Basics of working in Linux. Selecting a Desktop Environment

Any user may be interested in trying out the Linux operating system. That's what happened to me once. There is a lot of literature on the Internet, but the question always remains: “Where to start?” Some saw Linux from friends, some found a video or read articles on the Internet, but all this more often ready-made options. And if you yourself want to install such an OS on your computer, then you will have a lot of questions. The first question that worried me was the choice of distribution...

I rummaged through a bunch of literature, but opinions were divided, and still are. Some are for Debian, others are for Mandriva, RedHat, etc. Currently, there are more than 1,300 builds of the Linux OS, and choosing one specific one makes the hardcore Windows user think deeply. I tried to install different ones, but it was not always possible due to equipment conflicts and simply inexperience. The first successfully installed distribution was OpenSuse 11.1, then Debian. The catch is that these distributions have different file structure, programs and more. This confused me even more, but I continued experimenting until I decided on Ubuntu. This is what we will talk about.

I think it's worth noting that Ubuntu is based on the Debian distribution, which in turn is very popular among system administrators. What does "founded" mean? I'll try to draw a parallel with Windows OS. Imagine an ordinary licensed Windows disk. Introduced? Now imagine any assembly, even the notorious ZverDVD. So, Ubuntu is a “build” of Debian, which has an updated kernel, patches, own programs and repositories. Later I will talk about all this separately. I think it’s not worth going too deep into the differences between Ubuntu and Debian, I’ll just add that this distribution is very popular and new versions of Ubuntu are released every six months (in April and October). And yet, why Ubuntu? Yes, it simply meets the requirements that a novice user sets for a new OS.

  1. Simplicity and ease of installation. I want to insert the disc, install it, watch it, and not have any unnecessary dances with a tambourine (although in future work I won’t be able to do without dancing with a tambourine). I note that when working in Windows, you can be a simple user and not bother with how and what works, and if infrequent problems or difficulties arise, you can simply turn to knowledgeable and understanding people who can help you. In the case of Linux, you will have to figure out a lot of things on your own and become a “knowledgeable” person yourself. But don’t be afraid, that’s not what you came here for. Be that as it may, you can always ask a question, and we, in turn, will try to help you.
  2. To make everything work. Installed? Here you have a desktop and all sorts of menus and many programs, a browser, an office software package and a network settings applet (however, we will learn to work without it and set up the network manually). There is even a player, but it cannot play many audio/video formats by default; I will explain later why this is so and how to solve it.
  3. I don't want to lose anything. There are a lot of applications and documents on the Windows OS partition that I don't want to lose when installing Linux. Ubuntu will offer you to divide your hard drive into parts, save Windows or any other OS and install its own bootloader that can boot both Windows and Linux. Modern Linux distributions, considering Ubuntu has a wonderful opportunity - launching from a disk or flash drive without installing it on the computer’s hard drive. Distributions that can do this are called LiveCD / LiveDVD (or “live disk”). I recommend that before installing for the first time, you first try to run the OS from the installation disk. This way you will know for sure that a particular distribution can handle your computer’s hardware and there will be no problems during installation. By the way, there is a high probability that when you start Ubuntu from a LiveCD, you will be able to enter the network settings and use the Internet and the network. You will be able to work with text documents and tables. You can view pictures and so on. Just try booting from the disk. Do not forget that working with a LiveCD is still not working in a full-fledged operating system installed on a hard drive, so be prepared for “brakes” when reading from a CD in an attempt to open this or that program.

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You've heard of Linux, but only recently realized that this free and open source operating system is something you can actually use. It's not difficult to install, has a lot of great applications, and will extend the life of your computers. Today, Linux provides a decent opportunity to play games. Yes, you understood correctly. You don't need to have a thorough understanding of Linux, you just need someone to hold your hand as you get started.

I hear you and I'm here to help.

What is Linux?

If you are new to Linux, you can make a general assumption that it is an operating system. This is not entirely true. Linux is actually the kernel, the center of the operating system. The kernel allows software (what you see on the screen) to communicate with hardware (what you touch with your hands). Without a kernel, your system cannot function.

So when you say Linux, you are most often referring to any operating system based on Linux kernel, such as Ubuntu or Fedora. As a kernel, Linux doesn't do anything on its own. He needs someone to link and distribute it with all the software needed to produce the final result. When this happens, the resulting operating Linux system becomes known as a distribution (or “distro”).

What makes Linux different from others?

How is the Linux kernel different? Like most applications that run on it, the kernel is actively supported by the free and open source software (FOSS) community.

Open source software doesn't cost money, and everyone can look at source and change it at your discretion. This means experienced developers from all over the world contribute their work either for free or through sponsorship from companies like Canonical or Red Hat. However, you can also improve software.

