitive positions, collecting semantic core, link analysis, audits and many other tools.
  • Traffic... The service will allow you to analyze competitors' traffic, optimize and analyze an advertising strategy, study keywords and the creativity of advertising campaigns.

A relatively young content exchange that combines many useful tools for site owners. The first and most demanded function of the site: SEO-analysis of the text for, water content, spam content, etc. In addition, the exchange offers a full-fledged article store, the ability to order articles from, and much more. Today this exchange is the most widespread SEO optimization and text analysis service due to its advanced algorithms.


Convenient structuring of semantics, checking texts for the possibility of outputting on demand, generating technical specifications for copywriters and a wide range of other tools guarantee effective work with. The first 50 requests are provided free of charge, then - from 18 to 60 kopecks per request.

Online SEO optimization service that provides a full technical audit of the site. Allows you to detect critical problems in HTML code, offer recommendations for improving the site and give advice on further. Analysis and all additional functions absolutely free. It is convenient not only for checking your own site, but also for. The main functions of the service:

  • Analysis of site indexing in Yandex and Google;
  • Recommendations for optimization and elimination of critical errors;
  • Checking for sanctions in search engines;
  • Analysis of social activity and statistics of visits;
  • Full server information and other usefulness.


This service tracks growth dynamics, position in search results, analysis of promotion and much more. He is able to independently assess the quality of site pages, can offer certain keywords and phrases for promotion, and will also provide monitoring of your positions in search engines.

No less useful will be the functions of analyzing commercial queries (the system is able to determine which queries are considered commercial), as well as the ability to search for relevant pages on the site for specific queries.


A young exchange offering in the most popular social networks... The administration of the service manually filters advertisers and sites, so that the chance to stumble upon unscrupulous advertisers or publics with bots is zero. The service commission is 10%.

The audience coverage exceeds 429 million people, the total number of sites is more than 12,000. If necessary, the service provides a turnkey advertising campaign setting, thereby saving the webmaster's time and guaranteeing the best results.


That's all for today, good luck to everyone and see you soon!

When you "sharpen" blog articles for keywords, the site becomes visible to users who find it for commercial or informational requests. How to understand what is important and what is not? How will competent optimization of your blog and articles in it affect the ranking of the site?

A marketer on how to optimize an article for a blog: "Show that real people are behind the company"

Kristina DOMENKOVA, marketer:

"Developed corporate blog is a useful thing. Expert articles, materials written on request potential buyers, increase awareness, build a reputation, attract additional traffic and even sell. But before starting a blog, it's worth evaluating your resources. A good article is time and money.

The question always arises: "What should I write about in the blog?" From my own experience, I can give you some advice. If you are just starting to write, the most Right way- ask sales managers what interests and worries Clients, and answer their questions in articles. Thus, you will close some objections at the decision-making stage and unload sales. They, in turn, will be able to send Clients links to your blog posts. Analyze competitors and their content, you might find interesting clues. By collecting queries from developed competitor blogs, you can create a good content plan for yourself. The fact that it is ineffective to work without him can no longer be explained.

Personalize your blog, show that real people are behind the company, products and services. Write for target audience... Explore her interests / pains (give a ready-made solution). Think about the brand's "voice" (formal or casual). Decide on content formats (article, quiz, infographic, video, etc.). Be sure to analyze the response (the number of views and shares, read to the end, comments, etc.) and take the time to sow. Otherwise, the efforts of your authors will not pay off. "

A few years ago, search engines took into account the frequency of occurrences of keywords in the text of pages, and articles with the largest number entries quickly got into the TOP of search results. SEO-optimized articles now need to include a lot more factors. In addition to text, search engines analyze data such as:

Title (meta tag - title)
Description (meta tag - description)
H1 headings (H2, H3)
URL (page address)
Meta Alt tags for images

The question of how to optimize an article for a blog for search is acute, because Yandex and Google algorithms are looking for pages that answer people's questions and needs. Therefore, when thinking about how to optimize an article for a search query, the first thing to remember is behavioral factors.

SEO Specialist On Meta Tag Extensions: "Show Search Engines Your Text Is Relevant"

Anastasia KRASOVSKAYA, SEO specialist:

“We use Screaming Frog SEO Spider for bulk site crawling. It allows you to scan pages and separately work with Title, Description, H1 and other tags. You will immediately be able to see duplicate, missing or multiple meta tags and understand which page they are on. For quick access from the browser I use RDS-bar or SEO META in 1 CLICK. Thanks to these extensions, I can immediately see all the meta tags on the page and understand what are the shortcomings. All this greatly automates the SEO work. "

Step 1: How to write the Title correctly

Title is the most important meta tag, title. He shows search engines and users what information the page contains. Title is displayed in browsers, in search engine results and must be unique for all pages of the site. The title of the article is the first thing that potential readers pay attention to.

