Make money with your Twitter account. My earnings on Twitter

Not so long ago, social networks were used exclusively for communication, but now they have become an excellent tool for making money. Making money on Twitter without investment is absolutely possible. And it’s not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

The most detailed manual on the topic “How to make money from advertising on Twitter”:

  • Direct advertising
  • To publish advertising posts you will need high and regular traffic. Users should not only be interested in the content, but also be active on the page. How it works: the advertiser pays the performer money for advertising on a thematic platform. It’s great if the account owner is selective in transactions with customers. There are times when an advertising post is completely inconsistent with the topic of the blog. This may cause disapproval among followers in the form mass unsubscribe. If you want to succeed, don’t turn your page into an “advertising dump.” The pursuit of money should be reasonable and moderate. Don't live one day at a time, always think ahead.

  • Blog picture
  • Many Twitter users make money by placing advertising images in the header personal blog. In this case, are also important. Without them, you are unlikely to attract the attention of advertisers.

  • personal information
  • Advertising links to certain projects can be placed in a variety of places. Twitter users often use the “About Me” section for these purposes. Of course, you won’t be able to make a fortune from this, but it will be enough for small expenses. This is a good passive side hustle.

  • Popup Ads
  • In this case, the customer broadcasts advertising in your account. He rents it for a period of time and pays for every 1000 views. This method earning money has its risks. Pop-up ads annoy almost everyone. The problem is that dissatisfied users may resort to unsubscribing. And it is far from certain that the monetary reward received for displaying an advertisement will recoup the losses.

  • Sponsorship
  • The social network Twitter never ceases to amaze with its capabilities. The more famous and popular the account owner, the more often sponsors “hunt” him. That is why it always makes sense to promote personal profile and attract as many followers as possible.

  • Business
  • Even the biggest businessmen use social networks for free promotion brand/products/services. On Twitter it's easy and enjoyable. In addition, there is effective paid advertising. Create a business account and expand your client base!

  • Affiliate links
  • Never give up financial gain on a social network if you have a lot of people following you. One of the most effective ways make money on Twitter - posting affiliate links on the blog. But remember that the advertised product must be of high quality (and ideally, tested). The more people who follow the link, the better.

  • New "inventions"
  • Creative individuals love to create something of their own, to go against the crowd. Good imagination and creative thinking will become faithful companions in a new business. What to think of? Whatever! But this should make life easier for users. For example, you can create plugins for a social network or background screensavers. This will require ingenuity, some skills and, of course, enthusiasm.

How to earn money without investment for a beginner

New Twitter users often want to make money from scratch. That is, without having a promoted profile. To start earning money without investment, you need to register on a social network, on earning services and create online wallet. Next you will need to complete simple tasks:

  1. retweet;
  2. subscribe to other accounts;
  3. post advertising links in your profile.

This method of making money on Twitter cannot be called profitable, but it is an ideal option for every beginner. Do you want to have a good and stable income? We advise you to unwind in parallel personal account. This will come in handy in the future! Do not forget that the advertiser has a very big choice potential performers. Try to make your personal profile as attractive and interesting as possible.

I like 0

Today we will tell you how to make money on Twitter in the material presented. Let us immediately note that there are plenty of opportunities for monetizing your own account. Some methods are more profitable, some less. But all of them will allow a schoolchild, a student or a novice moneymaker to definitely cover the costs of mobile communications or the Internet, and with due diligence it is possible to achieve higher profits.

How much can you earn

Twitter was created in 2006, around the same time as other popular social networks. On this moment this platform is a kind of “online newspaper”, from which you can find out in a timely manner last news from the world of politics, sports, culture and show business.

Income famous people and entrepreneurs with the help of this service practically unlimited. And all because they have a huge audience in which advertisers are interested in promoting their own brand, products or services.

The earnings of a schoolchild or student at first are from 300 to 700 rubles per day. Further growth is possible if:

  • increase the time allocated for generating income;
  • grow an audience of regular subscribers;
  • independently search for direct advertisers.

Twitter is great for making money because:

  1. the majority of project participants are young, successful and, accordingly, solvent people;
  2. the site is optimized for use via mobile devices;
  3. promoting a microblog on Twitter does not require initial investment;
  4. the number of active users will soon exceed 400 million.