In contrast, the Windows source code is not available to anyone except Microsoft employees, and it is a criminal offense to decompile or reverse engineer it. You can't create your own Windows kernel, fix bugs, or distribute an improved version of Windows that you created.

Linux is different, and the standard Public GNU License is part of the difference. This license provides the legal basis for your rights to the software. Originally written by Richard Stallman, it ensures that even when the work is modified or improved, Linux still remains in public domain for other people to use and enjoy. This is the most widely used license in the FOSS community

The free and open nature of the license can be a double-edged sword. Without a clear revenue model, development may be inconsistent. Some programs receive regular investment, while others remain dormant for many years. However, Linux has now spread to become the backbone of the Internet and the most widespread operating system for supercomputers.

In the end though using Linux Very similar to Windows and macOS, there are aspects that you will need to learn for the first time. We will encounter many of them as we move forward.

Breathe life into an old PC

One of the common reasons why people switch to Linux is to be able to continue using a computer that no longer supports the latest versions of Windows or MacOS. How good is Linux for this job and why?

    Linux is efficient: Many Linux distributions are based on years of experience in server rooms. System administrators often appreciate sleek and clean code that gets the job done without wasting power. The extra five seconds to turn on the system is something many people struggle with system administrators not ready to put up. Due to such a harsh and demanding environment, Linux distributions have become the best of their kind. Although with software coming from many different sources, it is not the case that every program will the best way use system resources.

    Linux is customizable: Linux allows users to customize every aspect of the computer's functionality. Some distributions recommend choosing various components and build your own system. Most of them provide complete functionality, but allow you to change or modify parts as you wish. Many distributions encourage you to make your own adjustments, while tuning others (such as a rudimentary OS) may require more specialized knowledge.

    Linux requires no investment: the vast majority of Linux software is free to download and install. These programs are usually quite easy to use, so you don't need to spend money on training courses or books. Everything you need to spend to revive old computer with Linux it's time.

    Linux is modular and specialized: You can customize a computer that is specifically designed to suit your needs: remote video monitoring, a database of food recipes, a control panel for amazing laser projector, which changes intensity by synchronizing with the rhythm of the music. You can build whatever you want. A testament to the quality of Linux's modular design is the Red Hat Linux variant that was used to control electromagnets inside the Large Hadron Collider. You'll be surprised how many things your old computer can still do.

Beginning of work

Whether you install Linux yourself or buy the computer that comes with it, you'll need to make a few decisions before doing so. There are several conditions you need to know that you have not encountered before. Let's figure it out.

Selecting a distribution

Let us remind you that the distribution is a Linux Operating System that comes with all the software necessary to provide you with a complete picture. The kernel is provided along with hardware drivers and applications.

Distributions come in all shapes and sizes. Some of them are aimed at beginners, while others are aimed at the most ardent supporters command line. Ubuntu, Fedora and openSUSE are three distributions general purpose, suitable for people of all skill levels.

There are many other Linux distributions, and they are all different from each other. Some distributions are tuned to serve a specific niche. Thus, you can install an operating system designed for multimedia creation, or an operating system designed for computers with old or weak hardware.

In this case, hardware compatibility is perhaps the most important thing to consider when switching to Linux. While most hardware is supported by default on most Linux distributions, less popular or unusual hardware may not work. In most cases, even if your device is not supported by default, you can follow online tutorials that will help you install an unsupported driver or fix the kernel, but this is not suitable for everyone. More on this later.

You can visit Distrowatch to see hundreds of Linux distributions. On the right side you will notice that there are the Top 100 most popular distributions. Note that it is difficult to estimate how many people use Linux. The Distrowatch databases are ranked by the popularity of each distribution's website. This gives an idea of ​​what people are interested in, but it's hardly an idea of ​​which distributions are most widely used. Ubuntu, for example, is not currently considered #1, but it is considered the most widely known version of desktop Linux.

Selecting a Desktop Environment

Depending on which distribution you choose, this decision may already be made for you. Most major Linux distributions provide a desktop environment by default.

But maybe you haven't decided on the distribution yet. In this case, checking your desktop environment can help you make a decision. Each of them provides various solutions, and some work better on some distributions than others. Here are a few of the most basic:

GNOME is the default desktop environment on Ubuntu, Fedora and Debian. While Windows, macOS and most Linux desktop environments display your open windows on the panel or dock, GNOME doesn't do anything like that.

Instead, you switch between open windows, revealing an overview screen, a dashboard that also displays an application launcher, virtual desktops, and a search bar that can access files, open software, and execute commands. Although, if you want a traditional panel, there are extensions available for that.

The KDE Plasma desktop is the default environment in KDE Neon, Kubuntu and Chakra. It is also popular among openSUSE users.

