The cheapest connection. Comparison of operators MTS, Beeline, Megafon and Tele2

Now there are 5-6 operators in each region cellular communications However, when the question of purchasing a SIM card arises, the choice is made between four “giants” - MTS, Megafon, Beeline and Tele2. The future subscriber is interested in which mobile operator is better, since he wants to avoid hassles with mobile communications in the future. It is impossible to unequivocally answer which operator is the most profitable - it all depends on the requirements that the subscriber places on communication.

How do you know which operator is the best?

The universal criterion is the quality of communication. For a long time, Megafon was considered the undoubted leader in this area. Now the debate is about which operator has the most large area coverage is doomed to failure, since within the city the quality of communication is approximately equal for all operators. As for the network outside the city, there are zones that can be covered by one operator and ignored by another - this is a normal situation, because it is physically impossible to provide 100% coverage. If a subscriber is often on the road and feels the need to always stay in touch, Megafon is more suitable for him, but Beeline reception outside the city is very weak, although inside cities it can also boast of excellent quality. Also, Tele2 is experiencing serious problems with the coverage area - a SIM card can lose the network even within the city, however, this syndrome can be attributed to the “newbie” status of this operator. An important addition: before buying a SIM card, don’t be lazy and go to the operator’s website - there you can easily find a GSM and 3G coverage map, which can be used to check how much locality, where you live supports the network.

There are other criteria for operator quality:

  • Number of tariffs and services. Scroll mobile services is expanding, so modern subscribers may need options such as “Favorite number”, “They called you!” or "Beep". If the operator is unable to provide the subscriber with the service he needs, the subscriber will go to a competitor, even if the operator is satisfied with other parameters. Active competition between operators has led to the fact that the subscriber does not tolerate compromises. MTS is considered the leader in the number of services offered, however, this operator also has weakness– a small number of tariffs: “SuperMTS” is virtually the only option for those who do not want to pay a subscription fee.
  • Price. The most expensive operator both in terms of the cost of calls and the price of the Internet is Megafon. However, subscribers are forced to pay, since Megafon modems function where others refuse to work. Which mobile operator is cheaper? Here Tele2 and MTS will compete for leadership, which, however, use different approaches - for example, for calls within the network, MTS subscribers do not have to pay at all, while Tele2 SIM cards are profitable if the subscriber calls to all operators, since the cost per minute is fixed.

Which mobile operator is better for the Internet?

Internet access is provided at all tariffs offered by operators, however, for unlimited access connection of tariff options is required. Having a choice of options is very important, because there are active users and simple Internet surfers who are not interested in overpaying for unnecessary gigabytes. Which operator is better for mobile Internet? MTS and Megafon boast a wide range of Internet options - each of them has its own advantages. When comparing, the subscriber will be able to find that the Internet from Megafon is much more expensive with the same parameters (traffic level, speed) - the reason is quality: Megafon uses only American and European-made equipment, so the Megafon modem, unlike MTS, “catch” everywhere.

MTS Tablet SIM cards are extremely popular among tablet owners. This tariff has several advantages:

  • Low connection cost and subscription fee. For those who are interested in which operator is best for Internet on a tablet in Moscow, it will be useful to know that a SIM card costs only 400 rubles - for this money the user is given 4 GB.
  • No roaming. With MTS Tablet, the user of the gadget will be able to use the Internet throughout Russia - pay extra and connect Additional services no need.
  • Service included in the price Mobile television. The advantage may seem insignificant, because you can also watch TV via the Internet, however, in this case, traffic is consumed, and the image quality leaves much to be desired. Mobile TV allows you to avoid unnecessary traffic waste.

When choosing an operator, you must proceed from the needs of the subscriber. For example, if you often call another city, you need to consider the availability of roaming services to understand which operator is best for you for calls within Russia. Important: when choosing an operator, focus not on the subjective opinion of your friends, but on the information that is available on the official website.

For today, cheapest calls on mobile numbers Moscow region (Moscow and Moscow region) in the tariff

For calls from the Moscow region:

Red Energy With tariff option 95 kopecks for calls from the Moscow region. As the name suggests, 1 minute of calls to ANY mobile and landline numbers in Moscow and Moscow Region costs 95 kopecks. There is a subscription fee for the option (also 95 kopecks per day), but it is not high. And attention (!) if you are in Moscow and not the Region - then you will pay 1.6 rubles. in a minute to any numbers in Moscow.

