Hide friends in mobile contact. How to hide friends on VKontakte from an Android or iPhone

Hi all! The other day, a friend asked me to hide one of my friends on her VKontakte account. What kind of reason there was - I didn’t specify, apparently I didn’t want the young man to know about it.” useless friend", maybe there was some other reason...

IN general question was quite specific: how to hide a friend in contact? Previously in this social network it was possible to remove all friends from visibility, but two years ago this option was removed, but left the option to hide some friends selectively.

Personally, I don’t give a damn who comes to my page and who he considers as my friend... but since there are questions, we’ll sort it out!

Why was the option to hide all friends removed? In my opinion, this was done to increase the popularity of the resource. I know a lot of people who hang out there for hours and look at photos of friends of their acquaintances (which for me is an absolutely useless activity)

As I wrote earlier, this is very easy to do, because for this purpose the VK developers added special opportunity. To get to this function, click “Settings”

Everything related to the secrecy and security of our page is located on the “Privacy” tab. We need to find the line “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions” and click on “Everyone”

A window will appear divided into two parts. On the left is a list of all your friends, and on the right are those that will not be visible to others. Simply by clicking the plus sign on the left side we transfer friends (who need to be hidden from prying eyes) to the invisible list. By clicking the cross in the right list, we can remove a person from hidden friends.

However, (there are those who like to play with the settings) not everyone has “Only me” in the line “Who sees my hidden friends”. By the way, you can set up so that someone else can see your hidden friends, or so that everyone can see them except one. There are many possibilities - experiment!

People hide friends on social networks by various reasons. A guy is from a girl and vice versa, a wife is from her husband, he is from her, and so on. In fact, there are many reasons. If you still don’t know how to hide a friend in contact, see detailed instructions. We will also look at the various settings we need after hiding friends.

Hidden friends will remain on the list until you remove them from there. They will not be visible on your page. This list can be changed at least five times a day. And also adjust who can view these people.

How to hide friends in contact from a computer or laptop

  1. Step one. Click on your name or photo in the contact. On the right top corner your old man. A new window will appear, in it you need to select the “Settings” section.

2. Step two. On the page that opens, select the item “Privacy”. Then a little lower in the section you need to click on the link “All friends”.

3. Step three. Now we select the friends we need to hide. Let me remind you that you can hide no more than 30 people on VKontakte at the same time. To do this, simply click the name of the desired friend. After you have selected all the people, click on the button below "Save changes".

If you mistakenly hid the wrong friend, you need to click on his name again. This person will immediately disappear from the hidden list.

4. Step four. Now we need to decide who can view these people. There are several settings options. Let's sort them out.

For maximum reliability, select “Only me” in the settings. Although you still have many options. This and "Some Friends"- just choose who exactly. And also “Everything except” - you can hide some friends from a specific person.

How can you hide friends on VK from a mobile phone?

Now almost everyone is in contact with their phone. And some also. That’s why we’ll figure out how to hide friends through a smartphone or tablet. Let me make a reservation right away: you will need to access the Internet from a browser.

IN official application VKontakte is not possible hide person. If you go to the privacy settings through the application, there is simply no such item as “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions.”

  1. Step number one. Log in to the vk.com website from any browser. Enter your username and password and you will be taken to your page. After that, click on the button in the form three white stripes. A new window will appear, at the bottom of it select “Settings”. Then in the settings click on the “Privacy” tab.

In the privacy tab we see sections that are already familiar to us: “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions” And "Who Sees My Hidden Friends" .

2. Step number two. We select from the list of friends those whom we want to hide and click on the “Save” button. And of course, don’t forget to indicate who will see these hidden people in VK.

Although purely theoretically, it is possible to see hidden friends. Go to the page the right person from another account. We check the number of his friends. If you see 1500 from your page, and 1501 from another page, it means someone is hidden from you. All that remains is to find this person)).

As you know, the social network Vkontakte allows us to see friends on someone else’s page. For curious people, this is good function, and for those who have something or someone to hide, this is a bad function. In this regard, the developers social network a possibility was invented to hide some people.

It’s all very easy to set up, and in this article we’ll figure out exactly how.

How to add people as hidden friends

Go to your page and click on the “My Settings” menu item. Go to the “Privacy” tab. In the “My Page” section we find the line “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions.” Click on the “All friends” link:

We have a list. On the left side of the list are the people who are visible. On the right side we have hidden ones. To hide some we must click the plus signs next to them.

To remove a friend from the hidden list, just click on the cross on the right side of the window opposite his name.

After you do everything and make a list of hidden ones, do not forget to click on the “Save Changes” button.

If you don’t understand anything, then look at the screenshot, it will put everything in its place:

Giving some people access to the list of hidden friends

In the privacy settings, we can hide friends not from all users; we also have the ability to show hidden friends to some selected users.

