Select a new car based on its parameters. How to choose a car for yourself

To date various models There are a huge variety of phones, and when the question arises about how to choose a phone, many are simply lost.

Yes, in online stores you can select a gadget by parameters; there are even sites that take data from several stores and compare characteristics and prices.

But due to such an abundance of models, the average person simply cannot understand which mobile phone is better and experiences real agony of choice.

To reduce them, below we will look at the criteria by which phones are usually selected. After this, everyone will be able to understand what they need and make the right choice.

Criterion No. 1. Budget

Whatever one may say, it always comes down to the amount of money that we can spend on buying a mobile phone.

Tip #1: Even before purchasing a new gadget, you should determine how much money you are willing to spend. After this it will become clear what to expect.

In general, all phones can be divided into the following categories:

And if you need a phone specifically for this, then choose from models that cost up to 1000 rubles.

And the only characteristic that should take place when choosing a dialer is the quality of communication.

This refers to how clearly the interlocutor’s voice is conveyed. And here phones from Fly especially stand out.

An example of a good dialer is the Fly DS105C, which can be bought for 800 rubles. If you describe it in two words, they would be the words “affordable” and “simple”.

Indeed, it will be very difficult to find a mobile device that is easier to use.

It has a 900 mAh battery, which is enough for several days of operation without charging (276 hours in standby mode).

Its dimensions are only 110x45x14.6 mm - it fits very easily in your hand. There is a radio, an audio player and even a video player in mp4 and 3gp format.

In general, an ideal choice for those who have very little money in their pockets and who need the phone purely for calls.

But this is the 21st century, after all, and if you’re going to buy a phone, you can save up and buy something more interesting. Then you need to pay attention to all the criteria below.

Criterion No. 2. OS (operating system)

Every modern phone has an operating system.

The most popular of them are:

  1. Symbian. This OS today belongs to Nokia and, accordingly, is used only on devices from this company. Now it is not nearly as popular as it was 4-7 years ago. And it is being replaced by the following systems on our list.
  2. Android. Majority modern phones They work specifically on Android. The OS is constantly updated and improved, but it is often buggy and does not work the way the user wants.
    By at least, this is evidenced by reviews on the Internet left even in 2016. On the other hand, this system is the most popular, it is used by Samsung, HTC, Motorola and everyone Chinese phones, that's why they talk about her the most.
  3. Apple iOS. A system designed specifically for Apple phones. Nothing to discuss here - buy it apple phone, get iOS.
  4. Blackberry OS. Like iOS, it is designed only for Blackberry phones. This system is the record holder on this list, as it was created back in 1999.
  5. Windows Phone. The developers tried to make an analogue of Windows 10 for computers with the same multi-colored icons of various shortcuts in the form of squares, only for smartphones. Very popular in the West.

Yes, there are many more different operating systems, for example, OS Bada, Palm OS, Open WebOS, Maemo and others. But it’s better to choose from these five.

And the reason for this is that they are simply supported in our area, that is, if a phone on the same Android breaks down, we will fix it, but with a phone on OS Bada it will be much more difficult to figure out.

You will need to look for a master who understands this issue, and this is very difficult.

So, the operating systems are defined. Now all that remains is to understand what OS you want for your cell phone.

You should select an operating system according to the following criteria:

  1. The purpose of a smartphone. If a business person needs it, who constantly works with documents and wants to customize the interface for himself, then Windows Phone is suitable for him, and if for games and all sorts of “bells and whistles,” then definitely Android.
    If reliability is a priority, that is, a person does not care about games, but he wants to get a phone that nothing will happen to (for example, viruses will not attack), then this is Blackberry OS.
  2. Budget. If you don’t have a lot of money in your pocket, but you want to get good gadget, then choose Symbian. This OS is aimed at the budget class. But if money is not a problem, then you can spend money on Apple with Apple iOS.
    Android phones are a kind of golden mean.

Tip #2: It's best to look awayAndroid, because today most applications are written specifically for this OS. In addition, phones withAndroidare cheaper thaniPhone, but have almost the same functionality. And, after all, this is the most popular OS in our area.

Criterion No. 3. Phone power

How powerful a phone is can be determined by the characteristics of the processor and random access memory phone.


This characteristic is related to the power of the mobile phone. The power of a processor is determined by its frequency. It is measured in Hertz (Hz). It is logical that the more there are, the better.

Today, the normal rate for phones is 1-2 GHz (GigaHertz).

In addition, the power of the processor depends on the number of cores, each of which has its own specific number of Hz.

Interestingly, even at the most powerful modern smartphones the number of GHz rarely exceeds 2.5 GHz.

The only ones that stand out are the Chinese masters who manage to fit into regular phone up to 3.5 GHz. An example of such a phone is the ZTE Nubia Z9.

Looking at the most expensive models and phones from the budget category, you can notice one interesting feature.

It lies in the fact that the processor power is budget smartphones often more than the most expensive ones.

This is quite logical, because manufacturers simply do not yet know a way to make the processor more powerful.

Therefore, if it is important for you that the phone is powerful, you don’t have to overpay.

An example of a truly powerful device is Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 at 2 GHz in the processor. It costs about 230 dollars.

