How to find out views on VK posts. Boosting VKontakte video views - a convenient solution for creating virus videos

Increasing VKontakte video views is less popular than attracting subscribers, likes and reposts. But for certain purposes this tool is more effective and efficient. Most resources on the network offer promotion for money or for performing certain actions. Our service does not require anything in return.
Is it necessary special program boosting views on VKontakte, how does the process happen and look like and why is it needed? Let's find out!

Why do you need to boost VKontakte video views?

Cheating video views is one of the effective ways increase the popularity of the user profile on the network. Why users need this is a completely different question. There are a million reasons and reasons.
Cheating VKontakte video views online is used as an effective and powerful marketing tool. Few people can be surprised by the phrase “viral video”. The spread of a viral video begins with promotion. The desire of users to watch a video increases in proportion to its popularity. No surprise, this is how human curiosity works.
You don't have to be the owner advertising account to get interested in boosting VKontakte video views for free. The number of views is needed for social videos in the process of finding owners for a homeless animal. And simply by using this method you can increase your self-esteem. Isn’t an entertaining video from a dacha, vacation or exciting trip worth popularity? Let your friends and classmates die of envy!

Increase VKontakte video views for free: VTope will help!

Our service offers assistance in creating activity on the user's page. Video viewing, liking and other actions are distributed over time so as not to raise doubts about the naturalness of the process. Cheating looks like the actions of real users. Not only does she look like that, that's exactly what she is.
A program for increasing VKontakte video views is not needed. Using the VTope service, activity on the page is created through the efforts of real people. No bots or dubious tools. There is also no need to provide your VKontakte password. Without investing or losing anything, customers of the promotion receive a lot of advantages for themselves and their popularity on the social network. Nothing in return is required from the customer of the cheat. Not sure if it will work? Try it!

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Each of us would like to have one desire to increase our popularity in in social networks. There are many ways to cheat, but they can hardly be called simple. Most of them take too much time, and some don't work at all. In this case, you can only rely on paid methods. But what to do if you don’t want to spend money on promotion?
VTope will solve your problem! Screwing up likes, subscribers, friends and reposts on VKontakte using our service allows you to achieve the desired results without extra effort. You set a problem, and VTope quickly solves it. You will not encounter any problems during use. Only honest work. A service that makes your dreams come true!

What will boosting VKontakte views give me?

You have enough quality content, but they can’t appreciate it? You are not alone in facing this problem. This is very unpleasant, but there is a way out! Getting likes and reposts on VKontakte can help. With the help of VTope, you can achieve your plans much easier than with the help of others free ways. After a short time of using the service, you will feel a significant difference compared to in the usual ways cheating. VTope will give you likes from real users and a decent rating for your page or group.

How does boosting VKontakte views work?

There can be a lot of approaches to cheating. Our service makes cheating as simple as possible. All you need to do is register on our website, download vtope bot and add any of your accounts to it. After adding, the account itself begins to earn points. You can use them to pay for promotion tasks. Also, if you don’t want to wait for the program to earn points, you can buy them on our service.
After you have the required number of points in your account, you can personal account choose the desired task for promotion, pay for it and enjoy the process. The result will not be long in coming. Invite friends to your group (they also give bonuses for them), get great amount likes, everything is in your hands.

The user-friendly interface of the service puts the client at ease from the first minutes of use. Thus, the user can almost immediately use all the functionality of the program. VTope provides you with likes and subscribers only from real users. All accounts are thoroughly checked upon registration. Thanks to this, other users will not have suspicions about the originality of your likes.

We make sure that our clients receive maximum results with the greatest comfort of use. Increasing VKontakte views has never been so easy!

VKontakte continues to introduce interesting innovations. This time it's access to counter views records(“peephole” in the lower right corner) published on users’ personal pages and in communities. Agree that not all guests leave their and under the post they like, that’s why this method your popularity ratings are more accurate. This indicator can be used as feedback with your audience of subscribers.

Moreover, it can be said without exaggeration that this new tool business analysts. Each entrepreneur will be able to evaluate the reaction of customers to a particular offer, as well as monitor the effectiveness of running their own community. Thus, you have the opportunity to adjust the methodology for promoting your business on social networks to achieve maximum results.

Cheating views on VK

Eye counter appeared directly under posts in user profiles and communities. At the same time, and importantly, you will not see the list of “spectators” themselves.

How to increase the VKontakte views counter (eye)?

More recently, a new tool has appeared in the VkDuty program, with which you can wind up not only, and