Buying and selling domains how to make money. Transaction guarantor Garant.PRO = safe transaction

The domain business is a very profitable investment tool. There are more and more companies every year, everyone wants to have a beautiful and easy to remember domain. It turns out there are a lot of companies, but good domains It's always not enough. We conclude that demand exceeds supply, which means there is money in this market. To prove my words, I will give several examples. For example, was sold for $7.5 million. The sale of was valued at $12.5 million. Eat great amount other domains that were sold, albeit for less, but still for big money.

There are two domain markets, secondary and primary. Let's look at them in more detail. The main profit of the domainer (as domain name investors are called) comes from the primary market. In this market, domains are sold by investors, and end users, the so-called “end-users,” buy them. The secondary market is built on the sale of domains to each other. Investors themselves sell and buy domains; prices on the secondary market are much lower than on the primary market. Therefore, you should not sell your domains to other investors; it is advisable to buy from others. But you need to look carefully at what you buy. The domain name you are purchasing must be properly valued, otherwise you may simply get scammed.

Domainers are not the first people to sell domains; cybersquatters were the first. Cybersquatters are people who register domain names of well-known companies that, for whatever reason, are available for free registration. After a cybersquatter purchases a well-known domain, the company receives a letter with an offer to buy the domain name. There are two possible scenarios here. In the first case, the company will pay a considerable amount to buy back the domain name, in the second case there will be a trial. In principle, court costs (for lawyers, for example) are almost equal to the cost of the domain. Therefore, it is easier for a company to buy a domain than to bother with the court and spoil its reputation. After all, everyone will learn about such news pretty quickly.

Now let's look at the rules that must be followed for a domain business to be profitable.

1. Before buying your first domains, you need to clearly select domain zones. At the time of writing, domains in the .com .ru and .org zones provide great value (more for the West). Other zones, such as .info or .biz, are considered less attractive.

2. Free domains are bad domains. This is a kind of axiom of the domain business. You can buy domains from other investors at secondary market prices. Of course, the price will be higher than the cost of free registration, but you will be sure that the domain is not empty.

3. Do not buy cheap domains; the higher the price of a domain, the higher the chances of it being sold on the primary market. Following this rule, you need to be extremely careful. After all, they can, roughly speaking, “sell you” bad domain, which costs nothing.

4. Translit domains have value exclusively in zone and less I wouldn't buy translits in other zones at all. Waste of money. All the same, end buyers are only interested in

If you follow these four simple rules, then you can use this type business like additional source income. The main disadvantage of domains is time. Investing is not fast process, in the case of domains it can take quite a long time. Therefore, domains are not suitable as a source of main income. The main mistake of newcomers in this business is the unwillingness (or inability) to wait for the buyer. That is why most people abandon the business they started without receiving the desired profit.

Resale of domain names It’s far from a new, but also not entirely ancient way of making money on the Internet. Cybersquatting, as it is also called domain resale, is considered quite a profitable business. Having parked a sought-after domain, after some time you can sell it for many times more, which will cover all costs.

With growing popularity world wide web, today both large and small businesses have their own website on the Internet. All webinars, conferences and trainings say the same thing: “if your business is not on the Internet, it has no future.” Hence the demand for new domain zones, creative names, and name buyouts.

The essence of domain resale

The idea is simple: track and purchase domains that have become vacant for some reason, or occupy (buy) those that are consonant with the names of large companies, and sooner or later they will be needed.

The job of reselling domains is suitable even for a beginner. It is based on a fairly simple principle of action, the main thing is:

  • Ability to competently negotiate sales.
  • Have a small amount of finance to purchase the first batch of addresses.
  • Have basic skills in purchasing, parking, or renting domains.

Secondary knowledge includes the concepts of “Titz”, “PR”, “DMOZ”, “Yandex.Catalogue”, “hosting”, what NS is and DNS domains. Designation and brief description These concepts are easy to find and study on the Internet, the information is in the public domain.

