Huge selection of RAM for different. RAM voltage

RAM the computer needs to store data and important information required for work operating system. It is very important to choose the right amount of it, since a lack of it will slow down the computer, and an excess will not improve system performance in any way. When choosing a RAM module for a computer or laptop, you should pay attention to its type, frequency, brand and other important parameters.

RAM boards manufactured using DRAM technology. There are two form factors - DIMM and SO-DIMM. RAM is integrated circuit semiconductors, the data in which changes dynamically. It only works when power is supplied to it. When the power goes out, all data is deleted from it.

How to choose RAM for your computer

  1. SO-DIMM - used in laptops, monoblocks and others compact systems. They are half the size of conventional boards and, accordingly, have fewer contacts. Otherwise there are no differences from DIMMs.
  2. DIMM is a type of RAM designed for full-size computers.

Board type

  • DDR2.
  • DDR3.
  • DDR4.

The higher the number, the greater the frequency and bandwidth of the bar. This means that a computer with such memory will work faster. DDR and DDR2 boards are obsolete, therefore in modern computers are not used. DDR3 is the most popular due to its good performance. DDR 4 has even greater performance, which is why it costs more than the others. Such memory has not yet received mass distribution.

Older types of RAM are increasingly rare on sale, so they are expensive. Often there is no point in upgrading an outdated machine - it is easier to invest money in a modern computer that can be upgraded over time.

RAM: frequency

Before choosing the RAM frequency, pay attention to the operating frequency of the processor and motherboard. It is recommended to buy a higher frequency bar only if you decide to overclock the processor. Modules with a frequency less than 1600 MHz It is not recommended to choose - they are relevant for very old machines.

A suitable option for most modern computers is in the range of 1600-2400 MHz. It is not advisable to buy RAM of a higher frequency - it is expensive, but there will be no obvious effect from it. The frequency of 2133-2400 MHz is justified if you are engaged in rendering, video and audio encoding. For most everyday tasks, a bar with a frequency of 1600 MHz is enough.

What are timings

Timings or latency is a characteristic that describes the performance of RAM. For a simple user It is difficult to understand the principle of operation of RAM. To put it simply - you need to choose planks with as much as possible smaller numbers , indicating timings. Of two modules with the same frequency, the one with lower timings will work faster. For DDR3, the optimal timing is 10-10-10-30, for DDR4 - 15-15-15-36. Since timings are inextricably linked with frequency, when overclocking this parameter you will have to raise the timings. When choosing the type of RAM, it is best to pay attention to the optimal set of parameters, but you should not chase the maximum values.

Choosing RAM: volume

  • 2 GB - this volume is only enough for web surfing. Even old computer will consume half the amount of RAM, the rest is barely enough for programs that do not require resources.
  • 4 GB - best option For home computer. This volume is enough for most amateur programs, for listening to music, watching movies and even undemanding games.
  • 8 GB is the recommended volume, which will definitely suit most applications and modern games. A computer with this amount of RAM can easily be called universal.
  • 16 GB - justified when working with streams in HD quality, high-resolution graphics, video rendering, working in heavy programming environments.
  • 32 GB - buying boards with such characteristics is not economically justified, since such a thing does not yet exist software and games that need such resources.

RAM Manufacturers

When purchasing, pay attention not only to the characteristics of the RAM, but also to the manufacturer. The quality of workmanship, impeccability and durability of the component depend on it. Sometimes it's worth overpay and get a quality product than buying a pig in a poke at an unusually low price.

Pay attention only for products of well-known and trusted brands. Companies with only a couple of board models in their assortment cannot provide high quality their products due to lack of experience. On the other hand, products of popular brands are most often counterfeited. The solution is to buy modules for your computer from official stores electronics.

How many planks should I choose?

