Difference between ios and android. Elegance versus customization

What is the difference between the operating system "Android" and "iOS"? What are the pros and cons of these main smartphone and tablet systems today?


Android - operating system for smartphones and tablets. It is used both in cheap devices and in expensive devices, the price of which rises to approximately more than $1000!

The advantages of this most common system today :

1) You can download great amount free games, films, music, various applications and browsers. For example, pdalife chose the best browsers for Android.

2) Open source - all components of this operating system are completely open to the user!

3) Changing the interface of your device using third-party software paid applications in the shop. And this can be considered a huge plus, since every person can easily customize a smartphone or tablet to suit themselves.

4) Android is constantly updated. And with each update it fixes system errors.

Cons of Android :

1) Insecurity. A lot of information is stolen from users of this operating system. Antiviruses for Android are still very weak.

2) Brakes. After purchasing the device, it behaves normally, but after a while the system begins to become very glitchy. If you open many applications and do not close them, the device starts to heat up and quickly discharges, which really starts to irritate the user.


1) Updates. Apple is constantly developing updates even for very old devices.

For example: iPhone 3GC stopped updating just recently, which means it has been updated for 6 years!

2) Design. iOS has a very convenient and beautiful design, which is very attractive to buyers.

3) Speed. iOS is very fast system, which cannot always be said about Android. And even the speed of opening applications is very high.


With the release of new smartphones from Apple, the question has again become relevant: how is Android different from iOS/ios. If, for some reason, you used only one type of gadget - for example, exclusively Android smartphones, then it will be useful for you to read this article.

From it, we hope, you will be able to understand what it is main difference between ios and android. Accordingly, after reading this material it will be easier for you to decide on the choice of gadget.


Hardware is perhaps the first thing in which you can see the difference between an iPhone and Android. Only Apple makes iPhones, so they have significant control over how the hardware and software interact. At the same Google time supplies its software to a bunch of manufacturers, from Samsung to Motorola.

For this reason, Android phones vary greatly in price, size, weight, features, and quality. If you take an iPhone, then you only need to choose a model. With Android, you need to choose both the model and manufacturer. Those who like freedom of choice value Android, while those who like simplicity and quality usually prefer Apple.

Software support

If you always want to be sure that you have the latest version of your operating system, then take an iPhone. The fact is that Android manufacturers are very slow when it comes to updating their devices. Moreover, if you have an old phone, it will not receive the update at all. In this regard, Apple is much better.

For example, iOS 10 works even on devices released seven years ago. When updates are released, half of Apple device owners install them in the first week, while only a few manage to wait for updates on their Android.


If we talk about applications, then Android has a richer choice.

However, Apple has much more stringent requirements for content, therefore, downloading applications from App Store you're less likely to stumble upon any junk.

Moreover, developing software for Android is expensive due to the huge variety of devices on this system. Not all developers will want to bother adapting applications for each phone.


In the near future, iPhones may become the second Nintendo or PS Vita.

All this thanks to the huge range of games that the store boasts Apps Store. Android users are very spoiled creatures and are sometimes accustomed to the fact that everything should be free. It is for this reason that many large game developers prefer to create for the App Store, bypassing Google.

Integration with other devices

In addition to smartphones, many people also use tablets, computers and wearable technology.

For these people, iOS is a great choice since Apple also makes all these devices. Thus, Apple can provide those features that Android lacks. For example, we started writing an email on an iPhone and finished on a Mac. If you wanted to unlock your phone, you turned it on apple watch Watch. And there are a lot of such examples. In the case of Android, you will not get such an experience, since few companies produce both phones and phones at the same time. smart watch, and laptops, and tablets. Unless it's some Samsung.


Support is another thing that Android and iOS have in common. If your device breaks down, then in any country you will find apple center Store, where experts will help you solve your problem. Have you seen something like this on Android?


If we talk about smart assistants, then you’ll have to give laurels to Google and its Google Assistant. This thing uses all of Google's knowledge, as well as the information it has collected about you, to make your life easier.

