Earning money on YouTube from scratch. How to make money on YouTube - detailed instructions for beginners

You will learn how much YouTube bloggers earn, what ways to make money on YouTube are relevant in 2019, and how a beginner can earn their first money

Hello, dear friends! The founder of the business magazine HeatherBober.ru, Alexander Berezhnov, is in touch.

Today I will tell you about one of the most popular ways to make money on the Internet - making money on YouTube (YouTube)

You will receive step-by-step instructions, after studying which you can start earning your first money from YouTube.

Make yourself comfortable, let's go!

1. Earning money on YouTube - how much money you can really earn

Today YouTube is one of the most available ways making money on the Internet, because almost every person has a computer and other gadgets with video cameras that make it easy to create videos and upload them to your YouTube channel.

It’s no secret that every day more and more people are using the opportunity to turn their knowledge and skills in the field of video creation into an additional or even main source of income that can be created without any investment.

By the way, the amount of this income can be unlimited! After all, everyone can make money on YouTube: from students to retirees, from employees to businessmen.

According to statistics, the majority of video bloggers who own their own YouTube channels earn no more than $500 per month on the popular video hosting site.

If your income here exceeds $1000, then you can already be called a professional money maker.

In order to achieve such an income, you will need more than one month of hard work and certain knowledge.

Dear reader, you are probably familiar with the work of Max +100500, you have seen the videos “Opa Gangnam Style” and other sensational videos.

Viral video- a video that, due to its originality, quickly spreads across the Internet and gains great amount views.

This is how enterprising people earn good money here quickly and easily, with virtually no investment.

First of all, you need to understand that earnings here depend on several defining factors.

2. What makes money on YouTube depends on - 7 main factors

If you want to earn money with Youtube are good money, then you need to take these factors very carefully.

Don’t neglect them, otherwise you will be marking time for a long time waiting for big profits.

Factor 1. Monetary niche

This is the most basic factor that you should consider long before creating your YouTube channel or recording your first videos.

It means that you must choose a “money” topic on which you will blog.

For example, traditionally, financial niches on the Internet are: business, finance, earnings, construction, medicine.

Conversely, if you run a channel on the topic of cooking, cross-stitching or growing indoor plants, then most likely you will earn purely symbolic money, which will only be enough for ice cream.

Why is this happening?

The fact is that the main income on YouTube comes to us from advertising, which will be placed in our videos.

Accordingly, the more expensive it is, the more we can earn. In expensive themes, advertising is expensive, since here the profit of advertisers is many times greater than in cheap themes.

And in vain many people think that if I like to knit socks, collect stamps or go fishing, then God himself told me to record a video on this topic, because I am well versed in it.

This is a misconception.

In fact, the market decides what is in demand now and what is not. This is why it is worth creating content on popular and expensive topics.

Factor 2: Video quality

Everyone wants to get the best and will never pay attention to “hack work” if there is an alternative.

Therefore, the quality of your videos and, in general, professional work on your YouTube channel is the key to the long-term demand for your videos and, as a result, income growth.

Don’t create your videos “for fun”.

As they say, “less is more!”

If you have a choice to make 10 “thin” videos or 3-5 high-quality ones, then make a choice in favor of quality.

Record these videos with your soul, work to ensure that they have a competent structure, and add titles and effects if necessary.

The principle of working on video quality is the same as when working on an article - it must be thoughtful, structured and meet the user’s expectations as much as possible.

In this case, video views on your channel will be maximum.

Statistics show that quality always trumps quantity, especially when it comes to videos.

Factor 3. Competent selection of SEO keys

Here it is worth mentioning the term “relevance”, that is, the correspondence of the video content to its description.

If you have a video about how to grow tomatoes, and the title says “Putin rocks,” naturally, users will quickly leave your channel and never return there again.

Therefore, choose wisely keywords for titles and descriptions of your videos. This will make it easier for users to find them and become regular viewers of your channel.

Ultimately, your task is to turn your visitors into regular subscribers and viewers of your channel.

To attract additional traffic YouTube today can be integrated with social media. networks.

Factor 4. Regularity of channel updates

There is a good expression: “The stability of the result is a sign of mastery.”

Our task is not just to “bomb” 10 or 20 videos in the first week after creating your channel and forget about it for a month or two, but to publish your video content regularly!

It will be best if you post high-quality videos in small quantities, for example 2-3 per week, but do it constantly, than to load up the clip of videos at once and abandon your project for a long time.

Regularly posting videos will help you earn more on YouTube, because it means that you care about users.

Video hosting “understands” this.

Ultimately, the viewers of your channel themselves often look at the date of publication of the video and give preference to those projects where there is always fresh content.

Factor 5. Number of video views

This is the most obvious and understandable factor that is easily measured.

