Monitors with pva matrix. Which monitor to choose: IPS, PLS, TN matrix

Exists great amount types of matrices on the basis of which monitors are produced. The basic ones are TN, IPS, PLS, VA. All other types are built on the basis of these four and are only their modifications. When choosing a matrix, you should spare no expense and choose the one you like, because if you go cheap, you will regret it after a while. Remember to look at it like a mirror every day!

Matrix type IPS

Today, monitors based on these matrices are the most expensive and considered the best. IPS matrices have better color rendering and preserve the color palette as much as possible. Monitors based on such matrices have maximum viewing angles and are also easier to perceive by the human eye. A Full HD monitor based on such a matrix is ​​capable of conveying all the delights of the image as subtly as possible. Disadvantages: increased response time, high price.

Matrix type PLS

In fact, PLS is the same type as IPS, only cheaper. Was developed by Samsung. It has such advantages as: brightness, color rendition, large viewing angles. Just like IPS matrices, it has similar disadvantages: the response time is worse than that of the TN type but better than that of the VA.

Matrix type VA

MVA/PVA/VA matrices represent the middle ground between TN and IPS matrices. Monitors based on such matrices have fairly close color reproduction to that of IPS. Also among the advantages are a large viewing angle and a short response time. As for contrast and brightness, they exceed everything as much as possible existing types matrices with the exception of PLS. Such monitors are not suitable for professionals, since the slightest deviation from the perpendicular to the angle of view and a professional will be able to notice the deviation color range. To the average user, this drawback will seem trivial.

Matrix type TN

This technology for manufacturing matrices is the simplest and oldest, respectively, tn type matrices are the cheapest. They have weak viewing angles; this can be noticed at the slightest deviation of the eye from the direct viewing angle of the monitor. The picture will immediately begin to distort. The only advantage of these matrices is minimum time response which allows the dynamic picture not to leave trails.

The superiority of IPS matrices

Unlike TN-type matrices, in IPS the crystals do not form a spiral, but rotate if they are exposed to an electric field, and they rotate synchronously. Changing the structure of the crystals made it possible to achieve such a parameter as the maximum viewing angle, which is equal to 178° vertically and horizontally. If the IPS matrix is ​​not under voltage, the LCD molecules do not rotate. The second filter is always turned perpendicular to the first, which prevents light from passing through it. Black color display is close to ideal. If the transistor breaks down " dead pixel"will look black, unlike TN matrices in which it will be white. When voltage is applied, the LC molecules rotate perpendicular to their initial position, thereby transmitting light. While the color temperature remains unchanged throughout the entire spectrum, the colors match the image as accurately as possible and convey the most correct colors from any digital media. In the picture, the IPS matrix most accurately conveys colors across the entire spectrum at different viewing angles. As we know, TN type matrices have better response than IPS type, but not always. When transitioning from gray to gray, the IPS matrix has a better response than TN. Also, IPS type matrices are pressure resistant and, unlike TN and VA type matrices, do not “blur”. We can say that monitors made on IPS matrices are an integral equipment for such professions as photographers and designers.

In 2018, TVs and monitors based on VA matrices are in great demand and popularity because they are cheaper than IPS and are inferior in quality only in viewing angles. Therefore, it would be wiser for the average user to give preference to models based on VA type.

If you are involved in professional e-sports, especially if it is a shooter, then you are recommended to buy a monitor based on a TN matrix. Since they have a minimum response time and you will already be ahead of your competitors on the device, which will give you superiority.

If you are professionally involved in design, photography, etc. then you probably have several monitors to compare the color and quality of your work, and you will definitely need a monitor based on an IPS matrix if you do not have one.

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Liquid crystal displays( IPS technology, MVA, PVA)

Sergey Yaroshenko

When creating LCD displays, three main technologies are used: TN + film, IPS and MVA. Since TN + film technology was discussed in detail in the previous article, we will focus on its technological competitors.

TN + film technology

Twisted Nematic + film (TN + film). The “film” part in the technology name means an additional layer used to increase the viewing angle (approximately up to 160°). This is the simplest and cheapest technology. It has been around for a long time and is used in most monitors sold in the last few years.

Advantages of TN + film technology:
- low cost;
- minimum pixel response time to control action.

Disadvantages of TN + film technology:
- average contrast;
- problems with accurate color rendering;
- relatively small viewing angles.

IPS technology

In 1995, Hitachi developed In-Plane Switching (IPS) technology to overcome the disadvantages inherent in panels made using TN + film technology. Small viewing angles, very specific colors and unacceptable (at that time) response time prompted Hitachi to develop new technology IPS, which gave good result: decent viewing angles and good color rendition.

