Let's take it apart into screws. A set of tools for SEO settings and optimization

Dear, something unique and fresh for me! I can recommend it to you. Is this the one with Flash? Of course not, that's not at all a new version platforms! Okay, tell me more about her. Please!

The third version of the designer - what's new?

The most important advantage of the new version of the designer is complete absence Flash. The same technology that half of the entire Internet has declared war on, including the “almighty” Google. Now, to create websites on this platform, more traditional “tools” are used - hypertext language, PHP and MySQL. This “holy trinity” is the guarantee that the resource being created will not be “in disgrace” and will be well received by all search engines:

Among other “goodies”, the creators of the Moto CMS 3.0 designer promise the easiest to understand ( ordinary users ) administrative panel, high download speed. As well as more than 2,500 templates with unique designs created by professional developers.

In addition, adaptive design is used, which guarantees high level « friendliness" towards mobile devices. This will also have a positive impact on the position of the created site in search results (especially on mobile).

But all this will no longer surprise the “jaded” user. Now give him something exclusive, unusual and with good functionality. Does it have all the listed qualities? this service? Let's look at the platform together " for screws and nuts”, and consider what the new version of the designer can offer to the “spoiled” public. But so as not to be noticed, we will sneak into the service through a partner site, which presents great amount templates for website builder Moto CMS 3.0.

Taking it apart into screws

The designer’s partner website offers a huge number of templates for different CMS and designers. But we are interested in Moto CMS. For this platform there is large collection“blanks”, and all of them are sorted not only by topic, but also by adaptability, popularity, the presence of a parallax effect and some other criteria:

The next step is to register a demo version of the template. To do this, you need to fill out the registration form and indicate your “Email”:

After this we confirm that we are the owner specified address Email. Another pop-up window is displayed to inform you about this:

By logging into your email Mailbox, we find this letter from the designer of Moto CMS 3.0. It contains a link that you should follow to finally verify your account:

Then we receive another letter, but with a link to Personal Area and with an automatically generated password. After logging into your account, you can change it to something more suitable for you.

Impressions: a clear and understandable procedure for registering in the service and verifying your email account.

Working with the administrative panel

And again a non-standard “move”. After logging in, you are prompted to enter your phone number for the support service, whose representatives will accompany the user at every step in “ Control panels»:

But we will abandon this easy path and try to understand the admin area of ​​the designer on our own.

Let's go to the section in the administrative panel of the Moto CMS 3.0 designer template top menu"Pages ". In the built-in visual editor, all changes are applied to three components: title, content ( main part of the page) and basement.

To change the styles of any of these parts, you need to select it with the mouse, and in the right pull-out menu all style properties will become available for editing. Through this menu you can set the page URL, its name, hierarchy, insert a small piece of code into the footer or header of the site. For the changes to take effect, you need to click the “Save” link, which is located in the top right corner.

You can also interactively see how the resource will be displayed on the screens of various devices:

Here they are asked page SEO parameters: title, description, main keys, etc.:

To edit the appearance of smaller parts of the design ( menus, widgets, sliders, image presets, text blocks) you need to go to the “Design” section:

On a website created in the Moto CMS 3.0 website builder, you can download various formats multimedia ( including video) in the “Media Library” section:

It is worth considering that you can upload images weighing no more than 2 MB. Although such a limit is quite enough.

When visiting any section of the administrative part, a pop-up window appears, equipped with a widget, which displays training slides and videos:

also in separate section you can organize a blog and publish “related” content in it. It seems that the chosen template is ideal for a commercial website:

Impressions: the visual editor has wide functionality. Pleased a large number of reference material and the ability to quickly contact support.

So what is Moto CMS 3.0?

In fact, this service cannot be called a website builder. It is more like a full-fledged commercial CMS with good functionality. Moreover, after the purchase paid template the user downloads the archive with it and then uploads it to his hosting:

Website builder or CMS. Let's do right choice

A person who has never encountered website development before, after Googling a little, will quickly understand that to create his own website he has 2 real ways: use a CMS or a website builder. What pitfalls are hidden behind these approaches? Which is better and simpler? How to choose the right platform? Let's give answers to all these questions one by one.

