How to remove yourself from twitter forever. How to remove yourself from Twitter? Deleting a Twitter page using special services

Social media popular all over the world. They have become an integral part of life modern people. Some users simply register on social networks on a “just to have it” principle. But sometimes extra questionnaires cause some trouble. And it would be nice to get rid of them. How to remove yourself from Twitter? We will have to find the answer to this question further. Is it possible to get rid of the profile on this site altogether? Or will we just have to forget about it?


First, let's figure out what Twitter is. Maybe this social network is extremely useful?

In fact, Twitter is only important to those who:

  • promotes his business;
  • blogs;
  • likes to share opinions on this or that issue;
  • notifies people about events and news.

Twitter is a social network microblog. You can write in it short messages(no more than 140 characters), and also attach to them different files. Most often - photographs or music. How to remove yourself from Twitter? Is there a similar function in the social network?

About the chances of success

Every user can register on Twitter. This operation It's free and only takes a few minutes. Typically, registering on Twitter does not raise any questions.

But how to remove yourself from Twitter? From a phone or a computer, for example. Deleting a profile from a social network really exists. Each user can refuse to cooperate with the service at any time. Accordingly, it also seems possible to get rid of your profile. But not everyone understands how to do this.


How to remove yourself from Twitter? In total, there are 2 approaches to solving the problem - with the possibility of recovery (long wait) and final uninstallation. Let's start with the first layout. It allows you to return the application within 30 days from the date of registration of the application.

How to remove yourself from Twitter forever? To do this you need:

  1. Open
  2. Log in to your profile using your username and password.
  3. Click on "Account". The corresponding button is located on the right top menu pages.
  4. Go to "Settings and Security".
  5. Go to the "Account" block. Ideally, it opens by default.
  6. Click on “Deactivate my account” in the lower right corner.
  7. Click on the "Disable" button.

You can log out of your profile and wait about a month. After these steps, the Twitter profile will be deleted. The main thing is to wait the specified period.

Quick relief

How to delete Twitter from your computer? The algorithm of actions described above will help bring your idea to life. But as a rule, the user can change his mind. After all, restoration of a tweet under such circumstances does take place.

Accordingly, some may take advantage of complete profile deactivation. This task takes only 2 weeks. But you still have to wait. It is impossible to instantly get rid of your Twitter profile.

Instructions for deactivating the profile are as follows:

  1. Log in to your profile on
  2. Open Help Center.
  3. Go to "Popular Questions". This block is located on the right side of the window.
  4. Select "How to delete my account."
  5. Click on the second method.
  6. Confirm actions.

As you might guess, the first removal method offers temporary deactivation. We have already talked about it. In reality, getting rid of Twitter is easier than it seems.

No password

How to remove yourself from Twitter if a user has forgotten the password for his profile? Unfortunately, in this case you will have to either abandon the idea or restore access to the profile.

Let's focus on the second option. To recover your Twitter password, you will need:

  1. Go to in your browser.
  2. Click “Forgot your password?” in the authorization window.
  3. Fill out the recovery form.
  4. Follow the link to assign a new password. It will come in a message to the user's email.
  5. Provide new login information. They will need to be repeated 2 times.

After confirming the operation, you will be wondering how to remove yourself from Twitter. mobile version and not only. The previously proposed algorithms of action help to refuse the questionnaire in the social network under study. Even a child can follow the instructions!

Someone else's profile

How to remove yourself from Twitter? IN mobile application There are no mentioned functions. Therefore, we will have to look for a different approach.

What to do if a user wants to delete someone else's profile? Nothing. Only the owner of the profile can delete his profile. The maximum that other users have the right to is complaints about a person. It is possible that if the rules for using the social network are violated, the user will be blocked.


How to remove yourself from Twitter from your phone? This issue worries many users. After all, Twitter is quite often used on smartphones. For example, using a special mobile program.

As we have already said, the Twitter mobile application does not have built-in functions for deleting or deactivating a profile. Therefore, we have to look for a different approach to solving the problem. We will talk about it later.


