Cell towers map beeline. Beeline coverage map

Published 04/22/2015 by John

Cellidfinder is a simple and convenient location search service base stations mobile communications GSM standard and plotting them on a map. The article provides detailed instructions to find the location of GSM base stations using this service.

What data is needed to localize the BS?

In order to find the coordinates of the base station sector, you need to know 4 parameters:

  • MCC (Mobile Country Code) is a code that determines the country in which the mobile operator is located. For example, for Russia it is 250, the USA - 310, Hungary - 216, China - 460, Ukraine - 255, Belarus - 257.
  • MNC (Mobile Network Code) is a code assigned to a mobile operator. Unique for each operator in a particular country. A detailed table of MCC and MNC codes for operators worldwide is available.
  • LAC (Location Area Code) - local area code. In a nutshell, LAC is an association of a number of base stations that are served by one base station controller (BSC). This parameter can be presented in either decimal or hexadecimal format.
  • CellID (CID) - “cell identifier”. The same sector of the base station. This parameter can also be presented in decimal and hexadecimal format.

Where can I get this data?

The data is taken from the netmonitor. Netmonitor is special application For mobile phones or other devices that allow you to find out engineering parameters mobile network. There is a network great amount no monitors for various devices. Finding the right one is not a problem. In addition, many modern GPS trackers in conditions bad reception satellites can send to the owner not coordinates, but parameters of the base station (MCS, MNC, LAC, Cellid) to which they cling. Cellidfinder will help you quickly translate these parameters into the approximate location of the BS.

Where do the coordinates of the base station come from?

The search for coordinates of base stations is carried out in the Google and Yandex databases, which provide such an opportunity. It should be noted that as a result of the search we do not get the exact location of the tower, but an approximate one. This is the location where it was registered greatest number subscribers who transmitted information about their location to Google servers and Yandex. The most accurate location by LAC and CID is determined by using the averaging function, which calculates the coordinates of all sectors (CellID) of one base station, and then calculates the average value.

How to work with CellIDfinder?

In order to start working with the CellIdfinder base station location search service, you need to install any netmonitor on your smartphone. Here is one of the good options. We turn on the downloaded application and look at the necessary parameters.

IN in this case in the netmonitor window we saw:
MCC = 257 (Belarus)
MNC = 02 (MTS)
LAC = 16
CID = 2224

We enter these parameters into the search form on . Because LAC and CID can be issued by the netmonitor in both decimal and hexadecimal form; the search form has auto-complete for LAC and CID in the second form. Select “Google Data”, “Yandex Data” and, if high accuracy is needed, “Averaging”. Click the "Find BS" button.

As a result, we obtained the coordinates for this sector of the base station. Moreover, the coordinates in the Google and Yandex databases practically coincided, which means we can assume that the BS are built on the map quite accurately.


One of the first questions that arises when you are connecting to mobile internet, this is a question about the location of the base station of your chosen operator in order to point your antenna in its direction. It is advisable to find out the exact coordinates of the tower and the terrain before it in order to understand whether it makes sense to use the tower to receive the signal. Services and various Android applications do not provide exact coordinates of the BS, because based on measurements and their mathematical processing. The error can reach several kilometers.

Often, tower coordinates can be determined by studying operator coverage maps, terrain, Google and Yandex maps, as well as the opportunities they provide to view photographs and panoramas of the area being studied. It must be said that the BS cannot always be found on the map. There may be many reasons for this - the maps are outdated, the BS is located on the roof of the building and is simply not visible on the map, the tower has small sizes and so on.

BS parameters are unknown. Kostroma region

Given: coordinates 57.564243, 41.08345, Kuzminka village in the Kostroma region. The task is to determine the exact coordinates of the BS to which you can connect to receive 3 G-signal.

We will consider the search for BS step by step.

Step 1. Analysis of coverage maps.

Let's use a well-known servicehttps://yota-faq.ru/yota-zone-map/ , which presents the coverage areas of four operators, except Beeline. I will note here that the Beeline coverage presented on their website is almost impossible to use - as a rule, it shows continuous coverage that does not take into account the terrain.

The coverage areas of Megafon and MTS look the most interesting from a connection point of view. You can see this for yourself by opening the service, inserting the coordinates into search bar and switching operators.

Megafon coverage area:

MTS coverage area:

From the analysis of Megafon's coverage area, we see that 3G BS are most likely located in the directions Krasnoye, Sukhonogovo, Lapino (at this scale the Lapino map is not visible, this is the southwest, approximately where the P-600 mark is).

