Main characteristics of a personal computer - Knowledge Hypermarket. Basic characteristics of a personal computer

Main technical characteristics computers in general are as follows:

PC performance (speed) - the ability of a computer to process large amounts of information. Determined by the speed of the processor, the volume of the RAM and the speed of access to it (for example, the Pentium III processes information at a speed of hundreds of millions of operations per second)

Processor performance (speed) - the number of elementary operations performed in 1 second.

The processor clock frequency (synchronization frequency) is the number of processor cycles per second, and the clock cycle is the period of time (microseconds) during which an elementary operation (for example, addition) is performed. Thus, the clock frequency is the number of pulses generated per second that synchronize the operation of computer nodes. It is the PM that determines the speed of the computer

The frequency is set by a special microcircuit “clock frequency generator”, which produces periodic pulses. The processor is allocated a certain number of clock cycles to perform each operation. A frequency of 1 MHz = 1 million cycles per second. Exceeding the clock frequency threshold leads to errors in the processor and other devices. Therefore, there are fixed clock frequencies for each type of processor, for example: 2.8; 3.0 GHz, etc.

Processor capacity - max length (number of bits) binary code, which can be processed and transmitted by the processor as a whole.

The capacity is related to the size of special memory cells - registers. A register of 1 byte (8 bits) is called eight-bit, one of 2 bytes is called 16-bit, etc. High-performance computers have 8-byte registers (64 bits). In other words, bit depth is the width of the data transmission channel. The width can be compared to the width of the highway along which the flow of cars moves. If it is narrow, the flow of cars will stretch out, and it will take a lot of time to get to the desired point; if the highway is wide, it will take much less time. The bit capacity is related to the type of processor and motherboard. For example, the first microprocessor from INTEL 8008 had a width of 4 bits, and the PENTIUM processor had a width of 32 bits.

Access time - Performance of OP modules, this is the period of time required to read a min portion of information from memory cells or write to memory. Modern modules have an access speed of over 100ns (1ns=10-9s)

Volume random access memory- it determines the possibility of running certain programs on the computer. The RAM stores the processed data. this moment information. Its volume should be sufficient for this. If this is not the case, the corresponding programs will not be able to run on that machine. Therefore, when describing programs, they always indicate how much RAM should be in order to be able to run this program. In the first IBM PCs (1981), the maximum amount of RAM was set to 640 KB. It was believed that this was a lot and would never be needed again. It turned out, however, that this is far from the case, and equipment manufacturers and software products I had to start overcoming the “640 barrier” very soon. Currently, the amount of RAM reaches several tens of gigabytes.

Cache memory - To speed up access to RAM on high-speed computers a special cache memory is used, which is located “between the microprocessor and RAM and stores copies of the most frequently used areas of RAM.

Recording density - the amount of information recorded per unit track length (bit/mm)

Another important technical aspect is the quality and modernity of peripheral devices.

Peripheral device is a device that is part of the external equipment of a personal computer, providing data input/output, organizing intermediate and long-term data storage.

Functional classes of peripheral devices:

  • 1. PUs designed to communicate with the user. These include various devices input (keyboards, scanners, as well as manipulators - mice, trackballs and joysticks), output devices (monitors, indicators, printers, plotters, etc.) and interactive devices (terminals, LCD tablets with touch input and etc.)
  • 2. Mass storage devices (hard drives, floppy drives, optical drives, flash memory, etc.)
  • 3. Communication devices with the control object (ADC, DAC, sensors, digital controllers, relays, etc.)
  • 4. Means of data transmission to long distances(telecommunications) (modems, network adapters).

Keyboard. The main device for entering information into a computer is the keyboard, which is a set of mechanical sensors that sense pressure on the keys and close a certain electrical circuit in one way or another. Currently, two types of keyboards are common: with mechanical or with membrane switches. In the first case, the sensor is a traditional mechanism with contacts made of a special alloy. In the second case, the switch consists of two membranes: the upper one is active, the lower one is passive, separated by a third membrane gasket.

As a rule, inside the body of any keyboard, in addition to the key sensors, there are electronic decoding circuits and a microcontroller. The exchange of information between the keyboard and the system board is carried out according to a special serial interface 11-bit blocks. The basic principle of the keyboard is to scan the key switches. The closing and opening of any of these switches corresponds to a unique digital code- scan code. When the key is released, the IBM PC AT keyboard precedes the scan code with the code F016. When the keyboard controller detects a key being pressed or released, it triggers hardware interrupt IRQ1. If in keyboards of computers such as IBM PC XT, data transfer can only be carried out in one direction, then in keyboards of the IBM PC AT type such communication is possible in two directions, i.e. the keyboard can receive special teams(setting the auto-repeat delay and auto-repeat frequency parameters). The keyboard is connected to the system board using electrically identical USB connectors, 5 DIN or 6 mini-DIN, the latter was first introduced in the IBM PS/2, from which it inherited its “slang” name. To provide bidirectional communication, a single data line is used, however, requiring open collector pins.