Knowing this relationship, you can watch your channel grow exponentially by regularly publishing quality video content.

Factor 6. Monetization methods

Now we will talk directly about making money on YouTube.

Imagine that you already have a visited YouTube channel, for example with 30 videos and a total number of video views of more than 10,000 per day.

Quite a good result.

But, if you didn’t monetize your video content, that is, didn’t take actions that would contribute to making money on your channel, then it’s worthless in terms of commercial efficiency.

You will learn more about what methods of monetizing a YouTube channel exist, and what their features are, below.

Factor 7. Quality of monetization

Let's assume that you have decided exactly how you will make money from your videos, but this is only the first step.

The second step is to properly place monetization tools on your channel.

For example, if you decide that you will make money on YouTube using affiliate programs, then you should think about how exactly you will mention affiliate products so that as many visitors to your channel as possible will buy them.

3. Ways to make money on YouTube - TOP 7 best ideas

Let's move on to the most interesting part.

Now let’s look at how exactly you can make money on your YouTube channel and what you need to do to get the maximum profit with the current traffic.

That is, the same channel can bring in, with the same traffic, both 1000 rubles a month and a thousand rubles a day!

Method 1. Direct advertising in videos

This is a picture at the beginning of a video, a watermark, text or any other mention of the company, product or service of the advertiser who contacted you.

For example, you are running a video blog on traveling around Europe.

Then at the beginning of each video you can place a picture for 3-5 seconds with advertising travel agency, which specializes in selling tours to Europe and providing related services.

Method 2. Google Adsense contextual advertising

These are pop-up ads that match the theme of your videos. YouTube itself selects them for your video content.

After that, you receive payment for each click on such an ad.

This method is the simplest and most common.

However, in most cases it is not the most profitable, although the income coming from user transitions through contextual ads is the most stable.

Method 3. Selling your goods or services

For example, in the case of earning money contextual advertising, you receive only a small part of the money, thanks to which the advertiser sells his goods or services, which means it is profitable for him.

By selling your products, you receive all the money that can be earned through advertising.

I think this is clear.

If you look at making money using Youtube from the perspective of an advertiser, then sometimes it is more profitable to place your advertising on other people’s channels (using other people’s videos) than to make money from third-party advertising and receive small money per click.

Method 4. Affiliate programs

Affiliate programs are an excellent source of income for narrowly themed YouTube channels with good traffic.

If for some reason you do not want to sell your own products or services, you can advertise third-party products on your channel that match the topic of your video blog.

For this you can also post affiliate links and mentions in your videos and from each affiliate sale you receive commissions, which today range from 40% to 100%!

Method 5. Earn money from other people's videos

You can make money on YouTube even without having your own videos. To do this, you will have to find the necessary videos and post them on your channel, and then also monetize them with affiliate programs, contextual or other advertising.

This method has one clear advantage - the speed of content creation, or rather, the absence of the need to record your videos, which significantly saves time.

The disadvantages of this method of earning money are also obvious:

  • you don’t develop your “brand”, which means you lose regular visitors;
  • you may be sued for copyright infringement;
  • at any time YouTube itself can delete your videos and block the channel;
  • you will not be able to flexibly regulate the topics of your videos and their content, since you are not their author.

Method 6. Combined earnings - your blog + YouTube channel

This combination allows you to increase the amount of traffic and create additional features to earn money.

How it works?

For example, if you have your own blog on WordPress, then you can direct traffic from it to your YouTube channel and vice versa.

If you have configured the integration of your blogs with social networks, then this allows your blogs to exchange visitors.

This way, you create more marketing traps and traffic from the two types of blogs generally converts better into money.

4. How to start making money on YouTube - step-by-step instructions for beginners

This simple steps, which involve 3 simple steps.

Step 1. Create your own YouTube channel

To do this, you must register your Google account (if you do not already have one), since YouTube video hosting is owned by Google.

Follow all the usual registration steps and then sign in to your Google account.

Step 2. Design your channel and upload videos to it

I repeat that you should not upload other people’s videos to your YouTube channel, as you will quickly get banned by YouTube and all your work will be ruined.

Now you have your own YouTube channel and it’s time to design it and upload videos that you will then monetize.

Without design, your channel will look like this:

Now click on the channel design button and select the desired picture to make your channel header look more colorful.

You can upload either a simple thematic picture or order a professional design for your channel with a logo and corporate identity from a designer.

This will require some investment of money and time, but the credibility of your channel will be higher. This is evidenced by the statistics of successful video bloggers.

Step 3. Monetize your channel

Now we will talk about monetizing your channel directly using the same name internal function YouTube itself.

To do this, go to the YouTube website, go to the “my channel” section

In the column that opens, click on “channel”, then on “status and functions”, in the window that opens we see the “monetization” function, but do not yet click “apply”.

