How contextual advertising works. Contextual advertising Yandex and Google: basics, examples, principle of operation

Good day to you, dear friends!

At the last inclusion we talked about. Today we will talk about no less effective way promotion affiliate products and services - contextual advertising. Moreover, now we are recruiting for one of the most effective training courses on working with contextual advertising for affiliate sales, “Professional Internet Advertising.” Therefore, I am sure this article will be quite relevant.

It was not for nothing that I included contextual advertising in the newsletter topic “”, because this type Online advertising today is used by almost all Internet platforms - campaigns, bloggers, online stores, etc. and is one of the most powerful and effective methods Internet marketing and Internet advertising in general. To promote affiliate products and services in particular.

In this article we will look at:

The main advantages and disadvantages of contextual advertising

Mistakes that beginners make when setting up and launching contextual advertising

Who should you learn the secrets and tricks of using this advertising tool?

And, of course, let's start with perhaps the most important question...

What is contextual advertising

If we take the official definition as a basis, then it is Internet advertising that is displayed on the pages of websites and search engine results. From regular advertising on the Internet contextual advertising differs in that it depends on the specific search query of the user or on the topic of the page of the website on which this contextual advertising is displayed.

Today there are 3 main contextual advertising systems:

Benefits of contextual advertising

Now let's talk briefly about the main advantages of contextual advertising and find out why it is so good.

I consider the main advantages when working with contextual advertising:

1) Reaching the most targeted visitors

Provided you properly set up and launch contextual advertising, you can be sure that the people clicking on your ads are as targeted as possible. Of course, this applies more to people who click on your ads from search results. The quality of visitors from partner sites of contextual advertising systems is an order of magnitude lower.

2) The ability to put contextual advertising on autopilot

If you launch contextual advertising correctly, then you do not need to devote a lot of time to it. Advertising will work for you almost on autopilot, bringing quality traffic, orders by affiliate link and accordingly good commissions. All that remains is to occasionally, if necessary, adjust the settings.

3) Availability of contextual advertising

To launch contextual advertising you do not need large investments. You can start a contextual advertising campaign with a minimum budget of 300 rubles ($10). Even this small amount proper operation can bring you good profits and pay for itself several times over.

4) Deep analysis

Contextual advertising gives you the opportunity to analyze your advertising campaign and, if necessary, change some of its parameters to increase efficiency and reduce the cost per click.

Disadvantages of contextual advertising

Along with the advantages, contextual advertising also has its disadvantages:

1) Fine settings

Contextual advertising is very thin instrument Internet advertising. Therefore, subtle or otherwise deep settings can be considered both an advantage and a disadvantage of contextual advertising.

If you want to use it effectively, you will have to spend certain time to study these settings and their effective use.

2) Lots of competition and high cost per click

Today, when the Internet advertising market in RuNet is developing quite actively, many have begun to use contextual advertising. Therefore, competition is growing as search results, and the cost per click increases. There is only one way out - to find niches in which the competition is not so intense, or to look for low-competitive keywords in fairly competitive niches, without losing a potential client.

Errors when launching and setting up contextual advertising

Let's look at the main mistakes that beginners make when setting up and launching contextual advertising:

1) Using a lightweight interface rather than a professional one

If you use an easy interface for settings and launching advertising, then you will easily waste your budget and will not be able to feel almost any effect. The easy interface does not give you the opportunity to fully manage your advertising campaign. Therefore, the advice is ALWAYS USE ONLY PROFESSIONAL INTERFACE!

2) Selection of general keywords

For each advertising campaign, it is necessary to use only the most targeted key queries in order to cut off untargeted traffic. Moreover, professionals advise selecting only one keyword for each of your ads. That is, according to the principle “1 campaign - 1 key query”, which will make the advertising campaign the most effective.

3) Narrow keyword coverage

Generally narrow scope key phrases leads to the fact that you have few impressions and, accordingly, few clicks on your ad. To avoid this, you should select more target keywords and be sure to use synonymous words, slang and possible mistakes in words that users can tolerate.

4) Focus only on high-frequency key queries

Yes, high-frequency keywords can provide a lot of traffic, but the cost per click for such competitive queries will be an order of magnitude higher than for mid-frequency and low frequency queries. Therefore, my advice is to look for mid-frequency and low-frequency queries, thereby reducing competition and the cost per click for your ad.