Mouse. The first computer mouse was created by Douglas Engelbart in 1963 at the Stanford Research Center. Mice became widespread due to the growing popularity of software systems with graphical interface user. The mouse makes it convenient to manipulate objects that are widely used in graphics packages, such as windows, menus, buttons, icons, etc.

The first mouse, when moving, rotated two wheels, which were connected to the axes of variable resistors. The movement of the cursor of such a mouse was caused by a change in the resistance of variable resistors. Most modern mice have an optical-mechanical design. A heavy rubberized ball of relatively large diameter comes into contact with the surface on which the mouse is moved. When you move the mouse, this ball can rotate two perpendicular rollers pressed against it. The axis of rotation of one of the rollers is vertical, and the other is horizontal. On the axis of the rollers there are sensors installed, which are discs with slots, different sides which the LED-photodiode optocouplers are located. The order in which the photosensitive elements of one axis are illuminated determines the direction of movement of the mouse, and the frequency of the pulses coming from them determines the speed.

Another popular mouse design is the all-optical design. Using an LED and a lens system that focuses its light, an area of ​​the surface under the mouse is illuminated. The light reflected from this surface is in turn collected by another lens and hits the receiving sensor of the image processor chip. This chip takes high-frequency images of the surface under the mouse and processes them. Based on the analysis of a series of consecutive images, which are a square matrix of pixels of different brightness, the integrated DSP processor calculates the resulting indicators indicating the direction of mouse movement along the X and Y axes, and transmits the results of its work to the peripheral interface. The main characteristics that ensure reliable operation of optical mice are determined by: technical parameters sensors used.

Monitor (display) is a device for visualizing text or graphic information without long-term fixation. Based on the type of information displayed, monitors are divided into alphanumeric (not currently used) and graphic. Based on the method of image formation, graphic displays are divided into vector (not used in PCs) and raster. In a vector display, an image is built from elementary segments of vectors (in the case of a CRT, an electron beam continuously “draws” the outline of the image, assembling it from these vectors). In raster displays, the image is obtained using a matrix of dots (in the case of a CRT, electron beams run along the lines of the screen, highlighting the required dots with their color). The most widely used monitors are those based on cathode ray tubes (CRT) and those based on liquid crystals (LCD).

The operation of LCD monitors is based on the property of some substances to exhibit anisotropy in a fluid (“liquid”) state. The first LCD monitor was demonstrated by the American company RCA in 1966. For the manufacture of LCD monitors, so-called nematic crystals are used, the molecules of which have the shape of rods or elongated plates. In the absence of an electric field, the molecules of this substance form twisted helices (usually 90). As a result of this orientation of the molecules, the plane of polarization of the transmitted light rotates. If a voltage is applied to the transparent electrodes, the spiral of molecules straightens (they are oriented along the field), while the plane of polarization of the transmitted light does not rotate. By using a suitably oriented film polarizer, it is possible to ensure that in the first case the LCD element transmits transmitted light, but in the second it does not.

Thus, each image point on the LCD monitor is a corresponding TSTN8 element, and the entire screen is a matrix of these elements. Two methods can be used to address LCD elements: direct (passive) and indirect (active). With direct element addressing, each selectable image point is activated by applying voltage to the corresponding electrode conductor for the row (common to the entire row) and to the electrode conductor for the column (common to the entire column). Matrices with passive control ("passive matrices") have insufficient image contrast, because the electric field arises not only at the point of intersection of the address conductors, but also along the entire path of current propagation. This problem is solved by using so-called active matrices, when each image point is controlled by its own independent electronic switch (usually a TFT).

When using active matrices, parameters such as short response time (typical value - 10-25 μs) and large viewing angle (75 -120) are of great importance.

Drives with magnetic media. Currently, three types of storage devices with magnetic recording of information are common: hard (non-removable) magnetic disks (HDD or “hard drives”), flexible magnetic disks (HDD or floppy drives) and magnetic tape (NMD or streamers).

The HDD contains one or more hard aluminum or glass disks coated with a layer of ferromagnetic material, which are mounted on a spindle axis. In operating mode, the reading heads do not touch the surface of the plates due to a thin layer of air (fractions of microns) formed during the rapid rotation of the disks. The rotation speed of modern hard drives is 5400-15000 rpm. Information is written to the disk as a result of changing the orientation of magnetic domains on the surface of the disk under the recording head.

The surface of a magnetic medium in its original form is just a magnetic coating that is not ready for use. A disk structure that includes tracks (concentric strips, but which are divided by each side of the platter), cylinders (tracks on both sides of the platter, arranged on circles with the same radius), and sectors (sections of a track that represent the smallest piece of data that can be changed as a result of overwriting) is formed during physical (low-level) formatting. During this operation, the drive controller writes service information to the media: synchronization bytes indicating the beginning of each sector, identification headers consisting of head, sector and cylinder numbers, bytes checksum CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) and ECC (Error Correction Code) error detection codes; At the same time, defective sectors are also marked to prevent access to them during the operation of the disk.