In IPS matrices, the crystals do not form a spiral, but rotate together when an electric field is applied. Changing the orientation of the crystals helped achieve one of the main advantages of IPS matrices - viewing angles were increased to 170° horizontally and vertically. If no voltage is applied to the IPS matrix, the liquid crystal molecules do not rotate. The second polarizing filter is always turned perpendicular to the first, and no light passes through it. The black color display is perfect. If the transistor fails, the “broken” pixel for an IPS panel will not be white, as for a TN matrix, but black. When a voltage is applied, the liquid crystal molecules rotate perpendicular to their initial position, parallel to the base, and transmit light.

When choosing a monitor, many users are faced with the question: what better pls or IPS.

These two technologies have existed for quite a long time and both show themselves quite well.

If you look at various articles on the Internet, they either write that everyone must decide for themselves what is better, or they do not give an answer to the question posed at all.

Actually, these articles make no sense at all. After all, they do not help users in any way.

Therefore, we will look at in what cases it is better to choose PLS or IPS and give advice that will help you do right choice. Let's start with the theory.

What is IPS

It’s worth saying right away that this moment It is the two options under consideration that are leaders in the technology market.

And not every specialist will be able to say which technology is better and what advantages each of them has.

So, the word IPS itself stands for In-Plane-Switching (literally “in-site switching”).

This abbreviation also stands for Super Fine TFT (“super thin TFT”). TFT, in turn, stands for Thin Film Transistor.

To put it simply, TFT is a technology for displaying images on a computer, which is based on an active matrix.

Hard enough.

Nothing. Let's figure it out now!

So, in TFT technology The molecules of liquid crystals are controlled using thin-film transistors; this is what “active matrix” means.

IPS is exactly the same, only the electrodes in monitors with this technology are on the same plane with liquid crystal molecules, which are parallel to the plane.

All this can be clearly seen in Figure 1. There, in fact, displays with both technologies are shown.

First there is a vertical filter, then transparent electrodes, after them liquid crystal molecules (blue sticks, they interest us most), then horizontal filter, color filter and the screen itself.

Rice. No. 1. TFT and IPS screens

The only difference between these technologies is that the LC molecules in TFT are not located in parallel, but in IPS they are in parallel.

Thanks to this, they can quickly change the viewing angle (specifically, here it is 178 degrees) and give best picture(at IPS).

And also due to this solution, the brightness and contrast of the image on the screen has significantly increased.

Now it is clear?

If not, write your questions in the comments. We will definitely answer them.

IPS technology was created in 1996. Among its advantages, it is worth noting the absence of the so-called “excitement,” that is, an incorrect reaction to touch.

It also has excellent color rendition. Quite a lot of companies produce monitors using this technology, including NEC, Dell, Chimei and even.

What is PLS

For a very long time, the manufacturer did not say anything at all about its brainchild, and many experts put forward various assumptions regarding the characteristics of PLS.

Actually, even now this technology is shrouded in a lot of secrets. But we will still find the truth!

PLS was released in 2010 as an alternative to the aforementioned IPS.

This abbreviation stands for Plane To Line Switching (that is, “switching between lines”).

Let us remember that IPS is In-Plane-Switching, that is, “switching between lines.” This refers to switching in a plane.

And above we said that in this technology, liquid crystal molecules quickly become flat and due to this, a better viewing angle and other characteristics are achieved.

So, in PLS everything happens exactly the same, but faster. Figure 2 shows all this clearly.

Rice. No. 2. PLS and IPS work

In this figure, at the top there is the screen itself, then the crystals, that is, the same liquid crystal molecules that were indicated by blue sticks in figure No. 1.

The electrode is shown below. In both cases, their location is shown on the left in the off state (when the crystals do not move), and on the right - when they are on.

The principle of operation is the same - when the crystals begin to work, they begin to move, while initially they are located parallel to each other.

But, as we see in Figure No. 2, these crystals quickly acquire the required form- the one that is necessary for the maximum.

Over a certain period of time, the molecules in the IPS monitor do not become perpendicular, but in the PLS they do.

That is, in both technologies everything is the same, but in PLS everything happens faster.

Hence the intermediate conclusion - PLS works faster and, in theory, this particular technology could be considered the best in our comparison.

But it is too early to draw final conclusions.

This is interesting: Samsung Company filed a lawsuit against LG several years ago. It claimed that the AH-IPS technology used by LG is a modification of PLS ​​technology. From this we can conclude that PLS is a type of IPS, and the developer himself admitted this. Actually, this was confirmed and we are a little higher.