The MTS coverage area is more interesting. Here we also consider the direction to Sukhonogovo and Krasnoe. But Red is a more interesting option, because... there is 4G coverage there. The distance to Krasny is about 10 km, if MTS distributes 4G at a frequency of 1800 MHz, then there is every chance of establishing communication with one of the MTS BSs located in this locality.

Step 2: Study the terrain.

The terrain up to Krasny is difficult, but quite passable. To assess the terrain, we will use the service https://airlink.ubnt.com. If this is your first time on this site, you will first need to go through a free registration procedure. Having opened the service, scroll the slider down to the end and enter the initial data in the lower right corner, as shown in the following figure.

I usually first enter the same coordinates in both windows, and then start moving the purple mark to the points of interest to me, where the BS could presumably be located. At the same time, in the right top corner The screen displays the terrain, the line of sight and the approximate size of the Fresnel zone.

For our coordinates we have:

Checking the terrain in other “suspicious” directions showed that the terrain there is much worse. Thus, we decided on the direction and at the same time chose the operator - MTS.

Step 3. Clarifying our choice using the “Communication Quality” service

The service opens at the following address https://geo.minsvyaz.ru. In the search line, set the name of the village Kuzminka, switch the view from 4 windows to single-window mode, scale the map to a convenient size and get for the MTS operator:

We see that our choice is correct, because according to the measurement database of users of this service, Krasnoye actually has good 4G coverage from MTS.

Let's zoom in on this map and see that the most likely location of the tower (or towers) is Sovetskaya and Okruzhnaya streets.

Step 4. Study the area using Google and Yandex maps.

These cards have useful tool to study the area - panoramas and photographs of the area. Google maps have much more panoramas of various areas than Yandex, so you have to use Google more often when looking at panoramas. On the other hand, Yandex has more photos taken in different places, in addition, Yandex maps for Russia are usually more relevant. In this regard, you have to use both services. Google maps and services are used here.

So, we found out that we need to consider two streets in Krasnoye in search of BS. Launch Google maps, enter the approximate coordinates of the street. Sovetskaya (or street name) and we get:

Here the street view mode is turned on, the street we need is highlighted in blue on the map. You can get a panorama of the street by clicking the mouse anywhere on the blue line. Moving in this way along the street to the north, at the post office building we find the first BS:

And finally, not far from the intersection of Sovetskaya and Okruzhnaya streets, a third tower is discovered, the highest of those found:

We return to the map and find the shadow of this tower in the place where the photo points:

We mark this place on the map with the mouse and get the exact coordinates of the BS:

Let us summarize some of the results of our research. Using information obtained from coverage area analysis, user measurements of signal strength in the area of ​​interest, and study of the area through photographs and panoramas, we were able to find three base stations and their exact coordinates in a city we had never been to. The question of which operator owns the found BS remains open, because the answer to this requires additional research. The easiest way is to drive along the route and measure the BS parameters using some Android application that displays MNC, MCC and signal strength. Some of these applications are presented.

The parameters of the BS are known. Suburb of Penza

As is known, a number of Android applications, as well as a HiLink modem interface and an MDMA program, can provide BS parameters, with the help of which well-known services and applications can provide approximate BS coordinates, which makes it easier to find specific BS coordinates on maps. Reviews of some of these tools are given in the "" section on the Antex website.

Let's consider specific example from the forum, example based on the topic. User coordinates

The issue of base stations has already been raised, but a clear definition has not been identified. I believe that these towers should be removed, because they do not serve any purpose. useful information, and with them (towers) large quantities just littering the map.

akbars, please write a clear definition of what needs to be done with them. And it is advisable to include it in the rules.


The issue of base stations has already been raised, but a clear definition has not been identified. I believe that these towers should be removed, because they do not carry any useful information, and if there are a large number of them (towers), it will only litter the map.

akbars, please write a clear definition of what needs to be done with them. And it is advisable to include it in the rules.

The issue of base stations has already been raised, but a clear definition has not been identified. I believe that these towers should be removed, because they do not carry any useful information, and if there are a large number of them (towers), it will only litter the map.

akbars, please write a clear definition of what needs to be done with them. And it is advisable to include it in the rules.

","contentType":"text/html"),"authorId":"40010088","slug":"12770","canEdit":false,"canComment":false,"isBanned":false,"canPublish" :false,"viewType":"old","isDraft":false,"isOnModeration":false,"isSubscriber":false,"commentsCount":58,"modificationDate":"Thu Jan 01 1970 03:00:00 GMT +0000 (UTC)","showPreview":true,"approvedPreview":("source":"

The issue of base stations has already been raised, but a clear definition has not been identified. I believe that these towers should be removed, because they do not carry any useful information, and if there are a large number of them (towers), it will only litter the map.

akbars, please write a clear definition of what needs to be done with them. And it is advisable to include it in the rules.

