Battery saving program for Android 6.0. So, here is a list of seven main ways to save battery power on Android smartphones.

Master class on the topic: “Saving battery on Android”! I think it will be no secret to anyone that one of the main drawbacks of all smartphones/tablets is the battery. The charge is usually not enough even for a day, which undoubtedly frustrates us.

This post is dedicated to the topic of saving battery power on your phone and tablet. Now let's look at a number of ways to reduce the rate of battery consumption. Everything will be demonstrated using the Android operating system as an example.

Reduce automatic locking time (screen backlight and brightness period)

Many smartphone models have high resolution screen. This leads to crazy energy consumption, even with simple viewing photos or when the main screen is simply turned on.

That is why it is quite logical to reduce the period of screen operation to a minimum. Of course, you will save nothing at all, but as they say, every inch is a victory. This method actively helps us “save the battery” to the maximum during those moments when you are not using the gadget.

So! How to reduce the time it takes for the screen backlight to switch to lock mode:

1. Open Settings;

2. Select My device, if there are subsections in the settings;

3. Click “Screen” or “Lock screen”, click on “Sleep mode” or “Lock automatically”.

4. The time will be shown in the drop-down list automatic locking: immediate, 5 seconds, 15 seconds, 30 seconds, and minutes: 1,2,5,10,30. I think 5 seconds is enough if you are thinking about saving.

Quite a lot important aspect Energy saving is screen brightness. The majority of users prefer automatic adjustment of screen brightness, or simply don’t think about it, and leave it as is. This is not very correct; it is always better to control the lighting. A smart decision would be to set the brightness to medium when you don’t need to save too much power and you can connect the power at any time. But, if maximum savings are required, then the brightness can be reduced completely. Use the most high brightness It is only used in high light conditions, for example on the street, when the sun does not allow you to see the smartphone screen normally.

How to reduce screen brightness?

Usually it is enough to pull the curtain on top of the monitor with your finger and a horizontal panel, there is wifi, sound, screen rotation, bluetooth and everything else that you put there. Below the panel there will be, by at least For most, it is there, a horizontal brightness adjustment track, where you want it and fix it. On the right you can check the “Auto” checkbox, as mentioned above.

Or, if by lowering the curtain you didn’t find anything like that, you’ll go around: Settings -> My device -> Display -> Brightness. That's it, you can adjust it.

Use simple wallpaper! They will help save battery power on your smartphone

Some people believe that simple wallpapers help save battery power, others do not adhere to this position, but using live wallpapers is a waste of energy saving.

It may sound stupid, but effective way to increase the period of operation of the phone without recharging is to install black background picture(only one color). You will imagine that on the screen is Malevich’s “Black Square” :))

How to set wallpaper on your phone?

If we pay attention to the standard wallpaper, then the path is as follows: Settings - My device - Display - Wallpaper (on Samsung you can set wallpaper to main screen, lock screen).

Let's say we want to put it on the main screen, to do this we click on the item and it is offered to select a photo from the gallery (which is quite correct), wallpaper, live wallpaper. Your own picture, of course, is most correct, the main thing is that it did not have a lot of colors, dark tones are preferable.

Right off the bat! What causes your phone to die? Favorite game, system, Twitter...

By going to Settings - Options - Battery, you can find everything that affects the battery charge. As a rule, the screen comes first, then the system and all the other applications you used. By clicking on the icon of any of them, you will have the opportunity to try to reduce the impact on discharge.

For example, I click on “screen”, see the “Display” button, click on it and go to settings for brightness, wallpaper, screensaver, timeout, font style/size, key backlighting, etc. That is, I get to where I can influence fast discharge batteries.

If I click not on the screen or system, but for example on any game or store (like Play Market), then it becomes possible to pause the application.

Disable modules you don't use

Enabled Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC, LTE and GPS take a lot of energy, and each of the presented wireless modules should only work when it is required.

If you have Wi-Fi at home and you are using your phone from a wireless network, then turn it off when you leave the apartment. wifi icon. This also applies to Bluetooth and NFC and GPS...

Where are the wireless modules located? How to disable wifi, GPS...

You can lower the curtain and there will be a Wi-Fi icon, the GPS icon is not always located there, but it is possible to install it there.

Dropping the track in the right top corner, or maybe someone has a different way, there is a drop-down menu button. All necessary elements, which should be disabled are located there. If this is not found in the interface, then as standard we go to settings, then Connections, and then select what is needed.

Disable automatic app updates

Automatic updating is very convenient, but it takes a lot of charge. If the smartphone is connected to Wi-Fi, then Google Play Store will definitely update your applications to newer versions..

