How to determine the blacklist on your phone. "Black list" "VKontakte": how to use this tool

In the settings of your personal VKontakte page, there is a section “Black List”. It is needed so that users who bother you or interfere with you can no longer access your page. This restriction will allow you to exclude unwanted visitors.

So, how to add a person to the VKontakte blacklist?

How it works?

Once you add a person to the blacklist, they will have limited access to your page (see). When trying to access it, the user will see this message.

A person will only have access to 3 functions on your page: , or add to bookmarks.

How to add to the blacklist on VK

We go to our page and go to the “My Settings” section. Here we go to the “Black List” tab.

You will see this tool.

Here in the search bar, you need to enter username or page id.

Keep in mind that when you specify the id (see), the user will be added immediately by clicking the corresponding button. If you start writing his name, then after pressing the button "Add to blacklist", all matches will be displayed. An example can be seen in the picture below:

Among the people found, find the one you want to block. And next to his avatar, click the link "Block".

Regardless of whether you use id or full name, the result will be similar.

We use the blocking link directly from the user’s page

You can go another way. Go to the page of the person who needs to be added to the blacklist. Scroll down a little to additional block menu. Click the link here “Block...(will be username)”.

After this, he will be blacklisted and will lose access to your page.


Please note two things.

You can always exclude a user from this list, and he will be able to contact you again (see).

He will also have this opportunity if he uses any other page (see). In this case, you will have to add each of them to the VK blacklist.

In contact with

It is no secret that social networks are used by millions of people today - these are not only residents of the Russian Federation, but also citizens of other countries. Everyone’s manners are different, as are their communication patterns: not every interlocutor can be a welcome guest in the personal messages section. It often happens that we don’t want to communicate with someone, we don’t want this or that person to visit our profile. There is a “black list” on VKontakte specifically for this purpose. However, this tool can be used for other purposes - this is what will be discussed in this material. But first, let's talk about the main thing.

The main function of the "black list" section

To feel the value of this mechanism, you should pay attention to how modern social networks generally work. The fact is that all users use such sites differently. Someone finds here their old friends and distant relatives from distant regions - in a word, they begin to make friends and chat only with those whom they know personally and have seen in real life. Others prefer to make new acquaintances: guys are looking for beautiful girls, representatives of the fair sex pay attention to cute guys. Almost any dating resource loses against the background of VKontakte - hardly anyone will doubt this statement.

Besides, there are people who are not interested at all social connections, - they use the resource only to listen to their favorite music, watch funny videos and films - fortunately, the functionality allows this. Some people spend every day playing online games and entertaining applications. Another current trend of our time is online business. The VKontakte blacklist is simply irreplaceable if the site is used for search business contacts, clients, potential employers. The conclusion is simple: only the “black list” gives reliable protection from unnecessary, meaningless (and sometimes extremely unpleasant) messages from a variety of users.

Other effective restrictions

In fact, the "black list" is last resort, which is usually used only when the interlocutor is tired. If you don't want to receive messages from someone, the easiest way is to go to the "Settings" section and turn off the ability to contact them altogether. All attention should be concentrated on the “Contact me” point. We need the very first line - "Who can write me private messages." We choose the option that will be optimal: only friends, all users, anyone except certain individuals, etc. - there are many parameters, because this is a very flexible tool: if you configure it once, you can completely forget about problems with unwanted communication. This is the same “black list” of “VKontakte”, only in a softer form: it is usually used by famous people who are registered in social network. Otherwise, their “Dialogues” will be filled daily with thousands of very different responses: from declarations of love to harsh criticism.

How to remove yourself from friends without being noticed

Another very interest Ask, which worries many VKontakte users: is it possible to unfriend unnoticed? That is, so that a person who was previously on the friend list does not remain among the subscribers? Yes, this is possible - the “black list” of “VKontakte” will help with this.

First you need to remove the user from the "Friends" section. Then go to his page and click on the inscription “Block”. That's all - after such actions the person will be blacklisted and will disappear from the list of subscribers.

Working with the "black list"

To see all the people who have ever been blocked by you personally, you need to go to the “Settings” section and select the “Blacklist” tab at the top. You can delete each of them at any time - then the user will again be able to visit your profile, send personal messages (if General settings privacy allow this).

