The second step in computer security is whether you need an antivirus on Windows? Licensed antivirus. Needed or not

Many of you are asking the question “Do I need an antivirus on Windows?” Today we will try to figure out what modern antiviruses are and under what conditions you can refuse them.

Antiviruses and horror stories

The bulk of sellers of horror stories are pseudo-antivirus products. They perform a free “scan” (often online), supposedly find something, and then offer to remove it for money. It is the scarecrows that spoil the reputation of real antiviruses. However, the real ones are less and less different from.

We once tested free antiviruses and noticed that they increasingly resembled Scareware malicious software. They act out of fear, often without presenting a real danger. Intimidation of the user begins during installation, and then the antivirus pesters you with notifications until you buy paid version and don't let it do anything on your computer (or delete the hell out of it).

These aggressive promotion tactics undermine the credibility of all security software vendors, even affecting market leaders.

Antiviruses and surveillance

The scandal with the ban on the use of Kaspersky Lab products in the United States still does not subside, but it can be brought against any antivirus developer. All of them contain cloud scanning tools and send any files that they deem suspicious to their servers.

Here is the audio version of the investigation from the jellyfish:

According to the manufacturers, everything happens in automatic mode and is depersonalized, and the technology itself is unsuitable for collecting information from certain computers. However, the inverse problem (find the source of distribution of some kind of malware or establish the ownership of a file on a specific computer) is generally solvable.

Antiviruses and vulnerabilities

Another problem is that bugs in any popular software are often used to carry out attacks, and antiviruses are one of the main targets here. For example, in Bitdefender Internet Security 2018, allowing remote execution arbitrary code. Avast, AVG and many others are no better off.

Modern antiviruses are deeply integrated into the system, and sometimes this creates more problems, than decides. They set own services(which may contain errors), intercept system calls(disrupting the operation of other programs), in a word, they have too many rights and are technically capable of performing any actions without the user’s knowledge.

Antivirus modules like “secure payments” are also alarming. You go to the bank’s website with an antivirus browser extension and enter data on its “protected from keyloggers” on-screen keyboard. All this seems to be going over HTTPS, but the antivirus needs to check encrypted traffic, so it long ago installed its own certificate to decrypt it. The circle is closed...

The antivirus company already has all other identification data - you indicated them yourself during registration. Therefore, purely technically, nothing prevents people from manipulating your accounts, attributing everything to the tricks of hackers. Another thing is that the company’s reputation is more expensive and this is unlikely to happen in reality. In any case, we are not aware of such facts.

Do you need an antivirus?

This complex issue and depends on your knowledge of the computer or, better yet, information security. With all the improvements, such as Windows 10 Defender and built-in, it will be superfluous, but for people who are not computer savvy, I would still advise using some kind of antivirus.

For those who are in the subject, a properly configured firewall (firewall) is sufficient, and the use virtual machines to test new and suspicious programs.

In order to refuse antivirus you will have to follow the following rules:

  • Use modern operating systems and update them on time
  • Update installed software in a timely manner
  • Download and install software only from official sites
  • Check downloaded files on services online checks files
  • Test downloaded programs for
  • Do not use cracks or keygens
  • Do not visit dubious sites
  • Do not run executable files received by mail
  • Use a properly configured firewall
  • and don't use others'

You will find additional tips and methods to combat viruses in the article “” and in the “Security” section. The most important thing in the fight against viruses is a sober view of things and straight hands.

Paid or free antivirus?

Free antivirus from reputable company or the built-in Windows Defender is quite enough. There is no need to use paid antiviruses.

Usually paid antivirus differs from its free counterparts in several ways additional options, which are unlikely to help if the virus was encrypted and has zero detection on online file scanning services for viruses.

Instead of a conclusion

To the question: “Should I use antivirus software?” you must answer for yourself, honestly assessing your knowledge and capabilities.

In this article we touched on an issue that, as a rule, other sites do not address. After all, you can make good money by collaborating with companies developing antiviruses. But we are not interested in this, we were, are and will be on the user’s side. And we will write about what we want, and not what is imposed and what companies pay for. Hello sales YouTube bloggers!