For comparison, the Samsung Galaxy S7 costs about $830 and has a 2.3 GHz frequency. Xiaomi also has 32 GB of internal memory, GPS, GLONASS and many other useful functions.

The only disadvantages of the phone are bad camera, dim display (we'll talk about this later) and non-removable battery– if it breaks, you cannot replace it on your own, and this is an additional inconvenience.

But Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 is one of the most powerful phones today due to the following characteristic - RAM.


Another characteristic that affects power.

Measured in Gigabytes (GB). The number of GB determines how quickly the system can respond to user actions and process various operations.

So, in Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 there are as many as 3 of these Gigabytes. In the same Samsung Galaxy S7 there are already 4 of them, but it also costs an order of magnitude more, as mentioned above.

There is no point in choosing a phone depending on the RAM, because with a powerful processor, no one will ever put little RAM into a phone, otherwise the device will not be able to work correctly.

The bigger, the better.

Clue: To understand how powerful a processor is, there is a handy program calledAnTuTu Benchmark.

In this program, each phone is given a score based on its performance.

So, at the beginning of March 2016, a study was conducted that showed that the most powerful phones have a processor called Qualcomm Snapdragon 820.

In second place is the Apple A9 (for iPhone only), and in third place is Samsung Exynos 8890.

  1. Huawei Kirin 950;
  2. Samsung Exynos 7420;
  3. Qualcomm Snapdragon 810;
  4. Qualcomm Snapdragon 652;
  5. Apple A8.

Based on this, we can formulate the following advice.

Tip #3: For a phone to be powerful, it must have one of the processors listed above.

But the problem is that such processors are not installed on budget smartphones.

Therefore, here is a tip for those who are looking towards budget devices: Qualcomm Snapdragon 615, Mediatek MT6795 (aka Helio X10) and Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 also perform well.

An example of a phone with the most powerful Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 processor to date is the OnePlus 3 with 4GB RAM.

The cost of such pleasure is 500-600 dollars (the model has not yet been released).

Tip #4: When choosing a phone, look at how much it dials in the programAnTuTu Benchmark(this information can be easily found on the Internet). This will give you the opportunity to really see how powerful a particular model is.

Criterion No. 4. Working hours

How long a device can operate depends directly on the battery. Battery capacity is measured in milliamps. Of course, the more there are, the better.

Approximately, phones with 2 GB RAM and a 2 GHz processor frequency should have at least 3000 mAh.

This will give the device the ability to work for about two days with a small number of games, a lot of Internet use and work with documents.

If you continuously play some heavy games, for example, GTA or Nova 3, then a device with 3000 mAh will last about 6 hours.

But even at the most powerful phones It's rare to have more than 4000 mAh. Yes, there are some “unusual” models with 5000 mAh, but they don’t last long.

This is very clearly seen in the example of the Bravis Power phone. The phone has 4500 mAh, but there is practically no power and, judging by reviews on the Internet, the phone lasts about 4-5 months.

It costs $115. The combination of this price and this battery capacity raises many questions. And for good reason.

From the above, we can conclude the following: if the phone costs less than $150, and its battery capacity is more than 3000 mAh.

This is very strange and such a device is unlikely to work for more than a year.

On the other hand, manufacturers often try to save on this parameter and try to use the processor, RAM and other parameters.

Yes, on budget phones A capacity of approximately 2000 mAh is allowed. After all, all other elements there do not consume so much energy.

Therefore, we can derive a certain golden parameter.

Tip #5: The battery capacity should be from 2000 mAh to 4000 mAh.

Criterion No. 5. Built-in memory

This setting determines how much data will fit on the phone.

Typically, manufacturers try to put no more than 16 GB on budget phones; more expensive phones can have either 32 GB or 64 GB.

But, looking at this parameter, you need to take into account only one condition - is it possible to use a memory card.

If additional card you can insert it, then a small amount of built-in memory is not a problem.

But it happens that this is not possible, and then it is the built-in memory that will play the main role.

True, there is still the possibility of using cloud storage, but then you will be tied to the Internet - if it is not there, then you will not see your files.

Therefore, it is ideal that the phone has about 8 GB of internal memory and the ability to insert a memory card.

There is one more thing worth saying about the memory card. Often manufacturers make the phone in such a way that it can accept SD cards of 200 GB - 1 TB.

The fact is that if the phone has too many files, about 100 GB, it will slow down and something will have to be deleted.

After all, even the most powerful processor and a large amount of RAM is not enough to process so much information.

Accordingly, there is simply no point in having memory cards that are too capacious.

Tip #6: Choose phones with the ability to insert a memory card up to 100 GB.

Criterion No. 6. Camera

It’s very easy to check how high-quality and clear a photo is on a particular phone.

To do this, you need to photograph something and enlarge some part of the picture as much as possible, that is, use the zoom function.

If the enlarged part of the picture is blurry and unclear, this means that the camera on the phone is not of very high quality.

But sometimes there is no way to pick up the phone and “taste it.”

Then you need to look at two characteristics - the number of megapixels and the aperture.

Today, almost all phone and camera manufacturers are trying to attract people with the number of megapixels.

This value reflects how many pixels form the image. But this characteristic is not the only one that affects the quality of the picture.

The size of the aperture or relative aperture also affects. The meaning of this value can be explained with an example.

Imagine that you are in the country, it is raining and you need to collect as much water as possible in some containers.