We return to the “channel” again and select “USA” in the “country” drop-down menu. This will make it easier for us to undergo moderation by YouTube to approve the application for monetization.

Let's go back to “status and functions”. Now an “enable” button should appear opposite the “monetization” item.

Click on it and confirm the inclusion of monetization on your channel, following all further instructions.

If everything went well, then after some time the application you submitted will be moderated and you will receive a confirmation message.

Now you can make money on YouTube.

Now you know how to monetize your channel. I hope that this instruction will help you create a stable income on YouTube.

Watch detailed instructions from Stas Bykov on how to make money on YouTube step by step in video format:

5. Conclusion

Today we examined in detail the topic of making money on YouTube.

For many people, this video hosting provides ample opportunities to create their own business or additional source traffic.

However, this method of generating income from the Internet requires some time.

But in the future, watching videos and recording them will become not only a hobby for you, but may also turn into your life’s work.

As practice shows, it usually takes from several weeks to several months from starting work on your channel to receiving your first profit.

Also, your own YouTube channel is an excellent addition to a text blog and can act as an additional PR tool for its author when selling own goods or services.

In the article, I told you how much you can earn using YouTube and gave real examples of bloggers who run their own video blogs.

By the way, when you start making money from the Internet using your channel, you immediately become a video blogger.

I wish you good luck and big earnings on YouTube!

If you found the article and the ways to make money described in it useful, then like it and share your thoughts on the topic in the comments.

YouTube video hosting service, founded in early 2005, currently has over 1 billion active users. A considerable part of them have one or more of their own accounts, and some even make quite a good profit from this. What is their secret? How can views be turned into money? How to make money on YouTube? How do bloggers make money on YouTube? And in general, is it possible to make money on YouTube? And most importantly: how to create own account, effectively promote it and start making money from it? All this is definitely worth looking into.

If we speak in general outline, to earn money with using YouTube All you need is one thing: a bright and unique idea that can attract the attention of users global network. But one idea for generating income on YouTube is not enough - it must be properly implemented and promoted, and then the profit will not be long in coming. In fact, making money on videos on the Internet is very simple.

General scheme of how to make money on YouTube

So, how do you make money on YouTube on videos? Before we get started practical actions, let's look at the scheme for making money on YouTube. It is quite simple and can be understood the first time. How to make money on YT:

  1. You create your account on YouTube, this can be done literally in a few minutes;
  2. Next, you need to come up with a topic; entertaining videos are very good on the Internet. But, still, for the first time, I recommend that you focus on a topic that is close and interesting to you, so that you can create unique content without much effort. We will talk about the uniqueness of the content below;
  3. After the channel is created, you need to post a video on it, the more the better;
  4. When your account has at least five to ten videos, you can enable monetization; this is also done in semi-automatic mode - you will find detailed instructions in the corresponding section of this article;
  5. Now that monetization is activated, YouTube will automatically insert advertisements into your videos, for which you will be awarded money.

Let's illustrate the process clearly:

What does YouTube pay money for?

If we talk about general scheme how bloggers make money on YouTube, it looks like this: how to make money on YT:
  • Search for an idea.
  • Recording content within the framework of the found idea and designing it to attract the attention of the audience.
  • Creation and advertising of your channel.
  • Working with affiliate programs and monetization.
  • Development and further promotion of the channel.

Below, I will try to cover each of these issues in as much detail as possible. This is the answer to the question - how do video bloggers make money from their videos?

Where to begin

So how to start earning money from scratch? Are you ready and serious about making money from YouTube videos, let's start from the very beginning:

You can check out the lesson on this topic.

The preparatory stage is over, now we move on to creating videos, creating videos is not difficult, fortunately there is a very a large number of various programs and services.

What videos to create

There are many video formats, below I have listed the main ones that any beginning YouTuber can master with ease and without much expense.

  1. Voiceover slideshow. One of the most popular video formats on YouTube. If you highlight at least once on YouTube various videos with TOPs, then know that they are all made in slide show format. Great, to create a slide show, the Microsoft Photo Story program is suitable;
  2. Screencasts are videos taken from a monitor screen with voice-over comments, for example, some kind of educational lesson. This format is also very popular on YT. One of best programs for creating skincasts is Camtasia Studio;
  3. Let's play - everything is simple here, you play games, record this process on video, for example using the BandiCam program, then post it on your channel;
  4. Vlogs are simple videos about your daily life, ideas, conclusions or reflections. is also very popular format video on YouTube, but may not be suitable for a beginner.

I would advise you, if you are a beginner, to start making money on YT by creating slideshows.