Ways to earn money through Twitter

You can make money on this microblogging service in 2 main ways:

  1. on own account by posting advertisements or affiliate links;
  2. on sites that pay for performing certain actions (for example, retweets).

In any case, you will need a registered Account on Twitter. Registration is carried out as follows:

  • indication of name (no more than 50 characters) and number mobile phone(alternatively, you can use the address Email by clicking on the corresponding button);

  • account setup;

  • on specified number mobile phone or email address you will receive a verification code - you need to enter it in the field provided to complete the registration process;

  • Next, you need to come up with a password (at least 6 characters), it is advisable to choose a complex one, consisting of letters and numbers of different registers.

Ways to earn money by monetizing your own account

To make your Twitter account a truly highly profitable tool, it is recommended to promote your account a little, that is, gain at least 100 followers. See below for how to do this.

Income from advertising

After gaining a sufficient audience, you can start earning money by placing advertisements on your page. You can find advertisers willing to pay for such services on special intermediary sites, such as:


At the initial stage, you should not clutter your feed with too many advertisements - this can scare off new subscribers. And old people are unlikely to be interested in a blog if it consists entirely of advertising offers. Therefore 1 advertising post a day is quite enough.

Income from affiliate links

And, again, to make a profit using this method, you need to have at least 100 (or better yet, 1000 or more followers).

The essence is simple - a partner (any organization, a store selling things, etc.) provides a link where potential client or the buyer needs to go and perform a certain action, for example:

  • register on the promoted site;
  • make a purchase;
  • bring a friend, etc.

For each such action performed, the owner of the Twitter account will be paid. For example, a certain percentage of the price of a product purchased on the website.

Commercial microblogging

The owner of a Twitter account can sell his own things, goods or services. Actually, the account can be turned into some kind of analogue of an online store.

For example, offer programming services, website promotion by creating unique content, legal consulting services, etc.

And a Twitter account, if it is sufficiently popular, can be sold on eBay or specialized forums. The specific price will depend on the number of followers, topic and other factors.

Monetization of the account header

Any user can download own image and use it as a “hat”.

If the account has many followers, then monetization of the background is possible. To do this, you need to find direct advertisers who are willing to pay for placing a picture in the header advertising a service or product.

They can pay quite well for such advertising. And all because the banner is large and it is almost impossible not to see it. In addition, the banner design can be anything. If it is colorful, it will certainly attract attention. Here is an example of what the header looks like on one of the popular accounts.

Creating unique backgrounds and plugins

You can also earn money by creating unique “hats” yourself. Some popular Twitter users are willing to pay a lot of money to make their account look as colorful and eye-catching as possible.

You can also generate income by creating plugins that expand the basic functionality of Twitter.

Sites that pay for retweets and other actions performed using a Twitter account

By registering on one of these resources, you can get real money without investing! Our editors have selected the TOP 3 such sites.

1. Vktarget

Here they pay for:

  • following any Twitter account;
  • retweet any post;
  • putting a like;
  • publishing a post of any content.

To earn money, you need to synchronize your Twitter and Vktarget accounts, after which you will have access to a lot of paid tasks. Minimum amount for withdrawal – only 15 rubles. There is also an affiliate program - you can attract advertisers or task performers. 15% of the money they earn or spend will be credited to the referral.

2. Forumok (

Here you can also earn money by tweeting, retweeting and following.

The minimum amount for withdrawal is 200 rubles. To earn income, you must first promote your Twitter account, namely, have at least:

  1. 30 tweets;
  2. 100 subscribers.

3. Rotapost (

Here they earn as account holders in in social networks, and webmasters.

Registration will only take 2 minutes. After this, you must specify the minimum price for performing a certain action. Next, requests will be received from advertisers - they can be rejected or satisfied.

The process of promoting a Twitter account

First, you need to engage in “active activity” - that is, publish posts, notes, photos and videos, and also subscribe to other participants in the service.

It wouldn’t hurt to create a beautiful “header” and add a mini profile photo.

