Spam calls are effective blocking methods. What is the Spam Law

How to remove spam in Viber

The most correct and only solution is to complain.

It is very sad that the creators of the application have not yet done anything to similar messages could be blocked or filtered. In this regard, the program very often sends spam. Eg, postal services Gmail, Yandex or Mail have very good filters that allow you to immediately respond to advertising messages. Concerning social networks, then everything is serious here too. As soon as you receive an SMS asking you to vote or follow a link, it will immediately automatically go to spam.

In order to protect yourself from any annoying advertising in the application, you need to do the following:

  1. Go online and find the technical support page;
  2. Write a sufficiently detailed claim (fill in all the required fields);
  3. If possible, attach a screenshot that reveals the essence of the whole problem;
  4. Send a message to technical support specialists.

Unfortunately, many users also complain that a response from the official website may not arrive for a long time. But this is not the main thing. It must be remembered that the response to the letter must be drawn up no later than within 24 hours. Otherwise, the entire procedure will have to start again. Oddly enough, but one of the most popular answers to the question “how to deal with spammers?” - this is to uninstall the system. If the app creators continue to follow this strategy, then things may not end very well. After all, most users will simply stop using Viber.

Blocking a user in Viber

What should you do if the technical support service did not remove the spammer, but simply suggested that you block him? Everything is extremely simple. Let’s say if someone asks to be added to your friend list, two buttons “accept” and “block” appear on the screen. By clicking the second, you restrict access to your page for this user. A similar procedure can be carried out for groups.

Such programs are not subject to the Law on Advertising, which means that sending spam messages is not prohibited by law. The good news is that this document can work in the SMS advertising environment. It cannot help but lift our spirits that the authorities are now seriously thinking about canceling spam messages in all communication programs such as Viber or Skype. In theory, these measurements should equalize online services from landline telephony.

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  • Open WhatsApp and click on the number from which you received the spam message.
  • When you open the screen about the number from which the spam came, you will see two available options: « Report spam and block", "Add to contacts".
  • By clicking “Report spam and block” iPhone users will be redirected to a dialog box asking, “Are you sure you want to report this contact and block them?”
  • Click "OK" if you want to stop sending spam messages, images or videos from this contact on WhatsApp.

Blocking WhatsApp spam on Android devices

If you receive spam messages on WhatsApp, you now have the option to block the contact or report the number as spam. If you are an Android phone user, do the following actions on blocking WhatsApp spam.

  • First of all, download latest version WhatsApp from Google Play Store so you can use the new spam blocking feature.
  • Open WhatsApp and click on chat with unknown number.
  • You will see the options: “Report spam and block” or “This is not spam”, “Add to contacts”.
  • Choose the option you are confident in.
  • If you click "Report and block as spam", a dialog box will appear asking you to confirm the action.
  • Click "OK" if you want to block the spam contact on WhatsApp.

Tips on how to avoid and avoid becoming a victim of WhatsApp scams

IN last years WhatsApp Messenger has gained immense popularity among people of different age groups. As a result of this, the number of fraudulent and spam activities has also increased significantly. Care should be taken to various actions against spam, so that your WhatsApp conversations, as well as your smartphone, are protected from hackers and spammers.

