Drawing tools in excel. Microsoft Excel

My answer is: you can insert Excel graphic objects where it makes some sense. If not overused, this design can liven up a flat table and give it “interactivity.”

In this article I will tell you how to insert and format shapes, and in subsequent ones, we will look at other, no less interesting possibilities for working with graphics.

In Microsoft Excel, shapes are simple graphic objects located on a worksheet. With their help, you can “dilute” your calculations and remove excessive “dryness” and pedantry.

How to insert a shape into a sheet

To insert a figure into an Excel sheet, click on the ribbon Insert – Illustrations – Shapes. A large list of shapes will open, from which you will have to choose the most suitable one.

Have you decided on your figure? Then click on its thumbnail, hold down left button mouse in the desired place on the sheet and stretch the figure to required sizes and proportions. When you are satisfied with the result, release the mouse button. To maintain the “correct” proportions of the figure, hold down the Shift key while stretching.

How to insert text into a shape

A figure in Excel can serve as a “container” for text. To write something inside such an object, select it (read on to see how this is done) and write. When you're done, select another object or cell. So simple, isn't it?

How to change an Excel shape

You can add great amount shapes onto the worksheet, and later select, change and delete them.

To select the desired shape– click on it. The object will be selected and activated, and a frame will appear around it. There are six markers on this frame. Drag them with the mouse to resize the shape. When stretching, hold down Shift and the program will maintain the proportions of the object.

When a Shape object is selected, an additional tab appears on the ribbon. Drawing Tools - Format", which allows you to make some settings for the object.

How to assign shape styles

Any figure will look more harmonious if you assign a suitable style to it. To do this, find the drop-down list on the ribbon Drawing Tools - Format - Shape Styles. By clicking on the button " Extra options", You will see the entire list of preset styles at once; it is likely that there will be a suitable option there.

If not, you can use additional menus in this group of commands:

  1. Filling a shape– set the color and fill method here:
    • Solid color;
    • Your drawing;
    • Gradient;
    • Texture;

  1. :
    • Outline color;
    • Contour line thickness;
    • Strokes (solid or broken)
    • Arrow view (for objects from the Line group)

  1. - various visual effects for more “advanced” solutions:
    • Preset – several already grouped effects, ready-made solutions;
    • Shadow;
    • Backlight;
    • Reflection;
    • Smoothing;
    • Relief;
    • Rotate a volumetric figure

Assign shape styles to get the most expressive visual effects on your graphics.

What are WordArt Styles

To format text inside a shape, use a command block Drawing Tools – Format – WordArt. Similar to shape styles, there is a drop-down menu with ready-made styles and buttons manual settings: Fill, Outline, Effects. Experiment with shape and text formats, here you can get real aesthetic pleasure!

How to set the size of a shape in Excel

If you need to get an object of strictly specified dimensions, there is a block on the tape: Drawing Tools – Format – Size. Set the exact dimensions of your artwork here. Please note that by changing , you will also change the size of the printed figure.

How to set the display order of shapes

When you insert several shapes onto a sheet, when overlaid on one another, they overlap each other. In this case, the objects created earlier will be at the very bottom, and the most recent ones will be at the top.

To change the order of the figures, there is a group of commands on the ribbon: Drawing Tools – Format – Arrangement. To position the shape higher, click “Move Forward.” From the drop down menu select:

  • Move forward– raise the figure one level up;
  • bring to Front– make the figure the top one;

Similarly, you can lower the level of the figure.

How to Align Shapes in Excel

If you have several shapes on your sheet that need to be aligned relative to some baseline, select all the shapes to be aligned (click on them with the Ctrl key). After that, run on the ribbon Drawing Tools – Format – Arrange – Align. There will be several alignment options in the drop-down menu, select the one that suits you. Thanks to the thumbnails next to each item, it is easier to navigate what each of the commands does.

In the same menu there are two important options: “Distribute vertically” and “Distribute horizontally”. They arrange objects so that there is the same distance between them.

Combine the alignment and distribution commands, then your figures will not just be sketched onto a sheet, but will be arranged in a strict order, which is important for any self-respecting Excel expert.

How to Group Shapes

Suppose you drew some complex drawing using several shapes. Now, to make them a solid object, select all the component parts and do Drawing Tools – Format – Arrange – Group. This is useful when you need to move or format such a complex object.

When shapes are merged, Ungroup will be displayed instead of the Group command. It is logical that it does the opposite.

Additional shape formatting options

Very wide formatting functionality is provided to you if you click on the figure right click mouse and select “Picture Format” there. A dialog box (or another one for different versions Excel) "Shape Format".

Here you can already take a walk. For example, you can set: fill and line transparency, wide effect parameters, prohibit printing, and much more. I won’t write much here, because the article will become indecently long. It’s better to go in and look through it if you need very deep customization of the object.

How to format a background image

If you have selected a texture or pattern as the background of the figure, another tab appears on the ribbon: Working with drawings - Format. Its contents may differ for different versions. Microsoft Excel, I’ll give Excel 2013 as an example.

In addition to the commands we already know, there are several unexpected features here.

In the Change block, you can do operations in a couple of clicks that many would need Adobe Photoshop for.

