Speed ​​up the performance of your Windows 10 computer. Getting rid of dust in the case

Users upgrading modern version Windows expect to receive higher speed work and productivity. Sometimes it turns out quite the opposite. This happens precisely because the OS has not been optimized properly. How to configure Windows 10 for the best experience - read below.

How to optimize Windows 10 - which services can be disabled?

By default, at startup operating system a lot of programs are launched that may be completely useless for specific user. By pausing their execution or completely removing them from startup, we can easily increase the PC startup speed. Before starting to work with services, it is recommended to make a backup - in case something important is deleted. In this case, you can absolutely safely disable:

  • Windows Search– if you don’t use the system search and know exactly what is where.
  • Windows Update performs useful functions in itself, but necessary updates can also be installed manually.
  • Programs installed by the user - pay attention to those that you rarely use, disable them or set them to run manually.

To view the list of services, right-click on “Start” and select the line “Computer Management”, then click on the item of the same name in the tab on the left.

How to optimize Windows 10 - editing startup

Disabling programs that start when the OS starts works in a similar way. To check and edit this list:

  • Press the hot keys Win+R;
  • In the “Run” window, enter the msconfig command, confirm with “Enter”;
  • when the “System configuration” menu opens, go to the “Startup” tab;
  • We leave the checkboxes only next to antivirus and other vital utilities.

How to optimize Windows 10 - defragmentation

This process can significantly speed up your computer, especially if it has not been done for a long time. Defragmentation will be extremely useful in cases where a large amount of information is often added and deleted on a PC. To run the procedure:

  • select local disk;
  • right-click on it;
  • go to “Properties”;
  • in the new window, click on the “Service” tab;
  • in the “Optimization” section, look for the button of the same name and click on it;
  • A window will open in which you can select any disk for further analysis or defragmentation.

How to optimize Windows 10 - installing and updating drivers

Sometimes Windows or individual devices connected to the PC may not work correctly due to outdated or incorrect installed drivers. You can check them manually by going to “Device Manager” or use special programs, which install and update “fresh” drivers automatically. Good example such a utility is Driver Pack Solution, which can be obtained on the official website. There are also constantly updated driver packs with information about current updates for popular devices.

No less useful program, which will speed up your computer with Windows 10 is CCleaner. It will analyze the system, disable unnecessary programs, clean the registry and remove hard drive useless files.

Quite recently, due to the sudden death of my laptop, I had to get my long-bought and very weak netbook from the reserve. I installed it on it clean Windows 10, and then used his own standard recommendations for acceleration and optimization of the “ten”, but, unfortunately, the brake remained a brake.

First, I put it away and began to think about options for buying a new laptop. But then, clearly realizing the precariousness of his own financial situation in this moment, I decided to try to find and try everything first possible ways overclock a weak computer, as well as any outdated laptop or netbook with Windows 10 on board.

While still testing these methods, I came up with the idea of ​​systematizing the accumulated information and writing an article about it all. This is what I do, since I was quite satisfied with the results of overclocking my netbook. Of course, he did not become super-fast, but still, for his parameters, he noticeably moved up.

I would like to warn you right away that in my recommendations for speeding up weak computers, as in other cases, I do not pretend to be the ultimate truth - I’m just talking about my own experience in optimizing and speeding up an obviously weak netbook. I’ll add that all the overclocking methods I selected are quite suitable not only for Windows 10, but also for “seven” and “eight”.

I also think it’s important to say that we will achieve acceleration solely by turning off everything that can be turned off in our operating system, without affecting the hardware settings and without trying to force it to work to the limit. Of course, many overclock their processors, video cards, and hard drives to their maximum values, but this method inevitably leads to the premature death of the computer. I think neither I nor you need this. So let's get started.

Standard ways to overclock a computer with Windows 10

Before using specific and sometimes quite troublesome ways to speed up your weak computer, laptop or netbook, you should try using standard solutions. I described them in the article “ How to make Windows 10 boot and run faster" If they didn't help, then personally I would prefer to try reinstall ten completely. If this does not help, then only then it is better to use the ones listed below additional methods, which consists in disabling everything unnecessary: ​​programs, services, etc.

One of the first ways to at least slightly overclock a weak computer is to turn off visual effects (these are translucent windows, gradually expanding folders, even a shadow under the mouse pointer, and more). Most of them can be disabled without much damage to appearance. To turn off graphic effects that consume unnecessary computer resources, you need to:

  1. Open Explorer and RIGHT-click on the “This PC” icon in the left column.
  2. Select the “Properties” item. (instead of 0 and 1 points, you can simply press Win+Pause/Break)
  3. In the left column of the window that opens, run “ Extra options systems».
  4. Open the tab " Additionally».
  5. In the “Performance” section, click the “ Options».
  6. Select " Provide the best performance"(although you can select “special effects” - more on that below).
  7. Click OK.

