Review of Win lingual braces. Why does the system fail? A file was found in Windows that collects passwords and e-mail messages

Annotation: 16-bit Windows. Windows 9x. Windows NT. Windows CE. Windows Mobile and Windows Phone.

16 bit Windows

The first Windows was Windows 1.0, released in November 1985. It was not a full-fledged operating system, but an add-on over the operating system MS-DOS system. Windows 1.0 provided the user with a graphical window interface and the ability to run multiple applications simultaneously (both of which were missing from MS DOS). At first they wanted to call this program Interface Manager, but then they leaned toward the name Windows (“windows”), as it more accurately reflected the essence of working with new program. Minimum system requirements memory was limited to 256 KB.

Windows 2.0 (December 1987) introduced some improvements to the graphical interface (including support for overlapping windows) and memory handling. Also, for greater convenience, key combinations began to be used. In May 1988 and March 1989, Windows 2.10 and Windows 2.11 appeared, respectively, supporting the new ones at that time Intel processors 80286 and Intel 80386.

In May 1990, Windows 3.0 was released with improved graphics and support virtual memory. In 1992 1993 versions appear Windows for Workgroups 3.1 and 3.11, which provide support for peer-to-peer and server-based networks. These were the latest versions of 16-bit Windows.

Windows 9x

In August 1995, Windows 95 was released, a 32-bit client operating system that had built-in Internet support ( Internet browser Explorer) and modem networks, as well as Plug-and-Play technology ("plug and play"), which allows you to quickly connect various devices to your computer. The Start button and Taskbar appeared for the first time. Windows 95 required a minimum of 4 MB of RAM.

On change Windows 95 in June 1998, Windows 98 arrives with many programs for working with the Internet ( Internet Explorer 4, Outlook Express, etc.), DVD and USB support, the first appearance of the Quick Launch bar. Windows 98 was the last operating system based on MS DOS.

Latest version in the 9x family became Windows Me (Millennium Edition, September 2000). This system was aimed at home users, and therefore had broad multimedia support ( Windows Media Player 7 Windows Movie Maker), Internet and home networks.

Another direction in the development of Windows operating systems in the 90s was the NT family.

Windows NT

In July 1993, the first operating system of the NT family, Windows NT 3.1, was released. Eat different variants explanation of the name NT, the most common option is an abbreviation for New Technology (“new technology”).

Development of a system based on a new kernel (not MS DOS) began in 1989. The new operating system had the following basic requirements:

  • 32 bit;
  • support for multiprocessor systems;
  • support for preemptive multitasking and virtual memory;
  • high performance;
  • ability to work as a server and client;
  • portability;
  • compatibility with other versions of Windows and MS DOS, as well as partial compatibility with UNIX;
  • safety;
  • reliability;
  • Unicode support.

Windows NT 3.1 met all these requirements, and all modern Windows versions, including Windows 8.

Windows NT 3.1 supported the Intel 80386, Intel 80486, MIPS R4000, and DEC Alpha processors. There were client and server versions of the system - Windows NT and Windows NT Advanced Server. Windows NT, in addition to other file systems, supported a specially developed Microsoft file system NTFS (New Technology File System).

In 1994-1996 operating theaters were consistently released Win systems dows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51 and Windows NT 4.0. Goals Windows development NT 3.5 featured improvements in performance and reliability, as well as a reduction in system size. Windows NT 3.51 included support for the IBM PowerPC processor. Windows NT 4.0 had the same graphical interface as Windows 95.

Windows 2000, released in December 1999, was developed as a system for professional users, combining two directions - Windows 9x and Windows NT. Windows 2000 included Active Directory(service and resource database for management large networks) and support for a significant number of Plug-and Play devices, including wireless networks, USB, IEEE 1394, etc. There were 4 versions of Windows 2000 - one client (Professional) and three server versions (Server, Advanced Server and Datacenter Server). Windows 2000 was latest system, for which client and server versions were released simultaneously.

