Popunder traffic. Areas of application of advertising formats

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Popander is actively used by webmasters to monetize their resources and by advertisers to sell goods and provide services. Its action is similar to the work contextual advertising. Specialized services are used for implementation. There is no fixed cost of placement - the price of a click is determined according to the auction principle. It differs from other advertising tools in the aggressiveness of advertising.

PopUnder: what is it and how does it work

Popunder is implemented on the site. And when opening the resource, the user sees advertisement. It usually overlaps the site. This is how the advertiser forces the user to click on the object.

Depending on the settings, there may be two scenarios further development events:

  1. When you click on the cross, it will open new inset with an advertiser's announcement.
  2. You can easily remove the banner presented by PopUnder and be able to fully interact with the site. In parallel in background The commercial page will load. It will appear in plain sight when you want to leave the resource and try to close the window. If you switched to the promoted site earlier, new dialogs are not displayed.

The first method is used extremely rarely today. Since April 2009, the Yandex search engine began to recognize such blocks. She considers them to be deceiving users. Projects that implement these methods are ranked lower. If the level of other factors is low, they may be banned.

The technology is implemented using Java Script codes and specialized partner services. Efficiency largely depends on the choice of topics and display settings. Advanced specialists can make considerable profits, while amateurs can receive sanctions from search engines.

How to use PopUnder advertising correctly

There are several factors that significantly affect the effectiveness of Popander ad units:

  • attractive bright banner design;
  • using catchy headlines;
  • relevance in relation to the subject of the main resource.

The default pop-up with an intrusive ad is annoying for users. To get him to stay on the page, you need to grab his attention and offer a solution to the problem.

Here's an example:

If a person goes to a website with the request “which car to choose” or “what to look for when choosing a car,” it is logical to offer advertising banner car dealership, which now offers discounts.

Such a move will not cause irritation and will help potential client pick up good model auto.


  • the advertiser will receive potential buyer;
  • the user will be loyal to the resource he came to;
  • The webmaster will receive an affiliate reward.

When users encounter non-target blocks, they most often close the tab immediately after leaving the search engines.

PopUnder traffic is best sent to pages with news, promotions, discounts and free offers(test drive, demo version of the program, etc.). The method is actively used by information businessmen for retargeting. They receive necessary contacts, distributing recordings of past seminars or materials for them.

Advantages and disadvantages of technology


  1. High percentage of clicks. It is approaching one. Technically it is designed so that, having visited the site, the user will not be able to go further without clicking on the banner. The exception is when he immediately leaves the site.
  2. Low cost of transition. Popunder is one of the cheapest traffic sources. The minimum betting threshold starts from 5 kopecks.
  3. Contact with a live audience. Cheats and auto-clicks are reduced to zero. The main source of visitors is people who came through organic links.


  1. First negative impression. An aggressive way of presenting information leaves its mark on the mood of the audience.
  2. The problem of accurately determining the target audience. PopUnder is a technology in which 90% of success depends on the correctly chosen topic for advertising.
  3. Website pessimization. Search engines are negatively disposed towards the introduction of such Java Script codes into file structure and their positions are reduced for this.

Every webmaster should understand that Popander is an advertising tool that can give good income or lead to the exclusion of the resource from the search results. Before you post affiliate materials, it is necessary to thoroughly study the issue, weigh all the pros and cons. You need to decide what is more expensive: monetization or visitor loyalty.

Description: POPADS is one of the world's leading clickunder and popunder advertising networks. They accept traffic from all over the world, but the average cost of transition varies. For example, webmasters with RU traffic can earn from $1.4 per 1000 impressions. For US traffic they promise to pay at least $4 per 1000.

For advertisers An auction system has been installed, the higher the transition cost is set, the more priority your ad will be displayed over others. Huge opportunities to set up an advertising campaign.

Webmasters with quality traffic will be able to earn more.

Registration: Register with Popads.net


3.64 Rating 3.64 (25 Votes)

Description: The PROPELLERADS affiliate program operates all over the world (including Russia). Offer great amount advertising formats, including clickunder, banners and video advertising. The prices are quite reasonable, they pay in dollars. Today, a huge number of sites cooperate with the affiliate program, for example, using the clickunder format, up to 30 million clicks per day are possible. And for banner advertising - up to 200 million impressions, with an average CTR of 2%.

Registration: Register with Propellerads.com


4.2352941176471 Rating 4.24 (17 Votes)

Description: English speaking affiliate program, which works with the pop-up advertising format (clickunder or bodyclick). They accept Russian traffic. The interface is simple, so it won’t be difficult to figure it out even without knowing English. They pay about 6-10 kopecks per click (on this moment- this is the average cost per click for most affiliate programs of this topic) . They promise advertising without viruses. All sites undergo manual moderation. The resulting code must be placed between the tags on your website.