As promised, I will dwell in more detail on point 5. If you select the “Ensure the best performance” option in it, absolutely all visual effects will be disabled. In my opinion, most of them are not really needed (even for powerful computer), but there are some, without which the appearance of the system becomes very unsightly and even uncomfortable for the eye. That is why I personally first select “performance” (so that all the checkboxes disappear), and then the “Special effects” option, where you can tick the necessary items yourself. I leave the following options enabled:

  • Display thumbnails instead of icons(for example, in folders with photos, not just file icons are shown, but image thumbnails - for me personally this is very important, since quite often I have to look for a specific photo among many. If this is not critical for you, feel free to turn it off - creating thumbnails is very expensive resources, but I lose a lot of time without it).
  • Smoothing jagged screen fonts(we definitely leave this point, otherwise the letters look as if their edges were processed with the coarsest rasp, and were not touched with a file or sandpaper).

You may need to leave some other visual effects. It's a very individual matter. Experiment.

Disable built-in search (disk indexing) and other services in Windows 10

By default, in Windows 10, as in the “seven” and “eight”, it is enabled indexing service contents of the hard drive. It allows you to use search bar in the Start menu or folders and use it to find necessary files. This search actually has a lot of complaints from the time of Windows 7 to the present day. Firstly, it works quite slowly, secondly, it often does not find files and folders that are definitely on the computer, and most importantly, thirdly, it quite significantly loads both the memory and the processor. In addition, all programs, folders and files can be easily found manually. Yes, of course, it’s a little more convenient to do this through search, but we have a weak computer and we want to speed it up? We will have to sacrifice this function (and not only this one) for the sake of optimizing the work of our slow little animal.

To disable built-in search in Windows 10 you need to:

  1. Open Control Panel(by clicking on the menu Start RIGHT mouse button, it can be found in the list that opens).
  2. Next, we need to make sure that filtering of elements in the Control Panel occurs by category.
  3. Select the item “ system and safety».

  1. In the next window, look almost to the very bottom and click on the penultimate green item “ Administration».
  2. A new window opens in which we need to select the item “ Services».

You can find services easier, in a new way. To do this, right-click on the Start menu and select the ninth item “Computer Management”, then click in the left column “Services and Applications” - “Services”.

In order to better see the names of services, it is better to expand this new window to full screen, and the columns “ Name" And " Startup type» expand and place next to each other (we move it, hooking on the name of the columns).

I would like to warn you right away that accidentally disabling some services can put your computer out of working order, and you will have to reinstall Windows 10 again. Be careful!

Now we find the service " Windows Search" (search). Its description reads: "Indexing content, caching properties and search results for files, Email and other content".

  1. Click on Windows Search with the RIGHT mouse button.
  2. In the appeared context menu click on the item “ Properties».

Instead of points 5 and 6, you can simply double-click on the service name!

  1. A new small window appears. In it, we first make sure that we are in the “ Are common».
  2. Then in the paragraph " Startup type» select « Disabled"(meaning that the service will be disabled).
  3. Click OK to save the changes made.

So, we disabled the search service (in other words, disk indexing). To speed up slow computers with Windows 10 this can make all the difference. But since we are already in Services and, of course, we want to overclock our laptop or netbook as much as possible, we can turn off some other services we don’t need. After all, they all consume valuable RAM, at least a little. It is worth remembering that you can disable any services only after carefully studying the question of why one or another of them is needed and what disabling it could lead to.

I list all the names of services that can hypothetically be disabled in a separate article “To Which services can be disabled to speed up Windows 10 " At first I wanted to post them here, but then I decided to put them in a special material - otherwise this page it will be simply huge.

User Account Control is a component of the operating system that is responsible for requesting actions that require administrator rights. Simply put, it is a pop-up window on a darkened screen that appears when you try to run any program that requires administrator rights. This feature has existed in Windows since Vista and is a good barrier to various dangers, but if our goal is to speed up a weak Windows 10 computer as much as possible, then this component can be disabled. This will not cause any damage to the functionality of the system and will contribute to some overclocking of the computer, laptop or netbook, but will make their use less safe. If you are ready to put up with this, feel free to disable User Account Control.

Now let's figure out how to disable User Account Control in Windows 10. As always, I will describe the whole process step by step, with pictures.

  1. First of all, let's launch Control Panel (by RIGHT clicking on the Start menu, select the corresponding item - 6 from the bottom).
  2. Next, in the Control Panel, select the green item “ User accounts».

  1. Now click on “ User accounts».

  1. At the next stage, select the bottom link “ Change User Account Control settings».

  1. Now we need move the slider to the lowest position.
  2. And confirm the changes made by clicking OK.

After this, the computer will ask for confirmation to save the settings. We agree and enjoy the absence of annoying notifications.

Boot optimization to speed up Windows 10 startup

Changing the settings in the tool will help speed up the boot time of a weak computer and overclock it a little. system configuration" To open it you need to:

  1. Press keys Win+R. The Run console appears, where you can enter commands.
  2. We need to enter 8 letters into it: msconfig and press Enter or OK.

  1. The System Configuration tool opens. Let's go to the second tab "".
  2. Click on " Extra options...»
  3. Another window appears. In it we put a tick next to the item “ Number of processors»
  4. Choose maximum number. I have 2, you may have more.
  5. We put a tick next to the item “ Maximum memory».
  6. Click OK.
  7. Now let's get back to the rest open window"System configuration". In it we can also check the box “ Without GUI». But keep in mind that All animations will turn off when loading Windows 10, that is, during system startup until the login screen appears, you will see a black screen. Don't be put off by this if you decide to use this option. It also speeds up system startup a little.
  8. Click OK so that all the changes made are applied to our OS.

