File sharing service mail cloud. How to use the mail ru cloud, storing files on it

IN Lately not only computer technologies are rapidly developing, but also mobile technologies. In this regard, the issue of safe storage of relatively large volumes information. And it is for this purpose that many IT corporations offer users of any type of device the use of so-called cloud services. How to use the cloud and services included in basic set any developer will now be considered.

What is cloud storage?

First, let’s define what kind of service this is. Roughly speaking, this is file storage in the form of allocated disk space for a company providing such services.

In other words, in a sense, it can be called a kind of virtual flash drive on which a certain amount of data is placed. However, if you need to constantly carry a USB device with you to access downloaded information, then such a service (for example, the Mail.Ru cloud or the corresponding Google service) can be accessed from both a computer and a mobile device. That is, the files are synchronized in the cloud itself, and you can view or download them simply by entering your registration data (although in some cases this is not required).

Quite a lot has already been written about how to use the cloud. Now let’s pay attention to some main points, and also consider the simplest principles of its use, explaining the situation in detail.

Most popular services

It goes without saying that initially, to use such storages, you need to decide on a service provider, that is, choose the most suitable service for yourself

Today you can find quite a lot of such services. The most popular are the following:

  • Dropbox.
  • SkyDrive.
  • Cloud Mail.Ru.
  • "Yandex.Disk".
  • Google Drive (Google Disk).
  • Apple iCloud and iCloud Drive.
  • OneDrive, etc.

Before we figure out how to use each type of cloud, it should be noted that these services are somewhat uneven when compared to each other. The fact is that some repositories can be accessed exclusively from a computer terminal, while others require synchronization of both computers and mobile devices. Sometimes it may be necessary specialized application, playing the role of a kind of conductor, sometimes just an Internet browser is enough.

The same applies to freely allocated disk space for storing your files, as well as payment for additional volume for remote server. In any case, most services are very similar to each other.

What should you pay attention to before starting work?

Now let's look at some important points, without which the use of cloud services is out of the question.

The very first and most important thing is pre-registration, and in some cases it is absolutely unimportant whether it will be done via the Internet using a regular browser or a special computer or mobile application. The whole process takes a few minutes.

Benefit from stationary systems Mobile devices with operating systems installed on them differ. The fact is that when you turn it on for the first time, to access some advanced functions or stores like AppStore or Google Play (Play Market) the system initially prompts you to create an account (registered address Email and password). Moreover, your smartphone or tablet already has pre-installed application for working with cloud services. For convenience, you can install their desktop counterparts on a computer or laptop (although access can also be obtained through a browser).

Allocable disk space

Another important point- the amount of disk space that the user initially receives in free version. Typically, the volume is different services ranges from 5 to 50 GB. If this is not enough, you will have to increase the storage capacity and pay a certain amount for it, which includes the cost of purchasing more volume and maintenance for a certain period of use, which, by the way, can also vary.

General principles

As for how to use the cloud in the broadest sense, everything is quite simple. After registration, the user only needs to add folders and files, contacts and much more to the storage.

At the same time, in the settings section, he can add friends who, like him, will upload files to the server or edit them (the simplest example is Dropbox). Often new users can use own passwords to login.

But here's what's interesting. When installing special program On a computer, access to files in the cloud is much faster than when launching the same Internet browser. The same can be said about synchronization. It is enough to place the files in the application folder, and synchronization will be performed instantly for all users who have access rights to the service. Let's look at the most popular storage facilities.

Cloud Mail.Ru

So, as mentioned above, you will first need to create an email account, after entering which the cloud service will be displayed in the panel at the top in the projects tab. This is the Mile cloud. How to use it? As easy as pie.

Initially, 25 GB of disk space is offered. carried out using the corresponding button, which can be used to add several objects at once. The limitation concerns only the size of the uploaded file - it should not exceed 2 GB. Before starting the download, you can use additional functions, for example, create and then just as easily files can be moved and deleted. Please note: it does not have a “Trash”, as in the same Yandex service, so restore deleted information will not work.