RAM can operate in one, two, three and four channels. If the motherboard has several slots for RAM, it is better to buy several smaller sticks than one large one. This measure will increase the speed of your computer. For the system to operate in dual-channel mode, the strips must be installed in slots of the same color. It is important that the frequency of the bars is the same. Single-channel mode is activated when there is one strip or two strips of different frequencies. In the second case, the lowest frequency of the two is selected by default.

What else to pay attention to

The presence of individual packaging - this measure protects the board from damage during transportation, exposure to dust, moisture and electromagnetic fields. A packaged module is more likely to work stably.

Availability of radiators. More and more models with aluminum radiators, which have the original color and shape. If the board has a high operating frequency, then such additional measure cooling won't hurt. For ordinary modules, radiators are not needed - rather, they will only do harm, since they dust will accumulate. In addition, these types of boards are more expensive than ordinary ones.

When choosing RAM for your computer, consider its type, volume, and frequency. Also pay attention to timings and the presence of radiators. The manufacturing company also plays an important role. Don’t chase maximum parameters and big brands. Determine why you need a computer - this will help you make the right choice and not overpay for unnecessary power.


For correct selection components for the motherboard, you need to know two parameters that RAM (random access memory) has - speed and volume. Speed ​​in MHz, volume in MB. For modern powerful computers It is recommended to purchase two or more RAM cards. If you decide to follow this advice, then purchase boards with the same parameters. This can guarantee stable work. If some board is faster and some is slower, your computer will rely on weaker RAM. If you bought 1 GB of RAM, then you should buy a second one exactly the same, no less.

It is believed that a 1000 MHz processor requires a RAM board of at least 512 MB. Calculate the required volume for this parameter depending on the frequency of your own processor. The larger the processor, the more RAM it will need. For example, for a powerful one you need from 2 to 4 GB of RAM.

Also, when selecting RAM for your computer, you should know the difference between different types of memory - DDR, DDR II and DDR III. They differ, first of all, in their compatibility with certain models of motherboards. DDR format RAM is quite rare and is typical of older computer models. Find out what type of RAM you have motherboard, only after this go to the store, because if you buy a memory board of the wrong type, it simply will not install.

Random access memory (RAM) is the working area for the activities of the central processing unit (CPU). It stores data and programs running in this moment computer operation. The OP is a temporary data storage and when the PC is rebooted or turned off, it is completely “empty”.


Dynamic memory random access or DRAM - this technology is used to perform OP in modern computers.

OP type. There are several types of memory and before choosing the one you need, it is important to determine whether it is supported mother card your PC. Here's a list of types:
DDR is characterized by double data transfer rate. Now this type of OP is morally and physically and is almost never used. The DDR module has 184 and a standard supply voltage of 2.5 V;
DDR2 is the most widely used today. Allows sampling 4 bits per clock, while DDR only allows 2 bits. Has 120 contacts on each side. The supply voltage is 1.8 V.
DDR3 allows you to sample 8 bits per clock cycle. It also has 240 contacts, like DDR2, and its standard voltage is only 1.5 V. In addition, DDR3 has reduced energy consumption by 40% relative to DDR memory 2. Therefore, such memory is practically irreplaceable for netbooks.

Now let's talk about bandwidth. The more OP bus this indicator is, the more

Random access memory, which is usually referred to as RAM or RAM, is one of the most important parts any computer. But how much is needed for the device to work well? Current new PCs and similar devices offer values ​​from 2 GB to 16 GB or more.

The amount of memory required depends on two factors - what you intend to do and how much you are willing to spend.

Introduction to RAM

Memory capacity is often confused with the long-term storage offered by solid state or mechanical hard drive. Sometimes even manufacturers or retailers confuse these concepts. To understand how much RAM is needed for normal operation device, you need to figure out what its meaning is.

A table is a useful analogy to consider the difference between RAM and memory. Think of RAM as the top of the table. The larger its surface, the more papers you can spread out and read at once. Hard disks More like drawers under your desk, capable of storing documents you don't use.

