What is VK Target? Special format for applications. How to set up targeted advertising on VKontakte

Today, not only teenagers spend time on VKontakte. With the expansion of social network settings, the number of adult paying audiences is also growing. Advertisers took this information into account and now the ad feed on the site can be found every time the page is restarted. How does this system work and how to configure it correctly yourself?

What is “targeted advertising” on VKontakte

Not long ago, two or three small advertising publications began to appear on the left side of the Contact page. They look like pictures with a title and a small description. If you study them more closely, you will notice that they often coincide with the user’s geographic location and suit his age and gender. How does such a system work and how does an advertiser manage to achieve such an effect?

The fact is that when an ad is shown, the choice of audience is not chaotic, but purposeful. Targeting settings determine which user is most suitable for displaying a particular publication. What it is?

"Target" translated from English means "goal". Based on this, we can answer the questions: “What is targeting? How does it work on the Internet? This is an advertising tool that allows you to large quantity users to select the audience that most satisfies the advertiser. It works on the principle of screening out uninteresting customers or those who are unlikely to be interested in the product. Using targeting also allows you to significantly save your budget, because fewer users see advertising.

Targeting on VKontakte differs from other types of advertising in the following ways.

  • Launching a VKontakte ad differs from banner and teaser advertising in its selectivity. Typically, for a hundred impressions of publications on a social network, there are much more responses than showing a media product to everyone, including users who are not interested.
  • There are several differences from contextual advertising. Although their selective nature is a common feature, these types of product and website promotions function differently.

Firstly, the selection of VKontakte users follows a different pattern. Contextual ads link to the user's latest queries in search engine. The corresponding publication is selected and sent to the desired ID. Targeted advertising is shown to users based on the information recorded on their page.

Secondly, the degree of readiness of the user to buy a product or order a service differs. That is, contextual advertising is shown to those who are already interested in the product. On VKontakte, people come to communicate, so when you launch your ad, you need to understand that the user still needs to be captivated by the services offered.

Based on the above, we must conclude that targeting is not suitable for everyone.

It is advisable to advertise those products that a person buys spontaneously, without worrying about spending too much money. For this purpose, landing pages are created - pages selling such goods. Another strategy is to stir up user interest in Contact groups. Both of these tools must be properly created, taking into account all the rules of sales and customer acquisition.

How to set up targeted advertising on VKontakte?

On the left under the ad feed there is a section “Advertising”, in it you need to select an ad creation tool.

How to run advertising correctly? And how to set up targeting correctly?

The basic requirements for creating targeted advertising on VKontakte prohibit:

  • errors in the title and description text, as well as obscene language;
  • use of specific ages and names;
  • headlines for targeted advertising, consisting of only capital letters;
  • use of contact information;
  • links to other social networks;
  • promotion of alcohol, tobacco products and adult products;
  • use of competitor symbols;
  • simulating the Contact interface.

To make an announcement according to all the rules, the following requirements must be met:

  • selection of high quality images;
  • the text should not cover the image by more than half;
  • the subject of the ad must match the page to which the transition is made;
  • for activities requiring a license, all permits must be available;
  • compliance with the site's privacy policy.

When the picture, title and description are ready, you need to set up the ad correctly. Using a target will help create a truly working mechanism for promoting a product, website or service and, with the right approach, the ad will begin to work in the near future.

  • Based on geography. Unlike contextual advertising, where IP is used to obtain information, VKontakte geotargeting takes information about the user from his page. To ensure that the recipient is not mistaken, the data is sent for additional verification.

The main information databases of VKontakte specialists are full list settlements and countries of the world, as well as a list of higher institutions and departments.

The advantage of using VKontakte geotargeting is that, by drawing information from the user’s page, you can determine his most favorite and frequently visited places. Thus, if a person goes on a business trip, he will even see an advertisement about mall in my city.

You can set up geotargeting very specifically, right down to the street and home. Using data from user pages, random people will not fall into the target audience.

  • VKontakte targeting can also be configured based on demographics, indicating the gender and age of the audience. In addition, there is additional opportunity– displaying advertising before the user’s birthday.
  • Targeting by VK groups. Searching for people by communities and interests is a great opportunity to advertise your product.

Firstly, if this is a narrow product category, then it will be shown to a specific category of users. For example, when selling rock band T-shirts, it is advisable to choose the appropriate audience, since other people are unlikely to be interested in the product.

Special services help you quickly and efficiently find clients on the VKontakte network.