For calls from Moscow:

Tariff “ Go to zero” with the option enabled “ All mobile” from Megaphone A. The subscription fee for the option is 3.5 rubles per day (about 108 rubles per month), allows you to call to all mobile networks Moscow for 60 kopecks (0.6 rubles) per minute!

At the same time, calls to a megaphone were generally free until recently, but now they charge 1 ruble and 30 kopecks for the first minute (that is, sort of like a connection).

In the “Classic” tariff from Tele2 Moscow, calls to any numbers in Russia cost 1.5 rubles.

"Orange" from a new operator Tele2 Moscow, A minute of local calls to all mobile or landline numbers costs 1 ruble, and SMS costs the same.

And this without any subscription fee. But Tele2’s network is only 3G and 4G. Not all phones work this standard, but almost all smartphones

Tariff “ Go to zero” with the option enabled “ All mobile” from Megaphone A. The subscription fee for the option is 3.5 rubles per day (about 108 rubles per month), allowing you to call all mobile networks in Moscow for 60 kopecks (0.6 rubles) per minute!

What is important is that the tariff and option are valid both in the Moscow region and throughout Moscow, in contrast to:

Super MTS Region”calls to MTS and MGTS mobile numbers (landline numbers) are free, to Megafon, Beeline, Skylink numbers - 0.75 rubles. (75 kopecks) per minute.

But these prices are only when the subscriber is in the Moscow region, calls from Moscow (if you are in Moscow, then pay 2.5 rubles per minute to any numbers!).

If you live and work in the Moscow region, then this tariff is for you. This is the most favorable tariff for residents of the Moscow region.

To make profitable calls to subscribers of other networks, you need to pay 1.5 rubles per day (45 rubles per month) for the “ profitable calls"), without it, calls to Beeline and Megafon will cost 1.5 rubles per minute.

Free calls to MTS and MGTS only 20 minutes a day, to increase the number by 80 minutes (up to 100) you need to enable the option “ Call for free to MTS Russia 100” and pay 2 rubles per day (60 rubles per month).

That is, while in the Moscow region, you can pay 95 rubles per month (3.5 rubles per day) and make almost unlimited calls to MTS subscribers and to Moscow city numbers, and to other mobile numbers for 0.75 rubles per minute. It's very inexpensive!

Since September 2014 the service Profitable calls There is also a tariff for Moscow Super MTS, but the subscription fee is 3.5 rubles per day (just over 100 rubles per month) for the opportunity to call Beeline and Megafon for 75 kopecks while in Moscow and the Region.

If you talk little and call numbers different operators cellular communications, that is, the “good old” tariff:

Red Energy with a tariff option of 95 kopecks for calls from the Moscow region. As the name suggests - 1 minute calls to ANY mobile and landline numbers in Moscow and Moscow Region are worth it 95 kopecks. There is a subscription fee for the option (also 95 kopecks per day), but it is not high. And attention (!) if you are in Moscow and not the Region - then you will pay 1.6 rubles. in a minute to any numbers in Moscow.

Even Internet telephony operators do not have such figures (usually calls to mobile phones in Moscow cost 1.5 rubles per minute).

But if you usually call MTS numbers or landline numbers and you have few friends who are Beeline and Megafon subscribers, then MTS has an even more favorable tariff: Super MTS. In it you can for free(and without topping up) call for 60 minutes a day (those who connected before May 2014, now 20 minutes, or with the option “Call for free to MTS Russia 100” 100 minutes to MTS numbers and city numbers in code 495 (but there are some numbers - exceptions, be careful) 499 (almost all numbers in this code). Calls to Megafon, Beeline and Skylink numbers cost 2.5 rubles.

What will others answer? mobile operators Moscow?

Beeline offers tariff “ Zero doubts. Region” for calls within the network, but not at all free. 1st minute 1.25 rubles (if the subscriber is in the Moscow region - 0.75 rubles), then up to 10 minutes are free, and if the conversation lasts more than 10 minutes, then for each minute you will pay 1.25 rubles (Moscow) or 0, 75 rubles (Moscow region). To all other Moscow numbers 2.5 rubles. I recommend that even residents of Moscow, for cheap calls to Beeline, take the “Zero Doubts. Region” tariff, and not just “Zero Doubts” - if you go to the dacha or on vacation outside the city in the summer, then the calls will be cheaper, and in Moscow - the same.