","html":". The issue of base stations has already been raised, but a clear definition has not been identified. I believe that these towers should be removed, because they do not carry any useful information, and with a large number of them (towers) they only litter the map.","contentType":"text/html"),"proposedPreview":("source" :"

The issue of base stations has already been raised, but a clear definition has not been identified. I believe that these towers should be removed, because they do not carry any useful information, and if there are a large number of them (towers), it will only litter the map.

akbars, please write a clear definition of what needs to be done with them. And it is advisable to include it in the rules.

","html":". The issue of base stations has already been raised, but a clear definition has not been identified. I believe that these towers should be removed, because they do not carry any useful information, and with a large number of them (towers) they only litter the map.","contentType":"text/html"),"titleImage":null,"tags ":[("displayName":"rules","slug":"pravila","categoryId":"9825254","url":"/blog/narod-karta??tag=pravila")],"isModerator ":false,"commentsEnabled":true,"url":"/blog/narod-karta/12770","urlTemplate":"/blog/narod-karta/%slug%","fullBlogUrl":"https:/ /yandex.ru/blog/narod-karta","addCommentUrl":"/blog/createComment/narod-karta/12770","updateCommentUrl":"/blog/updateComment/narod-karta/12770","addCommentWithCaptcha": "/blog/createWithCaptcha/narod-karta/12770","changeCaptchaUrl":"/blog/api/captcha/new","putImageUrl":"/blog/image/put","urlBlog":"/blog/narod -karta","urlEditPost":"/blog/56a93fbb35a9b0713454b7ac/edit","urlSlug":"/blog/post/generateSlug","urlPublishPost":"/blog/56a93fbb35a9b0713454b7ac/publish","urlUnpublishPost":"/blog /56a93FBB35A9B071345454B7AC/unpublish "," Urlremovepost ":"/Blog/56a93fB35A9B0713454545454B7AC/REMOVEPOST "," URLDRAFT ":"/BLOG/NAROD-KARTA/12770/DR AFT "," URLDRAFTEMPLATE ":"/BLOG/NAROD-KARTA/%SLUG %/draft","urlRemoveDraft":"/blog/56a93fbb35a9b0713454b7ac/removeDraft","urlTagSuggest":"/blog/api/suggest/narod-karta","urlAfterDelete":"/blog/narod-karta","isAuthor ":false,"subscribeUrl":"/blog/api/subscribe/56a93fbb35a9b0713454b7ac","unsubscribeUrl":"/blog/api/unsubscribe/56a93fbb35a9b0713454b7ac","urlEditPostPage":"/blog/narod-karta/56a93fbb35a9b0 713454b7ac/edit" ,"urlForTranslate":"/blog/post/translate","urlRelateIssue":"/blog/post/updateIssue","urlUpdateTranslate":"/blog/post/updateTranslate","urlLoadTranslate":"/blog/post/ loadTranslate","urlTranslationStatus":"/blog/narod-karta/12770/translationInfo","urlRelatedArticles":"/blog/api/relatedArticles/narod-karta/12770","author":("id":"40010088 ","uid":("value":"40010088","lite":false,"hosted":false),,"aliases":(),"login":"sher-art","display_name":( "name":"Te*mik","avatar":("default":"24700/40010088-24461939","empty":false)),,"address":" [email protected]","defaultAvatar":"24700/40010088-24461939","imageSrc":"https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-yapic/24700/40010088-24461939/islands-middle","isYandexStaff": false),"originalModificationDate":"1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z","socialImage":("orig":("fullPath":"http://avatars.yandex.net/get-yablog/4611686018427432610 /normal")))))">

The mobile operator Tele2 is developing rapidly and is steadily expanding its coverage area and communication quality. Cell towers Tele2 on the map below allows you to verify this; their number is sufficient to provide stable coverage to most regions of our country.

Briefly on the topic

  • Tele2 base stations operate on equipment from Nokia Networks and Flexi Multiradio
  • The company is currently working towards the development of the 4G communication format
  • Stations are located everywhere: rooftops, roadsides, subways and other places


Our inquisitive readers are probably interested in knowing which towers Tele2 operates on? The telecommunications equipment that this cellular operator uses is truly first-class. Nokia Networks and Flexi Multiradio are the towers Tele2 uses, and these manufacturers produce the latest generation equipment.