The more your system has, the more programs it can process simultaneously. RAM is not the only determining factor, and you could technically have dozens of programs open at once with even very little RAM and it would slow down your system. Now imagine the table again. If it's too small, it becomes cluttered and your work will slow down as you try to find whatever paper you need at any given moment. You will often be forced to dig through drawers to place things that won't fit on the desk surface, as well as to get out the necessary papers.

A computer with more RAM runs noticeably faster, but only up to a certain point. Availability large table won't help you if you only have a few articles to read.

Optimal ratio

How much RAM does your device need? Your goal is to have enough RAM for all the applications you use on it specific device. If there is too little of it, work slows down. Too much RAM can only mean that you've paid a lot of money for something you'll never be able to use.

Difference from other characteristics

Standard RAM should not be confused with video memory, but these concepts are closely related to computer graphic cards. High-performance 3D games rely on video memory (VRAM), often expressed as GDDR5, while standard memory is called RAM or DDR3. In fact, most manufacturers are very good at identifying VRAM and not confusing it with other parameters. Therefore, to determine how much RAM is needed for GTA 5, for example, you need to consider both of the above indicators together.

Heavy Applications

The biggest services on most home computers are the operating system itself and the web browser. You can't make Windows or MacOS use less memory, but more RAM on your computer means you can open more tabs in Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer etc. Also, some websites use more RAM than others. Simple text news takes up almost no resources, while something like Gmail or Netflix requires a little more power.

Programs are generally used because they increase the complexity of the job. A chat program or game (like Minesweeper) will use almost no RAM, while a giant spreadsheet Excel or a huge Photoshop project can use more than one gigabyte. Professional and engineering software are built to handle very complex projects and tend to consume the majority of RAM of all programs. Modern 3D games can also use quite a lot of RAM and VRAM. In other words, your need for how much RAM to install depends on the programs you use.

  • 2GB RAM: Good for tablets and netbooks only.
  • 4 GB RAM: Minimum for budget systems Windows and MacOS.
  • 8GB: Great for Windows systems and MacOS.
  • 16 GB: Probably too much; Ideal for mid-range workstations.
  • 32 GB or more: For enthusiasts and dedicated workstations only.

For tablet

Tablets are not expected to deal with complex software tasks, so their RAM requirements tend to be quite low. However, as multi-tab browsers and more complex software continue to evolve, the needs of tablets are becoming more similar to those of laptops. Current specification options typically range from 2GB to 16GB of RAM, with processor speed playing a major role in determining the range.

For example, iPad Air 2, which has about 2GB of RAM, puts a lot of emphasis on the all-in-one processor. And a device like the Microsoft Surface Pro can accommodate up to 16GB of RAM because users of this device may want to run a lot of professional software as well as a desktop OS.

And it gives you guidelines for choosing RAM - what do you use your tablet for? If you only view one site at a time and do not use your device for any big projects or running software, then 4GB RAM will probably be sufficient. However, if you also use your tablet as your main PC, you must equip it with the necessary RAM. Typically, this means you will need between 4 and 8 GB.

Choosing RAM for laptops

New laptops have between 2GB and 16GB of RAM, while high-end gaming models offer up to 32GB. As mentioned earlier, the needs of tablets and laptops converge, but most users feel comfortable running more complex programs on laptops, which means RAM plays a more important role here.

For something like a Chromebook, which runs primarily in the cloud and has very little storage space, you won't need much RAM. It is enough to choose 4 GB of RAM, especially since you can use Google Play Store for download Android applications right on your computer.

How much RAM is needed for Windows 10 and new MacBook modifications? You should consider increasing this number to the standard 8GB. Most of the best laptops come with this value for good reason. Of course, if you do a lot graphic works or want to open multiple tabs at once, you might want to consider increase RAM up to 16 GB. This is especially true for gamers - the question of how much RAM is needed for games always remains relevant.