The next step was to combine both areas of client systems: systems for professional users (Windows 2000 Professional) and systems for home users (Windows Me). The result of this merger was the Windows XP operating system (August 2001). Thanks to its stability, speed and user-friendly interface, Windows XP became (and still is) one of the most widely used operating systems in the world. An important step was the appearance of 64-bit versions of Windows XP (Windows XP 64-bit Edition). The number of lines of code in Windows XP is 45 million.

In March 2003, the server operating system Windows Server 2003 was released, which has greater performance and supports more powerful hardware than Windows 2000. The system has 4 main versions: Web, Standard, Enterprise and Datacenter. For example, the Datacenter edition supports 64 processors and up to 64 GB of RAM (up to 512 GB on 64-bit platforms).

Client operating system Windows Vista came out in November 2006. The emphasis in the development of this system was on security - control of user accounts (User Account Control), drive encryption (BitLocker Drive Encryption), anti-spyware software (Windows Defender), etc. It was also changed in Windows Vista user interface, in particular, the Start button has changed its appearance.

In February 2008, the Windows Server 2008 operating system, based on Windows code Vista - therefore most Windows innovations Vista carried over to Windows Server 2008.

In July 2009, Windows 7 was released, featuring expanded support for laptops and tablets. Basic Windows features 7 – new techniques for working with windows, instant search information on the computer, support touch screens (Windows Touch), great opportunities to customize the design of the working environment.

In 2012, Microsoft released latest versions operating systems – client Windows 8 (October 2012) and server Windows Server 2012 (September 2012). Windows 8 is an operating system equally designed for both regular desktop computers and laptops, and tablet computers, which have recently gained a significant share of the entire market. personal computers(See Lecture 3 "Windows 8").

Windows CE

Windows CE is a real-time operating system for embedded systems. The "CE" symbols, according to Microsoft, stand for "Compact, Connectable, Compatible, Companion, Efficient" 1;EN-US;Q166915. Currently this system has an official Windows name Embedded Compact (

Windows CE is delivered to device developers as a set of components that can be used to create an operating system for specific device. For example, Windows Mobile operating systems are built on Windows based CE.

The first version of Windows CE 1.0 appeared in 1996 and was developed as a stripped-down version of Windows 95. Subsequently, the team Windows developers CE collaborated with Windows command 2000, then Windows CE developed as an independent system.

As of September 2012, the latest version is Windows CE 7.0.

Windows Mobile and Windows Phone

Windows Mobile is an operating system for smartphones and personal digital assistants (PDAs, Personal Digital Assistant - PDA), based on Windows CE.

The first versions of operating systems of this family were called Pocket PC (2000). Since 2003, the name Windows Mobile was established - the operating systems Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 5, Windows Mobile 6 were released. The latest version with this name was the Windows Mobile 6.5 system (2009).

Since October 2010, Microsoft has released a new operating system for mobile devices– Windows Phone 7, incompatible with Windows Mobile, although also based on Windows CE. Windows Phone 7 comes with a new user interface, currently called Modern UI.

Expected in October 2012 Windows exit Phone 8 based on Windows kernel N.T.


The lecture provides an overview of Windows operating systems from 1985 to 2012. The main families and their key representatives are considered - 16-bit Windows, Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows NT Server, Windows Mobile/Windows Phone and Windows CE.

The next lecture provides an overview of the latest operating system from Microsoft - Windows 8.

Control questions

  • List the main families of Windows operating systems and give a brief description of them.
  • Name the main representatives of 16-bit Windows.
  • List the main differences between the Windows NT and Windows 9x operating systems.
  • What is the difference between client and server versions of Windows NT?
  • Describe the operating systems of the Windows CE family.
  • Describe the operating systems of the Windows Mobile/Windows Phone family.

Scientists have long proven that than more people laughs and smiles, the stronger his health and better state of mind. However, casual smiles are often hampered by various malocclusions - a person becomes embarrassed by them and gradually withdraws into himself. Regardless of the reasons that caused the malocclusion, this problem is now quite easy to correct. Orthodontists have developed many systems that can give a person an attractive smile. In this article we will tell you about Win braces.

What are Win systems?

Win lingual braces are a customized system. It is designed and manufactured for each patient, taking into account his characteristics. This allows you to achieve not only amazing results, but also maximum comfort during treatment. If you carefully analyze the reviews of patients who were treated with Win, you will notice that many note high degree convenience and painlessness.

