Setting a password using third-party resources. Three lines of laptop password protection

Operating system manufacturers are seriously concerned about the security of user data, and Microsoft company from among them. Many large corporations use Windows, which is becoming more reliable with new versions. Despite this, it does not provide a function for setting a password on separate folder or file. Microsoft explains the absence of such an opportunity by the presence of an option to activate a password for an individual computer user, but this is not always convenient.

A common situation is when an employee in the office leaves the computer for a couple of minutes to make coffee or talk on the phone. At this moment he personal files are not protected if he has not logged out of his profile. Anyone can not only view files on a computer, but also download them, which is fraught with problems. However, there are several ways that allow you to put a password on a folder in Windows any versions, either using or not using third-party programs.

We recommend reading:

How to put a password on a folder in Windows without programs?

The method that will be described below does not provide full protection data in the folder from the actions of intruders.

cls @ECHO OFF title Folder Private if EXIST "Compconfig Locker" goto UNLOCK if NOT EXIST Private goto MDLOCKER :CONFIRM echo Are you sure you want to lock the folder(Y/N) set/p "cho=>" if %cho%==Y goto LOCK if %cho%==y goto LOCK if %cho%==n goto END if %cho%==N goto END echo Invalid choice. goto CONFIRM :LOCK ren Private "Compconfig Locker" attrib +h +s "Compconfig Locker" echo Folder locked goto End :UNLOCK echo Enter password to unlock folder set/p "pass=>" if NOT %pass%== PASSWORD_GOES_HERE goto FAIL attrib -h -s "Compconfig Locker" ren "Compconfig Locker" Private echo Folder Unlocked successfully goto End :FAIL echo Invalid password goto end :MDLOCKER md Private echo Private created successfully goto End :End

This code is a script that will allow you to put a password on a folder in Windows without programs.

Statistics show that many people are careless about their passwords, choosing secret code your date of birth or your name. OkeyGeek site advises you to be more careful when choosing a password, in particular, adding letters of different case, punctuation marks and numbers to it, which allows you to confuse programs for automatic selection password.

Attention: This file will remain visible to users, and through it they will need to access the personal folder on which the password is set. We recommend choosing a name for the file that would “repel” intruders. For example, the file can be named " Win.bat" or " splwow64.bat».

As we said above, this method is not ideal, and from experienced computer users who want to access your folder in this way set password won't save.

How to find out the password set on a Windows folder?

If you know which file is responsible for hiding/opening private folder on a computer, it is quite easy to find out the password that activates the script. You don't need any specialized tools or programs for this.

The password can be obtained as follows:

It seems like you only need to do 2 steps to open a folder with a password, and that's true. But for an ordinary user, a child or a person who understands practically nothing about the principles of computer operation, it will be difficult to figure out how to open a folder hidden under a password.

Often users find themselves in a situation where they need to hide the contents of a folder or file from prying eyes, so the question arises about how to put a password on the folder.

Unfortunately, the developers of the Windows operating system did not provide for such a function as setting a password for individual user files and directories.

The OS can only be configured to prohibit certain users from using or viewing a specific type of directory, file or program.

Setting a password for a folder is necessary if:

  • you want to hide your files from unauthorized access by others;
  • want to protect your personal data from illegal copying or distribution.

Set a password for the archive

Using this method, you can password-protect a folder with any type of file, while it is possible to hide the very fact that the archive contains files of a certain format.

The window for entering the code will pop up even before the archive opens, so it is impossible to find out about its contents if the user does not know the combination. A password for an archive without programs is the easiest way to protect folders.

Advice! The function of setting a password for the archive does not require pre-installation additional software, you just need to have pre-installed free WinRAR programs or 7-ZIP.

To add the desired folder to the archive and password-protect it, follow the instructions below:

  • Click on the folder you are interested in right click manipulator and add it to the archive, as shown in the figure;
  • Immediately after you have selected the “add to archive” action, a window will appear with various settings parameters of the created archive. Go to the tab with additional parameters and find the button to set a password, it is shown in the figure;
  • Click on the button that allows you to set a password.

After this action, a small input window will immediately appear. New code must be entered twice (to verify correct insertion). You can also check the box next to the option to encrypt file names.

Thus, third-party users will not be able to find out anything about the type of files being hidden.

The process of setting a password for an archive

After trying to open the archive, we see that you first need to enter the code and only then can you view and edit its contents.

This method Installing the code is the simplest and quite effective. However, to implement it you will need to have one of the archivers on your computer.

Also, if the code is forgotten or lost, restoring the contents of the archive will become quite a difficult task for the user. This is why you should keep backup copy protected files, for example, on cloud storage.

Using the above method, you can also password-protect an archive on a flash drive.

Using PasswordProtect USB

You can find it on the Internet great amount third-party software that can handle the task of installing code on the system object you need.

A large proportion of such programs, unfortunately, can harm your files rather than protect them from unauthorized access by other users.