5) No negative words or quotation marks

Negative words (download, forum, torrent, free, free, etc.) cut off non-target visitors. And quotation marks in key queries when setting up contextual advertising also help make your advertising less competitive and targeted, showing your ad only to those who request the keyword in its pure form.

Of course, this will reduce the total number of impressions of your ad, but it will make your advertising campaign better and lower your cost per click.

6) There are no “keywords” in the title and ad text

Contextual advertising highlights key phrases in ads. As a result, as a rule, the click-through rate increases, the CTR of your ad increases and the cost per click decreases.

What to promote with contextual advertising

In fact, there are many niches, and accordingly, many goods and services in these niches that can be promoted using contextual advertising. For example, you can order contextual advertising and promote it as a partner:

  1. Information products (video courses, audio courses on repairs, teaching foreign languages, construction, tourism, health, money hobbies, psychology, creating and developing a business, etc.)
  2. Online stores (electronics, jewelry, clothing, shoes, perfumes, etc.)
  3. Services (distance learning, cosmetology services, trainings, services on psychology, self-development, etc.)

For example, I use Yandex Direct contextual advertising more to make money on affiliate programs and promote with its help:

Video course on teaching magic tricks

Video course on club dancing

Weight loss training

Today I have about 10 advertising campaigns running on Yandex Direct.

I am not a specialist in contextual advertising, but at one time I have completed many courses on this topic, which allows me to effectively use this tool For .

And, as I already said, creating, setting up and managing contextual advertising does not take me much time. At most 2 hours a week.

Contextual advertising: training from the pros

Who should you learn the basics, secrets and various subtleties of working with contextual advertising from?

Today there are many specialists who can teach you how to create, configure, place and effectively manage contextual advertising so that it is truly of high quality and brings you profit.

If you really want to learn how to work with contextual advertising. To understand the basics, secrets and intricacies of working with this type of Internet advertising, I recommend going through Ilya Tsymbalist.

Or, in the very near future, have time to get to the essentially unique training “Professional Internet Advertising” from my colleague and contextual advertising specialist Alexander Skorobogatov.

As a result…

As I already said, contextual advertising is an excellent tool for advertising affiliate products and services. In many niches, it is many times superior to my favorite advertising tool - . Therefore, it is worth paying attention to contextual advertising Special attention and learn efficient work with this beautiful and powerful tool modern Internet marketing.

Video for a snack...:)

And for starters, a rather voluminous and lengthy video about the basics and intricacies of working with Yandex Direct contextual advertising. Quite an interesting and educational video. Look. I recommend. Especially for beginners.

In the next issue

Next week we will continue the topic of attracting using various Internet advertising channels and consider another efficient channel attracting visitors - advertising in in social networks . .

And today I say goodbye to you and, of course, I look forward to your comments, questions and additions below .

Have a nice day and see you again online!

Sincerely, your friend and assistant Bulat Makseev

Life modern man inextricably linked with the Internet. Advertising, like other areas of activity, is quietly but confidently moving to the World Wide Web.

Perhaps every Internet user has at least remotely heard about contextual advertising. It's strong and effective tool to promote a business – be it websites, services or products. But, before we consider in detail the features of contextual advertising, reveal its advantages and disadvantages, and find out what problems it solves, it is necessary to define this term.

Contextual advertising is very popular and widespread. Due to its versatility and multifunctionality, there is no canonical, clear definition of what contextual advertising is. It has three characteristic features:

  • Placement resource advertisements— search engine pages. They correspond to the theme and content of this page. That is, if the user typed a request in search bar“Linovo phone”, in the first positions of the search results he will receive links to companies advertising Lenovo phones.
  • Contextual advertising is used by both small business owners and largest corporations.
  • In contextual advertising, there is a customer cost. This means that through contextual advertising, you can buy your customers for the price that the advertiser is willing to pay.

Internet advertising – contextual and SEO optimization

Two directions in advertising in the open spaces World Wide Web, which solve the same problem, but have their own differences, these are SEO optimization and contextual advertising.

According to statistics, when searching for information on the Internet, only 25% of users move to the next page if they find the information they need on the first one. Therefore, business owners want their websites to rank first in search results. This problem is solved by SEO optimization and contextual advertising. The main difference between these tools is the time period for achieving the goals.