Disable unused Windows 10 components

I hope you have already disabled all unnecessary programs in startup. If not, then click Ctrl + Alt + Del, select Task Manager, then the tab. After this, click on each program you are not using with the RIGHT mouse button, select “ Disable».

I also hope that you have already removed all unnecessary programs. If not, then Control Panel(how to launch it, see above) - point Uninstalling programs. Select unused ones and also delete them with the RIGHT mouse button.

However, in addition to third-party and, as a rule, quite small programs in Windows 10, there are also larger components, some of which can be disabled in order to speed up weak computers, laptops and netbooks - these are Windows components. You need to be especially careful with them, because not every component can be disabled painlessly. It’s better to first read what each of the planned shutdowns is intended for.

  1. To launch the Windows Components tool, you must again open Control Panel(I remind you how: right-click on the Start menu and select “Control Panel”).
  2. Click on the green item " Programs».
  3. Now select " Enable or disable Windows components " The Windows Components tool will launch.

To disable any unnecessary component in Windows 10 to speed up your weak computer, you need to uncheck from the corresponding item and press OK. You can uncheck several boxes at once and then click OK. Changes take effect only after the computer is restarted.

It is quite difficult to give unambiguous advice on which components can be disabled and which are better left alone. Let's look at just a few.

  • Hyper-V- virtualization component. If you don't even know what it is and don't use virtual machines, then definitely turn it off.
  • Internet Explorer 11 in theory, few people need it, but this component, in addition to the browser, contains components that are sometimes necessary in other cases ( For the life of me, I don’t remember what exactly I needed somehow stopped working after I turned off IE 11 - something completely uncritical, but I was very surprised that it turned out to be part of the Internet Explorer component). However, if necessary, you can turn it back on. Personally, for the sake of overclocking the computer, I turned off this component.
  • Windows Power Shell 2.0- a component intended primarily for experienced users: system administrators and programmers. Simply put, it is more advanced command line. Can be disabled.
  • Work Folder Client- synchronizes the contents of computer directories with remote server. You can turn it off.
  • Multimedia component- provides operation of the built-in media player. If you don't need it, feel free to turn it off.
  • Remote differential compression API support- speeds up remote file synchronization. In principle, the component is not critical and can also be turned off. Especially if cloud storage is not used on the computer.
  • Support public access to SMB 1.0/CIFS files- is used for sharing to printers and files in local network. It is needed only when at least one of its computers on the local network uses an operating system other than Windows (Linux, MacOS) or Windows XP (and earlier versions). In general, feel free to turn it off.
  • Windows Activation Service- can be turned off.
  • XPS Service And XPS Viewer- turn off both services. They are designed for printing and viewing documents in XPS format (similar to PDF).

I will list the other services that I have turned off by default. That is, I didn’t have to turn them off, but I have Windows 10 Pro and you never know, some of them will still be turned on.

  • SNMP protocol- designed for corporate network administrators.
  • Telnet client- legacy command line client.
  • Embedded IIS Web Engine- only for specialists developing software.
  • TFTP client- to transmit data using the appropriate protocol. Regular users not needed.
  • RAS Connection Manager Administration Kit (CMAK)- needed system administrators in corporate networks.
  • RIP Listener- about the same.
  • Simple TCPIP Services- command line tools. It is very unlikely that you will need them.
  • Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) Server- an old service for working with unreliable networks. Need not.
  • Active Directory Services- provides easy access to catalogs. Useful only for developers.
  • Windows TIFF IFilter- helps to recognize text inside TIFF files, consumes a lot random access memory. Definitely keep it turned off.

As for both components NET Framework, then it is usually recommended to leave them configured by default. You can experiment if the computer remains very weak and you need to somehow further speed it up.

That's all for now. That's all for now ways to optimize and speed up weak computers with Windows 10, which I was able to find, try on my netbook and systematize for you in this article. I will continue to monitor this topic and if I find anything else useful Additional information, I will definitely add it here.

As it turns out, the tenth version of Windows announced last year is far from perfect. The factory settings of Windows 10 are such that the system works great amount unused services, and components that are completely unnecessary for the average user are involved. It goes without saying that this can and should be fought. When you turn off everything unnecessary, even Windows key 10 won't be needed. Let's focus on the most important aspects productivity.

Tuning Windows 10 for Maximum Performance: The Basics

Let's start with the fact that it is unknown why the developers new system we tried to include in the default functioning the maximum of what it is capable of. Naturally, on machines corresponding minimal configuration, this does not have the best effect.

If anyone noticed, even when entering where the version is displayed installed system and basic technical data regarding the processor and RAM, the performance index often has a fairly low score. There is no need to create illusions. This is not related to the computer configuration, but only to the fact that the system is running a large number of services and background processes that provide maximum load on system resources. Now we will consider tuning for maximum performance, or more precisely, actions that can reduce the load on the same processor, RAM, or even hard drive.

Disabling visual effects

Some users mistakenly believe that there are fewer visual effects in the “ten” compared to the same “seven”. This is clearly a fallacy. Windows 10 uses rendering mode to a much greater extent. In fact, if you look thoroughly, this is just a treasure trove of effects that have a fairly strong impact on RAM and take up a fair amount of space even in the memory of the graphics chip. This begs the most banal question: “Is it possible to get rid of this?” Yes, you can, and in the simplest way.