How to write the correct Title for an SEO-optimized article? Here are some guidelines:

  • Compose the title, relying on the semantic core of the site, its structure and those queries for which you want to reach the TOP (in our case, these are informational queries).
  • In Yandex.Metrica, you can see what requests users come to the site for, and select from them those that are not fully disclosed in your blog. Also, Yandex Wordstat is used to select keywords and assess their frequency. An excellent service for optimizing and testing headlines from Google is Optimize.
  • You can only use adjectives in a title written for an information request, but in this case landing page must match. Adjectives grab attention and increase the CTR (click-through rate) of headlines.
  • Beware of stop words and avoid using them if possible. Stop words include prepositions, pronouns, particles that search engines do not take into account when ranking.
  • Putting your brand name at the beginning of your title is not a great idea. If your company is widely known outside the Internet (offline), then the risk is justified. But in competitive topics with low brand awareness similar solutions will lead nowhere.
  • Don't overload the meta tag with multiple requests.
  • Write your keyword at the beginning of the title.
  • Before registering a title for an article, it is worth analyzing competitors in the TOP (view the first page of search results) and make the tag unique.
  • Do not duplicate in the H1 title (top-level heading)
  • Don't forget about the length of the meta tag. Optimal length in Google - 55-90 characters, in Yandex - no more than 68 characters.
  • When composing the title of the article, take into account search suggestions (variants of the most popular queries entered by users in the search bar).

Step 2: How to write the Description correctly

Description called short description pages. The meta description is small text. It is displayed under the Title heading in the search results. Place keywords near the beginning of the Description, use numbers, Interesting Facts and calls to action. An unusual description of what is on the page, again, increases the CTR, and this is one of the factors in the ranking of sites.

Description length in Google - up to 140 characters, in Yandex - up to 185 characters.

By the way, the publication date, which is displayed under Title, will help increase the CTR. Users are more willing to "click" on a link if they see that the material is relevant and fresh.

Step 3: URL Optimization

Your web page URL must be optimized and contain relevant keywords. For example, if your article is about ways to increase online store sales and is written for an information request, then the URL might look like this:

Step 4: How to optimize headings and subheadings (H1, H2, H3-6)

H1 is the most important first-level heading for search engines. Headings at other levels are less important. In the text, the meta tag is highlighted in "bold" or more large print and it might look like this:

  • Don't use the H1 tag more than once on the page
  • Observe the hierarchy
  • Optimize your headlines with keywords
  • Don't use strong selection

Step 5: How to optimize images (Title, Alt)

Optimizing images when using them in an article helps not only search robots, but also users who, thanks to correctly spelled attributes, will be able to find out about the content of the image being viewed.

Title is Additional information about photo ( detailed description) and is displayed when you hover over the image.

Alternative text (Alt) is displayed in the browser if, for example, the picture does not load or has been deleted for some reason.

Tips for filling the title of the picture.

  • Must contain information that matches what is shown in the photo
  • Should not be too long (a tooltip in several lines that pops up when you hover over a picture can be annoying and does not look very aesthetically pleasing)
  • May contain a keyword
  • Better not to duplicate content alt, article title, headings

The alt attribute is more essential for search engines and page promotion, it is readily indexed by them and can attract additional traffic from Image Search. Alt is visible to users in several cases: when disabled graphic content(in browsers), in the description of the image in the search by images.

Alt filling tips:

    • The attribute must match the content of the article
    • Must be relevant to the text that is next to
    • Should not be too short (3-4 words on average)
    • May contain a keyword (do not list all the requests for which the text is written)
    • You should not use commercial queries (buy, order, checkout, etc.).

SEO copywriter about re-optimization: "To write an article for search, it needs to be constantly updated"

Sergey GERASIMOVICH, SEO copywriter:

“We at the agency have abandoned the classic copywriting scheme“ TK is accepted - the text is written, handed over and forgotten ”. The only true option, if you want your blog to have high-quality SEO-optimized articles, is to re-optimize them. There are many ways to do this. You need to try and track the results of your work.

First of all - the structure of the text (headings H1-H3). Breaking down into logical parts, checking the correspondence between the heading and the text under it, forming lists, if there are none. Next - work with requests. We increase the density of keywords (while keeping an eye on overspam), be sure to include direct requests in the headlines, and in the text - words from the thematic core and search engines Google hints or Yandex. Add images. Increasing the volume of text, but not a complete rewrite (if the page ranks, it can get even worse), but adding 1-2 paragraphs with relevant information. "

  • Volume. There are no strict standards for how long the text should be. It is necessary to look at the TOP, analyze competitors and write better and more than theirs. For some topics, the text is not needed at all.
  • Near-thematic keys. When writing text, use LSI keys - queries that are closely related to the topic. For example, if you are writing about furniture, LSI keys will be the words: interior, comfort, materials, etc. The more you use near-themed queries in an article, the easier it will be for search engines to understand that the topic is fully covered. There are special services that help collect such words. One of them is Pixel Tools.

