What conversion is considered good? Average conversion rates by industry

It is very common to hear that if you own a store and sell goods or services, you must have a website on which you will demonstrate your products. But creating a resource is the first step, and it will be followed by many other actions, including monitoring various statistics.

What is website conversion?

Website conversion is very important indicator, which can tell a lot, but what is it?

If we talk in simple language, then this is the ratio of the number of visitors who performed targeted actions, for example, clicked on the “Order” button, to the total number of people who came to the site. This indicator is expressed as a percentage, which can be seen in the example.

The resource received 500 unique visitors per day, 7 of whom made purchases, and this is one of the targeted actions. It turns out that 7 purchases need to be divided by 500 people and multiplied by 100%, resulting in a figure of 1.4%.

Conversion in Internet marketing can be expressed not only in the action of making a purchase, but also in registering on the site, in subscribing to mailings, downloading a program, etc.


From previous paragraph It becomes clear that conversion looks different for sellers, advertisers and content providers, which is why the indicator may be different. But before you understand how to calculate website conversion and how to increase it, you should understand what types there are.

  1. Macro conversion or main goal. For example, for an online store this is a sale. Although, for a buyer to make a purchase, he must, firstly, get to the site, and secondly, find required product, thirdly, express your intention to buy it, fourthly, discuss all the terms of purchase and ultimately take an important action. That is, before achieving the main goal, the buyer takes several more steps. You need to constantly work on this indicator and increase it; even if it changes by just 1%, it can significantly change and increase sales.
  2. Microconversion is an important action that was described just above, i.e. something that does not bring direct profit, but leads to buyers. If at least one action is completed, then this will already be a good indicator.

How to calculate conversion correctly?

There is no clear understanding of what website conversion should be, since it depends on many factors and specific features. This can be clearly seen in the example:

It turns out that the first site promotes itself better, but if we look in more detail, the first site performs 50 actions, and the second - 80. As a result, it turns out that the second option is preferable. What are the website conversion statistics, is there a single formula and indicator? No, because it is calculated individually for each company and store.

Influencing factors

You should always take into account factors that can affect the indicator, and they can be external and internal.

TO external factors should include those that can have an impact on the visitor before he gets to the site. For example, advertising a store, it can either attract a future buyer or repel it. The position you take is also important. search results. If the resource is on the first pages, then a person will come to look, but if it is on the tenth page, then the probability of visiting is very low.

Internet marketing also identifies internal factors that can influence a visitor and either force him to stay on the site or repel him. It is important to consider the design, how attractive it is, the content, whether there is everything the client needs and how interesting it will be for him. You can also add factors such as usability and technical side, which can slow down the operation of the resource.

Reasons for low conversion

Increasing website conversion begins with studying it and understanding what reasons may affect the low rate. It would seem that these could be the factors listed above, but this is not entirely true.

For example, this may be due to untargeted traffic. This means that all users come to the site indiscriminately. You sell baby strollers that future parents are looking for, and pensioners and teenagers come to you. Perhaps there was an incorrect advertisement or description of the site.

The reasons for low conversion may be hidden in the information provided. For example, a person wanted to buy some product, already went to the site, but could not find the full characteristics, which he may not like.

Increasing website conversion

Knowing the goals that need to be achieved, having studied all the factors and indicators, you can think about how to increase conversion.

First, you should analyze the site, find its strengths and weaknesses. The resource must be understandable to the visitor and contain full information about the company and contacts. If this is an online store, then there should be information about the product Full description, so that there are no questions, but just want to buy. The price must be indicated and ultimately correspond to the one that was originally indicated.

What is website conversion and how else can you increase it by attracting new customers? For example, use psychological techniques that will spur a person to action. For example, if a discount is mentioned, then it should be significant, and it is better to indicate this as a percentage: the product has fallen in price not by 500 rubles, but by 20%.

Product photos are just as important as its description. The image must be High Quality, show the product from all angles, it should be possible to enlarge, which will increase the chance of purchase by 15%.

Secondly, do not forget about such a tool as points of contact with the client. Low conversion may be due to the absence of these points. For example, someone wants to call and ask about delivery, someone wants to write and receive an instant answer, and someone would prefer email. It is important to indicate social networks, a review section, and the ability to receive newsletters that will not be intrusive.


Before you begin to act and take any steps to answer the question of what website conversion is and how to increase it, you should conduct some analysis. Undoubtedly, those resources that appear in the first positions in high frequency request, this figure is high. And you can clearly understand why this happens.