The bracket system is made of a special alloy, which is characterized by increased strength. The alloy can be used to create extremely precise and thin lingual structures. What does "lingual" mean? This bracket system is installed on the inner surface of the teeth. This allows you to hide the fact of treatment from others, since it is completely invisible. It also has other advantages: increased comfort, no impact on diction. The Win bracket system was developed by Dr. Vikhman, who previously became famous for the invention of premium Incognito braces.

Features and Benefits

  1. Possibility of correcting malocclusions of any complexity.
  2. Due to the maximum precision of the design, the period of orthodontic treatment is significantly reduced.
  3. Each element has flat shape, which makes wearing the design as comfortable as possible.
  4. The location on the inside of the teeth hides the system from prying eyes.
  5. Ultra-precise manufacturing ensures perfect adhesion to the surface of the teeth.
  6. Getting used to the design occurs very quickly.
  7. The latest hypoallergenic material is used for production.
  8. Can be used for patients of any age from 11-12 years old.

The goals of orthodontic treatment may vary, so Win lingual appliances are made individually for each patient.

Stages of treatment

Before installing the Win braces system, it is imperative to carry out high-quality sanitation of the oral cavity: cure caries, update old unreliable fillings, remove plaque and tartar. The patient does this while waiting for the individual system to be ready. All treatment can be divided into several stages.

  1. Taking impressions by an orthodontist.
  2. Digitization of casts in the laboratory and creation of a 3D model.
  3. Manufacturing of braces.
  4. Installation of braces.
  5. During treatment, the patient needs to periodically visit the doctor to change the arches. Usually one visit every two months is sufficient. The doctor makes the necessary adjustments and monitors changes in the position of the teeth.
  6. After treatment is completed, the brace system is removed, and it is recommended to wear retainers instead to consolidate the results.

Win is a unique system that has been used in Russia since 2013. It is difficult to argue with its advantages, but the knowledge of the orthodontist is no less important. To work with this system, you must undergo training and obtain the appropriate certificate. Therefore, be extremely careful when choosing a specialist.

The average price for installing Win braces is (highly depends on your region):

  • for one jaw – from 130-150 thousand rubles;
  • for both jaws - from 220-240 thousand rubles.

Considering all of the above, we can conclude that the considered brace system in some cases is an excellent option for correcting the bite. It is suitable for you if you have complex dental problems, value comfort and prefer to leave the fact of treatment unknown to others. The high prices are fully justified by the complexity of the construction and the work of the orthodontist, as well as by the excellent results.

In this article, we told you about a modern orthodontic system that helps even with the most complex malocclusion pathologies. We looked at its features, advantages and stages of treatment. In conclusion, we invite you to watch a video where, using the example of severe crowding of teeth, you can see the effect of braces with the victorious name Win.

It can rightfully be called Windows. Since their final formation, these operating systems in the form in which we know them today have gained unprecedented popularity, despite the fact that all of them (except for the upgrade to Windows 10) were and remain paid. However, this does not stop anyone in the post-Soviet space, since unofficial activators can be found quite simply for the system. But more on that later.

What is Windows?

And perhaps it’s worth starting with what operating systems from Microsoft are. Here you need to clearly understand that the operating system as such is the very environment without which not a single computer will work.

Not only does it communicate between the hardware components of the computer and its own software, it also performs the launch function custom applications to complete completely different tasks, with completely different levels of complexity and system requirements for the computer.

But what is Windows in terms of operating system? At one time, when the creation of OS in the C+/C++ languages ​​using object-oriented programming methods was just beginning, the emphasis was placed on making access to all functions and programs for the user as simplified as possible. To do this, it was no longer necessary to enter commands, as was previously the case in DOS-like systems, and interaction was carried out through the use of a graphical interface, in which the main element was the windows of the programs being opened. Actually, that is why the entire OS family got its name.

The OS itself is somewhat similar to a certain manager in the public understanding, who gives instructions to subordinates or entire departments to perform certain actions, forming a single hierarchical organization with strictly defined access rights to different functions. Moreover, such a manager not only manages the entire enterprise, but also, as it were, communicates with partners.