All modern hard drives support SMART technology(Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology), which involves performing internal diagnostics of the hard drive, determining the state of the motor, magnetic heads, working surfaces of the media and the controller.

Thus, we can say that the more modern and better the peripheral input and output device is made, the faster and clearer the connection between the user and the computer will be. If, for example, for an office worker the speed of a keyboard or mouse does not play a special role, then for a so-called “gamer”, a video game player, these indicators are important, because the faster the control unit will react to the user’s command and transmit it to the computer, the better will be the result of the game.

Sometimes there is an urgent need to find out the characteristics of your computer. For example, in order to update drivers, upgrade some parts of the system unit, or simply show off to your peers, and in many cases you just need to find out the markings of a particular system component. There are only two ways to do this: and read the markings or check them using software.

The first method, although simple, in most cases may not be available due to a violation of the warranty (if the computer is under warranty). Therefore, let's take a closer look at the second method, how to find out the characteristics of your computer using programs, both built-in operating system tools and additional specialized software.

We look at the characteristics of the computer using the operating system

1. In order to find out the three main system parameters, just go to the “My Computer” tab in the “Start” menu. To do this, you need to hover the cursor over it and right-click on it; in the list that opens, select “Properties”.

This can also be done in one more way: from the “Control Panel” tab, select “System”. In the window that opens below, you can view the same parameters.

2. Find out what equipment is installed on the computer, but without detailed characteristics can be done through Device Manager.

To launch it, you can simply type the key combination “Win+Pause”. In Windows 7, in the window that opens, you will need to select the “Device Manager” tab. Now we can see what devices are installed on your computer and their names, for example, processor type and frequency, video card, sound card, network adapters, disks, etc. The Device Manager in XP can be launched using the key combination “Win+Pause” “, then at the top you need to click on the “Equipment” tab, and already launch “Device Manager” in it.

3. This method consists of using the integrated System Information software. To launch it, you need to click on the “All Programs” drop-down list in the “Start” menu, then “Accessories”, open the “Utilities” tab and launch the “System Information” utility there. You can also do this faster by pressing the Win+R key combination. The program launch window will open. In the “Open” line you need to type “msinfo32.exe”. This is the same utility, only launched through the console.

Using this built-in software, you can obtain basic information about the system and components. But this utility is quite inconvenient due to the complexity of the branches of transitions along the tree. This software can be used in the absence of other software that is easier to understand and read.

4. You can also view system characteristics through the DirectX Diagnostic Tool. This utility is used mainly for testing both video and audio cards. The utilities window displays general information about the system and, more specifically, about the video card.

5. You can find out the characteristics of your computer from the BIOS. To do this, when booting the computer, you must press the F1, F2, Del or Esc key. It all depends on the version of the BIOS itself. Further, some knowledge of English is required.

Programs for viewing computer characteristics

For more detailed system performance diagnostics, you can use special programs. For example, AIDA64, ASTRA32, PC-Wizard programs are excellent software both for diagnostics and for testing all components separately.

To begin with, let's say that the AIDA64 (formerly Everest) application belongs to the paid category. However, it is possible to take advantage of the free 30-day period provided by the developers so that the user can familiarize himself with the capabilities of the program. This is quite enough for us. In our case, we will use the AIDA64 version Extreme Edition to familiarize yourself with the basic parameters of your computer. There is, of course, a business version of this application, but for our purposes the Extreme version will suffice. This application must be downloaded from the developer’s website () and installed on your computer.

AIDA is very simple and easy to use. The main application window is divided into two parts: the left side displays a tree of the main subsystems of the computer, and the right side displays detailed information about the subsystem selected on the left side. To view summary information on your computer, just expand the “Computer” section, and then select the “Summary Information” subsection.

Selecting this subsection will allow you to find out all the characteristics of your computer: type of computer, information on installed operating environment, information about the motherboard, available partitions, network, peripheral devices, etc.

View data central processor computer can be done by selecting the “CPU” subsection in the root “Motherboard” section. The right side of the application will display the parameters of all processors installed on the PC. This data will tell you about the type of processor installed, its model, clock speed, supported instructions, cache of different levels. You can also find information about the load on the microprocessor cores. If you need more detailed information about the functions supported by the system microprocessor, then feel free to click the “CPUID” subsection.

If you move a little further in your selection and select the “Motherboard” section, then the main application window will display detailed information on the motherboard. For desktop PC, AIDA64 will display the properties of the board with its name, properties system bus with its real and effective frequencies. Data on the properties of the memory bus with its width, frequencies, throughput. No less important Technical information according to the physical parameters of the board: supported CPU socket, installed connectors for expansion cards, number of slots for RAM sticks, as well as the type of sticks themselves and the type of supported memory. In the same section, the application will show data about the form factor of the motherboard, its physical dimensions and the chipset.