What is a CMS?

CMS (Content Management System) – content management system. That is shell, within which you can group site pages, fill them with content, make various settings, etc. This is a very popular class of tools among website developers.

For effective use CMS will require a number of skills from you:

  • — ability to set up hosting;
  • — working with databases (creation, connection, backups and, possibly, editing);
  • — working with code (usually HTML/CSS is sufficient, although PHP is also quite common in such systems);
  • — connecting and configuring third-party modules that expand the functionality of the selected CMS.

In addition, most often it is necessary to buy or manually adjust the built-in templates, of which there are usually 2-5 pieces in a set. We do not recommend using them in their original form, since all of them, without exception, are very hackneyed. Also for most CMS you can download templates for free, but here you need to be careful. The fact is that they usually post templates for free with a large number of links to them built into them. third party resources. Before installing such a design, you must carefully check the code for the presence of such links and remove every single one of them. This will also require some skill.

So, if you have never dealt with a CMS, you will have to watch quite a lot of training videos, read forums, Google, etc. Installing a CMS on hosting is a simple matter, but each of them has its own nuances. Optimal settings server, the engine itself, connecting modules, etc.

By the way, the majority popular CMS in their pure form, they are deprived of the ability to solve many typical tasks such as connecting commenting via social networks, creating tables or beautiful design galleries. You need to either edit the code or use third-party modules, of which many have been written for each such system. Selecting modules and plugins is a different story. There are paid ones, there are free ones. There are high-quality ones, and there are frankly weak functional ones and inconvenient ones. There are workers, and there are those who are capable of bringing down a site with their installation. You need to choose carefully. In addition, as a rule, the more modules you install, the slower the site will work. There's a lot to consider.

The average development scenario on a CMS is approximately the following:

  • — pay for hosting, produce it basic setup;
  • — buy a domain for a future website;
  • — download the CMS (paid or free depends on the chosen system), copy the engine files to the hosting;
  • — go from the hosting admin panel to phpMyAdmin, create a database required type;
  • - run on the server CMS installation, fill in the required fields, indicate the name of the database for the current site, passwords, etc.
  • — after launching the site, configure the engine parameters, install additional modules, a template and begin to build the site structure;
  • — make modifications to the code (edit the template, module code, or something else) to achieve the desired result;
  • — fill out the site.

CMS are quite powerful tools, but to fully work with them you will need a lot of skills, which not everyone has the time or desire to acquire. In the case of CMS, success comes with experience. You can ruin 2-3 sites on the same platform before you master it correct approaches. Therefore, it is important not to forget to do backups through the hosting administrative panel. CMS is the choice of those who want to delve into the very essence of website creation and will not spare time/effort to achieve results.

What is a website builder?

Sitebuilders are platforms for creating websites that work online. This means that you will not need to install anything, buy/set up hosting, work with databases and, in most cases, code too. This is a class of systems aimed at those people who need to get results without large time and material costs. The quality of the sites they create depends on the capabilities of the specific system chosen, as well as how effectively you use them. Most designers are designed in such a way that even a beginner can achieve good results with their help.

In addition to general convenience, an important advantage is that you get all the tools necessary for development right out of the box: modules or widgets, templates, automatic creation databases and control points recovery, hosting, and sometimes a domain as a gift for paid tariffs. That is, you just have to work on filling the site without the need for administration technical side question. This is where the bulk of the practicality and attractiveness of site builders lies.

A typical set of actions that will need to be completed in order to begin directly filling the site:

  • — register in the system;
  • — contribute General settings(site name, contacts, etc.);
  • — select a template.

As you can see, the list is short. 90% of technical issues pass by the user, being automatically implemented in background. An ideal development environment for beginners and those who value their time. It doesn’t matter to site visitors how much effort you spent on creating it. It is important for them to get what they came to its pages for. Even if you created a good website in an evening, this will not diminish its merits. Just don’t tell anyone about it: let them think that the studio worked for you for fabulous money. We know that price and value are two different things.

As is the case with CMS, designers have specialization. Some of them are suitable, for example, only for creating business cards. Others are shops. Still others - this, that, as well as landing pages and blogs. It is necessary to select a system based on the requirements of the task at hand.

