What is an account name? What are accounts, rights and permissions for?

How to get a Microsoft account? This question worries many Internet users. If you are one of them, then this article is for you.

Microsoft is one of the largest IT companies in the world. This brand includes great amount various Internet services. Skype, store Xbox Live, search system Bing, package Office programs, cloud storage OneDrive - and these are not all programs operating under the Microsoft banner.

What is a Microsoft account? Essentially, this is a universal account. It can be used to work with any service from Microsoft. It is very convenient and practical. For example, you downloaded Skype and Office package. Instead of registering for each program separately, you can create one account on the official Microsoft website.

How to register with Microsoft

How do I create a Microsoft account? In fact, everything is very simple. You can register an account in just a couple of minutes. You must go to the official website of the company and follow the following instructions:

After this, the registration procedure will be completed. You will be automatically signed in to your Microsoft account. Now entered during registration email and you can use the password to log in to services owned by Microsoft.

How to add a user

An account in a Microsoft service can also be used to add a new user to the Windows OS. This is done as follows:

A new operating system user has been created. You can now sign in to your computer using your Microsoft account information. It is worth noting that the first time you log into the OS, settings are configured. This may take a certain amount of time.


If you often use Microsoft products, then it is quite rational to create an account on the company’s official website. This will save you a lot of time. After all, you will not need to register in each program separately. You can simply use the data from your Microsoft account.

Although home computer called personal, that is, designed for one user and his needs, in practice it is more often used by several people at once. In organizations, a number of employees can work in shifts on the same computer, but at home it becomes a toy for all family members.

At the same time, users of the same computer can be of different genders and ages, which means that the design requirements will most likely working environment(for example desktop background), system settings and list installed programs will be different. It’s clear that if you spend a couple of hours personalizing the system and the next time you turn on your computer you find that someone has changed the shortcuts you’ve set, the gadgets you’ve configured, and your favorite desktop background, you’ll probably be upset. So what to do in this situation?

Fortunately, the system developers took care of this, making Windows not only multitasking, but also multi-user. This means that the world's most widely used OS allows you to add new users with your own configurations.

For Windows User is a specific account that uses the current system to perform certain functions. Several people can work under one user, and at the same time, each of them can create a separate user.

As we mentioned above, a computer located at home can often be used by several people. Each of them can work under one user, that is, in in this case system resources will be shared. But you can create several users, which will be much more profitable. What benefits can you get from this?

The fact is that each account is capable of storing not only individual settings interface of the system, but also have its own set installed applications, which can only be used by a specific user. However, others may not know about the presence of these programs on their computer.

One more important point is the fact that different users of the same computer may have different rights. Thus, by creating an additional account with reduced rights, you can limit functionality the person who will use it. For example, he will not be able to change basic system settings and open specific folders, which can be useful if children use the computer. In addition, you can prohibit children and beginners from installing new programs, and leave all the ability to install applications and configure the system only to experienced users.

During Windows installations, a main account must be created in it, the owner of which becomes the first user and has system administrator rights. Also, immediately after registering a new account, the user’s “personal” folders are automatically created on the hard drive, which include: “Documents”, “Music”, “Videos”, “Images”, “Desktop” and others. Many of the most common programs, by default, offer to save files created in them in these standard folders, of course, unless you forcibly change their location to some other one.

Any data contained in these folders will not be accessible to users who sign in using a different account. This way, you don’t have to worry that someone will accidentally delete, for example, a document you created or gain access to confidential data.

Creating new users

Now let’s imagine that one account is not enough for you and you need to create one or even several additional users with their own configurations.

To do this, you need to click on the button Start and in the main menu that opens, select the item Control Panel(located on the right side of the menu). Among the many sections (icons, pictograms) we are interested in the one called user accounts.

In general, an account is special data that operating system stores for each user. If added New user, the operating system creates an account for him. If a user is deleted, the credentials are erased from memory. It's a bit like the HR department at work: when you start working, you create a personal file, and when you leave, it's destroyed.