To configure we use standard menu“Start”, where we select the system partition, and then go to additional parameters. In the properties window there is an additional settings tab, where you should select the option to ensure the best performance (the default is to ensure the best kind). It goes without saying that each effect can be disabled one by one. The view, however, will suffer quite a lot from this, but for very weak machines this can be a pretty good solution to eliminate the problem of reducing the load on system resources.

Disable unused startup services

Now a few words about one of the most important sections. This is autoloading. As the name suggests, all services and processes are collected here that start automatically when the operating system itself boots. And many of these components remain unclaimed during the work process.

At this point, tuning Windows 10 for maximum performance means complete shutdown(within reasonable limits, of course).

To enter the startup settings, use the msconfig command, which is entered in the “Run” menu field (Win + R). There is a tab of the same name, which displays all automatically loaded processes. We turn off everything that is there. You can only leave the antivirus service (if one is installed on the system). Everything else can be left unused. Naturally, after saving the changes made, the system will prompt you to reboot. We agree, and after restarting we’ll see how Windows behaves. Better? Yes! But that's not all.

Disabling unnecessary components

Now you should disable Windows 10 components that are not included in the automatically loaded processes section, but use no less system resources. Again, you won’t need a Windows 10 key for such fine-tuning, just like for all other actions.

We go to the “Control Panel”, where we select the programs and components section. In the Windows components menu, disable unused services. For example, it is completely unnecessary activated module Hyper-V, if the terminal is not supposed to be used at all. You can easily disable print services if the printer is not installed, etc. In general, you need to look and determine the shutdown based on what is needed in the work and what clearly will not be used.

Disable overwriting of information when exiting hibernation mode

Another question related to setup relates to, or more simply put, the “sleeping” state of a computer or laptop with reduced energy consumption. The fact is that the system constantly overwrites information file, which stores data about all currently open applications. And, accordingly, it can be quite large. In addition, the rewrite time becomes quite long.

But if we talk about SSD solid-state drives, they do the job very well without this, and a constantly overwritten file is simply not needed here. So it's time to get rid of it. We use the key combination Win + X, and then select the command line (you can also do this from the “Run” menu cmd command). Next, enter the line powercfg -H off and press the Enter key. The most important thing in this situation is to run the command line as an administrator. Otherwise, nothing will work.

Disable defragmentation

When working with solid-state drives that have higher data reading speeds, it is also recommended to disable background defragmentation (arranging the most frequently used files and called programs by moving them to the fastest areas of the hard drive). The speed of work is already high.

First, call the “Run” menu (Win + R) and enter the dfrgui command in the field. Next, select the SSD, click the button to change parameters, and then uncheck the option to perform scheduled defragmentation.

Disable indexing

For SSD drives, one more thing should be taken into account important setting- indexing. When active, it negatively affects work.

To disable this option, go to the “Computer” menu, select SSD, use the properties section and disable the file indexing permission setting.

Disabling the update

Quite often, although not always, the system may slow down during installation the latest packages updates, which, by the way, are not always installed correctly into the system, which can lead to a complete failure in terms of performance. In general, if you look closely, in most cases these are updates to the security system, less often to specific platforms like the Microsoft .NET Framework, and even less often to office products and device drivers.

The service can be easily disabled in the updates and security section, which can be accessed through the system settings menu.

Disable Windows Defender

Another stumbling block is the built-in Windows Defender, which appeared in the eighth version. Often, when working in it, it not only affects the same performance index and the operation of the system as a whole, but also “shows off” when installing specific software that requires changes system files and settings, considering it potentially unsafe, although in fact it is not.

To disable this component, go to the standard “Control Panel” and select the appropriate section to disable. Please note that if the system has standard antivirus, this service will be blocked automatically.

Removing unnecessary files

Also, tuning Windows 10 for maximum performance involves removing computer junk in order to provide increased access speed to any type of hard drive. You can, of course, manually delete temporary files from them, but this is not all that can be done.

And in this case, it is better to use the built-in Disk Cleanup utility. It is accessed by right-clicking on the section letter with a selection of properties. The window has a “General” tab, where there is a button to activate the cleaning process. With all this, you should tick off everything that is in the box above. In some cases, when returning to previous system will not be produced, you can delete its files too (and this is about 25-30 GB).

How to tune Windows 10 for maximum performance: third-party utilities

Finally, one of the most important points. The Windows 10 registry plays a key role in ensuring maximum performance. Firstly, it is loading the system. If anyone doesn’t know, at startup the system performs a full scan of it (which, in fact, is what most recovery methods are based on). The larger the registry, or rather, the number of entries and keys present in it, the longer time required for the process. Secondly, myself Windows registry 10 may contain incorrect or outdated keys left behind, say, after uninstalling some programs.

Editing records manually is an absolutely thankless task. Therefore many third party developers specially created programs for Windows optimization-systems that correct all errors automatically. Any such complex application has a special module for searching for outdated or erroneous registry entries, and in some of the more advanced utilities you can also find defragmentation tools system registry to reduce its volume and speed up access to it. This works, however, somewhat differently than defragmentation of hard disk, but that's not the point.