That's all for today. Good luck and information security to everyone!

The days when the computer was seen as a breeding ground for viruses and threats are long gone. But this does not mean that cybercriminals who develop malware to steal data have changed their line of work.

Some computer manufacturers pre-install antivirus software on their devices in order to receive affiliate commissions. However, the user always has freedom of action.

Are antiviruses necessary in 2018? Yes and no…

Viruses are not the only danger

The traditional attitude towards security products as “antiviruses” is long outdated. We no longer have to worry about insidious viruses infecting computers and destroying important data. Malware that uses various tactics to achieve its goal is more common these days.

The most dangerous malware operates silently on the target computer; the user may not even be aware of the infection. The threat may lie dormant for some time or work hidden, but in any case it will try to cause serious harm to the user.

No matter what we call the threats, the likelihood of an attack is still quite high.

You get protection in Windows 10

Microsoft takes the security of its customers seriously, so it has equipped Windows 10 with two security tools: Windows Firewall and Windows Defender.

Windows Defender Security Center - built-in control panel for Windows 10 security settings Antivirus, Firewall, SmartScreen Web Protection, parental control and tools for managing computer performance

These tools are designed to protect your computer, and thanks to deep integration into the system, do not require many additional resources to operate. Microsoft regularly releases antivirus definition updates to ensure that these products can handle even the latest threats.

If you are having trouble removing a persistent threat, you can use bootable way Windows Defender Offline. You can start the scanner without an active Internet connection - using a USB drive. This tool will be able to remove malware that is difficult to clean with standard means.

Windows Defender often seen as a basic line of defense. No matter what you think system antivirus is a reliable tool and there is no reason not to use it. It is also recommended for use with other scanners, such as Malwarebytes Free.

You believe that you are taking every precaution by visiting only trusted sites and downloading programs from official sources, in particular the Store Windows applications or iTunes? However, you will never be safe if you go online without any protection.

Would you ride a motorcycle without a helmet? Even if you are careful, there is a possibility of an accident.

Malware developers usually have a clear understanding of what needs to be done for a threat to be successful. This is why malware still exists today.

Something is always better than nothing

Write in the discussions below if you use third party antivirus. Or you use Windows 10 and think that Windows Defender is enough for effective protection systems without sacrificing performance?

If you don't use any protection at all, we highly recommend turning on Windows Defender right now.

Third-party antiviruses are still relevant in 2018. Their main task is not only to fight traditional viruses, but also to prevent various types attacks in order to gain control of a computer or to steal confidential data. It sounds scary but active use digital devices users leads to the fact that the threat remains real.

Ultimately, the choice of protection solution and security strategy is up to you. Just don't think that a potential attack won't affect you. Everything could be exactly the opposite.

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Good afternoon friends. Nowadays, quite a lot of people are thinking about whether an antivirus is needed on Windows, whether an antivirus is needed on Android, and so on. For example, my friend fundamentally believes that an antivirus is not needed, it slows down the computer. There is no antivirus program on his computer. He settles for a farwall.

Also, some users ask: “I have Windows 10, is it enough for me?” Do you need an antivirus for Android? Is it possible not to use an antivirus? Is it possible to use a minimum set of protective equipment that supposedly should save you from the virus?

Today we will analyze these topics and myths about antiviruses. First, I want to tell you about one myth - if a user installs an antivirus on his computer, his PC will be 100% protected from malware!

Of course, this is a hoax! Not alone antivirus program cannot give 100% to your computer full protection. In this case, do you need an antivirus on Windows? Hackers do not sit still; viruses are constantly updated. Every day new programs are being developed to be implemented on users’ computers.

I think if you are asking the question whether an antivirus is needed on Windows, you would like to receive a simple answer: “Yes, it is necessary” or “No, it is not necessary at all.” Instead, you would like to see the arguments, if yes, then why and if not, then why. Let's look at some facts about viruses.