If you place an ordinary mug with a diameter of 15 cm, then not many drops will fall into it, and the water will collect slowly.

But if you place a large bowl with a diameter of 50 cm, more drops will fall into it and the container will fill much faster.

In the same way, the aperture reflects how much light enters the camera lens.

The aperture size is designated as “f/size”. In the figure you can see the sizes of different apertures.

It becomes clear that the smaller this number, the larger the aperture; accordingly, the more light it can capture and the better quality the pictures will be.

Megapixels + aperture

It’s interesting that there’s a lot written on the Internet now that nothing at all depends on the number of megapixels and that only the aperture affects the quality of pictures.

In fact, this is not entirely true, because there have been cases when developers, using this myth, put few megapixels on phones and made the aperture large, and as a result, the pictures were not of very high quality.

Therefore, it is better to choose phones with minimum value“f/” and with the maximum number of megapixels.

On the other hand, it is very rare to find a phone with a large number of megapixels and a large “f/” value; manufacturers combine these parameters.

According to these parameters, cameras from Samsung perform very well. In general, this company has many of its own technologies, one of which concerns cameras.

The favorite in this regard is the Samsung Galaxy S6 with a 16 MP main camera and a 5 MP front camera.

To visualize this, here's a shot of a night landscape taken with an iPhone 6.

And here is a photo of the same area taken on a Samsung Galaxy S6.

Agree that the photo taken on the Samsung Galaxy S6 is brighter and more saturated. After all, it has more resolution, which allows you to see the smallest details in the picture.

Tip #7: When choosing a camera on your phone, focus on the combination of megapixels and aperture.

At the same time, you should not pay attention to only one of these parameters, because often manufacturers, trying to deceive their customers, write only the number of megapixels or only the aperture (usually the first).

Criterion No. 7. Screen

Everyone wants the picture on their phone to be bright and rich. But what should you look for to choose such a phone? Brightness and saturation depend on four parameters:

  • Diagonal.
  • Permission.
  • Pixel density.

Let's look at each of them in more detail.


This characteristic reflects the distance from one corner of the screen to the opposite one. The figure below clearly shows this distance.

The screen diagonal should be chosen depending on why the phone is needed:

  • for calls and basic functions – 3-4 inches;
  • for Internet surfing and reading books - 4-5 inches;
  • for games and watching movies - 5-6 inches.

Everything is very simple here.


Screen resolution is directly related to diagonal in the following ratio:

  • for a diagonal of 3-4 inches, the resolution can be 480x800;
  • for a 4-5 inch diagonal, the resolution can be 960x540;
  • for everything else, the resolution can be 1280x720 (HD), 1920x1080 (FullHD) and 2560x1440 (QuadHD).

Of course, the higher the resolution, the clearer the picture will be.

Pixel Density

It is written as PPI (pixels per inch) and expresses how many pixels fit in one inch of the screen. It is clear that the higher this characteristic, the clearer the image should be.

Typically, manufacturers try to make the number of pixels per inch corresponding to the screen resolution.

So, on screens with a resolution of 1280x720 there can be up to 300 ppi. In principle, there is no point in choosing a phone depending on this characteristic.

You need to look at the previous two parameters - diagonal and resolution. In addition, the following parameter is very important.

Screen type

Today the most popular types of screens are the following:

In our area you are unlikely to see phones with the last two types of screens, but in the West they are very popular.

It is very interesting that of the first three types, models with Super AMOLED screens perform best.

A phone with HD resolution and a Super AMOLED screen will look much better than a model with FullHD resolution and an IPS screen.

In particular, viewing angles will be much better.

This option means that you can look at the phone from almost a right angle and still be able to see what is happening on the screen.

In the figure you can clearly see a comparison of these two types.

Especially it concerns Samsung phones, where many of its unique technologies are applied, so Samsung with Super AMOLED is much better than any other phone with Super AMOLED.

However, other screens also look quite good, and you should pay attention to this characteristic only if you really care about the saturation and clarity of the screen.

Tip #8: If saturation and brightness are important to you, choose a phone withSuper AMOLEDscreen.

Here is another photo that confirms that it is best to choose Super AMOLED screens.

The leftmost phone here is Sony Xperia Z Ultra with a TRILUMINOS screen, the second is Samsung Galaxy Note 3 with Super AMOLED, then comes Sony Xperia Z1 with the same TRILUMINOS and the last one is Lg G2 with IPS.

It is clearly visible that Samsung looks better than the rest.

Criterion No. 8. Phone brand

As for which brand of phone to choose, the following points will help:

  • If it is important to you that your phone can be repaired in our area, then these are Samsung, Lenovo, Fly, Prestigio, Asus, Philips, Sony, Lg. The fact is that in the CIS countries there are certified centers that carry out repairs.
    The rest of the phones will need to be sent for repair, most likely to China, which means you'll have to pay about $150 for shipping. It turns out that the guarantee makes no sense.
    You can, of course, find a local craftsman, but then no one is responsible for the quality.
  • If performance is important, then Xiaomi, Meizu, ZTE, Sony and the vast majority of others Chinese brands. In principle, Samsung performs well, but it costs more.
  • If important good camera, then Samsung, Sony, Apple, Lg, HTC, Lumia and some Lenovo models.
  • If ease of use is important, then all phones operate on the Android operating system.
  • If operating time is important, then DEXP, Fly, Philips, Highscreen, Lenovo and Samsung.
  • If reliability is important (so that the phone does not break), then Sony, Samsung, Lg. Everything else most often fails after a year of use. Yes, if there are exceptions among the same Samsungs, but basically, all models work for at least 5 years.
  • If you don’t want to spend a lot (“I want something inexpensive, but good”), then Xiaomi, Meizu and other Chinese brands.
  • If you want to show that you have a lot of money, iPhone. The fact is that these phones do not have any special characteristics, but are expensive due to advertising. Therefore, you should buy an iPhone only in cases where you just want to spend money.

