Russian-language siri. Siri will replace the calendar

Voice Siri assistant at one time was presented to the general public as a revolutionary innovation Apple. Really, artificial intelligence Siri seemed something unusual and was associated with “ smart computer"from science fiction films like Star Wars.

And even now, when voice assistants (such as “OK Google”) are no longer something unusual, Siri helps users save a lot of time without wasting time searching for information on the Internet or typing telephone number. Of course, sometimes a language or lexical barrier may appear between you and Siri, but the system adapts to the peculiarities of pronunciation and soon Siri will begin to understand you better.

It is also worth noting that in iOS versions 8.3, Siri finally appeared in Russian! Now Russian-speaking users of Apple devices can fully experience the capabilities of this technology. Let us recall that voice assistant available on iPad from 3rd generation; iPhone 4S and above; , Mini 2 and Mini 3, as well as on iPod Touch 5th generation and Apple Watch.

However, in this article we will not delve into the capabilities of Siri, but will try to deal with one simple but common problem - many owners of Apple products simply do not know how to enable and configure Siri on their device. Before you wonder why you can't turn on Siri, check whether your device supports this technology.

As a rule, the voice assistant is already in the activated state by default. To go to it, just hold down Home button on the device. After sound notification, Siri is ready to talk. If for some reason your settings have been reset, you can go to Settings -> Basic -> Siri and enable the function yourself. There you can also enable the “Hey Siri” option. When activated, you can enter into a conversation with the assistant by simply saying hello with the phrase “Hey, Siri” (Hey, Siri in English). However, this function is only available in charging mode. Here you can turn your assistant into an assistant and give the system a male voice.

To disable this function just follow the above path in the device settings and move the toggle switch to the inactive position. You will then need to agree to the disconnection notice.

As we wrote at the beginning of the article, with latest firmware Siri now has a Russian voice. However, some users have difficulty turning on Russian-language Siri. First, make sure your device is running OS version 8.3. With younger versions Russian Siri won't work.

Secondly, if everything is fine with the software, go to Settings-> Reset-> Reset all settings. This way you will return the device to its original appearance. All passwords, saved pages and settings will be reset, but the content you downloaded (photos, videos, documents) will remain intact. Next, you just need to turn on Siri, according to the instructions above. To select Russian, go to the “Language” menu item and select “Russian”.

After these simple operations, your virtual assistant should speak to you in the “great and mighty.” Finally, let’s look at what Russian Siri can do on this moment:

  • Control your media player and find music by genre
  • Provide information about contacts from your phone book
  • Call the named name, call back the specified persons and check for missed calls
  • Open a program or photo
  • Find and read messages (in Russian)
  • Plan, reschedule, change events
  • Plot routes in navigators and open the necessary maps
  • Search the Internet for information (using Bing for searching)
  • Talk with the owner on various topics (and sometimes Siri gives quite interesting answers, this can be seen in the screenshot)

In general, the range of functions of the electronic assistant is still limited, but Apple does not stand still and is constantly developing, and it seems that Siri will soon turn into a genuine artificial intelligence with wide capabilities.

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IN Lately to our daily life Voice assistants are becoming more and more widespread. Majority iPhone users and other Apple products are well familiar with one of them - Siri, but few people understand all the prospects of virtual assistants and know how to use all their capabilities and functions.

What is a voice assistant

Imagine, your devoted friend is always next to you, who is ready to talk to you at any time of the day or night, answer any of your questions and carry out instructions. At the same time, he never gets tired, he never has bad mood, and every day he becomes smarter and understands you better. These are the voice assistants that are available for everyday use today.

Voice assistants are built into computers, tablets, phones, smart watch, smart speakers and even into cars. It is important to understand that interaction with the voice assistant is carried out exclusively by voice, without using your hands, without pressing any buttons. It is fundamentally new way interaction between a person and a program, which is very similar to communication between people.

  • Siri from Apple.
  • Google Assistant Google company.
  • Alexa from Amazon.
  • Alice from Yandex.

We have already written about and, and in this article we will talk in detail about Siri.