Selecting the “Memory” subsection in the “Motherboard” section will display summary information about the computer’s RAM. Here you can find out information about the operational and virtual memory: about how much of it has already been consumed and how much is currently available for use by the system and applications. Also, this section shows the path to the system swap file.

About properties installed modules RAM can be easily found out by clicking the “SPD” subsection. This action will allow the application to show all memory modules installed on the PC, which are displayed at the top of the main window area. Selecting one of the displayed modules will allow you to obtain data that is shown in the lower part of the main area of ​​the program window. By default, when you go to the “SPD” subsection, this part displays the data of the first module displayed in the list. Here you can find the following data about the properties of the module: its type, the amount of memory it provides, the type of this memory, its speed. Also, the width and voltage of the module, timing characteristics and functions supported by it are displayed here.

Video card

In order to view data on the characteristics of the video adapter, you need to go to the root section “Display”. Among its subsections you need to find “Graphics Processor”. Selecting this subsection will allow you to display data about the video adapter installed on the PC in the main area of ​​the program. Among them is information about the type of video chip, its BIOS version, the memory of the graphics card (volume, frequency, type), some characteristics GPU(frequency, technical process).

The “Monitor” subsection of the same root partition will allow the user to become familiar with the main characteristics of the system monitor. These include model, resolution, aspect ratio, vertical and horizontal scan.

AIDA64 allows you to get a wide range of information about hard drives computer. To view information about the HDD, click on the “Windows Data Storage” subsection of the root “Data Storage” section. At the top of the main area of ​​the application window, a list of all devices that are associated with data storage will be displayed. The hard drives will be displayed first, and information about the drive will be displayed at the bottom of the main area of ​​the window. characteristics of hard, indicated first in the list of devices. Among the most useful characteristics: hard drive form factor, spindle rotation speed, read/write speed, etc.

Sensor data

It is necessary not only to be able to view data about the system, but also to analyze the current information provided about the system by its sensors. Data on sensors can be found by going to the “Sensors” subsection of the “Computer” section in the general subsystem tree.

The main sensor information window displays data on the temperature of the microprocessor, as well as its cores. The “CPU” designation shows the temperature of the processor under its cover. Traditionally, this indicator is lower than the temperature indicators of the processor cores, displayed as: “CPU1”, “CPU2”. This is due to the fact that the cover is in direct contact with the heat sink of the heat sink unit. Do not be afraid of the high parameters of the “AUX” indicator, since it means practically nothing. If its values ​​never change, then it is not used by the system. The GPU Diode sensor shows the temperature on the GPU.

Using the ASTRA32 program you can also find out the characteristics of your computer. Like the previous program, ASTRA32 is paid, but the demo version is enough for us. Its interface is similar to AIDA64, also so simple and clear. Download the program from the official website: and install. By clicking on the link you will see two versions - one for normal installation, and the other is portable, that is, it does not require installation. I will use the second version of the program.

I run the program file astra32.exe as administrator.

In the window that opens, all information about my computer is immediately displayed (the “General Information” tab), namely:

  • what processor is installed, its operating frequency, cache levels;
  • brief information about the motherboard;
  • information about RAM;
  • what disks are installed and their capacity;
  • information about the video card and sound card;
  • information about the operating system, etc.

We can stop here, but for those who want to study the components of their computer in detail, you can select the appropriate section in the left column and study the data that is displayed in right column.

For example, you need to find out more detailed information about the processor: what Socket it has, how many cores, what power consumption, dimensions, etc. Go to the “Processor” tab and then “CPU”. In the Right window we look detailed information about the processor.

Finally we have come to free programs. PC-Wizard is one of best utilities to determine the characteristics, configuration and test of a computer. It can be downloaded by following the link -

The program interface is similar to the previously discussed utilities. The only difference is that instead of boring lists, icons are displayed in the right column, and there are also tips for almost every action.

Modern computers are very different: from large ones that occupy an entire room, to small ones that fit on a table, in a briefcase, and even in a pocket. Different computers are used for different purposes. Today, the most popular type of computer is personal computers. Personal computers (PCs) are intended for personal (personal) use.

Despite the variety of PC models, there are many similarities in their design. These general properties will now be discussed.

Basic PC devices. The main “part” of a personal computer is the microprocessor (MP). It's miniature electronic circuit, created using very complex technology, performing the function of a computer processor.

A personal computer is a collection of interconnected devices. The main thing in this set is the system unit. The system unit contains the “brain” of the machine: a microprocessor and internal memory. The following are also located there: power supply unit, disk drives, controllers external devices. The system unit is equipped with an internal fan for cooling.

