Mail mail quick access from the start page. How to make mail ru your home page

The main page of the Mail.Ru service consists of several blocks that allow the user to receive various useful information, quickly switch to branded services and start searching the Internet using your own search engine. If you want to see this page as the main page for your browser, follow a few simple steps.

Home Mail.Ru offers its users basic useful information: world and local news, weather, exchange rates, horoscope. Here you can quickly proceed to use branded services, entertainment sections and mail login.

To access all this quickly, without manually going to the site every time, you can make the home page the start page. In this case, it will open every time you start the web browser. Let's look at how to install Mail.Ru in different browsers.

Yandex Browser does not require installation of a third-party home page. Its users will not be able to use any of the methods suggested below.

Method 1: Installing the extension

Some browsers make it possible to set Mail.Ru as your start page in a couple of clicks. In this case, the extension is installed in the web browser « Homepage Mail.Ru".

The application will automatically change the browser setting responsible for launching it. If previously you had previous tabs open every time you started your web browser, now Mail.Ru will automatically manage this, opening your website each time.

To make sure of this, first save the necessary open tabs, close and open the browser. Instead of the previous session, you will see one tab with the Mail.Ru start page.

Some web browsers may warn you that your home page has changed and prompt you to restore the settings you just changed to default (including the browser startup type). Skip this if you plan to continue using it. "Mail.Ru home page".

In addition, a button will appear on the panel with extensions; clicking on it will quickly take you to the main Mail.Ru.

Method 2: Customize your browser

A user who does not want to install any additional programs into your browser, you can use manual setting. First of all, this is convenient for owners of low-performance PCs and laptops.

Google Chrome

Another popular web browser, Mozilla Firefox, you can configure it to launch Mail.Ru in the following way:

You can check if everything is done correctly by restarting your browser. Don't forget to save your open tabs first and keep in mind that with each new launch of your web browser, the previous session will not be restored.

To receive fast access to Mail.Ru at any time, click on the icon with the house. The site you need from Mail.Ru will immediately open in the current tab.

In Opera, everything is configured even more conveniently.

You can check the functionality by restarting Opera. Don’t forget to first save your open tabs and keep in mind that in the future the last session will not be saved - when you start the web browser, the only Mail.Ru tab will open.

Now you know how to set Mail.Ru as your starting page popular browsers. If you use another Internet explorer, proceed by analogy with the instructions above - there is not much difference in the setup method.

If a link appears on the start page of your browser (search for the company), do not worry. Most likely, this is not the work of some cunning virus, but only the result of your rash or erroneous actions. In 95 cases out of 100, the URL is “registered” on its own after installing software or third-party products that simultaneously add a search engine to web browsers.

However, it’s still better to delete (link on the home page) and accidentally installed software service (Satellite, Guard, Visual bookmarks, etc.). Why clutter your browsers and system? And then, it makes sense to return the previous comfort of web surfing (for example, if it’s convenient for you to search necessary information V Google search engine, and not in

Remove software, browser addons and the link from your computer home page possible in two ways.

Method #1: cleaning with standard products

Uninstalling programs

1. Click the “Start” button (the first one in the taskbar).

2. Go to: Control Panel → “Uninstall a program” subsection.

3. Click right click program, click the “Delete” panel.

4. Follow the instructions of the uninstaller.

5. Uninstall in the same way all the service software available in the system (Guard, Sputnik, module for Opera, automatic update service).

Removing remaining registry keys

1. Hold down the Win key and press R.

2. In the “Run” line, type the command - regedit. Click "OK".

3. In the “Search” panel, in the “Find” field, enter the query -

4. Run a registry scan: click “Find Next.”

5. Right-click on the detected entry. Select "Delete" from the list.

Cleaning Browsers

1. Click to open the “Service” menu (in versions 9-11 - the “gear” icon).

2. In the “Settings types” section, click on the “Toolbars…” item.

3. Right-click the addon. IN context menu run the "Disconnect" command.

4. Go to the “Search Services” subsection. And also (via the menu) disable the search for the portal.

5. Go to menu Internet Explorer. Select Internet Options.

6. In the properties panel, in the “Home page” line, specify the address of the search engine you are using (for example,