Monetization options

The latest and greatest important stage The preparation for making money on YouTube is content monetization. It is possible if:

  1. the content of the videos does not violate the rights and interests of advertisers;
  2. the video is unique or the user has permission to use it for commercial purposes;
  3. the user can confirm the commercial rights to the video and audio content he publishes with documents;
  4. The content of the video complies with the terms and principles of video hosting.

You can cite following examples content that is subject to monetization:

  1. The user filmed his pet using the built-in phone camera without sound.
  2. The user video contains free audio material with a direct link to the conditions corresponding to this content status.
  3. The video content posted by the user was filmed by his acquaintance, who confirmed in writing the right of the channel owner to earn money on YouTube by publishing this material.
  4. The user posted an original composition without entering into a contract with a recording studio.

You cannot monetize content that contains, for example, audio material purchased on iTunes, fragments of TV shows or other people's videos, as well as overly explicit footage, including nudity, which may shock the viewer, etc.

Below we will look various options monetization.

Manual monetization

Manual monetization means that you have to do it yourself, i.e. manually insert advertisements into videos or in the video description. The following manual monetization options exist:

This is what concerns manual monetization, but it only makes sense to enable it when you already have subscribers and a sufficient number of views per day. I recommend starting with automatic monetization.

Automatic monetization

This is monetization that connects to your channel through your personal account, through AdSense or through a media network. Connection process of this format monetization is very simple and does not take much time. Detailed instructions I publish information on connection below in the advice section of this article.

Types of advertising

Automatic monetization is divided into several types of advertising, these are the formats:

  1. Banner advertising on the side. This advertising is not placed in the content itself, but on the page, mainly in right column. Money is awarded if the viewer clicks on such an advertisement.
  2. Video advertising in the video itself. If you are a viewer on YouTube, you have probably seen such advertising, it appears before the video, in the middle or at the end. You can skip these ads. Money is awarded if the viewer watched the entire advertisement or the first 30 seconds.
  3. Banners in videos. Another popular type automatic advertising. The video is inserted into the usual advertising banner. Money is awarded if the viewer clicks on such a banner.

You and I will use all these types of advertising, because... together they bring more profit.

Connecting monetization to the channel

There are two ways to connect automatic monetization to your channel: using the service from Google AdSense or using a media network. In fact, there is little difference in these options. The differences are only in two main points:

  1. If you connect through AdSense, then you get 100% of what you earn Money. If you connect through a media network, then you will have to give it 30% of the money you earn;
  2. AdSense has a minimum withdrawal threshold of $100; media networks do not have a minimum withdrawal threshold.

If you are serious about making money on YouTube, then I recommend choosing the monetization option through AdSesne so as not to pay money to intermediaries.


Connecting your account to AdSense is very simple; to do this, follow all the steps below:

Important: when registering an account, you MUST indicate your real data, because... AdSense will send you regular (not email) with the account activation code. You don't have to specify payment information for now because... we'll set them up a little later.

The process of accruing money, you can now track in your account analytics and it looks something like this.

Media networks

The registration process in the media network is even simpler than when connecting to Adsense. The two most popular media networks are AIR and YOOLA. Go to the website of one of these networks, click the “Connect” button and follow the simple instructions.

How to organize work

For effective earnings And productive work, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Post regularly. This is very important point, because This will allow you to gain, over time, an ever-larger audience. It is also advisable to post your work on a schedule, for example, on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
  2. Connect with your audience. This is also a very important aspect of effective activities on YouTube. The audience should see that you are a living person, and not a soulless robot.
  3. Look for new formats. Over time, your audience will begin to get bored with your format, so you always need to come up with something new.

Channel promotion

Before answering the question of how to make money on YouTube from scratch, you should understand the principles of the resource’s operation. In addition, it is imperative to understand the reasons why content gains popularity and becomes interesting to the user audience.

Earning money on YouTube is based on three main principles:

  1. Honesty. The dynamics of the popularity of an account newly opened on video hosting directly depends on how viewers react to the content of the published content. If the material initially demonstrates the purpose of profiting from visitors or is an obvious deception, a negative reaction will follow immediately.
  2. Respect for the viewer. You can do anything for money, including promoting a website that advertises low-quality goods or services at a completely inadequate cost to the top of the search engine. But if we are talking about how to make money on YouTube from scratch, with a video hosting audience, such a focus can have the most unpleasant consequences. Even if users believe beautiful design video, after watching it will not be at all difficult for them to express their indignation with a dislike. In addition, you can always complain about the content of a particular channel using the system feedback with the YouTube administration. Thus, in the best case scenario, the author or owner of the offensive content will lose subscribers and hope of popularity. Well, in the worst case, an account containing unscrupulous materials faces complete blocking.
  3. Interest and benefit. A lot has been written about how to make money on YT, including using the resource as a commercial platform. However, no matter what idea is promoted on a particular project, the principle of benefit or interest will always remain the most relevant. This means that deep study of promotion methods or payment for it to the video hosting administration is not mandatory conditions success. It is enough to fill the created channel with original, useful and interesting materials for users. In this case, the number of subscribers and the popularity of the content will grow without any promotion.

