Interactive in the VKontakte group. Social Media Contests Are Great Ideas

Hi all. Today I would like to raise the topic of competitions in in social networks. It's no secret that competitions are a great option for promoting your group or your business. This is a great tool for promoting your business.

But even here you shouldn’t do the same thing over and over again. If you start a repost competition, you shouldn’t think that you will promote the group within a year only through this competition. Users will get tired of the monotony.

So what to do?

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In this article, let's look at possible options competitions. What competitions can you create for groups on social networks? If I missed something, I will be glad to see your comments.

Repost competition

The simplest competition you could come up with. This type of competition is suitable for any business, any topic.

The point is that your subscribers repost your advertising post, and you certain time choose a winner at random.

Very often such competitions yield good results. But these fruits already depend on the activity of your audience at the time of this competition, and of course on the prizes.

Photo competitions

One of the most common options. The task is to take one photograph, a series, or a “photo-toad” on some totem. The topic may or may not completely coincide with the main idea of ​​the community; it may or may not be related to the brand’s products.

I will give a few examples to make it clearer. Let’s say the theme of the group is “Animals”. You can organize a competition for best photo pet. If the topic is “Moms and Children,” you can hold a competition for the best photo of the child. The “Books and Coffee” art club held a competition for the best photo report about the club (see screenshot). Within 10 days, you had to take photos at the club and post the report on your page. Then the administration chose the 10 best and held a vote.

If you are selling tourist services, you can organize a competition for the best photo report from excursions or tours, just from any trips.

A good idea is to create funny photoshops. By the way, this option is often used on political resources: “Draw the best “photograph” of the “party of swindlers and thieves” and get

It’s worth remembering that you don’t have to be tied specifically to the photo. This could be a drawing, a picture made in Photoshop, etc.

Video competitions

If in the first case we took photographs, here the participants take videos. Essentially the same thing, but in video format. However, you should understand that video production requires more resources and effort, so the prize should be more serious. In particular, one company made a trip a prize
to Las Vegas to meet the star (see screenshot). To participate, you had to sing the song “Sexy and I Know It” on camera.

Competitions for the best article, review, poem, story

The task here is to write a text. So, in my Internet marketing community, a competition for the best (useful) article or case on Internet marketing would be appropriate (by the way, this way you can create a lot of good content for the public). The already mentioned “Books and Coffee” club regularly hosts
competitions for the best review of a book from the store’s assortment. The prize is tickets to the concert.
Participants can also write a funny story from life, just a story, or a thematic poem.

True, people's creative abilities are poorly revealed here, but it is clear who knows how to use Google.

Quiz competitions

In this case, you ask a question and people answer it within a certain period of time. The first one to answer correctly (or the first “five”) wins a prize. It's simple. Quizzes are one of the best options"protracted competition." For correct answers, you can not immediately give a prize, but award a certain number of points.

Competitions with a game element

Here I include competitions that introduce a gaming element or direct competition. I have two whole cases from the Izhevsk “flower” group “Lavka Flo”. In general, I advise you to watch this project; they regularly organize interesting competitions.

First case. The owners of the group hid three codes on their official website in the form of a combination of one number and one English letter. The task is to find these codes and connect them in a certain order (see screenshot). The first one to find it receives a bouquet.

Second case. You need to make as many words as possible from the word “fern” (I hope everyone remembers this old game?). The winner also receives a bouquet (see screenshot).

From my point of view, competitions with a game element are the most interesting. You can come up with a lot of options! For example, remember the games we played as children. Something can certainly be adapted, and people will be happy to connect. Or go the game show route. Or you can simply search Google for “logic games” or “attention games” and turn them into a competition.

What competitions do you use to develop your groups? Share with everyone in the comments.

Every day VKontakte hosts a huge number of competitions. Some communities get excellent results from this tool, while others end up permanently banned due to incorrect actions. How can you avoid falling into the second group and ensure that the competition helps you attract new audiences and leads? Let's figure it out.