7. Click “Apply” and then “OK”.

Google Chrome

1. Click the three stripes icon at the top right.

2. Open: Additional tools → Extensions.

3. Click the “Trash” label opposite addons from (confirm deletion in an additional request).

4. On the same tab, click “Settings” in the list on the left.

5. In the “At startup...” option, click the “Add” function.

7. In the “Search” block:

  • open the drop-down list and install the required search engine;
  • Click “Configure... systems...”;
  • in the “Search Settings” field, remove links to


1. In the browser window, click: Menu (the button on the left top corner) → Extensions → Extension Manager.

2. Place the cursor in the upper right corner of the “mail” add-on, and then click the “cross” that appears.

1. Press the key combination “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “A” at the same time.

Note. You can also go through the menu: Tools → Add-ons.

2. Click the “Delete” command in the addon column.

3. Click the Tools section again and go to Settings.

4. In the “Home Page” field (the “Basic” tab), type the url of the search engine you use.

Method #2: cleaning with programs

Removing applications using an uninstaller program

Note. This guide describes the cleaning procedure for the utility. Soft Organizer. But you can use another similar solution to complete this task. For example, Revo Uninstaller or Uninstall Tools.

1. In the Soft Organizer window, in the list of installed Windows programs, click the mouse to select “[email protected]” (or another application of this service).

2. Click in top panel"Uninstall a program" command.

3. After completing the standard uninstallation, click “Find” to start searching for the remains of the removed application.

4. Delete the remaining application keys and files found by Soft Organizer.

Cleaning Browsers

Google Chrome

1. Download the Chrome cleaning tool from the official page -

  • click “Download”;
  • V additional window“Terms of Service…” click “Accept and Download”.

2. Run the downloaded utility with administrator rights.

3. When cleaning is complete, select “Reset” in the browser’s “Reset settings” panel.

Internet Explorer, Firefox

1. Download the browser cleaner from the antivirus office Avast-

2. Install and run it.

3. B vertical menu select the browser that needs cleaning.

4. Click on the checkbox in the add-on “Exclude extensions...” (line at the bottom of the window).

5. Click “Delete” in the blocks of extensions from

6. At the top right, click the “Reset settings” button.

7. In the drop-down list, select a search engine for the start page.

8. Click Clean Free.


1. Download from official resource( CCleaner utility Free (free distribution).

2. Install on your PC and run.

3. In the CCleaner panel, go to the “Registry” section.

4. Click Search for Problems.

5. Upon completion of the analysis, click the “Fix” command to eliminate the errors found by the utility in the system registry.

6. Click on the “Cleaning” menu.

7. Click “Analysis”.

8. To clean up unnecessary files and folders from operating system, press

successful Windows settings and browsers! Don't forget to read the software installers instructions.

Sometimes beginners or inexperienced users personal computers may experience various problems related to the operation of the browser. For example, while it is loading, the or webalta page is automatically loaded. Typically, get rid of these start pages using standard methods It is not possible to change the home page. Such pages that were described above can be loaded even without the knowledge of the user himself. A similar algorithm is used today great amount various software, which is most often malicious. As for itself, they have developed special software that, once on the user’s computer, will try to possible ways displace any search engines it finds and replace them with itself. This software is called

Of course, such behavior by the company itself is simply absurd, and therefore many users simply refuse to use their services and switch to others. Most often, a computer is infected by the program due to the user’s carelessness. It is worth noting that if this software gets onto the user’s computer, it will replace the start page in all browsers installed on the PC.

Removing the search engine

In order to get rid of the search engine, you need to open the “Start” menu and go to the “Control Panel”, where you need to find the “Add or Remove Programs” item and click on it. After the list of programs installed on the computer has loaded, you need to find, click on it and click on the “Delete” button. Of course, a warning may appear indicating that this program may be useful for your computer and should not be removed. IN in this case There is only one thing you should not do - do not remove this software. You should not pay attention to the warnings and feel free to click on the “Yes” button. In the same place in uninstalling programs, you can search for and delete it. is a toolbar that appears in all browsers after installation. You can use it to check the weather, etc. If it doesn’t bother you, then you can leave it.

