Useful tools for webmasters and bloggers! What exactly do I use?! What is an article exchange. What mistakes do novice bloggers and webmasters make?

Today there are several thousand such opportunities and their number is steadily increasing.

Here are several interesting resources that will help you create a website and promote it successfully.

These include actions to work with pictures, texts, and site indicators in search engines.

Also, several educational and reference resources.

Working with pictures

Debugging and site control

Online service for generating beautiful backgrounds with a beautiful interface and many different settings. is very useful service, it allows you to see what the site looks like in a variety of browsers.

Collection of statistical data about the site – site of tools for webmasters. Here you can check positions in Yandex and Google searches and many other parameters.

Tools Pingdom – check site loading speed. In addition to checking the download quality, the service will also tell you which files load the system the most. Similar service is a simple is a well-known service that shows website traffic statistics. – allows you to determine which “engine” (CMS) the site runs on.

Greetings to all readers of the site! When visiting some blogs, I often catch myself thinking that not everything is in order with them. The articles seem to be interesting, and their author writes them knowledgeably. The site itself is neat and quite pleasant to be on it, everything is done with soul and for people. Everything seems to be fine, but the traffic is scanty - apparently the blog is still young. But taking a closer look, I notice that he is already more than 6 months old or even a year old. At the same time, a bunch of GS with unoriginal content, hung from head to toe with disgusting teasers, receive tons of search traffic. Why is this happening? The thing is that many novice bloggers make the same mistakes that do not allow them to take the places in search results that they deserve.

In this article I will show the main mistakes of webmasters who do not know where to start promoting their site and how to quickly bring it to high and stable traffic. If you are one of them, then listen here: you have two ways - right and wrong, there is no third way. And how far you can go will depend on which road you choose.

The right path is endless, because there is no limit to perfection. Well, the wrong one is most often short - from several months to a year. To blog without results for longer, you have to be either too stubborn, or, to put it mildly, not very smart. Although, of course, everything depends on the tasks set - for some, 100 visitors are a joy, and 100 rubles are money.

How and why are new websites and blogs created?

Here, again, there are two options:

  • An experienced webmaster who knows what he wants and how to achieve it simply creates another web project - rest assured, he does not need advice.
  • A beginner creates his first blog - this is exactly our case.

How does everything usually happen? Sooner or later, any Internet user, regardless of age, gets tired of wandering aimlessly on the Internet and wiping his pants on social networks. And a brilliant idea creeps into his head - you can make money on the Internet. But how? There are already many options, but there are still two ways - without your own website and with it. Moreover, even when your own web resource is not needed in principle (for example, making money on affiliate programs or copywriting), its presence will be a definite plus.

Those who went downhill towards easy money from clicks, paid surveys, questionnaires and other crap, they will still join us later, having lost a lot of time and, most likely, money. But let's say you're very lucky! You immediately ended up on the blog of some money maker or on a free webinar of the StartUp school or its clone, thanks to which it became clear that having your own website is not only cool, but also profitable. Of course, an income of $500-1000 is available to everyone. Understanding the need to create your own web project is already half the battle.

What mistakes do novice bloggers and webmasters make?

I will not now list all the mistakes that new bloggers make. I won’t talk about the importance of choosing a topic, I’ve already written about this before. Let’s say you have chosen the right niche in demand, you are an expert in it and have valuable information that will be of interest to visitors. Even the website has been created somehow and is ready for content. What's next?

Read the second paragraph, where it says that there are two ways. And so, in most cases, novice webmasters make a mistake and choose the wrong path, following the advice:

Develop your website, write unique and useful articles for people and, attention, at least for a few months, forget about promotion, promotion, links and all sorts of SEO stuff.

Or the exact opposite:

It is impossible to promote a website for free. To get to the TOP search results, need to buy backlinks and the more the better. If you don’t invest money, forget about traffic and income.

These tips can be given by both established bloggers and newcomers who listen to them and blindly copy them. They have just created their blogs using courses and articles from “authorities”, have zero traffic and income, but are already teaching how to promote sites and make money on them. And many listen to them because they themselves are still inexperienced. Maybe I have something similar, if you find it, poke your nose at it.