For example, the request “Purchase household appliances” will bring up well-known sites with high conversion rates, such as online stores “Eldorado”, “M-Video” or “Yulmart”. If you go to the resources of the proposed stores, you will immediately be presented big choice for a specific technique, products are offered that can be purchased along with this technique, description and characteristics, as well as reviews and an “Add to cart” button. The rest of the purchase process does not take more than 10 minutes, and literally the next day you can expect your goods.

It turns out that the sites are doing everything to make it easy for customers to complete the main target action, and along the way they will also try to give points and give a small discount so that the client will be pleased to leave the store, to which he will definitely return.


What is website conversion? This is attracting people who must perform some action. It would seem that everything is simple. But on some sites everything comes every day more people, while others receive 1000 visitors, but only 5 of them reach the main goal.

The average conversion rate is considered to be 2-3%, but it all depends on the specifics of the business. If you sell exclusive goods, then one sale per month is already a high figure, and if you offer consumer goods, then the sales figure should not be a single one.

Be sure to think about who you are working for, who you are selling to, and put yourself in the shoes of the visitor. This will immediately make it clear that it’s difficult for you to make a purchase, that you can’t write a letter, that pages take too long to load, that you want to leave the site and have no desire to return again.

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Let's explain at simple example. Let's imagine that you opened a store, renting space for it in the center. And to understand how successful your business is, you decided to equip it with secret equipment.

First― this is a camera at the entrance and a sensor on the door that automatically count the number of visitors per day (let’s imagine that sellers do not come out at all or come out an insignificant number of times). The account is kept both for a certain period and in the total amount during the existence of the shop.

Second- this is a small counter at the checkout itself. As soon as the check is processed and payment is received, the number of purchases also increases by one.

After that at the end certain period you divide one number by another, thereby determining how interested people are in your products.

What is hidden behind the term “conversion”

To calculate the indicator, you need to know the total number of views and set the target action counter. You yourself determine what your target action is. This could be a purchase, adding an item to the cart, making a call, or providing personal information.

Why you need to know this indicator

Increasing online store conversionthe main task for a person involved in sales. This is a very important indicator that shows how profitable your site is. If the percentage is high, you can be proud of yourself. If it's too low, then it's time to change something.

Otherwise, you can be content with a dozen buyers, not even knowing that thousands visit the resource every day potential clients.

How to calculate the average conversion of an online store

To do this, you need to divide the number of people who made an order by the total number of visitors. Indicators can be taken both for the entire lifetime of the resource, and for a certain reporting period. Multiply the resulting number by one hundred percent. The formula looks like this:

Conversion = (Number of clients / number of visitors) * 100%

To obtain this data, use analytics services: Yandex.Metrica or Google Analytics. They are free and available for any platform without restrictions.

What is considered a good conversion rate for an online store?

Many people get upset when they get a result of a few percent. But in fact, such indicators are quite normal.

Typically results range from 0.5% (for furniture, musical instruments and sporting goods) to 14% (for food delivery services).

Ways to increase conversion

Design change

To bring your performance back to normal, sometimes it’s enough to redesign the page. Focus on modern trends. See how the most popular online stores are designed. Remember that the site must necessarily encourage a purchase, and not repel it.

Try to make the store colorful and bright. Animation and sliders are welcome. But don’t overdo it, users don’t like bad taste.

Add some interesting marketing offers. People love various promotions and discounts. Seeing large percentage on the price tag, they will even buy a product that they had not looked at before. Standard gifts for purchases or “1+1=3” work in the same way.

Organize a promotion and add information about it in the most visible place, for example, in the header of the resource.

Shipping Policy

Users love it when products are delivered right to their door. So if you don't deliver your items to clients, start doing so.

Availability is also important free shipping when purchasing for a certain amount.

Positive rating

Monitor the site's reputation. Many people actually rely on information on the Internet. If a resource constantly argues with someone or deceives customers, its conversion will decrease significantly.

Be nice to customers. Try to hush up all quarrels and conflicts, appease dissatisfied customers. If something unpleasant happened because of you, offer a nice gift or discount. Talk to him, apologize. Don’t try to simply block the client and disappear, because the truth will still be hidden.

But here it is worth distinguishing between injured people and simply arrogant individuals. It is better to get rid of the inadequate and insolent ones by any means.

Great photo

Significant increase in online store conversion achieved by adding good and high-quality photos With different sides. The more photos, the greater the likelihood of a purchase.

