Reliable external batteries. Power bank with flashlight and protected case

Power Bank– compact autonomous charging station for mobile technology– smartphones, tablets, etc. In fact, it is a more powerful external lithium-ion (lithium-polymer) battery compared to those energy sources that are used directly in the structures mobile devices. If necessary, the Power Bank is recharged from another power source via a USB port or via a built-in adapter from household network. It is used to transfer energy to mobile gadgets. standard connector power connections or USB interface located on the body of the external energy storage device – Power Bank.

Energy storage devices - aka external batteries Power Bank for gadgets

The modern market offers owners of mobile equipment a fair range of charging modules. But the buyer traditionally wants to buy best product. Which Power Bank is better among the variety of these devices? The answer to the question is traditionally contained in ratings based on customer reviews. But really best opportunities external drives energies are shown by their actual technical parameters:

  • power value (W/hour),
  • battery capacity (mAh),
  • discharge rate of Power Bank under satellite charging conditions,
  • number of USB ports,
  • rated output current,
  • rated input current,
  • presence of automatic functions,
  • presence of control indication.

Plus, it is advisable for the consumer to have a complete understanding of the specific purpose of the devices. This is not always mentioned in the ratings.

Many manufacturers, including best companies Power Banks produce several types of external chargers for the market:

  • for smartphones (output 5-9 V) with a nominal capacity of 5000 – 15,000 mAh;
  • for tablets (output 9-15 V) with a nominal capacity of 5000 – 20,000 mAh;
  • for laptops (output 12-19 V) with increased capacity 20,000 – 50,000 mAh;
  • universal with recharging from solar panels with a capacity of up to 25,000 mAh.

Rating of Power Bank models with rated capacity

Inexpensive model Power Bank Xiaomi 5200 for charging phones

This category of charging modules contains devices that are in demand by mobile phone users. Numerous the lineup makes it easy to find the best Power Bank for iPhone and other smartphone brands. There are many products with low price. You can buy, for example, without compromising your budget,Xiaomi PowerBank with a capacity of 5200 mAh . The Chinese model is not seen at the top of the rankings, but has a certain level of popularity among phone owners.

The first position in the ranking is confidently occupied by the best Power Bank 2017, representing another developed by Xiaomi for a capacity of 16,000 mAh. With an output/input voltage of 5 volts, the device provides charging current up to 2 amperes. You can charge up to 3 mobile gadgets. At the same time, it supports working with two devices at once, thanks to the presence of two USB interfaces.

One position lower than the Xiaomi product in the ranking was Ozaki and its development O!Tool D26 at 2600 mAh. The proverb “Small is small, but big is big” is apt here. Next came Hoox Magic Stone and Yoobao Mytour (6000 and 10400 mAh, respectively). Powertraveller products are ranked even lower in the rating, despite the high reliability of these devices. The decline in positions here is most likely due to the high price of these devices.

Small-sized lightweight Power Bank O’Tool from Ozaki

Chargers from HyperJuice Micro were in the top ten thanks not so much technical capabilities, how many because of their attractive design. However, HyperJuice Micro 7200 mAh, which can be purchased for reasonable money, guarantees compliance with the declared parameters (which is not available from all manufacturers ).

The best external batteries for tablets

  • Gmini
  • Xiaomi

The GP company's product, declared model GL301, came in first place due to its long warranty. The company guarantees 12 months of flawless work. Judging by the absence of critical entries on this topic in the reviews, the reliability of Power Bank GP is really high. The high-quality assembly of the device also played a role in the rise in popularity. The design supports charging two satellites simultaneously, there is an indication of accumulated energy, and a flashlight.

External battery for tablet – Power Bank with flashlight

The mPower Pro device developed by Gmini, labeled MPB1041 series, came in second place in the ranking for two reasons. The first is that the design is distinguished by fast time charging. Secondly, the circuit design eliminates the possibility of input and output overloads. In addition to the interesting circuit design, this power bank has a low market value. The only miscalculation of the company is that the kit does not include an adapter for connecting Lenovo tablets.

The tablet Power Bank from Xiaomi took an honorable third place in the ranking. The Mi Power Bank 10400 model successfully combines average parameter capacity (10,400 mAh), reliability of the circuit, user-friendly design. In all technical specifications, this external charging module could go higher. However, its operational capabilities are limited to only one USB interface.