Desktop computers

RAM in desktop computers is cheap, so it's pretty easy to find a PC with more memory for more low prices. Additionally, more RAM on PCs can be beneficial as people tend to use them for longer periods of time than tablets or laptops.

How much RAM does a PC need? 8 GB is a good value to start with. Upgrading to 16GB is recommended for enthusiasts, hardcore gamers and the average user workstation. Serious workstation users can upgrade to 32GB. Even when talking about how much RAM is needed for games, you can make sure that too significant parameters are not required.

Anything more is the edge of extreme specialties, equipped to handle huge amounts of data, huge video files or niche programs intended for researchers, corporations or government.

Please note that the amount of RAM and the type and speed supported by your system will depend on your motherboard.

This information is for those who want to increase the amount of RAM in their laptop or desktop computer, but at the same time doubt which model to buy and with what characteristics.

There are quite a lot of nuances in this issue; here we will consider the most basic points that will allow you to choose the optimal levels for the upgrade.

Let's start with the question: is it necessary in your case to increase the amount of RAM?

What does increasing RAM in a computer do?

The speed of your computer depends on the bottlenecks of your hardware. For example, if you have a very powerful processor, but at the same time slow HDD, the system will take quite a long time to boot, and programs, for example, even a regular web browser, will launch with a noticeable delay of several seconds. IN in this case the bottleneck is the hard drive - and it is useless to install an even more powerful processor/video card/additional RAM - all this will have virtually no effect on the speed of system loading and application launching until you change your slow hard drive to a fast one (for example, an SSD).

In what cases may you need to increase RAM - when do you need to buy additional sticks to increase the amount of RAM?

A sign of low RAM is when your computer slows down when you open multiple programs that consume a lot of RAM. For example, if after opening large quantity web browser tabs or after launching Photoshop your computer starts to work noticeably slower, it is very likely that this is due to a lack of RAM.

Operating systems use a swap file (partition). The essence of this is that when the system runs out of RAM, it frees it up by writing some of the data to the hard drive. As a result, the system does not stop working and data is not lost - but performance drops, since any hard drive is slower than RAM and writing and reading data also requires additional time.

Another example when a lot of RAM is required is the use virtual machines(in, for example) - especially when several virtual computers are running simultaneously:

How to find out which RAM is suitable for my computer

My own experience suggests that a computer can work normally with RAM sticks from different manufacturers and with different characteristics. But some users experience problems (the system stops booting) if there is incompatibility between modules from two manufacturers. Therefore, the ideal option is to look at what modules you already have installed and buy exactly the same ones. If this is not possible due to the fact that exactly these models have been discontinued, then it is recommended to select those that are as close as possible in terms of characteristics.

A program to determine the manufacturer and model of RAM installed in a laptop/computer

In a desktop computer, finding out the manufacturer and model of RAM is usually not difficult - just open the cover of the system unit and remove one of the modules.

In laptops, as a rule, it is more difficult - it’s good if the engineer designed the empty slots to be easily accessible, but, as a rule, you cannot get to the pre-installed RAM without disassembling the laptop.

In any case, for desktop computers or for laptops you can find out the model installed memory using the program. To do this, go to the tab Motherboard , then SPD and at the very top you will see the manufacturer and model of the RAM:

Next, check the number of free slots - there are motherboards with a total of two slots for RAM, but more often desktop computers And laptops have four slots, usually two of them are already occupied.

You can view the total number of slots and the number of free ones standard means Windows. To do this, open Task Manager, go to the tab Performance, then select Memory:

As you can see, there are four slots and all of them are already occupied.

RAM characteristics

RAM can be different types, the most common now:

It is clear that DDR4 is newer and more quick option, but not all motherboards, especially those released a few years ago, support DDR4.

Sometimes, a hint about the modules that suit you can be seen on the motherboard:

The inscription DDR3 ONLY indicates that in this case only DDR3 is suitable.

RAM form factor:


SO-DIMMs are smaller strips for laptop computers(laptops). DIMMs - strips for desktop computers.