  • Malicious links: malicious links are a method used by hackers or cybercriminals. Nowadays, spammers and hackers are using this technique to scam WhatsApp users. One example is a message sent to WhatsApp users asking them to follow a link that suggests, “Update the app.” WhatsApp does not send such messages and the link mentioned in it does not lead to any updates. By following the link, users will be asked to register to receive additional service. In addition, after all your actions, your phone bill may increase. If you do not want to receive spam messages on WhatsApp, do not click on such malicious links.
  • Ads. Most newsletters try to use website traffic to make money from advertising. This means that spammers must force a large number of people focus on advertising, such actions are fraudulent. When it comes to WhatsApp, scammers use different applications to transmit malware or other harmful files through devices large number of people. Thus, they are directed to visit a website that is offered under false pretenses. For example: A spam campaign asks people to test a new WhatsApp calling feature or something else. This is a scam and instead the victim unknowingly spreads misleading spam messages. So, do not visit such advertisements because you can become a victim of WhatsApp spam.
  • Premium tariffs. Messages about high speed is the fastest growing malware threat for smartphone users. WhatsApp Messenger gives cybercriminals effective method lure people into fraudulent activities. In this method, users receive a spam message that asks them to send a reply. For example: “I am writing to you from WhatsApp, let me know if you are receiving my messages” or “Interact with me and the other person,” and various other sexually themed messages. By replying to such messages, you are automatically redirected to a premium service. This spam method is very popular these days. So, if you want to stay away from such spam activities, do not reply to such messages.
  • Fake WhatsApp voice call invitation: Users receive WhatsApp spam address as a fake invitation to access new WhatsApp features, that is, to voice calls WhatsApp. By sending this email WhatsApp, attackers distribute malware as a link. By clicking on the link, malware automatically downloaded to your smartphone. Thus, do not use such WhatsApp spam messages to avoid becoming a victim of spam.
  • Usage whatsapp apps Public: WhatsApp Public is an application that gives users the advantage of tracking your contacts through the application. The scam is that they offer you a service through which anyone can read the conversation of another. This is a spam activity because you cannot monitor others' conversations. So, by avoiding such apps, you will not fall victim to WhatsApp spam.

Make your conversations easy and safe on WhatsApp and avoid falling victim to spam by using the tips above.

Just when you thought that you had taken control of the arrival of unwanted letters and spam in your mail, you started receiving unnecessary text messages on your mobile phone. There's nothing more annoying than that, since you usually can't delete a text message without first opening it, and in some plans you'll even have to pay for each SMS you receive!

The most important thing you can do to stop receiving spam is to report it to your carrier mobile communications. They will close and block spammers, and they may even sue the worst violators. But you must tell them who is sending the spam and its contents. To report spam, forward the message to short number 7726 (on the keyboard this will be the word “SPAM”).

You can try to block spam using one of the methods below, but they only stop 10% of the total spam. Most often, they block regular senders, those who have you on their mailing list. Most spammers hide by changing their numbers. Below you will learn about some ways to block spam on mobile phone, also known as SMS spam or m-spam. They are not perfect, but they will cope with the influx of spam until spam blocking technologies reach mobile phones.



    Block all messages sent from the Internet. Since most spam comes from the Internet (where spammers can send you messages for free), you can ask your carrier to block all messages sent from the Internet. Since June 2008, this service has been offered by operators such as T-Mobile, AT&T and Verizon Wireless.

    Create an alias. If there are messages that you would like to receive from the Internet (flight schedules, hotel reservations, etc.), you can ask your operator to create a unique pseudonym for you, blocking all messages that are not addressed to him. This will filter out spammers who usually find their victims by sending text messages to random phone numbers ( [email protected]). Give your nickname address only to people and sites from whom you want to receive messages. Since June 2008, this service has been offered by such operators as AT&T, Verizon Wireless and T-Mobile.

    By doing this, you may inadvertently block replies to your messages. If the reply address is not your alias address and someone replies to your message or letter, their message will be blocked because it was not sent to your alias address.

    If your carrier allows you to block all text messages except to specific addresses, you can create mail account with good spam filtering and make sure that your phone receives messages sent only specifically from this postal address. People will send text messages to this address, and emails from it will be automatically forwarded to your phone.

    Blocking a specific number, email address or website. Most operators provide this service, and it can be very useful if a spammer constantly sends you messages from the same number or email address, or if they always leave a link to their website in their messages. You can also block all (or most) known spammer numbers in your area that are contained in your user database.

    Dispute your phone bill. If spammers continue to break through your defenses, you may be able to convince your carrier to remove the fees associated with these messages. There will be more chances for a successful outcome if you do this immediately after receiving spam.

Every day, lovers of easy money are inventing new ways to withdraw money from gullible citizens. To spam in e-mail we are so used to it that it seems like it has always been there. But technology does not stand still, and over the past couple of years, spam calls to mobile phones have been gaining momentum. A sort of telephone salesman calls you unexpectedly and tries to sell you something completely unnecessary. In most cases, like email spam, they offer get-rich-quick schemes.