The system unit is usually placed in a metal case, on the outside of which there are: a power button, slots for installing removable disks and disk devices, connectors for connecting external devices.

A key device (keyboard), a monitor (another name is a display) and a mouse (manipulator) are connected to the system unit. Sometimes other types of manipulators are used: joystick, trackball, etc. In addition to the PC, the following can be connected: a printer (printing device), a modem (for access to telephone line communications) and other devices (Fig. 1).


In Fig. Figure 5 shows a desktop PC model. In addition, there are portable models(laptops) and pocket computers.

All PC devices except the processor and internal memory, are called external devices. Each external device interacts with the PC processor through a special unit called a controller (from the English “controller” - “controller”, “manager”). There are a disk drive controller, a monitor controller, a printer controller, etc. (Fig. 2).


The main principle of interaction between PC devices. The principle by which information communication between the processor, RAM and external devices is organized is similar to the principle of telephone communication. The processor communicates with other devices through a multi-wire line called a backbone (another name is a bus) (Fig. 3).

Just like every subscriber telephone network has its own number, each external device connected to the PC also receives a number that serves as the address of this device. Information transmitted to an external device is accompanied by its address and sent to the controller. In this analogy, the controller is like a telephone set that converts the electrical signal traveling through the wires into sound when you listen to the phone, and converts the sound into an electrical signal when you speak.


A trunk is a cable consisting of many wires. The typical organization of the bus is as follows: one group of wires (data bus) transmits the information being processed, and another (address bus) carries the addresses of memory or external devices accessed by the processor. There is also a third part of the highway - the control bus; control signals are transmitted through it (for example, checking the device’s readiness for operation, a signal to start the device’s operation, etc.).

Increasingly, personal computers are used not only in production and in educational institutions, but also at home. They can be bought in a store in the same way as they buy televisions, VCRs and other household appliances. When purchasing any product, it is advisable to know its main characteristics in order to purchase exactly what you need. PCs also have these basic characteristics.

Microprocessor characteristics. Exist various models microprocessors produced different companies. The main characteristics of the MP are the clock speed and processor bit capacity.

The operating mode of the microprocessor is set by a microcircuit called a clock generator. This is a kind of metronome inside the computer. The processor is allocated a certain number of clock cycles to perform each operation. It is clear that if the metronome “knocks” faster, then the processor works faster. Clock frequency is measured in megahertz - MHz. A frequency of 1 MHz corresponds to a million clock cycles per second. Here are some typical microprocessor clock frequencies: 600 MHz, 800 MHz, 1000 MHz. The last value is called gigahertz - GHz. Modern models microprocessors operate at clock speeds of several gigahertz.

The next characteristic is the processor bit capacity. Bit capacity is called maximum length binary code that can be processed or transmitted by the processor as a whole. The processor capacity on the first PC models was 8 bits. Then 16-bit processors appeared. Modern PCs most often use 32-bit processors. The most high-performance machines have 64-bit processors.

The amount of internal (RAM) memory. We have already talked about computer memory. It is divided into operational (internal) memory and long-term (external) memory. The performance of a machine greatly depends on the amount of internal memory. If there is not enough internal memory to run some programs, the computer begins to transfer some of the data to external memory, which sharply reduces its performance. The speed of reading/writing data into RAM is several orders of magnitude higher than into external memory.

The amount of RAM affects the performance of your computer. Modern programs require tens and hundreds of megabytes of RAM.

For modern programs to work well, RAM of hundreds of megabytes is required: 128 MB, 256 MB or more.

Device characteristics external memory. External memory devices are magnetic and optical disk drives. Built into the system unit magnetic disks are called hard drives, or hard drives. This is a very important part of the computer because it is where all the programs necessary for the computer to operate are stored. Read/write to HDD is produced faster than all other types of external media, but still slower than in RAM. The larger the volume hard drive, all the better. Installed on modern PCs hard disks, the volume of which is measured in gigabytes: tens and hundreds of gigabytes. When you buy a computer, you also purchase the necessary set of programs on your hard drive. Typically, the buyer himself orders the computer software.

All other external memory media are removable, i.e. they can be inserted into and removed from the drive. These include flexible magnetic disks - floppy disks and optical discs- CD-ROM, CD-RW, DVD-ROM. A standard floppy disk holds 1.4 MB of information. Floppy disks are convenient for long-term storage of programs and data, as well as for transferring information from one computer to another.

IN Lately Flash memory is replacing floppy disks as the main means of transferring information from one computer to another. Flash memory is electronic device external memory used to read and write information in file format. Flash memory, like disks, is a non-volatile device. However, compared to disks, flash memory has a much larger information volume (hundreds and thousands of megabytes). And the speed of reading and writing data on flash media approaches the speed of RAM.