How do I disable automatic app updates?

1. Open Google Play Market.

2. There is a menu on the left, select Settings

3. Open "Auto-update applications"

4. Select "Never" or "Only Via Wi-Fi".

Disable vibration mode

When you click on the screen and feel the vibration, it is convenient. You always know if there is a response. But, as with the gadgets above, vibration affects rapid discharge.

How to turn off unnecessary vibrations and sounds?

Let's follow the path: Settings - My device - Sound.

Here you can reduce the vibration intensity level for incoming calls, notifications and feedback.

Let's pay attention to the “System” subsection. Here you can uncheck the following items: Key sounds (Play sounds when you tap the screen), Touch sounds (Play a sound when you tap the screen), Screen lock sound (Play sounds when you lock and unlock the screen), Feedback (Vibrate when you press soft keys and performing some actions with programs).

If you just often sit in in social networks and when you reply or message you receive a vibration response or a voice jingle, then lower the track from the top of the screen and just put it on silent. The main thing is to control this process, because the ringing sound may also disappear.

Use Power Saving Mode

At the very last place We set the energy saving mode, but not because it was unimportant. On the contrary, this is an extremely important section in the topic of saving battery power on Android.

So, go to settings - my device - energy saving. Let's move on! Now switch to on. Ready! We look at “Energy Saving Options”

  1. CPU. You can note, but then you will limit maximum performance processor. On the contrary, I unchecked the box to make the system work faster. I can charge the battery, but the speed of Android often leaves much to be desired.
  2. Screen. By checking this box, you will use low level screen power.
  3. Tactile feedback. Turning off haptic feedback may extend battery life.

The energy saving icon can also be seen in the drop-down track.

Also don't forget about the easy mode. Settings - My device - Home screen mode - Simple mode. Simple mode makes your device easier to use with a simplified screen layout and large icons. This doesn’t happen on every smartphone, but on Samsung for sure!

As you know, the battery is the weak point of most modern smartphones. Manufacturers, on the one hand, compete for processor power, screen resolution and other characteristics, which require a powerful battery, and on the other hand, they usually try to make smartphones as thin as possible, as a result of which smartphones use small batteries, whose capacity is often insufficient even in order for the device to last until the end of one working day. However, not all users know that with the help of simple tricks you can significantly extend the life of a smartphone on a single charge. What is needed for this?1. Stop using 3G.If you do not need a constantly connected fast mobile Internet, then it is better to turn off 3G altogether - this saves a lot of battery. Moreover, regular GPRS for mobile Internet quite enough. To disable 3G in your phone settings, turn off WCDMA (set the option to "GSM Only" or "2G Only"). In addition, if you use the mobile Internet in a place where the 3G connection is unstable, then turning off 3G will save you from slowdowns when browsing the Internet, because the smartphone will not waste time trying to connect to the 3G network.2. Turn off unnecessary wireless networks. Make it a habit to turn off wireless networks that you are not currently using - Bluetooth, Wi-Fi. For Android smartphones there is a program called Llama, which will do this automatically - for example, when leaving home.3. Disable automatic display brightness adjustment. The display is the most power-consuming part of a smartphone. Turn off the automatic adjustment option and reduce the brightness to a comfortable minimum. Also set a short automatic shutdown time when not in use - 30 seconds or a minute, no more.4. Disable automatic sync. Automatic account synchronization is needed to ensure that your contacts, calendar entries, and so on are synchronized between your smartphone, the Internet cloud, and your other devices. Always-on automatic synchronization significantly eats up the battery, so it’s better to turn it off and synchronize from time to time account manually.5. Turn off GPS! Many programs use the GPS module to determine your position. You can easily do without this if you are not currently using maps or navigation programs, and turning off GPS will have a beneficial effect on energy consumption. Also in the settings you need to disable location detection via mobile networks.6. Don't use animated wallpapers. Animated wallpaper is a beautiful thing, but it eats up the battery, like an inspector at a funeral. Put up regular wallpaper if you don’t want to be left without a phone at the moment when your loved one (beloved, mom, dad, Vasily Petrovich, bank with consent to a mortgage) should call it. For some types of phones (namely those using an AMOLED screen), dark plain wallpapers consume noticeably less energy than light ones.7. Use fewer widgets. Happy owners of Android smartphones, unlike iPhone owners, can use widgets. However, you shouldn’t get too carried away with them - widgets are also good at eating up your battery, because, as a rule, various information is updated on them.8. Disable automatic display rotation. Tracking the position of a smartphone uses electricity. Disable automatic rotation - this will also give a certain gain.9. Turn off vibration. Yes, yes, it also uses electricity, and a lot.10. Control applications. On Android smartphones, you can see which applications are significantly using the battery. If you do not need any of these applications, it is better to disable or delete them.11. Use special programs to save battery. There are many programs for Android smartphones that help optimize battery consumption. These programs often provide an increase in battery life by 20 and even 30 percent. Well, last tip. If it is very important to you how long the phone lasts on battery power, buy a smartphone with capacious battery. There are many of these on the market.