Why track already taken domain names?

For the most ridiculous reasons, even large companies sometimes do not renew their lease, although the company itself is not yet planning to close. Sometimes the person entrusted with overseeing the renewal did not have time, forgot, it was due to elementary negligence or the habit of doing everything at the last moment. And now you have a chance to register it in your name and then resell the domain to the same company, but for different money.

The fact is that the site address where the resource is found on the Internet is purchased by the project owner for only one year, after which it must be renewed. It should be noted that domains in the “ru” zone cost on average about 190 rubles. After a year, one month is given to register for subsequent use. If ownership is not paid for during this period, any user has the right to purchase and register the domain name.

Experienced cybersquatters can make good money by registering a domain in their name on time. Some may think such actions are illegal, but in fact everything is within the law and does not entail any violations.

Another reason is when the site closes altogether. If it had a good, short and competent name with a point SEO perspective, it is also worth registering it in your name because, as they say, “a holy place is never empty.”

Features of making money by reselling domains

It is worth remembering that not every domain has value, and not every one can be resold at a profit. Some domains will not be in demand. For example, a site address such as does not have much weight. But the domain, which consists of high frequency request, will already have a six-figure amount.

Here real example Some people made good money from this kind of resale. Until 2009, the social network Vkontakte had the domain, and in September of the same year, following foreign trends, it acquired the domain name The most interesting thing is that this domain has already been occupied since 1997 and various Internet garbage was posted on it. The amount of the transaction was naturally not disclosed, but I dare to assume that the amount was substantial.

So we see that keywords, as well as Internet trends have great importance in determining the cost.
To make money from reselling domains as effective and profitable as possible, you should adhere to certain rules.

1. You should not tell the domain seller for what purposes you are interested and want to purchase it. If he finds out the true goal (that this resource will be resold in the future), he will promptly raise the price for it, which will subsequently affect profits.

2. When acting as an intermediary, you should not disclose who the buyer is. This may affect the price of the domain, or the seller may decide to refuse cooperation altogether.

If you managed to buy a domain with the parameters described above for a hundred rubles, you can sell it for a thousand. Attaching a site of several pages can significantly increase the cost. Later, the domain can be sold together with the resource, and in addition, you can earn a good amount on the site itself, in the process of selling the domain. After all, the purchased domain can be resold within a year, starting from the first month.

There are also domains on which there is a one-page website with information about the sale and a form for sending your offer.

Summarize. Making money by reselling domains is a lucrative business. Requires low costs, although this depends more on the scope of the activity; Relatively little knowledge and time to acquire it; Patience, because you don’t always know when you will be able to resell a domain.

For my part, I wish you successful earnings.

How to build an online business by buying and selling domains?

Some enterprising people called cybersquatters(cybersquatting, translated means the seizure of domains for the purpose of resale), has already built an entire business on buying and selling domains. These people (meaning large cybersquatters) are few in number. Each of these businessmen has several thousand domain names in their collection. The current large cybersquatters began actively working back in 1998-200 and already then bought up the bulk of the successful good domain names. They are now especially active in the secondary domain market, i.e. they do business on vacant domains or simply buy domains from everyone who wants to sell them.

“What is the benefit?”, some of you will ask. Just imagine that in the west Google company paid $1.6 billion for the domain; the domain was sold at one time for $100,000, plintus. ru – for 100,000 rubles, avto. ru - for 470,000, and the company Internet Media Group LLC bought the domain for as much as 2,600,000 rubles!!! This is money that each of us could earn if he were a little quicker and more far-sighted.

At the moment, the market for buying and selling domains in Russia is not as developed as in other countries, because currently There are only a few domain auctions available. One of these "Domain Name Auction" companies RU-Center( and only a few domains are sold there per day. This is due to the fact that cybersquatters do not offer their domains, but for the most part wait until interested people contact them with an offer to purchase a domain. But this is a temporary situation. Now that there are no good domains left at all, companies that do not yet have their own website will simply be forced to pay inflated prices for good domain names.