The client gets the opportunity to look at the product from all sides and decide whether he likes what he is buying. Images should be bright, interesting and informative.

Quality texts

A simple product name and photo are not enough. Hire copywriters. They must fill out product cards, write text on home page, in the “About Me” section and other pages.

IN good text must be:

  • Advantages of a product or company.
  • Its technical characteristics.

Try to always include the company name so that you speak on behalf of the individual and not a nameless group. At the end of the text, place a call to action.

The buyer will read the text and receive all the information he needs. Don't forget about bulleted lists and subheadings. They significantly increase the attractiveness of the text and make it structured. Such material is perceived better than plain text.

Good feedback

Add a block with product reviews to your resource. To increase the level of customer trust in you, give them a chance to speak out about all the shortcomings and advantages. Filter the content offered, but don't overdo it.

Traffic sources

Keep track of where new clients come to you from. If you constantly receive views from VKontakte advertising, then the conversion will not be too high. The link will be clicked out of interest.

It’s another matter if he purposefully typed the request “buy”. Therefore, do SEO and optimize the pages of your online store for search queries.

Availability of an online consultant

Be sure to add a chat with an online consultant. Some people don't like to make phone calls, especially if the issue is minor. It is much easier to ask your question yourself via the Internet.

Hire at least one or two people who are ready to tell the buyer about the product at any time of the day.

Site search

Be sure to add a search box and provide it with additional filters. The more of them there are, the more convenient your site will become. If you sell clothes, for example, add sorting by color, material, gender, and price. You can also make a section for promotional items.

Availability of guarantees and benefits

Place all positive information about your online store in the most visible place. It should contain benefits, guarantees and information about the site, as well as all new interesting promotions.

Also place the most important aspects in the header. First of all, these are the guarantees provided.

The price is visible

Do not hide the price under any circumstances. Forget about the various “download price list” or “check by phone”. Place it next to the title and write it in large font.

The buyer should see the cost immediately and understand whether he can afford the purchase.

Resource optimization

In order to achieve normal conversion of an online store, start optimizing the resource. A page that takes too long to load is a reason to leave the portal and never return to it. Nobody likes to wait, especially when there are thousands of different chain stores on the Internet.

Structuring information

All information on your website should be short, concise and structured. No one will read a several-page text that talks about a product from an artistic point of view. Try to highlight the most important points and place them at the beginning.

Cancel registration

And lastly, no registration. This has long been a relic of the past. Give people peace of mind to make a purchase without creating another account, the password for which they will forget in a few days. Remember that in the twenty-first century, time is already short. Are you unable to place your order quickly? So, others will give it.

Pip Laya, founder of ConversionXL, one of the world's leading conversion optimization experts

If I tell you, what will you do with this information? Honestly, think about it and see if you can answer this question.

Let's assume it's 2%, 5% or 10% - and then what? What will you start doing differently?

If everything is fine with you, will you sit down and relax? If it’s bad, will you work even harder?

You already have to work harder, no matter what.

Conversion rates vary greatly depending on the circumstances.

On average, the conversion rate of a site selling $10,000 diamond rings and a site selling $2 trinkets will be very different. Context is everything here.

Even if you compare the conversion rates of sites in the same area, it's still not the same as comparing apples to apples. Different sites have different sources of traffic (and the quality of traffic makes all the difference), different volumes of traffic, different brand perceptions, and different customer relationships.

Most e-commerce sites compete with Amazon in one way or another. Will knowing Amazon's conversion rate help you in any way?

Amazon Prime members have a 74% conversion rate. This is a sign of a strong relationship with clients. And for non-Prime members, the conversion rate is 13%.

Now that you know this, what would you do differently? Let me guess: nothing at all.

Here is the correct answer to your question

The only correct answer to the question “what conversion is considered good?” this is - good conversion one that is larger than the one you had last month.

You have your own race and your own metrics. The conversion of other sites shouldn't affect what you do as long as it's something you can control. You can control your own conversion. Work on improving it at all stages to attract buyers more cheaply and that's all.

And stop worrying about “good conversion”. Work on improving what you have. Every month.

100 people came to your site in 24 hours. 1 of them bought what you offer. This means your website conversion rate is 1%. At first glance, everything is simple and clear.

What if I told you that good conversion does not exist in nature? What if I show you that sometimes high conversion- this is bad? And that the conversion of your site is 80% dependent on one single thing that has nothing to do with the site at all?