Active use of phones leads to one problem - it begins to discharge quickly. A battery saving app for Android can come to the rescue. After all, the overwhelming number of mobile device manufacturers use exactly this operating platform. All our readers will find it useful to review the most popular applications of this type.

Battery Saver (Download)

This free app has been downloaded by 5 million users and has an average rating of 4.3 stars.

According to the developers, the battery charge should last 2 to 4 times longer. Judging by the reviews, Battery Saver works. However, the maximum bar is clearly too high.
Battery Saver is very functional. The optimizer automatically disables programs that are not currently in use and shows how long the battery will last. There is a deep sleep mode. That is, when the phone is not used, wi-fi, synchronization, etc. are turned off. The application can independently determine which program consumes the most energy and disable it.

Among the minuses, it is worth noting a certain uncompromisingness and lack of individual manual settings. All background programs will be closed even if they are needed. In sleep mode, no application will be updated.

Photo: Battery Saver

HD Battery (Download)

The program has surpassed the 10 million installation mark. This battery saving app for Android is very simple, intuitive and convenient.

Photo: HD Battery

Using graphs, you can track not only charge consumption, but also device temperature and voltage. Not everyone needs these functions, but their presence is also welcome. The HD battery will tell you after what period of time the device will turn off if you listen to music, play games, use a navigator, etc. (for each specific case).

The positive side is customization. The application is free and available to everyone.

There are still some disadvantages. Problems with sound notifications and late data updates. Taking all this into account, the application received a rating of 4.6.

Photo: Photo: HD Battery


As many as 400 million Android users downloaded DU BATTERY SAVER. An average rating of 4.5 indicates that the application performs quite satisfactorily.


The developers managed to create an intelligent battery doctor. It monitors and optimizes the phone’s performance in every possible way. Monitors apps that consume greatest number charge, notifies that some background programs can be closed. The phone is also not allowed to overheat and the program lets you know if the wrong charger is being used.

All settings are set individually, the application can be downloaded for free.

Speaking about the pros, it is worth touching on the cons. Due to its super-functionality, malfunctions periodically occur. However, the developers respond to complaints and release updated versions of your product.


DU Battery Saver (Download)

Another battery saving application for Android from the same developers as in the previous case. This time it’s paid – it costs $1. But its capabilities are an order of magnitude higher than those of its free brother.

Buyers get a smart and fully adjustable app. It is possible to configure battery saving modes, depending on the time of day or circumstances. Scanning and optimization allows you to improve the performance of the device and extend its operation for as long as possible. Memory is cleared regularly unused programs. If you still need it, do not forget to add it to the ignore list. Quality of work is monitored charger, the remaining time until charging is complete is displayed. The application supports many languages, including Russian.

True, some users note that this program still looks like her free version. Sometimes technical problems occur, which developers try to quickly fix. After all, the application is still paid.

Photo: DU battery saving

Photo: DU battery saving

Battery care (Download)

This application has achieved more than 300 million downloads and a rating of 4.5 stars.

The free program allows you to monitor battery energy consumption and set individual modes. Convenient and clear design shows the amount of charge required for each application on the phone. The most energy-consuming ones are also notified. You can see the device's charging speed and its discharging speed. A detailed scan will identify any weak points in your work. About 30 languages ​​are supported.

In any barrel of honey there is a fly in the ointment. “Battery care” was no exception. When the screen goes dark, everything open source software automatically close. The battery, of course, is saved, but this is not suitable for everyone.

Avast battery saver (Download)

Avast also pleased free application to save battery on Android.

The main principles of its work are the optimization of all settings and the closing of background unused applications.

The developers have improved and significantly simplified the operation of the program. Literally with one click you can close everything unnecessary applications, which slow down the speed of the phone and consume a lot of battery power.

There are 5 main modes installed and it is possible to add your own. The application sends advisory notifications about mode changes. “Battery Saver” analyzes all processes quite accurately and can extend the life of the phone. You can track the discharge rate and time to complete shutdown devices.
Again, the app may not appeal to those who don't want to close background windows. However, as practice shows, this actually saves battery power.