Remember! Firstly, if you just write articles, even super interesting and useful ones, but don’t do anything at all search engine optimization, then getting high and stable traffic will not be realistic. Secondly, you can achieve 500-1000 unique visitors without purchasing links, only using free methods.

Of course, you shouldn’t rush to extremes, this is also a mistake. It is necessary to “write unique and useful articles”, and “” too, but you need to understand how, when and for what. Otherwise, blindly following the first advice, the blogger will simply abandon his blog when, even after half a year, it still has the same 20-30 visitors who came from comments on other people’s sites or from announcements on social networks. If you thoughtlessly purchase links, you can easily fall under Google filters Penguin and AGS Yandex. And this is even worse than low traffic, which can always be improved if you reconsider your views on SEO in relation to your blog.

When to start promoting a new website?

We must keep in mind that when we talk about traffic, then keywords here “high, target and stable”. At the same time, only search traffic, which means that site optimization for search engines is necessary. Over time, perhaps its core will be visitors from Bookmarks and groups in in social networks. But this will only be a consequence of proper SEO optimization and comprehensive promotion.

So, when and where to start promoting a new website? This must be done even before its creation at the preparatory stage. Even before choosing a domain and installing the engine on the hosting, the webmaster must make a list search queries(semantic core) through which traffic wants to be received. If for personal blog the creation of a synthetic language is not particularly important, then for thematic content projects– this is the basis of the basics. Without a clear, well-thought-out site structure based on the collected semantic core, it will be difficult to promote it.

If the web resource has already been created, then start small. Just as the road begins with the first step, so does promotion of the entire site should begin with optimization of the first article, and even before it was written. The main thing is to soberly assess your capabilities, that is, competition in search results. If it’s difficult to do this manually, then an automatic one will help you.

If you are a complete beginner and are experiencing serious problems in choosing the right keywords, please contact me and I will try to help.

Learn to bring one page to the TOP; no one will stop you from doing the same with all queries from the semantic core. Thus, like a chicken, you will increase your traffic, and with it your income.

I am often asked, how many articles do you need to post in order to start promoting them? Firstly, I want to clarify that we are not promoting articles, but pages. Secondly, you need to start immediately after the publication of the first article.

Of course than more pages, so much the better - you can redistribute their weights using internal linking. But even with one you can successfully reach the TOP for the desired request, even in conditions of fairly high competition. I recently conducted just such an experiment while participating in an SEO competition on the ArmadaBoard () forum. Read about it in the next article.

These are the main mistakes I consider made by webmasters and novice bloggers. Everything else can be fixed, but lost time cannot be returned. If anyone has anything to add or object to, you are welcome to comment.

P.S. For those who have been blogging for a long time, but to no avail, I advise you to familiarize yourself with. Just right for beginners.

Oct 30

Useful tools for webmasters and bloggers! What exactly do I use?!

Hello dear blog visitors. Despite the fact that it is almost four in the morning for me now, I decided to write another post. Damn, we need to get back to work schedule!)) Starting Monday, everything will change!) In previous articles, I wrote about... In this article I want to talk about webmaster tools, and to be even more precise, about programs for webmasters and services that they use great amount webmasters and bloggers. More precisely, I will tell you what tools and services I use, and exactly why!

Some blogger friends are simply killing me, I sometimes visit them as a psychic, predicting when the next TIC or search results update will be. Isn't it time to start tracking both updates and positions of your resources yourself? In this article I will not tell you anything new, and certainly not discover America (so that it….)))). I will talk about what tools I actually use in blogging, and in general what services and programs I use to work with my blog and website. I hope you can find something useful for yourself.

Dima's webmaster tools!

1. Smartphone. Of course, you can’t go anywhere without him! There are times in life when there is no way you can appear on the Internet through a computer, and then a smartphone comes to the rescue in this situation. I quickly connect the Internet for 3.5 rubles per day and start surfing, because if you are a blogger or webmaster, then most likely you will not be able to live a day without the Internet. It is so? And obviously this is a different dependence on the computer, completely different from the players of tanks, Warcraft, and other crap. I won't offend those who like to play, I just Online Games the real enemy of a blogger, because this wasted time would be better spent on your blog or website.