In his book about viruses, Konstantin Klimentyev writes that dozens of NEW viruses and worms, and the total number of viruses (self-replicating programs) in the army malicious code is less than 1%!
The remaining 99 percent comes from various malware applications, as well as Trojans, which are mostly aimed at stealing Money user, directly or indirectly. So, is there still a danger?

If there is a maniac operating in the city, should you close the door? It's up to everyone to decide personally. But does the “maniac” have something against me personally?

Do I need an antivirus on Windows and will someone attack MY computer?

In this regard, I remember the words of one guy from Kaspersky Lab, it seems. He says: “They will. Viruses will definitely get onto your computer, and “well-wishers” will find how to use it.” And let someone say that these are the words of a person interested in selling an antivirus, in fact they reflect a cruel reality. Why do viruses infect computers? There are many reasons, let's highlight 2 of them.

Identity theft
And if in this case the virus does not break your social account. networks, let’s say you were lucky and got a “good” virus, it will include your data in the database and the virus producers will sell this data to some large company that will know what exactly to advertise to you. I repeat, this is the best case scenario.
Using a computer as part of a bot
In this case, millions of infected computers unite into one network and attack (without the knowledge of their owners) some large server, for example, a large online store. As a result of the attack, the server goes down, and the creators of the botnet extort money from business owners to restore the functionality of the site. Do you want to give attackers the opportunity to use your computer? In this case, you don't need an antivirus :).

Do you need an antivirus on Windows if the creators of antiviruses write viruses themselves?

The author already mentioned at the beginning of the article wrote in his book: “Only people who inadequately perceive the surrounding reality can believe in this, either due to the deepest ignorance, or due to the habit of looking at the world through the cloudy prism of misanthropy.”

Today there are so many viruses that if antivirus laboratories were involved in writing them, it would take them all free time, but to create the most antivirus protection there would simply be no time left :).

So, do you need an antivirus for Windows? My personal experience definitely says: yes. There are two things to remember.
Firstly, the antivirus system slows down the system. Modern, good antiviruses They do this quite a bit, but many, even well-known products, still load the system quite heavily.
Secondly, good antiviruses are paid. Moreover, they are usually sold with an annual subscription. And yet, in my opinion, the investment is justified, because the time and effort (and nerves :)) spent on treatment for viruses are much more expensive than paying for a good antivirus system. And in the next article we will discuss the final, third point computer security, and if you can’t wait to find out which one, take a look

We all know very well what antivirus software is. software. In the age of the Internet, virus programs there was an unimaginable amount of space. That is why security software will never lose its relevance as long as it exists virtual network. Almost every user of a PC, laptop, tablet, or smartphone has encountered problems with viruses on their computer.

Since Android smartphones have been actively used over the past 10 years as full-fledged pocket computers, the question of whether an antivirus is needed for Android should not be raised. However, a huge number of owners of touch gadgets are interested in this.

Finding free security software for your phone is easy. If you download an antivirus and follow some recommendations, you will be 90% protected from malware.

Android itself checks the phone for threats

Android OS has built-in antivirus functions. What does this mean? About the fact that before installing an antivirus you should check the protective capabilities of your smartphone:

  • Appendixes B Play Store checked for viruses. When you upload a new application to Google Play, it is automatically checked for malicious code, the checking service is called Bouncer. Bouncer scans your code and will easily detect known viruses, trojans, and other malware.
  • Google Play has the right to remove the application from your phone after you have installed it: if someone has uploaded their program to the Play Market. But later it turned out that the development contains a virus, then Google will delete this application from your phone remotely.
  • Android 4.2 has the ability to scan applications that were not downloaded from the Google store: as you already understood, every new application in Goggle Play is scanned for viruses. But Google does not scan third-party software downloaded from other sources. So, when you first install an application on Android 4.2, not from Play Market, you will be prompted to scan the program for malicious code. Be sure to agree, click “Yes” or “Ok”, “I Agree”... By doing so, you will protect yourself from viruses entering your phone.
  • Android 4.2 also has the ability to block the sending of paid SMS: the Android operating system is designed in such a way that it does not allow sending SMS to short numbers. This is due to the fact that many Trojan programs work this way. If such an application tries to send similar message, You will receive an alert.