Unfortunately, Beeline currently (September 2013) does not have favorable tariffs and options for calls to any numbers. There used to be good rates for their time, but they no longer exist.

U Megafon, it was also sad until he changed the terms of the “Go to Zero” tariff. and did not add a new option: “ All mobile” (see the beginning of this article), the remaining options are not so interesting, but I won’t erase them yet, in case anyone is interested:

There is a tariff for calls within the “Go to Zero” network. But there, like Beeline, the first minute is paid - 1.5 rubles as of May 2014 (previously 2.5 rubles) and then free until the end of the conversation.

True, the megaphone has a set of options that are valid on basic tariffs, for example, you can do it for 5 rubles per day (monthly fee for the “all mobile +” option). This option will give you a 50% discount on calls to all mobile numbers in Moscow (MTS, Beeline, Skylink and of course to Megafon itself).

For example, if you call while in the Moscow region, then in the “Podmoskovny” tariff, with the option enabled (with a 50% discount), the first minute outgoing call to mobile and landline numbers in Moscow will cost 80 kopecks, and the next 30 kopecks per minute. If you call mobiles and landlines more than 5 times a day, then this is a good combination! When calling from Moscow, the first minute will cost 1.3 rubles, the next 80 kopecks. Again, it’s profitable if you talk for an amount of more than 300 rubles. per month (150 rubles will be “eaten up” by the subscription fee for the option). And for those whose calls last more than 1 minute (those who speak briefly - up to 1 minute, it is better to take the “for three” tariff - 3 kopecks per second - with a discount of 1.5 kopecks).

For Muscovites, or those who call more from Moscow, it is more profitable to use the “all mobile +” option with the “Everything is simple” tariff - then (with a 50% discount) a minute will cost 80 kopecks. (without discount - 2 times more expensive).

So the conclusion. To make profitable calls to any mobile numbers, we buy a phone for 3 SIM cards: 1. MTS - “Super MTS” tariff (we also call from it) 2. Beeline - “Zero doubts. Region” tariff 3. Megafon - “Go to” tariff zero".

Or if we mostly call from the region, then you can take one Super MTS Region or MTS Red Energy sim card (with a tariff option of 75 or 95 kopecks) when calling from the Moscow region to any numbers (landline and mobile in Moscow). The subscription fee for the option is ridiculous - 1.5 rubles and, accordingly, 0.95 rubles. in a day

If we are calling from Moscow, then you can take a megaphone SIM card with the “Everything is simple” tariff - then (with a 50% discount) a minute will cost 80 kopecks. but the subscription is 5 rubles per day. But 80 kopecks per minute is very cheap for Moscow.

Today we cannot imagine our life without mobile communications, which is an attribute of almost every aspect of it. There are several major telecom providers that provide various types services, and in this article we will help you figure out how to choose the most suitable one among them. How to determine which mobile operator is better? Especially for you, we have compiled a rating of Russian mobile operators.

The best mobile operators 2018-2019

Demand mobile communications is growing every year, and there are 4 large operators that fully satisfy this demand.

  3. Tele2

Each operator has both its advantages and disadvantages, which we will discuss in more detail in this article.

The rating of cellular operators is regularly studied by Roskomnadzor, taking into account the opinions of users. Operator Yota, which occupies a significant part of the market, is not included in this rating, since it does not have its own towers and is a subsidiary of Megafon. Yota rents towers from leading market players, and coverage width suffers as a result. The rating is compiled based on many factors, among the most significant are the following:
  • Mobile connection quality
  • Mobile Internet quality
  • Percentage of messages delivered
  • Cost of services
  • Network coverage level.

To evaluate the quality of services of a particular operator, we will use statistics.


The leading position in this category is occupied by Megafon, whose communication quality tends to be absolute, with only 0.7% of failures throughout the entire network. Second place is occupied by MTS, slightly behind Megafon, with 0.8% of failures. Beeline is a kind of anti-record holder, having as much as 15.1% of failures. At the same time, Tele2, which is relatively young for Russia, has only 1.2% of failures.