Memory modules have their own frequency. The higher the frequency, the faster memory. But if the system has trims with different frequencies, then the system will use them all at the frequency of the slowest module.

Supply voltage: module voltage varies from 1.2 V to 1.65 V. It is better to take RAM with the same voltage as the ones already in the system, since otherwise one of the modules will start to heat up more.

Timings are numbers that characterize delays.

In principle, in addition to the obvious characteristic - memory size, all technical specifications, which you need to pay attention to when upgrading the system.

Don't chase for more high frequency than the module in your system, as already stated, they will all run at the frequency of the slowest one.

To select modules with the same characteristics as those already installed in your computer, you need to know the characteristics of the installed ones. This information can be found online for your model. Or use specialized programs, which show a variety of information about the installed RAM.

How to find out the characteristics of RAM modules in a computer

The AIDA64 program contains all the necessary information.

In the same window where we looked at the manufacturer, you can find information such as:

  • Module type
  • Memory type
  • Memory speed (frequency)
  • Voltage
  • Timings

The characteristics considered should be enough to ensure that you don’t have to replace the RAM immediately after purchase because it didn’t fit.

Purchasing with “Thank you from Sberbank” bonuses

The following information does not relate to the technical part. But I got my new RAM modules for half their store price, and since Sberbank cards are very common, I’m sure someone else will be able to take advantage of this opportunity.

In principle, the life hack is very simple. Many owners of Sberbank cards accumulate bonuses, the so-called “Thank you”. There aren’t many stores where you can spend them, so I, like probably many others, simply watched how these “candy wrappers” accumulated (and also burned monthly). There's quite a lot in the store big choice computer components and they accept these “Thank you from Sberbank.” This is not an advertisement for the store or even a referral link - I just saved money there and liked it.

Well, since this store is a partner, where they accept and credit “Thank you from Sberbank”, a certain amount was returned to me:

The choice of RAM depends on many different factors. First of all, you should understand for what purposes the computer will be used and what programs, applications or games it will have to work with.

When you decide to upgrade your computer's RAM, you are faced with one of two tasks: either you need to increase the amount of RAM you already have, or you need to make the RAM itself work faster.

We can increase the amount of RAM by installing an additional RAM module or replacing previously installed ones with modules with larger capacity. However, with such a replacement, some important circumstances must be taken into account.

When you are faced with the question - which RAM to choose? It is important to remember that RAM works together with the central processor, therefore, the higher the speed of data exchange between them, the higher the performance of your entire system will be. Moreover, the default speed of the processor is much higher than the speed of the RAM, which means we must make the memory work at maximum performance.

We will give some tips on how to choose the right RAM, and before that we will introduce you to the main parameters and characteristics that you should pay attention to before buying a new RAM.

Selecting the amount of RAM

Volume/capacity (measured in gigabytes) is a parameter that indicates the physical volume of the memory module, that is, the space for storing information. The basic rule that should be followed when choosing a certain amount of RAM is those system requirements and recommendations provided by the manufacturers of the software that you are going to install on your computer.

It will be very useful to make a rough list of programs, and be sure to take into account the type of operating system you are going to install when compiling. Next on the list, you should highlight the peak ones (the upper values ​​of the recommended and minimum memory amounts). RAM should always be installed with a reserve, and the recommended system requirements should be lower than the amount of your RAM.

Next, we will offer you the optimal amount of RAM for your home computer, depending on your usage needs. A capacity of 2 GB will be quite sufficient for an office computer. 4 GB is the average optimal volume for multimedia computer. From 4 GB and above – sufficient for avid gamers or for people involved in graphics or video processing.

An important point is that RAM operating in dual-channel mode, using two sticks at the same time, will always work faster than using one or three. Likewise, on a three-channel system it would be more appropriate to install three or six sticks of RAM.

