Ways to promote an account on Instagram. What cheating will give you. Competitions and giveaways

Development and promotion of your account in in social networks, including on Instagram, can bring in good income. You just need to progressively move in the direction of popularizing yourself as an individual or a resource with information useful to visitors. In short, placement is the key to success.

Why Instagram

Instagram on currently one of the three most popular social networks. The majority of convertible traffic comes from these three. Moreover, it is on Instagram that the most active audience is now concentrated, ready for feedback and various external influences. This network is not full a huge amount advertising garbage that can now be found almost everywhere.

Perhaps, Instgram currently continues to follow the main goal that the developers invested in their project. People just post their own photos here and look at others. The constantly updated feed creates a characteristic atmosphere that encourages users to be active.

Those who offer their services for quick account promotion are not really doing anything unusual. Your popularity will grow if you can retain your audience and attract new visitors with good content.

Independent promotion

It consists of actions that are contrary to rapid promotion, which involves attracting dead souls to subscribers who are of no use. Traffic needs to be collected lively, reacting to posted information and providing feedback.

First steps

The first step is to analyze your audience. What are you going to advertise and what categories of users are most predisposed to such products or services. You must have a clear understanding of everything before you start working. After all, it’s not known to whom to advertise who knows what; this is far from the best business plan.

But already knowing what and for whom you are doing, generate good content it will become much easier. You will be able to analyze the interests of your audience and use them for your own purposes.

  1. Create a profile.
  2. Develop a content plan and start publishing.
  3. Start your own PR company.

How to create a profile

Of course, you must be in the photo. In your profile, place information about yourself and the product you plan to advertise. If you're having trouble, here are some suggestions:

  1. Photoreal photo, preferably the one you use as an avatar on social networks.
  2. Name– feel free to write your first and last name in Russian. There is no need for translations into English or transliteration, unless of course you are going to work with an English-speaking audience.
  3. Location- at least there’s nothing stopping you from pointing out the city. And this seriously increases loyalty.
  4. Occupation– don’t hide what you do from your subscribers. Then they will know exactly what issues they can contact you about and for what purpose they can support you.
  5. Link in profile- This is the only place where you can put an active link on Instagram. Do not neglect this opportunity and place the address of your website or page here.

Traffic on Instagram begins its path to conversion with this link in the profile. There is no point in posting the address of a store or something like that, because it will be impossible to go in one click, and most likely no one will copy the link and paste it into the browser line.


It is the posts that force users to subscribe to one or another account. The content you post piques the interest of visitors and encourages them to more actively study the issue you are addressing.

Therefore, immediately understand that ninety percent of the information you post must be unique. You also need to compose your comments and descriptions yourself. You can sometimes dilute the content with pictures, but they should also be useful and on topic.

Instagram is actually your photo album, so the photos should be yours. But you shouldn’t post anything as long as it’s your own. It should be a pleasure to visit your profile. All content used needs to be well thought out, and not just spammed.

Well, a few words about the main work:

  1. Learn to do nice pictures – this is a service for photographs. Don’t expect popularity if you only post pictures of food, pictures or demotivators. Users come to see live photos of people they are interested in.
  2. Don't neglect signatures – each image should become a small story that you reveal in the caption. People will read with interest about your adventures and achievements.
  3. Frequent publications – of course, within reasonable limits, one or two photos a day will be enough.
  4. Pay attention to feedback – respond responsibly to the comments of your subscribers. They may ask you questions and expect a response. By starting discussions, you also increase interest in the account. When you increase your momentum, you can use the help of software that collects comments from all your posts for ease of work.

Attracting subscribers

To speed up the process of attracting real people, you need to wisely use all the tools that Instagram provides for your use:

  1. Place hashtags– helps expand your audience.
  2. Make marks with places– information about where exactly the photo was taken helps users find places of interest.
  3. Don't skimp on likes– by liking other people’s photos, you arouse interest in yourself.
  4. Comment on other people's posts– talking to popular people or starting discussions in famous groups, you can lure some of their subscribers.
  5. Subscribe yourself– active actions on Instagram will always benefit you.
  6. Mutual PR- exchange advertising posts it's a cheap and easy way.
  7. Advertise yourself– if you have pages on social networks, then no one forbids you to put links to your Instagram account there.
  8. Use promotion programs– there are many services where you can receive points for completing some simple actions. In the future, points can be used to buy likes, subscriptions, etc. The method is quite dirty, but sometimes it can be used.