Secondly, target VKontakte can be targeted so that advertising is not shown to everyone, excluding unnecessary communities from the search. This way, you can hide your ads from competitors’ users. Or you can do the opposite - show your higher quality or cheaper product only to them.

  • How to target VKontakte based on other interests? The social network allows you to search for audiences also by applications and sites where authorization took place through the social network. As with groups, the ability to exclude uninteresting users is included.

You can configure the selection among travelers - those who visit the site from at least two different countries per year.

  • Retargeting – setting up this ad display tool will help you search for people who are already familiar with the product and have visited the advertiser’s website or page.

When all the settings are selected correctly, all that remains is to top up your account and send your ad for review by moderators. Once the ad is launched, it can be analyzed by tracking statistics on reach, impressions and number of conversions. If the settings are chosen incorrectly for some reason, they can be changed at any time.

Cost of targeted advertising on VKontakte

The pricing method is set during the ad creation process and cannot be changed later.

How does the publication work? Like many exchanges, VKontakte operates an auction system, that is, the more money an advertiser is willing to give for displaying his ad, the higher his chances of being shown.

If several advertisers target one user, the order in which the publication is displayed on his page will depend on the stated price. More expensive ads are shown first. With the option of paying only for clicks, not only the set price is compared, but also the CTR of the advertisement (the popularity of the ad, calculated as the ratio of clicks to impressions).

What price should I set for posting an ad? When choosing targeting settings, the system analyzes the entered data and offers a recommended cost. VKontakte compares similar advertisements and the number of users reached, and based on this, a price range is formed. Of course, for greater efficiency, it is better to choose a higher price.

The average price for 1,000 impressions on VKontakte is 6-10 rubles. Since this also shows the number of audiences reached by the target, it is not recommended to select less than 20,000 people, since the ad will appear on the same pages.

One more nuance - when setting up impressions, you need to select the item - no more than one hundred impressions per person. These rules will help promote your ad much faster.

Typically, the price for clicks is several times higher than for impressions. It is not recommended to set the price for 1 click to less than a ruble, but you should not inflate the cost too much either. It is advisable to use such a payment system when there is a large audience coverage (if it exceeds a million, then it is better to pay only those who are interested in the ad), to test your hypotheses, or when you need to quickly promote a product.

The correct choice of settings, payment method and analysis of user activity dynamics will help promote almost any product on a social network.

Proper use of targeting is the key to stable income and popularity among clients.

Targeted advertising is a really working tool. With its help, you can select with greater accuracy potential clients than in the case of contextual advertising. It also becomes possible to attract competitors’ audiences or exclude aggressive users from the list of impressions.

The wide possibilities of VKontakte allow you to choose the settings wisely and attract required users. At the same time, we must not forget about the quality of the advertised product or website, since no matter how effective the ad is, increased sales can only be achieved if the product offered is competitive.

As soon as I began to be interested in Internet marketing, for me this entire direction was the social network VKontakte. I thought this was the only thing I needed to know to become an expert with capital letters. Therefore, I studied this phenomenon from all sides, and most of my time was spent on targeted advertising on VKontakte, because with its help you can work wonders. We are studying how to set it up and create magic today and now.

The power of our time

With the second click you need to click “Create an ad”, after which you will be transferred to the advertising account, where you will immediately begin implementing your plans. You can immediately go to stage 2 using the link - vk.com/ads/targeting.

Again. If you already have experience in advertising, then you can top up your balance immediately, but if you have no experience, then top up your advertising account balance later. In the next steps I will tell you in more detail how much targeted advertising costs and where to pay.

Step 2 - Select Ad Format

At the early stage of development of the social network, there was only one advertising format - side advertising. Now the world of VK is full of diversity for entrepreneurs. And every month new options appear to grab your clients by the eyes. Therefore, I would not be surprised if new formats are added the day after this article is published.

All formats can be divided into two categories: promotional posts and side advertising. Although when you start setting up advertising, you see something completely different. Now I will explain each point:

Community. Placement in a side block where a person sees a picture, the name of your group and the number of participants.

VKontakte application. Promoting an application you created based on a social network. For 99% of readers of this article this will not be relevant, but still.

External site. A place in the side block in different variations (without/with text, large/small image) for the purpose of transferring a person to any link.

What should you choose? This question is from the “What food should I eat for lunch?” question. It all depends on your goals and your background information. But I will try to give a general verdict, at least to understand which way to breathe.