Voice assistant Siri

Siri is a voice assistant that was the first to support the Russian language, and only then did the domestic one appear, released at the end of 2017, and even later in the summer of 2018 it spoke Russian. Siri recognizes Russian speech quite well, even if music is playing nearby or there are extraneous noises.

Siri on iPhone SE

Siri wasn't always owned by Apple. Initially, it was separate application V App Store for iOS. In 2010 year Apple acquired Siri Inc. and their unique development. Shortly after the purchase, Apple built Siri into the iPhone 4S and then into its subsequent devices. Then, in 2011, Siri became the first product on the personal voice assistant market.

Siri adapts to each user individually, studies his preferences and begins to better understand his “master”. This is primarily noticeable in the improvement of your voice recognition after the first weeks of use. You can also tell Siri how to address you and the names of your contacts from address book so that she understands you better. And when Siri pronounces names incorrectly, you can always correct her and show her the correct accent.

Siri is available on iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, Apple TV and, as well as in almost all modern cars via CarPlay function. Way launch Siri and the list of available commands varies depending on the device.

How to launch Siri on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch

Launch by pressing the Home button

Siri is available on all iPhones, starting with iPhone 4s, on operating iOS system 5 and above. To launch Siri on an iPhone (excluding iPhone X), you need to press and hold the center Home button.

To launch Siri on iPhone X, you need to press and hold the side button.

After sound signal, you can make a request. On some devices, you must wait for Siri to appear on the screen before giving a command.

Hey Siri - How to enable Siri with your voice

Siri can be launched solely using your voice, without pressing any buttons at all. All you have to do is say, “Hey Siri.” After the sound signal, you can ask a question or give a command.

To do this, the “Hey Siri” function must be activated on the device: Settings → Siri and search → Listen to “Hey Siri”.

For everyone iPhone models, starting with iPhone 6s and also on iPad Pro This function can be used at any time by saying “Hey Siri” so that it is picked up by the gadget’s microphones. On earlier iPhones and iPads, the always-listening feature only works when your device is connected to a charger.

How to enable Siri on headphones

Using an original Apple headset with buttons remote control or compatible Bluetooth headphones, you can activate Siri by pressing the center button or the call button. After the beep, you can make a request.

Using wireless headset Apple's AirPods to launch Siri twice touch the outer surface of any earphone.

Siri on Mac

Siri is available on Mac computers with macOS 10.12 Sierra and later operating system. However, at the moment the functionality of the voice assistant on the Mac is limited. All Siri can do here is make FaceTime calls, write messages, play music, show the weather forecast and help you work with files and folders.

Siri on Mac

It is worth noting that working with files on a computer using voice assistant really convenient. Siri can carry out quick search files, sort them by type, date or keyword. For example, if you tell Siri, “Show me my photos from yesterday,” a folder with the corresponding media files will open.

There are several ways to activate Siri on Mac:

Probably in next versions macOS will have more commands for Siri, including commands for HomeKit. This would be a logical continuation of Apple's integration of voice assistant into its laptops and desktops.

Siri functions

Personal Siri assistant knows how to answer questions, give recommendations and carry out commands. Let's look at some of them.

This is just a small part of everything that Siri can do. You can see more commands in our article on commands for Siri. You will find a complete list of commands for the voice assistant in iPhones and Home Pod smart speakers in our reference mobile application, which we update regularly. Download the application " Siri commands"You can do it for free. By installing it, you will always have the most up-to-date list of commands for your voice assistant at hand.

One of the most significant innovations for Russian-speaking iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch users in many years has appeared. last months. The Russian-language Siri has been awaited for so long that many have managed to learn English and “make friends” with the original voice assistant. But now all that remains is to wait for the official release of iOS 8.3 and talk to personal assistant every Russian-speaking owner can mobile device Apple.

And while iOS 8.3 is in beta status, we can not waste time and get acquainted with available commands for Siri. It is with their help that the voice assistant will be able to fully reveal its potential and become a real assistant, understanding everything in one phrase. In this article we will publish full list voice commands for Russian-language Siri, each of which leads to the execution of a specific request.