It should be noted that if you add someone to the “black list” of “VKontakte”, the person will also not be able to see your posts, photos, or even be able to view the basic avatar in full. He will also not have the opportunity to offer friendship.

What to do if you are blocked

Does the system inform the user if someone blacklists him? No, VKontakte does not provide such notifications. Thus, you may never know that someone once added you to their “black list”. Unless you decide to contact that person - then everything will become clear: you won’t be able to send a message, and you won’t be able to view the page either. What to do in such a situation? If you really need to convey something to the person who blocked you, you can use another profile on a social network (of course, another registration on the site is required) - perhaps this is the only way to really “reach out” to the user who has restricted access.

In what cases is it worth adding a person to the “black list”

We figured out how to blacklist someone on VKontakte. But in what cases is it worth doing this? For example, one of your friends has been hacked, and various spam and dubious requests begin to come from his account. Without a doubt, this is the very situation when the “black list” should be used. In addition, in such cases, you can still complain to the administration using special button- and then the hacked profile will be frozen until its real owner returns. The fact is that while such a person is your friend, he has access to all the information that is available to friends - but he himself is not one. In general, everyone decides for themselves with whom it is worth limiting communication to a minimum, and who does not deserve it. is the most common resource among users not only in Russia, but also in other countries. The main function of the site is communication, maintaining relationships with people who are far from you. On the site you can also listen to songs, view videos and photos. Due to all this, the VKontakte website can be considered a large file hosting service. However, despite the entire range of services that the social network can provide, you will only have access to them after registration.

For entertainment, say, while waiting for a response to a message, “VKontakte” can install games and applications. The most popular games, such as The Jolly Farmer, are at the top of the top list. By the way, messages with other users can be exchanged not only in private, but also on the so-called wall. All entries on it are kept in the form of a microblog; in the privacy settings you can change some of its parameters.

It’s a pity that behind all these positive qualities the negative is not visible. And he, like in any social network, is present here. After all, pages, groups and public pages are created not only with good intentions. Some of them may offer some kind of commercial and illegal business, while others may even offer pornographic files and spam. Of course, as checks are carried out and applications are received by the site administration, a fight is being waged against such groups and pages, but this is not done in one day.

Some users deliberately insult other people, humiliate them and make them a laughing stock. How to avoid all this? The VKontakte blacklist is intended for such purposes. At your request, absolutely any user of the social network can get into it. If you add a person to the VKontakte blacklist, then:

  • you will not receive any messages from him;
  • he will not be able to view your page in any way;
  • you will protect yourself from negativity.

How to blacklist an unpleasant person on VKontakte? To do this, go to your page and select the “My Settings” action from the list on the left - a page with options will appear in front of you. The fourth tab (at the top of the page) is called “Blacklist/isolator/outcasts” - it depends on the language you use on VKontakte. After clicking on the tab, a blacklist menu will appear in front of you. If you don’t have anyone there, then the field will be empty.

At the very top there will be a window, on the right side of which there is active button“Add to blacklist.” Citizens can be entered into it according to two parameters: first and last name or page address. If you use a person’s first and last name, then after entering this information in the window you will be presented with all people who have these parameters. If the page link is entered, its owner is automatically included in the list.

How else can you put a person on the VKontakte blacklist? For example, use the menu that is located directly on its page. To do this, go to the page of the person you are interested in and look at the menu that is located after the list of user audio recordings. There will be several entries, one of which is “Blacklist”. It should be noted that this procedure is available only to those users who are not your friends.

Removing people who are blacklisted on VKontakte is also not difficult. However, this procedure is performed only in the page settings. To do this, next to each user (on the right side) there is a “Remove from list” function.

And remember that no one should interfere with your online presence with their tactless actions: neither spammers, nor network marketing representatives, nor rude, tactless people.

For many people, the VKontakte website is practically a second home. The creators of the social network provided the opportunity for people to share their photos, upload videos, express their thoughts and tell news. And, of course, communicate with friends in real time.

The VKontakte blacklist is reminiscent of the phone blacklist. When a person does not want to communicate with someone, with one click on the phone button he sends this person to ignore. The essence of the VKontakte blacklist is the same: all unwanted users are sent to a ban.