SEO optimization is a set of techniques aimed at promoting a specific resource on the Internet. To do this, parameters are configured and content is adjusted so that they best match key queries. Optimization is carried out both within the site and work on external resources - registration in directories, exchange of links. You can get the desired effect only in the long term. The first results from contextual advertising are noticeable within a few days.

When and for what purposes is contextual advertising used?

The features of contextual advertising allow you to use it for business when:

  • Needed quick results. There is no way to wait for website promotion using optimization.
  • The advertising campaign has a limited budget. We need transparent accounting of finances, from which we can see how they are spent. The features of this type of advertising allow you to pay per click (transition to a resource), and not for displaying an advertisement. At the same time, the settings allow you to determine the maximum cost per potential client (website viewing).
  • We need advertising that can be changed during the campaign, adjusted, and managed at every stage. Customization options allow you to monitor transitions from an advertisement, set the cost of a click, distribute the budget for a day, week, quarter, and select the target audience. At any time, you can change the parameters, stop the advertising campaign, and return to this issue later.

Efficiency, transparency and quick acquisition of customers - this is what contextual advertising is for. If sales growth and new customers are needed in the short term, if the product meets search queries, but there is no time to wait for the results of SEO promotion, contextual advertising is the tool that will be effective at this stage.

Types of contextual advertising

There are search, thematic, media, targeted (targeting) contextual advertising.

  • The search engine is displayed after entering a query. The placement of advertisements is either to the right of the search results, or at the top, occupying the first 2-3 lines.

on the Yandex network:

Search contextual advertising is effective - it is unobtrusive for the user, he receives only the information he was looking for; Due to the high traffic of search engines, advertising is seen by a significant number of people every day.

  • Thematic advertising

Advertisements are placed on resources similar in topic. These can be websites, blogs, directories. The main requirement for the resource is high traffic. Payment in this case is distributed between the search engine and the owner of the site on which the advertisement is broadcast.

Thematic advertising does not respond to the request, and therefore has less focus. An advertisement may be of interest to a resource visitor with less probability.

Thematic contextual advertising looks like this:

– is distinguished by its brightness, it catches the eye. It combines the features of two types of contextual advertising – search and thematic. Can be placed on search pages, and on partner resources. These banner ads are relatively new tool, and so far makes up only a tenth of all contextual advertising on the Internet.

An example of such an ad:

  • Personal targeting in contextual advertising is targeting a specific group of users. This may be selection by city, age, gender. Similar settings are used to increase the effectiveness of advertising so that it is seen by a narrow target audience - a specific geographical location, interests, types of occupation or lifestyle. There is behavioral targeting. With these settings, the user will see a broadcast of advertisements for refrigerators on the site teaching aids, if his behavior corresponds to selection - that is, he recently looked for information about household appliances.

Positive and negative aspects of the context

Any competent leader understands that when making a decision, one must take into account the advantages and disadvantages of the issue under consideration.

The advantages of contextual advertising include the following indicators:

  • Meeting user requirements. Contextual advertising is one of the few areas that does not irritate, but meets the interests of potential clients. If a user is looking for a West TV, he will see an advertisement from the company that sells this equipment, which will be useful to him in choosing and purchasing a suitable model.
  • Achieve results quickly. All stages of the advertising campaign - creating an ad and sending it to a moderator for review, waiting for a response, replenishing your account - will take no more than a few days. Launching advertising (with the correct settings), allowing you to receive calls and accept orders after just a few hours.
  • Working for the target audience. By ensuring that the context is responsive to user queries, this ensures that your ad is clearly on target.
  • Low minimum start threshold. A small amount of 300-400 rubles will allow businesses of various levels to conduct an advertising campaign. Contextual advertising can be used both as an independent tool and in combination with other advertising activities.
  • Flexibility and transparency of the payment system. At any time, you can either replenish advertising funds by monitoring and changing settings, or pause the campaign, without any penalties. The ability to pay not for the time spent on the site, but per click specific user- This big advantage this type of advertising.
  • Large attendance. Today the Internet is so in demand in the life of a modern person that, perhaps, there is no target audience, which cannot be found on the World Wide Web.
  • The ability to use contextual advertising without having a website. Advertising platforms allow you to create transition pages indicating contact details, operating hours, and information about the seller.
  • Various advertising network tools that make it possible to measure the effectiveness of contextual advertising. A service for processing statistical data is available on search platforms. A report on user actions can be seen within 10 minutes. Thanks to these tools, an advertiser can assess the degree to which a resource matches requests, track the most effective phrases and requests, and estimate site traffic over time. Having statistical data, you can make changes, plan costs and increase the impact of the current advertising campaign.