As a rule, if the posts are interesting, the number of followers will gradually increase. The optimal ratio of readers to followers at the initial stage of promotion is 3 to 1. For popular people, this ratio is approximately 1 to 1.

Hello to all my readers blog, I’m already writing this post in the new year 2014, which I’m very happy about. Honestly, I didn’t even think that I would celebrate it so well, well, now after the celebration, I need to get back to work.

By the way, if you didn’t know, then you can make great money on this social network, the main thing is just a desire. A site that many people use to send instant messages, can bring enormous income.

And so, everyone probably knows Twitter, because this social network has been operating since 2006, that is, for about 8 years. This is a lot, but if you consider that 2006 was a real breakthrough for social networks, you can only envy their inventors. For reference, at least 3 social networks were created in 2006: (Odnoklassniki, VKonakte and Twitter), and the latter gained simply amazing popularity.

Since this period, many people immediately realized that Twitter can be used to follow different people, especially celebrities who often post useful information or post their photos.

Whatever it was, Twitter is a pretty interesting tool that allows you to make money, the main thing is to know how to do it.

How to make real money on Twitter?

For many people (especially English speakers), twitter is a social network that allows you to earn good money.

If I tell you that even a lazy person can make money on Twitter, then you may not believe me, but this is true. It is on Twitter that you can earn your first, albeit not a lot of money, which can be the beginning of your online earnings.

In general, I believe that once a person understands that you can make money on the Internet, he will no longer be able to turn away from this path. Making money on the Internet is quite interesting, and if you put it on automatic, it’s not very labor-intensive, and Twitter will help you with this.

What does Twitter give??

In fact, Twitter can be used in different ways, but the most important thing you should know and understand.

IN Lately, in my subjective opinion, Twitter has turned into a real garbage dump with a bunch of different services and websites. When you log into your account, you can see that many people are posting tweets (messages) with advertising content. I don’t know about you, but this really annoys me, so I try to go there only for business.

In order to start making money on Twitter, you will need to open a new account or continue to develop an existing one. By the way, I already wrote a post about this, which I recommend you read here.

Where do they pay money??


This is the very first service that I met when I wanted to start earning money. This was more than two years ago, then this service was not yet as popular as it is now, although even today you can earn normal money on it.

In order to start earning money, you need to register there and add your Twitter account. Next, try to make your Twitter account beautiful, that is, add a beautiful avatar there, write about 50 short tweets. Remember that than more people will be subscribed to you, the more earnings you will receive. The service is very simple, I probably don’t need to describe it, you’ll figure it out easily.


A very promising tweet exchange that I met in August 2012. Then I searched additional features earnings and found the Prospero exchange. What can I say, she is very good, although due to the fact that she is young, there are relatively few orders here.

It’s better, of course, to be an advertiser than a performer, but nevertheless, you can still earn some money here. I think that even 100-200 rubles a day will not be superfluous, so try to make money on the Prospero exchange.


Most popular service to make money on Twitter. This site has existed for quite a long time by Internet standards, but because of this, it has a minus, namely that there are already a lot of people here who want to earn money.

If you are a person who achieves your goals, then why not register here. On this site you can earn money not only on Twitter, but also on other social networks, such as facebook, contact and so on. I’ll say again that the service is very simple and intuitive, so you’ll figure it out

I think the question is: how to make money on twitter Did I answer you or not?? Write to me in the comments to this article, I think others will be interested in reading.

Oh yes, I almost forgot, tell me, are you already making money on Twitter? Maybe they made money??

I tried, but honestly I’ll say that the results didn’t make me very happy, because when you devote 3-4 hours to some activity, you want to earn 100 rubles, but 1000. Well, okay, now even 100 rubles won’t be extra, What can we say about other amounts of money.

Yes, this is not the only way to earn money, there are others, for example, I would recommend you read my other posts on this topic:

Scams on the Internet or why throw money down the drain.

Earning money on forums with payment for messages.

I assure you that I wrote these articles from personal experience, so I think you'll like it.