Now this mobile operator aims to provide its customers with an uninterrupted signal in 4G format and is successfully working in this direction - residents of large cities have already seen this. In Moscow, St. Petersburg and many other cities, there is an LTE signal even in the metro. To verify this, we recommend reading the article about the Tele2 coverage map in the metro, which is available on our website.

Where are they located?

Where are the base stations located? To ensure an uninterrupted signal, stations cellular communications can be found almost everywhere - on the roofs of houses, along busy highways, in the forest and many, many other places. Sometimes equipment is hidden in art objects, this happens especially often in the historical part of cities, so as not to spoil appearance central streets.

How they work

How does a standard base station work? In a nutshell, your SIM card receives the signal issued by the nearest tower, thereby providing you with various communication services - the ability to call, receive and send SMS messages, mobile transmission data. When a person moves with the phone turned on, the device will invariably receive a signal from the nearest tower, that is, switch between them. This way the connection will always be good. The exception is when something interferes with the signal - let's say you are in a basement where there is no optional equipment, or went out of town, and the nearest station turned out to be quite far from you.

While roaming

On whose towers does Tele2 work if you travel outside the country? To date, Tele2 has entered into an agreement with the majority mobile operators worldwide and can connect to their equipment. Thus, you may experience communication problems only in the most remote corner of the globe.

Do you see the gopher?..
- No…
- And I don’t see... But he is there!
- Understood…

Hello dear readers. You won’t find the “correct” map of base stations of cellular operators on the Internet “during the day”. It would seem sad, but if you put in a little effort, you can independently find the location and coordinates of the BS on the ground. Let's do this together with NskTarelka.ru.

We won’t fight with “Netmonitor” and others like it (from the evil one), it’s better to use the “correct” option.

Finding cell phone base station locations with Google Earth Pro

One of the main “ingredients” that we will use to create a BS map of cellular operators is a “virtual globe” Google. Program Google Earth known as Planet Earth.

The first step on the path to success - follow the link and install it on your computer - Google Planet Earth Pro for Windows, Mac or Linux

We admire our beautiful and vast planet for a few seconds, after that, in the upper left corner, in the search bar, enter the one we are interested in search query. In my case, as an example, this is the Novosibirsk region, Moshkovsky district, village of Kuznetsovka. The program is smart, insensitive to the case of letters, so in order not to worry, I type the text without capital letters- Kuznetsovka mosh... And as you can see, the program itself gave the address I was looking for in the search bar. I select it and click on search.

Using the mouse wheel, I enlarge the picture and find the object that interests me. Let it be a local store where you urgently need to install the Internet.

In the toolbar, I click on “Add a label” and give it a name. I press “Ok”.

I chose the default icon for the label, you can choose any one you like. And also add any information important to you to the “Description” tab. It will pop up on the map when you click on the icon.

Finding the location of base stations or a register of SES conclusions can help us

Our main search tool for base stations of cellular operators, their location and coordinates is a database of the register of sanitary and epidemiological conclusions on project documentation. We begin the search, open the registry database - fp.crc.ru

Before you start searching for a BS, open the “Help” tab; perhaps the information contained therein will be useful to you.

Where to start your search? Let's type the word “cellular” in the first line of “Project Documentation” and click on the “Search” checkbox.

The result obtained at the time of writing:
- 223813 documents were found;
- pages (total 8953).

Narrowing the search. In the line “Conclusion number” at the very beginning, enter the code of our region. For me (Novosibirsk region) the number is 54. We update the search information:
- 8625 documents were found;
- pages (total 345).

Since I am interested in a map of base stations of cellular operators around the village of Kuznetsovka, Moshkovsky district, Novosibirsk region, I narrow the search even more using additional search phrases. Which?
You can add the name of the area to the first search line “Project documentation” to the word “cellular”, in my case “Moshkovsky”.
We get the following result:
- 125 documents were found;
- pages (5 in total).

Thanks to the received list, you can already begin searching for the location of the BS. But, in this case, do I need the whole area? In the situation under consideration, presented as an example, no. Therefore, let's do it differently. We erase the name of the area in the search bar. And instead of it, first we’ll type the name of our locality - Are there any BS in it? In my case no.
Well, well, we are looking for the nearest BS in the adjacent populated areas. You can return to Planet Earth and see which settlements are closest to us. You can use Double Gis for the same purpose.

One of the nearby settlements is the village of Raduga. I type it into the first search line of the registry database.
I get the following:
- 7 documents found.

First document

I’m starting to study the first document on the list. The information that interests me is the title of the “Project Documentation”.