Official Contest Rules

The social network Vkontakte has clear rules regarding which competitions can be held and which cannot. Here you can familiarize yourself with them. If you violate at least one of these requirements, your community may be banned. Forever. Without the possibility of restoring it. This usually happens as follows: a dissatisfied user leaves a complaint against you through technical support, and they start checking you. If the competition really does not comply with the rules, the community is blocked.

What kind of competitions are there?

The most common types of VKontakte competitions include:

1. Subscribe + repost

The participant must subscribe to the community, repost and wait for the results of the competition. The winner is selected randomly using a special application.

2. Subscription + repost + additional condition

The same as in the previous paragraph, but with the addition additional condition: joining another community, subscribing to an email newsletter, a Youtube channel, a Facebook page, registering on a website, installing an application, etc.

3. Competitions for the greatest activity

  • Who will like the most?
  • Who will repost the most?
  • Who will leave the most comments?

Such competitions are usually held monthly. There may be three winners (one in each category), or there may be one. If there is one, then a point system is used to summarize the results: one point is assigned for one like, two for a comment, three for a repost (the numbers can be changed). The user who scores the most points wins.

4. Creative competitions

To take part in such a competition, the user must complete a creative task. For example:

  • Take a photo
  • Film a video
  • Write a review
  • Come up with an original comment
  • Other tasks (draw a picture, comic book, write a poem, song, slogan, etc.)

The winner in such competitions is usually chosen by an independent jury, but there may be exceptions (for example, open user voting or a random selection application). It is up to you to decide which method to use, depending on the type of task and the goals you are pursuing.

5. Lottery competition

Subscribers need to solve your riddle or use their intuition to guess the number you have in mind. The first and last users to guess correctly receive prizes.

6. Competition “Buy and take part in the draw”

The main condition for participation in such a competition is to make a purchase for a certain amount. And then the conditions may vary: it could be a subscription + repost, a creative task or a task that stimulates activity in the community, etc.

7. Mixed type of competitions

The conditions of each of the listed competitions can be mixed together to solve exactly those problems that are necessary specifically for your business. Example:

Determining the goal of the competition

The type of competition is selected depending on the goal you are pursuing:

Have you decided on a goal? Have you chosen the right competition? Then we move on to its implementation.

There are two ways to conduct VKontakte competitions: important rules. First, you must comply official requirements social network (I cited them at the very beginning of the article). And secondly, you must ensure complete transparency of your competition so that users don’t even think about complaining to technical support about you. How to achieve this? Read on.

The most detailed description

To minimize the number of questions during the competition and claims after its end, describe the conditions of its holding in as much detail as possible. Don't limit yourself to listing prizes and actions that the user must complete. Make a description that will answer all possible questions from participants:

What do you need to do to take part in the competition?

Here it is advisable to list them point by point. To make it easy for the user to navigate your post and not make mistakes in performing actions.

What prizes are up for grabs?

According to the official rules of VKontakte, you do not have the right to hold a competition if you have not designated a specific prize in advance. If there are several prize places, you need to indicate which prize belongs to which place. If there is only one winner, but there are several prizes (that is, he chooses the prize that he likes most), you need to focus on this. So that later there is no negativity and misunderstanding on the part of users.

If it is not possible to attach photos of all prizes to the post (for example, there are more than 10), provide a link to the album or catalog on your website. It is very important that users can see what they will receive if they win. This will help them decide whether to participate or not. And if the photos are attractive, then there will be more desire to participate.

When will the results be summed up?

The description of the competition must indicate its exact timing - the specific date and time when the results will be summed up. Many communities don't list times, but I highly recommend you do so. For the convenience of users. This will save them from unnecessary worry, and you from negativity and numerous comments like “Well, when is the prank?”

How will the winner be chosen?

If this is a random selection application, write its name. If the winner will be determined by a jury, tell us who the jury is and what criteria they will use.

Residents of which countries and cities can participate?