Clock speed is an important characteristic when choosing RAM

Clock speed/frequency (measured in megahertz) is an indicator operating frequency RAM module, that is, the frequency with which CPU and RAM exchange data. This indicator depends on the type of memory (which will be mentioned below), however, RAM of the same type has different clock speeds, which you should definitely pay attention to before choosing RAM. Then everything is simple - from two modules with the same volume, you should choose the one with a higher clock frequency.

At the same time, be sure to take into account the fact that if you choose a memory stick to complement the existing one, then new module should be selected with the same frequency as the already installed RAM. The point here is that the system selects the lowest frequency of the two proposed for operation. Therefore, by installing a module with a lower frequency, we will, on the contrary, slow down the operation of the computer. And vice versa, by installing a module with a higher frequency, we will not get any improvements in the operation of the system.

RAM type

Type– at the moment the market is represented by the following types of memory: DDR, DDR2 and DDR3.

DDR is considered obsolete today and is not used almost anywhere except in old computers. This module has 184 pins and its standard supply voltage is 2.5 V.

The most common type today is DDR2. Unlike the previous type, which fetches 2 bits of data per clock cycle, DDR2 fetches 4 bits of information per clock cycle. DDR2 has 240 pins and a supply voltage of 1.8 V.

DDR3- New type random access memory. It allows you to sample 8 bits of information in one working cycle. It, like the previous generation of modules, has 240 contacts, but the supply voltage is lower and is only 1.5 V. This allows you to reduce energy consumption by up to 40% compared to the energy consumption of DDR2. This indicator is very useful for mobile systems and laptops.

Before choosing RAM, you should first determine the type of memory supported by your motherboard. Moreover, modules of different types have different form factors, so a module of one type cannot be installed in a slot intended for another. This precisely protects the motherboard from accidental damage due to insufficient education in matters of completing computer components.


Latency/timing’s – time delay of signals that is necessary to execute a particular command (zeroing, writing, rewriting, etc.) Before deciding which RAM to choose, you need to find out the timings on each of the proposed RAM. Then, using the “less is better” principle, choose the one that has the lowest delays.

However, you should definitely take into account that a memory module with a high clock speed often has higher latencies than RAM with low clock speeds. Therefore, here everyone decides for himself what is more important to him.

Depending on the application, we will have different performance gains. In some it will increase due to lower delays, in others, on the contrary, due to a higher clock frequency. That is, it is better to find a compromise solution and purchase a medium module with standard latency, even if it is not fast, but you will save money and also get stable operation of the system.

Choosing a RAM manufacturer

Manufacturer/brand – today, choosing RAM is a rather difficult task, since this market segment is represented by a huge number of manufacturers. Therefore, as in matters of purchasing other components personal computer, the choice should be made on those manufacturers who have been on the computer components market for more than one year and who have proven themselves to be excellent in the past. Among them we highlight the following manufacturers: Transcend, Samsung, Kingston, Corsar, OCZ Technology, Hynix, Hyndai, Patriot and others.

Of course, choosing a specific memory module is based on your personal needs and goals. Thus, almost every manufacturer has “overclocked” RAMs, which have an increased operating frequency and increased supply voltage, which results in greater heat generation. To dissipate this excess heat, these types of modules are additionally equipped with heat sinks.

Never waste money on purchasing RAM from unknown manufacturers. There is a risk of saving money, but ultimately resulting in system instability, and, in addition, significantly reducing computer performance.

So, let’s summarize and once again note for ourselves those parameters that you should pay attention to before choosing RAM: its volume (selected in accordance with the expected tasks that your system will have to cope with), the type of RAM, clock frequency(depending on the type), latency (delay time), and, of course, the manufacturer.

Not sure which RAM to choose? Can't determine the type of RAM your device supports? motherboard? Not sure what amount of RAM will best suit your needs? Our specialists will always help you with your choice. In addition, you can order installation of new RAM from us system unit or laptop (netbook).

Call a specialist