This article presents the most popular and common types of software that have been tested by a large number of users, so these programs will not harm your computer and files that need to be password protected or hidden.

This program is available for download and installation on PC and is compatible with Windows 10.

PasswordProtect USB allows you to password protect folders and remove the previously installed encryption. The application has an intuitive user interface, so working with this utility will not be a difficult task for the user.

You can start the code installation process not only using the main program window, but also using the computer desktop.

After you have installed this software on your operating system, the installation function will be displayed in the menu of each folder, you just need to right-click on it, as shown in the figure:

  • The next step is to enter the code in the window that opens. Enter it twice to eliminate the possibility of error.
  • After installing the code, a sign will be displayed on the folder icon, indicating that the folder is protected. When you try to open a password-protected folder, the following dialog box will appear. This is the most common way to put a code on photo folders.

Folder Lock Software

This program can protect a folder on a laptop or PC. Supported operating systems: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10. The utility encrypts the folder itself, without an archive.

You can put the code on a folder with absolutely any content: files, photos and documents.

To install it on a folder using this program, follow the instructions:

  • Download and install Folder Lock;
  • Enter a password in the text field, which will be the folder password;
  • Click OK;
  • Drag the desired folder to the main program window or use the “add” icon;
  • After the folder has been added, it immediately becomes locked and can only be opened by a person who knows the password.

Set a password for a network folder

You can also password protect network folder. For this you can also download individual programs, For example:

You can also use the program Folder Guard(

A folder protected with a complex password on a computer or laptop that can be accessed by several people - reliable way save important information. The secret word code will protect digital data from viewing and editing, and will also protect it from deletion. Let's find out how you can put a password on a folder in Windows 10? Are there alternative methods protection?

Setting a password using standard Windows tools

The Windows 10 operating system does not have built-in functionality that can be used to protect a specific folder. There is a simple way to restrict access to a user account by placing a code word at the entrance (thereby blocking access to any file). There is also a more complicated one - use the built-in encryption function BitLocker drives(it will be impossible to open it without entering the cipher word). The problem with using the BitLocker service is that if the system crashes or the user forgets the password, emergency measures will have to be taken to recover the files.

And also for operating systems Windows family There is one unique functionality that allows you to make an object invisible to users. Using it, there is no need to come up with a complex cipher for opening, which can be forgotten over time.
To hide a folder proceed as follows:
Important! Both protection methods are valid for all versions of the Windows 7, 8, 10, XP, Home, Vista OS family.

An alternative way to protect folders

A large percentage of users instead of the built-in Windows 10 Explorer use Total program Commander or similar functional file managers: Free, Double, Troll, Midnight Commander or other products. With their help it is very easy to set a password on an object. This can be done after standard installation any file manager. The procedure is as follows:

Important! After the procedure, opening files will be available only after entering the secret code. If the user needs to hide an object and encrypt it, this can be done in Commander. You need to go through the procedure of hiding a folder through the “Properties” menu (described above), and then:

The object is now protected and invisible. You can use separate programs WinRar archivers and 7-Zip, but if you have a file manager on your PC or laptop, installing them is impractical.

Setting a password using third-party resources

There are many software products that can improve the security of storing personal data - Flash Crypt, dirLock, Secure Folder, WinMend Folder Hidden, Wise Folder Hider, My Lockbox, Easy File Locker, Anvide Seal Folder and many others. Most of the utilities are free, equipped with a multilingual interface and functional. The Wise Folder Hider software product from the reliable and proven developer WiseCleaner is suitable for all Windows OS families and for those new to folder encryption

Download Wise program Folder Hider is available for free online. Its installation is standard and fast ( free version on the network with the Portable prefix). The only condition is a password to open the utility. You can put any one. Then proceed like this:

After completing the procedure, the object will disappear from the list of folders on the disk (hidden) and will be accessible only through the application. Another small and easy to use utility is Secure Folders. It has a little more functionality and an English-language interface. But it does not complicate the work, since the software offers a minimum number of operations. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that the code word is set to open the program itself - that is, you need to enter and come up with one code, which is easier to remember. After adding a folder to the Secure Folders application, it is impossible to open it without opening the program itself.

Use the software like this:

Important! To access an object, you need to temporarily remove it from the application by clicking the red cross on the right side of the line. Once the document work is completed, the object is added back to the application.

If you need something more functional software, which will allow you to encrypt any PC objects, it is better to download the Hide Folder utility. Its interface is Russian, the installation is standard. After installation, proceed as follows:

Access to the facility is limited. The built-in capabilities of the Windows 10 operating system are quite sufficient to protect files and documents. Main secret security - competent and complex password. If one is installed, then it will be virtually impossible to break it, regardless of what program was used for encryption.

IN modern world Data protection is one of the main factors of cybersecurity. Fortunately, Windows provides this option without installing additional software. The password will ensure the safety of your data from strangers and intruders. The secret combination becomes especially relevant in laptops, which are most often subject to theft and loss.