Side advertising is most suitable for (catching up with those who left the site) or attracting people who are already familiar with you. Due to the fact that there is little information and it is more difficult to hook a sophisticated audience with this format than with promotional posts.

Promotional posts are suitable, as you already understood, for everything else. Now they are considered the most effective, due to the fact that they rotate in the news feed and you can place a large image and great amount text. But there is one drawback: not all people watch the news and surf in other groups.

For those who like to study everything thoroughly, I have prepared two links from official VKontakte sources, where they talk in more detail about each format:

Promotional posts - https://vk.cc/481rWL

In practice, I recommend starting with promotional posts (you can take them from the group, or you can create your own), then move on to side advertising. BUT! Everything is individual. If you are in doubt, write your case in the comments and I will give you a pair free advice what is the best way to proceed?

Step 3 - Creating an Advertising Message

Now we have come to what can be called a full-fledged setup. After you have chosen the ad format, you are taken to a page where ALL the settings are located. On Facebook, the process consists of several pages, but here everything is on one.

I will show the entire setup using the example of a promotional post (post in the community). I will also show the implementation of a strategy for attracting clients to my website. After all, this is the most important thing for many. But in fact, this is the same as attracting clients to your group.

Create an entry

By clicking on “Post in the community” we have the opportunity to provide a link to a finished post from our group or create a new one so that no one can see it. It all depends on the task, but I will create a new one, so I click “Create an entry” and select the community on behalf of which the advertisement will run.

You start creating a post. Write or paste. You support all this with links, emoticons and others. In other words, you do everything to make a person want to study and click.

Please note that you can create a post with a link. To do this, you need to click “Square” at the bottom, after which you will be able to make a button with one of dozens of calls. The only point is that according to the rules, the text in this advertising format should be small. Here is an example of such a post:

Parameters of the advertised object

Usually the most difficult thing is creating advertisements; in the professional sphere they are called creatives. Therefore, we can say that you have passed the most difficult path. Now you need to select the category to which your advertisement belongs and the age. We indicate the category honestly. And as a rule, we don’t touch age.

Lifehack. If suddenly you forbidden topic for advertising (for example, weapons), then you will be denied an advertisement. One option to bypass the refusal is to indicate another category where there is a possibility that the ads will undergo automatic moderation.

Step 4 - Setting up your target audience

Do you remember that you need to know your target audience well in order to get a positive effect? And don’t just leave with the words “Target doesn’t work.” In the fourth step, you and I will indicate the target audience to which our offer will be aimed.

My personal recommendation is not to interfere with the audience among themselves. The more targeted the audience, the better. Up to the point that one advertisement will be aimed at specific 100 people. After all, it is not quantity that matters, but quality. In addition, everyone has different selection criteria, and this is almost the most important thing in advertising.

When choosing target audience in the right top corner You will constantly see how many people fit your criteria and what the estimated cost for advertising is. But we’ll talk about the cost of targeted advertising on VKontakte later, now focus on the number of people.

Geography and demographics

In this section we indicate the country, city, location, gender, age, etc. When installing different settings You may notice how the cost of advertising changes. And this is due to the fact that it is cheaper to advertise by one age, just like in different countries.

But you need to target your target audience with your advertising message. In addition to the fact that advertising will work better, you will be able to see all the analytics more clearly. For example, that men from 30 to 35 react worse to advertising than men from 35 to 40. Moreover, the difference can be several times greater. And without such a division you simply won’t see it.

Important! In addition to the country and city, you can specify the radius on the map by clicking “Select on map”. This way you can tune in to everyone who lives/moves in the area around your business.

You can use the “Birthday” field as a reason for a gift. For example, you set up an advertising message “It’s your birthday this week, so you have a gift ____!” It turns out that situational marketing, which is now very trendy.

You can use the same with marital status. Only in your advertising you already indicate a call to give a gift NOT to yourself, but a gift to your soulmate. Hinting that you need to love not only yourself, but also others. And your product is very well suited for realizing this.


For those who are just starting out and do not yet know how to collect (parse) an audience, this point is very important. After all, with the help of it we will show where our target audience sits. As a rule, the “interest category” item is skipped due to the highly vague settings. And the item “Applications and sites”, since there are too few applications in VK.

Much emphasis needs to be placed on “Communities”. At this point we must indicate all the groups where our target audience sits. We can insert links, or we can just start typing in names, as in a regular search. This point will help narrow the audience. For example, not all women 20-25 years old are involved in fitness, but only those who sit in groups about fitness, including sports clubs.