Don't believe me? Then read carefully below.

Website conversion is the ratio of the total number of website visitors to the number of those who completed the target action.

A target action is what you want your website visitors to do. This could be placing an order, subscribing to a newsletter, or clicking on an advertising banner.

Let's say your target action is placing an order. During the day you received 3 orders from the site. Yandex Metrica (or another visitor counter) shows that you had 2,347 people on your site that day.

This means we need to divide 3 by 2347, and then multiply the result by 100. In this example, the conversion will be 0.12%.

Is it a lot or a little? Is this a good conversion or a bad one? But this is unknown. The fact is that the concept of “good conversion” does not exist at all.

How much does good website conversion cost?

Often webmasters and internet marketers like to measure their conversions - who has more. I supposedly have average conversion 7%. And I have 20%. And for me it never drops below 300%...

So what should a good website conversion actually look like? and at what point is it time for you to “sound the alarm” and completely redo the site?

Let's look at two example sites. The first site gives us a 7% conversion, but the second site only gives us a 1% conversion. Does this mean that the second site is 7 times worse? Look at the table below.

As you can see, the first site brings us 41,300 rubles. per day. While the second one is 87,000 rubles. income per day. This is some fun math. Conversion is 7 times lower, and income is 2 times higher.

If we continue our table, we get the following.

This is how it turns out that a 1% conversion is better than a 7% conversion. And never listen to or believe those who brag about their “conversions.” This is not an indicator at all.

If you want, I’ll now do the reverse trick, and it turns out that 87 rubles. income from 1 site visitor is worse than 41.3 rubles. income from 1 visitor? Then watch carefully.

An indicator that is more important than conversion

Income per site visitor is the first main figure that we need to track using. The second main figure is how much money it costs us to attract one visitor to the site. And from these two indicators we will calculate the most important performance indicator.

This indicator is called ROI(Return On Investment) - “Return on investment”.

ROI shows how much money we earn from our investments. If we invested 1 ruble in advertising and also earned 1 ruble, then the ROI is 100% (we recouped our investment 100%, but did not earn anything on top).

And if we invested 1 ruble and earned 2 rubles, then our ROI will be 200% (we invested a ruble, returned it back, and earned another ruble on top).

Let's look at our two sites again in a table for clarity.

Let's say we attract visitors to the site using . And for each click on our ad (for each site visitor) we pay 10 rubles. on the first site, and 77r. on the second site.

Accordingly, our ROI for the first site is 413%, and for the second site it is only 112%. Therefore, from the second site we have a very low profit per visitor (despite the higher income). For the first site, profit per visitor is 31.3 rubles. And the second site has only 10 rubles. profit from one visitor.

Of course, all this mathematics and analytics is good. But in the end, you still just need to strive for the maximum increase in conversion, right? But that’s not right.

People often come to me for consultations and start the conversation by saying that their website conversion rate is 60% or higher. Considering that the average website never converts above 1-5%, this is truly impressive.

But I tell them that this is bad. Yes, a website conversion rate of 60% is simply terrible. And every time in such a situation I turn out to be right.

Let me in last time I’ll do “abracadabra”, and our profit is 10 rubles. per visitor will be better than a profit of 31.3 rubles. from the visitor.

When high conversion is bad

There is only one reason in this world why your (or any other) site's conversion rate can be 20-30 times higher than others. And this reason is very, very hot and targeted traffic. Let me explain what this means.

Let's say we are engaged in tinting car windows. Moreover, our film is foreign and of high quality. The price is higher than Russian analogues, but it also lasts 3 times longer and looks better.

  • Motorists (generally everyone)
  • Motorists who already want to tint themselves
  • Motorists who want to tint with a foreign film

If we target our advertising to the first group of potential customers (“Motorists in general”), then we will get great amount visitors to the site. But the conversion will always be very low. Simply because these people didn’t think about any tint a minute before they first saw our advertisement.

Yes, they might be interested, go to our website and look at the price list. But real clients Of these, only the same 1-3% will become.

But if we show advertising only to the third group of potential clients (“they already want to buy tinting and foreign ones”), then the conversion of our website will show a “wonderful” 20-30%. But there will be very few such visitors.

This is very, very hot and targeted traffic. The trouble is that such traffic is always very, very small. And if someone tells me about their mind-blowing conversions, then I always have only one verdict - not enough traffic. And I always turn out to be right.

Let's look again at the plate with our two sites.