If we return to the topic of making money on Twitter, I can say that sending tweets for money is not the only way to make money. By the way, I’ll tell you a fact that I myself found not long ago:


This applies to all stars, so the conclusion suggests itself: the more subscribers (followers) you have, the more you can earn. If you publish useful tweets every day throughout the year and add new people, then by the end of the year you will be able to earn a normal income from Twitter.

I will not undertake to say that this is exactly how everything will be, but there is a logic to it. If you don't know what to write on Twitter, then just post your idea, the thought that just came to you.

If you learned something new, for example, that the Earth is still round (smiley), then you can write about it. The main thing is don't write long tweets, the shorter the better, people don't like to read long messages.

In a year you can easily gain about 20,000 followers, which will allow you to earn from $200 per month, but you need to work. I hardly have enough time for everything, because now my friend and I are developing a car website, and this takes a lot of time.

As you can see, make money on twitter not difficult if you know how and where to move. It is important to understand that this income is aimed at the future, it is important not now to grab your 30 rubles and run away, but to promote your Twitter account, which will then give you much more.

Algorithm for making good money on Twitter

  1. Coming up with ideas for your Twitter accounts(yes there will be 5-10 of them).
  2. Create them, fill out profiles, avatars, etc..
  3. Publish 50 tweets on each(can be done within a week, no need to rush).
  4. You start adding followers, they, in turn, will recruit you. Don’t rush to recruit thousands of people, you may get banned, so do everything carefully.
  5. Do everything efficiently, less advertising, more simple tweets, for example: WHAT A GOOD DAY IT IS TODAY or IT SNOWED TODAY, HOW GREAT!
  6. T Only after each of your accounts (must be at least 5-7) has 10,000 followers, then you can start earning money.

The main thing here is not to forget that logins and passwords will all need to be saved so as not to forget. This is the approach I like best, but it will take a lot of work.

As the captain obviously suggests, you can’t catch a fish out of a pond without difficulty, so, gentlemen, if you want to make money on Twitter, you will need to work, and every day.

This concludes this post, I hope you liked it. Now you know how to make money on Twitter, if you have any questions, ask in the comments.

If you don’t want to miss new articles on the blog, I recommend that you subscribe to my blog updates. That's all for now, everyone.

Sincerely, Yuri Vatsenko!

Friends, I welcome you to the blog site!

The topic of today's conversation will be how to make money on Twitter detailed guide for newbies. The topic of making money on the Internet is very popular. Many people left with regular work and work on their projects on the Internet.

Social networks have transformed from services for communication, dating and news into full-fledged platforms for making money. There are many projects on the network that bring their owners substantial profits, which are enough for a comfortable life.

Earning money on Twitter - how and how much can you earn?

Like other similar services, Twitter is very multifunctional and there are a lot of methods for generating income. Most people use Twitter for its intended purpose—to communicate, watch news, etc.

But what if we turn it into a profitable project? This does not require any special equipment. knowledge, skills or investments. Tempting isn't it? Let's figure it out.

Working on the Internet will require two things from you - the desire to develop and deepen your work, as well as the availability of free time that you are willing to invest in the development of your project.

Time is something we all value, so when you take a step towards making money on the Internet, be prepared that you will waste a lot of it.

The task of a novice moneymaker will be to learn how to use time effectively. It should be useful and not wasted.

How much can you earn on Twitter? It depends on the chosen method of work and the time you will spend. Schoolchildren and students can count on approximately ₽500/day. This is certainly not enough, but it doesn’t require much effort either - great way combine study and part-time work.

Large projects on this social network have no income limits. You can earn money from advertising or. Both types of cooperation are very promising and can be measured in tens and hundreds of thousands. The main key to success is a large readership.

Features you need to know

Twitter was created in 2006. So it is the same age as all the popular social networks today. networks. Its main feature is short and succinct news messages.

The creator of the network is Jack Dorsey. His company earns approximately $1.5 billion per year. Dorsey himself is a programmer and businessman.

Twitter has about 200 million users, and a daily audience of approximately 60 million people.

Why is Twitter good for making money?

Besides this, there are other possibilities. We'll look at them too.

You can earn income, as soon as you make an account. To do this you will need to perform simple tasks. They are available on special exchanges. We will also talk about them in more detail. There won't be big profits here, but you can make some money in little things. What tasks are we talking about?