Which is better PLS or IPS? How to choose a good screen - guide

What if I don't understand anything?

In this case, the video at the end of this article will help you. It clearly shows a cross-section of TFT and IPS monitors.

You will be able to see how it all works and understand that in PLS everything happens exactly the same, but faster than in IPS.

Now we can move on to further comparison of technologies.

Expert opinions

On some sites you can find information about an independent study of PLS ​​and IPS.

Experts compared these technologies under a microscope. It is written that in the end they did not find any differences.

Other experts write that it is still better to buy PLS, but do not really explain why.

Among all the statements of experts, there are several main points that can be observed in almost all opinions.

These points are as follows:

  • Monitors with PLS matrices are the most expensive on the market. The cheapest option is TN, but such monitors are inferior in all respects to both IPS and PLS. So, most experts agree that this is very justified, because the picture is better displayed on PLS;
  • Monitors with a PLS matrix are best suited for performing all kinds of design and engineering tasks. This technique will also cope perfectly with the work of professional photographers. Again, from this we can conclude that PLS does a better job of rendering colors and providing sufficient image clarity;
  • According to experts, PLS monitors are virtually free from problems such as glare and flicker. They came to this conclusion during testing;
  • Ophthalmologists say that PLS will be much better perceived by the eyes. Moreover, your eyes will find it much easier to look at PLS all day than IPS.

In general, from all this we again draw the same conclusion that we already made earlier. PLS is a little better than IPS. And this opinion is confirmed by most experts.

Which is better PLS or IPS? How to choose a good screen - guide

Which is better PLS or IPS? How to choose a good screen - guide

Our comparison

Now let’s move on to the final comparison, which will answer the question posed at the very beginning.

The same experts identify a number of characteristics by which different ones need to be compared.

It's about about indicators such as light sensitivity, response speed (meaning the transition from gray to gray), quality (pixel density without losing other characteristics) and saturation.

We will use them to evaluate the two technologies.

Table 1. IPS comparison and pls for some specifications

Other characteristics, including saturation and quality, are subjective and vary from person to person. specific person.

But from the above indicators it is clear that PLS has slightly higher characteristics.

Thus, we again confirm the conclusion that this technology performs better than IPS.

Rice. No. 3. The first comparison of monitors with IPS and PLS matrices.

There is a single “popular” criterion that allows you to accurately determine which is better – PLS or IPS.

This criterion is called “by eye”. In practice, this means that you just need to take and look at the two side by side standing monitor and visually determine where the picture is better.

Therefore, we will present several similar images, and everyone will be able to see for themselves where the image visually looks better.

Rice. No. 4. Second comparison of monitors with IPS and PLS matrices.

Rice. No. 5. The third comparison of monitors with IPS and PLS matrices.

Rice. No. 6. The fourth comparison of monitors with IPS and PLS matrices.

Rice. No. 7. Fifth comparison of monitors with IPS (left) and PLS (right) matrices.

It is visually clear that on all PLS samples the picture looks much better, more saturated, brighter, and so on.

We mentioned above that TN is the most inexpensive technology today and monitors using it, accordingly, also cost less than others.

After them in price come IPS, and then PLS. But, as we see, all this is not at all surprising, because the picture really looks much better.

Other characteristics in this case are also higher. Many experts advise buying with PLS matrices and Full HD resolution.

Then the image will really look just great!

It is impossible to say for sure whether this combination is the best on the market today, but it is definitely one of the best.

By the way, for comparison you can see what IPS and TN look like from an acute viewing angle.

Rice. No. 8. Comparison of monitors with IPS (left) and TN (right) matrices.

It is worth saying that Samsung created two technologies at once that are used in monitors and in / and were able to significantly outperform IPS.

It's about Super AMOLED screens, which stand on mobile devices this company.

Interestingly, Super AMOLED resolution is usually lower than IPS, but the picture is more saturated and bright.

But in the case of PLS ​​above, almost everything that can be, including resolution.

The general conclusion can be drawn that PLS is better than IPS.

Among other things, PLS has the following advantages:

  • the ability to convey a very wide range of shades (in addition to primary colors);
  • ability to support the entire sRGB range;
  • lower energy consumption;
  • viewing angles allow several people to see the picture comfortably at once;
  • all kinds of distortions are absolutely excluded.

All in all, IPS monitors are perfect for solving common household tasks, for example, watching movies and working in office programs.