Contextual advertising has disadvantages that you need to be aware of:

  • The effect of advertising lasts throughout the campaign. As soon as the advertising funds are spent, the visiting traffic will take its previous position, in contrast to the long-term action of SEO optimization.
  • The danger of a discrepancy between the return on the money spent. Incorrect settings may lead to the fact that the cost of attracting one client will be overstated. It should be significantly less than the average profit received from one buyer.
  • Inability to use in certain areas of activity. The ban on advertising on the Internet for certain products, the specificity of searching for some products exclusively offline, make contextual advertising for such campaigns ineffective.

Preparing for an advertising campaign

Conducting an online advertising campaign using context is not a simple process, as it might seem at first glance. Many subtleties and nuances, the complexity of correctly setting parameters, can force you to abandon contextual advertising, or negate the results of the campaign.

Having understood what contextual advertising on the Internet is and what problems it solves, the question arises where to start in order to get positive results in the near future.

First of all, you need to critically evaluate the site or information resource that you will be accessing. potential client from an advertisement. Is it filled with sufficiently capacious, accessible and high-quality information? Will he fully respond to search queries? The information on the page that the user goes to should be unobtrusive, accessible, and useful. Otherwise, after clicking on the page and not finding the product you are looking for, the visitor will look for another site.

The next stage is to decide how to conduct an advertising campaign: on your own, use the services of an agency, or choose an advertising aggregator.

The advertising agency will take care of the issues correct settings, account activation, calculation of required investments and assessment of their effectiveness. At the same time, the advertising budget should include an expense item for the agency commission.

Advertising aggregators- This automated systems contextual advertising management. With their help, you can manage the campaign without special education. A very important positive point when using aggregators is the opportunity to contact technical support, if questions or difficulties arise.

Do-it-yourself advertising campaign- this is a rather risky step if there is no knowledge and experience in this area. Help you make the settings correctly when posting on your own on the main advertising platforms Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords Only a lot of instructions and advice on the forums can.

To choose where to place contextual advertising and on which platform it is more profitable to position your product, let’s consider the features of each of them from the point of view of an advertiser who is not a directologist (contextual advertising specialist):

  • Attendance

Yandex is a confident leader in search queries, accounting for about 60% of traffic. This means that they are looking for more information on this site; as a result, the cost per click and, accordingly, the cost of contextual advertising are much higher here.

  • Ease of use

Yandex is not very convenient, but the settings are simpler and clearer.

The interface of the second platform is very convenient, but it is more difficult to understand. Therefore, for “dummies” it is safer to choose a simple system.

  • Competition

Yandex.Direct is very attractive to advertisers, which is due to the great popularity of Yandex. This creates a high level of competition.

There is less competition in the Google AdWords environment, there are free niches, which gives this site an advantage.

  • Advertisement Size

The Google platform offers up to 25 characters for a header, and 70 for an ad.

On Yandex.Direct - 33 and 75 characters, respectively. Conditions at this site are better. In addition, on Google AdWords the ad must be divided into two lines of 35 characters each. This is very inconvenient, especially when the text contains long words.

  • Ad test and statistics analytics

Cause great difficulties when posting on Yandex.Direct, on high level in Google AdWords.

  • Advertising cost

Yandex.Direct - click price from 30 kopecks, a mandatory amount at which you can start advertising from 300 rubles, with all funds going to your account, discounts and bonuses are available for placement experience of 1 year or more.

Google AdWords - the minimum click price is 27 kopecks, the starting amount is 400 rubles, of which only 50% goes to the account, there is a system of discounts and promotions that are available to beginners and allow you to save up to 70%.

Considering all the pros and cons of both platforms, we can draw the following conclusions:

The Google AdWords platform is involved less in search traffic, but has an attractive level of competition, which allows you to significantly save money on an advertising campaign. User-friendly interface, it is possible to post videos and graphics, use Youtube channel. Due to the complexity of the settings, it is more suitable for running advertising campaigns under the guidance of a specialist in the field of contextual advertising.

Yandex.Direct is the leader in search queries, there is big choice high-quality partner resources, which makes this platform promising for advertisers. Great competition leads to high advertising costs. The simplicity of the interface makes it possible to conduct an effective advertising campaign without using agency services.