Power Bank models with increased capacity

Power Bank modules are intended for autonomous recharging of mobile devices such as laptops and tablets. increased capacity. How do users see the best external Power Bank for laptops in the ranking?

  • PowerPlant
  • Rombica

According to many users, the best Power Bank in the rating of charging modules with increased capacity so far is Power Plant company. Their K2 50,000 mAh design can provide up to 10 recharges for an average performance laptop. The external charger has a three-stage automatic circuit protection. The module is equipped with a rich set of adapters, which allows you to connect a computer from almost any manufacturer to it.

The most powerful Power Bank for laptops from Power Plant

The list of TOP best Power Banks is continued by Rombica. The company has released a NEO PRO280 charging module with a power of 106 Wh for laptop-class computers. Output voltage 15-19 volts at a current of 1.8 A and a capacity of 18,000 mAh - these parameters provide multiple charging of a mobile device. The delivery set includes two adapter cables for connecting Apple MacBook and a cord with a micro USB connector.

EXEQ is in third position in the rating of external chargers with the PHL24000 model. True, this model in practice does not provide the declared capacity of 24,000 mAh (in reality no more than 18,000), but due to the existing function of switching rated power modes, this shortcoming is compensated for. The kit includes ten adapters for different laptop models. Attracts affordable price and reliable operation, judging by the reviews.

The candidate for the best Power Bank 2017, regardless of the fourth position in the rating, is model MP-S23000 from DBK . Autonomous charging module designed to work with laptops that require a supply voltage of 12-16 volts. The device circuit supports simultaneous charging of two devices. Eat automatic protection overload protection, charge indicator, automatic switch voltage level.

Popular charging module DBK MP-S23000 among the best models

The HP charger module, designated model N9F71AA, falls slightly short of the lower capacity limit for high-power devices. The capacity parameter for this device is stated at 72 Wh (19200 mAh). However, the design confidently ranks fifth in the ranking powerful Power Bank despite the high cost. The output voltage of 19 V and the maximum output current of 2.1 A facilitate fast charging of two satellites simultaneously.

We have all encountered situations when the phone not only died, but died inopportune moment. To get out of such situations, portable charging devices were invented. They are in demand, and therefore there are many low-quality or counterfeit products on the market. In this article we will tell you how to choose a Power Bank and, sorry, not get screwed.

Most of the problems and dissatisfaction among Power Bank users are caused by their poor quality. The main reason is that such devices are often bought for little money, without paying attention to the manufacturer and the capacity of the device.

How much should a normal Power Bank cost?

High-quality Power Bank with a capacity of 10.000 mAh costs from $17 and higher. Per device on 20.000 mAh I'll have to pay approximately twice as much. And this we're talking about about the simplest devices - without additional connectors, fashionable design or digital charge level indicator. Now it's just about buying portable charger on Aliexpress. If you decide to buy a Power Bank in a store in your city, then feel free to add a 15-20% markup to the recommended cost.

But don’t look only at the cost of the device. There are often expensive power banks on sale and, judging by the description, they have excellent characteristics, but with one small difference - they are from an unknown manufacturer. Such instances should be treated with double caution, since often huckster “businessmen” buy the cheapest no-name devices, and then mark up 3 prices on them and tell them that it is a very high-quality product.

Power Bank from which companies should you buy?

Power banks from Samsung, Lenovo, Xiaomi, Asus, Sony and other well-known brands will be many times more reliable, since large world-famous companies value their reputation. Do not forget that such a technique is a complex electronic device that can burn both the phone and itself. But even here there are certain points that you should pay attention to. Well-known brands are often counterfeited, and the authenticity of the device cannot be verified in advance by ordering a Power Bank from a Chinese online store. Here you should pay attention to the seller’s rating, reviews of the store and the number of sales. Even better is to order devices from official stores of companies, some of which are present on Aliexpress.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that many manufacturers place on the boxes of devices special codes, with which you can verify the authenticity of the product.

What size power bank should you buy?

As you may have noticed, Power Banks of different sizes and with different sets of functions are available on the market. It is clear that a device with more mAh will weigh more and cost more. Let’s not ignore the impressive size of such devices.