After removal, you can begin replacing the start page. All browsers do this a little differently, but the essence remains the same. You need to go to the “Settings” of the browser and find the “Search” or “Search engines” item, click on the “Manage search engines” button and select the one you need. Naturally, all changes must be saved using the appropriate button. After these manipulations,

Greetings, dear readers of the blog site! I decided to write this note for users who are just starting to get used to the Internet. And many beginners, as a rule, having registered their mail (for example, on or opened their page in Odnoklassniki, after leaving these resources they simply forget which pages they were on and registered. Accordingly, after another desire check your email in mail ru, visit the page my world or go to Odnoklassniki, many people start look for an entrance to these services.

Entry to the required pages is searched through everything search engines; Yandex, Google, and even mail search do not stand aside. And when the entrance to the desired page is found, all the necessary actions on it are completed, they leave it again. After some time, the procedure for finding an entrance to the desired page is repeated, and this can continue indefinitely.

In order not to study constant search login to a frequently used page on the Internet, you just need to add it to your bookmarks browser Browser - (Web browser) Software to view Internet resources (websites). The most popular among users: Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Google Chrome, Safar.. But, unfortunately, not all users know how to bookmark pages in the browsers through which they access the Internet. And if anyone wants, you can make your most favorite or frequently used page the start page. This means that when the browser starts, this page will be loaded first. By the way, links to popular pages: classmates, my world is my page and login to, I decided to use it for clear example. Considering that the browsers through which users view Internet pages, a large number of, in this note I will only touch on the three most popular ones.

How to add a bookmark to the Odnoklassniki page in Chrome and make it the starting page.

Let's launch google browser chrome and (as an example) enter in the address bar Page URL Odnoklassniki ru, in this form, and press Enter. After loading the login page on Odnoklassniki, left-click on the most recent icon (settings and google management chrome) in the upper right corner of the browser. The icon may look like a wrench or three horizontal stripes (depending on the browser version). In the window that opens, move the cursor to “Bookmarks” then to “Show bookmarks bar” and left-click (check the box).

First option:

We move the cursor over the bar that appears directly below address bar, right-click and in the window that opens, click “Add Page”.

Second option:

Click on the “Star” icon at the end of the address bar and click the “Change” button.

In both cases, a “bookmark” window will open, in which the bookmark name and URL to the page will be automatically entered.

You can simply click on the “Save” button, and the bookmark icon will immediately appear in the bookmarks bar under the address bar of the browser. But I think it’s better to create bookmarks separate folders by topic. In the example I created the folder " Social media" To do this, click “ new folder“Enter the invented folder name and click “Save”.

The created folder with the bookmark will immediately appear on the panel.

This way, you can create several thematic folders and they will be neatly placed on the bookmarks bar.

In the future, if you need to add interesting page to bookmarks, just hover over the bookmarks panel and right-click the bear to add a bookmark to the desired folder. Or hover over the star icon and left-click. You can use any convenient option.

And for quick access to the pages you need, just click on the selected folder and click on the sub-bookmark.

To do this, copy the page URL in any convenient way. Then click on the already familiar striped icon (or wrench) in the upper right corner and in the window that opens, click on the “Settings” tab.

We put a checkmark “Next pages” in the “Initial group” menu and follow the “add” link.

In the window that opens, delete home page, which is located there by clicking on the cross on the right. Then add the copied address new page and click "OK".

That's all, you can close all browser pages and start it again. Now, before each new start of the computer and launching the browser to access the Internet, your selected start page will always load.

How to make bookmarks in mozilla, how to make the mail ru mail entry page the starting page.

To start after downloading mozilla browser firefox let's display the "bookmarks bar". I believe that “bookmarks” should always be in a visible place, this is how they differ from “stashes”. To do this, go through the panel menu to “View” - “Toolbar” and check the “Bookmarks Bar” box.

Now paste the URL into the address bar example, I took the address of the login page) and click Enter key. After loading the mail login page, click on the “star” icon at the end of the address bar or in the “Bookmarks” panel menu - “Add page”. The result will be the same. The “edit this bookmark” window will open. We move the cursor over “Unfiled bookmarks” and in the drop-down list go to the “Bookmarks panel”. You will immediately see a bookmark on the “ Login-Mail” page on your panel.