CD-ROM drives have become an almost mandatory component of a PC set. Modern software is distributed precisely on these media. The capacity of a CD-ROM is hundreds of megabytes (standard volume is 700 MB).

You can purchase DVD drives at your own discretion. The amount of data on disks of this type is calculated in gigabytes (4.7 GB, 8.5 GB, 17 GB). Videos are often recorded on DVDs. Their playback time reaches 8 hours. These are 4-5 full-length films. Writers optical drives allow you to record and rewrite information on CD-RW and DVD-RW. The constant reduction in prices for the listed types of devices transfers them from the category of “luxury items” to generally available ones.

All other device types are classified as input/output devices. Mandatory ones are a keyboard, a monitor and a pointing device (usually a mouse). Additional devices: printer, modem, scanner, sound system and some others. The choice of these devices depends on the needs and financial capabilities of the buyer. You can always find sources reference information about the models of such devices and their operational properties.

Hello, friends! While teaching at the Academy of Making Money via the Internet, I noticed one pattern. If a person understands well and is able to analyze the main characteristics of the computer on which he works, then he is much more successful, both in learning and in earning money. I concluded that a person who decides to learn how to make money via the Internet must understand what a computer is and how to use it correctly for work.

Let's figure out how you can see the main characteristics of the computer, that is, what is the processor frequency, the amount of RAM, what kind of memory is installed operating system, what is its capacity, and how to apply this knowledge in practice.

Main characteristics of the computerraon practice

Knowing and understanding the physical capabilities of your computer gives you an understanding of which programs can be installed on your computer and which do not make sense, for what purposes you can use the computer itself, and for which you need a more powerful one.

Oddly enough, but very often, even quite experienced computer users cannot answer simple questions, when it comes to so-called “hardware” or system programs. Few people will immediately answer where you can see the main characteristics of a computer, even if they have been working on it for more than one year.

But if you decide to learn how to make money via the Internet, you must clearly understand what kind of computer you need for business, what operating system should be installed on it and why. How much RAM do you need for correct operation and what is affected by processor frequency. We will answer all these questions and apply them to practical activities.

What operating system do you have installed?

The very first thing you need to know is what operating system you have installed and what its bitness is. This is a very important component of any computer. Very often, beginners do not quite understand what an operating system is. If we talk in simple words, an operating system (OS) is a set of programs that organize and connect the work of all computer devices. The first thing that loads when you turn on your computer is the operating system. Without it, your computer, unfortunately, will not work.

Currently, the operating systems mainly used are Windows 7 and Windows 10. I will show everything using the example of the Windows 10 operating system.

So, to see the main characteristics of your computer, in particular, find out what operating system you have installed, the easiest and fastest way is to call context menu desktop ( right click mouse) and select “Display Options” from the menu that appears.

The Settings window will open, where you can view and configure basic Windows components 10. But for now we are interested in the “About the system” item.

We see that the operating room is installed Windows system 10.

This is very important to know, since when downloading programs you often need to know what bit depth your operating system has. As you can see in the screenshot, I have a 64-bit Windows 10 operating system installed. This means that all new programs will install and work perfectly. If there was a 32-bit operating system, it would be more difficult, since newer program, the more likely it is that it is designed for a 64-bit operating system. Bit capacity is how many bits of memory the operating system processes at a time.

Therefore, programs that are designed for a 64-bit operating system will not work correctly if you have a 32-bit operating system installed. Knowing this fact, you will choose the right program options when downloading and will be able to choose a computer wisely when purchasing.

If you buy a computer as a tool for making money via the Internet, then you must install a modern operating system.

What does processor frequency affect?

The processor is the brain of your computer. Actually, all operations take place in the processor. Whether you are typing text in a word processor, or writing a program in a programming language, or creating a website, all this is done in the processor.

What does processor frequency affect? Processor frequency is the number of operations performed per second. And therefore, it is this characteristic that determines how quickly commands and programs will be executed on your computer.

Processor intel (R) pentium (R) cpu p6200 2.13 GHz - what does this mean. This processor is designed for laptops and operates at a clock frequency of 2.13 GHz. That is, translating into user-friendly language, a processor frequency of 2.13 GHz is approximately two billion 130 million operations per second. The figure is approximate, but accurately reflects the true speed of the processor. Therefore, it is clear that the higher the processor frequency, the faster your computer runs.

In order to understand how your computer meets modern requirements, copy the brand of the processor and look on the Internet. Please note that the processor frequency must be high enough.

What kind of RAM do you need?

A very important device that directly affects the speed of execution of programs and commands by your computer is RAM - random access memory. It is also called RAM. IN modern computers RAM should not be less than 4 gigabytes.

As you can see in the screenshot, the RAM of the computer sample in question is 4 GB. To imagine what kind of volume this is, you can compare it with printed A4 pages, typed in 12 font. A memory capacity of 4 GB can accommodate one million 950 thousand pages of this format. This memory will be enough if you work with documents and even graphics, but not enough, for example, for processing video files. It will slow down a little.