For example, if you have marked in Google Calendar the meeting is at half past seven, and Google knows that the traffic jams are terrible, it will send you a notification advising you to send early. iOS has Siri, but in terms of advancedness it is still far from Google Assistant, although the latter is also available for iPhones.


If we talk about batteries, then everything will be a little simpler for the iPhone. We have only a few models, while Android has devices with a wide variety of screen proportions and hardware.

Accordingly, they hold the charge differently, and the sizes of the batteries themselves are also different. So Android definitely wins here.

Elegance versus customization

Android gives you unprecedented freedom in terms of customizing your phone. If you like to control every little detail, then you should definitely consider purchasing an Android phone. True, there is a pitfall here. Each manufacturer of Android smartphones has its own vision of what should be in this smartphone. Thus, some manufacturers remove from phones useful applications, replacing them with your own, which may not be as convenient. Also a separate conversation is shells. While with the iPhone we simply have iOS, on Android there is a whole bunch shells. The problem here is not only one of choice. The fact is that some shells, despite all their external aesthetics, greatly slow down the system.

As a result, applications crash or slow down, and the animation turns out to be somewhat torn. iPhones, on the contrary, although laconic, do not slow down and can boast of stability, which Androids are still far from achieving. So it’s hard to say: if you like to manage everything and don’t like restrictions, then take Android. And if you prefer stability, then the iPhone will obviously be good choice for you.


Due to its open source code, smartphone manufacturers often install their own software on Android. However, this software may not always be of high quality (hello, Samsung!).

As a result, the user buys a smartphone and is forced to guess which applications have been replaced. In the case of iOS, there is no such problem in principle, because the only developer here is Apple itself. When you get an iPhone, you get high-quality pre-installed applications.

freedom of choice

Apple, as already mentioned, likes to decide for the user. For this reason, the phones of this company are very limited. For example, you cannot download files from the browser, use torrents, record phone calls, transfer files directly from your computer, listen to music via Bluetooth, and so on.

In Android, this is all possible, and if some functions are missing (for example, the phone does not support two SIM cards), then you can always purchase another model. In the case of iOS, you are very limited. But this gives another advantage: stability and high optimization (read: speed). That is, there is no evil without good.

NFC for everyone

On iPhone, the only use case is wireless technology NFC is payments Apple Pay. It's all about the closedness of the system.

In Android, developers have access to wireless technology and can harp interesting applications for this farm. For example, on Android you can check how many trips you have left on your pass.

Application costs

It's no longer a secret that on Android you can find many free applications, and those that need to be bought can be pirated online. This trick won’t work with Apple - most of the apps in the store are paid, and you can’t just put pirated software on board an iPhone. You will need to hack the device (and thus lose the warranty) or buy a developer account. That is, one way or another you will have to pay for something.

Thus, Android has an unspoken advantage in this regard, because we all love freebies.

These are the pros and cons of Android and iOS. We hope that after reading the article, you understand the difference between an Android and an iPhone, and what to choose depends on what is more important to you personally. The iPhone has the advantages of security and openness, while the advantages of Android are its versatility. But one way or another, a suitable device can be found on both systems, and how to use it is entirely up to you. Thank you for reading!

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The epic holivar “Samsung vs Apple” affects the vast majority of young people to one degree or another.

However, paradoxically, not every one of the fierce debaters is able to clearly answer how Android differs from iOS, which, however, does not prevent anyone from defending their point of view with foam at the mouth.

Operating system iOS

Used exclusively in devices manufactured by .

At the same time, it does not suffer in any way from the lack of enthusiastic admirers - all other operating systems are not able to push it beyond second place, not to mention “murder”.

To the number most significant benefits relate:

  • IN highest degree a friendly, well-thought-out and simply beautiful interface that allows the user not to strain his or her wits once again.
  • Integration various gadgets, produced by Apple, with each other, providing excellent data synchronization.
  • Extensive selection to cover any user needs.
  • Closed source is not only a disadvantage, but also an advantage, depending on which way you look at it. IN in this case- gain in security and quality of updates.
Among the disadvantages we can name:
  • Most software Apple Store is paid, although there is plenty of freeware in the store.
  • The closed nature of the operating system eliminates the possibility of third-party developers making changes to it.
  • The principle of storing content makes it very difficult to share it between various devices directly.
  • Not everyone likes the company's strict policy regarding security and anonymity.