Why is a blacklist needed?

Every user is different. There are well-mannered people, and there are those who definitely need to do something nasty or be rude. In order not to spoil the nerves, a black list was invented.

Once on the ignore list, a person sees only the first and last name, as well as the user’s photo. All photographs, videos, and wall posts remain closed to him. He also has no right to write comments, personal messages, or invite people to meetings. In the middle of the ignoring person’s page, the message “The user has restricted access to his page” is displayed.

The blacklist is a kind of protection against unwanted communication, spam and annoying users.

How to blacklist a person

On home page In the menu on the left you need to select the line “My settings”. The “Black List” tab will appear on the page that opens. In the line you need to enter the name of the person you want to block, or a link to his page. Click “Add to Blacklist” and you’re done. The person will no longer be able to bother you.

Administrators of groups and communities can also add users to the ignore list. Under the group avatar you need to click the “Manage Community” button. A window will open with the “Black List” tab. Further actions The same.

Using the “Remove from blacklist” button you can unblock the user and again give him the ability to see and write.

If you are added to the blacklist, you will not be able to get out of it on your own. Alternatively, you can create a second page and ask the person to unblock you. Or ask one of your mutual friends to write to him.

You can find out which users you are on the blacklist by going to their pages. Limited access means you are being ignored. If the person is not a friend, when you try to add him, the message “You cannot add this user as a friend” will appear.

It happens that for some reason you are banned on any website. Placing a ban on your account prevents you from gaining access to features that you could previously use freely. Register new account it can be pointless if access to the site is blocked by your IP address or stored in an old profile required settings, contacts or maybe even cash. To correct the situation, you can unblock the ban using a not at all complicated, but quite effective method.

You will need

  • - own email
  • - Internet connection


Find your support email address or form on your site feedback. Usually you can find this e-mail either at the bottom of the site or in the corresponding menu item.

Write a letter to the support team with mailbox, with which you registered an account on the site. The need to send a letter from exactly this postal address This is explained by the fact that when considering your request, the site administration will identify you precisely by the coincidence of the mailing address of the sender of the letter with the address to which the blocked account is registered.

Write as politely as possible, do not allow yourself to make rude statements, make any unreasonable demands or threats against the administration. Treat site owners with respect, as this will immediately determine how they treat you. Remember that only the administration has the authority to unban your account.

If you understand why your access to the site was blocked, try to state as convincingly as possible all the reasons that prompted you to take the prohibited action. Write that you repent of what you did and understand that you were wrong.

If the reason for the ban is not clear to you, then ask in a sensitive manner why your access to the site is blocked. Indicate the date and time you discovered this problem.

At the end of the letter, be sure to promise that this will not happen again. Note how important access to the site is to you and how much you want to change the situation that is unpleasant for you.

Be sure to wait for a response from the site administration. If the letter you receive contains questions or indicates reasons for the ban that you did not even suspect, then try to find a reasonable explanation for your actions and state these facts in a response letter in a polite manner.

Video on the topic

You will need

  • - Access to the Internet;
  • - browser;
  • - FTP manager.


Register at in order to gain access to the indexing statistics of your site in the Yandex search engine. If you have already received “Yandex Passport” before, then you will only need to log in to the service using your “Passport” login and password. Otherwise, you will have to go through the full registration procedure.

Add your site to the service by clicking the “Add site” button located closer to the left top corner service control panel.. Please note that subdomains will have to be added”, then they will need to be added one by one.

Confirm your rights to the site by placing the text file suggested by the system in the root of the site directory. This can be done using the site management web interface or via an FTP manager by connecting to root directory via FTP data transfer protocol. To confirm rights to manage a domain and website, you can choose another method, but placing text file- one of the simplest and safest.

Wait for your site to be added to the service. This service updated hourly, and the Yandex search engine is updated with their pages, so do not expect instant results - it may take some time.

Make sure the site has been added to the service. If during adding you received a message from the system saying that the site was not added to the service because its indexing is prohibited, then you can be sure that the site is banned by Yandex.

Send a letter to Platon - user support service search engine Yandex, if you are still not sure that sanctions have been applied to your site.

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"Black methods of promotion" (" Black SEO") - the site's guaranteed path to ban.