KDE Plasma is perhaps the most customizable interface that can be used on desktop computer. For this reason, it is a great choice for advanced users and professionals. You can make KDE look like most other desktop interfaces without having to edit obscure files or customize any lines of code.


Cinnamon provides a simple option that seems familiar to many Windows users switching to Linux. The application menu is in the bottom left corner, system indicators are in the bottom right corner, and open windows appear in between.

If you don't want to relearn how to use your computer, switching from Cinnamon can save you a lot of headaches. This is the default desktop environment in Linux Mint.

While Linux is a great way to revive an old computer, not every desktop environment will run on aging hardware. You may need to use one specially designed to use fewer system resources.

Xfce is one of the more popular options that is well suited for this task. This is the default desktop environment in Xubuntu.

Data backup

Before we get to the good stuff, we need to do some preliminary work. Although you probably no longer use your old computer, you should open it and look for documents, videos, photos, music that you haven't yet backed up. Be careful and double check because you may erase everything from hard drive Later.

Making a copy is not difficult, but it can be tedious if you have a lot of data scattered around. The easiest way to save files is to connect external hard drive to the USB port.

For Windows users:

  1. Double-clicking the “My Computer” icon on the desktop or in the “Start” menu opens a window containing a list of files external hard disk.
  2. Find and copy necessary files by selecting them and pressing Ctrl + C, activating the external hard drive file list. Click inside the window we opened earlier and press Ctrl + V. Alternatively, you can select the files and drag them into the external hard drive window.

You can also back up all your data to the Cloud. This method makes your data available on other internet-connected devices, but it will likely cost more over time. It also contains a large number of security and privacy risks. Ultimately, you are giving your data to another person and trusting them to do the necessary things.

Checking Equipment Specifications

Knowing a little about your computer's hardware will be important later if there are compatibility issues. It's important that you write them down now because if anything breaks during the installation process or the first boot, you'll need to search the Internet for a driver, patched kernel, or package.

We don't need to write down all the hardware specs because drivers for things like Ethernet cards are mostly compatible. Bluetooth chips, card readers and printers are more difficult, but most of them are also supported by default.

Let's say you have a very rare Ethernet card. You can use the System Profiler tool to discover specifications after the operating system installation is complete.

If you are using Windows, msinfo32 is small program included in Windows 2000, Me, XP and later later versions. This program gives you a complete overview of all the technology present in your system. You can find it by opening the Start menu and typing msinfo32 into the search field. In older Windows versions You may have to click the Run button in the Start menu and type msinfo32 there.

Installing Linux

Great, you've chosen your Linux distribution, backed up your files, and you know what kind of hardware your computer is made of. It's time to get your hands dirty.

There are three main ways to install most Linux distributions on your computer:

  1. Replace existing OS with Linux
  2. Install Linux alongside your existing OS
  3. Running Linux from a USB Drive

Below are detailed instructions on installing Ubuntu on an existing one Windows model or macOS. By choosing from the three options presented above, when replacing the operating system, the operating system will run smoothly and quickly on your computer.

Installing Linux without removing the existing operating system is called dual boot. Whenever you start your computer, you will be able to select the operating system you want to use. This stops you from getting rid of your old OS, but there is always the option of uninstalling it.

Storing a copy of Linux on a USB drive allows you to download a copy of Linux onto a friend's computer, lab, or library. This method requires the least commitment from you and your computer, since you don't touch your copies of Windows or macOS.

Using the Linux Desktop

As you know, on this moment, there is no one specific Linux desktop. But if you are like many, if not most, New user Linux - probably starting with Ubuntu. In this case, the first time you log into the new operating system, you will see a screen that looks like this.

This is the Ubuntu desktop. While Canonical has added a few interesting elements of its own, the interface you see is not exclusive to Ubuntu. This is GNOME.

For a full understanding of how to navigate this interface and other software, check out the Ubuntu Beginner's Guide

Search for additional software

The time comes when you need more apps. Where do you get them? You may be used to going to a big box store and buying a program that you either install from a disk or download from the Internet. You may be able to get all your apps by going to individual websites and downloading installers. You can even get all your software from app stores that sell you content, just like on your phone or tablet.

Windows programs only on Windows. The same applies to macOS software. You will need to find applications that are designed for Linux.

Most Linux software is now available through app stores filled with free programs. Their use is similar using the App store on any other platform. Just find the application you want and click the install button.

These app stores are an alternative to package managers, traditional and more in complex ways obtaining software on Linux. Nowadays, you may never have to use a more advanced tool like Synaptic or Apper, but they give you more control over what you install.

While downloading installers directly from websites is not the preferred way to obtain Linux software, there are times when it is the only option. For example, how do you install Google Chrome. This is also a common way to install commercial games from online stores such as Humble Bundle and GOG. Just know that you won't be looking for an EXE. What's more likely is that you will instead find packaged files such as DEB, RPM, SH, or one of many other Linux formats.