Now let's try to add a new user. To do this, you need to click on the link, after which the window of the same name will open in front of you.

In the field where it says “New account name”, you need to enter the name (alias) of the new user. If the letters are not printed when you press the keys, you need to click on this field with the mouse. You can enter any name as an alias, you can also use real name the person for whom the user will be created.

Next, you should select the account type by choosing one of two options: Administrator or Regular access. The administrator is allowed to manage all existing operating system settings, add any programs and applications, create and delete users, and so on. In the case of normal access, you can also use almost all programs and customize the system to suit your own needs, but you will not be able to change the security settings of the system or other users. Also Administrator may at any time limit the rights of a standard account, preventing the user from performing certain operations.

The most correct thing is if there is only one administrator user on the computer, who will control all the rights of other users. It is the administrator who allows and denies something to someone. In addition, administrators can change not only their own account, but also the records of other users. So the presence of several users on the same computer with such rights increases the risk of unwanted interference in important settings operating system.

When the selection is made, click on the button. A window will open with a list of created users and their icons.

Setting up and deleting accounts

If you click on any of the accounts (for example, the one that was just created), a window will appear in which you can see links to change the user account settings. Items Changing your account name And Changing the pattern no special comments are needed.

For each account, it is advisable to set its own own password, thanks to which other users will not be able to visit “other people’s” profiles. This is done using the point Creating a Password. Immediately after the password is created, the additional items Change/Remove Password.

If you decide to limit the rights of any user, you need to click on the link in the window Set parental controls. Then you should select the user for whom the restriction will be set, after which a window with control settings will appear. By the way, if one or more accounts do not have a password, the system will warn you about this.

First you need to put the switch Parental control to mode Turn on using the current settings. Links in the section Windows Settings allow you to configure certain user settings, including: limiting the time spent on the computer by day of the week, managing access to gaming applications, as well as setting permissions or blocking for use certain programs.

Finally, you always have the right to delete any account you create by clicking on the link with a self-explanatory name in the window for making changes to your account. Just keep in mind that changing settings or deleting users should be done carefully, since such operations can erase important files users, if they are in personal folders that Windows specifically creates for them.

True, the developers have insured against rash actions and when deleting an account, Windows will first offer to save personal files user, and if you still click on the button Delete files, it will display another warning window.

After there are two or more active accounts in the system, each time before logging into the system, Welcome window you will be prompted to select the desired user.

While working in Windows, you can log out of one account and log into another at any time, or even without logging out, just change the user. To do this, click on the button Start, and then hover your mouse over the arrow next to the button Shutdown.

After selecting the item in the menu that opens Change user, without shutting down applications or closing active windows, you will be transferred to the welcome screen, where you can select new profile to login. Just keep in mind that working with several configurations at once seriously reduces the available space random access memory and can cause your computer to slow down.

By the way, you can quickly change the user by pressing the combination Ctrl keys+ Alt + Del and selecting the appropriate menu item or using the Win + L hotkey combination.

If you need to completely log out of your account and allow another user to work in Windows, select Logout. In this case, all programs and files you were working with will be closed.

Account Control Windows users-systems are used everywhere today. And it doesn’t matter at all whether it’s an office terminal on which several users are registered, or a home computer. All the latest Windows versions have such a tool, and it is activated by default immediately after installing the system. However, it is necessary to approach the essence of the issue of control of registration data more specifically, so that any user can take advantage of all the benefits of his registration, and, if necessary, add access rights to some functions and tools of the system.

What is a user account in general terms?

If we talk about what such registration records are in Windows systems, we can say that this is, roughly speaking, data about users who can log into the system and work with applications, documents or Windows tools using your own logins and passwords.

In principle, exactly the same concept of a user account can be found today in the same in social networks, in programs that require a personalized login (for example, Skype or various kinds of instant messengers).

Of course, such registration is somewhat different from what we have in Windows, since when entering a program or some service, the registered user can use all the tools and capabilities without restrictions.