For example, remove the background of a picture ( Format – Change – Remove background). Here is the picture I had before processing the background:

And here is the same picture from which I removed the background in just 2 seconds:

There is also various options correction, color balance and artistic effects. You can’t even count everything, don’t spare half an hour to see what’s there, it’s just some kind of magic! Here, for example, is our drawing without a background with a diffused backlight effect:

I think you understand that the “Working with Drawings” tab is already creativity, and it’s very easy and accessible to anyone; the program does everything for you, bringing a little life and movement to dry tables.

Now we have come to the end of the post, if you still have questions, ask in the comments, I will definitely answer.

And we still have a lot of interesting topics ahead, in particular, in the next article I will talk about. I consider it a must-read, because this visualization tool is indispensable for reports, presentations, business plans, and other strategic work. Be sure to read, see you next time!

Information is easier to perceive if it is presented clearly. One of the ways to present reports, plans, indicators and other types of business material is graphs and diagrams. These are indispensable tools in analytics.

There are several ways to build a graph in Excel using table data. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages for a specific situation. Let's look at everything in order.

The simplest change schedule

A graph is needed when it is necessary to show changes in data. Let's start with a simple diagram to show events over different periods of time.

Let's say we have data on the net profit of an enterprise for 5 years:

* Figures are conditional, for educational purposes.

Go to the “Insert” tab. There are several types of charts available:

Select "Graph". The pop-up window shows its appearance. When you hover your cursor over a particular type of chart, a hint appears: where it is best to use this chart, for what data.

Selected - copied the table with data - pasted it into the diagram area. This turns out to be the following option:

Straight horizontal (blue) is not needed. Just select it and delete it. Since we have one curve, we also remove the legend (to the right of the graph). To clarify the information, sign the markers. On the “Data Signatures” tab we determine the location of the numbers. In the example - on the right.

Let's improve the image - label the axes. “Layout” – “Name of axes” – “Name of the main horizontal (vertical) axis”:

The title can be removed or moved to the chart area, above it. Change the style, fill, etc. All manipulations are on the “Chart Name” tab.

Instead of serial number We need exactly the reporting year. Select the values ​​of the horizontal axis. Right-click – “Select data” - “Change horizontal axis labels”. In the tab that opens, select a range. In a table with data - the first column. As below picture:

We can leave the schedule as is. Or we can make a fill, change the font, move the diagram to another sheet (“Designer” - “Move diagram”).

Graph with two or more curves

Let's say we need to show not only net profit, but also the value of assets. There is more data:

But the construction principle remained the same. Only now does it make sense to leave the legend behind. Since we have 2 curves.

Adding a Second Axis

How to add a second (additional) axis? When the units of measurement are the same, we use the instructions suggested above. If you need to show data of different types, you will need an auxiliary axis.

First, we build a graph as if we have the same units of measurement.

Select the axis for which we want to add an auxiliary one. Right mouse button – “Data series format” – “Series parameters” - “Along the auxiliary axis”.

Click “Close” - a second axis appears on the chart, which “adjusts” to the curve data.

This is one way. There is another one - changing the chart type.

Right-click on the line for which an additional axis is needed. Select “Change chart type for series.”

We decide on the type for the second row of data. The example is a bar chart.

Just a few clicks – an additional axis for another type of measurement is ready.

Building a graph of functions in Excel

All work consists of two stages:

  1. Creating a table with data.
  2. Building a graph.

Example: y=x(√x – 2). Step – 0.3.

Let's make a table. The first column is the X values. We use formulas. The value of the first cell is 1. The second: = (name of the first cell) + 0.3. Select the lower right corner of the cell with the formula - drag it down as much as necessary.

In the Y column we write the formula for calculating the function. In our example: =A2*(ROOT(A2)-2). Press "Enter". Excel calculated the value. We “multiply” the formula throughout the entire column (by pulling the lower right corner of the cell). The data table is ready.

Let's move to a new sheet (you can stay on this one - put the cursor in a free cell). “Insert” - “Chart” - “Scatter”. Choose the type you like. Right-click on the chart area and select “Select Data.”

Select the X values ​​(first column). And click “Add”. The Edit Series window opens. Set the name of the series – function. X values ​​are the first column of the data table. Values ​​Y – second.

Click OK and admire the result.

The Y axis is fine. There are no values ​​on the X axis. Only point numbers are indicated. This needs to be fixed. It is necessary to label the graph axes in Excel. Right mouse button – “Select data” - “Change horizontal axis labels”. And select the range with the required values(in the data table). The schedule becomes what it should be.

Overlaying and combining graphs

Creating two graphs in Excel is not difficult. Let's combine two function graphs in Excel on one field. Add to the previous one Z=X(√x – 3). Data table:

Select the data and paste it into the chart field. If something is wrong (the names of the rows are wrong, the numbers on the axis are reflected incorrectly), edit them through the “Select data” tab.

And here are our 2 function graphs in one field.

Dependency graphs

The data in one column (row) depends on the data in another column (row).

You can build a graph of the dependence of one column on another in Excel like this:

Conditions: A = f (E); B = f(E); C = f(E); D = f(E).