Which is better: CMS or website builder?

The question does not have a clear answer that would be suitable for all categories of users. Many experienced people prefer CMS because they create virtually no restrictions on what they can do. But such freedom and complexity of manipulations give rise to a lot of problems for beginners. Not everyone dreams of becoming a coding guru and mastering the intricacies of websites down to the last grain of sand. Some people just need good result achieved with minimal effort and time. For them, site builders are definitely better suited. If you are one of them, then you should think about your choice optimal system for your task. What to use?

A website builder is usually chosen based on its specialization, cost, convenience, quality of templates and the number of goodies that are provided with paid plans. All high-quality platforms allow you to fully use their potential only with paid plans. Free plans often contain restrictions that the vast majority of users will not be able to tolerate. And that's okay. Agree, it is not profitable to develop an engine for several years, provide hosting and organize high-quality technical support for free. Everything good costs money because a lot of resources are also invested in its creation.

What will you get when using A5?

A5 – good alternative complex CMS. This is an easy-to-learn designer that allows you to create business cards, one-page websites and stores without any problems. The system is quite balanced: it has enough tools for high-quality implementation of each of the declared types of sites. If you have questions about functionality, you can always look or read detailed instructions.

A5 is equipped with the most convenient type of editor for beginners - visual. By simply dragging widgets onto pages, you can set their structure and content. Wide possibilities for customizing the appearance of the site will allow you to achieve the required degree of individuality in the design. You can customize the size, position, effects, fonts, color, widget layers and much more.

A large number of store settings will allow you to deploy large and bright trading platforms capable of selling. Options for cart, payment, taxes, delivery, discounts, regions, import/export of goods from CSV files. Convenient tools promotion will allow you to bring the store to the TOP of search engine results. A separate category of templates has been created for creating landing pages. In principle, no matter what kind of website you create, you can rely on demo content, which will serve as a good hint when filling out the pages.


The long-standing debate about which is better - a CMS or a designer - is resolved at the point where a person is determined by the goals being pursued. If you have the desire and time, you can master various CMS. This a good option for those who plan to immerse themselves deeply and for a long time in the world of website development.

Those who need to create a couple of websites to support their business at different times, without delving too much into the hidden intricacies of the process, will choose a website builder. It's easier and more profitable. And it’s often cheaper: you don’t need to pay separately for hosting and domain, as well as for templates with additional functional modules. You get all this out of the box without any fuss.

There are many worthy platforms among site builders. If your task is to create a beautiful business card, one-page page or store, we recommend trying our product. For little money you will get the whole range of features and benefits.

Advantages of Online Constructor

Why MotoCMS -
best website builder?

Take advantage of our services and make sure that MotoCMS is best designer sites. This list will show you that anyone can create their own website, regardless of skills and knowledge.

A simple website builder for beginners

Advanced online website builder MotoCMS is the easiest way to create your website without any knowledge of code. Whether you're a beginner or a professional developer, you can quickly create functional websites with just a drag and drop. Just drag and drop images, texts, blocks and make it all work in a few clicks.

Adaptive design

Try to create your own website that will work on various devices And popular browsers. Designed using latest technologies, the online website builder MotoCMS allows you to make every page of your website 100% responsive. This means it will look great on any device, be it desktop, tablet or mobile phone. This will also help you get best rating For mobile search!

Online store

Create an online store with high conversion! You can organize your business, sell goods and services using advanced features ecommerce, based on MotoCMS. At your disposal is a catalog of products with filtering and search options, secure payment systems, delivery and tax options, several payment options and security checks.

People don't like to wait. That's why one of the biggest advantages online designer MotoCMS is his high speed downloads. Thanks to the advanced architecture of the MotoCMS system, all websites load instantly. Your visitors will receive a better user experience, and you will increase sales, conversion and trust in the company.

Additional features and plugins

Our developers work constantly and regularly add new features and functionality. These include the new Google Map Pro widget, an advanced plugin contact form, Instagram Post widget, new Tile Gallery, Popup widget, Acuity Scheduling assignments, OpenTable, Airbnb integration and much more.