Now that you know how to install apps, which one will you choose? Alternatively, check out our list best programs for Linux.

Installing the update

Updates are a free part of Linux. They keep your system running the latest software. You can also get user interface improvements and fixes to programs that run in the background.
Typically, you can install updates through your distribution's app store, the same place you go to download new software. Often it will have its own partition, as is the case with Ubuntu.

Downloading multimedia codecs

You may have never had to think about codecs before. They allow you to play various multimedia files, such as music and video. When you buy a Windows or macOS PC, codecs come as part of the desktop. This is usually not the case when you install Linux yourself.

This is not a bug or defect in the work Linux desktop- this is a legal issue. Many codecs remain under copyright, and computer manufacturers must pay licensing fees in order to legally distribute them.

Laws vary depending on the country. This is one of the reasons why codecs are available in quality free download on many Linux distributions such as Ubuntu and Linux Mint. But there is also a paid version, you can download it in case you want the exact license to play these files.

Search for additional drivers

When you change the operating system your computer came with, things don't always go smoothly. Sometimes you will need to install additional drivers or codecs to get the full picture.

If you are experiencing graphical glitches or cannot view Wi-Fi networks, You may need to install a proprietary driver. This is software that Linux distributions do not allow you to pre-install, so you must do it yourself. How you do this may vary depending on what distribution you are using. If you choose Ubuntu, you can find a section for installing drivers inside the software and updating the application. Software & Updates app.

What to do when you need specific software?

One of the first questions people ask when considering switching to Linux is whether they can run a particular program. When we used only one operating system, we tended to think of applications as components that any computer should be able to run. But in most cases, an application is actually designed to run on only one operating system. In order to work on another, developers must build separate version. The Windows version of Steam does not work on macOS, and vice versa. Linux also needs its own version.

Since not as many people run Linux on their desktops as Windows or macOS, developers often choose not to make a Linux version of the software. Often a free and open source alternative that does the same job will suffice. But there are cases when people want to use a program that does not run on Linux and for which there is no alternative. While this may be a reason not to switch to Linux, the choice is always yours. There may still be ways to make this program work.


You may have heard of emulators - software that people use to play console video games on their PCs. They operate using code that is similar enough to imitate (or emulate) the original machines for which the games were developed. The same can be done with programs designed for personal computers.

The most famous way to emulate Windows software on Linux is using Wine. Although this doesn't always work, at best Windows application will work alongside your regular software Linux provisioning without any extra fuss.

Because setting up Wine can be complicated, there are programs that will try to do the hard work for you. There are two popular examples - PlayOnLinux and Crossover Linux. The latter is paid application, which also exists for Windows and macOS.

Virtual machines

Emulation allows an application to run on an operating system for which it was not designed. Virtual machines allow you to run an entire operating system within the current one. So when you need to run a specific program for Windows, you can run your virtual copy of Windows and open the program.

Unlike emulation, virtual machines guaranteed to work. The downside is that you have to boot a separate operating system in its own window, which can be time-consuming and inconvenient. You must also have a copy of Windows or macOS to run. Getting one of the options may be difficult or expensive depending on your circumstances.

All is ready!

At this stage, you have installed Linux, learned new interface and installed the software required to run it. But your journey is just beginning. There is so much more to see and do in the world of free and open source software!

Since everything is free, you can change your distribution at any time or change your current interface to any other. Nor do you need to open a command line to use Linux, as you can do a lot more if you're curious enough to try.

This article does not cover Linux installation. I assume that the reader has already installed one of the distributions of this OS. However, after successful installation, the user usually has many questions, some of which are answered in this article. In preparing this material, Black Cat Linux 6.02 was used, but everything stated below applies almost unchanged to other Linux distributions (for example, Red Hat or Mandrake).

As you know, you can work in Linux in graphics system X Window or in a text console. Most users prefer to work exclusively with the window manager after installation, but there are a wide range of tasks that can be performed (or are much easier) by working in the console. Therefore, this is where I would like to start this article.
First, a little about setup.

Working with the linuxconf program.
If at Linux installations you have configured automatic start X-ov, then you need to first go to the console. To do this, click Ctrl+Alt+F1. You will be taken to a virtual text console and after entering your username and password you will be able to issue commands shell. To return to the X Window, click Alt+F7. Generally speaking, by default you can work in 6 virtual consoles at once, which is often very convenient (switching between them is Alt+F1...Alt+F6).
In the console, enter the command linuxconf. The system management program will start. Here you can manage users, network connections, file systems, boot and other Linux settings. The program is organized as a drop-down menu. Navigation is carried out using the arrow keys, Enter And Tab. As an example, we will show how to create a new user and define its rights. Let's go to Config>User accounts>Normal>User accounts
A list of users is shown here. Click twice Tab to go to the button Add, then Enter. In the column Login name In the window that appears, enter the name of the new user. The remaining fields can be left untouched for now. After pressing the button Accept you will be asked for your password twice - and a new user has been created! I advise you to work as little as possible as root, since his mistake can cause the most fatal consequences for the system, while an ordinary user can usually damage only his own files.