Among all that is offered on modern market Software of this type, it is worth mentioning separately utilities like Advanced System Care, AVZ PC Tune Up, Glary Utilities, CCleaner and many others. Ultimately, the user is only required to press buttons to start scanning the system and correcting detected errors or failures, nothing more. And of course, only considered here key points related to improving system performance. It is simply unrealistic to take everything into account.

Today we will talk about Windows 10 optimization. And this will not be a “button accordion” from most sites, and it will not be one of the superficial manipulations with the operating system. No, today everything will be much more serious, because here we will look in detail at how to speed up Windows 10 and get the maximum performance out of your computer, but without compromising performance, of course.

For most users, the word “optimization” is equivalent to the word “castration” of the system or “unnecessary manipulations” and so on. But initially, optimization is, first of all, cutting off the unnecessary and fine-tuning, tuning. In capable hands good optimization significantly increases PC performance without the need to overclock the processor.

Ever since Windows XP, attempts have been made to improve system speed and responsiveness. Enthusiasts disabled services and processes to improve performance. Nothing has changed since then. Microsoft can be understood - it is trying with all its might to raise the level of functionality to the maximum, but all this also has the other side of the coin - you have to pay for all this at the cost of RAM, constant access to the hard drive, and even greater workload central processor. But not everyone needs full functionality...

Let's finish with the foreplay and get down to business. The task is simple - to approach the optimization of Windows 10 in as much detail as possible.

In order to structure everything and not confuse anything, further actions will be divided into steps:

Step 1: Disable disk indexing

Let's go from simple to complex and, perhaps, start with disk indexing.

She is needed for more quick search on your hard drive. But is searching really needed that often? The indexing service always hangs in the system, regardless of whether a file search is needed or not, and if you disable it, nothing will happen. It’s just that from now on, searching for a photo, document, or any other file will take a little longer. Just a little bit. And owners of solid-state drives need to disable it in any case, since each unnecessary access reduces the number of .

And so, to disable Indexing, you need to open “This PC” and right-click on local disk, on which Windows 10 is installed. In principle, you can then do this operation with other disks. In the context menu, you need to select “Properties”, and in the window that opens at the bottom, uncheck “Allow file contents to be indexed...” and click “Ok”. After this, pop-up windows will begin to appear, asking you to either agree and continue, or, if this is not possible, click “Skip all”.

Step 2: Disable User Account Control (UAC)

User Account Control, or UAC (User Account Control), is designed to solve the user's security problem, a kind of smart access restriction. In reality, it looks like an endless stream of notifications about how confident the user is in opening the file and whether it is him at all. For most users, it is enough to have only antivirus software for their safety. To disable UAC, you need to right-click on the Start menu, open the menu and find Control Panel. Next is the “System and Security” section. In it, at the top, in the “Security and Maintenance Center” section there is a subsection “Changing Account Control Settings”.

Step 11. Disable unnecessary Windows services

This step is for more advanced users, since incorrect actions can lead to many problems. A list of all services can be found by pressing the key combination “Win+R” and typing in the field services.msc. If you don't need Xbox services, you can disable everything related to them, as well as everything related to Hyper-V (i.e. virtualization). " Windows Defender" And " Windows Firewall"You can also safely disable it - there is an antivirus for all this. The rest is strictly at your discretion and only at your own peril and risk.

The relatively new operating system Windows 10 is gaining popularity. And even for those users whose computers are not particularly powerful. That is why the issue of optimizing Windows 10 has become relevant. Microsoft Company constantly improves its OS and each time makes its settings more and more flexible. Their correct configuration together with the use of third-party software will allow us to achieve maximum performance even on not the newest PCs. Optimizing any operating system, including Windows 10, is a complex process that requires a correct, consistent approach. Setting up and optimizing Windows 10 will be described in detail in this article.

How to speed up your Windows 10 computer with an update

“Ten” appeared quite recently. It is clear that initially it was rather “crude”, but the developers are constantly working on their product and releasing updates that make the system more productive, more reliable and safer.

Driver Update

This method significantly increases computer performance. It is especially important to update the drivers of all devices after updating Windows from version 7 to version 10, and not after a “clean” installation. Many drivers are suitable for both operating systems, but some may cause difficulties, even causing the device to stop working. For example, your sound card may stop working completely.

Here are a few signs that can help you understand that some drivers are not working as expected, or not working at all:

  • The multimedia keys on the keyboard do not function;
  • The screen brightness on the laptop stopped being adjusted;
  • Some system settings have disappeared;
  • display resolution has changed;
  • The auxiliary mouse keys no longer work.

Automatic driver update apps

It is not always convenient to search for drivers manually. Firstly, we have no confidence in the reliability of the resource on which the download will be carried out, and secondly, it’s good if there is only one driver: if there are 10 of them, then the update can take a long time.