  • Headings. The attractiveness of the headline is one of the most important things. It depends on him first of all whether the user will go to the site or not. It also affects your ranking.
  • Snippets. This is the piece of information that you see in search results in the form of a page description. Snippets are needed so that users can make sure that the information on the page will satisfy their needs. Do not ignore this factor and make sure that snippets perform their functions effectively. We have already written about how to create snippets.
  • Internal links. It will be great if in each of your articles you will post links to your other publications that are related to the topic. This will create an effective funnel that will help keep the visitor on the site for a long time. If a visitor stays on a resource for a long time, search engines consider your site to be relevant to his needs and give a higher position in search results.
  • External links. One more good welcome to attract the attention of the audience to the page with your article - place links to it on thematic sites. These can be forums, blogs, social networks, news sites. This will naturally attract new target visitors.
  • Video recordings. Statistics show that articles with videos on a specific topic are more popular. Whenever possible, supplement your posts with videos to get more attention.
  • Social networks. Social media are effective platforms in which users constantly communicate with each other and exchange information with each other. Why not make it so that the reach of the audience who reads your article increases several times? Share the link to the publication on social networks and get new visitors. In addition, if your article is interesting and useful for users, they will start to share it, and this will further increase the reach.

We described how to optimize an article for search based on the experience of GUSAROV. It is important for us to share the results of our work and get feedback... Difficult to write good lyrics, but the constant work on it makes you systematic and will definitely yield results.

The term "site optimization" in recent times on hearing from many companies providing certain services in global network... But this is not surprising, given the tremendous benefits that can be obtained by properly building a strategy for advertising your products or services on the Internet. Let's first define the definitions and scope of the Internet audience, which will be discussed in this article. I would like to emphasize that we will talk specifically about site optimization, without touching on such areas of Internet advertising as contextual advertising, display advertising, banner networks, advertising on thematic portals, spam (and, you must agree, it also has its place, although it can hardly be called an honest advertising method), doorway pages, etc.

Website optimization (or search engine optimization) implies a set of measures to increase the visibility of the site in the results of search engines (simply put, raising the site's positions) according to the set key phrases in search engines.

The most visited sites for display advertising:

Rambler - about 3 million people a week;
Yandex - about 7 million people a week;
RBC - about 1 million people a week.

Well last definition, which is worth mentioning in this article - website promotion, or its promotion.

By promotion we mean a certain set of measures to attract targeted visitors to a website on the Internet. It can be a combination in one amount or another contextual advertising, search engine optimization, display, banner advertising and other legal means of Internet advertising, in part, including design and programming work.

On this definition, we would also like to emphasize the fact that in this article we will focus specifically on site optimization exclusively for Russian-language search engines. This was done with the aim that you cannot cover just one article, but there are quite significant differences between the world search engines and the search engines of the Runet.

What search engines does Runet have? Let's name the most popular of them:

Yandex, (on this moment Yandex), Rambler, Google,, (currently broadcasting Yandex).

Someone may also call Webalta or Aport, but we would not talk about the first one yet, since this search engine is only at the dawn of its activity and its future is still unknown. The second is already dying out.

By the number of transmitted search traffic(only in Russia) search engines can be arranged as follows:

Yandex ~ 60%
Rambler ~ 20%
Google ~ 8% ~ 8%
… other.

The number of transmitted search traffic in Ukraine:

Google ~ 40%
Yandex ~ 30%
Rambler ~ 18% ~ 6% ~ 3%
… other.

From this information, we can conclude that when promoting a site in search engines, the user is most often interested in search engines Yandex systems, Rambler, Google,, as well as to attract users from Ukraine.

I would like to emphasize right away the fact that this dependence is not an axiom, and the amount of traffic attracted very much depends on many factors. Some of them are: site topic, position in the search engine results, the description of the site given by the search engine (the so-called snippet), the level of indexing of the site by the search engine (in other words, the number of site pages known to the search engine).

So, the main stages of site search engine optimization are:

1. Initial analysis of the field of activity, site analysis, competition analysis;
2. Selection of key queries for search engine optimization (compilation of the semantic core);
3. Working with the structure and content of the project;
4. Optimization of project meta-data;
5. Work on the link popularity of the project (link exchange, registration in search engines, tops, catalogs, etc.).