Android operating system

The number of manufacturers using it in their devices is not even in the tens, but in the hundreds. However, most of them are small companies, whose market share does not even reach hundredths of a percent.

However, the main competitor of the Apple phones, Samsung Galaxy uses it in all its diversity. What is good about the “green robot”, besides a funny logo?

  • Android is an open operating system that allows any competent developer to modify it to suit his own needs.
  • contains a huge amount compared to the Apple Store free content. Of course, there are more than enough paid applications, but even they are much cheaper compared to those for Apple gadgets.
  • The content storage system allows you to directly transfer files from one device to another without any problems.
The disadvantages are mirrored reflect strengths competitor:
  • Not too much user-friendly interface, which to a certain extent is compensated by the abundance of various shells, including those from the gadget manufacturers themselves.
  • Due to the openness of the system, its security is significantly lower.
  • Upgrade process on new version is quite complex and does not always end successfully, depending on how much it is provided by the manufacturers of a given model.

As you can easily see, the situation with the rivalry between the two operating systems almost exactly repeats the story with Windows and Linux.

Except that in this case the dominance of a closed system, but more friendly to low-skilled users, is not so pronounced.

However, this is to blame conceptual shortcomings Apple devices, as well as their frankly inflated price.

And, no matter how much the Cupertines strived for “world domination,” the threat of Steve Jobs, who promised to “kill” Android, remained unfulfilled: Google’s creation successfully outlived its hater, living to this day, which is what he wishes for all of us.

On the market mobile gadgets many operating systems. The main struggle for leadership is between Android and iOS. iOS OS is developed by Apple. Behind Android is an equally popular developer - Google. And if iOS is used only on devices of its developer, then Android works on almost all gadgets.

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. Each system has its own advantages and disadvantages. And in the matter of choosing a device, such a comparison is unlikely to be decisive. It’s simple, if you plan to use an iPhone, then it has iOS OS, and you can’t install another one. If you are planning to buy, for example, a Samsung Galaxy, then it runs Android.

Still, it is worth highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of both systems, and to a certain extent answer the question: which is better, Android or iOS?


The internal design of Android OS is based on material design. It is based on iconography and typography. To put it simply, this is a type of flat design. It doesn't tolerate bumps or highlights, but it does embrace shadows and gradients. iOS also uses flat design. When you see the interface of this system, you will immediately notice that there is no desktop. You don't need to go to a menu to use an application. All applications are located on screen pages. All icons are grouped into folders.

The competitive system has customizable desktops (any arrangement of icons) and their number. There is a pop-up menu quick access with Internet connection, Bluetooth, and flight mode functions.

Store and programs

Today, the number of applications in the App Store and Google Play equaled. The number of pieces in each is within 1,200,000. But the user, first of all, is concerned about the quality of the software. In this matter, iOS has the upper hand. After all, unlike Google Play, the App Store has practically no applications with bugs or inoperable ones. The requirements for the products of this store are high and require appropriate quality from the developers. The peculiarity of the store is that most applications are paid.

The competitor has the advantage that the store has a large number of free programs. The disadvantage is that AAA projects are first submitted to App stores Store and only later on Google Play. The App Store has a section with recommendations where you can find programs that are interesting to this particular user. In general, the store interface is convenient and intuitive.


Basic communication responsibilities are perfectly performed by both operating systems. Many users will notice that Apple gadgets communication possibilities are wider, remembering iMessage and FaceTime. The first built-in application allows you to send not only messages, but also your coordinates, videos, and images. The second built-in program allows you to make video calls over the Internet. Both applications are aimed at connecting with Apple owners devices.