With Windows, the situation is somewhat more complicated, since for each such registration special access rights to certain functions are established. In other words, if the user does not have any rights to use the same system tools, to install or remove programs, no matter how hard he tries, it will be impossible to perform such actions (their execution will simply be blocked). The account control system is responsible for this. Immediately after installing the operating system, it is in active state, however, it is not difficult to lower the level of control or disable it completely.

But let's see into what categories all the entries registered in Windows can be divided. Now accounting registrations Microsoft will not be considered, although they, by and large, can also be classified as “accounts”. Let's dwell on local settings one computer terminal.

All login entries in Windows can be divided into two large groups: administrators and users. You can view which group a particular registration belongs to from the corresponding section of the Control Panel by selecting account type changes. But to the average user This option may not be available. And that's why.

Access rights and restrictions

The fact is that, as already mentioned, the system imposes strict restrictions on ordinary users who are not members of the administrator group. This was done so that they could not change system settings, which may cause Windows to not work.

On the other hand, this may be due to restricted access to some applications, functions for installing and uninstalling programs that are not intended for use on local computer, or even the inability to view directories and files of other registered users, unless shared access is set to them. This is precisely the advantage of separating user registrations. However, one should not delude ourselves, since the administrator, having full set rights, view the user’s actions or gain access to his documents or even personal settings can be quite simple.


The system creates an administrative user account directly during the installation process. It is the administrator who is, so to speak, in charge actor or, if you want, a certain manager who has the maximum set of rights and can also grant extended rights to other users (temporarily or permanently).

Regular users can also have these rights, but their priority rank is lower. To understand what we are talking about, consider simplest example from the army hierarchy. Let's say there are two senior officers in a regiment with the rank of lieutenant colonel, but one is in the position of regiment commander, and the second holds the position of chief of staff. Which one is more important? Of course, the regiment commander. The same is the case with Windows. The administrator is the regiment commander, the user with administrative rights is the chief of staff. But this is a purely conditional comparison.

Super administrator

But being an administrator own computer does not mean that you will have absolutely all rights to change system settings. Even in Windows 7, a system registration entry appeared in the form of the so-called super administrator, which is not displayed in the corresponding section and which cannot be changed.

Many people have probably noticed that sometimes to run a program or system tool it is necessary to use the run or delete line as an administrator, even though the user seems to be an administrator. This is the final frontier that ensures the protection and integrity of the operating system.

Since this account cannot be changed, you can get rid of constant requests from it. For example, to start a program you need to use the RMB menu on executable file or shortcut, then check the box next to the permanent run as administrator line.

You can also disable its use through the command line, which initially needs to be launched as an administrator, and then enter the line net user administrator /active:no and press the enter key. You can, of course, delve into the registry, but this approach looks more complicated and time-consuming.

How to create a registration?

Now a few words about how to create a user account in the systems Windows latest modifications. As already mentioned, the administrator registration is created during the installation process.

But in order to add a user, you must use the above section of the “Control Panel” and select the appropriate item to add registration. Please note that user account names can be entered arbitrarily, even in Russian, but the login must include only latin characters(To special characters this does not apply).

When creating a registration, you will be asked to specify its type, which may subsequently affect the restrictions associated with access rights to certain functions. Here - at will. If you need to restrict the user so that he cannot make critical changes to the system settings, select normal registration; to provide extended rights, select the administrator group.

In principle, it will not be possible to change the type or provide additional labor rights in the future.

For example, to delete some files, you can use the RMB menu with the choice to change the owner and check the boxes next to all the items presented in the list (change, delete, etc.).

Issues of control and management of credentials

Finally, let's move on to the User Account Control system. In Windows 10 or any other modification of the system, this tool is called User Account Control or abbreviated UAC.

It is clear that the administrator can change the rules for each registered user, change his data, set extended rights, create passwords, etc. But in this case we're talking about about control by the operating system itself.

How to disable Windows User Account Control?