In general, when choosing a brand, you need to focus on what is important to each specific consumer.

Criterion No. 9. Protective characteristics

I really want the phone not to break, to withstand falling into water and other emergency situations.

Of course, you can cover the phone with cases, protective films, and generally wrap it in film and carry it in a velvet container, but you want the phone itself to be able to withstand at least a fall to the ground.

Finding a smartphone with a high degree of security is very simple - usually the characteristics say “IP...”, for example, “IP67”. This means the level of protection.

By the way, the most secure phones have a protection rating of IP67. Therefore, if you plan to drop your gadget often, it must have “IP67” on it.

An example of such a device is the Samsung Galaxy xCover S5690, which can withstand being in water, being buried in the ground, and can even withstand being run over by a car!

Tip #9: If the durability of your phone is important to you, choose devices with IP67 protection level.

But even without this level of protection, a mobile phone can still be reliable if it has a special protective glass Gorilla Glass.

This glass has a high degree of resistance to scratches and impacts.

With such glass you will not need any additional protection.

Of course, if the phone is run over by a car, the screen will still crack, but it will withstand a fall on an asphalt road calmly.

But even if the phone does not initially have such protective glass, you can always buy additional glass.

But here it is important not to make a mistake and not buy ordinary film; you need to choose glass!

Tip #10: Choose a phone with protective glass Gorilla Glass or buy additional glass with your phone.

In addition, when choosing a reliable phone, it is important to look at the case material.

It is best, of course, to buy devices with a metal body. But also good quality plastic protective case will also withstand a hit to the ground.


If you want to hear an expert’s opinion on what phones you can buy this year, then experts agree that the most interesting models in terms of all characteristics will be the following:

  • Samsung S7- 4 GB RAM, 2.3 GHz frequency processor, 32 or 64 GB of internal memory, 12 MP camera and 3000/3600 mAh and, most importantly, a curved display.
    In principle, the popularity of the phone will be due to its unusual display. But all other characteristics are pleasing. This pleasure costs about $900.

  • Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 And Samsung Galaxy J7. The undoubted leaders of phones in the budget category (up to $300). Both have a diagonal of 5.5 inches and 16 GB of internal memory. Samsung has a 13 megapixel camera, but it takes better pictures than Xiaomi.
    Xiaomi has 2 GB of RAM, Samsung has 1.5 GB. In AnTuTu, the first one scores about 50,000 marks, and the second – 41,000. Samsung wins due to the better display. If performance is important to you, choose Xiaomi.

  • Sony Xperia Z5. 5.1-5.9 inches screen (depending on version), 28 megapixel main camera, 4200 mAh and resistance to immersion in water - all in the best traditions of Sony. The cost is about 800 dollars.

You can learn about the most purchased smartphones as of the beginning of 2017 from the video below.

Top ten SMARTPHONES at the beginning of 2016

How to choose a phone - Main selection criteria

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Buying a car is a big step, and choosing a car is a long and responsible process: choosing a car that will satisfy the buyer’s needs is by no means as simple as we would like. Even one missed detail can ruin the entire euphoria of the purchase. How to choose a car to suit your needs and what parameters should you focus on? “Autocode” knows the answer to these questions!

What questions to ask yourself before buying

Finding a car that suits you is a task that requires preparation, especially if this is your first car. To make choosing a car easier, determine your needs, to develop them, answer a few simple questions:

    • Why is a car purchased? For trips between home, work and the supermarket? Or for trips to the country? Or maybe you are looking for a car to suit your own image? Choose the purpose for which you are going to buy a car - this will help in your further choice!
    • How much are you willing to spend? Everyone has budget limits that they can't break out of. Determine how much you are willing to spend on buying a car - this will significantly limit your search.
  • What body type do you need? Sedan, hatchback, station wagon, crossover - among this variety, choose what suits you. Find a compromise between visual beauty and functionality. Don't focus only on appearance!
  • How many passengers? Comfort in the car is necessary not only for the driver. If you regularly travel with passengers, consider their wishes.
  • “Manual” or “automatic”? Oh, this eternal dispute that does not subside! Choose based on operating conditions. Do you need to travel around the city a lot? Automatic transmission is more convenient in traffic jams. Do you have to travel a lot on country roads? "Mechanics" will help you save fuel and better control the car.

The number of criteria and wishes, the observance of which determines how suitable a car is for us, is almost impossible to calculate. Choosing a car according to parameters is a painstaking and time-consuming process, and the wrong approach to this important stage will spoil the pleasure of a new car. What criteria should you use to look for a “dream car”?