Paid promotion methods

Of course, for money everything happens faster and more efficiently:

  1. Buy advertising from popular groups and users – advertising your account in the form of paid posts in large public pages can immediately increase the number of your subscribers by an order of magnitude.
  2. contextual advertising – the appearance of your photo in the news feed contributes to the rapid development of your account.
  3. Promotion software – software simulation high level activity. There are software that can travel through thematic resources, like and perform other useful actions for you.

Programs for Instagram promotion

In the vastness global network a whole lot various programs who can help you with promotion. Here's what you should pay attention to.

Software for increasing likes and subscribers:

  1. Pmgrm;
  2. Jet-insta;
  3. Socialkit.

The small money you need to pay is more than compensated by the degree of usefulness of the functionality provided.

Orders for various actions.

How to start a business on Instagram correctly: 6 useful tips

Are you looking for ways to start your business on Instagram?

Do you have an Instagram profile but don't know how to use it?

Instagram is a great platform for connecting with your audience through visual content. In this article, we'll give you six tips on how to use Instagram for your business.

Why use Instagram?

As photo sharing apps continue to rise in popularity, more businesses and marketers are using Instagram.

There are many tools and apps you can use to increase your social media presence - increasing your reach and growing your community.

Visual content gets excellent response on social media. And if you really want to increase activity on your Instagram profile, post content of various content, but with the condition that it relates to your business.

In any case, your business is not one thing. Make a list of the aspects that your brand touches on so you have an initial plan for the types of images you can post on your Instagram. You can post short videos up to 15 seconds to your Instagram profile.

Get started with these examples. You can send images or videos about:

The product you represent

Presentation of a new product

Office location or places where it is used

Employees and fans

Customers who bought your product or service

Events in which you took or will take part

Titles and prizes

Restaurants can publish not only photos of dishes, but also photos of users, and notify subscribers about current promotions and upcoming events. Marketers can send not only photos of clients, but can also share photos of their team and how everyone is promoting one cause together. Publishers/bloggers/writers can post photos with a call to action. For example, “To see more photos from Sochi, visit...”.

When sending your post, do not forget about the time of day. Posting times affect your promotion through Instagram, because At different times, user activity varies. Check what time of day your users are most likely to respond to your posts. The greatest surge in activity is observed in the evening. Restaurants/cafes/food delivery can post a photo with aromatic coffee and a wish in the morning Have a good day, and at lunchtime an appetizing photograph of the dish, briefly describing what it consists of and how it is prepared.

  • Use hashtags

A hashtag is a great opportunity to draw attention to yourself.

Every time you publish a post, it is important to accompany it with relevant hashtags (#). Hashtags make it easier Instagram account promotion for you, because Users have the opportunity to find your post and you using a specific hashtag. Moreover, the user can search by such a hashtag not only on Instagram but also on Facebook and Twitter, where your posts with hashtags are duplicated automatically.

Readers tend to search for trends, items, and locations.

For example, if you post a photo associated with your social media agency, you will want to add the hashtag #SocialMdia. When people who are interested social media enter #SocialMedia, your post will appear in the results along with other posts with the same hashtag.

For local companies: hashtag of your city (#Moscow, #Msk, #Msk #Moscow)

For those who sell goods and services: hashtag your type of niche (#makeup, #shoes, #photo)

Experts and masters: hashtag of your specificity (#marketing, #travel, #fitness)

On a note:

More than 71% of users use hashtags on mobile

No more than 30% of users use hashtags on desktop computers and laptops

55% of posts with hashtags have more likes than without them

50% of users are ready to use your hashtag if they find out that they will receive a discount for it

Don't use inappropriate hashtags. If you have a car in the photo, don’t put #love #Haire #Girl there. This is rather a minus to such descriptions and posts.