Large batteries are perfect for those who often have to travel and do not always have the opportunity to charge not only the phone, but also other mobile gadgets. Most “capacious” Power Banks provide the ability to simultaneously charge several devices (phone and tablet).

But what to do if you are not traveling, and the Power Bank is needed only for emergencies, so that the phone does not “die” in the near future until you get to the outlet. In such cases, carrying around a huge brick, which is larger and heavier than the smartphone itself, is not entirely advisable. For such cases optimal solution There will be small Power Banks with a capacity of 3,000 - 5,000 mAh. Devices with a small charge capacity are much smaller in size, which allows some of the models to be worn in a keychain as a keychain. And on some models, on the other hand, there is a built-in flashlight, so the device turns out to be multifunctional.

Pay attention to the strength of the output current, which affects the charging speed. For smartphones, 1A (ampere) will be enough, but for tablets it is preferable to use devices with a current of 2A or higher, otherwise it will take several times longer to fully charge.


Present on the market great amount Power Bank from different manufacturers. The devices differ in size and the presence of bonuses (charge level sensor, several charging ports, original design). To choose the optimal device and not make a mistake, we advise you not to save money and pay attention to the rating and reviews of the seller, as well as the manufacturer. A large charger capacity should be chosen by those who like to travel, and for everyday use, small batteries that can be hung on keys instead of a key fob are sufficient.

Power Bank or external battery is a very useful portable device in modern world. Today, most people own various wearable technology as an attribute of their everyday or business life. And if one of them, be it a smartphone, tablet or media player, is on the verge of discharge, then you can recharge your device using a power bank.

Due to the growing consumer interest and need, we decided to compile this top 10 best external batteries on this moment present on the world market, while taking into account such criteria as energy intensity, cost, compactness and possible additional attributes.

10th place: Ozaki O!tool Battery D26

The power bank with its entire appearance tells us that it is aimed primarily at the younger generation and will be useful if your child is going on a tourist trip with a school group or has gone somewhere else and needs to stay in touch. Especially if you won’t be able to recharge your phone while on the road.

The capacity of this battery is 2600 mAh, which will be enough for one full charge average budget smartphone or a couple of simpler cycles for a mobile phone. So you should pay attention to the battery of the latter if your choice fell on this gadget.

In addition to the fancy robot-like design, this model has five indicator lights that indicate the remaining charge level.

For all its attractiveness and practicality in the field used, this device still has its only and, perhaps, the most important drawback for the consumer. And this is its cost, which on average can be 1,170 rubles, which definitely exceeds its characteristics.

9th place: Sony CP-V5

Our list would not be complete without SONY, a company that occupies high positions in the markets of a wide variety of equipment. A is theirs portable accumulator, which will definitely appeal to many, primarily due to the reputation of the quality of the company's products.

The gadget is made in a practical simple design using plastic as the body material. In addition to its gentle appearance, the device is also very compact and easy to use even on the go.

Total battery capacity is 5000 mAh. In general, today, such external batteries are the optimal minimum for everyday use. However, if you have more than one gadget that needs to be kept in working order, then this model may not meet all your requirements.

Perhaps the only, but not the biggest, drawback is the maximum current of this power bank of 1.5 A. Knowledgeable people will understand that the drawback is that smartphones that support the technology fast charging, will be powered by this battery longer than usual.

Well, if you collect all the pros and cons of this device and wrap them in a practical form and famous brand, we get the average cost from 1,990 rubles to date.

8th place: KS-IS KS-200

Do you own a budget smartphone and need a practical and inexpensive power bank that will allow you to stay in touch when you need it? Then you should be interested in a compact external battery with a very attractive price tag.

Since we are talking about price, it is worth noting that the average market value of this gadget is only 400 rubles. Agree, very inexpensive for such a useful thing.

However, there is also a price-quality ratio, or rather price-capacity ratio, since the latter indicator is only 2200 mAh. Yes, a little, but still quite enough if you read the first paragraph or are looking for it for your child. That’s right, this model is practical for devices with a small battery capacity, and is also quite affordable.

To summarize, it can be noted that this external battery has no disadvantages for its price and is truly worthy of attention.

7th place: KS-IS KS-239

Continuing the line of the same manufacturer, I would like to pay attention to this battery. And he deserved it according to many of our main criteria.