Linuxconf is also convenient for describing file systems. For example, let's look at how to "teach" Linux to see the Windows partition. Let's go to Config>File systems>Access local drive. A list of file systems described in the file appears /etc/fstab. To add to it new entry, click Add. In the column Partition we write /dev/hda1 for 1st hard drive partition, /dev/hda2- for the second, etc. If you want to add the first section second hard disk - write /dev/hdb1, second - /dev/hdb2. In the column Type click Ctrl+x and select the file system type from the list ( vfat for Windows). In the column Mount point dialing /mnt/win. After clicking Accept answer yes to the question about creating a new mount point. Now in the catalog /mnt you will have a catalog win, which should contain the contents of the Windows partition, but if you go into it, you will find that it is empty. In order to see your Windows partition in it, you need to give the command in the console mount/mnt/win. Among other Linux OS configuration programs, I would also like to note setup, which easily allows you to configure your keyboard, mouse, sound card and X Window.
Working in the console is quite convenient, but to navigate through directories it is much more pleasant to use Midnight Commander.After calling the command mc Norton-like appears on the screen file manager, which is almost as powerful as DN or FAR. Personally, I also use mc to set access rights to files and directories, since it is much more convenient for me to use than the utility chown.

Installing applications under Linux.
For Linux, applications are delivered primarily in the form rpm-packages or .tar.gz-archives. Installed rpm-package by command rpm -i package name
Program rpm It will create all the directories necessary for the application to work and put the files there. If you already have a previous version of the application installed, then you need to provide the key on the command line --force to replace the old version. rpm-packages are available on the CD of most Linux distributions, as well as on many ftp servers on the Internet. If the extension rpm-file looks like .src.rpm, then this is the source code of the application, and before running it you need to compile it yourself (usually such packages contain instructions on how to do this). To remove a package from the system, issue the command rpm -e package name.
If you received the application as a packaged file with the extension .tar.gz, then to unpack it you need to give the command tar xzvf archive name. Next, you need to find a file with instructions for installing the application, which may vary in each specific case.
By the way, to view the contents of archives without unpacking them manually, it is convenient to use Midnight Commander. When you press Enter on the archive name, you enter it like a regular directory.
I would also like to mention one useful program - fsck. If, for example, while working in Linux you had a power cut or accidentally pressed reset :-), then when you boot the OS will ask for the root password and you will be in single-user mode. In him file system mounted for read and execute only. To repair a damaged file system, issue the command fsck-Aa. After it's finished, give the command reboot, and after a reboot everything should work as before.
To view documentation for any Linux command on the command line you need to specify: man command_name. The standard documentation viewer will launch and tell you about the usage, switches and configuration files of this command. If the information is not enough, then in the catalog /usr/doc you will find complete manuals to most Linux programs.
Finish review useful programs, launched from the console, I would like document processing utilities. If you have ever tried to read text files created in DOS or Windows in Linux, you must have encountered the problem of transcoding. The fact is that Linux uses KOI-8 encoding, which is different from DOS or Windows. A utility is used to convert text recode. For example, we will show how to convert a file myfile.txt(Windows encoding) in KOI-8:
recode -wk myfile.txt myfile.koi
After executing this command, a file will be created in the current directory myfile.koi, which can be viewed with any text editor under Linux. Key -wk specifies conversion options (Windows - KOI8). There are 14 more possible keys. A list of them with a description can be obtained by issuing the command recode without parameters.
We are also interested in the program mswordview. It is designed to transform doc- files ( Microsoft Word) V HTML- a format that is supported by many editors on Linux. Now you won't need to keep Windows and MS Office on your hard drive just because you need to work with doc-files. By the way, the famous free office suite StarOffice, which runs on Linux, also works great with Microsoft Office files.
Now let's move on to working with X Window. If you don’t have X running by default, then run the command in the console xinit. If everything is configured normally, you will be taken to the graphical console. Next you need to give a command to start the window manager (for example, kde For KDE, or icewm For IceWM). These two operations can be replaced by one - a script startx. If none of the methods discussed above works, it means that your Xs are most likely configured incorrectly, and then you can try to fix it with the program setup discussed above.