    • Car class and characteristics. We recommend that you start choosing from this parameter - focus on the number of passengers and the purpose of the trip (transporting people and transporting goods are two very different things!).
    • Price. Whatever one may say, there is no escape from the price. However, buyers often forget that the costs associated with the purchase are not limited to the cost of the car itself. Don’t forget about consumables, maintenance, re-registration costs, insurance... For a beginner, we recommend purchasing a cheaper car. As a rule, the service life of the first car is the shortest due to the driver's limited skills.
  • Manufacturer. Which brand of car to choose is up to you (some people care about their image, which will perfectly complement the badge on the hood, others are loyal to their favorite brand - there are many reasons). The main thing that should not be forgotten is the presence service centers in your city: no one wants to drive several hours to change the oil, and a tow truck to the nearest specialized center will cost a pretty penny if the car suddenly “stops” and there is a need to take it away.
  • Engine capacity. Acceleration dynamics, fuel consumption, the amount of transport tax - all this depends on what is under the hood of the car. Arm yourself with a calculator and calculate which option will be your compromise between cost and driving experience.
  • Drive unit. Each type of drive has pros and cons, and each driver has his own wishes and preferences. Think about what is right for you.
  • Transmission. We have already talked about it in the previous section - there is nothing to add!
  • Safety. In an emergency, the life and health of the driver and passengers depends on how well equipped the car is in terms of safety. Airbags, pre-tensioned belts, ABS, additional sensors and smart collision avoidance systems, reinforced body elements... Don't skimp on your own safety!
  • Additional options. A stereo system, air conditioning, cruise control and other additional features that you can do without, but which make travel more convenient and comfortable, are an important selection criterion. Most likely, when purchasing, you will again have to compromise - you will not be ready to sacrifice something, but you can safely refuse something.

Have you made a list of parameters for searching for a new car? Great - the hardest part is over, there are only a couple of useful tips left.

After drawing up the criteria by which you selected candidates for the title “car for yourself,” find information about them on the Internet and study it thoroughly. You may not even be aware of the pitfalls that can radically change your purchasing decision and force you to choose more. If you have the opportunity to test drive the car you are planning to buy, do it. You can argue for a long time about ergonomics, comfort and other abstract values ​​- only while driving you will understand whether this car is suitable for you or not. And don’t believe your friends who prove that their choice is the best: we are all different people, and what is vitally important to us will not play any role for someone else.

Nowadays, it is very complex, since the market provides a wide range of models with different characteristics and in different configurations. In this case, you need to choose according to specific parameters, because randomly looking at a car catalog will take too much time.

There are situations in which it is enough for a car enthusiast that the car has only a few key properties, but even for them there is no definite answer. Today's automobile manufacturers provide a wide selection of models that allows you to take into account literally any preference.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account all the criteria, choosing from several cars, and ideally deciding on a specific model. This is necessary so that when you arrive at a car dealership, you do not succumb to the emotions or beliefs of managers and do not purchase the wrong thing. vehicle. In some cases, buyers make uninformed decisions, choosing a particular car because of its attractive design or bargain price, without paying attention to the characteristics, as well as vice versa.

How to choose a car according to parameters

There are a number of basic properties that you need to know about before deciding in favor of a particular machine. This applies not only to price and characteristics, but also to more narrow criteria, since modern market offers widest choice configuration and is able to satisfy any need.


First of all, you need to imagine under what conditions the machine will be operated, as well as what purposes it will serve. Thus, a station wagon or minivan is best suited for family needs, a compact car for a large city, and a crossover or SUV for outdoor trips. Of course universal solution does not exist and you have to choose a specific model, sometimes making a compromise or even losing some options. First of all, the permissible conditions for operation are dictated by the class and type of car body.


The main types of automobile bodies are designed to combine a number of properties that are in harmony with each other in operation. Thus, compact city cars are designed for driving on tight roads and are able to not take up much space in the yard, but, as a rule, they lack much dynamism - this is especially true for the middle price segment. Drive enthusiasts are advised to look towards sports cars, which rarely have more than 2 seats. Powerful and roomy SUVs, in turn, cannot boast of small dimensions.


Such machines are designed for operation within a large city. They feel great on busy roads and are easy to park. They have low fuel consumption and, as a rule, low price. Available in a hatchback body with three or five doors. The disadvantages include a low level of comfort and safety, as well as mediocre driving performance. Recommended for purchase as a second car.

Small cars

A class also known as "subcompacts". Their size is intermediate between compact microcars and mid-size cars. Such models can have a sedan or hatchback body, offering the buyer 1 or 2 rows of seats. As a rule, subcompacts have relatively poor roominess, but are generally comfortable enough even for long trips with four people. Small models are suitable as a personal car or for the needs of a small family.

Mid-size cars

Also known as "European" middle class" These cars include sedans, hatchbacks and station wagons. The advantage of the latter is the most rational use of dimensions - such a model will accommodate a large load or five people. This class is one of the most common, so there is a wide variation in driving performance and equipment. Such a car is perfect for the role of a main family car, while remaining quite economical and versatile.

Family cars

Despite the name, this class may also include models that are more suitable for personal use- quite prestigious and dynamic. The segment is only slightly smaller in size than full-size cars. However, they are often produced to be roomy, comfortable and economical. The body can be a sedan, hatchback or station wagon (including high-capacity). A class D car is best suited for use in a small city or beyond.