But if you want to see something really rich and high quality image, buy equipment with PLS.

This is especially true when you need to work with design/design programs.

Of course, their price will be higher, but it’s worth it!

Which is better PLS or IPS? How to choose a good screen - guide

What is amoled, super amoled, Lcd, Tft, Tft ips? Do not you know? Look!

Which is better PLS or IPS? How to choose a good screen - guide

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The popularity of each product depends on two factors. This is the quality of the product and its price. TN matrices, which dominated the market for many years, were attractive due to their low cost. However, with the development of IPS technology and its subsequent reduction in cost, the choice of buyers was predetermined. The laurels of the “people's favorite” went to the new contender.

But it's not that simple. The development of IPS has given rise to many variations of this matrix. The most famous of them is PLS. Which of the two options is better?? What are the differences between other types of IPS? The answers to these questions will guide the buyer to the right choice.

IPS technology

By 1996, the hegemony of TN matrices came to an end. Hitachi and NFC have successfully completed the joint development of innovative technology. IPS matrices were released and presented to the masses.

The main purpose for which this product was created was to replace the outdated TN predecessor. Such ailments as common at that time, such as poor color reproduction, low contrast and small viewing angles, are a thing of the past. New monitors naturally became market leaders.

"In-Plane Switching" literally translates as " intra-site switching". High quality The images of this matrix are achieved due to a fundamentally different arrangement of liquid crystals. If in TN they were arranged in a spiral, then in IPS they were parallel to each other.

Perfect picture

Offers a new solution immediately several advantages, taking this into account, their predecessors simply cannot stand up to the competition:

High-quality color rendition Full depth RGB colors produces the most realistic image without any deviations or distortions. Over one billion colors and their shades. Photographers and designers will appreciate this.
High brightness and contrast Improved brightness and contrast significantly improve picture quality. TN remains the loser. The scarcity, grayness and plainness of the image cannot be completely corrected even professional setup monitor.
Increased viewing angles The viewing angles of the IPS matrix are also strikingly wider than its predecessor - up to 178°. The color of the image is not distorted even with such a large deviation of the view from the center of the monitor. On various TN matrices this parameter ranges from 90° to 150°.
Safety at work The arrival of IPS matrices was a real gift for user eyes. Ophthalmologists claim that this option is more convenient for long-term work at the monitor than TN.

There was also a small but pleasant detail. Reaction to physical impact excluded. If you point your finger at a TN monitor, clearly noticeable “waves” will appear at the point of contact, distorting the image. In-Plane Switching does not have this problem.

Not without flaws

However, even so innovative technology cannot be called an ideal. IPS matrices still have obvious disadvantages:

Modern matrices are also not without the above-mentioned disadvantages . However, it would be unfair to say that the technology has remained in place compared to previous variations.

Further development

With the opening in 1996, the desire for a perfect picture only gained momentum. The technology needed to be reduced in cost and improve its high response time. No less important task there was an improvement in her strengths.

The “inherent” disadvantages of “In-Plane Switching” have become less critical. Especially when compared with what happened in 1996.

However, the cost of this matrix and its response time are still far from ideal. This was the starting point for the development of an alternative that has gained wide popularity in the monitor market.

With the arrival of pls

At the end of 2010, Samsung presented to the world its vision of progress for modern matrices - “Plane-to-Line Switching”. PLS was positioned as fundamentally new replacement imperfect IPS. Representatives of Samsung did not provide any descriptions of their own technology.

True, at one point the corporation indirectly recognized its matrix as a type of IPS. This happened during litigation with LG. The lawsuit filed by Samsung claimed that AH-IPS is a modification of their PLS technology. In fact, this was not true. On the other hand, nothing cancels a number of technical advantages of PLS ​​in comparison with its competitor:

The image quality and RGB color gamut in PLS are in no way inferior to modern IPS. However, data from various expert studies is contradictory. Some conclude that PLS is somewhat superior to its competitor in this regard. D others believe that there is no difference here and both matrices are equal.

The conclusion follows from this: if there is still a difference in image quality/color reproduction between PLS and IPS, then it is insignificant.

Connoisseurs of bright, realistic pictures and clear dynamic scenes are advised to look towards PLS. Yes, the response time of this matrix is ​​slightly higher than that of TN. However, the difference is not critical - the effect of “blurring” of objects on the display is eliminated in both options. But color rendition, brightness, contrast and viewing angles here definitely weigh in favor of PLS. Decent option for a wide audience interested in games and cinema.