There are quite a few window managers for Linux. Some of them claim to be similar to Windows 95 or MacOS, but most still have the original interface. In this article I will talk about KDE- in my opinion, this is the best environment for work. I don’t want to offend amateurs Gnome, but on my machine it runs much slower, which doesn't suit me.
After launching KDE, you are presented with an environment that at first glance looks like Windows. There is a button in the lower left corner TO, similar to a button Start in a well-known OS. At the bottom of the screen there is a taskbar, a clock, and a keyboard indicator. Well, in general, everything is like THERE. But this apparent similarity between the KDE and Windows interfaces will wear off pretty soon. You will see how much more convenient it is to work with the first one.
To begin with, I would advise running the script KAppFinder(its shortcut is on the desktop), which will add to the menu Personal those applications that are not included in KDE (for example, utilities Gnome, Netscape Navigator).
In order to configure appearance KDE, right-click on an empty space on the desktop and select Display properties. Here you can change the background, screen saver, fonts and display styles of KDE applications.
Shortcuts on the desktop are created similarly to Windows 98, i.e. via menu item New in the pop-up menu. This article looked at how to use the command mount need to mount others sections of hard disk, previously described in the file /etc/fstab using the program linuxconf. In KDE, you can create shortcuts on your desktop that correspond to these sections. To do this, right-click on an empty field of the desktop to call up a pop-up menu. Choose New>System Device File. Give it a name (for example, "Windows"). Go to the tab Device. Here in the column Device set the section (for example, /dev/hda1), and in the graph Mount point- the directory that was specified in linuxconf (in this article - /mnt/win). Count File system leave unchanged. After clicking OK, a “Windows” shortcut will appear on the desktop. Now, in order to get to this partition, you will no longer need to issue the mount command every time. At double click on the shortcut, mounting will occur automatically and you will see the contents of your Windows partition. By the way, I would like to dwell separately on the program that allows you to view catalogs. It's called kfm and launched from the menu System>File Manager. With this application you can not only manage files (like Microsoft Explorer), but also view html-files (which is very convenient when reading documentation), as well as “climbing” through ftp- archives, as if on your own hard drive. The fact is that kfm has a built-in quite powerful browser that supports different encodings text, working through proxies, cookies and a lot of other stuff.

We are also interested in the application kpackage- Package Manager. It allows you to install and uninstall Linux applications without resorting to a console utility rpm described above. On the left side of the screen there is a list of installed packages, divided by category. When you select one of them, its description is shown on the right side of the screen.
Now a few words about typing. There are “numerous” editors for this noble occupation in Linux. Some (for example, ed, vi) have remained from THOSE times when people worked at “stupid” terminals and could only dream of X-s. Additionally, Linux comes with a very powerful text editor Emacs, however, more than one article can be written about it. Now I will talk about two editors for KDE - kedit("Simple text editor") and kwrite("Advanced Editor"). I use the kedit editor all the time. It is small, fast and convenient. Allows you to check spelling, align text, open pages directly from the Internet and write them back. Your message can be sent immediately by mail. By the way, a little advice: in order to view the contents of a file in Windows encoding without using the utility recode described above, open this file in kedit and then to the menu Settings>Font select any font whose name ends with "1251". After this, you will be able to see the contents of the file, but you are unlikely to be able to change it.

Editor kwrite intended for typing program code rather than text. It allows you to mark up syntax, make bookmarks and much more that you cannot do kedit. In my opinion, one of its main advantages is the ability to rollback (similar to Undo on Windows).
Finally, I would like to note the program console. This is a graphical terminal emulator. Launched from X and functions as a virtual console. IN console you can enter commands shell or run Midnight Commander. Personally I use console For quick launch in KDE of the required applications. I don’t know about you, but I find it much more convenient to type on the keyboard kmmail, kedit or netscape than clicking on drop-down menus or shortcuts. Just don’t forget to put a sign after the application name "&" , otherwise the console will be locked until you exit it.

The idea of ​​an introductory course on working with Linux came up with my colleagues quite a long time ago. Since 2011, I have been doing bioinformatics at the Laboratory of Algorithmic Biology of St. Petersburg Agrarian University RAS (and my partner wrote about what we are doing). It must be said right away that working as a bioinformatician without Linux is practically impossible, since most bioinformatics programs are created specifically for this operating system and work only on it.

Due to the fact that this is an area at the intersection of sciences, we constantly communicate with biologists. Biologists now have to work with very large volumes data, so the ability to use Linux, the optimal operating system for such tasks, becomes a necessary skill. In fact, it’s not just about the ability to handle Linux, but in general about computer literacy: what are the rules for working on the server, how to load and efficiently store data files, what programs to run to process them and how to do this, etc. - all those things that both simplify and speed up your work and greatly facilitate collaboration with colleagues. Despite the fact that you can figure out Linux on your own by reading smart books and websites, for people from a non-technical environment this often causes certain difficulties and many give up at the initial stages of mastering this OS (for example, when getting acquainted with command line).