A common mistake that organizers of VKontakte contests make is that they do not indicate which cities and countries can take part in the drawing. As a result, this results in sharp negativity on the part of users: they fulfilled all the conditions of the competition, hoped to win, but then it turns out that only residents of a certain city can participate in the competition, and not a word was told to them about this!

At whose expense will delivery of the prize be?

Not all communities that hold competitions organize free shipping prize for the winner. Sometimes they give a prize, and the recipient pays for the shipping themselves. Naturally, if this information is conveyed to the participant after the results have been summed up, this will cause him to feel negative. Information about delivery should be indicated in the competition description (no matter whether it is paid or free) - this will remove unnecessary questions and make your competition more transparent in the eyes of users.

Which pages will be considered fake?

Now “VKontakte” is held daily great amount competitions, and people deliberately create fake pages to increase their chances of winning, or use one page, but only repost competitions on it (i.e. the page is essentially “dead” and does not provide any value to the community). It is clear that the organizers do not want the prize to fall into the hands of one of these people. Therefore, in the description of the competition they indicate that fake pages and “prizes” will be excluded from the drawing.

The screenshot above states that the winner's page "must be real," but what does that mean? What conditions must be met so that the page is not considered fake? It needs to be described in more detail. For example, like this:

  1. Your page must be created no later than such and such a date.
  2. Your page must have at least 3 real photos and at least 30 friends.
  3. There should be no more than 5 competitions on your wall per week.

As soon as you write down clear criteria, you will definitely not have any questions. And sometimes it happens that the organizer excludes a person from the competition, considering, according to his logic, his page to be fake, and then it turns out that he is not a fake at all. And then complaints, dissatisfaction and calls to VKontakte technical support begin (and we don’t need this at all).

How long does it take to contact the administrator/pick up the prize?

It often happens that you have identified a winner, but he does not respond to your messages or even appear online. As a result, the prize delivery gets stuck and you are unable to show your subscribers proof that the competition was conducted fairly. To prevent this from happening, please indicate in the competition description exact time, during which the winner must contact you, and warn that if he does not meet the deadline, a new winner will be chosen. Just don't set too strict limits. In my opinion, 3-5 days will be enough.

Full rules in doc or pdf format

If Full description the competition turns out to be too large, you can divide it: insert only the most important information, and write down the full list of rules in a separate doc or pdf file. At the same time, it is necessary to focus the attention of users on the fact that full rules are in the PDF attached to the post. So that later there will be no complaints about the organizer being arbitrary and changing the rules at his own discretion.

Good post design

Use emoticons and beautiful pictures. Write without errors. Make indents between semantic blocks. Add bulleted and numbered lists to make your post easier to read. When a competition is designed beautifully, users have more trust in the company running it and are more willing to participate.

Valuable gifts

Many users lose all interest in a competition if the prizes awarded are not valuable enough. Judge for yourself: would you bother if shampoo or a set of stickers were at stake? The more valuable the prizes, the greater the desire to participate. That is why in some (not entirely honest) communities such prizes are often awarded, the monetary equivalent of which could be used to order high-quality SMM promotion in 5 companies. Of course, these prizes are not given to anyone. They are used only as bait - to attract new audiences. Maybe you’ll be lucky and the community won’t be banned (but this is unlikely, because people don’t like being deceived).

Not too difficult competitions

The more complex the conditions of the competition, the fewer users will take part in it. Joining a group and reposting is easy. Taking a photograph on a chosen topic is more difficult, but a loyal audience will happily take it on. But taking a photo and getting 20 likes and reposts for it is, in my opinion, already too much. Try to hold competitions that do not bother users too much. Otherwise, you risk not even dialing minimal amount participants, and the competition will only bring you losses.

1. Go to mobile version site (place the letter m with a dot in front of

2. Go to the post with the competition and click on the number that displays the number of people who reposted.

3. Go to last page with people who reposted.

4. Enter the total number of pages with reposts into a service for random selection of numbers (for example, (in our case it is 227) and determine the number of the page on which the winner is located.