These are, perhaps, the main stages of website promotion in search engines. However, it is necessary to talk in detail about each of them.
1. Initial analysis of the field of activity, site analysis, competition analysis.

At the first stage, an initial analysis of the scope of the company should be carried out, carefully studying the structure of building the site, its textual content, while assessing the level of competition and, if possible, identifying the difficulties that will have to be faced.

Perhaps this stage should be considered along with drawing up the semantic core of the project, but let's focus on real example determining the competition of a website for the sale of household appliances and several units of goods for promotion through a search engine.

Let's say there is a website selling household appliances with units of goods in three areas: washing machines, microwave ovens, juicers.

What should you pay attention to?

Building a site

A good construction of the navigation structure of the site will be the division of these products into separate headings or folders on the portal, as well as the placement of so-called general key queries (household appliances, buy household appliances, household appliances store) on the main page of the portal (provided that there is an emphasis on promotion these requests).

For example, - requests for household appliances without reference to models, directions; - washing machines; - microwave ovens; - juicers.

Further hierarchy for the promotion of the project will be quite acceptable if, within the framework of each separate direction of the product, there is a distribution according to the characteristics of the product itself, and then according to models.

For example, for washing machines: - washing machines; - Bosch washing machines; - Samsung washing machines; - Bosch washing machine, model WVF2000; - Samsung S1005J washing machine.

I would like to emphasize the fact that the construction of the site can be different, but we will consider the most acceptable, in our opinion, general case for large-scale website promotion by a large number search queries in search engines.

You can often find sites without text content on the home page or narrow specialization of companies. The main thing from this example is to understand the main essence of the distribution of requests, namely, the placement of general requests, which carry the comprehensive nature of the company's activities, to the main page, as well as the division different directions a company or an online store by pages within the site with further distribution by functional features and model names.

Such a project structure allows, on the one hand, to facilitate the work of optimizing the project, and on the other hand, to complicate this process and extend the period of website promotion. But if you think globally, aim at a lasting result, and are not afraid of the test of time and difficulties in work, we advise you to adhere to this strategy. Why - we will explain in part now, in part a little later (this concerns the internal link ranking of the site).

What will we gain with such a distribution and site construction:

* Getting the target audience to the page that clearly corresponds to the given request (by asking the query "samsung washing machine", the user will go to the page, which fully meets his requirements). This indicator will also play a role in assessing the effectiveness of the search engine optimization of the project. It is not surprising that after hitting this key request on the main page of the site, or on any other, the user simply may not find the information he needs, after which he will close the page.

* Uniform, correct distribution of requests throughout the site. There is a hypothesis and a lot of controversy about how many keywords to highlight per page. You will not find a clear answer, but it does not exist. Requests are different, so you need to think with the thoughts of a potential user who will come upon request to the page that you have planned. Let's take our example: a site with a page for queries such as "Bosch washing machine" will look a little incorrect. Agree that this is not entirely true. And if there are more than one hundred key phrases, do not distribute them on one page? A correct approach to the problem is required, and our proposed scheme completely solves it.

* The problem of the text content of the site. Running a little ahead, let's say that the textual content of a site is an important factor in its ranking by a search engine. Finding a key phrase is an important positive aspect for a good site positioning in the search engine results. It is very difficult to describe all products or services on one page, while maintaining the conciseness and clarity of the information that you want to convey to a potential client.

Many may say: "Yes, we have 5-6 requests, why separate them there, because we turn everything to the main page." Yes, perhaps this is how the question of time is solved. search engine promotion project, but not a question of the convenience of the user who comes to the site. It's good if these queries are of the same root, and if the site has specially designated pages for this, why not use them?

Unfortunately, we often come across such an opinion. For this reason, many companies, limited to 10-20 key phrases, display the project home page across the entire set. The result is poor SEO returns and wasted money. It may not be entirely correct also because when ranking a site, the search engine takes into account the "entry" of key queries into the text content of the page. Agree, sometimes it is very difficult to contain 10-20 different key phrases in the text on one page.

After we have carried out a preliminary analysis of the project structure, it does not hurt to do a little analysis of the site itself.

What you should pay attention to:

* Writing robots.txt

The robots.txt file serves to prohibit certain search robots from indexing part or the entire site. The robots.txt file is located in root directory site and allows you to select a priority site mirror for some search engines (for example, Yandex) using the Host directive.

For more information on writing a robots.txt file, see:

* Using JavaScript, Flash

Search engines are not always able to correctly process JavaScript links, so it is advisable to use them as little as possible. Site elements made in Flash are not indexed by many search engines. If the project's internal links are in Flash, most search engines will not find these pages.