The article will discuss the main ways to add a password to a computer. They are all unique and allow you to sign in even with your Microsoft account password, but this protection does not guarantee 100% security against penetration by unauthorized persons.

Method 1: Adding a password in the Control Panel

The password protection method through the “Control Panel” is one of the simplest and most frequently used. Perfect for beginners and inexperienced users, it does not require memorizing commands or creating additional profiles.

  1. Press "Start Menu" and click "Control Panel".
  2. Select a tab "User Accounts and Family Safety".
  3. Click on "Change Windows password» In chapter "User accounts".
  4. From the list of profile actions, select "Create a password".
  5. In the new window there are 3 forms for entering basic data that are necessary to create a password.
  6. Form "New Password" is for a code word or expression that will be requested when the computer starts, pay attention to the mode « Caps Lock» and the keyboard layout when filling it out. Don't create too much simple passwords like "12345", "qwerty", "ytsuken". Follow Microsoft's recommendations for choosing a private key:
    • The secret expression cannot contain the user account login or any of its components;
    • The password must consist of more than 6 characters;
    • It is advisable to use capital letters and capital letters alphabet;
    • It is recommended to use in the password decimal digits and non-alphabetic characters.
  7. "Password confirmation"— a field in which you need to enter a previously invented code word to eliminate errors and random clicks, because the entered characters are hidden.
  8. Form "Enter a password hint" designed to remind you of your password if you can’t remember it. Use data known only to you in the hint. This field is optional, but we recommend filling it out, otherwise there is a risk of losing your account and access to your PC.
  9. When you have filled in the required information, click "Create a password".
  10. At this stage, the password setting procedure is completed. You can view the status of your protection in the account changes window. After reboot, Windows will require a secret expression to log in. If you have only one profile with administrator privileges, then without knowing the password, it will be impossible to gain access to Windows.

Method 2: Microsoft Account

This method will allow you to access your computer using your Microsoft profile password. The code expression can be changed using email address or phone numbers.

  1. Find "Computer Settings" in standard Windows applications "Start Menu"(this is how it looks on 8, in Windows 10 you can access "Parameters" can be done by pressing the corresponding button in the menu "Start" or by using a keyboard shortcut Win+I).
  2. From the list of options, select a section "Accounts".
  3. In the side menu, click on "Your Account", Further "Connect to a Microsoft account".
  4. If you already have a Microsoft account, enter your email, phone number, or username and password.
  5. Otherwise, create a new account by entering the requested information.
  6. After authorization, confirmation with a unique code from SMS will be required.
  7. After all the manipulations, Windows will ask you for your Microsoft account password to log in.

Method 3: Command Line

This method is suitable for more advanced users, as it requires knowledge of console commands, but it can boast of fast execution.


Creating a password does not require special training or special skills. The main difficulty is coming up with the most secret combination, not installation. However, you should not rely on this method as a panacea in the field of data protection.

If you want to protect your data from strangers, then you can set a password on your computer when logging into your account. In this article we will talk about how this is done in the operating systems Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows XP.

How to set a computer password when logging in on Windows 10 or 8

In order to or Windows 8 you need to go to the “Options” menu. In Windows, all you have to do is open the Start menu and select Settings. In Windows 8, options can be accessed through the right side menu.

Once you have opened the Settings menu, go to the Accounts section, and then to the Sign-in Options subsection. Here you can set a password on your computer; to do this, click on the “Add password” button.

And enter twice New Password, as well as a password hint.

After this, a password will be set and you will not be able to log into your account without it.

How to set a password on your computer when you log in to Windows 7

To set a password on a computer with operating system Windows 7 you need to go to Control Panel. To do this, click on the “Start” button and select “Control Panel” on the right side of the menu.

After opening the Control Panel, go to the User Accounts and Family Safety section, and then to the User Accounts subsection. As a result, a window with your account settings should open in front of you. If you want to set a password to log in under your account, then click on the link “Create a password for your account.” If you want to set a password for another user, then click on “Manage another account” and select the user you need. But keep in mind that you will need administrator rights to do this.

After that . Now, when you try to log in to this account, you will be prompted to enter a password.

How to set a password on your computer when you log in to Windows XP

If you are using an operating room Windows system XP, then in order to set a password on your computer you need to go to the “Control Panel”. To do this, simply click on the “Start” button and select “Control Panel” from the menu that opens.

After logging into the “Control Panel”, you need to open the “User Accounts” section.

Next, select the account for which you would like to set a password on your computer when logging in. Please note that you can always set a password for your account. But, in order to set a password for other accounts, you need to have administrator rights.

Once you have selected an account, click on the “Create a password” link.

The last step is filling out the form. Here you need to specify twice the password you want to set on your computer when you log in, as well as a password hint. After filling out all the fields, click on the “Create password” button.

That's all, now when you log into your computer using your account, you will see a password prompt.