A little history

Let's figure out a little about what Windows systems are. Now let's look at how their evolution took place. The first in the line was the operating system version 1.01, followed by modifications 2.0 and 3.X. True, before modern look they were still far away.

A real revolutionary event was the release of the Windows 95 modification. It was this that served as the prototype for all of today's existing systems, although it was far from perfect. After its recognition, desktop and server versions began to appear in the world (98, 2000, Server, Millennium, etc.), which were already divided according to a clear focus on the tasks performed (for example, to install one system for all terminals on a local network). Today, the most popular remain Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 (and its version 8.1) and the newest one in the form of the tenth development. Vista, however, due to its incompleteness, falls out of this list, but other systems are used today very widely and successfully.

What other operating systems are there?

But Windows has plenty of competitors. If you look at the variety of operating systems, most of them have a similar graphical interface (UNIX-like OS, including Linux, developments of Mac OS X, BeOS and even mobile systems, in which, however, the interface organization is somewhat different).

Outdated DOS-like systems are becoming a thing of the past. However, this does not mean at all that the computer world has completely decided to abandon their use. Just remember command console Windows, which clearly resembles DOS.

In the division of systems, another point that can be noted is that with the advent of new processors, the architecture began to be taken into account. Today, two main ones are accepted - 32 and 64 bits (or x86 and x64). Accordingly, this applies to operating systems as well. So, for example, Windows 64-bit architecture will not work on a 32-bit processor, but vice versa - no problem. Here the performance of the hardware comes first, which should ensure the functioning of the operating systems themselves and the installed application software.

Where can I download the installation distribution?

As for installing the system, you can download Windows for free even on the official Microsoft resource. But the catch here is that any of the currently existing Windows operating systems must be activated during the installation process or upon completion by entering special key licenses. But you will have to pay for it, if, of course, you want to get an official modification of the system.

In addition, one can immediately note the fact that for Windows Russian the language will be offered as the main one even when accessing the website of the developer corporation. The same applies to the installation process and base language installed system.

Drivers for Windows

But it’s not enough to just install the operating system. Hardware will not work without drivers (special control programs). Of course, at the installation and configuration stage, Windows systems themselves install most drivers from their own directory, which supports most well-known devices.

But it also has its downsides. Firstly, not all non-standard devices determined by the system. Secondly, Windows cannot update drivers on its own. And this can cause errors and failures associated with the inoperability of both hardware and, as a consequence, software.

View installed equipment in a special section called “Device Manager”. It is better to update using programs like Driver Booster.

Useful utilities

Windows operating systems are not supplied in a “pure” form. They have their own standard set preinstalled programs. However, it is so scarce that users have to install additional software themselves.

First of all, this concerns protective anti-virus software, various types of archivers (although in Windows latest versions have a built-in ZIP utility), office programs for working with documents, additional codecs and decoders for multimedia, browser extensions (for example, Flash Player), optimizers for cleaning or speeding up the system, etc.

Activation issues

As already mentioned, you can download and install Windows 7 for free. It’s just that during the installation process you will be asked license key. Activation can be postponed, but the system will constantly remind you of this, and after a while it may turn out to be completely inoperable.

You can bypass such procedures by disabling the requirement in the system registry, but it is much easier to use programs like KMSAuto Net, although this method can be called, to put it mildly, illegal. However, the activation works, only executable file programs cannot be deleted. You should also agree with the introduction of the task of conducting reactivation every ten days in the “Task Scheduler”.


Microsoft releases update packages with enviable regularity, despite previous statements that they will not be provided for the tenth version of the system at all. Basically, all updates concern pre-installed platforms (DirectX, . NET Framework etc.), patching holes in the security system, as well as installing updates for other company software products, if such an item is enabled in the automatic update mode.

Why do errors periodically occur in the system and how to deal with them?

However, the updates themselves can cause critical errors in the system. Some packages are not finalized at all. Thus, if failures occur specifically related to updates, they can be removed (programs and components section). You just need to get rid of them one at a time, constantly rebooting the system until the faulty package is identified.

Then the search for updates is performed manually, and unnecessary updates are excluded from the list.