2. Laptop. Accordingly, this is my laptop, which I simply cannot live without! I'm on this moment I have a terribly negative attitude towards systems engineers, since it just takes extra space, especially even if you don’t have your own room or apartment. Despite this, a week ago a friend of mine bought a computer for 40,000 rubles, where the system unit alone costs 29,999 rubles with a discount!) Horror!!!)) I have a laptop for 12,000 rubles, which runs most modern games at maximum! !!))) To be honest, I don’t care, because I’m a blogger, not a player!! Thanks to this laptop I’m even sitting on my bed now and writing this post for you! Internet, damn it!!!

3. Walkman player and Monster Beast headphones. Many will be shocked, but I write posts and articles on copywriting in headphones, with the music at full volume on the player!! I simply cannot live without music. It happens that I can just wake up at 3:00 am to go to the toilet and turn on the music in the player at full volume. On average, I listen to the player for 3 hours a day or more, that’s the kind of person I am!!) You can’t force me to write a post if the player is dead, and so on!

As for games, as a child I absolutely loved playing my Dendy and Sega consoles, then Sonya and Dreamcast. Now I look wryly at people who are thirty years old, but you can’t tear them away from the tanks. I also didn’t play enough when I was a child, but now I’d rather do business on the Internet, and I just can’t imagine why I need a computer if it doesn’t bring in money!!!

Services for webmasters that I use!

1. MegaIndex service. Very popular service for SEO optimizers. I use MegaIndex to analyze my blogs and websites, and it will be especially useful for tracking positions in search results.

2. Xtool service. Thanks to this service, I learn about changes in the level of trust of my website or blog, as well as about the position of the resource in search engines.

3. Yandex webmaster. Have I made a discovery for you?))) Yes, this is exactly the service I use!))

4. Google WebMaster. Same required service for webmasters from Google. With help of this service You can perfectly track the indexing of a resource in Google. By the way, recently I began to fight such an infection as replytocom duplicates.

5. Widget for Yandex and Google updates. Using this widget, I find out what the update was and when. In principle, everything is clear, the issuance update is only at 3 - 00 at night approximately once every 5 - 7 days, but the TIC and PR update is a rather mysterious thing! Is not it?))

Programs for webmasters

Well, now let me tell you about the webmaster programs that I actually use. These programs are a must for me, since in addition to blogging I also work on websites.

1. Site Auditor. A cool computer program with which I can track the indexing of my site. There are cases when an update has already arrived, and as you know, the TIC or indexing data has not yet been updated in the webmaster (Yandex or Google), and then you can use this program! I recommend everyone to download it, it doesn’t even require installation.

2. WebMoney. Well, what can I say about this, everyone knows what I mean! And so, the webmoney program), personal certificate, bl was above a hundred, let's see what happens after unlocking wmid. I fell behind on a lot of debt while I was seriously ill. I'm not going to discuss this, so don't ask anything. As for replenishing your wallet, I linked qiwi wallet, to instantly replenish your wallet, but of course I make money on the Internet!

3. ETXT anti-plagiarism. Also a program that practically needs no introduction. I’ve been using this program for a long time, because I also do copywriting, sometimes I write 10–30 articles for sale, sometimes I work as a customer for a website about finance, and so on.

Basically, that's all I use at the moment. These webmaster tools are simply necessary for every blogger, as well as a person who simply works with websites. See you soon!

If you are new to making money online, then today’s post is just for you. It will also be of interest to those who read this blog purely out of interest, I’m also thinking about leaving my job in the future :) Webmaster is a person who develops websites professionally or as a hobby. Most often, his immediate area of ​​work includes the responsibilities of an author, designer, system administrator, (of course) a programmer, sometimes a moderator or employee technical support. It turns out that a webmaster is a specialist with very, very wide profile . And indeed it is! This is partly the complexity of this profession or work - you need to have a considerable amount of knowledge, although this is not required condition. In general, I propose to briefly go through each of the points from the perspective of, so to speak, personal experience.