If you plan to earn money via the Internet by creating video clips and video films, the computer that I am considering as a sample will not suit you. Your computer must have at least 8 GB of RAM.

Modern computers, even laptops, already have up to 8 GB of RAM installed.

All these characteristics can also be viewed if you enter the Control Panel through the main menu.

A window will open - All Control Panel Items.

Select the “System” element and go to the System window of our computer.

Here we also see the main characteristics of the computer. Use the method that you like best.

What kind of video card is needed?

An important device affecting high-quality reproduction images, especially videos, is a video card (video adapter). When buying a computer, be sure to ask whether the video card is built-in or integrated. This is very important for increasing the speed of image playback, since the built-in video card uses RAM for operation, and the integrated video card has own memory, that is, it will not take up operational space. To see what video card is used, you need to go to Device Manager. To do this, go to the main menu, select Tools – Widows – Control Panel – Device Manager.

A window will open where you can see all the devices that are installed on your computer, including the video adapter.

You can understand the main characteristics of your computer in more detail using the DXDIAG program. Just type DXDIAG through the search and the window of this diagnostic program will open.

Here all the characteristics of the video card that is used in this computer. The main thing we see is that this is a full-featured video adapter that has 2 GB of memory.

A message is necessarily displayed indicating that the device is ready for operation and whether there are any problems.

The blog contains articles in which Viktor Knyazev, who has been teaching for many years, gives an interview technical basics working on a computer. I recommend reading these articles and listening to this interview. And


So, I think that this article will be useful to all computer users, especially those who have chosen to earn money via the Internet as an additional or main income. After all, by choosing one of the ways to make money via the Internet, you master a specific technique. But no matter what you choose, the computer is used as the main tool.

And you should have a clear understanding of what an operating system is and what the processor frequency affects, why RAM is needed and which video card will increase the speed of processing video files. Where can you view these basic characteristics of a computer in order to make the most of its capabilities? And if you want to get acquainted with the technical characteristics of your computer in more detail and learn how to make professional money on the Internet, come to us at Academy of making money on the Internet, who are over 50!

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Computers are our life. Now it is difficult to imagine a person who does not use this miracle of modern technology. Work, study, entertainment - everything is tied to personal computers. Therefore, you need to approach the choice of this equipment wisely, hoping that your “iron assistant” will last a long time. It is also necessary to think about what system characteristics computers that best suit your needs. To make it clearer, we will look at some real examples of computer characteristics.


In the first half of the article, we will talk about how to choose the right components if you decide to assemble a PC yourself. Undoubtedly, the main thing is its performance, that is, the speed of information processing per second, but we should not forget about ergonomics.

There are several form factors that are commonly used in personal computers. The most popular of them are ATX and Slim.

  1. The second option is ideal for those who have little indoor space. Such a computer can be placed directly on the table under the monitor. Another disadvantage worth noting is the size. Similar system units are not suitable for gaming computers, since they need to be good cooling almost impossible.
  2. ATX is a universal format that is suitable for most computer configurations. There are many models, from large to small, that will allow you to create a server with many hard drives, and with modern video cards.

When choosing, be sure to first think about where your workplace will be located.


One could say that this is the main characteristic of a computer, if only because the construction of the entire architecture of the future PC is based on it. Whatever parts you buy, your choice will be based on what your motherboard can support.

The following is a list the latest connectors for expansion boards. If you want the "foundation" of your PC to last for a very long time, you also need to take latest boards. Otherwise, you will not be able to find spare parts later.

  1. RAM slots in DDR4 or DDR3 format. At least two pieces.
  2. Processor socket supporting LGA1151 standards.
  3. PCI-Express slots for connecting expansion cards.
  4. SATA-3 and SATA-Express connectors.
  5. Pay attention to the number of USB 3.0 ports. If there are too few, you may have problems connecting external equipment.
  6. It is also worth considering the version installed BIOS, the ability to flash it and support various operating systems.

These are the main characteristics of the motherboard that are important for the average user.

Video adapter

Simply - a video card. This is perhaps the main characteristic of a computer adapted for games. Depending on its quality, you will be able to play computer games with varying degrees of comfort.

When selecting this board, you can, of course, simply ask the seller if they have " gaming video cards", and he will be happy to offer you options to choose from. But what you should pay special attention to:

  1. Video card cache size. Some of the most powerful and popular ones have memory of 2 and 4 gigabytes.
  2. Bus width - shows the data exchange speed of the video card and motherboard.
  3. Bus frequency. The higher this number, the faster the information is displayed on the screen. Maximum values can reach 6-7 thousand MHz.

So, if you want to have gaming computer, then be sure to consider all the options in detail.