By and large, it is not recommended to completely disable the control system. Settings can be accessed from the above section, but in latest versions operating systems Windows is simpler Just enter the required abbreviation (UAC) in the search field, after which a control window will appear.

Any user account (whether an administrator or a regular user) falls under the established level, which is regulated by the slider located on the left.

To change the level, simply move the fader down or up. The upper position corresponds to maximum protection, the lower - complete shutdown control. True, in the absence of appropriate rights, an ordinary user will not be able to change anything. You will have to log in as an administrator. But you shouldn't do such things.

Instead of a total

This is briefly all that concerns both the “accounts” themselves and control of user accounts. I think it’s already clear how to disable this system. But to change such parameters, you must have the appropriate rights, otherwise nothing good will come of it.

As for the “accounts” themselves, registering a user in Windows on this moment is mandatory and non-negotiable. Actually, this is one of the principles of organizing system protection from unauthorized changes to parameters. On the other hand, for several users of one terminal this has its advantages, since no one else, of course, except the administrator, will be able to access user documents or, say, browsing history on the Internet.

There is probably not a single person today who has not encountered a situation where several people work on one computer, each logging into the system with their own username and password (the so-called user account in Windows). But not all users know what “accounting” is and how to change or control its basic parameters.


The term “account” itself comes from the usual translation of the English phrase User Account. In other words, this is the identification of a user account by a computer system with different levels of access to information, parameters, personal settings, programs used, etc.

There is no need to explain that we encounter accounts everywhere. Even a regular address Email for free mail server- and that can be interpreted as a “user account”. The same applies, for example, to online games, users working on computer terminals connected to a local network, programs like Skype, ICQ, etc. In general, to put it simply in simple language, this is the user's registration data. But all these types of “accounts” differ quite strongly. Now we will consider exactly Accounts users of Windows 10, as well as 8, 7 and other OS versions. Basically, their essence remains the same for all operating systems.

What benefits does the account provide to the user?

So, first, let's look at what the benefits of the account are. First of all, it is worth noting that any user who does not have access rights to information at the administrator level can be completely confident in his own security - from the point of view that no other person equal to him in terms of access rights will be able to view his personal files, Internet browsing history, change personal data or do something else.

It turns out that the system simply hides all these files from prying eyes, but only if the folders and documents are not assigned the status public access, when such files can be used by absolutely all users of computers located, for example, in the same local or virtual network. From a privacy point of view, this is very good, and full access only available to the administrator of a particular computer or system administrator local network(sysadmin). Let's see what its functions are.


As for the main (initially created) administrator account, such an “account” can be described as granting to a single person full rights access information, change the configuration of system settings, install or remove programs and applications, and manage other accounts.

In simple terms, an administrator is the most important user for whom there are no restrictions on working with the computer and operating system, and who has exclusive privileges to perform certain actions. And it is the administrator who makes full control user accounts with the ability to grant rights or limit the capabilities of any other user.

But the most interesting thing is that computer system(if only one or more OS is installed) there may be one or more administrators. It's better if there is one. And of course, in parallel there may be users who have almost the same rights, but such a hierarchy can be compared, say, to an army.

Let's say there are two officers with the rank of colonel. But one of them is a regiment commander by position, and the second is a chief of staff. The title is the access rights, the position is the user type. It is probably clear that within one unit (a computer in our case), the regiment commander has the status of an administrator, and the chief of staff (lower in position) has the status of a user with slight restrictions on rights.

User Types

Now let's move directly to the users and groups themselves. Typically, all types of accounts in Windows are divided into three types: administrator, standard user (standard user account) and guest (“guest”).

As is already clear, the administrator has absolutely all rights; ordinary users are allowed to simply work with a specific computer terminal. Guests are, roughly speaking, strangers who have minimal rights (exclusively to log into the system, but no more).

As for groups, the administrator himself can create them completely arbitrarily, and in unlimited quantities. In fact, users who enjoy certain rights and permissions can be grouped into different groups, or they can be grouped according to some other characteristic, for example, by belonging to a certain structure in enterprise management (technical department, accounting, etc.).