Based on our experience, my colleague Andrey Przhibelsky (@andrewprzh) and I initially intended to conduct several classes on computer literacy for biologists. And then this idea grew into a three-week open online course (MOOC) from the Institute of Bioinformatics in Russian, which was later narrowed down to an introduction to Linux as a starting point - since it turned out to be very, very difficult to fit everything into three weeks. The course has already started and turned out to be quite popular (more than five thousand people have signed up for it at the moment), but the first deadline for assignments is November 24, so you can still join without losing points or just study the course in free mode (all materials will remain open).

If the community is interested, we will write a separate post about the preparation of the first online course in our life - it is not at all as simple and fast as it might seem at first glance.

But first I would like to dwell on the answers to the questions that we were asked most often. While preparing the course, we talked to a variety of people and were faced with the fact that many did not understand at all where Linux was used, and had no idea that the system could be useful to them. So:

Why do you need to know how to use Linux now?

Many people don't notice, but Linux is already around us. All Android devices run Linux, most servers on the Internet also use this operating system, and there are many other examples. Of course, you can continue to use all these things without knowing Linux, but once you master the basics of this system, you can better understand the behavior of the things around you. In addition, when working with large amounts of data, Linux is simply necessary, because most complex calculations huge amounts of data are processed on computers running Linux control. And this is not a random choice: most computing tasks are performed much faster on Linux than on Windows or Mac OS X.

How is Linux related to mastering other disciplines?

A huge share of scientific software, especially programs for processing big data (for example, in the field of bioinformatics) is developed specifically for Linux. This means that these applications simply cannot run on Windows or Mac OS X. So, if you do not know how to work in Linux, you are automatically deprived of the opportunity to use the latest scientific developments. In addition, by learning Linux, you will better understand how a computer works, because you will be able to give commands to it almost directly.

Why does this need a separate course?

Linux has a lot of features that are useful to know and, of course, be able to use them in right moment. Fortunately, modern Linux versions much more user-friendly than their counterparts 5-6 years ago. Now you don’t have to suffer for hours and even days and nights after installing the system to set up your Internet connection, printing on a printer, keyboard layouts, and so on. Anyone can start using Linux the same way they used Windows or Mac OS X after a minimal familiarity with this system, which will be calculated in minutes. However, the capabilities of Linux are much broader than “everyday” use. It is simply impossible to cover all the functionality of Linux even in a three-week course. However, we try to teach students how to use most of the basic features of Linux, and most importantly, we hope that those who complete the course will be able to successfully continue mastering Linux on their own.

What's interesting about Linux?

For us, Linux is like a very interesting book that you read and are happy to recommend to your friends and even feel envious that they still have an acquaintance with this work ahead of them. The only difference is that although we have been familiar with Linux for almost 10 years, we cannot say that we have “read” it in its entirety. You can always find something new for yourself in it, learn that many things that you are used to doing one way can be done completely differently - much easier and faster.

The more you get acquainted with Linux, the more interesting it becomes. And from the initial desire to “quickly turn off and reboot into the native and familiar Windows (Mac OS X)” you soon move into the state of “hmm, but this is not so bad” and a little later into “how could I even work in this Windows ?!” And while studying Linux, you can sometimes feel a little like a hacker or the hero of a movie about programmers =)

Our course consists of brief overview basic features of Linux, but for beginners this should be enough to get interested in Linux and dive a little into its philosophy. For example, we will spend most of the course working in the terminal, so beginners should get used to it and understand the advantages of this approach to managing a computer. For more advanced users, certain lessons of the course may be of interest - for example, about working with a remote server or programming in bash. .

How to check solutions to problems in a Linux course? Is it even possible?

The answer to this question was non-trivial - we thought for a long time about how to check tasks (for example, that the user installed Linux on his computer or edited a file in a certain editor) and how to come up with interesting tasks to really show real Linux experience. For some topics there were quite interesting approaches. For example, it was added specifically for the course new type tasks on the Stepic platform - connection to to a remote server(and opening a “terminal”) right in the browser window - according to reviews from the first users, they liked it. Of course, the first time there were some rough edges, but overall, everything works quite well. About technical side A separate post from the developers will appear on this issue soon. An example of such a task (to watch it live, you can sign up for the course):

It must be said that not all users perceived the tasks with humor. For example, we tested the skill of installing programs on Linux using the example VLC programs. You had to install it on your system using one of the described methods, then open the help about the program, find the name of the first author and enter it into the verification form. We heard a lot of comments about this task :) And people made mistakes mainly in that they entered the first and last names, or just the first name, or part of the last name (and there it is double, with a hyphen!). In general, if you decide to take the course, then read the terms of the tasks more carefully and this will save a lot of time and nerves! True, there was a remark with the same author and to the point, it turned out that in older versions of VLC he is already in 14th place, so we added another author to the check, who is the first among the “old” list (and, by the way, the third in the “new” ).