Registration: Register with Popcash.net


3.8412698412698 Rating 3.84 (63 Votes)

Description: The affiliate program works with clickander and popunder formats. They pay up to 160-170 rubles for 1000 transitions. There are loyalty bonuses for webmasters who cooperate with the system for more than a month. Payments come to your wallet without problems or delays. Perhaps the best affiliate program for these advertising formats.

Rules of participation: They accept any sites located on any hosting. An ideal solution for website owners on free hosting. The only condition is honesty of cooperation, no mark-ups.

Payouts: Minimum amount payments - 40 rubles. Pay on Webmoney wallet on Tuesdays. Payments must be ordered by 23:59 Monday

Registration: Register with Popunder.net


4.2307692307692 Rating 4.23 (13 Votes)

Description: A foreign affiliate program founded in 2007 in Norway. They specialize mainly in monetizing “adult” traffic. They offer many opportunities to make money on the site: create widgets for the site (or in other words, teasers), install a mobile redirect code (all visitors to your site who came from mobile devices), install Wordpress plugin(with your id already built-in) with which you can manage all advertising capabilities from PLUGRUSH, place pop-under advertising on your website. They pay well, but for this you need to have foreign traffic (visitors from the USA are best paid), but Russian traffic is also accepted and paid for.

Registration: Register with Plugrush.com

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4.5789473684211 Rating 4.58 (38 Votes)

Description: MECASH is an affiliate program that works primarily with the teaser and banner advertising format, with the intext format, but also offers clickander. New format intext - for monetization content projects. It works like this: on the webmaster’s website they find a phrase specified by the advertiser, for example iPhone 7, and are directed to the advertiser’s iPhone page. Now there are more than 7,500 offers all over the world. The affiliate program opened at the end of July 2014, i.e. is already time-tested and has earned recognition from users. The interface is very simple and easy to use (easy to figure out).

Webmasters are paid from 70% of the funds spent by the advertiser.

Registration: Register with Mecash.ru


3.8 Rating 3.80 (10 Votes)

Description: Foreign clickander and pop-under affiliate program. They work with traffic all over the world, including Russian traffic. And, although CLICKADU has not existed for long (since October 2014), they have already successfully conquered a significant part of the market in their field. Almost all sites accept it. The only condition is that the site must not violate the law of its country. The cost per click remains at a decent level. Many advertisers, detailed statistics. Website in English.

There are a couple of advertising formats in the advertising arsenal, with which it is simply impossible for the user not to interact. This is a couple - Popander and Popup. Both formats are pop-up windows, similar in the method of their implementation and in the principle of informing the user. They are classified as aggressive advertising, which is essentially true. However, if you become familiar with these formats, you can convert targeted traffic with minimal costs.

So, let's start with the Popup format. I think you've experienced it yourself of this format. For example, if you want to watch your favorite movie, you open the site and suddenly you get a pop-up window that covers the entire site. The advertiser's website is displayed in that window.

Perhaps this is a game, perhaps a collection of perfumes at bargain prices. Remember, you wanted these a couple of days ago? If not, then they will still suit you, because this offer is designed for a wide audience. You will have to close this window, but sometimes the close button is linked to a link to the site and you will watch the movie only after it is closed.

The popunder format is not as aggressive. It is possible that, having visited the site, after some time you could see a block, most often in the center, which chased you throughout the site, attracting attention and forcing you to close it. Closing the window will cause a tab with the advertiser’s website to open in the background and then you will most likely get acquainted with it.

For example, you will see a window where you will be asked to update your browser or download new game. If the advertiser has set up the audience correctly, you will be interested in this offer and will read it.

Advantages and disadvantages of formats

Let's start with the advantages. Using these formats you can get a lot of traffic. A certain rule applies here: the number of views is equal to the number of impressions. Wide audience coverage, brand recognition, scope for analytics - you get all these advantages due to large quantity traffic.

Another advantage is the low cost per click. Thanks to this, you can start tests even with a small budget and still get decent volumes of data, and then the first conversions.

Disadvantages include possible negative perception of formats. However, this is a controversial point - correctly presented promotional offer on the contrary, it will arouse interest and a desire to learn more about the product or service.

Unfortunately, at the testing stage it is quite difficult to control target audience, so you often have to work with “cold traffic”. You can also get bots. However, this problem can be solved using blacklists.

There is also a disadvantage for webmasters. Popunder and pop-up don't like advertising search engines. They can apply sanctions to the site and lower its ranking. However, at the moment there are advanced codes that significantly reduce the risk of receiving sanctions.