Free methods

If you want to promote your channel without using money, you can use the following methods:

  1. Seeding videos on social networks;
  2. Posting the video on thematic websites;
  3. Use of forums;
  4. SEO optimization of a video – to optimize a video for a search engine, you need to select a keyword, this can be done using the Wordstat.Yandex service. Use selected words in the video title, video description, and video tags.

Selection of keywords for videos in WordStat

Paid methods

Among paid methods Some of the most effective ones can be noted:

  1. Buying advertising from video bloggers. The simplest and most effective method of channel promotion.
  2. Buying advertising in AdWords. The method is suitable if you already understand YouTube and are very serious about the work. The method is not for a beginner.
  3. Services. There are many services on the Internet for channel promotion, but many of them simply deceive customers.

Other methods

When discussing how to make money on YouTube from scratch, it is impossible to ignore the issue of promotion. But first, we should remember that the basis for generating income on the largest video hosting site in the English-language segment of the global network is nothing more than advertising. It works best on well-promoted channels. And we managed to make them like this with the help of:

  1. Annotations. Simple and effective method attracting visitors and subscribers - buttons calling for subscription, appearing at the end of the video and leading directly to the channel or specific videos posted by the user.
  2. Contextual calls. Voice, text, animated, etc. Calls to subscribe or go to the Youtube channel can be unobtrusively placed along the video.
  3. Mutual advertising. Hidden advertising from famous hosting content authors is one of the most effective ways promotion new YouTube channel.
  • How to open a channel?
  • Advertising rules
  • How much can you earn?
  • Ways to earn money
  • What do you need to know?
  • Summarizing

Youtube is the world's most popular video hosting service, which was founded in 2005 and within one decade has reached unprecedented heights in terms of popularity. An important role in this was played by the opportunity to earn money, for which the user just needs to open his channel. In this article we will try to look step by step at how to make money on a YouTube channel in 2019 and how you can withdraw money.

How to open a channel?

You need to figure out what it means to “open a channel” and how you can make money from it? Actually, YouTube makes it possible to monetize your video materials, which can be shot on a phone or an amateur video camera or camera. The service does not require directing talent from users; the main thing is that the video becomes popular and receives many views. So a person from scratch can earn good money from his hobby.

What is meant by the phrase “open a YouTube channel”? This means that a registered user periodically posts thematic videos dedicated to sports, car tuning, funny situations, computer games. In general, the account can already be called a channel or, according to at least, the basis for making money on YouTube. To create it you need to go through the registration procedure:

  • Specify a valid e-mail;
  • Create a password;
  • Provide a phone number.

After Youtube registration invites beginners to undergo training, where the user learns how to quickly make a channel popular from scratch, what it takes to film high quality video and where to get it good ideas for this.

By the way, about other methods making money for a girl on the Internet you can find out in our related article. There are many options for making a profit without investment!

Advertising rules

A fair question arises: “Why Youtube users encourages you to earn money? The answer is banal and simple - advertising. She is the one in in this case is both the engine of progress and sources of income for YouTube users and hosts. Therefore, every video is simply crammed with advertising. Accordingly, if people watch a video, they also have to watch advertising, which can be skipped only after 15-30 seconds of viewing. This is a kind of technical minimum for which the advertiser pays money.

In addition to video advertising, teaser blocks appear during viewing; they cover part of the window and you need to close them to continue viewing. It's impossible to ignore them. Earnings on YouTube are based on such tricks. Without advertising, Google representatives had no point in undertaking such a large-scale project.

How much can you earn?

Earnings, or more precisely, their size, depend on the number of views, which is due to interest in the posted video. Accordingly, in order to earn money, you need to increase views. Without this, you won’t be able to make money, just like without advertising and without Adsense. This affiliate service Google, which places advertising and enters into an offer agreement with the user after reaching a certain number of views. Requirements regarding the number of views and subscribers are constantly changing, but approximately it should be 5000 views and about 300 subscribers in 1 month.

It may immediately seem that these are high requirements, but considering that Youtube is visited by about 1 billion people every day, this is a minuscule amount that can be made in 1 day, provided that the posted video is of interest to users.

There is an approximate calculation of earnings from subscriptions and views. For 1000 visitors, the channel owner will receive from 2 to 5 dollars. The price is dynamic and constantly changing, it is directly related to global economic processes, so earnings can either increase or decrease. World stock exchanges also influence the price. Thus, the owner of a YouTube channel becomes a participant in the macroeconomy.