  • Retweets;
  • Subscription (follow);
  • Advertising on your blog.

Ideally, we should be interested in the first scheme - first promotion, then publication of advertising content.

Earnings from advertising

To find affiliate programs, it is better to contact SocialTools, Plibber and Blogun.

The point is very simple. These are exchanges that bring blog owners and advertisers together. After this, it becomes possible to host any materials and make a profit from them. To prevent your account from turning into an advertising stand, the amount of such content is limited.

How can you increase your income? As everywhere else, it is necessary increase the number of subscribers. The larger the audience, the more advertisers are willing to pay. The most popular blogs have a specific topic - politics, sports, hobbies, etc.

There are some accounts on Twitter that have millions of followers. Imagine how much they charge for advertising.

Earnings from affiliate links

There are a lot of affiliate programs. You can find absolutely anything. It is advisable to choose something close to your theme. This is necessary for the advertisement to look organic.

The peculiarity of affiliate programs is that you are paid not for posting links, but for the actions that the user performs when he clicks on them. This could be making a purchase, registering in a game, subscribing to something, etc.

To find out more details Read about all the intricacies of working with affiliate programs. You will find a lot of new and useful things.

You can increase conversion by competently working with the materials you post. This may require knowledge of marketing or even psychology.

When you have a large project, finding partners is not difficult. But what if the blog is not very big yet? How to look for affiliates? For this, there are various exchanges where you can choose suitable links for yourself.

Twitter is popular not only in Russia, but also in the West. So, if you have no problems with a foreign language, you will have plenty of room to roam around. Most Popular foreign services - these are SponsoredTweets,, Fiverr.

Please note that in the foreign market there is much more competition, and the threshold for entering affiliate programs is much higher - from 2-3 thousand followers.

Launch of a commercial microblog

A blog on Twitter can be used for promotion own goods and services. If you are doing something that can be sold online or you have an existing business, using a blog can advertise it and attract new customers.

Another way to use a promoted blog is to sell it. Profiles with a large number of subscribers cost good money and are in demand. The cost of blogs starts from ₽15 thousand. It all depends on the number of followers and the chosen topic.

Twitter profile background monetization

Another way passive income, which is relevant for a promoted blog, is monetization of the background on your blog. Instead of advertising and affiliate programs, you can install a paid background.

Unique account backgrounds, plugins and other areas

Some users set their own unique backgrounds. They can pay a lot of money for it and they can make good money from it. If you have experience with graphics, etc., you can succeed significantly in this field.

Another promising direction is the creation of plugins that increase the functionality of microblogs. Again, if you have developer skills, go for it! It's very profitable.

These are new directions that have just begun to develop, so if you have a unique idea, don’t be shy! Perhaps it will bring you big money.

Launching a startup is not as difficult as you think. If you are interested in this topic, we bring to your attention the following material -. You will find a lot of useful things.

Account promotion means increasing the number of followers. This will give you more income from advertising and affiliate programs. The simplest and most obvious way to get promoted is to have a lot of subscriptions. According to the unspoken rule, those you follow follow you.

It’s not worth subscribing to everything in large quantities. An account with a small number of visitors and a bunch of subscriptions may raise suspicions. The most optimal ratio is 3 - 1, that is, 3 subscriptions per follower.

First of all, you need to subscribe to those blogs that are close to you and your topic. Even if you engage in a project exclusively for commercial purposes, you must remember that the main function of the network is communication and information, and the opportunity to earn money is a pleasant bonus.

Be patient. The results will not appear immediately. It will take several weeks, if not months. Your activity and conscientious attitude will definitely pay off, you just need to work.

You can unwind in another way. For this there is special services, which in automatic mode Subscribe to blogs close to your topic. If your profile is well designed and contains interesting information, people will follow you back.

Get promoted on Twitter


In addition, you can turn to services that imitate human actions. In this case, you will not be banned for inactivity, and the popularity of your profile will increase.

Such services cost money. However, they save your time and effort. As a result, you will easily get a promoted blog.