The function of creating, viewing or editing files can be very useful. Let's say we have a Word document (or it is created directly in the repository). Changing it directly in the cloud can be as easy as if the user were launching the editor on a computer. Upon completion of work, we save the changes, after which synchronization occurs again.

Yandex cloud: how to use?

With the Yandex service, in principle, things are almost identical. The functional set, in general, does not differ much.

But the developers of this service thought that the user could delete files completely by accident. This is where the so-called “Trash” comes to the rescue, into which information is placed when deleted. It works like a standard computer service. True, data recovery tools are not applicable to it if they have already been deleted from the Recycle Bin. Nevertheless, the function is very useful.

Google Drive storage

Now let's move on to one more powerful service called Google Cloud. How to use Google Drive? Fundamental differences compared to other services, no. But here access can be obtained both from a mobile device (built-in service) and using a utility installed on a computer (not to mention logging in via an Internet browser). With a phone or tablet everything is simple, let’s look at the computer program.

We assume that the account has already been created. After activation, the user receives 5 GB of storage. An increase to 25 GB will cost approximately 2.5 USD. We install the application on the computer, after which the service folder appears on the Desktop (it is also displayed in Explorer).

As is already clear, just place the files in this directory and synchronization will occur. During operation, the program “hangs” in the system tray as an icon. Right click calls extra menu, where you can view the available space for downloading files, make personalized settings, expand storage space, shut down, etc.

One point is especially worth noting here. As it turns out, copy the files to the program folder on your computer, and then download them from the cloud to mobile device It turns out to be much faster than connecting the gadget to a computer and then copying using Windows.

iCloud and iCloud Drive services

Finally, let's look at how to use the Apple cloud. There are two services (iCloud and iCloud Drive) that are pre-installed on the iPhone or iPad in accordance with the version of the operating system installed on the device. Essentially, iCloud Drive is updated version iCloud, and for it correct operation Please note that the mobile gadget must comply with the declared technical requirements: iOS 8 on the device itself. Computer - Windows 7 or higher with iCloud extension for Windows or a computer terminal running Mac OS X 10.10 or OS X Yosemite.

Initially, after logging into the service, folders created by default will be displayed there. Their number may vary depending on the settings of the computer and the client on the mobile device. How to use the cloud on iPhone? In principle, there is nothing supernatural about this. It is enough to launch the application on the gadget (switch the launch slider to the on state) and log in using account. It's another matter when the input is supposed to be from a computer. Here you will need to use the settings menu of the program itself and select enable there.

Another minus - enough low speed synchronization (this is recognized by everyone). And one more, most unpleasant moment. If you switch from iCloud to iCloud Drive without updating all devices to required configuration, data in the old cloud will simply be inaccessible, so be vigilant.


That’s briefly all that concerns the question of how to use the Cloud application or services of the same name. Of course, not all the possibilities of such services are considered here, but, so to speak, only general principles(basics) of work. However, even with such minimal knowledge, any newly registered user will be able to carry out basic operations within 5-10 minutes.

Cloud Mail.Ru- online cloud storage and data synchronization solution with support for popular desktop and mobile platforms.

You can access your files, photos and documents from any device and anywhere with an active Internet connection. Cloud storage will save space on hard drives your computer or in the memory of your smartphone/tablet.

The reliability of storing files on the Internet is ensured by a backup system and anti-virus scanning.

Overview of Cloud Mail.Ru capabilities

Support for popular platforms

Mail.Ru cloud works on all the most popular desktop and mobile platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, smartphones and Android tablets, iPhone, iPad and Windows Phone. The functionality of the applications allows you to take advantage of the Cloud, no matter what device you have.

The speed of file transfer in cloud storage depends only on the capabilities of your Internet connection.

8GB of free space

The Mail.Ru cloud offers 8 GB of cloud disk space for each user for free. You can store any types of files, including photos, videos, music, presentations, documents.

Synchronization and backup files

For reliable protection files, create a folder on your computer, save your files in it and synchronize it with the Cloud. Even if your computer breaks down HDD, all your files will be saved online and you will be able to access them. For reliability, Mail.Ru also uses backups of your files at different data centers to prevent data loss.