This method looks a little complicated due to the many steps, but in fact it is very simple. Once you try it once, you will understand the mechanics and do it with your eyes closed.

Notifying users about results

Once you have chosen a winner, post a post in your community with their name and evidence that the results were tallied fairly. Make the name a link so that the person receives a notification.

Please write in the comments to the post with the competition that the results have been summed up and you can read them at the link.

If you often hold competitions, create a separate topic in which you will celebrate the winners. All these small actions are needed to make it convenient for users.

Transparent debriefing

To ensure that users have no doubt that the winners were chosen fairly, provide them with evidence. It's best if you're in live choose a winner (online broadcast on Youtube). If this is not possible, show them a video of you choosing the lucky one. Well, or at worst, screenshots from the service. If there is no such evidence, you may be accused that the results of the competition were rigged: you chose your friend or a fake page that you yourself created.

Honest choice of the best job

If you are holding a creative competition for best photo, poem, video, etc., then it is better to immediately indicate in the competition description the fact that the winner will be chosen by an independent jury. Open voting will most likely not lead to anything good, because... Likes are highly likely to be increased, and it will be difficult for you to determine who cheated and who did not.

Prompt gift delivery

You held a competition, determined the winner, but your work doesn’t end there. Now you need to deliver the prize to the recipient. After you have requested all the necessary data from the user, it is advisable to send the prize within a few days. If you do not meet these deadlines, contact him and let him know. the exact date sending so that he doesn’t worry. When you send a gift, send him the mail ID (if sent by mail). Such banal care for a person will arouse his sympathy and form a loyal attitude towards your company.

Active promotion

Do you want as many people as possible to participate in your competition? a large number of of people? To do this, you need to actively promote it. Here are a few options on how this can be done.

Every year, more and more entrepreneurs look at social networks and create pages (groups) for their business on VKontakte, Facebook and Odnoklassniki, but they immediately run into a problem complete absence audience.

Leading a group takes effort, and being successful takes a tremendous amount of effort. Here you need to create interesting content, communicate with the audience, answer questions and much more, which is sometimes beyond the power of one person. Despite the apparent difficulty of promotion, there is a method that, with an adequate approach, will always attract an audience, albeit a cold one, to the page, and these are competitions for groups and pages on social media. networks.

What competitions can be held on VKontakte, Facebook and Odnoklassniki

1) Prize for reposting and joining the group - you don’t even need a special reason here

It’s simple, you just need to place a brighter picture with the bold inscription “GIVEAWAY”, and with a photo of a valuable prize, write down the conditions and wait for someone to join the group. However, this was the case before, but now there are many more nuances, you can read about them.

If you want something more interesting, you can pay attention to:

2) Competition for the best photo

The reason can be very different, for example:

“Today is the first day of spring and we are waiting for photos from you with your March cats. The author of the most interesting photo will receive a month’s worth of food for his pet.”

The big advantage of this format is unique content, which is voluntarily provided to you by the users themselves.

If the prize is especially valuable, you have an interesting idea and a marketing budget, move on:

3) Competition for the best video

IN this format You can implement all sorts of ideas depending on the topic of your page. These could be competitions for the best:

  • drawing;
  • photoshopper;
  • under the tree;
  • history, etc.

At the right approach the results can be stunning, but in inept hands and without an audience, everything is extremely ineffective.

Global competitions are good, but it never hurts to do something interesting in between:

4) Competition for the best comment

Everything is simple here, the main thing is to choose an interesting and preferably thematic picture or phrase and ask your subscribers to leave a funny comment. In some cases, you can do without a prize; many will voluntarily leave a signature without expecting anything in return.

Without any hassle:

5) Prize drawing in honor of 1*** subscriber

Share your joy with your readers and give away small prizes in honor of the round number of your subscribers. This is incredibly nice and people who receive such bonuses will definitely tell their friends about their luck.