Mobile Internet

Regarding mobile Internet speed, the difference between operators is more noticeable. Megafon is also the leader here, providing real speeds of up to 14 Mbit/s. It is followed by MTS with 10.1 Mbit/s, followed by Tele2 with 9.4 Mbit/s, and Beeline closes the rating line (5 Mbit/s).

Despite high speed, Megafon cannot boast of a good number of successful connections via IP/TCP and HTTP, giving 3% failures in the first case and 4.4% in the second. MTS has the largest share of successful connections, with 0.6 and 0.8% failures, respectively. It is worth noting, however, that the Internet speed of each operator varies depending on the region of coverage.

Instant messages

Here our leading position is occupied by Beeline, showing results in 100% of delivered messages. Next comes Tele2, with 1.2% of undelivered SMS, Megafon did not deliver 1.7%, and MTS did not deliver 2.4%.

Coverage level

In this section, we will only look at 4G coverage, since it is difficult to determine the level of coverage for regular communications, due to the fact that some operators often rent towers from others, and this indicator is difficult to estimate. Let's consider the level of coverage in Moscow and the region - it is in this region that the highest density of 4G towers is found.
In terms of 4G coverage, Megafon again showed leadership. Experts explain this by saying that this operator was the first to install LTE towers, significantly ahead of its competitors. Megafon's 4G network coverage density has a share of 32.2%. Second place, according to research, is held by MTS with an indicator of 30.9%, closing the top three. Second place in the study was taken by the operator MTS with an indicator of 30.9%, in third place is Beeline with a result of 28.8%.

Cost of services

Each operator provides a huge variety of tariffs, we will not analyze them all, but will only compare General characteristics. The cost of communication tariffs is dynamic, the average price in Russia for a package is 300-350 rubles/month. According to analysts from ComNews Research, when using a small basket (lack of mobile Internet, small number of calls and messages, focus on on-network calls) the most profitable operator became MTS. In other cases, which cover the majority of users (Internet, calls, messages) best operator In terms of cost of services, both according to expert estimates and user reviews, the provider is Tele2. The cost of the average package for all operators varies greatly depending on the service region, and in the Far Eastern and northern districts the values ​​are uneven. If we take an assessment of the trends in the central regions, the cost of the average package varies in this order, from the cheapest to the most expensive:

  1. "Tele 2"
  2. "Beeline"
  3. "Megaphone"
  4. "MTS"

As we found out, each cellular provider has its own characteristics, and for this reason, many people use the services of several operators at once. Which one to choose is up to you, and making a choice is important taking into account your region of residence.

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All three major Russian operators connections and tried to understand which one would be the most profitable. As a starting point for call, SMS and Internet traffic statistics, I used data from Dr. Tariff. They also showed me that there is no ideal option. Benefit is a flexible concept.

Comparison of the profitability of tariffs selected by Dr. Tariff

The development of my story was predictable. An attentive reader of mine might have noticed: most of all the infographics of the application were filled with the operator MTS. It so happened that almost all of my relatives use these SIM cards. What actually made me think: why then is more than 700 rubles spent on communications every month?

One of the key features Dr. Tariffautomatic selection tariff according to user spending. The program sees which operators you spend money on more than others and finds the most suitable tariff to reduce overall costs. Therefore, I was first of all recommended to “switch” to MTS, and only then to other operators. Their tariffs were as follows:

website Last week I bought SIM cards from all three major Russian telecom operators and tried to figure out which one would be the most profitable. As a starting point for call, SMS and Internet traffic statistics, I used data from Dr. Tariff. They also showed me that there is no ideal option. Benefit is a flexible concept. Comparison of the profitability of tariffs selected...

In total, there are four real cellular operators in Russia - MTS, MegaFon, Beeline and Tele2, all of which offer their own colors for communication services, mobile Internet and SMS messages. Each of these operators has its own infrastructure consisting of data centers, base stations, highways and other important elements that allow millions of citizens of the country to have access to all modern services. Often, when choosing an operator, Russians look specifically at the cost - the lower it is, the more attractive the tariff plan, and, as a result, the operator.

Today the most profitable tariff plans from all four Russian mobile operators were announced. It is worth immediately noting that Yota is not included in this comparison due to the fact that it is a virtual operator, and it does not have full-fledged tariff plans - the subscriber creates it for himself through a special calculator. That is why only the four largest operators were taken into account - MTS, MegaFon, Beeline and Tele2, whose services are used by almost all Russians.