Where do Android viruses come from?

Until the Android 4.2 version appeared in operating system There were very few security features. All the user could afford was Google tools Play. That is, when downloading applications from the Play Market, there was no need to worry about security, but third party programs from browsers could well disrupt the laconic performance of the smartphone.

According to official research, it has been revealed that 60+% of Android malware is FakeInstaller code. This malware disguises itself as the application you need and is placed for download on a website that was created specifically to harm the device. After the download occurs, the application will send paid SMS from the number without your participation (you will not know anything) mobile phone. A mature version of Android 4.2 will likely detect malicious code in the new installed application with built-in FakeInstaller.

In general, you should understand one thing: on Android you are protected if you download all applications from Google Play. According to statistics, the amount of malware in the Google store is 0.5% of the total.

Do you need an antivirus for Android?

The majority of viruses enter our smartphone from places where we want to download an application with attractive conditions. For example, in the Market it is paid, but on the Internet you found it free. Or, it is only supported by Apple products, but you have Android, and there is a unique offer on the Internet.

In general, we can say that everything depends on your attentiveness. Don't install suspicious games or programs and everything will be fine.

If there is high activity on the network and constant downloads, it is better to have an antivirus. It is especially important to download security software if you use old version Android, lower than 4.2.

Which antivirus to install on Android

If you decide to install an antivirus on Android, then you will have to choose one from the list below. When you type “antivirus” into the Play Store search, you will get a result in the form of the five most popular security software. On this moment the search returns the following programs:

  • Dr.Web Light Antivirus;
  • Dr.Web Light Antivirus;
  • Hi Security;
  • Avast;
  • Mobile Security;.

What exactly should you choose? It's impossible to say for sure. But I'm leaning more towards the proven one strong antivirus Kaspersky.

Kaspersky Mobile Antivirus

Constantly developing Anti-Virus with a worldwide reputation and an ideal reputation. Every year it improves its protection, finding more and more new viruses. Perfect for those who don’t want to mess with security software, but just want to install it and forget it.

By installing Kaspersky Anti-Virus, the user receives a shield against all kinds of viruses, Trojans, spyware, rootkits, adware...


Doctor Web is universal tool, which will protect your smartphone, iPhone, computer, tablet or laptop. At the same time, it can be installed on Windows, macOS, Linux.

Can be used free version, and if you wish, purchase a license and completely secure your phone.

Hi Security

Hi Security is absolutely free mobile app, which cleans, speeds up and protects your device. Great amount Android users appreciate this software.

What you can expect when downloading Hi Security:

  • Complete virus protection
  • High-quality charging
  • Garbage cleaning
  • Smartphone acceleration
  • The processor will not overheat
  • Saving confidential data
  • Blocking unwanted calls
  • Proactive blocking of virus applications
  • Convenience and safety when using WiFi

AVAST Mobile Security

A popular security application that is one of the most affordable highly effective antiviruses. The company positions itself something like this: Avast Mobile Security is the most reliable and free antivirus in the world for smartphones on the Android platform.

It is used by hundreds of millions of people all over the planet, and this is an indicator!

Mobile Security

Antivirus software with premium version. You get it free for 30 days, after which you will need to pay for a subscription. Or you can use basic version. It is completely free and unlimited.

Features of mobile antiviruses for Android OS

Antivirus is a development that definitely deserves respect. The article mentioned such protection features as detecting malicious code and preventing the sending of paid SMS. But antiviruses are also capable of other things:

  • Phone detection if the device is lost;
  • Detailed reports on smartphone use and security;
  • Firewall functions (activity tracking);

Well, that’s about all I would like to say regarding the question of whether an antivirus is needed for Android. What conclusions should we have drawn? Firstly, an antivirus is required if you actively use the browser. Secondly, if you want to completely protect yourself, then even when downloading applications from the store, the antivirus must work. Thirdly, perform periodic checks and updates to ensure that the operating system is in satisfactory condition.