First of all, you should pay attention to the design of the case. The shape is a compact rectangle with rounded edges. Well, yes, it’s convenient, and, it seems, nothing unusual, but the material of the case, in in this case, is metal, which is already pretty good. First of all, this has a great effect on the reliability and strength of the structure.

The second undoubted advantage of this device is its average cost in 1130 rubles. Quite a reasonable and pleasant price for a gadget with an ergonomic metal body and impressive capacity.

By the way, the capacity of this battery is 10400 mAh and is perhaps the only contradictory indicator that determines this position of the device on our list. The fact is that many users note that the capacity is slightly exaggerated and, in part, it is so. After all, batteries with such a large supply of energy also need some of it to work.

Well, in general, paying attention to this model, we can get a reliable and powerful battery at the best price.

6th place: iconBIT FTBTravel

Created for people who like to actively spend their time free time. And if you are one of them, then it may interest you, primarily because the body is made of durable plastic, which will ensure the safety and waterproofness of this gadget.

The capacity of this battery is 5000 mAh and will allow you to charge your communication device one to two times at full use. And the presence of two USB ports will make it possible to charge two devices at the same time. These indicators are quite standard and will suit most users.

However, it was not in vain that it was lovers of active recreation who were noted. The thing is that this external battery is equipped with a solar panel, which allows you to additionally recharge it away from outlets. But this decision is not without contradictions, such as bad weather days or the banal absence sunlight. That is why regular user may not need such an addition, and this external battery took sixth position on our list.

The average price today fluctuates within 2,180 rubles. At this price you can get a practical and durable portable charger with moisture protection and the ability to be powered by sunlight.

5th place: Rombica NEO NS100

For many users, regardless of the purpose of their portable device, sometimes in addition to basic indicators such as practicality and reliability, pleasantness is also important. appearance. This is exactly what it can offer us.

In terms of practicality, it is equipped with two USB port mi and has a capacity of 10,000 mAh, which will allow you to simultaneously charge two of your devices, and a current of 2.1 A will make this process faster (provided your gadgets support fast charging technology).

The small size of the battery and a fairly thin plastic case will allow you to comfortably carry it with you anywhere, and the presence of a special case in the kit will protect it from the unwanted consequences of active use.

This model has different color palette for the back and looks quite fresh and bright, contrasting with the white front panel. A average price on the market does not exceed 1,890 rubles, which is quite optimal for all of the above.

4th place: Canyon CNE-CPB130

optimal choice for a person who actively uses his portable gadgets and is away from a constant source of electricity for a long time.

With a total capacity of 13,000 mAh, it will allow you to charge your device up to 4 times in one use, or two devices at the same time a couple of times, thanks to two USB ports. Of course, the final results depend on the volume of batteries charged, but these average figures are very worthy of attention.

One small drawback, however, is its large body compared to other models. However, it, as it is, remains very portable, and this “disadvantage” is too insignificant compared to all its other indicators. Especially if we take into account the last criterion considered, namely its cost, which, on average, is 1,400 rubles.

So, if you do not need a more energy-intensive device, then you have a fairly powerful external battery that is definitely worth the money.

3rd place: Xiaomi Mi Power Bank 2 10000

And opens the top three of our list - an external battery from a company that, since its appearance on Russian market has proven itself to be excellent.

From the full name it already becomes clear that we are dealing with a capacity of 10,000 mAh. And this is very good indicator, especially when you know that the device is from Xiaomi. Also, the battery itself supports fast charging technology, which will significantly reduce the time spent on a full charge.

The compact and ergonomic body of the device is made of metal and gives it not only a premium look, but also greater reliability, which is very important for this type of gadget. Among other things, this power bank has protection against overheating, overload and short circuit, which finally answers all questions about its safety.

In total, we get a reliable and safe external battery in a durable and compact case with a capacity of 10,000 mAh at an average price of 1,590 rubles. An excellent offer that embodies everyone's favorite price-quality ratio.

2nd place: ASUS ZenPower 10050 mAh ABTU005

ASUS ZenPower ABTU005– another representative is already different widely famous company, which values ​​quality and practicality no less than others. And this device reflects these values ​​fully.

I would immediately like to note its noticeable compactness, since despite the large capacity, noticeable in the name of the battery, it easily fits in the palm of your hand and weighs only 215 grams with a metal case. The latter by the way has a pleasant and bright color palette that can suit your taste or preference.