Working with the contact book

Siri allows you to specify the names of relatives by giving them appropriate titles, for example:

  • My mother - Nina Nikolaevna
  • My sister - Katya

After making such assignments, you can dial the required contacts as follows:

  • Call my sister
  • Call my mom on her cell phone
  • Call Sveta
  • What is Anna Petrovna's address?
  • Which email address at Denis's?
  • Show Oleg Olegovich
  • What is Nina's phone number?
  • Find people named Eugene
  • Search contacts

Note: you can call any name written in your contact book

Phone calls

  • Call Sveta
  • Call Sveta at work
  • Call Sveta on her mobile
  • Dial [phone_number]
  • Call help desk(Police/Ambulance/Fire)
  • Show me my call history
  • Call the last number
  • Do I have missed calls?
  • Do I have new messages on my answering machine?

Text messages

  • Say to Ivan: “Hi, how are you?”
  • Send a message to Oleg
  • Tell Inna “Everything was wonderful, thanks for dinner”
  • Send Evgeniy a message to work “See you tomorrow”
  • Write an SMS “Come to me” to Anton and Peter
  • Send a message to [phone_number]
  • Read my new messages
  • Read last message again
  • Answer: “No!”
  • Call him
  • Read the latest message from Inna

Application management

  • Launch Camera
  • Play Doodle Jump
  • Open Instagram

Music control

  • Listen to Go Slow by HAIM
  • Enable Bob Dylan
  • Put on the Hey Jude album and mix it up
  • Put playlist [Playlist_name]
  • Listen
  • Pause
  • Skip

Manage the Calendar application

  • Schedule a meeting for 8 a.m.
  • Meeting with Anton at 10 am
  • Create a meeting with investors the day after tomorrow at 8 pm
  • New meeting with Oleg at 8:30
  • Schedule a business lunch today at 14:00
  • Reschedule your business lunch until tomorrow
  • Add Inna to the meeting with Oleg
  • Cancel the meeting with Oleg
  • What do I have planned for Monday?
  • When is my next meeting?
  • What do I have left for today?
  • When is my next meeting?
  • When do I have a meeting with Oleg?

Mail management

  • Sending letters
  • Write to Evgeny about the meeting tomorrow at 20:00
  • Write to Inna: “I’ll be there in 10 minutes”
  • Write to your brother about a hockey match
  • Write a letter to Alexey and say: “Everything is fine!”
  • Show letters about work
  • Show me yesterday's letter from your boss
  • Answer: “No. I won't take out the trash"
  • Call him at home number

Card management

  • Get directions to work
  • Route to St. Petersburg
  • Route to brother's house
  • How to get from Moscow to Saransk?
  • How to walk to the house?
  • We haven't arrived yet?
  • What's the next turn?
  • When I arrive?
  • Find a gas station
  • Show me Red Square
  • Show me [Address]
  • Find a cafe nearby
  • Where is the nearest airport?

Clock management

  • Wake me up tomorrow at 6 am
  • Set your alarm for 6 am
  • Wake me up in 7 hours
  • Change my alarm clock from 6 to 6.15
  • Turn off the alarm at 6.15
  • Remove the alarm clock at 6.45
  • Turn off all my alarms
  • What date is today?
  • What date will it be this Saturday?
  • What time is it in London now?
  • Set a timer for 20 minutes
  • Show me my timer
  • Pause the timer
  • Stop the timer
  • Start the timer again
  • Reset the timer

Manage the Weather app

  • What is the weather today?
  • What's the weather forecast for tomorrow evening?
  • What is the current weather in St. Petersburg?
  • How many degrees will it be in Moscow on Friday?
  • How many degrees is it outside now?
  • What time will the sun set in Minsk today?
  • Is it windy today?
  • Do I need an umbrella today?

Managing notes

Search on the Internet

  • Find wooden doors on the Internet
  • Find repair recommendations
  • Find in Google history Napoleon
  • Search the Internet for the best works of Pushkin
  • Find photos of Pallas's cat
  • Show video of ball lightning
  • What's new in Moscow?