Photo: Avast battery saving

Battery Saver Wizard (Download)

Last on the list, but far from the last in the ranking, will be “Battery Saver”. The application has already been downloaded by more than 100 thousand Android users.

The program is very simple, convenient and quite effective. Conserving battery power is done by closing unused applications and generally optimizing the smartphone. Energy saving modes installed automatically. There is no possibility of adjusting them. But there is a noticeable plus - you can add White list those programs that cannot be closed.

Photo: Battery Saver Wizard

The application was highly praised due to its simplicity, unpretentiousness and good performance. During sleep mode it may not stop wi-fi work, bluetooth and data synchronization. Most reviews about it are positive. However, on some devices the program may not work correctly or correctly.

Dear readers! If you have any questions or comments on the topic of the article, please leave them below.

. Without a doubt, the most weak point modern smartphones and tablets is the battery, the capacity of which is in the current mobile devices sometimes there is barely enough for a day active use.

Today we will look at the basic practical techniques to save battery power on smartphones and tablets running the operating system. Google systems Android.

So, here is a list of seven main ways to save battery Android battery smartphones:

Reducing the automatic turn-off time of the screen backlight and brightness

Modern smartphones have relatively large screens high resolution, which, together with the processor that provides image output to them, consume the lion's share of the energy stored in the battery.

Therefore, the first and most logical step will reduce screen time to a minimum. We won’t be able to do this while we’re working with a smartphone, but we can quite easily reduce the screen’s operating time in rest mode: to do this, we just need to reduce the time after which the screen backlight will be automatically extinguished.

To do this you need to follow these steps

2. Select the “Screen” section, and in it the “Sleep mode” item.

3. Decide which time works best for you, using the principle: less time = more savings.

The second aspect of savings: screen brightness. Automatic adjustment The screen brightness is definitely very useful feature, which is actively used by millions of people around the world. However, it forces the light sensor to work continuously and does not always establish the optimal ratio of brightness that is comfortable for the user and the brightness at which maximum savings will be ensured.

Therefore, in some cases it is worth experimenting with this parameter by setting its value manually.

How to reduce screen brightness?

1. Go to the System Settings section.

2. Select the “Screen” - “Brightness” section.

3. Use the slider to set the screen brightness to your desired level.

Simple wallpapers can save battery life on many smartphones

Using simple wallpaper is a rather controversial issue in terms of battery saving. However, no one will argue with the fact that live wallpapers, the image of which is constantly changing, consume significantly more energy than wallpapers with a regular, stationary picture.

In addition, owners of smartphones with AMOLED screens should keep in mind that the brighter and lighter the colors displayed on the display, the more energy it consumes. This is due to the fact that each dot (pixel) on such screens is a separate LED, which, when illuminated, consumes energy from the battery.

For these reasons, the most optimal wallpaper on AMOLED screens there will be just a black background.

Restrict applications from receiving web data in the background

The Android operating system is a multitasking system in which many applications, both system and user-run, run simultaneously.

And if you switch from one application to another, this does not mean that the previous application has completed its work completely: it can be quite actively working in background, receiving, for example, data from the Network and processing it, which consumes a significant amount of energy from the battery.

How to disable unnecessary applications in the background?

1. Go to the System Settings section.

2. In the section " Wireless network» Open the “Data transfer” item.

3. In the list, find applications that you think consume too much data, and selecting specific ones, disable the ability for them to download data in the background.

Disable unnecessary communication modules

Data exchange via wireless modules Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC, LTE and GPS require a lot of energy, and each of the adapters listed above contributes significantly to the drain on your smartphone's battery if you have it turned on 24/7.

Therefore, when leaving home, you should turn off Wi-Fi module, and turn it on only when you come to work, or to another place where you will connect to the Network via Wi-Fi. The same goes for NFC module And Bluetooth adapter, which should be turned on only while listening to music through wireless headphones or speakers and pairing with other devices.

If you don't need your smartphone to know its (and your) location, turn off location mode in your device's Quick Settings shade.

Disable automatic app updates

Automatic application updates are a very convenient thing. If our device is connected to a mobile or Wi-Fi networks, in this mode it automatically and regularly checks the Google Play Market for the presence of the most latest versions applications, as well as games that we installed previously.

Automatic application updates, especially if it is performed through a connection to the operator’s network mobile communications can significantly affect time battery life our smartphones and tablets.

How to disable automatic update applications?

1. Launch Google Play Store.

2. In the Settings section, find and open the “Auto-update applications” item

3. Select one of the options: “Never” or “Only Via Wi-Fi”.

Turn off vibration mode

Vibration response mode, when you press the smartphone screen, it responds with a slight vibration - a very good thing in terms of ease of use, providing confirmation of the press virtual buttons and triggering of other interface elements. However, in active use mode, this function can significantly affect the accelerated drainage of the battery of our mobile devices.