First, let's find out how to remove yourself from Twitter from your tablet. Is it even possible to do this?

You can remove yourself from social networks from both your phone and tablet. Only the application for the second type of device also does not provide built-in deletion functions. Accordingly, bringing your idea to life may cause some trouble. No utilities will help solve the problem.

There is a solution!

How can I delete myself from Twitter? In mobile version application of the same name(for all platforms) there are no corresponding menu items. But all modern devices support Internet access. Phones and tablets have internet browsers. They are what we need!

If a user wants to delete/deactivate his Twitter profile using a mobile phone or tablet, he can use the previously proposed action algorithms. The main thing is to work with the service through a browser. This technique solves all the problems associated with the inability to deactivate a profile via mobile devices.


Now it’s clear how to remove yourself from Twitter in one case or another. Even a novice user can bring the idea to life. The main thing is to have a little patience and access to the questionnaire.

What to do if your profile has been hacked and your password cannot be recovered? Then you will have to leave Twitter without first deactivating your page. As we have already said, only those who have access to the questionnaire can bring the idea to life. The system considers such users as profile owners. Accordingly, they are offered all the social options. And deletion/deactivation as well.

If there is a need to change your nickname, password or Email, it is not at all necessary to delete your profile on Twitter. The social network has special settings for adjusting your profile.

Twitter is a popular social network in which users communicate through short messages. But many people quickly get bored with communication on social networks and lose interest in short texts. If you have not visited your Twitter page for a long time and do not want to communicate through this social network, delete it, because confidential information may become available to hackers.

Quickly delete a Twitter page

First, go to your profile. Click the "Login" tab on official page social networks and enter your username and password. Study the page interface carefully - you will not see a “delete” button anywhere. But this tab exists! Next, your actions are as follows:

  • go to the "Settings" section. The button for this section is located in the upper right corner;
  • you will be taken to your personal account settings page. This is where the information provided by the user during registration is located;
  • Scroll down the settings page. You will see the “Delete Account” tab;
  • click on the above button. First a warning will appear that Account will be deleted. Confirm deletion;
  • A window appears asking you to enter your username and password. This is necessary to confirm that it is you who want to delete the account, and not attackers. Enter your information and confirm that you want to delete your Twitter page. That's it, you are no longer a user of this social network!

After deleting an account, recordings from it may continue to be broadcast for some time. This is normal.

Deleting a Twitter Page Using Help Materials

Have you not figured out how to use the resource correctly? Please carefully study the information provided in help desk. Find the “Help” menu - this is the second inscription on the left side on your personal page. Click the tab and the help center will appear. A long-term account may provide you with some benefit and change your mind about deleting it. IN help center there are answers to all your questions.

In the Search field, enter relevant question and get an answer. If you want to delete your account, enter the appropriate question. The center will tell you in detail how to do this. The entry is placed in an automatic queue for deletion. But you won’t be able to delete your account from mobile devices using this method.

Deleting a Twitter page using special services

In order to disappear from Twitter forever, use special services - or They are presented on English language. Use an electronic translator to work with services. Read the instructions for deleting your account and do everything as you are asked. This method allows you to delete the page forever and no information will remain on it.

What to do if your Twitter page is deleted for no reason?

You deleted your Twitter account and regretted it more than once. A deleted account is restored within thirty days from the date of its deletion. The page is available for recovery in in the same form. Just log into your account using your previous username and password. But do this within the above time, after 30 days the entry is permanently deleted and there is no return.

If you want to change your username or email address, do not delete your account. Do this through settings. All subscribers and subscriptions on the page will remain.

Use any of the above methods to delete your personal Twitter page. But when using the first two methods, the page will be deleted after some time. The third method will allow you to immediately get rid of the annoying account.

You have opened a Twitter account that has not been used for a long time and is no longer needed. It can be completely deleted along with all your data. Let's learn more about how to delete your Twitter account along with all the tweets, photos and other data that you shared during your activity on the social network.

Removal via browser

If for some reason you do not want to continue using Twitter, you can completely delete your account.