In this article I will describe my positive experience of blocking spam calls, which I first encountered about two years ago.

How to block unwanted calls on your smartphone

Fortunately, modern phone, or rather a smartphone, is a small computer and can, with the help software analyze and control incoming calls. All we need is to know the caller's number. And knowing it, decide whether to accept the call or not.

It’s good that there are no problems with identifying the caller’s number now, that’s it tariff plans mobile operators include the service of automatic caller ID.

Where do spammers call from?

I collected statistics on outgoing spammer numbers. I received 95% of unwanted calls from spammers from Moscow, only a few from St. Petersburg and a couple of times from abroad. That is, most of the spam numbers are from Moscow.

1. Blocking spam calls not from your contact list

The easiest way is to block unwanted calls- this is to limit incoming calls to contacts from your phone book. I described this method in detail in the article. That is, only those who are in your contact list will be able to reach you.

This method blocks spammers 100%, but it has drawbacks. You may miss an important call (from work, from college, from school) if the caller's number is not recorded in your phone.

The implementation of this locking method depends on the firmware. But fortunately it is present in many smartphones by default.

2. Block calls by area code

As I wrote above, most of the calls from spammers came from Moscow numbers. Therefore, it makes sense to block incoming calls starting with +7495 and +7499.

This method blocks spammers by 99%, but is not suitable for residents of the capital. After all, as I wrote above, someone can get a call from work, but the call will be blocked.

But if you do not live in Moscow and you do not have active contacts in the capital, then this method is ideal for you. I think spammers will not go to the regions any time soon and I will call residents of Saratov from city numbers in the same Saratov.

In the popular MIUI, a filter for incoming calls by prefix called “Black List” is included in the firmware. For others, you may need to install additional software.

3. Unwanted call blocking apps

If it is not possible to use the first two blocking methods, then you need to use additional programs. Which check the caller's number against known spam databases and block the call if necessary.

For operating system There are many Android programs for blocking unwanted calls.

Android application "Don't pick up the phone"

My favorite was "Don't Pick Up the Phone." Here is her topic on - Over the course of a year of using it, it missed only 2 calls from spammers, while more than 100 calls from 50 different numbers were blocked.

Android application “Kaspersky Who Calls”

In addition to the main function of blocking calls from spammers, this application contains a directory of numbers for businesses and organizations. And if the call is not from a spammer, but he is not in your notebook, then it is quite possible that you will see not only the caller’s number, but also the name of the organization to which this number belongs.

iOS users can block text messages they don't want to receive. Up until iOS 9, a message could be blocked directly in its information, without resorting to using the standard Messages application. Now you will have to first add the number from which they are coming unwanted messages, to your contact list and only then block new contact in settings. We'll tell you how to do this.

Step 1:

To add a phone number from the Messages app to your contacts list, open the conversation and tap the phone number or contact icon at the top of the screen.

Step 2:

Select the "Create a new contact" option.

Step 3:

The number will automatically be added to the phone entry field. Enter name and/or company for this contact. To complete creating the contact, click “Done.”

Step 4:

Now that your new contact has been created, you can block text messages from that number.

Step 5:

To block text messages from a newly created contact, visit the Settings menu on your home screen.

Step 6:

Select the "Messages" option.

Step 7:

Scroll down the Message Settings screen and select Blocked.

Step 8:

In the “Blocking” menu that opens, select the “Add new...” option.

Step 9:

Start typing the caller's name and select the desired contact from the drop-down list.

Step 10:

Now the contact will be displayed in the blocking menu in the standard Messages application.

You will no longer receive text messages from this phone number. This does not guarantee that the blocked contact will not be able to message you in the future. A different number may be used, in which case you will have to repeat the blocking procedure for each number. However, you can add additional phone numbers for already existing contacts. To do this, by clicking on the number or contact icon on the dialogue screen, select not “Create a new contact” (see above), but “Add to existing one”.

If you want to block receiving messages and calls from specific number, you don't have to create a new contact first. You can block a caller's number directly through the Phone app. If the subscriber bothers you with messages, but not with calls, you will have to carry out the blocking procedure described in this article.

How do you like this blocking method? text messages? We are waiting for your opinions in the comments.