- don’t use a lot of hashtags. 5-9 pieces are enough. You shouldn't put 15 pieces at once. It’s better to put one popular one, about two mid-frequency ones, several low-frequency ones and a couple of individual ones.

- find low-frequency, narrowly targeted hashtags that will be unique to your field and try to use them, most likely they will increase feedback.

  • Gather and entertain your audience

Encourage your readers to post their own photos with a call to action related to your business. This effective method. A community like Starbucks uses these tricks.

For example, Ben & Jerry’s, in order to promote the new flavor of their product, published a photo of the new product with the caption “Everything except...” and asked a simple question in the post description: “Did we miss something?” Thus, they received live communication in the form of 600 comments under their post.

In order for users to be more active on your profile, you can try a photo contest on Instagram. This is a fun way to grow your community. Promoting your profile on Instagram can be significantly accelerated by holding a competition. It can be very simple, but have good success.

Typically, an Instagram contest is built on the user creating their own content that mentions your brand in any way. Prerequisites competition: the person must tag you and put the competition hashtag (which you came up with in advance). Usually the hashtag is original, unique and not long. Then the pictures of your future clients will never get lost anywhere. Don't forget to advertise your competition. Post advertising posts on other profiles so that not only your subscribers know about such a wonderful competition.

Let's assume your account has developed and has active users. A person has subscribed to you and constantly watches his feed and, accordingly, sees each of your posts. What to do so that he doesn’t even think about unfollowing you:

Maintain the quality of posts. If you started doing quality content, please continue to do it. Most the best option— is to gradually improve the quality of content.

Reduce feed spam. No one wants to read spam in their feed.

  • Analyze your account

To continue to improve your profile and your development strategy, analyze your account.

Analytics tools like Curalate and BlitzMetrics help you analyze your account and help you manage Instagram. Both of these services are paid, but if you're thinking about growing your brand on Instagram, they're definitely worth it. Data from these programs will help you analyze deeply promotion on Instagram and compare your account with competitors’ accounts based on various indicators.

You'll be able to make informed decisions about the content you publish If posts with questions get more views and comments than simple posts with images of your product, you know that this is where you should focus.

  • Focus on results

Instagram is an excellent tool for sharing visual content with your audience.

Remember to get the most out of your Instagram account combine it with your other social media networks, make sure your content is varied and worthy, make sure you use hashtags correctly, analyze your account and adjust your strategy for its development.

As with other social platforms, to get top scores you must have a development strategy. While doing this, try new things until you understand how best to work with your audience, how best to increase the number of new active followers and get maximum orders from them.

According to many authoritative experts in the field of Internet marketing, Instagram has long become a top leader among all dynamically developing social networks in Russia. Thus, according to statistics from the Brand Analytics agency, by the beginning of 2017 there were more than 4,645,000 active authors who publish up to one hundred thousand different messages daily.

Instapromo is one of the universal SMM services that has implemented several important advantages in one project:

  • Fully automated social network promotion

The system subscribes and unfollows certain accounts, likes posts of relevant audiences, and leaves “live” comments.

  • Delayed photo posting

Instapromo allows you to set up automatic uploading of images according to an individually configurable schedule.

  • Mass mailing by direct message

This option organizes mailings to its subscriber base about everything that can attract and interest people. For businessmen, the mass mailing tool is more interesting because it makes it possible to talk about new products, services, prices, etc.

Before promoting Instagram yourself, decide what you want to achieve. Pointless profile promotion will not bring any benefit. You will only be wasting your time. In addition, depending on the goal set, the methods of promotion will differ.

Why is it worth promoting Instagram?

The Instagram audience is one of the most loyal. Social network takes top lines in the ranking of Internet platforms with the most high involvement users. Most of the traffic comes from Instagram.

The main (most active) audience of the social network is men and women aged 14 to 33 years. Moreover, there are many more girls (about 65%). Because of this, advertisements for cosmetics, health products, and beauty salon services are most often found on Instagram and enjoy great success.