User Account Control

As for control, the main functions are assigned to the administrator. The system in this case acts only as a means of ensuring compliance with user rights or maintaining a certain level of security.

It is worth noting that control of user accounts (Windows 7, for example) can only be carried out when logging into the system using the admin username and password. No other user has the right to make changes to the “account” settings, granting rights to certain actions or removing restrictions.

One important point is especially worth noting here. Despite the fact that the system itself provides for user account control, Windows 7 and other newer versions of the OS can provide users with temporary administrator rights (unless this contradicts the security system settings and group policy). For this purpose in context menu To start programs there is a special line to run as administrator. This approach allows users, for example, to install native applications or use the same portable versions programs that do not make critical changes to system registry or do not change security settings.

Access rights and restrictions placed on accounts

As for restrictions on rights, there can be quite a lot of them. The fact is that user account control in the 8th, 7th or 10th version of Windows provides a fairly wide range of what can be allowed or denied to a user with certain rights.

Thus, in most cases, the main restrictions for users below the admin level may be: prohibiting access to the registry and editing it, changing security settings or group policy settings.

At the same time, as a consequence, there is a ban on installing certain programs, using already installed applications, or working with certain types of files and folders, reading removable media etc. This is a reasonable step, since an inexperienced user can easily try to view files on a flash drive infected with viruses or install suspicious program, and if a computer terminal is connected to a local network, the virus can easily migrate to other machines and cause such damage that absolutely all terminals will be inoperable.

That is why in the same “local environments” they often use a rather interesting In the standard version, each terminal is installed with its own “OS” (no matter what modification it is), which works independently of the central server.

In the second case, the computer does not have an operating system as such at all (sometimes there is not even hard drive), and the network OS is loaded from the same for all terminals remote server. This type of download can be seen in BIOS settings(usually it is denoted as PXE Boot or Network Boot). The advantages of this Windows start are obvious, because the user, no matter how much he wants it, simply cannot change any parameters, even the simplest ones.

Creating an account in Windows

Now let’s leave user account control alone for a while and look at how to create an “account” of one type or another. As mentioned above, after clean install system, the user receives administrator rights, and it is he who has the exclusive right to create, delete or change any account present in the system.

For creating new entry on the local computer itself simple version you need to go to the appropriate section of the “Control Panel”, then select to create a new “account”, enter the name (“Petya”, “Vasya” - it doesn’t matter) and determine the type of record ( normal access or administrator), and then confirm your actions. After this, in the same section you can create a login and password that will be used when logging into the system. You can also change the picture and other parameters available for this registration entry. And, of course, passwords and user accounts can be changed by the administrator even without the intervention of the users themselves. Actually, in some cases (restriction of rights, for example), their consent is not required. But most often this concerns local networks and system administrators, when the user has done something wrong and caused harm to the system.

Manage personal account settings

In terms of management, a user account at any level is directly under the control of the administrator. However, the user can change some system settings, say, background picture"Desktop", change window sizes, etc.

As for the rights to change more serious parameters, they can be granted by the administrator through the management menu in which the specified account is located. Another user will not be able to change anything. Let's see what settings can be made in this case.

Change basic account settings

First of all, the administrator can configure access rights to system settings, programs and some types of files. All this is installed either in the above section or in the Group Policy client.

However, you can first use the section local users and groups to add a user. To do this, enter the command lusrmgr.msc in the “Run” menu, and then in the computer management menu - precisely the users section, where right-clicking opens a menu with the ability to add a new person. You can add it to a group either through the properties menu, where you select group membership and then enter a name working group and search for names, or through the search for groups itself with preliminary use of the “Advanced” button. All that remains is to confirm your choice.

If we talk about access rights to certain functions, it is best to use control parameters in the “Control Panel” or in the system configuration (msconfig) with a choice of the service menu and control settings, but more on that later. You can also set the appropriate priorities (there are plenty of settings there).