Popular services for Twitter monetization

So, now let’s take a closer look at microblog monetization services. Here are the most popular:

  • is an advertising exchange for Twitter. It's easy to register here - there are no forms. A profile is created using a social network account. The site is excellent suitable for beginners. You can get your first money with a small number of followers. The available tasks here include posting pictures, retweeting, subscribing, and advertising.
  • QComment - here you can work with almost all social networks. networks. At first, the exchange worked only with VK, but then expanded. There is a convenient and clear interface And a large number of various tasks.
  • Blogun is the most popular service in RuNet. Here you can find advertising and affiliate programs. When registering, you must indicate that you are the owner of the site or a partner.

Of course there are other exchanges. They work on similar principles, so choose the service that suits you best and make money on Twitter.


Well, now you know for sure that making money on Twitter is not a made-up story, but a real opportunity to change your life.

Sincerely, Alexander Gavrin.

Update September 10, 2013: Attention! I recommend using this diagram making money with another service. Twight has already “died” a little, he often bans. In Plibber, you can earn money not only on your Twitter account, you can also earn money on VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Google+. Here is a fresh lesson on making money + the scheme described here = your money.

That is We read this lesson 124 carefully and...

Good day! Today there will be a lesson that I have been wanting to write for a very long time. I will talk about how you can earn 12,600 rubles or more on Twitter using using several accounts. The scheme has been tested in my own skin. Don't you believe this is possible? Then be sure to read the lesson, where it is written in detail (there is an example on one account). By the way, all this is legal, that is, if you follow the advice and do not break the rules, the chance of getting a ban is minimal.

Here is the official evidence from the Support page on

How can I work in the system from several accounts? Isn't this prohibited?

No, this is not prohibited, it is important that all blogs comply with the terms of the Agreement. You can work in the system with each blog separately.

If you don’t know what Twitter is, be sure to read here; if you already work with, you can familiarize yourself with.

Detailed instructions for making money on with multiple accounts

So, we are first required to have Twitter accounts. It’s better to work on with no more than 7 accounts (more - some difficulties arise). Therefore, I will analyze an example based on 7 accounts.

Create mailboxes, twitter accounts and tables for easy work

Bringing “humanity” to our accounts

So, in order for our accounts to be as “human” as possible (you wouldn’t subscribe to bots), for each account put your avatar background image, come up with a last name, first name, etc. That is, fill out all the information in as much detail as possible (we will need to do this once and that’s it). Learn more about how you can change your avatar, background, etc. You can read.

We install 7 different browsers for convenience

At first I encountered one inconvenient feature. To log into my accounts, I had to fill in my login and password every time. I found a solution, albeit a banal one, but I installed it 7 different browsers . And on minor browsers as home page I put That is, I open a browser, enter my account and password for the first time, check the “remember me” box, and that’s happiness. Now, just by opening the browser, the account I need is loaded automatically.

Believe me, it’s better to use 7 different browsers (if you work with 7 accounts), because in the future, when you need to constantly log in to, one browser will be terribly inconvenient.

Here is a list of the very browsers that I used (by clicking on the links, you can download each one separately):

  1. Internet Explorer (you probably already have it on your computer 🙂).

Preparing an account to be added to

Now we don’t need to rush to add our accounts to, first we will prepare them. The first thing we need is 100 tweets for each account, that is, 100 messages and 100 followers (readers). How to do it? Attention, read the next paragraph carefully(excerpt from the “User Agreement” on

So, my advice to you is to avoid a ban, just talk to people ! That is, to begin with, you write about 10 tweets, like: “Good morning everyone!”, “Now I’m on Twitter!” and so on. Afterwards, you can subscribe to your accounts so that there is no number 0 in the “Readers” column, that is, with your 6 accounts you subscribe to the 7th, and back to everyone (Twitters don’t like to subscribe to people who have zeros).

Then go to someone’s account, find posts on their “wall” of interesting, sociable people, sign up for 10 people somewhere and communicate with them: greet them, ask questions, in general, make better friends. If at least 5 people sign up back, well done! Try to subscribe to those people who do not have a very large readership, otherwise they may simply not notice you.