Another feature of the social network is that it does not contain as much “garbage” as VKontakte or Facebook. This is largely due to the fact that you can only share photos with subscribers; you won’t be able to post separate text. So advertisers have to put a lot of thought into every post. But such advertisements are perceived more loyally and friendly. Especially if you correctly guess the audience and design the publication.

If you are promoting a brand, then you must have a profile on Instagram. With it you can:

  1. Sell ​​goods (use your profile as a kind of online showcase).
  2. Inform subscribers about upcoming changes, notify about new products and promotions.
  3. Organize competitions to increase customer loyalty.
  4. Interact with your audience, receive feedback, find out the audience’s opinion.

All this will help not only increase the popularity of the brand, but also increase the audience and reach a wider market. But it’s worth promoting not only company profiles, but also personal pages. Moreover, you can do this yourself and not always for money. Using your personal page you can post advertisements, influence your subscribers (especially if you gather a sufficient audience).

What harms promotion?

If you don't have time for independent promotion profile, but you clearly intend to do this, then it’s better to find an employee who will constantly do this. Many beginners make the mistake of turning to freelancers for help, who promise “quick” progress in a few days, while the price for their services can be 5-10 times higher than the market average.

Most often, these are ordinary scammers who quickly increase the main indicators of profile popularity (likes, comments, subscribers). Therefore, at first glance, it seems that the work has really been done and the Instagram account has reached the TOP. But this is how it really happens:

  1. Most of the likes and subscribers are bots. From 10 to 50% will unsubscribe from the profile within a few days, and about 70% of “new fans” will not leave a single like or comment.
  2. A sharp increase can only worsen the reputation of the page, especially if at least some real people were subscribed to the profile before.
  3. Suspicious activity may result in permanent blocking.

Never trust dubious “freelancers” with your promotion, especially if they promise too dramatic increases in all indicators. It doesn't happen that way. It’s better to hire an employee who will constantly post unique and interesting content. And most importantly, not only attract subscribers, but also retain them.

How to promote Instagram yourself?

The first thing to say is that try not to turn to cheating services for help, at least for the first time. First you need to find a “live” audience. If you decide to promote your page on Instagram, then most likely you plan to use it to earn money. To do this, you need to find potential customers who may be interested in your product or service. Bots won't buy anything.

Profile design

To find an audience, you need to make your profile noticeable and start publishing original, interesting content. But the first thing you need to do is formalize it.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Choose a name that reflects the essence of your business. It should be clear and not too long. Use Russian letters whenever possible. Not all users will decipher "translit".
  2. Include an image with the company logo by which you will be recognized. If we promote a personal page, then our photo.
  3. Indicate the city where you live or do business. Potential clients They will see that if they purchase, they will be able to quickly receive the goods.
  4. Add a description. For your company profile, indicate what you do and what you sell. For personal account just tell us who you are and what you do. But don't go into details. Indicate only the most important things.
  5. Leave a link where you can be contacted. This could be a website or page on another social network.

After this, you can plan a strategy to promote your profile.

Content development

The more interesting and original the content, the more likely it is that people will subscribe to your page. This means that they will constantly follow your news or even share it with friends.

You can attract new subscribers by paying and free methods. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. First, we recommend trying to promote Instagram on your own, without any financial investment. This will help you get to know your audience better, decide on a promotion strategy, and even plan content.

So, let's look at a small guide that will tell you how to attract subscribers to your page yourself:

  1. Publish original content. If you post something uninteresting, no one will subscribe.
  2. Use hashtags and add a description. It is important that they clearly correspond to the topic of the post. Don't try to capture the "unnecessary" audience. For example, you shouldn’t put the hashtag #car on a post with a bouquet of flowers.
  3. Ask your friends to share your posts and leave comments. Invite subscribers to a dialogue, try to make publications so that people would like to repost them.
  4. Advertise your profile using your pages on other social networks. If you have a VK community, then share a link to your Instagram in it. Repost on Twitter, Facebook.

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