Removal takes place in two stages. The user first performs an account deactivation, which disables and hides the profile for 30 days. During the specified period, it is possible to restore it, and to do this you just need to log in to your page. But if this was not done within the specified time, then the Twitter page will be permanently deleted along with all data.

Open in your browser, enter your username and password to log into the service. Click your profile icon on top panel tools to expand the settings menu.

On the list available options select Settings & Privacy. Make sure the Account tab is selected in the left side menu.

Scroll to the very bottom of the screen. Here you will find a link to “Deactivate your account.” Click on it to start the removal process.

A window will appear in which the social network notifies that after starting the deactivation process, the username and profile will no longer be available. You will also be informed that within 30 days you will be able to interrupt the deletion procedure and restore your account if it was disabled accidentally or unlawfully, and to do this you just need to log into Twitter using your username and password during the specified period.

To confirm the operation, click the “Delete” button. After this, the account will be suspended and will not be visible on Twitter. If you do not log into your page in the next 30 days, it will be deleted forever. Therefore, now you need to be patient and wait until the account is completely removed from the service.

How to delete via mobile application

Launch the Twitter app on your smartphone, then tap the three-line icon (or profile photo) in the top left corner of the screen to pull up the menu. Open Settings & Privacy.

When the settings open, select the first tab “Account”. Additional details and functions will be displayed regarding username, phone, email address and others. Scroll to the very bottom of the screen.

Directly below the logout option you will find the “Disable” button. Twitter will notify you that this option will begin the disabling process.

Confirm your intention by clicking the red “Delete” button. After clicking, it will not be available in the service. If you do not log in to the page within 30 days, it will be permanently canceled along with all data.

Social networks are actively used by modern PC users. With their help, people earn money, work, relax, have fun and just communicate. IN Lately Twitter is extremely popular. This service allows you to maintain your own microblog and leave short messages. Very convenient, especially for work purposes. Sometimes circumstances or a person’s personal desire makes you think about how to delete a page on Twitter. From a phone or computer - it's not so important. The main thing is that the user decides to get rid of the existing page on the network. And then we have to figure out how to cope with the task. Actually, it's not that difficult. Only a few things need to be done simple actions. Even a schoolboy can complete the task in a couple of minutes.

Removal methods

How to delete a Twitter page from your phone or computer? Exist different variants solving the problem. Today every user can:

  • completely delete the profile;
  • temporarily block the profile.

In addition, it is possible to block access to a social network through a ban. But this is not the most the best option developments of events. Although it is also worth talking about.

What is temporary blocking

What does it mean to disable "My Account"? If a person does not know whether he will return to the social network in the future, it is recommended to temporarily block the profile. The process is called deactivation.

After bringing the idea to life, the user will be able to log into Twitter at any time for his further use. Your account data will be restored.

Important! Choosing complete removal profiles, the person will not be able to restore the profile. It will be erased forever.

Twitter app and deletion

How to delete a Twitter page from your phone permanently? Some users work with the official Twitter app. It greatly facilitates the process of communication on the relevant social network.

It’s worth noting right away that it is impossible to delete a profile from the Twitter application. You will have to act only through the settings of the used mobile device. But more on that later.

If you want to delete your Twitter profile from mobile phone, we recommend using an Internet browser. Then the algorithm of actions will be exactly the same as in the case of a PC.

Deactivating a profile

Now we delete the page from Twitter. As we said, it's quite simple task. Let's start by deactivating the profile.

How to delete a Twitter page from your phone? To achieve the task, a person needs:

  1. Connect your phone to the Internet. Without this you can forget about further actions.
  2. Launch mobile browser and go to Twitter.
  3. Log in. To do this you will have to use your username and password.
  4. Click on the right top corner to the user's avatar.
  5. Click on the line that says “Settings”.
  6. Scroll the page that appears to the very end.
  7. Select the "Disable my account..." option.
  8. Click on the "Delete..." button.
  9. Confirm the procedure. Usually this requires entering the word from the captcha.