Business cars

BMW 5 Series business class car

They have more impressive dimensions than family models. This makes them even more suitable for passenger or cargo transportation, if not for the price - as a rule, business class cars are much more expensive than class D, and are also produced mainly in the form of sedans (less often station wagons). The high cost is manifested in appearance, equipment and driving performance. Such models are best suited for use on highways - for example, when you need to get from a metropolis to a suburban area.

Executive cars

Luxury cars have similar dimensions to business models, but much more expensive equipment and impressive power. Executive cars are equipped with first class systems and are finished with expensive materials, unique technical solutions and an unsurpassed level of comfort. Available in sedan or limousine body styles. Most often purchased legal entities for management positions in companies.

High-capacity vehicles

This class includes hatchback and sedan body types, as well as a station wagon and its more spacious version - UPV, also known as a minivan. The main difference from middle-class passenger cars is the presence of a third row of seats, which allows you to seat up to 9 people, including the driver. With the seats folded, they can also serve as a cargo transport. Cars with a large number of seats are classified as passenger cars.


They are conventionally divided into 3 types - small, medium-size and full-size. The latter include large jeeps with high cross-country ability, capable of overcoming the most difficult obstacles, while accommodating up to 9 people. Compact and midsize SUVs are often designed as crossovers, which are quite versatile vehicles. All all-terrain models are also very safe - they have high ground clearance and a relatively large weight.

Sports cars

Available in two- and four-seat coupes, sedans, roadsters and convertibles. Despite the optional presence of a second row of seats, only the driver and front passenger seats are fully functional. Such cars have the best dynamics after racing, but their operation is permitted on public roads. Sports cars are often quite expensive. The disadvantages include a narrow range of purposes and poor cross-country ability.


When choosing a class and body variation of a car, you need to take into account its size. You need to know exactly whether the car will fit in a garage or a parking space, as well as simply on the road. A large vehicle can be quite difficult to drive.


The question of the budget for a car is also very important, and often decisive. Buying a car is only the first expense item - you also need to know how much money you will have to pay for operation.

Car price

Experts advise choosing a car whose price tends to be at the upper limit of your budget. This will allow the vehicle to be equipped with the best equipment in terms of functionality and driving performance. It is important to consider additional packages options, without which some configurations do not make sense, as well as insurance. At the same time, for a credit car you need not only OSAGO, but also CASCO. It is recommended to mentally increase the cost of the car by 10–15% - this will avoid misunderstandings when visiting a dealership. In addition, prices in the catalog or on the website may differ from actual prices.

It is also recommended to choose a car that can be sold more profitably later. Sooner or later, the driver will want to change the vehicle, but this can be done by returning completely different amounts. All cars become significantly cheaper over the years, but knowing market trends will help minimize costs.

Operating price

This choice is even more important in the long run than the cost of the car. You should take into account the amount of fuel that the car consumes, the prices for maintenance and scheduled repairs, as well as unscheduled expenses - various spare parts. Rates depend on specific manufacturer and can vary significantly.

Country of Origin

Cars produced in one country and even part of the world have quite a lot common features. Companies located in neighboring countries often cooperate with each other, using the same technologies, units and design trends. There is an assumption that the products of factories in one part or another are similar due to the mentality of the people who live there. Thus, we can say for sure that Western cars are more prestigious, practical and classic, while Eastern cars are bold, experimental and extravagant. Today, residents of the CIS identify four main directions in the market - American, European, Asian and Russian.

Cars from the USA

American cars correspond to the mentality of citizens living on the continent. The classic car, made in the USA, is distinguished by great power, large dimensions and practical design of the exterior and interior. They also have good equipment and fairly high build quality. The disadvantages of American cars include the high cost of operation - high fuel consumption and the relatively low availability of spare parts force them to invest more money in the car.

Cars from Europe

The similarities between cars produced in the western part of Eurasia primarily lie in highest quality, comfort and practicality. In addition, most European cars are equipped with fairly powerful, but relatively economical engines. They often cost significantly more than others, but they also require repairs less often. Most cars from Europe have a strict classic design.

Cars from the CIS

The largest market in the post-Soviet space is Russian. Domestic cars are distinguished by affordable prices and ease of operation. At the same time, they spend quite a lot of money on both fuel and repairs - parts are widespread and available, but are of rather low quality. Their design and practicality also lag behind their main competitors. However, buying a car on the domestic market is an excellent opportunity to save money.

Cars from Asia

High development of technology and a small amount of mineral resources have led to the fact that eastern cars have modern equipment and economical engines. Moreover, their power is often not inferior to their European and American counterparts. Asian cars are known for their extravagant appearance and experimental equipment.


The cost of a car largely depends on its functionality. It’s the same with operation - it’s much more pleasant and convenient to use an equipped machine that has options to meet various needs. However, abandoning the expensive configuration in favor of the basic one can reduce the cost of the model up to several times. In such cases, experts recommend choosing an option that contains:

  • Power steering for easier control;
  • Anti-lock braking system;
  • Air conditioning to ensure comfort in the cabin;
  • Electrical package;
  • Central locking;
  • Heated seats, mirrors and windows;
  • Signaling;
  • Navigator to always be aware of the situation on the road.