You can enable auto-download of captured photos and videos on your smartphone or tablet (iOS and Android). This will allow you to save files even if your mobile device is lost or fails. Automatic synchronization also allows you to delete files from your device and make room for new photos and videos.

Shared folders. Sharing to files

The Shared Folders feature allows you to share files with other users and make changes to the content. For example, you can share photos with friends, organize group work on a project, or replenish shared folder with educational materials.

Integration with Mail.Ru Mail

The cloud is integrated with your Mail.Ru mailbox. You can save any of the files received in a letter to the Cloud or, when sending a new letter, attach files to it from cloud storage, mail or computer.

Anti-virus file scanning

All files that you save or transfer in the Mail.Ru Cloud are scanned using Kaspersky Anti-Virus technologies. This helps protect all your devices from malware infection. Infected files are blocked and become unavailable for downloading by other users.

The modern Internet has provided all users with so much great amount possibilities that even simply listing them would take quite a lot of time. And the best part is that the list of available technological innovations continues to grow quite rapidly, and existing solutions are being improved, rapidly approaching perfection.

Such continuous technological evolution has also affected storage media, adding to the list of stationary and portable devices new group data storage – cloud storage. Thanks to them widespread implementation, user work with information has been transferred to a new, more modern and reliable level.

The idea of ​​cloud disks (storages) is simple and extremely clear: the user can store files that are necessary or simply interesting to the user not on his own PC or mobile device, but on network storage on the Internet (on secure servers) and you can access such information from anywhere in the world.

The concept of such storages turned out to be so popular that Internet giants such as Google and Yandex instantly implemented it for their users.

However, today we will talk about another organization - the company, which developed and put into operation own cloud, often superior in capabilities to the services of the above companies (the size of the disk space provided is noticeably larger than competitors, the file transfer speed - downloading / uploading is also higher).

You can download cloud to your computer for free in Russian. The link is available on the website in the user’s account (shown in the screenshot), or on our website at the bottom of this material (before the section " Technical information"). Let's say right away that every user who has opened the cloud has the opportunity to access Mailbox on their servers.

As you already guessed, so The storage can be fully used through any modern Internet browser, however, it is most convenient to do this through free program for Windows computer.

Features of working with the cloud:

  • simple and clear user interface both when using the web version of the cloud, and in the case of software installed on the computer;
  • The size of the free disk space is 25 GB (for additionally allocated disk space will have to pay);
  • The file upload limit is 2 GB (if you install the program, all limits are removed);
  • If you install the program on a PC, working with the cloud is reduced to working with a regular Windows folder, data into which can be copied or deleted from there. All changes made in this way will be carried out on the cloud itself (on the Internet) thanks to the automatically launched synchronization function;

By the way, users of operating systems are not left out either. Mac systems OS, Linux, as well as owners of mobile devices based on Android and iOS OS, for which adapted versions of the programs were released.

Advantages of cloud storage disk

  1. First of all, there are no restrictions on the speed of downloading a file or uploading it to the cloud. The only limit is the speed of the user’s Internet channel;
  2. You can download from disk or upload to disk several files at the same time (this applies to both the web version of the service and when installing the program on a PC);
  3. when uploading files to the cloud, they are automatically scanned by Kaspersky anti-virus, which minimizes the transfer of unwanted software inside file archives and malicious macros in office documents;
  4. high reliability of data storage. It is ensured by the use of two independent data centers, one of which stores the original, and the second acts as a backup storage (in case of failure when using the first);
  5. a document placed in the cloud cannot be forgotten at home - to access the file you only need access to the Internet;
  6. text files can be created directly in the browser, and then using a simple web analogue Microsoft Word edit online. The same opportunity is available in the mode of working with presentations and spreadsheets;
  7. cloud can be downloaded for free on any modern device.

Separately, I would like to say that a document posted on the cloud can be viewed and edited by all interested parties (employees, friends or family). To do this, you need to share access to a folder or file, such as Google Drive.