A set of tools for SEO settings and optimization

You can have the most beautiful website on the Internet and go unnoticed. To help him take a leading place, you need to take care of SEO optimization. The simple MotoCMS website builder has advanced SEO settings that will help make your website the center of attention. You will be provided with full functionality and detailed guide on finding the right URLs, meta tags, etc.

Technical support 24/7

MotoCMS's experienced customer support team is ready to assist you 24/7. There are no questions or problems that we cannot resolve. If you need help setting up your website or want to choose the right template for your online project to help.

Free 14-day trial

We are not trying to sell a pig in a poke and give everyone our potential clients opportunity to test the functionality of the website for two weeks. Therefore, if you have chosen a good template and want to evaluate it before purchasing - register for a free demo and try it out! Plus, you can try as many templates as you like before making your final decision.

Nowadays own online store can be created by any even slightly savvy Internet user. This can be done in a variety of ways, from the simplest designers, with which you can create an online store in 5 minutes, to engines for an online store (CMS), which will help you create a professional website with any necessary functionality. Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's try to figure out what is better and why. website.

Website builder

Website builder is a system from a set of tools that allows you to create online websites and administer them without any specialized knowledge.

Let's start with the advantages. Constructors are the simplest and in a fast way creation of online stores. They are most often used by beginners, since to create an online store in the designers you do not need to have absolutely no programming or layout knowledge, just drag and drop required blocks to the pages of your site. You will also be provided with a template, hosting, domain, control panel, and possibly even already connected payment and delivery aggregators. And you can do all this in half a day. But, despite such an abundance of advantages, creating a website using a website builder often does not make any sense due to a number of rather serious disadvantages.

Disadvantages of designers

    Many online stores created with the help of designers contain advertising (instead of paying for hosting and domain). It scares away users, and search engines don’t like it.

    Little functionality. If on a CMS you can easily change the logic, layout, that is, do whatever you want, then in the designers all this is blocked. It’s trite, you won’t even be able to insert a banner in the wrong place.

    A website created using a website builder is actually not entirely yours; you rent it from the website builder service and pay a monthly rent.

    One of the biggest limitations of website builders is the use of templates. There are usually only a few options that don't look all that different. Although some services allow you to add your own HTML if you can create some level of customization.

    If the business grows and the need for new specific functions arises, moving the site to its own hosting and another engine, if it already has a large number of pages and varied content, will not be easy.

In general, you shouldn’t use construction sites to create serious online stores that you plan to promote and make money from. Websites built on website builders are suitable for nothing more than training for beginners and testing various functions.

CMS (engines)

CMS is a content management system. In RuNet the term “engine” is more often used. This is the most convenient and functional way to create websites. There are no restrictions when using CMS. If you want to install any function, you just need to find, create, or order a plugin from the developers that implements it. Most online stores are created on a CMS.

CMS has many advantages that make the choice of these systems preferable, but we will focus on the main advantages:

    You can change the design and logic of your site, limited only by your imagination.

    Possibility to expand functionality by adding plugins.

    Constant quality control by the user community, quick elimination of vulnerabilities, release of updates.

    A convenient editor that allows you to work with text both in visual mode and in HTML.

    CMS systems are quite easy to use, and although it will be more difficult to understand them than in the designer, over time it will be no more difficult for you to use the CMS than some kind of Word.

Cons of CMS

    When working with a CMS, you are also limited in the choice of tools, but the boundaries are much wider than with the designer. Out of the box, the CMS only provides basic functions, functionality is expanded by installing various plugins.

    To fully work with the CMS, knowledge of HTML/CSS/PHP is required.

    Quite a lot of time is spent getting to know the installation and operation features of the engine.

    The need to independently maintain the system in working order (timely updates, security).

    CMS is a program that is installed on hosting. That is, you will have to pay for both hosting and domain, you need to know how to connect and configure them. Of course you can register free domain and find free hosting, but this is frivolous and unreliable.

Conclusion: Website builder or CMS

In fact, all the disadvantages of CMS systems are only that launching an online store with their help will be more difficult and will take longer, but at the same time you will receive a professional sales tool that is completely yours, free for any modifications and changes. Therefore, to create serious online stores, I recommend using a CMS.

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