Ride quality

The choice of the type and parameters of the engine, transmission and gearbox ensures the desired dynamism and maneuverability. More primitive running gears allow you to save on fuel - the main cost item in operating a car.

Fuel type

The most common gasoline engine is best suited for dynamic cars. However, they have a disadvantage - they require relatively expensive fuel, which forces them not only to spend more money, but also to refuel more often. Otherwise, the gasoline engine is distinguished by its low noise level, easy start in winter and lower price.

In turn, it is better suited for saving money during operation - fuel and repairs are cheaper for it. At the same time, its dynamism, comfort and nominal price are worse than those of its analogue.

Engine capacity

The displacement should be selected depending on the operating conditions. For the city, a fuel- and oil-efficient 1.2–1.6-liter is best suited, while for country driving a volume of 2 or more liters is recommended.

Engine power

The amount of fuel consumed depends on the power, as well as on the volume. However, a small amount of horsepower may not provide sufficient traction. This question depends on the purpose of the car.

type of drive

Typical SUV

Front-wheel drive and all-wheel drive are distinguished by better handling, while rear-wheel drive is more reliable. At the same time, rear and all-wheel drive have higher fuel consumption and are recommended more for SUVs.


Automatic transmission is better suited for city driving - it is simpler and more economical. A manual transmission is suitable for sports cars and SUVs, but it requires attention.

Bottom line

Competent individual selection of a machine ensures maximum compliance between expectations and reality. Additionally, it is recommended to arrange a test drive of the model you like.

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Add a car

Body type- - - -
Number of seats- - - -
Length- - - -
Width- - - -
Height- - - -
Wheelbase- - - -
Front track- - - -
Rear track- - - -
Curb weight- - - -
Ground clearance- - - -
Maximum trunk volume- - - -
Trunk volume is minimal- - - -
Full mass- - - -
Load capacity- - - -
Permitted weight of the road train- - - -
- - - -
Loading height- - - -
Cargo Bay (Length x Width x Height)- - - -
Cargo compartment volume- - - -
engine's type- - - -
Engine capacity- - - -
Engine power- - - -
Maximum power speed- - - -
Maximum torque- - - -
Intake type- - - -
Cylinder arrangement- - - -
Number of cylinders- - - -
Number of valves per cylinder- - - -
Boost type- - - -
Cylinder diameter- - - -
Piston stroke- - - -
Maximum torque speed- - - -
Availability of intercooler- - - -
Transmission and control
Gearbox type- - - -
Number of gears- - - -
Drive unit- - - -
Turning diameter- - - -
Performance indicators
Fuel brand- - - -
Maximum speed- - - -
Acceleration to 100 km/h- - - -
Fuel tank volume- - - -
Environmental standard- - - -
Fuel consumption in the city per 100 km- - - -
Fuel consumption on the highway per 100 km- - - -
Combined fuel consumption per 100 km- - - -
Power reserve- - - -
Suspension and brakes
Front brakes- - - -
Rear brakes- - - -
Front suspension- - - -
Rear suspension- - - -
Steering - - - -
general information - - - -
Volume and mass - - - -
Safety - - - -

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Compare cars using tried and true functionality

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20.01.2017 17:55:00

In one of the articles we discussed the issue of screen locking on Android.

On the market mobile devices a huge number of models. Go to the counter with gadgets in the cabin and see for yourself: thin, weighty, with a sophisticated camera and a fingerprint scanner, here the diagonal is 4 inches, and there as much as 5.5. And these are the technical characteristics, not counting the design. The buyer's choice, first of all, will be based on the phone's parameters, the combination of which will become the reason for the purchase. In our article we will analyze in detail what parameters there are, what you should pay more attention to, and how to choose a phone based on the main characteristics of the device.

Price issue

Phones can be divided into three broad categories: budget models, mid-price devices and expensive models, the price tag of which starts from 25-30 thousand rubles.

A mobile phone under 10,000 rubles has long ceased to be a “worse, but cheaper” option. You can easily buy the gadget for 7-9 thousand, and the camera will produce clear pictures and the battery will not run out in a couple of hours. Manufacturers inexpensive phones, they can save money by lowering the processor frequency, and also do not equip the phone with a high-speed communication module.

It is worth paying attention to latest models phones from the Fly company. Gadgets of this brand have long established themselves as the embodiment of a compromise between price and quality. Take a look, for example, at the model: compact body, 4.5-inch screen, 5-megapixel camera, LTE 4G module, has a position sensor, and costs 5,500 rubles.

Average price category includes phones from 10 to 25 thousand rubles. Manufacturers attract the attention of buyers with technical features. A mobile phone can have a fingerprint scanner, a dual camera, improved stereo sound technology, and the phone body can be made, for example, of metal with plastic inserts.

The price ceiling for “luxury” phones is limitless. Rest assured that for 30-40 thousand the manufacturer will try to put a “pumped up” filling into the case. For example, an eye tracking sensor. When the user looks at the screen, the phone increases the brightness, and when the user looks away, the brightness decreases. Some models, following the direction of their gaze, can even scroll text.

operating system

The type of operating system is directly related to the price tag. Now on the market mobile phones three main players: iOS, Android and Windows Phone. iOS is used only in devices Apple. Considering that the developer of the OS and the gadget are the same, when choosing Apple phones you can rest assured of their quality. Unique optimized applications are written for this operating system; the “axis” itself is characterized by high performance and reliability. The most noticeable disadvantage of Apple's operating system is that you have to synchronize with your computer through a separate application.