* Formation of a list of new pages or sitemap

Every time a new page appears on the site, it becomes known to the search engine only when a robot finds it. search engine... If the page is located in the depth of the site, this may not happen very soon. Placing a sitemap often solves the problem of indexing and re-indexing a site.

* Dynamic pages

For several reasons dynamic pages poorly indexed or not indexed at all by search engines. We advise you to avoid dynamic writing of site page URLs.
Competition analysis

It is clear that when optimizing a project, we are interested in the first 10 positions of the search engine issue. Therefore, we advise you to carry out the analysis of competition based on the indicators of the first ten sites of the search engine issue. First of all, you need to decide which search engine interests you. But due to the fact that the Yandex search engine generates the largest share of Runet traffic, let's dwell on the main indicators of the first ten sites, which should be paid attention to in the first place:

Pay attention to the PR indicators of the main and internal pages site, TCI site, and also check its availability in authoritative directories and

More details about TCI:

* Pay attention to the link popularity of the project and the presence of links from the main pages of the site.

This can be done using the command In Google, you need to set a search query like link:

The search engine will give out the number of links (not all) to the site and indicate the addresses of their location. When analyzing links to a site, it is important to pay attention to such indicators as: the thematicity of the links (the similarity of the theme of the referring site to yours), the presence of links from the main pages of other sites (again, pay attention to the thematicity of sites, indicators of the authority of sites, the number of such links) , as well as the nesting of the page on which the link is located.

As a rule, the higher the number of links, the closer they are to the topic of your site, the higher their authority indicators, the higher the competition in this area of ​​activity. It can be assumed that in order to achieve the same result, subject to observance high level the content of the site, its construction, layout, graphics and other indicators, you will need in aggregate approximately the same number of links to the site.

Also, for the Yandex search engine, it will be convenient to check the number of sites that link to those of interest to us, with certain content in the text of the page. This can be done using the command:

anchor # link = " *" [key request] - links to the entire site as a whole with the content of the “key request”.

anchor # link = "" [key request] - links to the main page (you can specify the address of any other page) with the content of the “key request”.

Thus, you will also have additional opportunity evaluate the competition for individual queries by finding out the sources of links and the authority indicators of the linking sites.

Unfortunately, direct queries on the Google search engine do not allow this. Look for such an opportunity on the websites of webmasters, although the picture is quite clear from the statistics of the Yandex search engine.

Track the performance of all 10 or at least the first 5 sites from the top 10 search engine results. Carry out a cumulative analysis of those indicators of the authority of the site, which you will be guided by when promoting the project. From the same indicators, taking into account their capabilities and knowledge in the field of promotion, it is possible to draw conclusions about the approximate timing of the portal promotion.

After we have decided on the analysis of the site, the area of ​​activity and competition, we proceed to the next stage - the selection of key phrases to promote the project.
2. Selection of key queries for search engine optimization (compilation of the semantic core).

When selecting key phrases, we recommend using two services, namely: statistics of user queries Yandex -, as well as statistics Rambler requests On the left, you will see the keyword, and on the right, the number of impressions for the request in the previous month. On average, the click-through rate (CTR), or in other words, the number of clicks to the site, is 2-3%. Thus, you can calculate the approximate traffic that you will receive for a specific request, getting to the top of the search results:

Visitors = (Number of impressions * 3%) / 30 days per month.

I would also like to note that the number of referring visitors on request directly depends on the position of the site, the so-called snippet (see below), issued by Title tag site, site popularity and relevance of the issue.

Snippet - a description of the site displayed by the search engine when issuing. Typically, this is a piece of text, or the content of the Description tag, which includes the key phrase you are looking for.

Before promoting a site, it is important to determine for yourself what goals you are pursuing in the process of promoting a project - commercial or informational. Consequently, requests should be divided into commercial and informational.

In our case, to commercial general inquiries for home page site can be attributed (set the request for household appliances in - main page

household appliances store
online home appliances store
sale of household appliances
home appliance store chain
home appliances website
household appliances of the company
buy household appliances
home appliances search

Information requests also include:

built-in household appliances
household appliances market
home appliances expert
household appliances electronics
small household appliances
household appliances forum
home appliances video - washing machines (we take only commercial ones)

washing machines
choose a washing machine
washing machine buy
washing machine machine
washing machine selection
sale of washing machines
ultrasonic washing machines
washing machines shops
best washing machine
built-in washing machines - Bosch washing machines (we take only commercial ones)

washing machine bosch
washing machines bosch
Bosch washing machines
Bosch Siemens washing machines
Bosch washing machines
bosch washing machines vertical
washing machine bosch price
Bosch washing machines

etc. (for simplicity and transparency, we will restrict ourselves to these phrases in our example) These are not all key phrases that should be taken into account. But in order not to confuse the example and to maintain some clarity, we will limit ourselves only to these most popular phrases among users.