Using the “Exceptions” item, we indicate the community audience that needs to be subtracted from the selected database of people. This is necessary so as not to advertise to your company’s clients or people who will definitely not come to you. Using the previous example, if you have an economy fitness club, then it is stupid to advertise to the audience of VIP clubs.

Important. By selecting the “Travelers” item, you tune in to those who are this moment travels for a while. And not for those who generally travel throughout their lives.

Education and work

I rarely use this item, because it does not work particularly correctly and this is due to the fact that people do not provide information about themselves well, and the data is taken precisely on the basis of what the person said about himself. But besides everything, with the help of this setting you can definitely find certain positions. There will be few people, the information will not always be up to date, but sometimes it is at least something.

Extra options

The most difficult block for beginners is connected with the terrible word “Retargeting”, which you can also notice in the left menu of the advertising account. We have a whole article on this topic -. This article alone talks about customer return, and in the context of a social network this concept has a double standard.

Retargeting on social networks is an individually collected base of people. For example, we can collect into this database everyone who was on our site using a special pixel, which is easy to obtain by clicking on the “Retargeting” tab on the left. But that's not all the juice.

The very essence of retargeting is that through special programs(Cerebro, Paper Ninja, Segmento, etc.) You gather the most targeted audience. That is, through the control panel of these services you can select your audience in a way that you would never do through the classic setting.

This is a screenshot of one of these applications. And I will tell you that it is worth it. If you want to achieve great results in targeted advertising, then you need to learn how to use such services. If you know how to use them, they will save you time, and most importantly hundreds of thousands of rubles.

Within the framework of this article, I cannot fully disclose ways to collect the target audience through parsers, but every major service has step by step training. Therefore, I am sure you will not have problems with this. It will be difficult to get the hang of it, due to the large number of different fields.

Summarizing, this block settings (in addition to the operating system, browsers and devices) is needed only for those who know what retargeting is, know how to collect these lists and understand how to use them. Otherwise, you simply skip this point. And I’ll tell you, even our specialists in some advertising companies don’t use this block either.

Step 5 - Setting the Price

“How much does targeted advertising cost? How much should I pay?” - this is exactly the question the client asked us in a conversation about. At this step, you and I determine how much and what we will pay for. And I’ll tell you right away that you won’t be able to pay for clients. We will pay either for impressions or for clicks. But we are moving gradually.

Advertising platforms. Will we show our advertising everywhere or only on computers or only on mobile phones? We once promoted it for our client and it could only be accessed from a mobile phone. In this case, this point really saved us.

Checkbox “Also show on community walls”. When the checkbox is checked, your advertisement will be shown not only in your personal news feed, but also in the news feed of the group that the client is viewing. As a rule, to increase coverage, it is customary to check this box.

Price. In the upper right corner you see the recommended cost. She's quite tall. The recommended cost is the figure at which you will have 100% audience coverage. If you need to advertise urgently and to everyone, you will have to overpay. And if it doesn’t work for you, then first set the minimum price, and after the advertising stops showing, raise it.

What does it mean that advertising will stop running? The fact is that the principle of displaying advertising is “auction”, which means who more money gives, he will show up. But within your audience there are different people. This means that on some people advertising is set up by a hundred companies, and on others only you. It turns out that if the bid is low, you are shown first to those who have little advertising, and if the bid is higher, to those who already have a lot of competition (many companies are fighting for people’s attention).

Limiting impressions. You can show your ad just 1 time to a person, or you can show it up to 20 times. Determining the value is quite easy. The larger your audience, the less often you show advertising to one person. And vice versa, the fewer people you have, the more closely you work with them. But! There are always exceptions, use your head.

Advertising campaign. An alternative to folders on your computer. Here you indicate which folder to put this advertising message in for further navigation and structuring. Different advertising messages, for example, promo posts and side advertising, put in one advertising company it is forbidden.

Lifehack! If you set up targeted advertising on VKontakte or, I highly recommend doing this through the Getuniq service. The first is that moderation is much faster and easier. Secondly, it’s a good bonus when replenishing your advertising budget. But about that, shh! 😉

STEP 6 - Adjustment

After you clicked “Create an ad” and clicked “Run” in the advertising account, you can conclude that everything is over. But it's just begun. Now you need to constantly monitor your ads and decide whether to improve or delete them.

Besides drastic measures You will need to constantly refresh your audience, which will burn out over time. You also need to adjust your rates, because competitors are not asleep either. It is necessary to constantly analyze and test which teaser is better and which is worse. After all different pictures for targeted advertising can give you different results, with a difference of 5-6 times.