Google also does not stand still in matters of communication. The OS received the Hangouts service, which is capable of performing the same functions as the two applications described above. The advantage of this service is that it can be installed on PC and Mac.

For data transfer from mobile devices responds to Wi-Fi, Bluetooth. At Apple Bluetooth systems Used for contact with accessories and only. A competitor also uses this communication method for data transfer. Also used NFC technology, which transmits information when one device is brought close to another. Links, files can be transferred and payments can be made. Apple has its own payment system, but it is not widely used in the CIS. And it is used only for payment purposes, which is not competition for NFC.


Devices per Android based There are many mobile devices on the market. This allows the buyer to choose a gadget according to his income level. And the operating system provides support for a large number of devices wide choose gadgets that differ in design. The difference between iOS is that it is only available on gadgets Apple. Their price category Not suitable for everyone. But this allows you to very carefully work out the details of the operating system and constantly improve its quality.

Use and Setup

With the Apple system, the settings are simple and clear. It's almost impossible to get confused. If there are any updates or alerts, a “beacon” appears, clicking on which will take you section by section to the source. Navigation is good, you don’t need to remember what and where.

How is Android different? Not everything is so clear and simple, but the settings options are wider. You can install any skins or themes for yourself. You can put third party keyboard or change the font. These features allow you to customize the gadget, taking into account all individual features and wishes.


Comparing two systems, one open and the other closed, it is obvious that the closed OS will be more secure. Accordingly, iOS is more protected from virus attacks, malware and theft of user data. For security, “Sandboxing” technology or sandbox is used. It limits the capabilities of applications, preventing them from doing things they shouldn't do. This prevents any harmful activity.

On Apple devices, not jailbroken, install third party application(not from the store) is not allowed. This helps reduce the level of malware attacks. The Android system is open, you can download not only the program from the store, but also a third-party application. This increases the risk of attacks because no one checks these programs. Due to the large number of devices, it is not possible to constantly update the system, so if there are any bugs, hackers can take advantage of them.


The choice of OS depends on the user's needs. If security and intuitive controls come first for you, then iOS will handle this with a bang. If a wide selection of applications, availability of programs from any source, and the ability to change the internal design to suit your individuality are important to you, then Google OS is suitable for you. Android offers a range of gadgets of different prices and designs, where everyone will find something.

Smartphones have become indispensable gadgets; people use them to communicate, access the Internet, play games, take photos and shoot videos. The market is overflowing with various devices and it can be quite difficult to make a choice in favor of one gadget or another. IN this moment in the market, the leading roles are given to smartphones based on the operating system Android systems And Apple smartphones. In this material we will get acquainted with technical characteristics these devices and tell you about all important aspects choice.

First and foremost, the choice between two devices should be based solely on for what purpose device required. It is necessary to understand the difference that Android is the platform that is used by the vast majority of modern devices (on the website kantarworldpanel.com you can see the Android market share by country). iPhone is a smartphone that runs the iOS operating system. It is illogical to compare a smartphone and a platform, so by Android we will mean absolutely all devices that use it.

Many users cannot give preference to one of the phones, because to say that better iPhone or Android is complex, each has both advantages and disadvantages. Next, we’ll take a closer look at the main points you need to pay attention to when choosing a smartphone.


The design of the phone has become one of the main criteria for choosing a particular device. Apple has long been conservative in terms of change appearance devices. But everything changed when phones with edge-to-edge screens became trendy - this was the impetus for a radical change iPhone design. iPhone X was a real breakthrough in design modern devices and most manufacturers imitate it. Just a few days ago Apple introduced new line 10 iPhone. The budget XR series stands out from other gadgets from this company; otherwise, the younger models are similar to each other and practically no different.

iPhone X

Samsung Galaxy S9

With devices running Android OS, everything is different; today there are a large number of similar smartphones with a unique design. Many companies create truly amazing phones by constantly experimenting in this area. The line of Android smartphones includes various devices for every taste and color with a design thought out to the smallest detail.