As noted earlier, for all its portability, this external battery has a capacity of 10050 mAh, which will allow you to charge your smartphone up to three times on a single charge. The maximum current is 2.4 A, allowing you to charge both an external battery and other gadgets much faster.

And the average price for all this today is 1,690 rubles. Yes, it is already a little higher than for devices in this category, but do not forget that we are talking about quality, safety and practicality.

1st place: Xiaomi Mi Power Bank 2 20000

Naturally, having approached the first place, we were forced to compare all the above criteria, among which were quality, energy intensity, cost, compactness and possible additional attributes, and came to the conclusion that the first place goes to Xiaomi Mi Power Bank 2 on 20000 mAh.

Yes, this is an updated model of the energy “monster” from Xiaomi with an incredible capacity of 20,000 mAh, with which you can completely forget that your device may run out of charge at the most inopportune moment.

Qualcomm Quick Charge 3.0 fast charging technology allows you to quickly fill it with electricity and hit the road. And two USB ports will ensure simultaneous charging of several devices at once. Fortunately, he probably has enough energy reserves.

The body, although made of plastic, still looks simple and practical, while remaining quite compact, even fitting into clothing pockets. The average cost today will be 2,300 rubles, which, although it exceeds all the above prices, fully justifies itself and the device, providing the user with a reliable and power bank.


If your choice falls on batteries from Xiaomi, beware of fakes!

The original has the following distinctive features:

  • white packaging made of high-quality cardboard with a license sticker with a unique code;
  • not bright, but clear text of specifications on the end of the device;
  • The Mi logo has a darker color and a small font;

It would seem that everyone already knows what a Power Bank is, but it turns out that in reality not everything is so simple.

Of course, many already know what these are and even use them on permanent basis, but nevertheless, our readers often ask us questions about these irreplaceable devices. We will try to answer many of them. Perhaps others will also note something for themselves in this article.

Thanks to those who have long invented devices called external batteries, or, as they are also called, Power Banks. Nowadays you can even find such devices in a charged state at the checkout counter in many grocery supermarkets. Of course, the price for them is somewhat high compared to specialized stores, but a spoon is expensive for dinner. It would seem that everything is simple: bought it, connected it, started charging. But in reality, not everything is so rosy.

The main reason for most dissatisfaction with external batteries is the low quality of specific representatives of this type of electronics. And the reason is that many people buy them for very little money on Chinese sites and don’t even bother about the manufacturer or characteristics.

The most common deception or deceit in the description of batteries found on Chinese sites comes down to incorrectly indicating the capacity of the Power Bank. You can write anything, but in reality you will never get 16,000 mAh for 400 rubles. But they write something like this too. Of course, everything is relative and you can stumble upon some young or little-known brand that will offer something inexpensive and of high quality, but these are rather miracles, and it is better not to wait for them again. Very roughly and roughly, we can say that a good Power Bank with 10,000 mAh capacity for less than 1000-1200 rubles is not even worth looking for, but if you need 20,000, then it is better to budget at least 2000 rubles for the purchase. And I’m talking about the cheapest versions, without complex bells and whistles such as digital display of charge level and other things. Of course, you can come across promotions and sales, but in this case you need to be really sure that this is a sale, and not a cunning seller who sold for 600 rubles, and still sells, but now he just decided to attract buyers by writing that this is how it is costs 3,000 rubles, but today only 600 rubles.

Moreover, all of the above applies only to purchases on Chinese sites. In Russian stores you should safely add at least 20% to the price. But do not forget that those same cheap Power Banks with inaccurate characteristics are also sold here. It’s just that some companies buy “no-name” external batteries and sell them under their own brand. And for this, of course, they charge a considerable amount. So the battery low quality for 500 rubles from the same AliExpress, in the end it will cost about 1,500 rubles in Russia, which may seem normal to most for a quality item. Actually this is not true.

There are many serious brands that produce Power Banks. This includes Samsung, Xiaomi, Huawei, Asus, Sony, and Lenovo. Of course, they will be more reliable and of higher quality, since these are large companies that value their reputation. They may be a little more or a little less capacious compared to their competitors, but they will be of high quality, and this is the most important thing, because we must not forget that this is a complex electronic device that can burn both the phone and itself.