With special twists:

6) Quiz competition

Here, a simple question about where penguins live will not do, you will have to rack your brain. The more interesting and tricky the question, the more greater effect will be able to achieve. Remember the notorious question about the color of the dress, you can do something similar, or come up with something unique, the main thing is that it captures your users and makes them rack their brains, otherwise everything will be lost.

There are interesting ideas for promoting commercial projects that can solve several problems at once:

7) Competition for the most interesting review

This format is suitable both if you sell goods and if you provide services. Ask your subscribers to attach photos and write in detail, and most importantly adequately, about their experience of interacting with the company. Even after the prize is won, the reviews will remain and will work for you for a long time.

You can also give away prizes suddenly:

8) Competition for the greatest activity (likes, reposts, comments)

This format can be organized in two versions:

  • a full-fledged competition with a description of the conditions
  • choice active subscriber suddenly

If you want to get a loyal audience, the second option is more interesting. A person who receives such a gift will most likely tell everyone he knows about his luck, and may even publish a post on his page.

If your goal is to get as much activity as possible in your group, then choose the first option, although there is a risk of seeing a bunch of empty comments like “Great picture” or “Good post”.

Before you start the competitions, be sure to read the rules of their conduct. For VKontakte

We tried to collect the most interesting, relevant and engaging mechanics for competitions on social networks.

If you have more ideas, feel free to write them in the comments. It will be useful.

Today we will tell you:

Why are competitions held on social networks?

Whether we like it or not, competitions on pages are an integral part of promotion. There are many reasons why it is important to remember to conduct activities on the page:

  • Attracting new subscribers.
  • Introducing a new product to the market.
  • Generate interest in your product or service.
  • The maximum virality of such content, i.e. rapid dissemination of information about your brand without attracting additional budget, but only due to the excitement of subscribers around the competition.
  • Brand loyalty is formed. An organizer who honestly fulfills all the conditions of the competition will undoubtedly increase his status in the eyes of subscribers, increasing trust in his brand. Users who are left without prizes will definitely try their luck in your next competition and again “bring up” new subscribers.

There are two types of competitions:

  • with the selection of the winner by random generator numbers (Giveaway);
  • with the choice of the winner manually (by the organizer himself) or through voting between participants.

Let's consider competition ideas for the 3 most popular social networks in Russia.

Ideas for competitions on Instagram

Selfie with product

Participants take a photo with a product from your brand (or against the background of your store/salon) and post it on Instagram, not forgetting to mention information about the product and the competition itself in the hashtag. This is great advertising for a brand, although not everyone is ready to take a selfie with, say, a toilet, so not every product is suitable for this type of competition.

Product photo + story about it

Who can best tell you about your product? That's right - your clients! So ask them about it and reward them generously for the most exciting story. The competition is suitable for advertising products that have already been introduced to the market and are in demand.

Original photo

"Do the most unusual photo with our product and get a prize for it!” Just don’t forget to set some boundaries so that none of the daredevils risk their health.


Let the participants think about how to use a “winter” product in the summer (for example, skates: they will come in handy at a picnic if you forgot to take a knife with you (absurd, but fun) and publish a photo-instruction. Prize - the most original!


Ask users to show which parts of the world your product has already “visited”. Many people like to share photos from their vacations and travels - there will be plenty of people willing to take part in the competition.

Photo collage

Participants must take a photo story about some process related to your brand. For example, if you sell Christmas tree decorations, ask participants to document the process of decorating the Christmas tree.

Find the mistake!

Award the most competent participant in the competition who took as many photographs of erroneously written advertisements as possible (and, unfortunately, there are many of these in every city). A useful competition in all respects.

Do you love ... (brand)?

“Show in the photo how attached you are to our brand.” Don’t forget about the 18+ restriction, otherwise people are different...

I'm a morning person!

Only those who post photos between 6:00 and 7:00 Moscow time can take part.

What did you do on the weekend?

“Show us what you did over the weekend and get the most likes to win a prize!”

There are 100,000 of us!

“We share our joy with you and want the same in return! Take a selfie with this number and post it on your page - the one with the most likes will become the owner...”