Build quality

Purchasing a phone with Android OS may not always turn out to be a success; there are cases when, after purchase, such a device may work unstable. There is no need to say that low-quality components are used during assembly; this is not the case in most cases. There are companies that produce very budget devices and it is with them that problems are observed. In the more expensive segment, Android confidently holds first positions in terms of build quality.

Budget versions of Android are most often released in plastic case, such devices may be damaged during transportation. internal components. There are gaps between the parts of the case where dust and liquid can get in without any problems. Sometimes you can find such low-quality Android devices that the body simply creaks when you hold it in your hands.

Budget Android model, you can notice large gaps between elements:

Apple is doing much better in this regard. Even releasing a budget version iPhone user will receive a 100% high-quality device that meets all standards. When assembling both expensive and budget models, the body is made of high strength aluminum, which allows you not only to give the phone a solid appearance, but also to protect it from falls. During assembly, reliable hardware elements and modules are also used, such as: battery, sensor, cables, etc. In practice, iPhones are more reliable than Android devices.

Assembly of the budget iPhone SE model:

Interface and software

To begin with, it should be noted that iOS is an operating system that runs exclusively on Apple devices, it has closed code. In its turn Android is a platform with open source on which the devices of many companies are based. Let's take a closer look at the main criteria to understand which is better Android or iOS.

Reliability and protection of the operating system

operating room iOS system It is closed source and has a high level of security. Software for iPhone is produced exclusively by the manufacturer, which is why it is achieved maximum compatibility. Thanks to this, there is a minimum of failures and various breakdowns.

Android is an open system source code, manufacturers of some devices upgrade the original version of the OS by adding their own applications, start screen, releasing updates, etc. In some cases similar systems may be unstable and cause failures. But at the moment, the optimization of the operating system is at the proper level.

Apple App Store and Google play

Apple's App Store is heavily moderated, so developers have to work hard to get into the app store. All programs have perfect compatibility and optimization. The company will not allow viruses and various applications containing malicious code. App Store do not support Flash technology, it is this that is the security “hole” for various malware to enter.

IN Play Market For Android, there is no serious quality control of downloaded applications. It is worth noting that now there are tens of thousands of useless non-working programs and some of them contain viruses.

games and applications

In this criterion, comparisons between two stores cannot be made. Both iOS and Android contain a large number of applications and games. However, there are problems with both platforms; they are related to fragmentation, i.e. Application extension mismatch.

Both types of devices have support for basic navigation (geolocation) capabilities. GPS works exceptionally after connecting to the network. Android is slightly superior to Apple in this regard; it has offline google maps Maps with which you can navigate without an Internet connection. The iPhone also has some semblance of maps, but they are not as advanced yet.


With each version of the Android operating system, the interface becomes much simpler. This simplification began with the release of OS version 5. A new technology was introduced called MaterialDesign. All main tabs are presented in the form of cards with smooth rounded edges. IN latest versions Android 7,8, 9 navigation was seriously redesigned, users were finally able to get a convenient and functional interface. New innovations have appeared: menu curtains, application badges, etc.

In turn, iOS is functional system With easy navigation, users can access most options with just one touch. Everything is done for maximum convenience, but there are some disadvantages: you cannot customize the theme, icons, notifications, etc. Everything here is very conservative, so for fans of personalization this may be significant drawback.

Battery capacity

Today's iPhone versions are equipped lithium-ion batteries, the last X has a capacity of only 2716 mAh. At active use The charge may drop by 30% over a short period of time - this is a clear oversight on Apple's part.

The latest flagship Android Samsung The manufacturer equipped the Galaxy S9 with a common battery capacity 3000 mAh. Despite the fact that the capacity is not so large, it confidently holds the battery for a day with minimal discharge, here the manufacturer took care of autonomy.

In this case, I would like to note that not all phones are equipped with such a capacity and it is difficult to judge who to give preference to.

Display size and quality

If we consider Android, then there is comparatively big choice devices differing in display size, number of colors, resolution and creation technologies. In turn, Apple, in connection with the recent announcement of three new devices, has significantly expanded the possibilities for choice. The iPhone XS Max appeared with the largest diagonal of 6.5 inches. It’s worth saying a little about the display; OLED technology was used to create it, the resolution was 1242x2688, and the pixel density was 458 ppi.