To keep everything fair, the material considers the most profitable terms from all four mobile operators. Tariff plans are relevant for the capital of Russia - Moscow. In order to be included in the list of the most attractive tariffs for connection, you need to offer the subscriber a maximum of services for minimal money.


The most profitable tariff plan from this operator for making calls is “Super MTS”, which allows you to call landline numbers and operator numbers for free (20 minutes a day), while from the 21st minute calls to operator numbers cost 1.5 rubles per minute, and to numbers of other operators - 2.5 rubles. The cost of one message is 2 rubles. The tariff has no subscription fee.

The most attractive for Internet needs is the “Hype” tariff, for which you need to pay 500 rubles per month. For this amount of money, the subscriber receives 7 GB of Internet traffic, 100 minutes of calls to any numbers within home region, unlimited calls to operator numbers, as well as 200 SMS messages. Most importantly, within this tariff plan users can count on free Internet traffic for YouTube, Twitch, social networks, instant messengers, games and many other titles. Read more about this tariff.

The universal tariff plan of the MTS operator is “Smart”. For 500 rubles per month, subscribers will receive 5 GB of Internet traffic, 550 minutes of calls to Russian numbers, as well as 550 messages. If you need more traffic, you can subscribe to the “Smart Unlimited” tariff, which includes 10 GB of traffic, 350 messages and 350 minutes to Russian numbers. It costs a little more - 550 rubles per month. In addition, as the name says, it provides complete unlimited access to social networks and instant messengers.


The most profitable tariff plan of the MegaFon operator for voice calls is “Everything is simple”, which has no subscription fee. It allows you to call any numbers in your home region for only 1.8 rubles (one minute), while a message costs 2 rubles. If you choose the “Go to Zero” tariff plan, then the first minute of calls to the operator’s numbers costs 1.3 rubles, and all subsequent minutes are completely free.

If you need Internet, then any of the “Internet **” tariff plans will do. All of them include a certain set of Internet traffic without speed limits, so the choice here is limited only by budget and needs.

The most universal tariff plan from the MegaFon operator is definitely the one that appeared in 2017, “Turn on! Communicate." It includes unlimited traffic for social networks and most popular messengers, 12 GB of Internet traffic for any needs and 500 minutes of calls to numbers of all operators. It costs 600 rubles per month.


This operator provides some of the most meager tariff plans, so choosing something worthwhile is quite difficult. The most favorable tariff for making regular calls is definitely “Zero Doubt”, which has no subscription fee. For each call to numbers in your home region you need to pay 2 rubles per minute, while each message will cost 1.5 rubles.

The Beeline operator does not have a single worthy offer that allows you to purchase a tariff plan exclusively with an emphasis on mobile Internet, but there is universal option, which is called "All 3". It costs 900 rubles per month, but at the same time provides 10 GB of Internet traffic, 500 messages and 1200 minutes of calls to any numbers throughout Russia.


The Tele2 operator attracts new customers with low prices, so its tariff plans can be considered the most profitable, that is, for minimum amount The subscriber receives the maximum amount of money. If you just need to call and not pay money every day, then the “Classic” tariff is suitable. Within its framework, each minute of calls will cost 1.95 rubles in Russia, while the fee for one message is 1.95 rubles.

The best choice for mobile Internet is a tariff plan called “For devices” with the “50 GB” option connected to it, which costs 999 rubles per month. In addition, all subscribers of this tariff plan with this service can count on unlimited night internet, thanks to which you can download movies, music, games or any other files without restrictions on speed and traffic.

The most universal tariff plan from the Tele2 operator is definitely “My Online”. Within its framework, for only 399 rubles per month, the subscriber receives 12 GB of Internet traffic for any needs, 500 minutes of calls to numbers throughout Russia, 50 messages and completely unlimited traffic in instant messengers and social networks.


As you can easily notice, the most low prices for communication services with and without a subscription fee mobile operator Tele2. Otherwise, the operators Beeline, MTS and MegaFon have approximately the same prices for all services. When choosing a tariff plan and mobile operator, you first need to look at the coverage area. It is advisable to catch at home and at work LTE network or necessarily 3G, because otherwise you will have to “enjoy” most of the time mobile internet at 2G speeds, with which even communication in instant messengers turns into complete horror.

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