We recommend this service, as the simplest and affordable option for simple and advanced users. Let us remind you that you can download the cloud to your computer using a direct link on our website or from your personal account postal service. And to remove a program, use the control panel options in the "Add or Remove Programs" section.

Hello, friends! The article shows file storage services and shows how to use cloud mail ru for storing and transferring files, creating documents and setting up access.

mail ru

Today it is difficult to surprise people with file storage services, of which there are quite a lot on the Internet. Services cloud storage are becoming a firm part of our lives, users are increasingly pumping information to various cloud storages. Typical representatives of cloud services are Yandex Disk, Google Drive, vSafe, Mail ru and others. In addition, now there are a lot of programs that work from the cloud, such programs do not need to be installed on your computer, you can work online, for example Photoshop online -, antivirus programs, creation of documents and tables, .

Oh, articles were written on the blog, if you wish, you can look at them on the blog. Eat paid services, there are free ones, each service contains a different amount of information. This article will introduce the mail ru cloud storage service.

The fact is that a huge number of people have mail ru mail, but there are people who do not even suspect that having this mail, they have the opportunity to use the cloud to store files. Newcomers asked me questions on this topic. First I recorded a video, and now I decided to write an article that will show how to use the mail ru cloud.

For those who don’t know yet, let me remind you that a cloud is a dedicated disk space on a remote server where information is located. If you post your information there, then simplified, we can say that it will be part of your remote hard drive.

Before moving on to the question of how to use the mail ru cloud, let's do a short review.

File storage services

Possibilities and methods of data storage

There are a lot of services for storing files; I will give you the possibilities and methods for storing data. Many cloud services allow you to:

  • store the permitted amount of information;
  • organize stored information by creating folders and subfolders;
  • many services allow you to create documents directly on the service in Word format and Excel, presentations;
  • generate a link, then you give the link to any person who can download your file;
  • the ability to collaborate on a document from anywhere in the world;
  • the ability to work from any mobile device.

Free clouds for file storage

As a rule, file storage services allow you to download some information for free, and if this space is not enough, you can pay for the services and increase the disk space capacity. Everyone has it cloud service their prices and their quotas for free storage data. Below are free services that allow free and safe storage data:

  1. Yandex Disk - provides free file storage of 3 GB by default, the space can easily be expanded to 10 GB, and if you try, even more. I now have 45 GB of free disk space.
  2. Google Drive provides 15 GB of free storage space.
  3. Cloud mail mail service ru allocates 25 GB of space, and until recently, the mail ru cloud allowed you to use 100 GB for free. There were also lucky ones who were included in the promotion and now have 1 TB of free disk space. Now the mail ru cloud allocates 100 GB of space and 1 TB for a fee.
  4. Until recently, the VSafe service allocated 120 GB of space for free, but has now changed its conditions and volume free information became smaller.
  5. Xbox Live– free service for storing games.
  6. Dropbox – the service initially offers 2 GB of data storage for free, the amount of free disk space can be increased up to 16 GB. To get 1 TB of space, you need to switch to a paid basis.
  7. The Chinese service Yunpan will give you 36 TB.
  8. The Chinese service Yunio will give you as much as 100 TB for free!!! It doesn't matter that the service works on Chinese, you can figure it out through Google Translator. I myself have not worked with Chinese services, but judging by the reviews of our compatriots, it is possible to work there.
  9. The Flicr service provides 1 TB of free space, but only for photos. Of course, there are other services.

How to use the cloudmail ru

So let's get back to the service. mailing lists mail ru and consider the question of how to use the mail ru cloud. It's quite simple. If you have an email address, you can start working right away; if you don’t have an email account, then you need to create one. Next, go to your mail account, in top panel control, click on the “Cloud” button (see screenshot).

By the way, below is a video showing how to use the mail ru cloud.

For those who don't like watching videos, let's continue. As you can see, in the upper left corner it says that I am presented with 25 GB of disk space, in in this case free 24.5.

On the left are the “Download” and “Create” buttons. Using the “Upload” button, upload the file to the cloud for storage. Using the “Create” button you can create folders and subfolders, create Word documents and Excel, create presentations. Several people can work with these documents remotely. You generate a link (set up access), send it to the right people and work together with this document. Moreover, every person can be located anywhere on the planet.