Next The size and type of RAM affect the amount of information processed per time interval and the speed of accessing it. When we looked at the motherboard, we already wrote that modern memory sticks are in DDR3 and DDR4 format. Therefore, depending on your motherboard, you will have to choose your memory.

For most latest games 8 GB of RAM is enough to run them on maximum settings. In general, it's a good idea to have a little extra, so you'll need to choose the right set of planks. For example, three 4 GB sticks or, if you only have two slots, two 8 GB sticks.

For work purposes, the size of RAM is not that important. Therefore, you can limit yourself only to your needs. But keep in mind that many graphics programs like "3D Max" consume great amount resources, which is much greater than the cost of games.

power unit

Whatever the characteristics of the computer device, it will be tied to energy consumption. Remember that the better and better the equipment, the more electricity it consumes. To ensure that your computer is not a pile of iron, it is important to choose the right power supply.

Your video card will be the main energy consumer, so when purchasing it, check how much power the power supply will require.


Finally we got to the “heart” of your PC! Let's look at a computer as an example. To do this, let's take the Intel Core i5-3570K Ivy Bridge.

  1. The first thing you should pay attention to is the socket. We already agreed when we talked about motherboards that the most current format is LGA1151. IN this processor LGA1155 is used, which allows it to be placed in any modern motherboard.
  2. Number of Cores. The more of them, the more productive the processor. IN in this case 4 pieces are used.
  3. The core clock frequency is 3400 MHz. Responsible for the number of operations per second.
  4. L2/L3 cache size: 1024 KB/6144 KB. The amount of information processed per unit of time depends on their size.


This is the last main characteristic. In total, there are three important parameters responsible for the quality of this device.

  1. Data exchange (access) speed, depending on the connection interface.
  2. Number of revolutions per second.
  3. And, of course, volume. Responsible for available space in computer memory.

In general, choosing a hard drive is not difficult, but be careful. Common mistake- inappropriate connectors on the motherboard and hard drive interface.

"My computer"

If you already own this digital technology, but you are interested in the performance of this particular PC, then you will need to know how to find out the characteristics of your computer. Indeed, even if you did not look at the exact configuration of the PC when purchasing it, one day the time will come when you will have to improve and expand it, because it will no longer meet your needs.

There are several ways to view the characteristics of a Windows computer.

  1. simplest. To find out the overall picture of what's going on on your PC, right-click on the My Computer icon and select Properties. A window will open in front of you in which you can see the type of processor and RAM. Then go to "My Computer" - and you can understand
  2. Full. If you need more accurate information on the devices and characteristics of your PC, you can go to the device manager. To do this, go to "Start" - "Control Panel". Then select the icon you want.
  3. Program. For the most detailed analysis personal computer systems can be used specialized utilities. For example, Everest Ultimate Edition. This great way how to find out the characteristics of your computer.


One of the most expensive equipment in stores is computers. Their prices and characteristics vary greatly. We have already given you some tips for self-assembly. Now let's see how to choose the right ready-made PC. To do this, consider several models from online stores.

    Gaming computer CompDay. Intel Core i3 4150 3.5GHz, with 4 GB of DDR3 RAM, GeForce GTX 960 2048Mb video card with hard drive for 500 GB. Price - 45 thousand. Actually, the price is clearly too high, since of all the components, only the video card is “four-star” and can amount to up to a quarter of the price. Otherwise, this device can hardly be called a “gaming” one, since a dual-core processor is the same outdated concept as the Pentium II.

    DigitalRazor Reaper S for 310 thousand rubles. But this device is much closer to the concept of a gaming device. Quad-core I-7 processor with a frequency of 4 GHz, 16 GB of DDR4 RAM and two GeForce video cards GTX 980Ti with 6 GB cache. This device capable of coping with absolutely any task and running any of the most modern toys at maximum settings. By the way, if you remove the second video card, the computer immediately becomes cheaper by 100 thousand, but at the same time loses almost nothing in its performance.

    Alienware Area 51 A51-7838 for 566 thousand rubles. An 8-core Core i7-5960X processor with a frequency of 3.5 GHz, 32 GB of DDR4 RAM and three GeForce GTX TITAN X SLI video cards with 12 GB of memory. As you understand by analogy with the previous case, the price can be greatly reduced by removing extra video cards. But even without them, it will have such high characteristics that it is difficult to imagine what it might be needed for. Perhaps to launch several copies of the most modern toys on several screens at once.

So, we looked at a variety of computers, the prices and characteristics of which differ quite significantly. What can we say? Without a doubt, the average user will not spend 500, 300, or 200 thousand on a computer. However, this does not mean that people cannot play their favorite games at maximum settings. For 50-60 thousand now you can assemble a fairly powerful gaming computer that will be relevant in the next 5 years. Or for the same money you can buy gaming laptop. In this case, everything is much simpler - you don’t have to worry about equipment compatibility. If regular computers assembled in a warehouse in a store, then laptops are tested immediately at the manufacturer.