I would like to note that the statistics also contain queries of the form "bosch max washing machine", "bosch 2460 washing machine", but they already refer to specific models of washing machines, for which there are separate pages according to the structure of our site. Hence, these key phrases should be taken into account when optimizing the respective internal pages.

This analysis should be carried out across your entire product range by asking “microwave ovens” (don't forget about “microwave ovens”), “ washing machines"," Juicers ", etc.

Perform a complete analysis and compose full list key queries to promote the project. Note also the right column in the selection statistics. Yandex queries... This is what the people looking for home appliances were looking for. As a rule, the queries in the right column are a good clue when choosing key phrases, often indicating synonymous queries, or other queries of your topic that are of interest to the user.

When choosing key phrases, pay attention to abbreviations, queries with misspellings, to the spelling of manufacturers in Cyrillic and Latin (for example, Samsung and Samsung). Simply put, when choosing keywords, you need to look at the problem through the prism of your client's thinking, having analyzed all possible options for submitting queries when searching for a particular product.

Be sure to look at your competitors and the keywords they are using to promote.

If you are counting on a quick bounce from search engine optimization, do not make a lot of effort to promote the project on one-word queries at the initial stage. Key queries from one word are often common, and their great popularity does not always indicate their huge commercial component. We also recommend that you pay close attention to narrowly targeted queries. In our case, these may be queries "buy washing machines", "samsung washing machine buy".

There is no need to prove once again the fact that users who came to the site on the request "samsung washing machine buy" will be more desirable for you than users who came through the request "washing machines" if you are selling Samsung washing machines. However, this does not mean at all that you should not take into account the request "washing machines". We just want to emphasize that from a commercial point of view, the second request will be much more practical, albeit less popular.

Evaluate your efforts to promote the project correctly, because sometimes the energy spent on promoting one strong request of the class "household appliances" can be directed to promoting 10 simpler narrowly targeted requests (for example, "buy a washing machine") and get a much greater return on promotion project, while spending less time and resources. As a rule, narrowly targeted requests are also quite simple to promote, which speaks of another important moment of promotion, namely, the possibility of achieving a fairly fast and stable result with a good commercial component.

The only problem when promoting a project for many narrowly targeted requests is their number. Of course, it is more convenient to promote 5-10 highly targeted queries than 100-200 small key phrases. But let's think, first of all, about what goals we are pursuing, and also about the fact that a high-quality good website with good targeted traffic is not a task for one or two months. It can take years to decide.

Did you know that ...

V 1971 year Ray Tomlinson of Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc. (BBN), developed mail program for sending messages over a distributed network.

TO March 1972 he redesigned his email program to adapt it for use on the ARPANET, the predecessor to the current Internet. It was at this time in the addresses Email the @ symbol began to be used - “et commercial” or in common parlance “dog”, “doggy”. And the thing is that the model 33 teletype machine, which was at the disposal of Ray Tomlinson, this key was used for punctuation and the English preposition at (on). Thus, email address of the kind <имя_пользователя>@ <имя_домена> means nothing more than “a user with such and such a name on such and such a domain”.

Search engine optimization

This article examines various search algorithms, their specifics, and features of their work. The information in this article will help you optimize your site on the major search engines: AOL, Google and AskJeeves (part 1), Yahoo and Alta Vista (part 2) and MSN (part 3).

Now everyone has an idea of ​​what a search engine is. As soon as a person has a question, there is a need to find the address of a restaurant or make an online purchase, he often turns to one of search networks in the Internet.

If you've ever had to use two different search engines to search for the same query, you've probably noticed that the search results are not necessarily the same. Why do different search engines give different results for the same query? On the one hand, this is because the indexing process differs from one search engine to another, and the search results will depend on what information is found by the search spider and what information is put into the database by the web developer. On the other hand, and this is most likely the most important, search engines use different algorithms to find information in databases. An algorithm represents certain rules and a set sequence of actions that is used by a search engine to determine the relevance of information in the database to a user's request.

Search algorithm

Search algorithm- this is mathematical formula, in which the user's request is taken as an unknown, and usually, after considering several solutions obtained using this formula, the search engine returns one. The search algorithm matches the keywords of the query with the information in the database and finds relevant results. Search bots analyze the content of web pages and the relevance of the keywords on those pages using a formula that may differ from one search engine to another.

What information is included in the algorithm?

Many algorithms contain information about the requests of users, the pages that they study later, and the time they spend on the page. With this information, the search engine can give desired results... In order for the results to be relevant to the query, you need to rework great amount information for each individual case. Unfortunately, the algorithm is designed for only a small number possible requests, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of this method.