Here is another additional direction for you to build effective business on the Internet - registering a successful domain name, or purchasing a vacant domain, either immediately after its release or through an auction system.

Each site on the Internet has its own name, which is not only its business card, but also fundamental to the activities of many companies. Online stores, enterprise websites, product catalogs and many other portals, the popularity of which depends, first of all, on the domain. Let's figure out how you can make money by reselling domain names, and what kind of income will this type of activity bring?

How it works?

Let's start with the fact that in order to earn income from the resale of domain names, there is no need to know the specifics of the global network, the structure of DNS servers and many other subtleties that are needed in the field network technologies. It is enough that a domain is an opportunity for easy access to a particular Internet resource by entering address bar a specific set of characters with zonal distribution.

The popularity and cost of domain names depends on:

    domain zone (.com, .ru, .org, .net, etc.);

    domain level (.ua is the second, is the third);

    simplicity of pronunciation and ease of memorization;

    type of domain names (state, regional, targeted, etc.).

Government domain names (gov) are reserved by government agencies, so their purchase and resale is out of the question.

Based on the above parameters, it is worth saying that the higher cost will be for second-level domains, with minimum quantity characters that are easy to remember.

The essence of making money on the resale of domain names lies precisely in the registration and further sale of convenient names, which in the future may be needed by various companies, enterprises, application developers and many others.

As an example, the recent case of by Apple, which acquired the domain owned by a small Asian social network. The transaction cost was $1.5 million, but such large transactions occur very rarely.

How to make money by reselling domains?

You can resell domain names on a professional level, and there are even companies in the world that do this quite successfully. This is done in several ways:

    Buy domains in advance with good names- a simple and consonant name that is well remembered in memory can always be sold several times more than the original cost. Of course, finding a free option will be quite difficult, but it is quite possible, since the number of domain zones is constantly expanding, and what is occupied in zone may turn out to be free in .club.

    Selling domains to companies and firms - look for developing enterprises in your country that do not have their own Internet resource. Register everything in advance possible options, consonant with the name of the company, and perhaps you will soon be contacted for repurchase. If not, you can independently inform the company that you have a suitable name for their Internet resource.

    Keep an eye on busy domain names - some organizations periodically forget to renew their domain registration, and this good opportunity make money, although I personally think it’s mean.

    Selling domains with TICs and PR are indicators of site authority. Such domains can only be sold to specialists who understand such details, that is, SEOs and webmasters. Such domains can either be developed independently or purchased, for example, abandoned sites that are indexed in search engines.

    Sale of similar domains in neighboring zones. Let's imagine that there is a website and the site is successfully growing and developing. Web developers will sooner or later want to expand their sphere of influence and place the resource in the .com, .net and other zones. Until this moment, you need to get ahead of the owners of and register in neighboring zones by posting an advertisement for sale.

It is quite difficult to talk about specific amounts that can be earned. The domains themselves cost around $10, but can be sold for $100 or $1,000,000.

Where to buy domains?

The most famous domain name registrars are:

  • - Russian registrar
  • - foreign registrar

But in fact, there are much more of them, and do not forget that there are also partners of large registrars, like, whose prices are usually lower.

Where to sell domains?

On special forums like (,, on special platforms like

Legal aspects

When selling domains, just like when running any business, there are many things you need to consider. legal aspects, and there are risks here too. There are many examples when, without contact with the owner of a domain, companies sued him, winning not only “their” name, but also decent monetary compensation for using trademark and many other points. Such situations occur quite often, especially if we're talking about on the sale of domains with names similar to the names of popular companies.

To protect yourself from litigation, you need to check in advance whether the company name is a trademark, and only then carry out registration operations. This can be done through the patent office or online services that can be found on the world wide web.