Great, I click on “show full text of the application.” In the document that opens I see the geographic coordinates of the base station mobile operator MTS. It also happens.

I enter them into the Google Planet search bar, delete the letters, leaving only numerical values, and click on “Search”. And... magic, the first BS was found.

I put my own mark on it, sign it as “MTS BS”, and delete the mark with the coordinates set by the program.
I add the title of the project documentation to the “Description”. After this, when you click on the label, a pop-up window with information will appear.

And so, by analogy, we look for all the nearest BS that we can find. In fact, not everything is as simple as it turned out in the example described above. Geographic coordinates began to be added to reports at the end of 2017. Usually there are no coordinates in the documentation.

At the beginning of the list of documents returned by the search are the most recent conclusions. So don’t forget to look at the first line “Conclusion number and date”. It is possible that the SES conclusion is present in the database, but the work has not yet been completed.

Let’s finish with the Raduga village and consider the remaining 6 documents.

Second document

Project documentation - Project: “Expansion of the mobile radiotelephone communication network of the IMT/2000 UMTS and GSM-900/1800 standard of MegaFon OJSC in the Novosibirsk region.” Cellular communication base station No. 54.0504, Novosibirsk region, Moshkovsky district, Raduga village, AMS FSUE "RTRS".

We see that this is the base station of the cellular operator Megafon No. 54. 0504. There is no information about the location.

Third document

Project documentation - Project: “Modernization of the cellular radiotelephone communication network of OJSC VimpelCom in the Novosibirsk region. Base station digital cellular system communications of the Novosibirsk branch of OJSC VimpelCom No. 44478, Novosibirsk region, Moshkovsky district, Raduga village, branch "SRC" AMS FSUE "RTRS".

Base station of the mobile operator VimpelCom No. 44478 (read as Beeline). Location information is again missing.

Fourth document

Project documentation - Project: “Expansion of the mobile radiotelephone communication network of the IMT/2000 UMTS and GSM-900/1800 standard of MegaFon OJSC in the territory of NSO.” Cellular communication base station No. 54.0504, Novosibirsk region, Moshkovsky district, Raduga village, ORTPTS tower.

As you can see, we are again talking about the Megafon BS No. 54.0504 that we have already come across above

Fifth document

Conclusion about the MTS BS that has already come to our attention in the documentation above.

Sixth document

Again BS Megafon No. 54.0504

Seventh document

Again, the familiar Megafon base station is described as JSC Mobicom-Novosibirsk.

Let's summarize. In the village of Raduga there are base stations of three operators - MTS, Megafon and Beeline, and seven SES conclusions. Why 7? Look carefully in the conclusions at the line “Conclusion number and date”, and everything will become clear.

The location of the MTS base station was found specifically according to the indicated geographical coordinates. Where are Megafon and Beeline located? I don't know. Perhaps on the same mast, maybe on neighboring structures. Let's mark them as "BS?"

I carefully explored the entire Raduga village with the help of “Planet Earth” and found more interesting shadows on the ground in three places. But nothing is clear. What is this? Megafon or Beeline base stations? Or some kind of pipes?

Let's zoom in and try to use one wonderful tool called "Street View", perhaps it is also available in the village of Rainbow. Let's put the little man on the map and take a walk around the village of Raduga.

This is done as follows. We move the mouse cursor over the little man, hold down the left key, and drag the “scout” onto the road. If blue stripes appear on the roads on the map, the Street View tool is available in that locality. But only on roads marked with a blue stripe. You can only walk along them.

The task was completed, all three objects were investigated. Conclusions have been drawn.

The first shadow closest to the man was this pipe. I could be wrong, but as for me, it is not used by cellular operators.

One of the shadows turned out to be a water tower, the other, apparently, was an operator base station - either Megafon or Beeline.

One by one, slowly, I monitored all the nearby settlements adjacent to the village of Kuznetsovka. I found operator base stations in other localities. All actions are exactly the same as those described above. What should we do next? Analyze information, build elevation profiles. I will write about this in another article.

Additional information about useful software for searching the coordinates of base stations of cellular operators

Sometimes, the documentation (SES conclusions) contains the address where the operator’s BS is located. But when you enter these details into Google Earth Pro, sometimes the location is not displayed accurately. I recommend using Double GIS in parallel if your region is included in it.

When searching for BS on the ground using Google maps Earth Pro, sometimes you come across areas with unclear image. In such cases, I use Yandex maps. Often, Yandex has much better pictures.

And at the end of the article, creative advertising for LG HD TV

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