In the screenshot we have provided real example how much you can earn on your channel per month:

You can watch an example of a profitable idea in this video:

Ways to earn money

There are several options for making money on YouTube:

  • On advertising from subscriptions and views;
  • On affiliate programs – redirecting the user from his account to the partner’s channel;
  • On links - they can be placed in the description under the video. Thus, other channels offering goods or services are promoted. This method can be called a type of making money on affiliate programs;
  • Rent a channel - the user can post his videos on a promoted channel and share the profit with the owner. This a good option make money on Youtube if you are under 18 years old.

More details about monetization methods are described in the video:

What do you need to know?

In order for a YouTube channel to generate income and not problems, you need to know several important points:

  1. You can make money on someone else's video, but to do this you should study the service's policy regarding copyright protection. To use someone else's video content, you need to buy a Creative Commons license. There are 6 options for this virtual document, and only 3 of them allow you to make money on someone else’s video, and then only under certain conditions. A channel that uses someone else's video is called gray.
  2. In case of copyright violation, Youtube permanently blocks the channel, as well as monetization of income through Google Adsense. Accordingly, earning money from subscriptions and views will become impossible.
  3. You can make money on YouTube through advertising if you are under 18 years old. Officially, the system allows people over 14 years of age to monetize income; if the user is younger, permission from his parents will be required. But this is a formality; it is enough for an adult to register an account, but even a child can develop it and earn money.
  4. Earnings from YouTube can be withdrawn to wallets of electronic payment systems. To withdraw money from Google Adsense you need to register with payment system Rapida. The second option is to receive money through the mail. The user receives a letter with special code and after its introduction, funds are withdrawn from the account. Without Adsense, the monetization process is much simpler. In the end, where does the money come from? On virtual accounts in payment systems, earnings can also be linked to a bank card.
  5. Youtube allows you to use in videos only music that is contained in the service playlist.
  • Development of a channel on Youtube. It is necessary to systematically upload new video materials;
  • Receiving income and monetizing it. Here you need to decide where the money comes from: electronic wallets or a bank card.
  • This step-by-step instruction– the path to a secure future, because according to official information, top channel owners earn up to several hundred thousand dollars a year on Youtube. Please note that this method of generating income can be realized absolutely without investment. The main thing is to come up with interesting idea, which will quickly gain popularity on the Internet. We hope you now have a better understanding of how to make money from a YouTube channel in 2019, step by step.

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    In this article we will look at 6 specific ways, which will allow you to earn money on Youtube from scratch, both on your channel and your videos, and on other people’s content. You only need to promote your video in search once, and you will receive a ton of free traffic DAILY, both from Youtube itself and from Google search.

      • 6 options for making money on Youtube using your channel
      • Earning money on Youtube on full autopilot
      • How much can you earn from your Youtube channel?
      • Making money on YouTube using other people's videos
      • Instead of a conclusion - golden button“BABLO” for making money on Youtube

    Video from Youtube search results appear next to regular pages, whereby you additionally receive powerful traffic from search engines.

    6 options for making money on Youtube using your channel

    Placing advertising info inserts directly inside your videos

    Grow your YouTube channel wisely:

    This way of making money is only gaining momentum in Russian Internet To use it, you need a really promoted and visited channel.

    For each episode you can receive from 5,000 to 100,000 rubles on average, depending on how many views your videos get when you publish them on the channel.

    Earning money on YouTube using built-in channel monetization via AdSense

    To start making money this way, just go to your channel settings and enable channel monetization on Youtube and you will start earning more and more from your videos every day. All you need to do is gain views And subscribers on the channel.

    Explore complete guide on making money on YouTube HOW TO MAKE MONEY ON YOUTUBE FROM ZERO

    It should be remembered that you will earn money not for views, but for clicks on ads, although it is often customary to calculate how much you can earn from views. Looking ahead, we will say that for 1000 views you can approximately earn from $0.5 to $0.8 through built-in monetization.

    1. Display ads - displayed to the left of the video in the form of banners.
    2. Overlays are pop-up advertising blocks in the style of standard Adsense advertising, but for video.
    3. Advertising Tips - Comparatively new tool, because and the tips themselves appeared quite recently.
    4. Ads that can be skipped are analogous to standard advertising on TV at the beginning of the video, at the end. Additionally, you can add additional ad breaks as you watch longer videos.

    Earning money on YouTube through the VSP Group alternative affiliate program

    The VPS affiliate network works with a large number of advertisers and top video bloggers work with it. Opportunities when working with this affiliate program:

    1. You get a premium account on Youtube (!)
    2. Payouts up to 80% of advertisers' money
    3. Library of 350,000 songs for musical accompaniment of your videos
    4. Referral system for attracting new partners and YouTube channels
    5. Training on optimization and promotion of videos on YouTube

    Requirements for connecting to the VSP affiliate network:

    • Age from 18 years (minimum from 14, but payments are made to older relatives and partners).
    • Channel age from 1 month.
    • You produce good original video content.
    • Your channel has existed for more than 1 month.
    • You have a positive reputation on YouTube.
    • From 10 videos on the channel.