Contextual advertising specialists (directologists) advise beginners to start a campaign using Yandex.Direct, while at the same time mastering contextual advertising, its basics, secrets and tricks on the Google AdWords site.

Rules for writing a good advertisement

The task that an advertising ad should solve is to attract attention potential buyer. First of all, you must follow the rules for writing on Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords. This is the amount in headlines and advertisements, the absence capital letters and contact details (telephones, Email, addresses).

In addition to the requirements of advertising platforms, you need to consider the following:

  • Search queries should be in the headers of advertisements. For example, if a user is looking on the Internet where to buy a food processor, then he is unlikely to pay attention to the ad “Various equipment to order.” This is an example of a bad headline. You should think about what queries the advertisement should meet and build it based on this data.
  • Long, ornate expressions should be avoided. Advertisements should be simple and understandable. Users are wary of superlative forms of “best,” “most reliable,” and the like. But mentioning discounts, promotions and bonuses is a successful advertising tool.
  • The advertiser should be aware that promotion of some products is prohibited on the Internet. Therefore, in order to avoid difficult situations, it is better to consult a specialist on advertising specific products on the World Wide Web.

How much does contextual advertising cost?

An important question that worries an advertiser who is using context for the first time to promote a product is how much will an effective advertising campaign cost? Entrepreneurs are well aware that the minimum cost, determined by advertising services at several hundred rubles, will bring visible results with a low degree of probability.

The uniqueness of contextual advertising is that it is the only type in which it is possible to calculate an effective advertising budget. The amount of costs is influenced by two main indicators - the cost of clicks and their number.

Contextual budget

Contextual advertising is fundamentally different from other areas in this area, and the criteria influencing budget formation will be different from other media.

  1. Subjects

Using “classic” advertising media, a gas station chain and a grocery store will pay the same price for placing the same advertising unit. In the case of contextual advertising, the subject of the placement will affect the cost per click.

Accordingly, the formation of an effective advertising budget directly depends on the specifics of the direction: the level of competition, the frequency of requests for the product, and seasonality. The higher the level of competition, the more profitable the product in this area, the more expensive the click, and the higher the advertising costs.

  1. Location

The advertising budget in a big city will differ from advertising in a medium or small town. The geographic component will be influenced by two factors – competition and the intensity of search traffic.

In a small city, where Internet penetration and, accordingly, the frequency of requests is low, increasing the budget will not bring the desired results. In this case, you need to make maximum use of all available advertising platforms and use broader search phrases.

In a big city, with high search traffic and the level of competition, on the contrary, to increase efficiency it is necessary to narrow the geography of advertising.

  1. Purpose of advertising

The goals and objectives of the advertising used are another component of the budget. Sales growth, increasing awareness of a product or campaign, increasing geography or target audience - different areas require different budgets.

The problem of rapid sales growth can be solved by increasing the cost per click for the most tolerant target audience. Here there will be an increase in sales in a short period of time, with the rapid consumption of advertising funds.

To expand the target audience, you can reduce the cost per click, increase the geography of advertising, attracting previously uninterested buyers. Achievement of the set goals should be expected in the long term; budget funds are spent over a longer period of time.

  1. Duration

Having a small advertising budget, there is no point in artificially extending the time period. Setting a limit of a few clicks per day or week will not increase your efficiency. To save advertising money, it is better to choose less expensive keywords.

With a sufficient budget for a long-term advertising campaign, the cost per click decreases over time, thereby increasing the efficiency of the investment.

Determining the effectiveness of contextual advertising

The goal of any advertising is to increase sales. Statistical tools on ad servers allow you to calculate effectiveness. Such data on completed actions on the resource is provided by Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics counters.

Very important indicator to calculate the advertising budget and evaluate effectiveness - the conversion level. This indicator gives an idea of ​​what percentage of visitors make a purchase. The term practically means the following: a conversion rate of 20% assumes that out of 100 visitors, 20 will make an order (every fifth).

If each buyer brings 200 rubles, with a click price of 5 rubles, advertising costs per buyer will be 25 rubles.

Another important indicator is the average cost per click and the number of queries in the topic of interest. The data provided by advertising platforms is not suitable for calculations. This is very general information. In order to determine the budget and calculate the effectiveness, it is better to spend money on a test advertising campaign with minimal costs. The best option– 2-3 advertisements, with a selection of 5-10 keywords for each. The phrases are not too vague, but also without strict clarity, up to 3 words. The targeting for the test is the same as for the advertising campaign. Time period 5-10 days. The average cost of such a test will cost 2-4 thousand rubles.