Looking at this step, I now take a deep breath, knowing that the most difficult thing is not setting up targeted advertising correctly, but testing hundreds of different hypotheses, audiences, images and texts. And this is very painstaking work. But this is the only way to get results, otherwise it’s better not to even start.

Also, if you saw somewhere a case in the same area as yours, this does not mean that everything will be exactly the same for you. Maybe it will, maybe it won't. After all, the result is influenced by thousands of different indicators (pricing, city, competition, supply). But a successful case from another company can become good example to determine direction.


Briefly about the main thing

The material turned out to be long. But your training has begun. It’s unlikely that you have assimilated all the information now, besides, I didn’t tell you everything that I could tell you, but only in battle will you be able to fully comprehend and understand everything. This means that if you go out on the road self-configuration, then get ready to lose your first money. As they say, “A captain who returns from sailing on a perfect ship is a bad captain.”

You need to gain experience through your experience and your mistakes. With my article I tried to reduce their number, but it will not be possible to completely avoid them. Other people's bumps don't hurt. My recommendation for the future is to be sure to set limits (limits after which advertising automatically turns off), otherwise you will wake up one morning and your advertising has eaten up all your money while you were sleeping.

On our blog we periodically publish materials about targeted advertising on VKontakte, but I also recommend that you constantly subscribe to other communities, since this area is very dynamic. In addition, a lot of new success stories appear on the Internet every day that you can take as a basis.

P.S. If you have any questions, write in the comments. We don’t take money for advice 😉

VKontakte is the largest social network Russia with a monthly audience of more than 95 million users. Two out of three residents of Russia use VKontakte to communicate, search and exchange information, read news, implement business tasks and other purposes. This means that there are already potential clients on VKontakte, and the task of any business is to find this audience and tell them about your offer in an attractive way. We have already told in general outline about the possibilities of promotion on social networks, today we will talk in more detail about paid advertising.

VKontakte offers two promotion options:

  • advertising in communities;
  • targeted advertising.

Advertising in communities are advertisements that are posted in popular groups and on public pages using an advertising exchange that connects the advertiser and the community administrator. The opportunity to participate in the exchange is automatically provided to all groups with an average monthly daily reach of more than 20,000 people. This type of promotion is suitable if you want to attract the attention of subscribers of specific large communities. However, the most popular type of advertising on VKontakte is targeted advertising. Its advantage is fine settings selecting a target audience based on a dozen different parameters.

How to launch targeted advertising on VKontakte

To create a targeted ad on VKontakte, go to the “Advertising” section, which is located in the left block under the ads on each page of the site.

Before you start creating an ad, choose what exactly you will promote: a post in a community, a community, the VKontakte application or an external site.

Step 1. Select ad format

The last two formats differ from the classic targeted ads on the left and are used to advertise posts in the community. By creating such an ad, you can use all the possibilities for designing posts: add an image, music, video, survey, etc. Moreover, you do not have to advertise an already created and published post, you can promote “ hidden recording", i.e. not published in any community.

Image and text (when there is not enough information in the title and image)

  • for communities, VKontakte applications, external sites;
  • title up to 33 characters;
  • description up to 77 characters;
  • image size 145×85 px.

Large image (main focus on the banner, more visible format)

  • for communities, applications, external sites and videos;
  • title up to 33 characters;
  • the object type is automatically indicated;
  • image size 145×165 px.

Community promotion

  • special format for communities;
  • the community name is entered automatically (up to 33 characters), it can be shortened, but cannot be changed;
  • The number of community members/user's friends in the community and the community logo are automatically adjusted (can be replaced with any other 145×145 px image);
  • a "Subscribe" or "Join"/"I'll go" button is added.

Square image

  • special format for applications;
  • the number of application users/user's friends, logo and application name (up to 33 characters, can be shortened, but cannot be changed) are entered automatically;
  • A “Play” or “Run” button is automatically added.

Special format for applications

  • the application name is entered automatically (up to 33 characters), it can be shortened, but cannot be changed;
  • The application rating and game genre selected in the settings are automatically substituted;
  • The image loaded as a “square catalog cover” in the application settings is also pulled up.

You can upload images in JPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF or GIF formats, but animated images are not supported. The size of the uploaded file should not exceed 5 MB.

For example, we will select an external site and the “Image and Text” format as the advertising object.

When we have filled out all the items in the registration section, we move on to setting up targeting.