Deleting an account

Deleting or disabling any “account” can be done from the same “Control Panel”, where in the control menu for another account, simply select the delete line (of course, when logging in as an administrator). That's all.

Then the user, when trying to log in, may then receive a notification that the user account has been disabled. It will not be possible to restore it after deletion, so you will have to create a new one on behalf of the administrator. However, when you delete an entry, you can save user files that will be available after the procedure is completed.

via "Control Panel"

When it comes to how to disable User Account Control, the first step is to use the Control Panel.

Here you need to select the options menu, and in the window where the vertical slider is located, simply move the latter to the lowest position, corresponding to the “Never notify” parameter, which only means that the system will not issue warnings regarding changes made to the configuration along the way.

via command line

As mentioned above, in the “Run” menu you can use the msconfig command and go to the “Tools” or “Tools” section, where you select the setting that corresponds to User Account Control.

Select this line, then click the “Run” button, after which we perform the steps indicated just above. However, access to disabling can be simplified if you immediately enter the line UserAccountControlSettings.exe as a command. Then everything is the same.

You can, of course, use the registry editor by changing the EnableLUA parameter (changing the value to “0”), which is located in the Policies\System branch of the main tree HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software and further, or using a handler Windows commands(in both cases, the user account will remain unchanged and control over it will be disabled). However, these methods will be somewhat complicated for the average user.

Instead of an afterword

That's all there is to it in a nutshell regarding what constitutes “accounting” and user account control on a local computer. Topics related to similar actions of a local network administrator were not discussed here, but, in principle, one could say that all the basic procedures are practically the same, except that sometimes some changes and settings may affect internetworking protocols. But that, as they say, is a different question.

Email address and phone number. This information may be needed to provide more secure two-factor authentication when performing change-related activities. key parameters account.

What is two-step verification?

Why does Microsoft offer additional addresses and phone numbers?

In this case, you will receive a code for the second stage of authentication, even if you find yourself without a phone and/or forget the password to one of your email addresses.

In other words, providing additional information reduces the risk of account suspension. You can add up to 10 email addresses and/or phone numbers to your account.

ZIP code is not accepted when creating a Microsoft account. What index should I enter?

Before entering an index, enter your desired email address and make sure it is available.

  1. Make sure you select your country.
  2. Enter your postcode. If that doesn't work, enter any postal code for your country's capital or largest city. For example:
  • 121087 (Moscow)
  • 194100 (Peter)
  • 01001 (Kyiv)
  • 200400 (Minsk)

What requirements does Microsoft have for account password complexity?

The password must contain at least eight characters. Additionally, in your account settings on the Microsoft website, you can set the requirement to change your password every 72 days.

What should I do when I can't log into my account?

What to do if your account is blocked?

If these steps do not help you regain access to your account, create a temporary account and contact free Microsoft technical support

Trusted PCs

Strictly speaking, the concept of a Trusted PC is not new, as it relates more to the Microsoft account management aspects than to Windows. However, Windows 8 introduced features that only work on trusted PCs.

Why make your PC trusted?

The main point of a trusted PC is to simplify a number of actions related to changing and synchronizing confidential data.

On the one hand, only between trusted Windows PCs can you synchronize credentials. In Windows 8, you had to manually make the PC trusted, and in Windows 10 - only the first time you used a specific Microsoft account on this PC. In other words, in Windows 10, after reinstalling the system and logging in with the same Microsoft account, you no longer need to make the PC trusted again.

On the other hand, from a trusted PC you can change a number of account settings without additional authentication, although in some cases it may still be needed.

Which PCs should be trusted?

Obviously, this must be your personal PC. You should not trust a public or work computer.

How to make your PC trusted?

In Windows 10, go to Settings - Accounts - Your data. If you do not see the option shown in the figure, your PC is already trusted.

You can also do this from the Microsoft Account Settings site by signing in from this PC. Instructions.

How to remove a trusted PC?

You can only delete everything trusted devices straightaway. Go to this page (requires login).