It is done. The profile is now deactivated. You can restore it at any time.

Complete removal via browser

How to delete a Twitter page from your phone once and for all? Instructions for deactivating a profile were previously provided. How can I delete a profile completely?

The thing is that the Twitter administration allows you to restore deleted profiles only within 30 days from the date of confirmation of the relevant request. In order for your account to be completely erased, you will have to not log into Twitter for a month.

Is it possible to completely get rid of my profile right away? Yes, but only by blocking it. There are no corresponding options in Twitter settings.

Account blocking

What to do? It is blatant to violate the current rules of “conduct” on the social network Twitter. For example, insult other users, post prohibited content or spam.

Over time, other users will complain about your account. And the Twitter administration can permanently block the profile. It is almost impossible to bring him back to “life”. This means that in this way a person can get rid of his Twitter profile.

Important: use this technique It’s possible, but it’s worth thinking a hundred times about its feasibility. As already mentioned, it will be impossible to restore access to the resource.

Removing a profile from your phone

As already mentioned, through official application Twitter will not be able to completely delete your profile. But the settings of your mobile device will help you cope with the task. Let's look at the procedure using an iPhone as an example.

Step-by-step instructions for deleting Twitter look something like this:

  1. Connect to the Internet. For example, via Wi-Fi.
  2. Open the main menu of the mobile device.
  3. Go to "Settings".
  4. Click on the line that says "Twitter".
  5. Select the appropriate account from the list that appears. To do this, you need to tap on the corresponding line.
  6. Click on the "Delete..." button.
  7. Confirm processing of the transaction.
  8. Wait until the procedure is completed.

It is done. Now it’s clear how to delete a Twitter page from your phone forever. There is one more secret that we haven't talked about.

Saving data

It's about about saving posts and messages from the Twitter page. Each user can receive the data archive before deleting. This way you can get rid of your profile on a social network without losing information from the page.

The Twitter data archive can be downloaded in "Settings". The corresponding button will appear above the hyperlink. There is nothing difficult or incomprehensible about this. The operation has nothing to do with deleting a profile. Users can download archives of their posts at any time. And, if you want, delete your profile without losing information.

Now it’s clear how to delete a Twitter page from your phone in one case or another. The suggested recommendations will help you cope with the task in just a few minutes!

It happens that you need to delete your Twitter account. The reason may be either too much time spent on the microblogging service, or a desire to focus on working with another social network.

The motive as a whole does not matter. The main thing is that Twitter developers allow us to delete our account without any problems.

Let's be clear: deactivating your Twitter account using the app on your smartphone is not possible. No mobile Twitter client allows you to delete your account.

As the developers themselves warn, the account deactivation function is available only in the browser version of the service and only on

Removing a Twitter account from your computer

The procedure for deactivating a Twitter account is absolutely nothing complicated. However, as in other social networks, account deletion does not occur immediately. First, it is suggested to disable it.

The microblogging service continues to store user data for another 30 days after account deactivation. During this time, your Twitter profile can be restored without any problems in a couple of clicks. After 30 days have passed from the moment the account was deactivated, the process of permanent deletion will begin.

So, we have become familiar with the principle of deleting a Twitter account. Now let's begin to describe the process itself.

  1. First of all, of course, we must log in to Twitter using a username and password that correspond to the “account” we are deleting.

  2. Next, click on our profile icon. It's located next to the button "Tweet" at the top right home page service. And then select the item from the drop-down menu "Settings and Privacy".
  3. Here in the tab "Account", go to the very bottom of the page. To begin the process of deleting your Twitter account, click on the link "Disconnect your account".

  4. We are asked to confirm your intention to delete your profile. You and I are ready, so press the button "Delete".

  5. Of course, such an action is unacceptable without specifying a password, so enter the treasured combination and click "Delete your account".

  6. As a result, we receive a message that our Twitter account has been disabled.

As a result of the above actions, the accounting Twitter entry, as well as all related data will be deleted only after 30 days. Thus, if desired, the account can be easily restored before the end of the specified period.