The most banal thing you need to know for the webmaster profession is, of course, work with computer, here you need to be on first name terms with him. If you only occasionally use it at work for some small purposes, then I’m afraid you are not destined to become a webmaster. In principle, it’s easy when you not only know how to work with a computer, but also understand all the “hardware” intricacies so that you can replace something there or restore a broken system without any problems. Although, on the other hand, we live in such a time that one might rather be surprised by the lack of computer skills. It is also desirable to be able to work with various software, including specific ones.

The next logical stage in the development of a webmaster is Internet. Documents in Word and Excel tables This is all good, of course, but the webmaster’s entire power and scope is the Internet. You need to be able to not only surf different sites, read news or check email, but also be able to analyze, search and apply the information received. It requires ingenuity, desire and an attitude to do serious work. Google, blogs and webmaster forums, many different services for all sorts of work tasks or just making life easier. All this, of course, comes with experience, so learn if you don’t have certain knowledge. Here, the experience of studying at an institute can also be useful, when a certain problem arose and it was necessary to solve it at least by some method. If you had to take tests without visits and notes, then you understand me :) In general, the Internet is power, it has everything you might need or find useful. One could even say that " There is no life for a webmaster without the Internet»:)

Go ahead. Because the we're talking about about website creation, then here you will encounter every day HTMLAndCSS. I remember I bought myself a book on HTML when the opportunity arose to work for a company of my friends creating websites on TYPO3. Until that time, I had only indirectly encountered this markup language, so it was necessary to study the “new frontiers”. By the way, it’s strange, but it was very difficult for me to understand all the nuances of HTML, I had difficulty getting through each subsequent page, but after several weeks practical work I already understood everything and “knew the basics,” which turned out to be quite simple. I got acquainted with CSS without any books, I gradually delved into it and read information on the Internet, it was no longer so difficult. In general, we can conclude that it is best to learn through practice. Is knowledge essential? HTMLAndCSS to make money on the Internet? – no, but with their help you can easily and quickly correct any site. To make money, it is not entirely necessary to be a “classic webmaster”.

The next stage in the life and training of a webmaster is the direct website development. As I said above, I started everything with TYPO3, but it was just custom work, and for the first time I used Blogspot for my blogs. This is a free engine for creating and maintaining blogs from Google. Then, after 3 months, I finally realized that this is not the most optimal option for me and, if I want to develop, then I need to move to my own hosting, domain and install WordPress there. You can read a little about this in the post. This year, by the way, I created a special blog about Wordpress for everyone who works or is learning to work with the system - come in, there’s a lot of useful stuff there.

Generally speaking, more webmasters will come your way other admin panels for creating and managing websites, blogs, forums, both free and paid - you need to be prepared for this and learn everything quickly. Basically, some webmasters show successful work Without advanced abilities in the field of website development, they often order the creation of these from other people. On the one hand, this is, of course, a way out, but on the other hand, it’s an unnecessary waste of money - creating websites if you have experience is not such a difficult process, and besides, no one will do the job better than you yourself (if you have the necessary knowledge).

For a webmaster, a necessary (though not mandatory) skill is creation of texts (copywriting). Here, in principle, a lot is relative. Personally, I started my journey of working on the Internet with personal blog– I started others, I realized that I could do no worse and started. Over time, this began to bring in a small income and gradually I acquired the status of a blogger who monetizes her project :) In general, thoughts appeared about other sites and things started to happen. From the point of view of the average webmaster, this is probably not entirely common - many started simply with various methods making money on the Internet, where “blogging” was not required. However, texts were always needed - here it all came down to finding the “source of texts”, depending on the level of training of the webmaster, this could be: scans, synonymize, rewriting, copywriting to order, and in some places even content theft (for malicious scumbags :). Actually, just a couple of days ago I wrote an article where I partially talked about my “life path as a webmaster” in this direction. For specialized thematic projects, of course, it is necessary to order texts, since composing them yourself is a) very difficult, b) time-consuming, c) unprofitable. If you run several blogs on topics familiar to you, you can get by with your own knowledge.

Knowledge of English and other languages. This item is a must for a smart webmaster. If you look at the article from the very beginning, then almost all the points (Internet, html, website creation and admin panels) are in one way or another related to English-language information, which global network orders of magnitude more than in RuNet. Knowing English allows you to feel more comfortable, have more sources of information, and in general this is a huge plus. If we talk about website development, then, for example, I studied TYPO3 in 90% of cases only in English; there was scant information on the RuNet. In addition, translations from English can be additional source content for your personal blog.