Let's look at several programs that make the process easier:

  • Driver Pack Solution. The main advantage of this utility is the ability to update even without connecting to the network (offline version). The application scans your PC and then provides a list of drivers that need to be installed or updated. During the update process, an informative progress bar is displayed, which shows how much is left until the end of the update. When the process is completed, the computer will require a reboot and the new drivers will take effect;

Download DriverPack Solution
  • Driver Booster. This program has no disadvantages other than its cost. In all other respects, it is a combination of advantages: the work is done quickly and efficiently, and there is no chance of downloading an erroneous driver. Just like Driver Pack Solution, the application scans the system and installs new driver versions. Before making changes to Windows, a backup is made, so its state can be easily returned to its original state;

Download Driver Booster
  • Slim Drivers. An important advantage of this program is driver scanning. It can even find software that was missed by previous utilities. The overall speed of checking all devices is also impressive (it took us about 30 seconds).

Download Slim Drivers

This is one of the most important moments in work to improve the performance of Windows 10. “Ten” is designed in such a way that after receiving updates, it begins to “distribute” them to other PCs, accordingly, we spend the speed of the disk subsystem, the speed of the central processor and the Internet. Distribution of updates works using torrent technology, and archives with updates that have already been unpacked and installed are stored on the computer disk, taking up extra space.

In order to disable the distribution of updates, do the following:

  1. Open the menu Windows settings 10 (you can find it via search).

  1. Go to the “Update and Security” section.

  1. On the left side of the window, click on the inscription, which we marked with a red rectangle, and on the right - “Advanced parameters”.

  1. Scroll the contents of the window slightly down and select the item indicated in the screenshot.

  1. All that remains is to switch the trigger to the “Off” position. Ready. System updates will be downloaded, installed and immediately uninstalled.

Speeding up by disabling OneDrive

Microsoft has closely tied cloud storage OneDrive and the tenth version of its operating system. This is very useful service, which automatically synchronizes any of your data with its server and allows you to restore it at any time. But if this technology you don’t need it, you can safely turn off the cloud and thus save some more traffic and computing power CPU.

There are two ways disabling OneDrive. While the first one simply disables the program, the second one completely removes it from the PC. For example, if you are still interested in storage, but don’t have time to deal with it yet, you can turn off the cloud and try later. If you have no plans to work with OneDrive at all, then feel free to delete the program.

Disable OneDrive in Windows 10

In order to remove OneDrive cloud storage, you need to call up the context menu by right-clicking on the cloud located in the system tray.

Select the “Options” item.

Go to the “Options” tab and remove both icons from the items indicated in the screenshot. Then click “OK”.

Again, right-click on the cloud in the Windows 10 tray and click on “Exit”.

After this, the Microsoft cloud will be disabled and will not disturb you with its presence.

Remove completely

This method will erase all cloud files, and it can only be restored by downloading the program again.

  1. To remove OneDrive from a PC we need the command line. You need to run it as an administrator. Let's take advantage search engine Windows 10 (icon on the left side of the taskbar). Enter the word “cmd” into the search field, right-click on the result and select “Run as administrator”.

taskkill /f /im OneDrive.exe

We kill the system process.

\%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe /uninstall

Let's launch standard utility to deactivate OneDrive. If you have an x86 system, then write:

%SystemRoot%\System32\OneDriveSetup.exe /uninstall

rd “%UserProfile%\OneDrive” /Q /S

Delete the directory with user settings.

rd “%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\OneDrive” /Q /S

We delete the catalog of system settings related to the cloud.

rd “%ProgramData%\Microsoft OneDrive” /Q /S

We erase the remains in ProgramData.

rd “C:\OneDriveTemp” /Q /S

Clearing temporary files.

This algorithm may not work on all PCs. It should be used selectively - try to see if it works for you. By at least You will no longer harm a disabled OneDrive.

Disable sending reports

Why, in general, are such reports needed? The fact is that to improve the system, developers take into account information about the errors of all users and, based on it, create updates that correct the situation. This feature can be disabled. This will not only get rid of annoying alerts, but will also speed up Windows a little. In the article, we described how to disable the sending of such reports during installation. Now let's look at how to do this on a running system.

Follow our instructions:

  1. Open the system settings - this can be done through the notification panel. Click on the notification icon in the system tray and select the “All settings” button.

  1. Go to the “Confidentiality” section.

  1. On the left side of the window we find “Feedback and diagnostics”, and on the right side we disable the trigger indicated in the screenshot.

After this, system operation data will not be sent to Microsoft.

Turn off background tasks to improve performance

Windows has applications and their background processes, which load the hardware even when the program itself is not running. For example, the same Xbox, which users do not need at all. Nevertheless, the program works and takes away some of the PC's RAM and CPU speed. Let's restore justice and turn off unnecessary processes working in the background.

We do the following:

  1. Open the computer settings via Windows search 10 using the method indicated in the screenshot.

  1. Click on the tile that says “Privacy”.

  1. On the left click " Background applications", and on the right we can individually disable programs we don’t need or deactivate them all at once.

Note: The apps themselves will not stop working. The background service that is responsible for quick start and receiving notifications.

Optimizing your hard drive

Monitoring the status of the hard drive was relevant in all Windows versions. Windows 10 implements new, improved algorithms for operating media, including full support for SSDs ( solid state drives on microcircuits). Accordingly, after increasing the performance of the hard drive, the system boot time decreases and its overall performance increases. By default, the HDD is defragmented once a week or month (SSD cannot be defragmented), but it is better to disable auto mode and carry out the process yourself.