However, in choosing devices from a good, well-known brand, there are also a couple of sharp corners that need to be somehow circumvented. Everyone understands that the more popular and well-known a brand is, the more often it will be counterfeited. We will not dwell now on how to distinguish a fake from an original, since there are many well-known companies and each has its own verification method. This information can be easily found on the Internet with photographs and examples. Let's just say that if you order from China, it will be cheaper, but without a guarantee of quality, since the product cannot be checked before payment. Therefore, in order to simply minimize risks, you need to order from a seller who has sold at least several hundred units of this device and at the same time has at least a couple of dozen customer reviews, none of which will complain about the quality.

Personally, I was given my first Power Bank back when few people knew about them. I really liked the idea of ​​such a device, and I used it often. Even at home, when you need a phone, but the outlet is far away. Connect it - and you're done, use it. Some time later, during the wild sales period on, I ordered an external battery simply because it was very cheap. So to speak, I decided to try it. Lucky! The verification code on the manufacturer's website showed that the battery was original, but the code itself had never been checked before. I ended up giving it as a gift, and then bought myself another one from the same manufacturer in Russia, I don’t even remember which store, but when I called them, they immediately said “yes, of course, you can check it using the code before purchasing.” . The price difference with China was about 350 rubles, and I didn’t even bother. In the end I bought it and everything works. In this case, I was lucky at all stages, but when ordering I acted at my own peril and risk.

In general, the question is subjective, but personally it seems to me that when buying a Power Bank for around two thousand rubles, there is no point in ordering it in China, since the difference will not be that much. In my practice, it was no more than 15-20 percent. That is, about 300-350 rubles. At the same time, I bought not just one Power Bank all the time, but about five to seven pieces for myself, as a gift, and simply at the request of help buying. For these 300-350 rubles, I received the purchase immediately, and not over an unknown period of time from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, and there was also at least some place where I could come and make a claim. Even just the risk of loss and a trip to the post office is not worth these 300 rubles.

When choosing a Power Bank, you need to take into account an important factor. If you buy a 10,000 mAh device, this in no way means that you can charge your phone exactly four times with a 2500 mAh battery. And this does not depend on the popularity of the brand, which I talked about before. Many people understand this, but not everyone, as evidenced by the questions that I have been asked about this more than once. In fact, in the example I gave, there will be a maximum of three charges. This is caused by many factors. Firstly, the declared value is one thing, but the real one is completely different. Even serious brands have discrepancies between stated and actual characteristics. Secondly, there cannot help but be losses when each device has its own controller, which regulates the charging process. Well, thirdly, the phone is not turned off, but consumes energy for its needs. Accordingly, while it will charge up to 100%, it will “suck” out of external source not only what it needs to reach that hundred percent, but also what it will need to work for those couple of hours while charging.

Also, when choosing an external battery, you need to pay attention to the current strength that the connectors are capable of delivering. As a rule, there are options with 1 amp or 2 amp connectors. There are also devices equipped with two ports with different current strengths. It is worth noting here that if you only need to charge a phone, then one ampere will be enough, but if you need to charge a tablet, then one ampere may not be enough. For me, this was the main reason for updating the Power Bank. My first one only had one 1 amp connector. Now I have two 2 amp connectors. Of course, it won’t be able to output two to both ports at once, but when charging one tablet everything is fine, the current is close to the declared strength, and the charge level is replenished.

Separately, we need to consider the so-called designer Power Banks. Of course, there are good expensive and even luxury options, but most of them are Chinese devices with inexpensive hardware, and the price is higher than their analogues only because of the case in which it’s all packed. Well, here, in general, who knows what. They come in the form of popular cartoon characters, animals, culinary products and even emoji.

So, as we have just seen once again, there are many portable chargers and they are all different and you just need to choose what everyone needs specific user according to the main parameters.


If you need a Power Bank for long journey, then it is better to have at least 16,000 mAh with you. Then you can not think about the outlet at all for a very long time. And if you are not traveling alone or you have more than one device, then it is better that it be equipped with a second connector for simultaneous charging of two gadgets. Well, the situation is the opposite. If you just need to have a “couple of extra mAh” in your bag just in case, then you can take something with a 3000-4000 mAh capacity and always carry it with you. Then you won’t even notice its weight, but you will always be sure that you will not be left without communication.