But for convenience, you can first create a folder (or several folders), since in the future the number of bookmarks will increase, and they may overwhelm the bookmarks bar.

To do this, click on the “Select” icon in the drop-down list. In the new window, select the “Bookmarks Bar”, click the “Create Folder” button (for example, the folder name is “Mail”) and save “Done”.

Now the “Mail” folder will appear in the bookmarks panel, and a bookmark for entry-mail will be nested in it.

Of course, creating folders for bookmarks is an individual matter. Each user can do as he pleases. And if anyone wants a specific page to load first when the mozilla firefox browser is launched, you can do the following:

1. In the menu bar, select “Tools” - “Settings”.

2. In the “Home Page” line, paste the previously copied address of the page that you want to make the start page. Or select a page from your “bookmarks”. To do this, click the "Use Bookmark" button and then save the changes "OK".

Now, every time you start the mozilla browser, the start page that you have assigned will be loaded.

How to add a bookmark to the My World page and make it the starting page in Opera.

Perhaps the simplest and convenient way pin a page of a website in the Opera browser. To do this, click on the asterisk at the end of the address bar and add it to your bookmarks or express panel.

For example, let's take the URL, paste it into the address bar and load the page my world Click on the asterisk at the end of the address bar and add it to the express panel.

Now if you open new tab in the browser, a window will open with visual bookmarks. This is where the image of the recently created bookmark will be displayed.

This is probably the most popular and convenient feature for many users that can be done in browsers.

By the way, in the “Bookmarks” menu you can create separate folders for thematic placement of bookmarks in them. To do this, just go to the “Opera” menu, go to “Bookmarks”, then to “Manage Bookmarks”.

In the window that opens, right-click on any free space and select "Create Folder". Later, when adding a bookmark, you can choose which folder to place it in. For convenience, you can also display folders with bookmarks and the bookmarks themselves in the bookmarks bar under the address bar. To do this, go to the “Opera” menu, go to “Toolbar” and check the “Bookmarks Bar” checkbox.

And so that when loading Opera browser the starting page became, for example, the my world page (or another page you need), do the following:

Open the “Opera” menu, go to “Settings”, then move the cursor to “ General settings" In the window that opens, the main settings “At startup”, set “Start from home page” and paste the previously copied address into the “Home” window desired page. Click "OK".

Of course, every user eventually gets used to the browser in which he works. Recognizes him functionality and will make all the settings for you. And, accordingly, he will add bookmarks in the way he considers better and more convenient.

Login to My World @ Mail.Ru Login to Odnoklassniki Login – [email protected]

With this, I would like to wish everyone success in learning their browsers and how to bookmark them. So as not to search through search engines every time to enter your favorite sites.

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  • in browser settings
    for example in Google-parameters- home page and display
    We do the same in the settings of any browser, enter in the settings so that when you open the browser, this page opens

    Make Mail.Ru your home page

    In order to always be able to promptly read and respond to letters that come to you, we recommend that you make your start page.

    To do this you need:

    1. In the upper left corner of the main page, under the logo, click on the Make home page link.

    2. In an Internet browser Microsoft Internet Explorer:
    In the menu in the Tools section, select the Internet Options section.
    in the Internet Options window:
    select the General tab. and click OK.

    3. In the Opera Internet browser:
    in the Settings window:
    select the Basic tab.
    in the When starting item, select Start from home page, and in the input field enter the address and click OK.

    4. In the Mozilla Firefox Internet browser:
    In the Tools menu, select Preferences.
    in the Settings window:
    select the Basic tab.
    at point At launching Firefox select Show home page.
    In the Home page section, enter the address and click OK.

    5. In the Safari Internet browser:
    In the Edit menu, select Settings.
    in the Settings window:
    select the Basic tab.
    In the item Open in new windows, select Home page.
    In the Home page section, enter the address

    6. B Google internet browser Chrome:
    In the upper right corner, click on the wrench and select Settings.
    in the Options window:
    select the Basic tab.
    in the Home page item, put a circle in Open this page and enter the address, click the Close button.

    7. In other Internet browsers, you need to follow their instructions.

    When installing [email protected] in IE and FF browsers, the main page is automatically replaced with

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  • The point is to install the Mail ru search engine... But when loading, mail still opens!