So, by attracting only very targeted traffic, and having a huge conversion (which gives us a high profit per visitor), we end up with a very low profit per month. Because target visitors always very little.

We need to be able to attract very wide masses of cold traffic, and sell to them “cold”. You can read more about warm/cold traffic in the article.

And since we’re talking about what affects conversion, let’s look at other factors.

5 quick ways to increase website conversion

We have already found out above that the quality of traffic has the greatest impact on conversion. That is, this is something that essentially has nothing to do with the site itself. If you want to increase your conversion numbers, clean up your traffic.

But there are others, more simple ways, which in any case will make your conversion higher.

#1 - One-page instead of a website

The first and easiest way to make the conversion rate higher is to remove from the site all elements that distract the visitor’s attention from the target action. That is, we need to remove the entire menu, all links to other sections of the site, and everything that is not related to your offer.

As a result, instead of a website we will get . This is a one-page site, the purpose of which is to “squeeze” out maximum quantity visitors target action. Almost always, the conversion rate of a landing page is higher than that of a regular multi-page website.

#2 - Special offer

Often, visitors to your website fully understand that they need the product or service that you offer them. And they will buy them. But not right now. They will put off making the final decision until later, and eventually they will forget about you and your site.

To prevent this from happening, make them an offer they can’t refuse. In everyday life this is called a “promotion”, and in the world of Internet marketing – an “offer”.

Here are some example offers you can use:

  • Especially profitable price(discount)
  • Gift/bonus when ordering right now;
  • 2 for the price of 1;
  • Special conditions (delivery, guarantees, etc.)

The main thing is that your visitor understands that if he does not order right now, then he loses this particularly advantageous offer.

#3 - Time limit

This technique always goes in conjunction with an offer. If you especially advantageous offer There is no time limit, which means this is just a regular offer, and not some special one.

To make your time limit offer most effective, set a timer that will count down the time until the end of the promotion.

In addition, be sure to explain why you suddenly became so “generous” and started giving discounts and gifts. Otherwise, the visitor may think that they don’t buy your product at the regular price because it is of poor quality, and therefore you are giving a discount.

Or your entire discount is one complete “fake”. And you first increased the price by 20%, and then made a discount by 15%. You never know what people might think.

Therefore, be sure to explain the reason for the action:

  • National holiday;
  • Company birthday;
  • Liquidation of old stocks;
  • "Black Friday";

Even a bad explanation is better than no explanation.

#4 – Call to Action

A classic technique that will allow you to immediately and greatly increase the conversion to the target action. Just ask your visitors to do what you want them to do.

  • Place your order right now;
  • Click the button below to place your order;
  • Call us on this number to find out more details right now;

People on the Internet have a very scattered attention span, and therefore they need to be given clear instructions about what they need to do and why. Yes, by the way, “why” is also very important. Research shows that people are much more likely to complete a target action (call, click, fill out a form) if you explain to them why they need to do it.

#5 - Correct home screen of the site

Another strong way to immediately increase website conversion is to post all important information on the first screen. That is, there should be an explanation of what you are selling, an offer, a time limit, and a call to action.

That is, we need to ensure that the visitor receives all necessary information immediately from the first screen, without scrolling down your site. Because most people won’t even get to the second screen.

For more information about this, see the article “Selling Landing Structure of 9 Blocks.”


This is how it turns out that conversion cannot be bad. And she can be both good and bad at the same time. The main thing is to concentrate not on intermediate indicators, but on the main ones.

And let's summarize everything that was said above so that it is better understood.

  • Website conversion is the ratio of the number of visitors to your website to the number of those who performed the target action;
  • Website conversion is an intermediate indicator. Sometimes a conversion of 1% can bring more money than a 7% conversion rate. It depends on the average check;
  • The most important metric for your website is ROI. It shows how much money you earned over and above your advertising investment;
  • As a rule, too high a website conversion indicates that only very hot and the target audience. And there are always very few such people, which means you lose a significant part of your profit due to the fact that you do not work with;
  • 5 quick ways increasing conversion is: 1. Make a landing page instead of a multi-page website; 2. Make an offer; 3. Set a time limit; 4. Provide a call to action; 5. Place all these elements on the first screen of the site.

I hope this instruction was useful to you. Save it to your favorites so as not to lose it, and share it with your friends. Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the most fast way from zero to the first million on the Internet (extract from personal experience in 10 years =)

See you later!