Weight and size

Miracles do not happen, and with increasing capacity, the weight and dimensions of any battery increase. So, if you are offered two batteries and told that one is more capacious, but at the same time lighter than the second, think about it, this is very unlikely.


There are not many options here, and, as a rule, they come down to whether the wire is built into the Power Bank itself or whether it is equipped only with a USB socket into which any wire can be inserted. I think there is no need to explain that the second option is much more practical. There are also external batteries in the form of a phone case, though only for the most popular models. It’s convenient that you can use your phone as usual, but it’s inconvenient because you have to always carry it on the phone or constantly take it off.


If you don’t need your external battery to be beautiful, then don’t bother with design and go for a regular, simple look made of plastic or aluminum. In such models, the manufacturer does not charge extra money for the design, and the quality of the filling will be better for the same money.

Charge indicator

This is a very important thing, and there are Power Banks without it, although, to be honest, I have not yet seen them. As a rule, the indicator consists of several LEDs (mostly 4). If all are on, then the charge is full, if half, then half, and so on. There are digital indicators or in the form of a scale on the built-in LCD screen. Beautiful, but nothing more. It also adds cost and increases the size of the device.

For myself, I have long decided on the choice of external batteries. I have one for travel with 16,000 mAh with two ports that I charge my phones, tablet, GoPro, etc. And also one 5000 mAh for daily use, which is always in your bag just in case. The choice was not easy, but I made it.

Today in stores you can easily find mobile devices with a fairly large capacity of their own battery, but still many people think about the need to buy a Power Bank for their smartphone. Modern gadgets, in terms of battery life, have stepped far ahead from their first touch-screen counterparts. Almost all of them can work in active mode operation during daylight or working hours, but for many users this is clearly not enough.

A long trip in transport or outdoor recreation can lead to a complete discharge of the battery without the ability to replenish its charge. How to deal with such a situation?

Of course, you can try to switch to austerity mode using various settings. Refusal of bright backlight, limiting the operation of the processor and the Internet will extend the battery life of the smartphone by several hours, but this is very limiting for the user. For the same purpose, you can try to buy an additional standard battery. But charging it will be extremely inconvenient, since you will have to remove the cover and disconnect the current battery, which will lead to resetting many settings. For owners of non-separable smartphones, this option will not help at all.

Fortunately, the need to significantly increase the battery life of phones could not go unnoticed by electronics manufacturers. Today they have filled the market with devices such as an external battery or Power Bank. Users immediately liked this solution because... power supplies are compact, versatile, affordable and have decent capacity. In this article we will look at all the nuances that you need to get acquainted with in order to understand which power bank to choose for your smartphone.

Video review:

Concept and design of Power Bank

A modern Power Bank is a universal external battery consisting of a battery pack combined into one housing.

Devices can additionally be equipped with specific interfaces, charge/discharge indicators and other capabilities. The number of batteries, their quality and capacity determine the main differences between power banks, which come in a very wide variety. We must not forget that power banks for smartphones come in a variety of external designs, with regard to case materials and design.

Which container is right for me?

To answer this question, you must first familiarize yourself with it technical side. Inside the case, a Power Bank usually hides several lithium polymer (Li-Pol) or lithium-ion (Li-Ion) batteries, the capacity of which is measured in milliamp-hours (mAh). The production technology of such batteries ensures a low level of self-discharge, a long service life and excellent specific energy intensity. You need to understand that with an increase in the total capacity external battery its dimensions and weight will inevitably increase.

To decide on specific model power bank, you need to focus on the capacity of the “native” battery of the smartphone. You can obtain such information from the instructions for the device, the manufacturer’s official website, or directly from the markings on the battery. For example, if a smartphone battery is marked 2500 mAh, then the Power Bank must have a capacity of at least 3000 mAh.

How many charges should you expect?

When choosing a power bank for a smartphone, you should not divide the capacity of the external battery by the same indicator as the standard one. Many people mistakenly do just this to determine the capabilities of a power bank, but for such buyers, physics has bad news in store.

