Confectionery factories. The best confectionery factories in russia

Most people love sweets and cannot imagine life without sweets. Thanks to this affection, not only chocolates and candies become famous, but also the factories that produce them. Today we will tell you about confectionery factories in Russia, whose products are loved by those with a sweet tooth.

Factory "Red October"

The most famous plant in the industry, Krasny Oktyabr, tops the hit parade of Russian confectionery factories. The enterprise opened its doors in 1851, when Theodor von Einem founded a workshop for the production of sweets on the main street of Moscow. By 1867, the workshop had become the first steam confectionery factory in Russia.

The company developed successfully until the October Revolution, when the Bolshevik government decided to nationalize the enterprise. The Krasny Oktyabr plant, recreated on the basis of Einem's production, became the leading manufacturer in the USSR. In the Soviet years and to this day, Krasny Oktyabr is the manufacturer of such well-known brands as Alyonka, Mishka Kosolapy, Korovka, Kara-Kum and is ahead of the largest confectionery factories in Russia in terms of production.

Rot Front plant

Many confectionery factories in Russia were founded during the time of Tsarist Russia. The Rot Front factory is one of the oldest enterprises. It grew out of a small handicraft workshop, which was created in 1826 by the Lenovs merchants. In 1918 the enterprise was nationalized and renamed into Rot Front. Such a strange name was chosen as a sign of solidarity with the German communists and is literally translated from German as "Red Front".

In the Soviet years, the chocolate and sweets produced at the enterprise were popular in the USSR. Not all well-known confectionery factories in Russia during the Soviet era could offer such a wide range of products as Rot Front - the enterprise produced almost two hundred different types sweets. The factory installed the most modern confectionery equipment at that time. In 1980, the production of the first chewing gum in the USSR was launched here. The enterprise is known for the brands "Grillage", "Rot Front" and the legendary "Bird's milk".

Concern "Babaevsky"

The rating of confectionery factories in Russia will be incomplete without mentioning the "Babaevsky" concern, which turns 213 this year. The company was founded by Stepan Abrikosov, a former serf peasant who loved sweets. It gained fame thanks to the children and grandchildren of the founder - they turned a small workshop into the largest factory in the Russian Empire. Few candy factories in Russia at that time could compete with the "Association of Abrikosov and Sons". At the end of the 19th century, the products of the plant were supplied to the emperor's table.

The enterprise, like many Russian confectionery factories, acquired its modern name with the advent of Soviet power. Since the 1930s, the factory has received the title of the largest producer of caramel, monpensier and toffee. Today, the Babaevsky concern is part of the United Confectioners, the largest confectionery holding in Russia, enriching its assortment with such famous brands like "Petrel" and "Inspiration".

Factory "Samara" (Nestle)

Among the most famous candy factories in Russia is the "Samara" factory, which has now left the trading arena. The company was founded at the very beginning of the 20th century by two Samara merchants Savinov and Kargin. By 1904, his products had gained European fame, having won the Grand Prix at an exhibition in France.

Under Soviet rule, the enterprise was renamed the Kuibyshev factory and was one of the best confectionery factories in Russia until the war. The factory is currently owned by Nestle.

The largest confectionery enterprises in Russia trace their history back to pre-revolutionary times. Most of them managed to successfully survive the October Revolution, the collapse of the USSR and the "dashing" 90s. Now new horizons are opening up for the best Russian manufacturers. And we really hope that they will take advantage of the opportunities that have opened up and will be on a par with such giants as Nestle, Ferrero and Mars.

The variety of sweets on store shelves today can only be surprising. And this product is sold very well, of course. After all, most people love chocolates and sweets, especially children. Now in our country there are quite a few manufacturers of sweets. Confectionery factories have been built in Russia in many cities. And, of course, the products of some of them are the most bought and popular among the population.

Top manufacturers

  1. "Red October".
  2. "Roth Front".
  3. Concern "Babaevsky".
  4. Samara.
  5. "Russian Chocolate".
  6. "Yasnaya Polyana".

The products of the confectionery factories existing in Russia, the list of which is presented above, is the most in demand among the domestic consumer.

Factory "Red October": history

The founder of this most famous producer of sweets in the country is Ferdinand Theodor von Einem. This German businessman came to Moscow to start his own business in 1850. In 1957, Einem met in Russia his future companion, the talented businessman Yu. Geis. At first, the partners founded a small confectionery shop on Teatralnaya Square. Later, they began the construction of their own factory on the banks of the Moskva River.

The first three-storey building was erected by entrepreneurs on the Then the businessmen built a larger factory on the Bersenevskaya embankment. The products of the enterprise of J. Geis and Einem produced very high quality. First of all, thanks to this, it soon became extremely popular among consumers.

For a long time, the Einem enterprise was considered the best confectionery factory in Russia. After the October Revolution, it was nationalized and named "State Confectionery Factory No. 1". In 1922 the plant was renamed into "Red October". But for a long time, the name "Former Einem" was on the products manufactured at this enterprise.

Today "Krasny Oktyabr" is the largest confectionery factory in Russia, which has accumulated vast experience in the production of sweets. It supplies 64 thousand tons of products per year to the domestic and world markets. There are 2.9 thousand workers in the workshops of the factory. The main plant is still located in the capital. The company also has several branches - in Kolomna, Ryazan, Yegoryevsk.

Currently, on the territory of this factory, among other things, there is a museum of its history. And any resident or guest of the capital can view its expositions at any time. The entrance to the museum of the enterprise "Red October" is free.