    Promoting your products and services through Youtube

    The method is quite simple if you or your partners and friends have a physical business. Most business owners don’t bother making videos; at most they post optimized info articles on the website.

    At the same time, videos on business topics immediately fall into the main Google search and Yandex and you will have practically no competitors. Considering that people will first watch the video, and only then read the articles, and even if they don’t find anything on YouTube, you can make good money from this.

    Custom lead generation

    Perfect for a thematic channel, especially if you don’t have your own business. You receive a fixed payment for each subscriber or per click that comes from your YouTube channel. It is important to note that in the case of YouTube, it is much more profitable to work on a pay-per-sales model and receive a percentage of sales. And that's why.

    Don't sleep - promote your account: 7 simple ways promote your YouTube channel for free

    Chip - Visitors from Youtube subscribe and buy much better

    • Visitors from YouTube come to the site already “warmed up”; they have watched a video that has built trust and interest in the topic.
    • More than 50% of visitors immediately subscribe to the free newsletter.
    • Visitors from Youtube buy approximately 2 times more often than from other advertising channels.

    Affiliate programs with payment per action (Cost Per Action) and affiliate programs of info courses

    About different kinds We will definitely talk about affiliate programs and how to choose them correctly in a separate article, but for now I will say that making money on affiliate programs + using your own to get traffic youtube channel- this is a combination that allows you to practically make money on autopilot.

    Earning money on Youtube on full autopilot

    As we said earlier, if the video is optimized correctly and the keywords are well chosen, each video on your channel will bring DAILY free traffic, both from the Youtube channel itself and from organic Google search.

    Watch the video on how you can make money with affiliate programs:

    Free PDF book - 10 secrets that rich people are silent about

    In the case of affiliate programs, it is enough to select 2-3 affiliate offers with payment per % and agree with the owners of the affiliate program about the commission. All sales and delivery of goods are organized with the help of partners, and you will receive regular money from each video on your channel.

    Unlike pop methods like maintaining a public account on VKontakte or promoting your Instagram account, the video does not require the daily publication of a bunch of hackneyed quotes and incomprehensible semi-entertaining info-content.

    Each new video will give you everything more money, and the effect of earning money on YouTube will be cumulative.

    How much can you earn from your Youtube channel?

    Everything very much depends on the specific model chosen. Let's give a few starting points from which to build:

    1. See how much top video bloggers earn
    2. Select related channels on Youtube and find out how much do these channels earn?
    3. Look, how much does YouTube itself pay for 1000 video views?

    From this information, select channels on the topic and do some simple research:

    1. How many videos are posted on the channel.
    2. How much does a YouTube channel earn (see above).
    3. How many videos are posted per week on the channel.
    4. How are videos optimized (for keywords or viral titles).
    5. How much does a channel earn with 1000 views (on average from $0.5 to $0.8).
    6. How many views do new videos get in the first week?

    Here is an example of statistics from one of the channels that makes money from affiliate VSP program Group:

    Download the free checklist: 18 ideas on what you can sell on Avito right now to make money

    Using this information, you can easily calculate how much you can earn on YouTube if you become a video blogger. In addition, these statistics do not take into account work with direct advertisers, as well as monetization through affiliate programs, so the real income of YouTubers can be much higher!

    Making money on YouTube using other people's videos

    1. You find video content in large quantities.
    2. You upload it en masse to your channel.
    3. Get more views or buy video seeding (paid views) so that your video reaches the TOP for trending or large low-competitive requests (see below).
    4. Enable monetization from Youtube and embed commercials every 5-7 minutes.

    Watch our free master class right now - 5 ways to make money on Youtube:

    How to increase views on your YouTube videos

    Where to get content to make money by watching other people’s videos (a few examples):

    1. Cuttings of recordings and full versions of TV shows (KVN games, Once Upon a Time in Russia, National Geographic videos, etc.).
    2. News about Putin with viral headlines, like in teaser networks.
    3. Speeches by other popular personalities (Psaki, Obama, etc.).
    4. Old Soviet films.
    5. Cartoons - Masha and the Bear, Peppa Pig, and so on.

    In some cases, there may be a problem with the copyrighted content, so this method requires quite a lot of body movements with a constant risk of getting banned. We advise you to take a closer look legal ways earnings.

    Instead of a conclusion - a golden button “BABL” for making money on Youtube

    Now think about which method, in your opinion, is the most profitable, when you are paid only once for advertising or an eternal 25% of each sale?