At the bottom left is a set of applications for various devicesdesktop computer, smartphone, tablet and so on. You can synchronize your cloud mail ru (cloud), or you may not. Through the “Download” button you can download the mail ru cloud to your computer or its individual files.

The purpose of the “Delete” button is clear. To receive a link to required file or folder, you need to select the file or folder and click the “Get link” button. To set up access, use the “Set up access” button, as shown in the attached video.

Using the “More” button you can copy, move or rename the file. Using the “View” button, you can display mail ru in the cloud as a list, or in the form of folders (pictures). The button next to it allows you to structure information in the mail ru cloud alphabetically, by date, and by size. Everything is quite simple, any beginner can figure it out. More details about how to use the mail ru cloud are shown in this video:


So, if you haven't used a storage service before mail files ru, you didn’t know that it was in the mailing list service, now you can use it. Now you have learned how to use the mail ru cloud. If 25 GB is not enough for you, then there are several options:

  • you can have several boxes per mail mail ru – 4 boxes are already 100 GB;
  • use other cloud storage services, in combination you can get quite large volumes;
  • if you need a lot of disk space, you can try using one of Chinese services, they were written about above;
  • if you have money, you can use a paid cloud to store files on the same mail ru, the cost is from 1000 to 5000 rubles per year.

You can use the mail ru cloud not only to transfer files, but also to unload your hard drive; mail provides safe and reliable data storage, as well as for backup important information. If something happens to your hard drive, you can always restore it from the cloud. Use all the possibilities of new technologies and benefit. Good luck to you!

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Cloud services are a modern trend in the field information technologies. The cloud began to be called any remote server resources that allow solving various current user tasks related to digital information: storing files and archives, hosting websites, working in various paid programs without their direct acquisition. Let's consider using a cloud service for storing files from the company.

How to use the Mail RU cloud through a browser
We offer a short guide to the functions of the cloud service from Mail ru.
  1. To start using the cloud from Mail ru you need to have a registered account at If you don't have an account yet, register one.
  2. After registration, go to home page cloud service at
  3. Check out License agreement, accept its terms and proceed to working with the service by clicking the button Get started.

  4. To upload your data to the cloud, click the button Download and select on your computer drives necessary files. Maximum size The file that can be downloaded through the browser is 2GB. After downloading the files, you can interact with them necessary actions: rename, provide for download, move between folders, and so on.

  5. To get a link to the downloaded files, where anyone can download the data, select the downloaded file and click the button Get the link.

    Copy the link from the window that appears.
  6. If after some time you want to prohibit downloading a file from your cloud, then select it and press the button Remove link. The file will only be available to you from the cloud control panel.

  7. To organize the downloaded files, it is recommended to place them in the appropriate folders. Folders must first be created by clicking the button Create and select the item in the menu that appears Folder.

  8. To delete files that no longer need to be stored in the cloud, mark these files and click the button Delete.

  9. In addition to storing files using the cloud, you can create a document, tables or presentation, that is, analogues of the documents with which I work office applications Word, Excel and Power Point respectively. For creating specified files in the cloud click the button Create and select the desired item from the menu that appears. It should be noted that functionality in the cloud are significantly more limited than what you can get using similar applications Microsoft Office.

  10. If you have been sent a link to download any file stored on the cloud, then you do not have to download it to your computer, but save it to your cloud. To do this, click on the button with the image of a cloud and select a folder to save the data.
Working with the MailRu cloud is quite simple. In practice, you will quickly master the interface of this service.

How to use the Mail ru cloud through the application
It’s even more convenient to use the cloud not through a browser, but using applications that can be installed for all popular computer platforms, as well as smartphones. One of the benefits of using apps is that they can upload files up to 32GB in size. How to use the application:
As the Mailru company itself states, using its cloud service, the user no longer needs to worry about the safety of personal data and it will always be “at hand” on any device. We can only take his word for it and/or check the validity of this statement.