Siri can also answer ordinary questions, the answers to which the assistant takes on the Internet. You can ask the voice assistant anything, and he will try to answer every request as clearly and correctly as possible.

Siri iOS 8, which will be released with selling iPhone 6 in September of this year, can please you with a number of new features, with the exception of significantly redesigned Messages functions, significant changes to Safari and several other new options. You can hope for a Russian translation of Siri.
This conclusion can be drawn by analyzing the specifics of the change in the voice interface, which is also equipped with support for dictation in Russian in the Messages option. Therefore, there is every chance to move from speech recognition to intellectual software– inclusion of a new language in the number supported by the Siri interface. But despite the significantly increased support in Russian in iOS 8, Siri has not changed the status of a foreign program for Russians.

You can find out a description of the manufacturers, characteristics, information about this model, the cost of the iPhone 6, place an order for any type of smartphone - all this can be done on the website selling Apple products.
By presenting the voice assistant for review, Apple focused on finding nearby objects in the area: restaurants, gas stations, cafes and other service and retail buildings. But the peculiarity of American thinking, developed by a specific life, for example, numerous meals of the same type in restaurants and cafes, as well as relaxation in clubs and bars, is very different from the everyday needs of residents of the Russian Federation.

It is logical enough to assume that the released Apple models with a foreign voice assistant will not sell well among Russians and the use of this device will be somewhat different, given the local flavor.

With the inclusion of the Russian language in the list available languages Siri can be counted on to, first of all, activate Siri's capabilities by network search key queries- and not so much significant objects, but the information itself - about the location, addresses and thematic information on the network. Apart from this, Siri will actively participate in controlling the smartphone - using Wi-Fi, viewing mail, opening news on a given topic, finding train schedules and airline ticket prices.
However, it may be that Siri in Russian does not radically change user reactions, as was observed with Apple's unrivaled maps, which were demonstrated using the New York model. Special service, which has information about the city in great detail, provides the opportunity to take a tour of virtual New York and examine the details of the architecture of skyscrapers. When it came to Russia, nothing like this was demonstrated.

The voice assistant was designed to enrich the user experience personal device(tablet or smartphone) by adding to the usual method using iPad and iPhone newfangled method of performing commands by voice. It is worth noting that the voice assistant is considered to be intelligent. However, this is a bit of an overestimation of the device, since in fact it is not artificial intelligence at all. It would be more correct to think that Siri simply has voice interface and the program management function are more realistic.

Adding Russian to the general list of Siri languages ​​will allow residents of the Russian Federation to use iPad and iPhone with the full use of Siri: to fully use the entire arsenal of capabilities, to enter into a worldwide project for the development of first all Siri functionality, and then, which seems unrealistic, the intelligence of Siri itself.
A program that perceives a human voice does not borrow personality traits, even if you call it by some name. The current development trend for Siri is to translate national words into the corresponding commands for the device. And in this way, adding the Russian language to the voice assistant is, in fact, only an increase in the directions of the machine translator.

Another important question– playback of voice responses, guided by information found on the network using a user request, is more interesting. Using these two functions in Siri will make it possible to recreate communication with you as comfortably as possible. virtual device, which the user often endows with human traits. Even admitting that Siri resembles a toy and a prototype of something large-scale, the prospects for the development of technology are promising and the presence of the Russian language in Siri would be sensational news for those who only know words in Russian.

If Russian Siri version will not be as profitable as the famous ones apple cards for the population of the Russian Federation, then it should be taken into account that this technology was developed relatively recently. But even early technology is equipped a huge amount capabilities, including speaking text and voice control in Russian. An example is the famous Reader program, which downloads book texts using a voice request.
Replenishment of the Siri database made it possible to implement:

  • Siri activation command;
  • finding feature articles;
  • speaking snippets;
  • reading the specified text on any site and much more;

When the situation does not allow, the user does not even have to take the smartphone out of his pocket, just use the headset. Many drivers can have a great time in traffic jams using only an iPhone headset to control them.