Android OS is without a doubt the most popular and in-demand operating system in the world. System with open source, under which hundreds of thousands are written various programs, runs on a huge number of smartphone and tablet models. Even cars and bicycles are produced on Android. You can choose and customize your Android phone by changing the shell and interface. Android mobile phones are available both for those who want to save money and for those who are not used to counting money.

But things are not going well for Windows Phone. There are significantly fewer applications for the operating system than competitors Google and Apple, analogues popular programs, like Instagram, only disappoint with the absence required functions. A large number of applications written for Windows phones cost a lot of money. Reading reviews about Windows Phone phones, you can come to the conclusion that the operating system will suit the system rather for business people who need quick access to documents under one shell and the main functions of the device.


Modern phones are equipped with screens based on three types of technologies: TN, IPS and AMOLED. The first two types use liquid crystals, and AMOLED screens based on organic light-emitting diodes. TN displays are the cheapest, with high speed response, but looking at such a screen at an angle is already difficult - the brightness and clarity sags greatly. IPS screens, in this regard, are distinguished by color rendition, contrast and saturation and maintain maximum viewing angles of up to 178 degrees. AMOLED is an expensive technology, but phones with such displays consume less battery power, since they do not require additional lighting sources to operate. The picture itself on AMOLED displays comes out very contrasty and rich.

One of important parameters screen is its diagonal. It is worth immediately determining for what purpose the phone is being purchased. If the gadget is used as a “dialer”, it is enough to choose a model with a screen larger than 4 inches. But games, surfing the Internet and reading books, of course, will require a larger screen: 5 inches or higher. IN in this case, it is worth paying attention to the screen resolution. On large displays, at least HD (720 by 1280 pixels), otherwise only pixels will be visible on the screen.

Speaking about Fly phones, it’s worth paying attention to one of the most popular Fly models 2016. Here the screen is in perfect order: 5.5 inches, IPS technology and HD resolution with high level detailing. On such a phone it is convenient to look at photo galleries on social networks and watch videos on YouTube.

Other Fly smartphones
All Fly phone models can be found in our online store.


Phone processors have three main parameters: the number of cores, frequency and amount of RAM. You need to focus on the tasks that the user will perform. If you constantly use power-hungry applications, launch games, videos and play music, it is better to take a phone with at least 4 cores, a clock frequency (from 1.2 GHz) and a RAM capacity of at least a gigabyte. If you don’t have to load your phone with multitasking, you can limit yourself to two cores with a frequency of 1 GHz.

The quality of optimization of the processor and operating system is directly related to the speed of the phone. Among processor manufacturers, the leaders are Qualcomm, MediaTek, Samsung and Intel. It is worth noting that MediaTek chipsets are considered balanced in terms of price-quality ratio.

Thus, the MT6735P is equipped with an optimized quad-core processor. The clock speed of the cores is only 1 GHz, while the phone easily copes with multitasking and responds instantly to touches.


The quality of phone cameras is one of the parameters that the user looks at first. But what exactly determines the quality of a camera? First of all, this is the number of megapixels, the presence of autofocus, sensor sensitivity and aperture size. The flash can be ignored, since it is mainly used as a flashlight.

Choosing a phone based only on the number of megapixels is a misconception. Depending on the combination of the above parameters, an 8-megapixel camera can easily compete in image quality with, say, a 16-megapixel camera simply due to the fact that it may have a wider aperture and a light-sensitive sensor. This means the picture will come out brighter and clearer.

For example, let's pay attention to the optimal combination of camera parameters on the phone: 13 megapixels, autofocus, sensitive CMOS sensor and f/2 aperture. Thanks to this, the pictures taken come out very high quality, bright and clear.

Continuing the topic, you can watch a video tutorial on how to take a good photo with your phone camera:


With the phone parameter, such as battery capacity, everything is simple. The higher the capacity, the better. A powerful battery will allow you to work with your smartphone in active mode all day, while with a weak battery the phone will “fall asleep” after 3-4 hours. Please note that battery life is affected by factors such as screen resolution, operation of Wi-Fi and GPS modules, resource-intensive applications, and active surfing on the Internet. Reading the reviews, you can come to the conclusion that the optimal capacity for stable operation 2500-2800 mAh is considered. In this case, the phone will ask for charging no earlier than after 7-8 hours.

Can Fly offer a device with powerful battery? Certainly! Pay attention to the model. This is the first phone from the British manufacturer to receive a 4000 mAh battery. Considering that the smartphone has a large display on an IPS matrix with excellent color rendition and HD resolution, Nimbus 12 has become a phone with an impressive operating life: up to 15 hours of uninterrupted operation with the main functions of a smartphone, up to 7 hours of work on 3G Internet, up to 8 o'clock in WI-FI networks, 8 hours of video playback and up to 70 hours of audio playback.

Buying a cell phone is an important and responsible step. It is better to read reviews and testimonials from ordinary users, and then choose the model that is right for you.

If you are interested, you can read the article about.