Areas of application of advertising formats

Let's start with the Popup format. If you need instant contact with a visitor, and your offer is designed for the maximum target audience, popup traffic will become good decision. In other cases, a user who came to the site from specific purpose and who receives a window with a non-target offer will simply close the page without even bothering to view its contents.

For example, a user wants to buy sneakers, types in search bar the corresponding request goes to the site where a popup is waiting for it, containing information about the discount on the previous collection. This offer he will be interested and will go to the site. Imagine that you show the same user a weight loss product, for example. He will simply close the window and never return to the site.

So, the first rule of a pop-up is to choose the maximum target audience or offer that will most likely interest a potential buyer. For example, related areas: sneakers - a showcase of sports equipment or fashion trends in a given season. The second rule of pop-up is don’t forget about retargeting. This is a great way to increase conversion significantly.

The popunder advertising format is shown to the user at the moment when he is about to leave. He found the product he needed, and suddenly you appear. What should the advertising offer be? New products, promotions, entertainment offers, such as gambling topics, or software - this is an incomplete list of topics that perform well in Popunder advertising. The effect can be significantly enhanced if you link the advertising offer to the theme of the site.


So, we have two formats that can bring you large volumes of traffic, get an excellent base for analytics, and at the same time not drain your entire available budget. These have some disadvantages, but the advantages greatly outweigh them.

Disadvantages include possible negative reactions from users, the possibility of receiving bots and “cold traffic”, which is often difficult to convert.

The advantages include price and large volumes of traffic. Thanks to this, you can start tests even with a small budget and still get decent amounts of data, and even the first conversions.

Popunder advertising converts well from entertainment offers, software, new products or consumer goods. Popup is an excellent solution for working with a target segmented audience. You just need to find the most suitable offer or use related areas.

Both formats are great for collecting a database for retargeting. Retargeting increases the effectiveness of advertising significantly. Don't forget this.

Now you have two reliable tools and you know how to use them. All that remains is to launch advertising campaigns and make a profit.

Hi all! This is our first article in a series of materials on the topic of working with PopUnder / ClickUnder traffic and making money on it. Start over.

PopUnder- a type of advertising that shows advertising page after hovering/clicking on the close icon of the pop-up window. These windows (pop-ups) appear on open pages using written javascripts...

ClickUnder- these are simply clicks anywhere on a web page, which opens the advertiser’s page. We can say that clickander is a more “arrogant” type of traffic, but essentially the mechanics of their work are the same.

It should be noted that in terms of volume, ClickUnder and PopUnder are one of the largest sources of traffic. Another question is what kind of traffic this is. In fact, for an advertiser, this is, to put it mildly, a “garbage dump”, a kind of “trash”: residual traffic, redirects, bots, garbage “stories” on some “news” about the death of Gazmanov... That is, this is traffic the lowest quality. In fact, there is probably no traffic of lower quality than pop music in the world...

Let's move on to what can you pour from the pop?

The first thing to take into account is quality. If your offer has KPIs and there are restrictions on the quality of traffic, then if you pour such traffic into the first test cap, you will simply be blocked. That is, your pid will be disconnected from the offer.

What niches are suitable for PopUnder?

You can easily pour pop into various installations, games, applications, pinsubmits, vouchers, as well as dating (both mainstream and adult) and offers with simple registration.

These niches can be poured just like that, because... Often there are no restrictions on the quality of traffic.

In almost the same way as the above niches, you can pour binaries, gambling, etc. The only thing is that in the case of them, it is worth using high-quality “spacers”, pre-landers, because... We'll have to filter out our pop music. This can be done using 2 spacers: first we throw the traffic onto one spacer, then we transfer it to the second, then to the landing. This way we can get more targeted traffic that will suit the advertiser. In the following materials we will definitely give several examples of such “schemes”.

What are the nuances when working with PopUnder traffic?

Right away - this is a good server. There will be a lot of traffic and it needs to be filtered, sifted and redirected. For this you need good hosting, or better yet VDS (dedicated private server).

If you do this on a simple hosting for $3 a month, your page will simply throw errors and some of the traffic will be lost.

If the landing page is not optimized, especially for the CIS market (don’t forget: 50% of users have a “so-so” Internet) - you will also lose some traffic. This rule is relevant not only for “pop”, but also for any source of traffic. But especially for pop music.

Upload speed can be checked on the service pingdom.com

Go ahead. To track traffic and conversions by a variety of indicators (gender, age, geo, time, interests) - use trackers. You can choose among the popular adsBridge, Volume, pixelk. We did not use CPAtracker when working with popunder traffic.