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This is advertising, the content of which depends on the interests of the user.

It acts selectively: contextual advertising shows the visitor only those ads that are directly related to what he is interested in this moment interests – and these interests of the user are clearly formulated by him. This significantly increases the effectiveness of advertising dollars.

Hrecheniuk Oleksii /

Search advertising appears on search results pages. Required condition display of search advertising – the presence in explicit form of a search query specified by the user.

Thematic advertising is shown on the page of a website that is part of an advertising network if the topic of the advertisement matches the interests of the user. Thematic advertising is shown as Additional Information to the content of the pages that the user views. She is in the sphere of his attention.

By entering a query into the search engine, the user, in addition to the search results, will see offers from advertisers (contextual ads). The content of the ads depends on the keywords of the search query.

Contextual advertising blocks are located above and to the side of the main list of links marked “Advertising” or “Yandex.Direct”.

Yandex.Direct - This is contextual advertising that matches the search query and interests of the user. The Yandex audience is comparable in size to the audience of radio stations and TV channels, while contextual advertising is not shown to all users, but only to those who have expressed their interest in the subject of the advertised goods or services.

The most popular services contextual advertising: Yandex.Direct and Google AdSense.

What do contextual advertising look like?

In Google and Rambler, advertising blocks look similar.

The advertisement consists of:

  • ad title;
  • two lines of advertising text;
  • links to landing page.

The ideology of contextual advertising is built on 3 principles:

  1. The principle of context. The advertisement will be shown only to those users who may be interested in it.
  2. The principle of paying for results. Payment is taken not for ad impressions, but for clicks on the ad. For each keyword (query), the advertiser himself determines the cost of one going to your website. The advertising budget is written off only when visitors click on the ad and go to the site. Therefore, contextual advertising is built on the model CPC (Cost-Per-Click - cost per click). The more effectively your ads are shown, the lower the cost per click. The minimum cost per click is 30 kopecks (0.01 cu).
  3. Auction principle. The auction-based CPC advertising pricing model allows the advertiser to pay as much as he or she deems acceptable for the click of an interested visitor.

The second and third principles describe the financial ideology of contextual advertising.

Principles of contextual advertising

  1. High efficiency. Ideally, contextual advertising is not advertising at all, but simply an advertisement. The consumer is shown what he is looking for. As a result, the user receives necessary information and does not waste time searching for the desired product among thousands of found sites. All you have to do is click on the ad that interests him. Thus, the need for a product or service is satisfied instantly. And the likelihood of a purchase and, as a result, the effectiveness of the advertisement is very high.
  2. Low cost compared to offline advertising and, therefore, accessibility for the most modest advertising budgets.

Pros of contextual advertising or disadvantages of search engine promotion

  1. Allows you to specify in which regions to display advertising.
  2. Provides an immediate increase in traffic to the site.
  3. Contextual advertising allows you to find a site that is not at all optimized for a search engine or is not indexed at all.
  4. You can run a successful advertising campaign even with small budgets. For example, a budget of $100 for website promotion is negligible.
  5. Allows you to more accurately measure ROI during monitoring.
  6. You can independently specify the name, description of the site and accurately indicate the target page (landing page) , where the user will be redirected after clicking.
  7. You can pause the campaign or start it at any time.
  8. Constantly changing search engine algorithms in order to improve search results increases the final cost of promotion for the customer.

Pros of search engine optimization or cons of contextual advertising

  1. People are more willing click on natural results search.
  2. Trust in TOP sites results will always be higher than for sites located in advertising blocks. This is due to the fact that the top positions of the site indicate that they have been seriously working on the site for a long time, on the basis of which we can conclude that this is not a one-day site that exists today and not tomorrow.
  3. CPCs are constantly rising. Depending on the competition, the cost of a click can be from 30 kopecks to $30 and more. Moreover, the cost per click can double in just a few days.
  4. Long-term results. Although the results of contextual advertising are visible much faster than search engine optimization, by optimizing the site once, the results can be felt for a long time. As soon as the budget for contextual advertising is exhausted, traffic to the site will immediately decrease after the campaign is stopped. In the case of search engine optimization, the achieved results will be maintained for a long time.

