Mail program on mac. So do you need an email client and if so, which one? Which client to choose

By default, you definitely need to familiarize yourself with some features, thanks to which new letters will arrive faster, spam will be automatically deleted, letters will be sent to specified time and much more. Let's make life with Mail easier and more productive!

In contact with

How to receive new emails faster?

Default Mail app checks the mailbox on the server every 5 minutes. The settings will help correct the situation, so in the menu bar open Mail → Settings…(or press the keyboard shortcut Command (⌘) + comma).

Go to the tab Basic and in the field " Check mail availability» set time interval - every minute. Letters will arrive faster.

How can I view more messages?

Thanks to classic look you will be able to see many more emails on one page without scrolling. This feature will be very useful when active work with the client.

In the default view, enlarged lines of the mail list are displayed in the left column, and previews are displayed in the right column.

To accommodate more letters, go to the menu Mail → Settings… and in the tab View check the box next to “ Use classic view».

Now lines with letters will be displayed at the top of the display, and previews at the bottom. The number of displayed emails will increase significantly.

Automatic removal of junk and spam

By default, all spam and junk are stored in the mail client forever. But why keep all this rubbish? IN Mail settings go to the tab " Accounts", then select the account you are using and on the right side of the window go to the " Mailboxes" In paragraphs " Spam" And " Basket» set an acceptable time interval after which unnecessary correspondence will be deleted.

Use VIP status for important emails

The VIP mark allows you to highlight important letters from the entire flow of correspondence. To add to favorites, open any important letter and move your cursor to the left of the sender's name. An asterisk will appear there.

After you assign VIP status to at least one interlocutor, the left side menu of the Mail application will display new item, where all your favorite emails will be displayed.

By the way, if you go to Settings → General and in the field " New message notification» select the item « VIP", then Mac will only bother you with incoming emails from important contacts and you will no longer be twitched once again by any mailing.

Preview websites using Quick View

Don’t know what kind of link this or that subscriber sent and don’t want to open your browser again? We suggest using the “ Quick view " It allows you to view the contents of a link in a special window without launching your default browser.

To view a URL using Quick View, hover over the link and click the check mark that appears to the right of it. A preview of the page will be displayed below.

In general, the function " Quick view"has a huge number of useful features that we talked about in.

Send emails with attachments directly from the Dock

The panel on macOS is quite interactive. Another confirmation of this is the ability to quickly send attachments. Just drag the image, document, video or any other file you are interested in onto the mail icon in the dock, and a new letter will be created immediately.

Speeding up your email client

If you received a letter with a huge amount media attachments, most of your Mac's resources will be devoted to opening their thumbnails. This kind of correspondence sometimes really slows down the system. Disabling thumbnails will greatly help in this matter, especially relevant on older Macs.

To disable thumbnails run Terminal and enter the following command:

defaults write DisableInlineAttachmentViewing -bool true

After you press Enter, to apply all changes, restart the Mail application.

How to send a Mac to sleep remotely using a letter?

Thanks to simple manipulations, you can prepare your Mac to remotely switch to . For example, if you forget to turn off your Mac, it will be enough to send a letter with the text “ Sleeping mode».

1 . Launch the application AppleScript Editor(conductor FinderProgramsUtilities).

2 . Create new container by pressing the button " new document».

3 . Paste text:

tell application "System Events" to sleep

4 . On the menu bar, click File → Save As... and enter " sleepmac.scpt" Save it to the folder " Documentation».

5 . Open the application " Mail» (Mail) and go to Settings → Filters. Click the button Add».

6 . Set the following options:

  • Description: Sleep mode via email.
  • If: All of the following conditions are met.
  • Conditions: Sender - contains - contact name in address book, from which the shutdown command will come.
  • Click on the plus sign and enter the second condition: Topic - contains - Sleep mode.
  • Execute the following actions : Run AppleScript - open in Finder. Next, drag and drop into the opened Finder window container " sleepmac.scpt", which we saved in documents. After that it will appear in the list of scripts.

7 . Click the button OK».

After you send to Mac letter with the theme " Sleeping mode", the Mac will immediately go to sleep.

  • Category: Productivity, Internet
  • Developer/Publisher: Dropbox
  • Version: 0.7.5
  • Russian language: No
  • Mac: free [Download from the official website]

Apple makes great apps, that's for sure, but email to the Mail client OS X still has room to grow. The issue of quality email for Mac has always been acute. Yes, there are powerful email applications, but none of them are truly convenient. In today's review I will tell you about, so simple mail that even a child can handle it.

The first thing this simplicity shows is the setup process. You just need to enter your username and password, after which all your mail will be synchronized in as soon as possible(thanks to the unusual algorithm for working with letters). No more ports, protocols and other geeky privileges. True, you can only connect Gmail And . The rest will have to be abandoned. This is not a problem for me, since I long ago forwarded all my mailboxes to Gmail.

The application design is minimalistic. There are almost no buttons or icons, and what is there looks simple and tasteful. Control in Mailbox is mainly carried out by gestures: a short swipe to the left will postpone the letter for later, a long swipe will add it to the desired folder, a short swipe to the right marks the letter as read, and a long swipe will delete it. That's all management. There is, of course, a menu in which three more buttons are hidden: add to spam, mark unread and mark.