Let's consider new Samsung Galaxy S9, here the manufacturer equipped it with a 5.8-inch diagonal screen; it was created using Super technology AMOLED, screen resolution was 1440x2960, pixel density 570 ppi.

As you can see, in terms of diagonal size, the primacy goes to Apple devices; judging from the point of view of the technological aspect, the first position here will certainly be taken by the S9, based on Android 8. If we talk about budget Android and iPhone models, then the choice will definitely go away in favorApple. Producing budget smartphones, they equip them with the most advanced technologies, in turn, public sector Android devices will be worse, most often such devices can have a diagonal higher than 5 inches, but in terms of technology they are equipped with cheap IPS matrices with low pixel density.

Accessories and spare parts

Everything is clear here - the championship is leavingiPhone. Thanks to the lineup small various accessories it is issued in large quantities. If your headset is lost or damaged, charger, finding them on the screen is not a problem, in almost every city there is service center There are also specialized stores that work only on iPhone repairs.

In turn, Android devices also boast an abundance of different bumpers, covers, etc. The charging sockets in them have the same format, the headset jack is also standard 3.5 mm (with some exceptions). Moreover, non-original options are also suitable. The disadvantages are that it is difficult to find a suitable bumper and protective film for your device. This is due to the fact that Android phones are produced in large quantities and manufacturers of such accessories simply cannot keep up with the pace of release of new devices.

Memory cards, SIM cards and connectors

At the moment, younger iPhone models are equipped only one slot for a SIM card, which can be a significant drawback. Among Android gadgets, almost all are equipped with two SIM card slots, some have three. But on the one hand, not everyone needs several SIM cards. Thus, at this point, both gadgets look the same, but it is important to know that in the recent iPhone announcement XS has support for two SIM card slots.

In its turn charging connectors devices are very different. On iPhone it is Lightning, on Android standard micro USB(in the latest flagships type-C). On Android, the headset jack is 3.5 mm; on iPhone, the connection is made using Lightning. Also, the iPhone does not have the ability to install a memory card, this can only be explained by the fact that Apple installs quite large internal storage- 64 GB, 128 GB, 256 GB.

Micro USB connector in Android

Lightning connector on iPhone

Camera quality

The camera on the iPhone has amazing characteristics, including latest models the resolution was 12MP with a hexagonal lens, which allows take off portrait shots High Quality. Speaking of Android, only devices from Sony and the new Samsung Galaxy S9 can boast of similar characteristics (the characteristics are almost identical). Macro photography on the iPhone looks quite good. Portrait photos also look very impressive. The noise level when shooting at dawn, sunset, or in a dim room is acceptable low.


In turn, the speakers of both types of smartphones are at approximately the same level. The sound is excellent on almost all devices (except for the most budget models), in some Android models you can find speakers with technology supportDolbyDigital, which is a definite plus.

Manufacturer support and service

Specialized repair services for Apple equipment are found almost everywhere. The service is built at the maximum level to ensure comfort for the owners. Problems are resolved in a fairly short time.

In turn, owners of Android devices will have to find a service center specific manufacturer. For example, for owners famous brands Samsung, LG, Sony, Lenovo can find the service quickly, but for others it can be a problem.

Summing up

Summing up, we can conclude that the choice in favor of one device or another is a purely individual decision. Choose a phone solely for the purposes it will serve. In our comparison you can see how iPhone better than Android, the final results for each item look like this:

Thus, we have an almost equal number of advantages for each type of smartphone, so the choice is only up to the user; we helped to consider the characteristics of the devices in more detail. In our comparison, the iPhone took the lead and it is well deserved. If you ask the question - why is the iPhone better than other phones, then the answer is clear: the combination of high-quality build, safety, ease of maintenance and technological equipment fully justifies the choice in favor of this device. As for Android, the lag behind Apple is small; so far only flagships are on par in terms of technical equipment.

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