Website design and photoshop. I don’t know about you, but personally, for each of my websites or blogs, I always draw something in Photoshop. It may be small graphic element in design, a simple logo, image processing, or even creating a graphic header for a web project. I don’t know why, but it has already happened that I remake 90% of website layouts to suit my personal needs and preferences - knowledge of both HTML + CSS and the ability to work with graphic editors(in particular, photoshop).

I’ll add the last point for the webmaster: SEO and website promotion. It just so happens that by simply creating a website on the Internet or even 10 projects, you will not make money. More precisely, theoretically, you can earn money from this if you do custom work. But if you are creating Internet projects for yourself with their subsequent monetization, then without promotion and seo no way here. The ability to find, analyze and usefully apply information from all kinds of blogs, forums and other literature comes to the aid of a novice webmaster in these matters. In principle, there is nothing complicated in SEO, you just need to have your head on your shoulders and money for promotion :)

Well, that's basically all. This is how it turned out well-rounded webmaster who knows how to use a computer and the Internet, has successfully learned the basics of HTML + CSS, learned how to develop websites, successfully applied knowledge of writing texts and previously learned English language, capable of correcting a few things in the design of projects using Photoshop and effectively promoting his sites on the Internet. Many other little things and nuances could have been added here., but then the post would be simply huge. So, for example, I did not mention various financial aspects (cards, banks, payment systems), communication with clients (search for orders, discussion, delivery of projects) and probably personal characteristics (type of self-organization, discipline, self-development, etc.) In short saying being a webmaster is not such an easy task. But nothing is impossible, if only you had a head on your shoulders :)

Although it must also be said that almost any of these areas can be compensated for by monetary costs, that is, ordering certain types of services from other webmasters. But it’s simply impossible not to know any of the above, so study, strive and achieve your goals.

Yandex strives to find an answer to the user's request by providing information and links to it on the Internet on the results page. We created and are developing search based on our understanding of what users need and what information is valuable.

Therefore, following the recommendations below will help in indexing and better ranking of your site, while using deceptive techniques may result in your site being demoted or excluded from search.

Basic principles

    Create websites with original content or services. Advertising is not the value for which users come to the site.

    Think about users, not search engines. Would you create a site, page or element of it if search engines did not exist? Do users come to your website or online store not only from search engines?

    Think carefully about the design - it should help visitors see the main information for which the site was created.

    Be honest. Attracting users for queries that your site cannot adequately answer does not mean retaining them. Think about what the user will get when they come to your site.

Examples to principles

If this section does not describe some technique that helps to artificially influence the ranking of a site in Yandex, this does not mean that we welcome it. Follow common sense and the principles described above.

We try not to index or rank highly:

  • Sites that mislead visitors: when downloading any file (audio, video, torrent file, etc.) third party program. Or a third-party program is placed under the guise of a popular application, etc. An example of such a violation is the so-called wrapper programs.
  • Sites that use visitors' devices to mine cryptocurrencies.
  • Sites that copy or rewrite information from other resources and do not create original content.

  • Sites that copy or rewrite information from other resources, with low-quality automatic translation of content into another language, that do not create original content.
  • Pages and sites whose sole purpose is to redirect the visitor to another resource, automatically (“redirect”) or voluntarily.

    Automatically generated (nonsense) text.

    Sites with catalogs (of articles, programs, businesses, etc.), if they are only content aggregators, do not create texts and descriptions on their own and do not provide any unique service.

    Pages with invisible or low-visibility text or links.

    Sites that give away different content visitors and search engine robots (“cloaking”)

    Sites that provide products or information through affiliate programs, but do not provide any value to the visitor.

    Sites that use deceptive techniques (for example, malicious code, CMS and server settings that are dangerous for site visitors, viruses in affiliate programs, malicious mobile redirects) that redirect visitors to third party resources or changing the search results window to pages of other resources when moving from search engines.

    Sites trying to influence search engine by simulating the actions of visitors.

    Sites whose main purpose is the aggressive demonstration of advertising materials (including popup, popunder, clickunder).