But it all depends on the specific topic of the site, competition and frequency of requests. Sometimes it is more economical to use contextual advertising, sometimes search engine optimization and promotion, sometimes (most often combine the first with the second).

Cost and click-through rate depending on the location of the advertisement

The cost of a click directly depends on the location where the advertisement is located.

The price of the first place in special placement is tens and even hundreds of times higher than the cost of entry to guaranteed screenings.

Special accommodation - it's a winning, high-click-through ad placement positioned above search results. It is located immediately above the search results. Special placement costs several times higher than the cost of guaranteed impressions.

Guaranteed impressions - ad spaces located to the right of search results, where ads are guaranteed to appear every time a user enters a query.

Ads in rotation - If the price you set is lower than the price of getting into static places, your ad can be shown dynamically, that is, in rotation with other ads in the last position.

At the same time, on the Yandex search results pages on the right you can see:

  • up to 4 ads statically, that is, guaranteed for each search query that exactly matches the keyword specified by the advertiser (without stop words) - this guaranteed impressions.
  • up to 5 ads that were not included in guaranteed impressions, dynamically (that is, alternating) in positions under guaranteed impressions - this is dynamic impressions. The total number of ads rotating in these positions is practically unlimited.

What determines the position of an advertisement?

The main indicator of the effectiveness of contextual advertising is CTR (Click-Through-Rate click-through rate). CTR is the ratio of the total number of clicks to the number of impressions.

CTR = (number of clicks) / (number of impressions)

For example, if an ad was shown 100 times and there were 7 clicks, then the CTR of this ad will be 10/100 = 0.1%

Typically, CTR in RuNet ranges from 0.1 to 3%. With well-configured targeting it can increase up to 10%.

The higher the CTR of an ad, the more relevant it will be considered. The most relevant ads are shown more often and in higher positions than ads with a lower CTR.

You can increase CTR by creating a more effective ad option to increase the number of clicks.

To determine the position of the ad, the formula is used:

Ads may not be shown, since for some requests they may be replaced by a contextual media banner or Yandex.Market product offers.

Advertisements from best performance are included in special placements and guaranteed screenings. The rest of the ads are included in dynamic impressions.

Special placement, unlike guaranteed impressions, has an entry threshold that does not depend on the presence of competitors. Therefore, there may be a situation where many Yandex.Direct ads are shown, but none of them are included in the special placement. At the same time, ads with a high click-through rate may be included in special placement at a price lower than the price of the first place on the right.

Ads in special placement and guaranteed impressions are arranged in descending order of cost per click.

In dynamic impressions, the frequency of impressions depends on the number of ads rotating on request, their click-through rate and cost per click. When displayed, these ads are arranged in descending order of magnitude, depending on click-through rate and cost per click.

Advertisements on the pages of the Yandex search service, optimized for mobile devices, are arranged in descending order of the product of the click-through rate and the cost per click.

Ads on thematic sites of the advertising network are shown based on the relevance of the subject matter of the advertising materials to the interests of the user. The selection of ads for display is carried out automatically by Yandex, taking into account the product of the click-through rate of an ad on a thematic site and the cost per click.

Tools for working with contextual advertising

90% of work with contextual advertising consists of the same type of manual operations, which take tens of hours of working time. That is why advertising agencies optimize their work with the help of special services.

Ordinary users who want to place advertisements without contacting agencies can also use similar programs, which include the one well-known on the market automatic system.

Here, in one interface, it is possible to work with two advertising systems at once: Direct and AdWords. Robotic settings and advertising campaign templates reduce the likelihood of errors, which is important for novice advertisers. They are the ones who experience difficulties in selecting keywords, defining landing pages, choosing an advertising strategy, calculating the optimal advertising budget.

Thanks to automation in contextual advertising, many problems are solved: lack of resources, lack of skills, inability to delegate a task to outsource. Therefore, the popularity and demand for such systems is growing among small and medium-sized businesses.

Contextual advertising is a special type of advertising on the Internet that appears in accordance with a search query or depends on the meaning of the page. For example, you score in Yandex or any other search engine request “how to choose a TV.” Text ads dedicated to your business appear above, below, or to the right of the main links. search query. In these places there is contextual advertising of sites about TVs or their purchase.

This type of advertising is sometimes called search advertising.

Context Feature

The main feature is the unobtrusive display of advertising. That is why such advertising is not annoying.