No less common are errors that appear due to the accumulation of computer garbage in the system. Own funds There is no optimization in Windows (except for cleaning and checking the disk, defragmentation, etc.). In some cases, it helps to install optimizer programs that can not only clean and speed up on demand, but also monitor the state of the system in real time.

The same goes for leftovers. remote applications. The built-in system tools work extremely inefficiently, so uninstaller programs come to the rescue (for example, iObit Uninstaller). They even remove programs built into the system that standard tools it is impossible to delete (except command line and PowerShell console).

Finally, user-installed applications can cause conflicts, not to mention mindless interference with system settings and parameters. But sometimes disabling Windows components can solve many problems, not to mention using the services section, in which individual processes can be enabled or disabled, along with similar actions in the Task Manager and startup.

Brief summary

Here's a brief overview of what Windows is and what other operating systems there are. Naturally, it is simply impossible to describe all functions and all systems. Nevertheless, every user must clearly understand that the operating system is a kind of layer between the hardware and software of the computer and the user, who is guided by the entire computer system to perform certain narrowly focused tasks.

Hello dear readers of the site. Very often you hear the phrase “operating system”, but unfortunately not everyone understands what it actually means. In today’s article, I propose to take a closer look at the question of what Windows is and what operating systems there are.

operating system starts automatically almost immediately after turning on the computer. When you turn on the computer (press the “Power” button, which is located on system unit), then it performs self-testing, namely, it checks whether all its required hardware components are in place and whether they respond to requests. Upon successful completion of this test, the computer begins loading the operating system (OS) or allows the user to select an OS if several are installed on the computer.

Windows operating system

Roughly speaking, the operating system is the most main program in a computer, or more precisely, a whole range of programs. An operating system is needed on a computer primarily to organize access regular programs(Internet browser, music player etc.) to computer resources. For example, when several programs are running simultaneously and another part is working in background(programs running in the background are not visible, but they work in the system), who should perform the function of a “regulator”? who organizes when the processor will allocate resources for one program, and the hard drive will write/read information for another? It is the operating system that does this.

In addition, the OS creates an interface through which a person can conveniently work with programs. That is, it is the operating system that organizes the creation of the image that we see on the screen, processes mouse movements and clicks, presses keys on the keyboard, plays sound in the speakers, etc. It is important to understand that the operating system itself does not allow you to perform familiar actions (browse web pages, work with text documents), this requires additional programs, these programs are usually called applied ones.

Immediately after installing the operating system, in the Start menu you can find applications that allow you to perform most common actions (for example, MS Internet Explorer for the Internet or WorPad for working with text). In addition, the usual functionality of the programs offered with the operating system is not enough. Usually installed on a fresh system additional applications(For example, Mozilla Firefox for the Internet, MS Office package for working with text, etc.).

The most common operating systems today are products of the Windows family from Microsoft. The company's share is about 90% of the desktop computer market. The remaining 10% comes from operating systems of the Linux and MacOS family.

From the above, you understand what Windows is. But now the question arises, what operating systems are there? In order to understand exactly what operating system is installed on your computer, it is usually enough to keep an eye on the monitor screen when loading the system. Usually at this moment you can see the logo on the screen.

Below are pictures from different versions of Windows.

If Windows XP is installed on your computer, you will see the following message:

Windows Vista looks like this:

One of the latest versions of Windows 7 inscription looks like this:

And here is the Windows 8 logo:

If there is no logo when loading, then this information can be viewed in the running system.

On Windows family systems, to see the operating system properties, you need to click right click mouse on my computer icon (on the “Desktop” or in the “Start” menu) and select “Properties” from the menu that appears. The same window can be called up if you select “Control Panel” from the Start menu and double-click the “System” icon in the window that appears. Or you can use the Win+Pause/Break key combination (win is the Windows logo button). You can read about hotkeys. In the properties window that appears, in the “System” section it will be indicated general information about the OS, including its name and version.
The Windows operating system has gone through quite long haul from graphical shell Dos (since 1985) to modern, comfortable, reliable and accessible Windows XP and Windows 7 (more about the history Windows development You can read it in one of my articles “”).