To do this, we will take the following steps:

  1. Open Windows Explorer and right-click on the drive you need. Select “Properties”.

  1. Go to the “Tools” menu and press the key labeled “Optimize”.

  1. The “Optimize” button is needed to start the defragmentation process.

  1. Let's disable the defragmentation scheduler. To do this, click “Change settings”.

  1. In the window that opens, uncheck the boxes next to the words “Run as scheduled” and “Notify if three scheduled executions are missed in a row.”

Speeding up work by disabling unnecessary services

Disabling unnecessary background processes in optimizing Windows 10 for games and more is the most important component. As soon as the operating system starts, a lot of services start working with it. Many of them are important to the OS, but there are also some that waste CPU performance.

It's simple - the developers decided not to cheat; they provided users with complete set services on the principle of “some, but they will be useful.” We are not going to put up with this state of affairs and will disable those processes that we do not need at all. In order to configure the services the way we need, right-click on the “Start” button. In the new menu, select the “Computer Management” section.

What services can be disabled in Windows 10

But what services can be disabled - you ask. Don't rush, we'll tell you everything in order. Initially, it would be a good idea to create a system restore checkpoint. If something goes wrong, you can always undo the changes.

Here is a list of services that can be disabled:

  • printer manager (if you are not going to print);
  • Windows Search. Can be disabled if you do not need search (the service requires a lot of system resources);
  • Windows Update. Updates can be installed manually - this way you will save PC performance;
  • application services. Many programs, for example, Google Chrome, keep the service running even after they themselves are closed. This service is needed for automatic updates and accelerated launch programs.

Please note: the list may vary depending on the hardware and OS version you are using. For example, if a printer is not connected, then there is no need for a print service.

Optimizing the system registry

The Windows operating system, due to the specifics of its operation, constantly accumulates in the registry various information, sometimes even erroneous, and this gradually slows down. Since “Ten” is a fairly new OS, users have not yet been able to fully feel all the hardships that 2–3 years of work without reinstalling lead to.

The registry needs to be defragmented and cleared of unnecessary entries. For this we need additional programs. There is another way - manual. To do this, launch system tool“regedit” and an experienced user makes changes to the registry by finding the desired directory and key. This may be necessary, for example, when a driver was installed incorrectly and because of this it is impossible to install a new one. That's when you have to manually clean out the remnants of the old software.

Let's look at several applications that can cope with the task of cleaning the system registry:

  • Reg Organizer. A convenient and functional utility that does its job perfectly. The free version does not have a registry optimization feature;

Download Reg Organizer
  • CCleaner. A completely free tool not only for registry optimization, but also for cleaning the system as a whole. The program has many functions, clear interface and quality of work;

Download CCleaner
  • Windows Cleaner. Cleans the system of debris and scans the registry for errors. Is completely free.

Download Windows Cleaner

Improved download speed

Some applications, after they are installed, are registered in the system startup and are turned on along with Windows during the next startup. As a result, a program that we don’t need today can remain running all day and consume a large amount of RAM all this time. To prevent this from happening, you need to edit the startup list.

  1. Let's go to the "Startup" tab and see what we have here. To disable an unnecessary program, select it and click the “Disable” button.

As a result, the program will no longer run alongside Windows.

Attention! If you are not sure about the purpose of an application, use the standard function and read the information on the Internet.

Programs autostart not only from the Startup folder. Applications can also be registered in the registry. In order to remove them from there, you need to use special software, which we will discuss below.

Applications for working with startup

It is much more convenient to work with autorun through specialized software. AIDA 64 is a very convenient tool. In general, it is needed to obtain detailed information about the PC and its optimization, but there is also handy tool for working with autoloading.

Another good way fix the startup list - this is the CCleaner we described. To use it, go to the “Tools” tab and select “Startup”. Here you can not only disable programs, but also delete them.

Microsoft has released its own tool for editing the list of applications downloaded with the system. It's called Autoruns. The program is supplied in an archive, which contains 32 and 64-bit versions that do not require installation. Autoruns is distinguished by the highest functionality among its competitors. Here you can remove even background processes that are registered in the registry from autorun.

Task Scheduler

Some programs in the operating room Windows system can only be triggered by a specific event. That is why we will touch on the task scheduler.

You can access the utility integrated into the system as follows:

  1. Open the “Administration” program by entering its name in the “Tens” search.

  1. Launch the “Task Scheduler”.

  1. We follow the path indicated on the left side of the planner. Here are the upcoming events. If necessary, they can be disabled by opening the context menu.

Be careful when uninstalling programs. You can easily harm the system by disabling a needed service.

Working with Windows 10 performance

The creators of Windows took into account all preferences when developing the system and gave users tools that allow you to customize the visual Windows decoration and, accordingly, change the demands on resources.

We do the following:

  1. Right-click on the “Start” icon and select “System”.

  1. Next is the “System Information” item.

  1. Go to the “Advanced system settings” menu.

  1. In the “Advanced” tab, press the “Options” button.

  1. Next, simply switch the trigger to the “Ensure the best performance” position and click “OK”.

After this, all animations, effects and other beauties will be disabled, which will significantly save the use of RAM and CPU resources.