Select the chart type. Spot. With smooth curves and markers.

Data selection – “Add”. The series name is A. X values ​​are A values. Y values ​​are E values. “Add” again. The name of the row is B. The X values ​​are the data in column B. The Y values ​​are the data in column E. And according to this principle, the entire table.

In the same way, you can build donut and bar charts, histograms, bubble charts, stock charts, etc. Excel Features varied. Enough to clearly depict different types data.

The most simple objects, which you can create in your worksheets are considered arrows and lines. Use the Line shape to create line segments, or the Arrow shape to create arrows pointing to key parts of your workbook. You can quickly apply to an arrow or line various formats using the Quick Shape Styles gallery (new!) or change format elements such as thickness and strokes using the Shape Outline button The Shape Outline button allows you to change the type of line or arrow. You can also turn any line in your worksheet into an arrow.

To draw a straight line or arrow:

Click on the Insert tab

Click the Shapes button and then select a line or arrow from the Shapes gallery.

Drag the cursor to draw a line. The start and end points of a line or arrow are the points at which you begin and end dragging the cursor.

Release the mouse button and make sure that you have drawn a line of the desired length. Size manipulators are located on both sides of the line. Use these handles to resize or move a line.

To apply a quick style to a line:

Select the shape you want to transform.

Click the Shape Gallery scroll arrows or click the More Options button arrow to display more styles.

Hover over a style.

The function will turn on preview options (new!)

Select a style from the gallery to apply it to the selected shape.

To change a line or arrow:

Select the line or arrow you want to transform.

Click the Format tab in the Drawing Tools group

Click the Shape Outline button and select the style or thickness of the line or arrow.

Select a color or click on Weight, Stroke or Arrows and then select a style.

Drag the size handle to change the size or angle of the line or arrow.

To convert a line or arrow:

Select the line or arrow you want to change.

Click the Format tab in the Drawing Tools group.

Click the Shape Outline button, select Thickness, Strokes, or Arrows, and then click More Lines or More Arrows

For line and arrow, select the width, compound type (double or triple pin), stroke type, dot type (rectangular, round, or flat), or joint type (rounded, raised, or straight).

For the arrow, select the start type, ending type, initial size and final size.

Click on Close

If you want to create a custom shape, use free shapes, or polygyny. Select Polygyny from the Lines category in the list of shapes. Freeforms are similar to drawings, the only difference is that instead of paper and pencil, you use a worksheet and a mouse. A free-form figure can be either an open or a closed curve. You can edit polygynes using the Start Modifying Nodes command, which allows you to modify the vertices of the curved lines that make up the shape.

To draw polygyny:

Click on the Insert tab.

Click on the Shapes button and select Polygyny in the Shapes gallery in the Lines category.

Click the location on the worksheet where you want to insert the first polyline node.

Move the cursor and then click where the next polyline node will be placed. The two nodes will be connected by a line.

To create a continuous curved line, move the cursor instead of selecting individual nodes as described in steps 3 and 4.

Follow the above steps until the polygyny is ready.

To complete the creation, click the mouse button next to the first node of the polygyne (to create an open polygyne) or execute double click mouse at the last point of the polygyny (to create a closed polygyn).

Have you ever created a flowchart for a document or business process? Some companies buy expensive specialized software, using which you can create flowcharts with just a few clicks of the mouse. Other companies choose a different path: they use a tool that they already have and that their employees know how to use. I think you guessed that we're talking about about Microsoft Excel.

Make a plan

The purpose of a flowchart is to show the logical structure of events that must happen, decisions that must be made, and the consequences of those decisions. Therefore, it will undoubtedly be easier to construct a flowchart if you first take a few minutes to organize your thoughts. A flowchart made up of haphazard, unthought-out steps will be of little use.

So take a few minutes to take notes. It doesn’t matter in what format, the main thing is to write down each step of the process and record each decision with possible consequences.

Customize Items

For each step of the structure, add flowchart elements to Excel.

  1. On the tab Insert(Insert) click Figures(Shapes).
  2. The list of shapes that opens is divided into main groups. Scroll down to group Block diagram(Flowchart).
  3. Select an item.
  4. To add text to an element, right-click on it and select from the menu that appears Change text(Edit text).
  5. On the tab Format(Format) Menu ribbons select a style and color scheme for the element.

Having finished with one element, add the next element for the next point of the intended structure, then the next, and so on until the entire structure appears on the screen.

Pay attention to the shape of each element in the flowchart. The form tells the reader what function is performed at each step of the structure. I recommend using all forms in accordance with their generally accepted purpose, since non-standard use forms may confuse readers.

Here are some of the most commonly found elements:

Organize the elements

After all elements are inserted into the sheet:

Set up communication lines

On the tab Insert(Insert) click Figures(Shapes) and select a straight arrow or a ledge with an arrow.

  • Use a straight arrow to connect two elements that are in direct sequence.
  • Use an arrow ledge when the connecting line must be curved, for example, if you need to return to a previous step after a decision element.

Further actions

Excel offers many additional elements for creating flowcharts and an endless variety of customizable formatting options. Feel free to experiment and try all the available possibilities!

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