Optimizing work with pop advertising is similar to optimization in teaser networks. That is, we collect blacklists, weed out bad sites, a lot self made by weeding them out. Often, it is enough to abandon the site after the first 35-50 clicks. They clicked 40-50, maybe even 35 - they didn’t get conversions, the site was turned off. Above we mentioned the quality of pop traffic.

The better you select sites, the higher quality the traffic will be.

In addition, do not forget that in any traffic source there is optimization through ROI. If the payout per lead = 100 rubles, then before cutting off the site, drain 2x100 = 200 rubles from it. This strategy is called "for richer people", but from the point of view of correctness it is effective.

Regarding the bidding system, it is, like in other traffic sources, an auction system. That is, the one who pays more gets a break. If there is no turn-off, then you will need to increase the bid gradually until the turn-off increases. There are no algorithms or matrices here; everything will need to be tested manually.

As for tests, in the case of PopUnder traffic, in principle, you will have to test a lot: source-offer-creative-land/pre-lander.

The test matrix will look like this:

  1. testing 5-20 different (!) creatives on 5 different landing pages.
  2. if some landing page works better, we increase its opening rate and add 5 more creatives for testing
  3. don’t forget to constantly filter out bad sites
  4. for each site we pour 2 lead costs
  5. We constantly optimize and test different approaches. one exit-script, title color, border color on the creative can increase ROI by 2 times.

The last thing we would like to point out in this article is that pop music usually does not provide sky-high ROI. The normal return on investment is 150-200%. So, if you find a positive connection, don’t hesitate to ask the support to increase the deductions by at least a few kopecks.

When you need to get a lot of cheap traffic, test a new offer inexpensively, or just need an easy-to-learn format, clickander will come to the rescue. So what is it?

By minimizing the window, he will see the advertiser’s website and, if the offer catches his eye, he will perform the action you require. By the way, the clickander loads perfectly even with slow connection on the user side. However, if the affiliate program allows storing cookies, it can be converted even in a month, and you will receive your reward.

Let's give an example. You decide to go to the website of an online cinema and watch something interesting there. After watching your favorite movie and minimizing the tab, you will see the Monkey with slot machines and a message: a $200 bonus awaits you for your first deposit, hurry up! Why not? Then, somehow. If within a month you open a deposit in the Vulcan system, the advertiser will receive his earnings.

Advantages of the format

  1. Clickunder traffic is generally inexpensive. This is due to the fact that this source not as competitive as Yandex Direct or the newfangled Facebook Target. Its cost starts from three kopecks. It’s actually great - with a small bet you will receive traffic with which you can conduct basic analytics and understand in which direction to move. When testing a new offer, clickander is perhaps the most optimal option.
  2. The advertiser's website opens in a new window. This format does not prevent the user from calmly browsing the site he needs, so the audience is quite loyal to this method.
  3. Quick launch and flexible configuration. To create advertising campaign you will need at most a minute. You don’t need to develop creatives, you don’t need to think about the specifics of moderating teasers (it’s enough not to violate the system’s requirements regarding the clicker). You just need to provide a link, set targeting settings for your target audience and connect macros for traffic quality analytics.
  4. Wide audience coverage. There is really a lot of this traffic in the system. There is an audience for any request.
  5. Using clickander you can monetize almost any visitor to your resource. He just went in and clicked, the advertiser’s website opened in the background, you got your money.

Disadvantages of Clickunder

So, you have the tool and the knowledge in front of you. I hope, thanks to them, you will be able to successfully launch an advertising campaign and receive leads in large quantities.

Case on proper use

We took over a new news site where there was no search engine optimization and whose existence was known to 10 people (the site’s creators themselves), i.e. it had no traffic sources. Traffic was purchased for the site from ClickUnder on non-adult topics, geo: CIS (then the geo was changed to Russia). Later turned off mobile traffic, because the site was not initially optimized for the mobile platform.

ClickUnder was included on September 12th at a minimum rate and with a limit on the number of redemptions. Already on September 13th, 73 users returned via direct calls. On the 23rd, an update to the site's engine caused it to crash and increase loading time home page, as a result, the number of transitions to the site decreased.

October 1 was changed landing page for transitions from ClickUnder, one of the news pages was opened instead of the main page - this reduced the loading time of the site, as a result the number of transitions increased. Unfortunately, the depth of views dropped significantly; as a result, on October 3, the landing page was again changed to the main page.

In total, 95 rubles were spent during the experiment, for which we received:

More than 100 regular readers, 290 loyal visitors. Bonus: 215 mentions on social networks on visitors’ pages (share button).

2024 gtavrl.ru.