Helpful advice

If you have removed all “prohibited elements” from the pages of the site and want it to be included in the index again, write to “Plato” (Yandex user support service) and, perhaps, the site will be removed from the ban.


  • Ban is not a sentence in 2017

Having created own page and having at least filled it out a little for recognition - at least this is your own photo, last name and first name, places of study or work, interests, you can start adding and searching friends. Friends on social networks are, first of all, your relatives, former classmates, classmates, co-workers, colleagues, neighbors, lifelong friends and acquaintances. Also, to expand your social circle, you can search for people by interests, addresses, music or photos.

You will need

  • - computer/laptop/smartphone;
  • - Internet access.


The first thing you can do to search friends « In contact with" is to enter everything famous names and last names friends(relatives, colleagues, etc.) in the “Search” field at the top of the page. After that, look at who is the friend of those you have already added, who is writing to them on the wall - perhaps among them there will be your mutual acquaintances. Thanks to a service that allows you to divide the total mass friends into groups “By university”, “By school”, “Colleagues”, “Relatives”, “ Best friends", can be immediately found on other pages of mutual comrades, depending on where you first met. But this is only possible if a person has divided his friends to the above groups.

If you have filled out your profile in sufficient detail, then click on any of your interests, favorite place, year of graduation or group, institute, favorite movie, and so on - and you will immediately receive a list of people who indicated the same thing in their profile. This way you can not only find classmates or classmates, but also colleagues and simply interesting personalities.

You can also simply click on the tab located in the menu called “People”. Here a field will open for entering words, titles and names for search; on the right you can set a filter by region, school, university, age, gender, marital status, favorite places and places of work, life position, military service and so on. By entering, for example, the word Music in the search field at the top, you can get a list of all the people who indicated this word anywhere in the interests or fields about themselves. By setting a filter by any or all values ​​at once, you can most accurately find a person with matching characteristics.

Find friends « In contact with» also possible via search interesting communities, which includes thousands of people. These can be communities of various companies, institutes, product manufacturers, stores, popular magazines and portals. To do this, select the “Communities” tab in the menu at the top and scroll through everything in a row to find what you need, or also enter words in the search field to make it easier to find the required community, or use a similar filter on the right by the region of communities and their type. In each community you can find a list of participants, where you can also search for the right people.

View the walls friends and communities - various people with their points of view and interests leave their messages there, and perhaps there you will meet someone you know or just a very interesting interlocutor.

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Sometimes someone who used to be a friend becomes a stranger or even an enemy. And I want to isolate myself from his excessive attention on social networks. It’s a shame, but with the expansion of the information space, this need arises more and more often.

You will need

  • - registered account on the social network “Vkontakte”.


Open the VKontakte social network in your preferred browser. Enter your username and password in the fields provided if you are not already logged into your account. You will be taken to your VKontakte page.

If the person you want to add to your blacklist is among your friends, you must first remove him from there. To do this, on the left, under the inscription “Vkontakte”, select the “My friends” tab. Click on it with the mouse once. A page will open with a list of all the people you have added as friends. Find the person you intend to delete, for which you can use the search: enter in search bar several letters of his first or last name. The system will display the person you are looking for, click on the inscription “Remove from friends”.

Then you should return to your main page. To do this, select the “My Page” tab on the left and click on it once with the mouse. People removed from friends are included in your subscribers. Find the item “My subscribers” under your photo and click on it.

The proposed method to find out if you are on the VK blacklist is suitable for situations when you need to check one or two people. The difficulty arises when, for some reason, many users can block you at once. In this case, a solution such as adding special application in the appropriate section of your social network profile. Try searching by keywords"black list" and blacklist. One of the most famous applications is called Blacklist.

Launch the selected application and take advantage of its functionality. Blacklist and similar programs scan friends and users from their friends list (the total number of people per scan can reach several hundred), after which they immediately display all links to people who have added you to the blacklist, that is, whose pages are blocked for you. These actions do not contradict the rules of the social network, so you are in no danger.

Beware third party applications and sites that promise to find out the VKontakte blacklist and show all users who have blocked you. Most of them are scams and can harm your computer. In addition, your personal information, including login and password from the VK page.

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