In general, the first goal is to get about 30 tweets and subscribe to 30 living people. In order not to have to worry about coming up with tweets, I set different topics for each account, that is, for example: one account was on a military theme, the avatar was a soldier, in the background there was a military field, the tweets were of a military nature, that is, I tried to come up with all sorts of tweets myself “on topic” (I didn’t bother too much), retweeted interesting tweets (for example, “The service life of the army will be 1 year from 2010. Link to news,” etc. If you promote your account in this way, the effect will be on Twitter will be maximum. That is, you are recruiting around you. As a result, in the future, a thematic site or forum can happily buy your account (and not cheaply).

So, on the first day, write 30 messages for each account and follow 30 people. More is not profitable - you will cause distrust from Twitter users.

Day 2.

So you woke up on the second day and quickly ran to the computer, and you see there that the number of your readers has become 20 for each account (approximate number). Well, not bad. Now you can unsubscribe from those who do not follow you. You can read how this can be done (item - “Ways to increase the number of subscribers to your blog”.

So, now the number of people you read and the number of people who read you is approximately equal. And remember Twitter rule: the more people read you, the more people will read you, these are both bots and real people to whom friends recommended you. The hardest thing is just starting. Get the first 100 readers, and then everything is like clockwork.

Now on the second day, subscribe to another 40 people (that is, when the numbers are small, the ratio of 3 to 1 is still normal: 60 read, 20 you). People will normally have a normal opinion of you (if, of course, your tweets are human).

And here is the task for the second day: write +40 tweets in each account and follow another 40 people. This will not be considered masfollowing (let me remind you, masfollowing is following everyone), since you will be subscribing to people who are interesting to you and communicating with them.

What to write in these 40*7=280 tweets? Usually, 15-20 percent (that is, out of 40 tweets from each account, about 7-10) are retweets. It’s not difficult: you don’t need to invent anything, just click on the “Retweet” button and that’s it. Another 20 percent are greetings, all sorts of thoughts out loud (that is, maybe smart sayings, or something about the weather), and the rest are replies to other tweeters (you can dedicate 100% to them 🙂).

That is, for example, one will write “Hello everyone” or “Good morning!” And you say “Good morning!” to him. And it’s not difficult for you, and it’s nice for that person. As a result, he will probably notice you and you will communicate more often.

The tasks of the second day can go to bed with a satisfied face. Everything goes according to plan.

Day 3.

You woke up on day 3 and you can see that the number of your readers has become around 50 (if more, then this is a great result for you). Now increase the number of tweets to 100 on each account, unfollow unnecessary people, and again subscribe to approximately 50-70 people.

Adding accounts to

If the number of readers has exceeded 100 people, you can add our account to (if their number is less than 100 people, then repeat the tasks of the 3rd day and add to Twight the next day). To begin with, I advise you to decide which account will be the “main” one. That is, it is convenient when one account is the main one, and you will also receive a percentage of the income from your other accounts. Profitable.

First, register with with your main account (please register using this referral link, thereby you will not lose anything, and in return I will receive some money - in the form of gratitude).

That is, you:

After adding all your accounts to, do not rush to send advertising messages. The fact is that in it is forbidden for the Twitter feed to contain more than 20% of advertising messages:

Therefore, as long as your advertising tweets are not too expensive, I advise you not to advertise on Twitter and not to increase the percentage of advertising. Now your goal should be the following: in a similar way as written above, you should get more than 200 readers and more than 200 tweets. Believe me, it's not difficult. But always remember that you shouldn’t make a big difference between the number of people you follow and the number of people following you.

For example, if 100 people follow you, subscribe to a total of 150 people. The next day, unsubscribe from unnecessary people (who are not subscribed to you), and again subscribe to such a number that it is, for example, 200.

Having collected more than 200 readers and 200 tweets in your account, write to support (the “create” button new request”):

Write a letter approximately as follows (select question category “About rating”):

And, in the near future, you will probably be given 3 stars (previously this was the case if the account was normal, and not consisting entirely of bots). If for some reason you were not given 3 stars, slightly improve the performance of your Twitter account and re-apply in a couple of weeks.