Cleaning your hard drive of debris

Productivity and quantity free space on the hard drive may fail due to the so-called junk files, which accumulate during the operation of the system. Optimizing Windows 10 involves deleting such files and cleaning up the disk. In this case, it can be used as standard Windows tools, and third-party software.

Ten has a Disk Cleanup tool, which we will now try. In order to launch it and start cleaning the hard drive, do the following:

  1. Open Windows Explorer and click on to the desired disk right mouse button. In the context menu that opens, select “Properties”.

  1. In the next window, press the button labeled “Disk Cleanup”.

  1. In the next step, mark those items that should be cleaned and click on “Clean up system files”.

After this, the cleaning process itself will begin. Don't forget to save all data and close running programs.

How to speed up your work with proper defragmentation

Defragmentation of magnetic media is the most important part increasing the speed of the system. There are several ways to do this. First, it's worth noting the built-in capabilities.

The following procedure is provided:

  1. Open File Explorer and right-click on the desired drive. In the menu that opens, we need the “Properties” item.

  1. In the window that opens, select the “Service” tab and click “Optimize”.

  1. Here you can see how fragmented the disk is. In our case, everything is fine, since automatic optimization works, which defragments once a week.

  1. To start optimization, click the “Optimize” button, and if you want to set the automatic mode, then click on “Change parameters”.

If, as in our case, the percentage of fragmentation is 0 - 15%, then no work needs to be done. If more, then you can optimize the disk. It is important to remember that for the utility to work, you need to have as much free disk space as the most large file On him. The process can take from 5 minutes to several hours. It all depends on the degree of clutter on the media.

It is strictly forbidden to use a defragmenter for SSD drives. Instead of benefit, you will only get tens of times more wear and tear, which will ultimately lead to rapid damage to the device.

Defragmentation using third-party programs

Built-in Windows utility 10 is good, it has made significant progress when compared with 7 and 8, however, there are better solutions in the form of third-party software.

Let's look at several programs that can optimize hard drive Windows 10 and eliminate fragmentation of its files:

  • PiriformDefraggler is a “relative” of the famous CCleaner. Smarter tool standard utility: It can analyze a significantly larger amount of data. It also has the advantage of being completely free. The interface is clear and does not cause difficulties. As you can see in the screenshot, the program found fragmentation where “Ten” assured us of zero problems.

Download PiriformDefraggler
  • Auslogics Disk Defrag. Another one powerful program, similar to the previous one. The tool is distributed free of charge, and its functionality goes far beyond ordinary defragmentation.

In the program's operating mode there are several levels of defragmentation. The first, superficial, is designed for quick scan and correcting the main problems (this should be done once a week). There is also an in-depth analysis, which requires much more time, and it is enough to conduct it once a month.

Download Auslogics Disk Defrag

Only one antivirus!

No computer can do without an antivirus. It is important to use high-quality software that can cope with most threats. But sometimes users do a grave mistake and install 2 or even more antiviruses. Programs begin to scan each other, conflict and slow down the PC, and the latter sometimes simply freezes. For effective checking you can use different programs, but only one should be installed at a time.

Note: Windows 10 uses a built-in antivirus, the functionality of which is sufficient for all occasions. But if you decide to replace it, don’t worry about the conflict: Microsoft has taken care of everything and when you install a new defender, the built-in one is disabled automatically.

Programs to improve PC performance on Windows 10

Above we looked at some applications that allow you to get a performance boost in Windows work 10. There are entire packages of tools for fine-tuning the system and speeding up its operation. Let's look at two such programs.

Glary Utilities

This is one of the most famous and beloved programs for speeding up the operating system. The functionality of the utility includes: cleaning disks of debris, searching for duplicate files, searching and removing unwanted software, optimizing the disk subsystem, cleaning and defragmenting the registry, optimizing RAM and many more useful functions.

A little lower there is a screenshot in which you can see that the program, before it even started, had already analyzed the loading speed of our system and suggested disabling elements that were slowing it down.

There is also a one-touch cleaning mode: you click on the button, and as a result the program scans your PC different instruments and at different levels. The cleaning result is worthy of the highest praise. Simplicity of the interface, ease of use and good performance do GloryUtilities best choice for today.

Download Glary Utilites

Advanced System Care

Another powerful application, or rather, a set of programs for cleaning, optimizing and Windows security 10. This software can not only improve PC performance, but also answer the question - how to speed up the Internet in Windows 10. The emphasis here is on maximum convenience and ease of operation.

Download Advanced SystemCare

There is also functionality for advanced users. You can enable advanced mode and you will have access to much more flexible and functional settings. The application interface is very convenient and looks great. The screenshots show the main functionality of Advanced SystemCare.

TweakNow PowerPack

Another big package utilities for optimizing Windows 10 or earlier versions of Microsoft OS. Thanks to the presence of a number fine adjustments requiring certain knowledge, the program is more suitable for advanced users. Screenshots can be seen below.

Thanks to the above instructions, you already know how to speed up a computer or laptop running Windows 10. There is no need to talk about the need for such a procedure, because even on modern PCs the load becomes so high that the machine begins to slow down. Only timely implementation of all the recommendations given will allow the “Ten” to live without glitches and brakes.

Download TweakNow PowerPack

Windows 10 optimization video

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