    That's right, you remember that there is a hotter audience on Youtube, so it is much more profitable to work for a % of sales.

    By the way, on affiliate programs information courses You will receive money for the first 100 clicks from the first sale +% from subsequent purchases.

    Hello! Today I will tell you how to make money on YouTube from scratch! At the moment, it’s no secret that video bloggers (vloggers) earn good money! If they have a huge number of subscribers and a ton of views! But how can you start earning money and make YouTube your main place of work? This is what we will talk about in today's article!

    What do you need to make money on YouTube?

    To generate income you will need the following things:

    1. Start online wallet(Yandex Money, WebMoney, Qiwi or any other).
    2. Getting a bank card is necessary to withdraw money offline.
    3. Register your video You Tube channel.
    4. Decide what it will be about? What a niche it is interesting to delve into!
    5. Develop your own style and channel design.
    6. Think over marketing strategy, that is, how the channel will bring in money.
    7. Set up monetization tools. Otherwise, the question of how to make money on YouTube will torment you for a long time.

    There are two main forces in the world that attract people. It is a positive force and a negative one. You need to choose in which version you will present yourself as evil or good. In addition, you can choose the middle. For example, start a channel about programs and tell them what the pros and cons of a particular program are. This approach can be used for most everyday topics! This should help you make money on YouTube from scratch.

    Surely you can see for yourself what’s going on on YouTube. Someone trashes someone else, someone reviews games, programs, services, companies, cars, cameras, etc. Some are literally engaged in advertising of various products. IN virtual world YouTube everyone survives as best they can.

    If you consider the Internet as an opportunity to make money, then this is a great place. The virtual web is an industry the same as mechanical engineering, aviation, and astronautics. Now it’s in its infancy and a bunch of self-taught people are starting to explore it every day!

    I am sure that some time will pass and the Internet will be filled with qualified, professional YouTubers. A school for training video bloggers has recently appeared in China. Training lasts about 3 years! There are already many people who want to get into it.

    How to make money on a YouTube channel from scratch?

    To get at least some normal money you will need to become really popular and significant. But this is not so easy to do, because a lot of people have already launched their own unique, useful and interesting channels. Still worth a try!

    Making money on YouTube is especially suitable for those who like to tinker with videos.

    A simple scheme for making money on YouTube

    1. Create interesting channel with some zest.
    2. You are gaining subscribers.
    3. You make money on YouTube.

    The more people hang around you, the more opportunities to earn money!

    How much can you earn on YouTube and how does it happen?

    The first thing a novice YouTuber does when trying to make money is connect Google Ads. Next comes video views, and someone clicks on the ad. For this click, the author of the video receives money. If the channel brings in little, VLOGER tries other means of monetization.

    But on average, in most topics, earnings from 1000 views are 1 dollar. Some online sources claim that to earn 1 thousand dollars you need 35,000 views in 1 day! This is a very huge number! You'll have to work hard to get a result like this.

    Ways to make money on YouTube

    Basic method earning income from a video channel is advertising! But the earnings don’t end there. A blogger can find and connect affiliate program, which will pay a certain percentage for the user's action.

    In addition, you can advertise any product and receive money from sales. The product can be either yours or someone else's. With a third-party product, you will receive less money, but you do not need to worry about delivery and registration of a postal parcel. Making money on YouTube is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

    Many bloggers talk about laptops and this is not without reason. If they are able to gather a large audience, after a while some companies approach them with a request to advertise their laptop. This will increase the company's sales, which means it will make money. Well, the blogger will receive a good fee for advertising + in some cases a computer as a gift!

    Once again, I list the main ways to monetize a YouTube channel point by point:

    1. Google Advertising.
    2. Partnership programs.
    3. Selling your own product is a good way to make money on YouTube.
    4. Selling someone else's product.
    5. Donations – that is, when people themselves send money to a blogger.

    How do they make money from subscribers on YouTube?

    The blogger’s main income from YouTube comes from the audience! Without it, making money on the Internet would not exist. Earning money from subscribers occurs as follows.

    A blogger creates his own channel and begins to promote it in every possible way. If people like his videos, they subscribe. Over time, if a person does not give up on creative work, the number of subscribers increases.

    Each of them periodically returns to YouTube to watch videos from this author. Some people come to watch new videos, while others watch old ones. Some of your subscribers click on the ad, while others buy something. This is how you make money from YouTube subscribers.

    If the channel stops producing videos, then for some time the income will still flow passively from existing subscribers.

    This concludes the article. Today you learned how to make money on YouTube from scratch! The most important thing is to find your niche, find yourself in this business! Good luck!

    >>>Be sure to watch, here is the essence of making money on YouTube!!!<<<

    Best regards, Maxim Obukhov!!!


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