Step 2. Determining the target audience

At this stage, we will select from the entire social network audience separate groups users to show ads only to them. Such segmentation is necessary: ​​it increases the effectiveness of advertising campaigns due to the fact that the advertiser does not address all users, but highlights only those who may be interested in his product, and also divides the target audience into groups and addresses each of them with the most relevant offer. Let's understand it with an example.

Let's say you are the owner of a small cafe. On Wednesdays you have a special offer - a 50% discount on the entire menu for women's groups. Obviously, only girls are interested in such an offer. Using targeting, you can create an advertisement and run impressions on a target audience of women 18+ living in your and nearby areas. This way, you will show relevant ads only to a part of the audience that fits the conditions of the promotion and may be interested in it, and exclude all other segments.

Various targeting settings are available on VKontakte: geographical, demographic, interests, education and work. In the interest setting, you can select communities or VKontakte applications whose members may be interested in your offer, or, conversely, exclude them. The counter on the right shows the number of registered users who meet the specified settings and will be able to see your ad.

You can also target by device, browser, and operating systems users, as well as by retargeting audiences. Let's take a closer look at the last parameter.

Setting up retargeting on VKontakte

Retargeting on VKontakte is an analogue of retargeting on Yandex.Direct and remarketing on Google AdWords. With its help, an advertiser can show advertisements those social network users who are already familiar with the offer, for example, they visited the site, made an order, left a request for a call, etc. This is a “warm” audience, the probability of conversion of which is, as a rule, higher. Using retargeting audiences, you will find these users on VKontakte and can make them a special offer (for example, a discount on a second purchase). They can be excluded from the campaign audience in order to attract only new clients and not spend the budget on previously attracted ones.

To set up retargeting, you need to create an audience, i.e. a VKontakte user base to which you can target your advertisements.

You can create an audience in two ways:

  • load it from a pre-prepared file;
  • get it from the site using the VKontakte pixel.

The VKontakte retargeting pixel is a JavaScript code that is added to the site code and automatically takes into account all its visitors. For information on how to create and install a pixel on a website, read the VKontakte manual.

After that, select the download method:

When retargeting to a downloadable audience, you need to create a file with a list (the list size can be any, but the file weight should not exceed 20 MB) consisting of phone numbers, addresses Email or user IDs. Thanks to this method of launching retargeting, you can use audiences from services for collecting potential client databases, for example, Cerebro Target. In it you can find the target audience on VKontakte by keywords, search and select the IDs of community members to which, in your opinion, the target audience is subscribed.

Step 3. Payment model, price setting and site selection

To advertise a community, application, or external site, you can choose to pay per click (CPC) or pay per impression (CPM). Payment for advertising posts in the community differs depending on the ad format: posts with a button can be paid for impressions or for clicks, for posts without a button - only for impressions.

In the Advertising Platforms window, select where you want your ads to appear. To advertise an external site, community and VKontakte application, you can configure the display of ads only on VKontakte or VKontakte and partner sites. To promote community posts, you can choose placement on all platforms, only on full version site or in mobile version and application.

Once you select your payment method, save your ad to an existing or new campaign. After moderation, ad impressions will begin. You can edit your ad at any time: change the description or image, transition cost, target audience settings. However, if you want to change the type of item being advertised, ad format, website link, or payment method, you will have to create a new ad by copying the previously created one.

To run advertising, top up your personal account balance. Individuals can be replenished using bank cards, payment systems and terminals. Enrollment by bank transfer only available for legal entities. Important! The payment method cannot be changed.

How to analyze targeted advertising on VKontakte

Basic statistics for all advertising campaigns affects home page personal account. You can build a report for the period you are interested in, and also choose which indicator you want to build a graph for: conversions, impressions, CTR or expenses.

To view campaign statistics, select the one you are interested in personal account and set the period. You can compare the effectiveness of campaigns by selecting the ones you are interested in in the checkbox. A similar report can be built based on ads on the campaign page.

If you are promoting a community, then evaluate the effectiveness of advertising in its statistics in the “Conversion Sources” section.


So, now you know how to set up targeted advertising on VKontakte. We still have a few more tips:

  1. Test: run different ads for the same segment. Change the format, text or images, track results, disable underperforming ads and keep only those that perform well.
  2. Personalize: Create custom ads for each segment. Do not launch campaigns to a wide audience - this is simple and quick way say goodbye to the budget.
  3. Analyze and improve: monitor statistics, quickly update bids, make changes if the effectiveness of your ads drops.

2024 gtavrl.ru.