As expected, Mailbox can work with drafts, but there is a caveat here: all drafts are stored on Dropbox servers. This means you won't be able to access them from any email client other than Mailbox. Yes, it seems like a flaw, but it allows drafts to sync across your devices almost instantly.


Of course, there aren't many advanced features, such as working with calendars and scheduling, but there are amazing gestures and an excellent snooze mode that allows you to unload your entire inbox in a couple of minutes. In my opinion, Mailbox is clearly not suitable for corporate purposes, but it is perfect for every ordinary user who simply needs fast and easy access to the post office without unnecessary problems, so all that remains is to enjoy.

Standard application "Mail" V OS X has a fairly large number of functions and capabilities, and also allows you to add accounts of any mail service to the mail client, be it Yahoo, Yandex, Mail, or a number of others. Most people have built-in options in the program "Mail" more than enough, but for other people there is wonderful universal application entitled Airmail 2, allowing you to take your email experience to a whole new level.

For the most part the program Airmail 2 is a modified and sophisticated version of the Apple application Mail. Each account in the mail client you can configure a unique appearance, which will completely distinguish it from other accounts. The program's enormous functionality allows you to select different signatures, work with lists, and even change fonts within the application.

Second version Airmail differs from the first generation of the program in its minimalistic design in style OS X Yosemite. All fonts in Airmail 2 on Retina the screen looks just perfect, and there’s nothing to complain about in the appearance of the program. The color scheme of the program can be customized at your own discretion. For this, the developers have provided a whole list of special options in the settings.

The program has the ability to sort received and sent letters by a specific date, or even a certain time period. Searching for a word in Airmail 2 made very convenient. Simply dial the right word or some phrase in the upper right corner of the program, and after a few seconds all letters containing this text will be displayed.

IN Airmail 2 You can add an unlimited number of mail accounts, and each of them can have its own appearance. This solution allows you to avoid making mistakes when choosing a mailbox. For example, if for mail Yandex configure yellow color scheme, and for Google red, then it will be simply impossible to make a mistake when choosing a mailbox.

If you try to send some heavy file by mail, you will not be able to do it because Post service will write about the excess maximum size letters. For this purpose in Airmail 2 There is special setting, which allows you to forever forget about the word “file size” when sending. Due to automatic operation with Dropbox, Box, and a number of other cloud storages, your mailing will be pre-filled on cloud storage, and the recipient of the letter will simply receive a link to download or view the contents of the letter.

All incoming notifications Airmail 2 on Mac with operating system OS X can be customized as you wish. Can receive push notifications, display the number unread emails on the program icon. Moreover, the program even allows you to choose sound signal when receiving or sending a letter.

Probably in Airmail 2 There is no such thing that cannot be reconfigured at your discretion. The abundance of settings in the application is amazing. To customize the program for yourself, you will need to delve into the settings. Airmail about 10-20 minutes, but the result is worth it. Of course, you can simply add your account to this mail program in a few clicks of the mouse, and use it, but in this case there is no point in using Airmail 2, because it is precisely thanks to its numerous settings that this program surpasses standard mail from Apple.

Developers regularly release updates for their program. U Airmail 2 there is no competitor, because the program simply does not have weaknesses. The developers managed to create a truly best app for working with mail on computers Mac. If you have difficulty adding "Yandex Mail" V Airmail 2, then we recommend you with our instructions.

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If built-in Apple program Mail suddenly causes confusion, irritation and nervous tremors, it’s time to find a replacement for it. Fortunately, there are many applications in the world that will happily serve as postmen. The CPU met with the main candidates for this role.


Sparrow app soars to the top of the charts in App Store in 2011. At that time, it became the standard in its category. And already in 2012, the project team joined Google. This is where the story of Sparrow ended. The application developers only fix critical bugs in free time. Nevertheless, Sparrow still looks quite decent.

First of all, Sparrow captivates with its brevity. Although it is possible that to some the “sparrow” will seem rustic and outdated. The application has two versions - full (costs 329 rubles) and lite (free).


Popular on iOS and Android application wants to conquer OS X too. In the summer it was released as a semi-closed beta version (you had to “stand” in line, like in Soviet times for jeans), and in October the beta was opened - now everyone can try Mailbox for free.

For free application Mailbox looks promising. In addition to a pleasant interface, there are several features that others do not have mail clients. For example, a letter can be postponed until tomorrow, until the weekend, until the evening, or viewed on any chosen day. Gesture control is also nice: you don’t need to check or mark anything: for a letter to go into the archive, you just need to “swipe” it.

Mailbox is well suited for those who actively use Dropbox - both applications, according to the developers, will be closely related. This, however, is not surprising: Mailbox is owned by Dropbox, and you won’t even be able to log into the application without a Dropbox account.

Mail Pilot

Nice, fast and expensive email client. The creators are so confident in its perfection that they put the highest price tag on it in its category (today 649 rubles, and no trial or lite). The developers of the “pilot” were clearly inspired by the GTD concept - everything has been done here to ensure that the processing of letters is orderly.