Contextual advertising is usually placed on specific websites and in search results.

Payment is usually made for clicks on an advertisement. They pay much less often for impressions.

How contextual advertising works

A special program automatically selects advertisements using a special algorithm. They usually correspond to the topic of the page and that the site visitor entered.

For example, advertisements for the sale of cars will appear on a website about cars, information about the purchase of apartments on websites dedicated to real estate, and so on.

The main leaders of contextual advertising

Contextual advertising is managed through specialized interfaces for creating specific ads or keywords. This ensures clear management of various advertising campaigns. In Russia, the most famous systems for regulating contextual advertising include:

Contextual advertising from yandex, google, begun
  • Yandex.Direct- a system with the help of which advertisements are placed in Yandex search and on partner sites, where the subject of the site pages is determined automatically.
  • Google AdWords- a system by which advertisements are placed in Google search, and on partner sites. The subject of advertising is determined automatically.
  • Runner- a system with the help of which advertisements are placed in Rambler search, and displays advertisements in global network personal sites.
  • MediaTarget- a system for displaying advertisements on LiveInternet projects.

Principles of contextual advertising

  • The customer's advertising is shown only to those users who are interested in it.
  • Advertising is placed on well-known search engines or thematic sites.
  • The customer pays for transitions to the site by clicking on an advertisement.
  • The customer himself determines the price for going to his website.
  • The distribution of places is carried out according to the auction principle (the leading place in the search engine is occupied by the one who paid the maximum price).

It's easy to calculate. CRT (click-through rate is the product of the number of clicks and the number of impressions) multiplied by the cost per click. We get a number. If you have it more than others, your advertisement will be shown. If it’s less, then most likely it won’t happen. To get into the impression, you need to increase the CRT or increase the cost per click.

Superman suit, apartment in North-Western Administrative Okrug, new smartphone, cupcakes with delivery, movies about space, a lawnmower with turbo mode... - every day on the Internet people are looking for a variety of goods and services. In response to their search, we can offer an appropriate and necessary solution - contextual advertising.

As shown

Contextual advertising can attract customers to your website in different ways: it can respond to requests directly or focus on a set of data about how the user behaves in the Internet. In the first case your answer is promotional offer- will appear in the search results for a specific request, and in the second - it will neatly fit into the content of the site that the user is currently viewing. In this case, users can see your advertisement as desktop computers both laptops and mobile devices- smartphones and tablets.

A tool for placing and managing contextual advertising on Yandex is Yandex.Direct.

Search advertising: by request

To provide a direct answer in search results, the Direct system uses its main signal - key phrases. That is, words by which people can search for your products or services.

Let's imagine an advertiser - for example, the owner of a furniture store. He created an ad in Direct and added the phrase three-seater sofa. When a user enters a query in Yandex search that contains this phrase, for example, buy a three-seater sofa, he can quickly find required product, and the store owner - a new client.

Such ads can be displayed both on Yandex itself and in the search results of our partners - for example, on,,

Thematic advertising: by interests and content

Direct's coverage is not limited only to search advertising: ads are also shown on tens of thousands of sites in Advertising network Yandex and external networks, if the subject of the advertisement corresponds to the interests of the user or the content of the site itself. This allows you to significantly increase the efficiency of placement and bring customers from all over the Internet to your site.

What is the price

Advertising in Direct is paid for clicks - that is, for users clicking on an ad to your website. This means that you pay for the visitors you attract, and not just for placing an ad or displaying it.

There are no fixed prices - you decide how much you are willing to spend. In this course, we'll show you how to predict the number of clicks on your ads and estimate your approximate budget.

Let's begin!

Our lessons will help you create your first effective advertising campaign in Direct - step by step, right in the interface. We'll start by selecting keywords and estimating the budget, and then move on to basic settings and tools.

To complete the first lesson and begin the rest of the lessons, please answer a couple of simple questions on our test.


How does Direct display ads?

1. Only in response to user search queries
2. Only by coincidence of the subject of the site and the advertisement, as well as in accordance with the user’s behavior on the Internet
3. All of the above

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Correct answer: 3

What actions in Direct are paid for by the advertiser?

1. The advertiser pays for impressions of his ad to users
2. The advertiser pays only for clicks - user transitions to his website or virtual business card. Impressions are free
3. The advertiser pays for both impressions and clicks on the ad.

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