Working with a Microsoft Account on Windows

Windows 8 became the first Microsoft OS in which you can create an account Microsoft entry and switch between it and a regular account without losing your familiar environment.

How is a Microsoft account different from a regular local account on Windows?

A Microsoft account in Windows is the most common local account that you sign into with your credentials. Microsoft data. She has exactly the same profile (%UserProfile%), she can also be a member of any groups (for example, Users and Administrators), etc. You can always link any local account to your Microsoft account, as well as break the link.

After installing the system

On Windows 10, go to OptionsAccounts and switch to a Microsoft account.

How do I switch from using a Microsoft account to a regular account?

On Windows 10, go to OptionsAccounts and switch to a regular account.

Can I sign in with a Microsoft account without an Internet connection?

Certainly! An Internet connection is only required when you create a Microsoft account or switch to using it from a local account.

Credentials are cached locally, just like in a domain environment, so you don't need an Internet connection at login.

Is it possible to log into Windows without a password if using a Microsoft account?

Sync settings and apps in Windows

In my opinion, synchronization is one of the most useful Windows features, although it may be fraught with surprises.

Which applications are covered by settings synchronization?

Only for stores. This also applies to automatic login V Microsoft applications with a company account (Mail, Skype, etc.).

Traditional Microsoft applications do not know how to pull up their settings from the cloud and automatically recognize that you are working with a Microsoft account (OneDrive is rather an exception).

Is it possible to disable syncing for certain applications?

No, you can only disable groups, see the picture above

How to completely disable synchronization?

Use the very first switch in the picture above

Diagnosis of problems

If you're having trouble switching to or using your Microsoft account, follow these diagnostic steps one by one:

  1. Make sure you can sign in with your Microsoft account at https://account.live.com/
  2. Run Microsoft Accounts troubleshooter
  3. IN command line running with administrator rights, run sfc /scannow

    If you receive a message that your files cannot be recovered, archive the \Windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.log file.

  4. Remove third-party firewall and antivirus.

If the problem is not resolved, post a report of your actions, CBS.log and the result of the Microsoft Accounts troubleshooter in this forum thread.

Archive (outdated information)

The information in this section of the article has lost its relevance over time, as well as due to numerous changes in Skype.

I decided to dedicate Skype separate section, because I am sure that many blog readers use it.

Skype versions

There are two versions of the application:

How do Skype and Microsoft accounts get along with each other?

You can:

  • link both accounts
  • log into Skype from either of the two accounts, regardless of whether they are linked

What benefits can you get from merging accounts?

You will be able to sign in to Skype with a Microsoft account. A traditional app doesn't require you to remember another password, and a modern app doesn't require you to enter credentials at all.

The general contact list will be displayed in traditional and modern applications Skype, allowing you to communicate with contacts from Windows Live Messenger. On the other hand, the same picture will be in the People application, which will extend all its capabilities to Skype contacts.

However, Skype cannot completely replace WLM in a number of aspects. Thus, it is impossible to transfer files from Skype to WLM and vice versa, and they also do not work group chats. In addition, it is not possible to link Skype and WLM contacts.

How to link your Microsoft account to your Skype account

Communication can be done in both traditional and modern applications.

Traditional Skype

The feature is available in versions 6 and higher. Sign in to the program with your Microsoft account (if you sign in to Skype automatically, sign out to see this option). You will see the window shown in the figure below.

Attention! Do not select the "Register" option if you have has already Skype account. Otherwise, your Microsoft account will immediately be linked to the new Skype account.

Modern Skype

Immediately after installation, you will be offered exactly the same choices as in the traditional application. Therefore read bold red warning above the text.

How to unlink your Microsoft account from your Skype account

I hope I answered all the questions you asked in the comments. previous entry. If you have new questions, feel free to ask them so I can add to this article. However, this offer does not mean that I undertake an obligation to resolve any issues you may have. Problems. With them you can contact free Microsoft technical support, creating a temporary account if necessary.

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