With each letter in Mail Pilot, you can do one of five operations: archive, postpone for later, set a reminder, move to a list, and delete. Everything is on the shelves, but nothing more than that (no, for example, integration with the calendar and gesture control).


An application that features an original inbox presentation. The left column shows the sender of the letter, but does not include the subject of the message or the time of its arrival. This may reduce the information content, but it makes dismantling the box much less intimidating. Letters from companies are provided with favicons, and letters from people are provided with photographs. In short, it will be difficult to miss a letter from your boss or spouse.

A new or reply letter does not open in a new window, like some other applications, but in right column. Here, by opening one letter from your interlocutor, you can see all his other messages. Minimalism rules the roost in Unibox. No GTD capabilities. No marks. In a word, for business correspondence this may not be the most best option, but for a personal mailbox - very interesting.

Unibox is not cheap at all - 529 rubles, but before you buy full version, you can test the temporary one for 15 days.

AirMail 2.0

The first version of AirMail became a hit last year. However, with the release of OS X Yosemite, the developers updated the application, adding a somewhat old-fashioned 2.0 appendage to it. Old version V official store no longer exists, but the new one looks damp. Let's say, unlike everyone else email applications, AirMail 2.0 was not immediately able to “make friends” with Gmail (and it did not work with “Yandex.Mail” at all).

If we talk only about working with letters, then AirMail 2.0 is at its best here: even if it looks less visually clean than Mailbox and MailPilot, there are no unclear features here - everything will be clear to any webmail user. In some ways it will be even more convenient for fans (but not fans) of GTD. For example, the tags “to do”, “ready”, “read” and “mark” will help in sorting letters.

The application is well localized - in most other email clients there is no trace of the Russian language. And in AirMail 2.0 you can easily deal with uninteresting correspondence: swipe to the left - delete the letter, swipe to the right - send it to the archive.


The application is interesting because it is controlled via Top Menu(which everyone is used to on the web). In Postbox, on the one hand, there is nothing superfluous, and on the other hand, there is not a single bright color. The standard three columns, colored in gray, are the first thing the user sees when opening the application.

However, behind the faded façade lies an excellent set of possibilities. For example, messages can be assigned a custom label with your own name. In addition, all letters from several accounts are displayed in one inbox. A quick response directly from the email viewing column saves a lot of time. The only pity is that most of the chips cannot be guessed intuitively.

Do you often receive and send mail? In this article we decided to collect the best email clients for operating system OS X, which will make working with mail easier. We present the most functional and high-quality email clients.

The structure of this email client is very similar to native app Mail, but Airmail 2 is different from standard application appearance and the presence of numerous settings.

Let's add to all this a set various topics design and markdown editor for letters.

The email client is primarily intended for users who like standard client mail in OS X, but they want more functionality and customization.

Mail Pilot 2

The main advantage of this alternative email client is the presence of a dashboard that displays all incoming mail, as well as active tasks and upcoming appointments.

The undoubted advantage of the application is the presence of a system that effectively organizes letters and work tasks. The creators of Mail Pilot 2, however, did not bother to add push notifications.

The email client is suitable for those users who often use email for work purposes.

Post Box

This email client differs from most analogues in that it has close integration with leading social networks. It is thanks to this feature that Post Box is called a socially oriented email client. There is a deep possibility of customization. Thus, any user familiar with JavaScript can independently create additions and new functions.

A large set of ready-made plugins is available. The email client has its own RSS reader. Unfortunately, you won't be able to change the appearance, since the email client does not support themes.

Post Box is the ideal email client for those who like to customize applications to suit their needs using various plugins.


This is a client that is intended for cloud service Inky, which allows you to combine everything mailboxes. Users just need to go through a simple registration and link all email clients to their account in order to access them from any device. This feature of the service and client is the main advantage of Inky. But there is back side medals: to use the service you will have to pay a monthly fee of $5.

Inky service and client suitable for users who want to access mail from many devices.

The creators of the Unibox email client tried to create a high-quality and understandable user interface, which they undoubtedly succeeded. The left side displays a list of contacts, and the right side displays correspondence with a specific contact.

There are three modes for organizing mail, but there is no option to enable a standard mail view.

This is why Unibox is more suitable for people who use by email for personal correspondence.

Cloud Magic

This email client is simple, beautiful and has no unnecessary elements. Thanks to this Cloud Magic Lately began to gain popularity among users.

Users have access to add-ons that allow them to integrate third party services. It is possible to organize team work.

If you want to try one of the most convenient and advanced email clients yourself, then Cloud Magic will be the ideal choice for you.

Which client should I choose?

Of course, many people prefer to work with a standard email client or Gmail, but we advise you to take a closer look at the clients listed above. If for some reason the email clients listed above are not to your liking, then we advise you to take a closer look at applications such as Outlook, Nylas N1, Mail Mate or Sparrow. They also boast a set useful functions and chips and will make working with mail more efficient.

What email clients do you use? Share in the comments.