How to turn off unnecessary vibrations?

1. Go to the System Settings section, Sounds.

2. Find the “Other sounds” item here.

3. Disable “Vibration response” and, if necessary: ​​“Vibrate on call”.

Use Power Saving Mode

And, perhaps, almost the most serious and important aspect in ensuring the longest operating time of a smartphone or tablet in offline mode is the use of energy saving mode, which appeared recently in operating system Android 5 Lollipop.

This mode significantly limits the number of applications running in the background, reduces screen brightness, disables some graphic effects etc., doing everything possible to ensure the longest battery life for the device.

You can make this mode turn on automatically on your smartphone when its battery is discharged to a certain level, or turn it on manually if necessary.

How to enable power saving mode?

1. Go to System Settings.

2. Select Battery.

3. Click on the menu button in the form of a vertical ellipsis and select “Power Saving Mode”

Here you can turn the power saving mode on or off using the switch at the top of the screen, or turn on the power saving mode automatic transition into it when the battery charge level is 5 or 15%

The question of autonomy for mobile devices will always come first. Think about who needs a sophisticated smartphone that won’t last even a few hours of use. active mode? Powerful processors, stunning displays, high-end apps - it all depends on the battery. We are already accustomed to charging smartphones every day, at best, but many devices cannot withstand even this charging interval. Next, we will share a few tricks on how you can increase the autonomy of your gadget.

1. Suitable screen technology

Of course, you won’t be able to remake the display yourself (if you already have a smartphone), but the advice for future owners would be this: pay attention to the type of display. AMOLED is considered the most economical (installed on most devices from). The fact is that AMOLED displays only display color pixels, so if you turn the entire interface into black, you can significantly gain in autonomy, since dark pixels will be “turned off”.

2. Be careful with widgets

Weather and news widgets are useful, but do not forget that to update they constantly need access to the Internet (mobile or Wi-Fi), which, of course, affects the remaining operating time of the device on a single charge. It would be reasonable, if not to abandon them, then at least to switch the update to manual mode.

3. Consumption increases with active vibration

Think about it: do you really need vibration when you receive another notification? Messages on WhatsApp or VK? You may even have vibration activated when you press system buttons or keys virtual keyboard? Of course, tactile feedback is very convenient, but a continuously running vibration motor drains the battery greatly. Note.

4. Use original batteries

If your phone has removable battery, then please do not use non-original components. Third-party batteries can potentially harm your device, since they are optimized (in terms of voltage and capacity) obviously worse than the original ones (from the manufacturers). It’s better to overpay than to go broke after repairing the device.

5. Set a shorter waiting period

Inactivity in standby mode can result in several wasted minutes of active display time at the end of the workday, negatively impacting battery life. On average, we look at our screens 150 times a day, most of them just to check the time. In short, set a shorter period after which the phone should go into standby mode. If the device is active for only 10 seconds out of, say, a minute, then we will save 50 seconds every time we need to just look at the clock.

6. Take advantage of special energy saving modes

Take the time to understand the energy saving modes, if any, on your device. As a rule, brands such as Samsung or Sony offer solutions to extend battery life in different situations when the phone is not being used to its fullest. If your smartphone does not have such a feature, you can always activate airplane mode while, say, reading or sleeping.

7. Special functions and gestures

Manufacturers love to add useful and not so useful features to new devices. Samsung, LG, Motorola do this. Think about whether you really need the ability to unlock with a double tap or mute the sound incoming call when swiping with your hand?

8. Be careful with automatic brightness

This is a controversial point, of course. Some people feel better with auto brightness, but I prefer to set it manually, especially with a curtain with quick settings, which is available on any device, significantly simplifies the process. Why do many people prefer to personally control the brightness level? The fact is that the sensor does not always correctly determine the ambient light and turns up the brightness more than necessary. It would be optimal to set it at a medium level and adjust the slider yourself in the future (more light on the street, less in the dark).

9. Active connections and synchronization

GPS, Bluetooth, NFC and Wi-Fi should be turned off when we are not using them. Don’t forget about the mode on the plane in case of poor coverage. Syncing different accounts also affects the remaining battery life. Of course, you don’t need to turn it off completely, but at 10 or 5 percent of the charge, this action will help the smartphone last much longer.

10. Don't forget to update

Everything is simple here. Stay tuned for the latest application and software updates. Developers are constantly at work, and every a new version The program is usually optimized better than the previous one, which means the battery life increases.

Based on materials from AndroidPIT