Come up with a slogan

The winner will be the best dreamer who comes up with the best slogan for your company and takes a photo with it.

Complete the sentence

Let your users think a little! It is advisable to take a phrase related to your product or brand.
Don't forget that the basis of Instagram competitions is photographs, so all ideas should be closely intertwined with them.

Ideas for competitions on VKontakte



Set interest Ask, and the prize will be drawn among those who answered correctly using a random number generator.

Find the passphrase

Encrypt some code on your website or page and give hints on how to find it.

There are more and more of us!
Give a prize to every 100th person who reposts a post about you reaching a certain subscriber threshold (For example: “We are 50,000!”).


“Do you know in what year the company “your company name” was founded? Leave your answer in the comments!” The winner will be the one who gives the correct answer first.

One Hundred Words

Give some long, complex word and ask your followers to make as many other words from it as possible. The one who comes up with the maximum combinations will be the lucky one.

Most original way

“Come up with the most original way to use our product and take a photo of it.” The most inventive person will receive a gift.

Riddle one day
Ask your subscribers to repost the entry about the competition, and in the information for it indicate that on such and such a date a riddle will be heard in the commentary on the topic - the first person to guess it will receive a prize.

Come up with a name or signature

Let participants come up with an extraordinary caption for a photo and share the post on their page.


Ask your subscribers what the score will be in the match between team A and team B. The first one to give the correct answer will receive a prize. (It is appropriate to hold such competitions during the Olympiad and championships).

Photo game


“Make the most original photoshop with our brand and win a prize!”

Best photo report

Participants are given a time limit during which they must make an interesting report and post it on their page with a link to your company’s page.

Best video story

Ask subscribers to write down interesting video on a given topic, but remember that for successful advertising campaign Such a competition needs to provide a good prize.

Write a poem

But not just a verse, but with a mention of your company. You choose the winner yourself.

Competition for the number of invitees

Your subscribers should invite you to the group as soon as possible more people. Those invited will write back to you about the person who invited them to the group.

Best Avatar

Anyone can become a participant. To do this, just come up with an original avatar for the group and send it in the comments to the entry about the competition.

20 Facebook contest ideas

Invite a friend

Users must like the contest entry and indicate a person from their contact list with whom they would like to share the prize.

Why do I like it

Participants in the competition are those who click “Like” on the competition post and write in a commentary why they like it.

Answer to the question

Ask your subscribers a question and give a prize to the first one to answer correctly.

Finish the sentence

Come up with any expression (or use a well-known one) and ask users to complete it according to its meaning. For example: “Love to a man’s heart lies through...”

Photo caption

Users must come up with an original caption for the photo you offer.

Best photo of the month
Let your subscribers take a thematic photo (for example, based on the time of year) and post it with a link to your competition.

Mini quiz

Throughout the week, ask fans questions about thematic questions, the winner is the one who gives the most correct answers.


Come up with a short but useful questionnaire for your company that participants must fill out. Give each of them a modest but pleasant gift (for example, a 10% discount). Great way collection email addresses to replenish the e-mail mailing list.

Scavenger hunt

Your subscribers should create a photo collage of items, a list of which you will post at the appointed time on your page. The first one to do this will be the winner.

Last comment

It's simple - whose comment will be the last by a certain time will win.

Best quote about the company

The user leaves a quote on the company’s page (possibly with a photo) and “collects” likes. The one who collects the most will win.


For example, ask your followers to count how many candies are in a large clear bowl that you personally photographed. The person who comes closest to the correct answer will win a prize.

Give an answer

“At yesterday's conference we said a code word. Did you hear him? An interesting competition, but only if your company is well promoted.

Like me…

Let your subscribers tell and show how they do something. For example, when raffling off movie tickets, ask them to show a photo of themselves going to the cinema.

In conclusion

In fact, any competition can be successful, but they must be held regularly so that readers do not lose interest in the resource. Combine different ideas and don’t skimp on nice words and prizes for the winner!