Helpful information . The latest version is Windows 8. But the most optimal operating systems that have been tested by users are Windows 7, Windows XP, today many users use them. These operating systems work stably, all programs that previously had problems in Windows 7 with compatibility with other programs have now adjusted their software products program developers have released new versions in which this flaw is corrected. Compared to Windows XP, it has a number of advantages, in particular it has more reliable system safety, pleasant appearance, ergonomic design.

Many users are in no hurry to change the familiar and convenient Windows XP system to new development the same manufacturer. By and large, there is no urgent need for this. Windows XP is still supported by Microsoft, which means having this operating system on your computer, provided the latest update package is installed (called Service Pack 3 or simply SP3) and a working antivirus is quite safe and convenient.

MacOS is an operating system from Apple, it can be found on computers from this manufacturer. It began its distribution along with the appearance of the first products from Apple and developed in parallel with Windows. But you need to know that this system can also be installed on a number of other computers not from these manufacturers.

Linux today is considered the most “exotic” option for desktop computer. This operating system is distributed free of charge (for many this is considered its main advantage over its competitors). It has several modifications (they are usually called distributions), each of which is distributed and supported by different companies.

As a regular “home” version, the most common distribution is called Ubuntu. Recently, Ubuntu has made a big step forward in bringing Linux closer to the average user, for example, a distribution like Linux XP is this confirmation, but it is distributed as a paid product. However, only some enthusiasts and people who work closely with computers (for example, programmers and system administrators) still decide to switch to it or at least try it.

Basics of the Microsoft Windows operating system. History of development, types of operating systems. Basic concepts of Windows, file structure. Windows Help System. Windows operating system management. Work with documents. Universal technological operations in the Windows environment

operating system is a set of programs that provide control over the operation of the computer and its interaction with the user.

From a human perspective, the operating system serves as an intermediary between humans, the computer's electronic components, and application programs. It allows a person to run programs, transfer to them and receive all kinds of data from them, control the operation of programs, change the parameters of the computer and devices connected to it, and redistribute resources. Working on a computer is actually working with its operating system. If you install only an operating system (OS) on your computer, you won’t be able to do anything meaningful on the computer either. To enter and format texts, draw graphs, calculate salaries or listen to a laser disc, special application programs are needed. But even without an OS, it is impossible to run any application program.

The operating system solves problems that can be divided into two categories:

· firstly, management of all computer resources;

· secondly, the exchange of data between computer devices, between a computer and a person.

In addition, it is the OS that provides the ability to individually configure a computer: the OS determines what components the computer on which it is installed is assembled from and configures itself to work with these components.

Not so long ago, the user had to perform setup work manually, but today manufacturers of computer components have developed plug-and-play protocol(turned it on - it worked). This protocol allows the operating system, at the time of connecting a new component, to obtain information about the new device sufficient to configure the OS to work with it.

PC operating systems differ in several ways. In particular, OSs are:

· single-tasking And multitasking;

· single-user And multi-user;

· network And non-network.

In addition, the operating system may have a command interface or a graphical multi-window interface (or both).

Single-tasking operating systems allow you to solve only one task at a time. Such systems usually allow you to run one program in main mode.

Multitasking systems allow you to run several programs simultaneously that will work in parallel.

The main difference multi-user systems from single-user is the availability of means to protect each user's information from unauthorized access by other users. It should be noted that not every multitasking system is multi-user, and not every single-user OS is single-tasking.

In recent years, a graphical multi-window interface has become the de facto standard, where the required actions and descriptions of objects are not entered in the form of text, but are selected from menus, file lists, etc.

To replace the MS DOS operating system with its graphical Windows shells 3.1 and Windows 3.11 came full-fledged operating systems of the Windows family (first Windows 95, then Windows 98, Windows Millennium, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7). The figure shows the stages of development of PC-class personal computers and the Windows operating system:

Operating systems family Windows is a 32-bit operating system that provides multitasking and multi-threaded application processing. They support a convenient graphical user interface, the ability to work in protected mode, and compatibility with programs real mode and networking opportunities. Windows includes Plug and Play hardware support, long filenames, and improved robustness.