The most demanded products of the factory

Thus, it is "Red October" that is the most famous confectionery factory in Russia. Sweets from this manufacturer are in fact very popular. The most best brands sweets from the Red October factory are as follows:

  • "Kara-Kum".
  • "Little Red Riding Hood".
  • "Bear in the north".
  • "Cancer necks".
  • "Clubfoot Bear".
  • "Alenka".
  • "Tales of Pushkin".
  • Red October 80% cocoa.
  • "Clubfoot Bear".

In addition to sweets and chocolate, the Krasny Oktyabr enterprise supplies the market, of course, with other confectionery products. At the moment, this manufacturer produces more than three hundred types of sweet products.

The history of Rot Front

It rightfully ranks second in the rating of Russian confectionery factories. This enterprise was founded in our country even earlier than the Einem plant - in 1826. Its first owners were the Leonov brothers, Russian merchants. Initially, only fudge and caramel were produced in the workshop they opened. This small enterprise was located in Zamoskvorechye.

The factory was expanded in 1890 by the successor of its founders E. Leonova. For this purpose, the owner of the workshop acquired several plots of land. The name of the factory in those days was simply - “ Confectionery production».

Like all other enterprises in the country, in 1917 Leonova's confectionery was nationalized. It was renamed Rot Front in 1931 in solidarity with the German communists. The reason was the visit of a delegation from Germany to Moscow this year.

Products of the Rot Front factory

Today this enterprise supplies the market with about 50 thousand tons of sweet products per year. More than two hundred items of products made in the workshops of the plant can be purchased in stores. But the bulk of the products of this manufacturer are still sweets.

The visiting card of the Rot Front enterprise, which ranks second in the rating of confectionery factories in Russia, are brands:

  • "Golden domes".
  • "Autumn Waltz".
  • "Sissy".
  • Amaretto Suite.
  • "Grill".
  • "Forest byl", etc.

In addition to High Quality, the products of this manufacturer are distinguished by a completely democratic price. This is what makes it very popular with the consumer.

Concern "Babaevsky"

This confectionery factory in Russia has been known for a very long time, its history goes back more than 210 years. Now it is the oldest manufacturer confectionery products in our country.

The Babaevsky concern was established in Moscow in 1804. The founder of this enterprise was then the former serf peasant Stepan. The first confectionery products produced by this master were made using apricots. They were very popular among Muscovites. In honor of these, their inventor, his customers even came up with a surname - Abrikosov.

Stepan's workshop gradually grew into a real factory, and for a long time supplied sweets, including to the imperial court.

The factory of the Abrikosov entrepreneurs was nationalized in 1918. Four years later, she was given the name "Babaevskaya" (after the name of the then head of the Sokolniki District Executive Committee).

Concern products

At the moment, "Babaevsky" supplies to the domestic and world markets more than 129 items of a wide variety of confectionery products. The most popular brands of sweets from this manufacturer are the following:

  • "Babaevskaya squirrel".
  • Uganda.
  • Venezuela.
  • "Almond praline", etc.

Factory "Samara"

The products of this manufacturer were very popular in the country in the past. The confectionery factory "Samara" was founded in Russia by merchants Kargin and Savinov. In 1904, the products from this manufacturer won the Grand Prix at an exhibition in France and gained worldwide fame.

Unfortunately, today the Samara factory has practically left the trading arena. In Soviet times, it was renamed the Kuibyshev Confectionery Plant. Later, the factory was sold to Nestle.

Confectionery factory "Russian Chocolate"

This company was founded relatively recently. The factory "Russian Chocolate" released its first products in 1998. Due to their excellent quality, sweets and chocolates of this brand quickly gained popularity among domestic consumers.

Now this confectionery factory in Russia occupies one of the leading places in the production of sweets. In 2007 the enterprise became part of the United Confectioners holding. In 2012, this manufacturer began supplying FELICITA chocolate to the market.

Today the "Russian Chocolate" factory sells its products not only in Russia, but also in the countries of near and far abroad. The most popular products of this brand among consumers are "Russian Chocolate":

  • "Elite bitter porous."
  • "Dairy with peanuts and hazelnuts."
  • Felicita Moda di Vita and others.

History of the Yasnaya Polyana factory

This enterprise was founded in Tula in 1973. Today the staff of this large producer of sweets has more than 800 specialists. The assortment of the factory's products is about 100 names.

The main feature of the products manufactured by the Yasnaya Polyana enterprise is the absence of preservatives. All products manufactured by this factory are made from environmentally friendly natural products. Today this plant is part of the Red October group of companies.

The most demanded products from this famous confectionery factory in Russia are:

  • sweets "Yasnaya Polyana";
  • roasted nuts "Eurydice";
  • soufflé "Sanzhe", etc.

Also, it is at this enterprise that the famous Tulsky gingerbread is produced. This type of regional baked goods is popular not only among Russian consumers, but all over the world. The peculiarity of this baking is that, firstly, it does not stale for a long time, and secondly, it does not break at the bend. Consumers consider the filling of the Tula gingerbread to be very tasty. It can be made from raspberries, prunes, cherries. The Yasnaya Polyana factory was even granted a patent for the production of the Tula Gingerbread confection.

Instead of a conclusion

Manufacturers on Russian market actually exists today great amount... For example, products from the factories "Yuzhuralkonditer", "Zeya", "Takf", etc. are in great demand among consumers. But the products of the companies described above are sold out in stores the fastest. The sweets of these six confectionery factories in Russia have earned the greatest consumer confidence, and they are rightfully included in the list of the best manufacturers of sweets and chocolate in the country.