We will not go into scientific details, you just need to accept the fact that a 9000 mAh Power Bank will not be able to fully charge a smartphone battery 2 times if its capacity is 4500 mAh. With this ratio, a good result will be the ability to autonomously obtain 150-170% charge of the standard battery.

Why is this happening? Any battery undergoes a gradual process of self-discharge. Over time, the actual battery capacity also decreases. All standard elements The power supply in power banks produces a voltage of 3.7V, and the USB interface operates with a voltage of 5V.

To increase the voltage in the design of power banks, a special board is used, but its efficiency, although close, is not 100%. The smartphone itself also contains technical issues that are responsible for charge leakage. The combination of these factors explains that even the highest quality Power Bank has losses of 20-30% of the nominal value indicated on its label.

In search of the ideal

Some people may think that the larger the capacity of a power bank, the better it is. In practice this is not the case. But how to choose an external battery for a smartphone?

As in any other matter, when choosing a Power Bank you need to focus on your own needs. Of course, the impressive capacity will help charge the device of the owner and his friends several times. But owners of such an external battery will have to come to terms with the fact that they will need to carry a device with them that will not fit in a regular pocket.

On the other side, fully charged A smartphone is not always required, because There may simply not be enough time for this. In such situation best assistant It will be a small and lightweight power bank, made, for example, in the form of a keychain. Such a compact battery is quite capable of supporting the phone’s battery until the moment when it can be charged from a stationary source.
Weight and dimensions little helper almost invisible, unlike power banks with a capacity of more than 10,000 mAh.

An interesting solution might be an external battery for smartphones, a Power Bank, made in the form of a phone case. You can't say what it is universal option, because the case must match the dimensions of the case specific device. But on the other hand, the decision to buy an external battery for a smartphone of this type allows you to simultaneously acquire device protection and additional energy reserves. In addition, you definitely won’t forget such a power bank at home or at work, but you will have to come to terms with the increased dimensions of the case.

What else should you not forget?

Important factors influencing the choice of an external battery for a mobile device can be grouped as follows:

  • charging current;
  • connection interfaces;
  • features of power bank charging;
  • charge indication.

Charging current is one of the most important technical characteristics power bank. Most devices on the market are capable of providing current in the range of 0.5-2 A. To make the right choice, you need to focus on the current consumed by the smartphone. This information can be found in the phone's instructions or on the labeling of the “native” charger for it. If this figure is 1 A, then you need to buy a Power Bank that delivers a similar or greater current. Buying a battery with a lower current output is not a critical mistake, but in this case the smartphone will charge much longer.

If you decide to buy a high-capacity power bank, then you should give preference to models that have two or more output connectors. The charge current for these interfaces may be different, for example, the first connector will be marked “1A”, and the second “2A”. This does not mean that in total the external battery will be able to provide an output current of 3A. Thus, the manufacturer invites the owner to use the most suitable connector for a particular device.

If you simultaneously connect several devices to such a power bank, then at each output the device will receive half the maximum output current. Anyway, Power Bank large capacity with two charging outputs is better than an analogue with one connector.

The vast majority of modern mobile devices use the microUSB interface for charging. The corresponding cable is not always included with the battery, and if it is, it is often very short, which must be taken into account when purchasing. If there is a need to charge older devices, e.g. Nokia phone, then it’s worth looking for power banks that include a set of adapters for once popular electronics with proprietary charging connectors.

It is also important how the external battery for the smartphone itself will replenish the charge. It is better to refuse batteries that use their own types of connectors, and prefer products with the common microUSB. This will allow you to charge an autonomous power source from almost any smartphone or computer charger.

To buy an external battery for a smartphone and not regret it, you need to pay attention to the battery charging current. The rule here is: the more, the better. The charging current of the power bank itself may be critical important characteristic for its normal use. For example, a capacious 20,000 mAh Power Bank with a charging current of 500 mAh will replenish its charge within 40 hours, which the future owner will definitely not like.

External batteries with built-in solar panels. This additional element should be taken more as a marketing ploy. In practice, a solar cell on a clear day can only compensate for the natural self-discharge of the battery. Therefore for solar panel It’s not worth overpaying, but it’s better to pay more attention to the way the charge is indicated.

Advanced devices can show the remaining charge on a special display, but an LED indication will be sufficient. The latter option, although not as accurate, is more reliable and energy efficient.

Conclusion: ready to buy

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