Another method involves link analysis. It is believed that links exist between related sites, and links from quality sites lead to the same quality sites. By analyzing the principles by which some web pages link to others, the search engine can determine what the site is about and how relevant the page is. Likewise, some search engines take internal site navigation into account. This is how search robots determine how the pages of one site are related to each other, and how user-friendly the navigation is. If the "spider" gets stuck on a page from which it is difficult to go to another section, such a page is "punished".

Regular databases are composed of data grouped by a web developer. This approach is already a little outdated, but most databases are created by humans, the largest of which is DMOZ.

One of the most basic elements that a search algorithm necessarily analyzes is the location of keywords on a web page and their density. The more often a keyword appears on the page, the more relevant it is considered.

Due to the increase in spam, search engines have stopped counting meta tags. And those that still pay attention to this factor mainly consider tags and <description>... Of course, there are other factors that a search engine takes into account when searching for information on a user's request, for example, how long a site has been on the Internet, whether it contains errors, etc.</p> <p><b>How are search engines different?</b></p> <p>The principles of each search engine's algorithm are kept in the strictest confidence. No one knows exactly what the search engine pays attention to when indexing information, and what importance it attaches to each variable in the formula, so any conclusions are based on assumptions, reflections and guess. Each search engine uses its own anti-spam methods and filters, and each has its own understanding of what exactly is spam. Many search engines improve their algorithms in order to support new filtering technologies, others do not change algorithms, applying improved filters. In order to understand what is the purpose of filters in a search engine, you need to imagine how water is filtered: a stream of water passes through <a href="">special installation</a> made of a porous substance that traps unwanted impurities. The search engine filter also works, it detects "unwanted impurities" and excludes them from the search results.</p> <p><b>How to ensure the effectiveness of search engine optimization?</b></p> <p>It's not easy to please all search engines when there are thousands of them. Still, some tips will help you streamline your efforts and help you achieve performance on the major search engines.</p> <p>Working on keywords involves obtaining the following information:</p> <ul><li>how often your keywords are requested by users;</li> <li>whether their competitiveness is high;</li> <li>whether they match the content of the site.</li> </ul><p><b>Choose 3-5 Key Phrases for Page Optimization</b>, instead of wasting energy on all the many words. The more phrases are selected, the lower the keyword density. Anchor your keywords to every page instead of making them fit the entire site. Keyword density can range from 0.7% (applicable to Google) to 1.7 (applicable to Yahoo).</p> <p><b>Convincing, <a href="">unique title</a> for each page</b> is an <a href="">essential element</a> search engine optimization. All major search engines place great importance on title quality.</p> <p><b>Unique content</b> containing the main keywords is also needed. Write for ideas, not for keywords. Keywords should flow from content, not vice versa, content from keywords.</p> <p><b>Optimize your website structure and design</b> to avoid search engine penalties. Convenient navigation, readable code, valid links, correct markup will make it easier for the search engine to index your site and increase the potential of the pages, i.e. the ability to attract the user.</p> <p><b>High quality, relevant inbound links</b></p> <p>Since major search engines rely on external links to determine the relevance of a site, you just need to take care of their quality and relevance. Don't use artificial reciprocal links. Your links should lead to resources relevant to your field of activity.</p> <p><b>Search Engine Basics</b></p> <p>Having an idea of ​​how a search engine works, you can easily determine how it wants to see your site, how it evaluates relevance, and which sites it "punishes" and for what.</p> <p><b>Search engine optimization is an ongoing process</b></p> <p>Search engine optimization is an ongoing process. Continuous updating of content, links and pages is essential to ensure continued success. The key to search engine optimization is unique content: content, keywords, links.</p> <p><b>Do not inflate the elephant out of a fly</b></p> <p>If you follow the basic principles of search engine optimization, change <a href="">search algorithm</a> will not scare you. Of course, some transformations and changes may be required, but do not sound the alarm.</p> <p>Why is it important to understand what are the requirements of a search engine? They say you need to know your enemies by sight. In this case, the search engine, of course, is not your enemy, but the more you know about what the basic principles of its work are, how it indexes sites, etc., the higher your chances of a high ranking in this very search engine system.</p> <p>Let's say that you are optimizing a resource only for Google and Yahoo, in this case you lose two-thirds <a href="">possible traffic</a> When optimizing for MSN, you are depriving yourself of 85% of your traffic. It will be easier to optimize your resource for several search engines at once when you have information about their basic concepts.