Why is Linux so good?

The question is, of course, ambiguous. In my opinion one of key advantages What sets Linux apart from Windows or Mac OS X is that this operating system is developed by a huge community of programmers around the world, and not in two, albeit very large, companies (Microsoft and Apple). The source code of this system is open, and everyone can get acquainted with internal device Linux or participate in its development. Developers are developing it not only for user-buyers, but also for themselves, which is why such great progress in development and many of its other advantages are associated. As "bonuses" for ordinary users: Linux is free, there are practically no viruses on Linux (and virus developers themselves often work on Linux!), there are a huge number of versions of this system and everyone can choose the one they like!

And finally, I would like to talk about my first acquaintance with Linux in the work process (before that I was separate course in my studies, but I didn’t get much out of it, unfortunately). This incident impressed me so much that I still remember it. When I worked at the department at Polytechnic in my 3rd year, I needed to run one program for data processing. The program was written in C++, and we then worked in Windows XP. There were a lot of launches that needed to be done, they were pretty similar and usually took a couple of minutes. During this time, it was impossible to do anything else on the computer - it was completely frozen, so you could chat with other employees or just walk around the office. After about a couple of weeks of such launches, my supervisor advised me to try to do the same thing, but not in Windows, but in Linux. I then thought “well, what difference does it make?”, but I respected the manager so much, I recompiled the program and followed his advice. Imagine my surprise when I ran the same program on the same data and got the result (exactly the same, of course) in a few seconds! I didn’t even have time to get up from my chair, let alone take a walk...

What's happened Ubuntu? Ubuntu is a modern, full-featured operating system based on the Linux kernel. Translated from the South African Zulu language, the word Ubuntu roughly means “humanity.”

Ubuntu is and will always be distributed absolutely free. But at the same time, by installing Ubuntu on your computer, you get a complete set of all applications necessary for work, and you can easily download everything that is missing from the standard package from the Internet. And there is no catch in this. You can use Ubuntu and all the software available on this system without any restrictions, absolutely free and completely legally. Moreover, you can even download the source code of all components of the system and make your own product based on it.

Ubuntu is supported and sponsored by Canonical, but the community makes a huge contribution to the development of this great OS - ordinary people, who are looking to improve the applications and tools they use. Perhaps someday you will want to help make Ubuntu is the best operating system and take part in the community.

About the resource

The purpose of this resource is to help beginners install Ubuntu on their computer and get comfortable with this system. I will say right away that all articles are written on the assumption that the reader has some knowledge of computers and will be able to distinguish a file from a folder. Although you don’t need any specific knowledge - just general computer literacy.

This resource is a beginner's guide, so if you haven't used Ubuntu before, I recommend that you read each article in order. If you already know something about Ubuntu and Linux in general, perhaps something will seem familiar to you. In this case, you can read the articles at your own discretion; use the menu on the right to navigate. By the way, if you don't feel comfortable reading the manual online, you can download a PDF version.

This guide is by no means exhaustive, but is intended to help you ease into the world of Ubuntu. If you have any questions, please contact the official Russian-language forum, they will always help you there, in addition there is community-created in Russian, in it you can search for the missing information.

A short summary

So what can you learn from this guide? Well, first of all, I’ll tell you how to install Ubuntu on your computer - the only operating system or next to Windows. Next, I'll touch a little on the user interface and basic system controls. And then I’ll try to cover all the necessary basics step by step. using Ubuntu. By the way, many articles contain quite a lot of footnotes. They contain Additional Information or simply various comments on the main content. You may well skip them while reading. They are not necessary for understanding the main material of the manual, but are often useful as clarification of some specific questions that you may have.

I’ll say right away - there are practically no descriptions in the manual specific applications. There is one for Ubuntu great amount programs for every taste and color. And I would really like not to recommend anything specific, but to show you how to find and install exactly what you personally like and suits best.

In general, the purpose of this manual is to teach the reader how to use all the main tools of the system with ease and effectively. I really hope that after reading it, you will be able to work calmly in Ubuntu and easily perform all the actions you need.

The guide describes the long term support version of Ubuntu - Ubuntu 10.04 LTS "Lucid Lynx".

Modern versions of Ubuntu are very different from "Lucid Lynx" user interface and pre-installed programs, so this guide is practically irrelevant for them.

For older versions there may also be slight differences from what is described in the articles, but the general provisions will remain the same. However, I recommend that you always use latest version Ubuntu. In the first article I will tell you where you can get your copy of the distribution.