Yours Dmitry Novoselov

How to evaluate the effectiveness of a website? How to evaluate quality advertising company in the Internet? There are many similar questions you can ask. And all the answers revolve around the concept of “site conversion”.

Website conversion- this is the ratio of users who performed the target action to the total number of visitors. Most often, conversion is measured as a percentage, so the division result is multiplied by 100%.

Formula for calculating website conversion

Conversion = / * 100%

  • Sum_Deystvie - the sum of users who achieved their goal
  • Sum_All - the total sum of all site visitors

The target action can be almost anything. Most often this is:

  • Purchase of goods (in the case of an online store)
  • Submitting an application (for example, for a conference, for a loan)
  • Registration of the service
  • registration on the site
  • Order call back
  • Visit the address and contact page

Conversion can be attributed not only to the website, but also to offline businesses. For example, what percentage of people who come into a store buy something.

The higher the conversion, the higher the efficiency of your website. All good webmasters and online store owners strive to increase the conversion rate.

2. Why is it important to improve and study your conversion rate?

Having studied the actions of users, we will begin to understand what the problem is - why many do not reach the action we need. We can improve and refine the functionality and design of the site so that the maximum number of users turn into buyers. You should also strive to increase traffic volumes from those places that convert well. In my opinion, this is the most important task any site owner.

Knowing the conversion, it is easy to estimate your costs per visitor, which is the most important metric for business.


We attracted 100 people through advertising and spent 1000 rubles (1 visitor cost us 10 rubles). For example, one client who places an order will bring us 300 rubles net. If the site conversion is 5%, that is, 5 out of 100 people make an order, then we will earn net 5x250 = 1250 rubles. Taking into account our costs of 1000 rubles, our net income at the exit is 1250 - 1000 = 250 rubles. Those. It is very profitable for us to attract traffic. However, if the conversion drops to 4%, then we will only be recouping our costs, which means it is not profitable for us.

Such calculations are most often made during traffic arbitrage.


High conversion is not always a great result. For example:

Despite such different site traffic (100 vs 1000 vs 5000), the average income turned out to be almost the same. Even though the conversion of the third site with higher traffic seems to be the leader at first glance.

3. How to check website conversion

Checking and studying website conversion is not the most simple task. But there are already ready-made solutions that will help you avoid spending money on developing your own metrics. The most the best tools for tracking conversion there are two popular counters from two search engine leaders:

  • Yandex Metrica
  • Google Analytics

Yandex Metrica, in my opinion, has somewhat greater capabilities and is generally more intuitive. This can be explained by two reasons:

  • Yandex Metrica appeared much later than its Western competitor, which means it took into account all the shortcomings of Google
  • This is purely our development. Apparently that’s why we like it more, although I have nothing against Google Analytics

1. Yandex Metrica capabilities for determining website conversion

  • The number of pages viewed by visitors to your resource;
  • The number of views of a specific resource page;
  • An event that is a successful indicator for the owner;
  • The sequential steps that visitors take to complete an action;
  • Webizor (recording mouse actions and user movements around the site);

2. The capabilities of Google Analytics in determining website conversion

  • The visitor reaches the page you need;
  • The visitor spends a certain amount of time on the resource;
  • The visitor views the specified number of pages;
  • The user performs the action you require;

4. What kind of conversion is considered good?

The conversion rate will vary greatly across different topics. As an example, you can bring a banal order for a taxi or pizza. Many users don’t care which taxi to take or which pizza to order. On such sites, the conversion should be around 10-30%, i.e. on average, every fifth person visiting the site must take an action.

If we take an online store household appliances, then the conversion here will be significantly less. Products here are often not cheap, so buyers choose and think about their purchases more carefully before ordering. Here, the factors of the lowest price, trust and delivery conditions of the goods are of great importance. You can't please everyone (except at least for the price). Even despite the relatively low conversion rate of online stores of household appliances, the profit in this industry per client is much higher than in the same taxi or pizza.

5. Impact of traffic quality from different sources

Conversion is greatly influenced by the source of traffic. For example, a user came with the request “buy a refrigerator of such and such brand.” His request clearly contains a desire to make a purchase. Clients who come in response to sales requests should be better converted into buyers.

Information requests are another matter. For example, the query “what to look for when choosing refrigerators.” It is clear that the user is interested in buying a refrigerator, but this is a “cold client”. He came to your website for information, and then perhaps he will look at the catalog with the product. The conversion rate for such users will be very small, but nevertheless, these are also potential clients.

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