Earnings on

So, until this period, on average, it should take a month (usually less). That is, we can start making good money. Advertising messages with 3 stars usually cost an average of 3 rubles (there are also 4-5 rubles, and 2 rubles each). The system allows us to send no more than 10 advertising tweets per day. Therefore, I don’t spend the entire limit at once, but wait for more expensive advertisements to pop up (usually they pop up in the evening). Don’t forget that advertising should not be more than 20%, so communicate, communicate with everyone. For example, someone wrote: “I’m off to eat,” and you immediately followed with: “Bon appetit!” Isn't it difficult?

Calculating possible earnings.

Now I will calculate for you how much you can earn on average with seven accounts with 3 stars.

The average cost per tweet is 3 rubles.

Number of accounts – 7.

The number of days in a month is 30.

The system commission for withdrawing money is 30%.

The reward received under the affiliate program is 5% (commissions will “drip” to the main account).

Total: 3*10*7*30=6 300 – 25% = RUB 4,725

Few? Yes. But that's not the point. Now, when you get a taste of money, it will be much easier for you. Now I’ll tell you how to reach the level of 12,600 rubles. and more.

We reach an income of more than 12,600 rubles.

When you receive your first money from (you will understand that this is all serious), I strongly recommend that you get one or look for analogues. One of my friends, in the process described below, does everything by hand (how come he hasn’t got calluses on his fingers yet? :)).

Now our goal is to acquire 4-star accounts (that friend I talked about above has 3 of them, and all manually, purposefully). So. To score 4 stars, I recommend that you have more than 1,000 tweets and 3,000 – 4,000 readers. Believe me, it’s not that difficult, the main thing is not to engage in obvious masfollowing, but to subscribe to people who are really interesting to you. By the way, next week I will tell you, how to become several thousand people on Twitter in a month or two(I'll probably try to make a video tutorial). And here will be a link to that lesson. So don't worry, getting a few thousand readers is not like that. a big problem. In the meantime, you can start, then the lesson will arrive in time.

So let’s imagine that you have created 3 accounts that have 4 stars (all this from the very beginning (registering accounts on Twitter) will take you about 3 months).

Calculating earnings

The average cost of a tweet with 3 stars is 3 rubles.

Number of accounts with 3 stars – 4 pcs.

The average cost of a tweet with 4 stars is 8 rubles. (by the way, they often cost 15 and 20 rubles per tweet)

Number of accounts – 3 pcs.

There are 30 days in a month.

Withdrawal commission – 30%.

Total: (3*4*10+8*3*10)*30-25%=10,800 – 2,700 = 8,100 rub.

Better already, right?

Believe me, if you can make at least one 4-star, you can make all 7 of them so (it will be a piece of cake for you).

Therefore, let’s imagine what will happen if you make 7 accounts 4-star:

Accounts with 4 stars – 7 pcs.

The average cost of a tweet is 8 rubles.

There are 30 days in a month.

Withdrawal commission – 30%

Commission affiliate program - +5%.

Total: 7*8*10*30-30%+5%=16,800 – 25%= 12,600 rub.

Time costs:

1 month:

40-60 min./day – income 0 rub. (we believe that we are not working with 2 stars yet).

Total: about 30 hours spent for free.

2 month:

There are 2 possible routes here:

  1. You will put up with 3 stars and will no longer improve your performance: Let’s say it takes an average of 10 seconds to write 1 tweet. If there are 10 advertisements in one account, then we will have to send 40 human messages (minimum, since there should not be more than 20% advertising). That is, roughly, you need to spend 500 seconds on one account per day (10 advertising + 10 regular). Since we have 7 accounts, we multiply everything by 7. The result is 3,500 seconds = 58 minutes, rounded to 1 hour. Conclusion: in 30 calendar days, spending an hour a day, we get a net 4,725 rubles. It follows that our an hour of work will cost 157.5 rubles. For my city, this is a lot of money. You can stop here and continue to earn the same amount, or choose the second route.
  2. You also spend an hour a day to earn 157.5 rubles + in addition to this, an additional 20-30 minutes are allocated to each account. in a day. That is, instead of an hour a day, we spend 4.5 hours a day and earn the same money - 4,725 rubles. By the way, if you subscribe to real people using