32-bit means that operations on 32-bit data are faster here than on 16-bit data. 32-bit Windows applications run in their own address space, which is not accessible to other programs. This protects applications from each other's errors. If one application fails, the other continues to function normally. A failed application can be terminated.

Multitasking provides the ability to work in parallel with several applications. While one of them is busy, for example, printing a document on a printer or receiving email from Internet networks, another can recalculate a spreadsheet or do other useful work.

Multithreading allows applications designed in a specific way to simultaneously run multiple processes of their own. For example, when working with a multi-threaded spreadsheet, the user will be able to recalculate in one table while printing another and loading a third into memory. While one thread is waiting, for example, to complete a communication operation with a slow peripheral device, the other can continue to do its work.

A distinctive feature of Windows is its object-oriented approach to system design. At the user level object approach is expressed in the fact that the interface is a semblance of the real world, and working with the machine comes down to actions with familiar objects. Thus, folders can be opened, put in a briefcase, documents can be viewed, corrected, moved from one place to another, thrown into the trash, a fax or letter can be sent to the recipient, etc. The user works with tasks and applications in the same way as with documents on his desk. The object-oriented approach is implemented through the model worker table– primary Windows object. After Windows boots, it is displayed on the screen. Various objects can be located on the desktop: programs, folders with documents (texts, pictures, tables), shortcuts to programs or folders.

Shortcuts provide access to a program or document from multiple locations without creating multiple physical copies of the file. On the desktop you can place not only icons of applications and individual documents, but also folders. Folders are another name for directories.

A significant innovation in Windows was panel tasks. Despite its small functionality, it makes the multitasking mechanism clear and greatly speeds up the process of switching between applications. Externally, the taskbar is a strip, usually located at the bottom of the screen, which contains application buttons and the Start button. On the right side there is usually a clock and small icons of programs that are currently active.

Windows allows you to work with audio and video files of various formats. A significant achievement of Windows was its built-in computer communications programs. Windows communications tools are designed for ordinary users and do not require special knowledge. These facilities include the ability to work in local networks and global networks, setting up modems, connecting to e-mail and much more.

In the Windows operating system, the mouse is widely used when working with windows and applications. Typically, the mouse is used to select pieces of text or graphic objects, check and uncheck boxes, select menu commands, select toolbar buttons, manipulate controls in dialogs, and “scroll” documents in windows.

In Windows, the right mouse button is also actively used. By placing the pointer over the object of interest and right-clicking, you can expand contextual menu, containing the most common commands applicable to this object.

When shutting down, you cannot simply turn off the computer without shutting down the system properly - this may lead to the loss of some unsaved data. To properly shut down, it is necessary to save data in all applications that the user was working with, shut down all previously running DOS applications, open the “Start” button menu and select the “Shut Down” command.

reference systemWindows

Modern software is highly complex, which is why both the operating system and most of its applications provide help systems. reference systemWindows is not only a set of help files, but also a powerful tool for obtaining advice and support for any problems that may arise while working with the system.

Ways to obtain help

Main menu

The main Windows directory is called from the Main Menu with the command Start Help and Support.

F1 key

Key in Windows, reserved for calling up help information on the topic of the active window. If the program window is open, then when you press the key The main help window appears with the contents of the sections, in which the section corresponding to this program is highlighted (highlighted).

If a dialog box is open, pressing the key will bring up help on the topic of the request or the current field of the dialog box.

Help in dialog boxes

When working with dialog box controls, you often need quick, short help. This opportunity is provided by a special hint button. , located in the title bar next to the close button. After clicking on the tooltip button, you need to move the mouse pointer over the control of interest and click the left button. A tooltip will appear that describes the purpose of this element.

Context hint

Explanations about the elements dialog boxes can be obtained in another way. You need to click on the element right mouse key. In this case, either a tooltip will immediately appear, or a context menu with a single item “What is this?” Left-clicking on these words will bring up context-sensitive help. Sometimes it is enough to point at an element with the mouse for a tooltip to appear.

Help in applications

In the menu bar of almost all Windows programs there is an item Reference(sometimes represented simply by a question mark). Using this item, you can open the main help window, as well as get help information about the program.