</p> <p>Does this mean that as soon as there is any change in the search engine algorithm, you need to immediately start improving your site? No, it’s not like that. In fact, what is needed in this situation is not to panic. As you improve and transform your resource, try to act in accordance with the knowledge about the search engine that is available to you.</p> <p>An attempt to solve the mysterious formula of the search algorithm is unlikely to lead to the desired result. Chances are, you're just wasting precious time instead of building friendships with the search engines. Having proven yourself from the good side, you can not only provide your resource with a place on the search results page, but you will feel more confident and calm.</p> <p><b>Major differences between major search engines</b></p> <p>"Knowing your enemy in the face", you can figure out what exactly determines the position of your site in a particular search engine. Search engine algorithms are constantly being improved, some on a daily basis. It is impossible to predict when and how the next change will happen, but it is useful to pay attention to the following factors, which will certainly affect the site's ranking:</p> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="1"><tr valign="top" align="center"><td colspan="2" valign="top"><b>Factor</b> </td> <td rowspan="2" valign="top"><b>External links</b> </td> <td rowspan="2" valign="top"><b>Density of keywords in content</b> </td> <td rowspan="2" valign="top"><b>Density of keywords in the title</b> </td> <td rowspan="2" valign="top"><b>Density of keywords in meta tags</b> </td> </tr><tr valign="top"><td colspan="2" valign="top"><b>Search system</b> </td> </tr><tr valign="top"><td colspan="2" valign="top"><b>Google</b> </td> <td>Natural, one-way links; punishment for fast-acquired links</td> <td> 2.10% </td> <td> 17% </td> <td>undefined</td> </tr><tr valign="top"><td colspan="2" valign="top"><b>Yahoo</b> </td> <td> </td> <td> 3.40% </td> <td> 19.60% </td> <td> 7.00% </td> </tr><tr valign="top"><td colspan="2" valign="top"><b>MSN</b> </td> <td>natural and artificially acquired links, reciprocal links; no matter what the speed of their acquisition</td> <td> 4.90% </td> <td> 18% </td> <td> 7.80% </td> </tr></table><br><p><b>Search on AOL</b></p> <p>AOL claims to be the first search engine to use "cluster" technology. Search results are automatically categorized by relevant topics and displayed on the results page alongside the overall search results. It is important to note that in 80% of cases to find <a href="">the information you need</a> AOL accesses the database <a href="">Google data</a>... Therefore, optimization for AOL can be safely considered as optimization for Google. both systems use the same principles for assessing the relevance of resources and delivering results. The main difference is that AOL is used as a search engine in 16% of the search engines.</p> <p>Search engine <a href="">Google system</a> the so-called Hilltop algorithm or in other words "Austin update" is used. Hilltop relies heavily on the "authority" of a site, which it defines as the importance of the site and its importance in relation to a specific area of ​​activity (thematic group of keywords).</p> <p>In this search engine, such a criterion for evaluating resources as link popularity has been developed. This criterion ensures the quality of search results and increases the search engine's resistance to auto-generated web pages. Link popularity is an inseparable component of Google PageRank.</p> <p> defines PageRank as a whole system of algorithms for evaluating parameters from numerical values ​​to web pages indexed by a search engine.</p> <p>PageRank includes over 100 factors. It is difficult to say how much weight each of these factors has, but it is known that <a href="">backlinks</a> act as one of the most significant factors in determining relevance. PageRank factors also include such concepts as keyword density, domain registration period, design, absence of errors on site pages, easy navigation, absence of spam, and many others.</p> <p>We can say that Google is the most mysterious and in <a href="">present moment</a> the most popular of the major search engines.</p> <p><b>AskJeeves (Ask Jeeves)</b></p> <p>To work in AskJeeves, you just need to enter a keyword in English in the query line, then just click the "Ask" button and Jeeves will do everything necessary. The search engine was recently rebranded and its mascot, the butler, will soon go down in history.</p> <p>AskJeeves operates on the principles of the Teoma search engine. Many have noted that Teoma has been tolerating "abandoned" sites for longer than any other search engine. Therefore, there is a high probability that even when using a redirect (temporary - 302 or permanent - 301), your old URL has a good chance of remaining in the database for a long time. Previously, the search engine re-indexed data every 3-6 months; it rarely happened that AskJeeves indexed the same resource twice a month. Re-indexing in this search engine is generally considered random and superficial; it is also noted that sponsorship contributions increase the chances of a resource for a faster and deeper indexing. Either way, you won't be able to see your site in AskJeeves or Taoma anytime soon until you make a sponsorship contribution. Otherwise, you will have to wait a very long time for the search robot to express a desire to index your site.</p> <p>AskJeeves is a good place to advertise. Submitting ads works the same here as in <a href="">Google adwords</a>... If working with Adwords brings you pretty good <a href="">quality traffic</a>, even more success awaits you at AskJeeves. Here the word "quality" is key. It is very easy to spoof the number of clicks in AskJeeves. This is because AskJeeves uses a special method of displaying search results on the results page. 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