Find the line “Who sees my hidden friends” and click on the link opposite it, which is called “Only me”:

We open a list in which we select the item “Some friends”:

A list that is already familiar to us appears; you already know how to form it. After selecting the people who can see your hidden friends, click on the “Save” button.

And all that remains for us is to check the changes made. To do this, go to the very bottom of the page with privacy settings. We find the line “You can see how other users see your page.”

How to hide a friend from your Android phone

To be honest, I did not find the ability to hide friends in the VKontakte application for Android. I also doubt that such an option is available in the mobile version of the site.

However, don't despair. If you have a smartphone with installed browser, it doesn’t matter whether you have an Android phone or an iPhone. We launch some browser on the phone and go to the site vk.com. It loads right away for you mobile version site and you are redirected to m.vk.com.

At the very bottom we find a link to the “Full version”. Well, I wrote about how to hide friends in the full version of VKontakte in the previous paragraphs of this article.

Try to use this trick before the application developers come up with such a function for themselves.

And with this, I finish this article and I hope that I helped you deal with this problem)

Many people who are on a social network have probably always wanted to hide all or certain individuals from their contact list from the eyes of strangers. On VKontakte, the ability to hide friends appeared a long time ago. Honestly, I don’t remember whether this function was originally there or whether it was introduced later, this is not the most important thing. The main thing is that it exists and it is an extremely necessary function.

There are many reasons why you may need the function of hiding VKontakte friends. From personal to professional. In order to hide friends you need to have two main things: a computer and friends. Since it is not possible to do this from the mobile application yet. Considering that there are more and more users of mobile applications every year, eliminating the gap in the functionality of the mobile application from the website would be logical step. Although latest innovation, according to iOS users became a paid listening to music. Now you are given 30 seconds, and then you are offered to buy the song on iTunes. I foresee that Android users expects the same thing, because the corporation has got some good Google Music. Then you will definitely have no time to hide your friends, but how to listen to VKontakte music for free. Music is music, but the question of how to hide friends on VKontakte needs to be answered, because that’s what you’re here for. Let's get down to business.

In order to hide friends on VK, you must actually have them. But there is distinguishing feature. You can hide not only your friends, but also the people you follow. You don't need to use this additional settings, they appear in the general list of people you have as friends. To get started, log into your VK account and select “Settings” in the left menu block:

A page with VKontakte settings will open. IN top line tabs you need to select privacy settings. This is where you can hide your friends on VK from users. Press RMB to go to the tab:

After which you will see the entire list of privacy settings in VK that are available to you. On this moment We are interested in the ability to hide our friends. Accordingly, in the first subheading we find the penultimate item “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions”:

This item is responsible for the ability to hide friends on VK, as well as hide the list of people you follow. After clicking on this item, a window will open in front of you with a single list of friends and people who are subscribed to. In the left column are people whom you did not hide, in the right column are people whom you decided were VK users. By clicking the plus sign in the left list in front of each user, you move them to hidden list VK friends:

Once you have decided which of your VK friends you want to hide, just click on the save changes button. However, you can allow some friends, everyone, etc. view your hidden friends. This can be done in the last paragraph. Everything, in principle, the answer to the question has been given how to hide friends on VK. Everything is quite simple. You just need to use full version website and everything. IN mobile application I have not seen such a function yet.

Many users of social networks sooner or later face the question of how to protect their privacy on social networks. To do this, you need to set the privacy settings correctly and hide everything that they want to hide from prying eyes. Most often these are contacts of other users. To implement of this action You just need to press a couple of buttons. So let's get started.

Opening a page on a social network https://vk.com Enter your username and password and click on the login button.

The title page opens. Your name and miniature profile photo are displayed in the upper right corner. Click on the arrow to the right of the thumbnail.

The menu section pops up. Top line list: my page, then there are the items edit, settings, help and exit.

Select the “settings” line and left-click.

A general list of settings opens.

A list of settings by category appears in the upper right corner. We need the third line from the top “privacy”.

A list appears in the middle of the screen. We look for the line in the list: “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions”, click on the inscription to the right of the item.

A list of friends opens in a pop-up window. Select from the list, or in the search bar at the top, enter the nickname of the friend whose name you want to hide and click on the checkmark to the right of the name.

In total, you can hide 30 friends from the list, so think carefully about who exactly you want to hide from prying eyes. Click “save changes”. The list is collapsed, the line that previously looked like “all friends are visible” now looks like this: the names of hidden friends are written down.

The paragraph below suggests choosing those who see hidden friends. By clicking on the line on the right, a list with suggested options will pop up. In order to hide your friends from absolutely everyone, select the “Only me” option.

After completing all these steps, all the people you have selected will be hidden from prying eyes and visible only to you.

2024 gtavrl.ru.