“In-Plane Switching” deserves the attention of those who care exclusively about color rendering (photographers, designers, etc.). The number of modifications of this technology is much wider than the most popular ones that were discussed earlier. However, professional work with graphics and color requires a purely individual approach. For various tasks A monitor on a PLS matrix is ​​also quite suitable. At the same time, it will cost much less than any specific type of IPS.

The average user will also appreciate modern varieties of this matrix. Under two conditions:

  1. A monitor based on it has similar characteristics to an analogue based on a PLS matrix that is comparable in the price range.
  2. This monitor with a matrix is ​​cheaper than the same analogue on PLS.

Do you want high-quality images with low response times? PLS matrix at your service. Do you need a monitor purely for professional graphics work? The same PLS and many varieties of IPS will satisfy your needs - the choice depends on compliance with the required technical parameters and the cost of the product. Have you found a monitor with a modern IPS matrix, whose characteristics are close to a PLS analogue of comparable price, but at the same time cheaper? A worthy option to purchase.

With the development of display technology, users are increasingly faced with questions when choosing a suitable monitor. In addition to its physical dimensions, in particular the diagonal of the visible zone, it is necessary to select the type of matrix and related parameters - contrast, color rendering, response time, etc. Choosing a monitor, understanding all these subtleties, will not be difficult if you first study the principles of its operation and the main characteristics of its main component - the matrix, which will be discussed below.

Comparison of matrix types at different viewing angles

Understanding displays and their components

A computer monitor, for all its apparent simplicity, is a very technically complex component, which, like everything else, Hardware, has many different parameters, manufacturing technologies, and characteristics. Almost all PC displays consist of the following parts:

  • a housing that contains all the electronic components. The case also has mounts for mounting the display on vertical or horizontal surfaces;
  • matrix or screen - the main component of the monitor on which the output depends graphic information. IN modern devices Various monitor matrices are used, differing in many parameters, among which resolution, response time, brightness, color rendition and contrast are of paramount importance;
  • power supply - part of the electronic circuit responsible for converting current and powering all other electronics;
  • electronic components on special boards responsible for converting signals received by the monitor and their subsequent output to the display for display;
  • other components, which may include a low-power speaker system, USB hubs, etc.

The set of basic parameters of the display, on the basis of which it is made, determines the scope of its use. Inexpensive consumer monitors may be equipped with screens with not the most impressive characteristics, since such devices are often inexpensive and are not required for professional graphics applications. Displays for professional gamers must first and foremost have minimal display latency, as this is critical in modern games. Displays for graphic editors, used by designers, are distinguished by the highest brightness levels, color rendering and contrast levels, because accurate image reproduction plays the most important role here.
Currently, displays found on the market typically use several types of matrices. IN technical descriptions You can find a large number of monitors, but this variety may be based on the same basic technologies, improved or slightly modified to improve their performance. These main types of screens include the following.

  1. "Twisted Nematic" or TN matrix. Previously, the prefix “Film” was added to the name of this technology, meaning an additional film on its surface, increasing the viewing angle. But this designation is becoming less and less common in descriptions, since most matrices produced today are already equipped with it.
  2. “In-Plane Switching” or IPS matrix type, as the more common abbreviated name.
  3. "Multidomain Vertical Alignment" or MVA matrix. A more modern incarnation of this technology is referred to as the VA matrix. This technology also differs in its advantages and disadvantages and is something in between those presented above.
  4. "Patterned Vertical Alignment". Variety MVA technologies, which was developed as a competitive response to its creators - Fujitsu.
  5. "Plane-to-Line Switching". This is one of the newest types of display matrices, which was developed relatively recently - in 2010. The only drawback of this type of matrix, with other characteristics superior to competing technologies, is the relatively long time response. Also, the PLS matrix is ​​very expensive.

Matrix TN, TN+film

The TN matrix type is one of the most common and at the same time it is a very outdated manufacturing technology by modern standards. It was with this variety of matrices that the victorious march of liquid crystal replacement began. cathode ray tubes. It is worth noting that their only indisputable advantage is their extremely short response time, and in this parameter they are superior to even more modern analogues. The remaining parameters that are critical for a monitor - image contrast, brightness and acceptable viewing angles, alas, this type matrices are no different. In addition, the cost of monitors based on this development is low and we can say that this is another advantage of the “Twisted Nematic” technology.
The reason for the main disadvantages of Twisted Nematic lies in the technology of their production and the structure of the optical elements. In TN matrices, the crystals between the electrodes (each of which is a separate pixel in the visible zone) are arranged in a spiral when voltage is applied to them. The amount of light passing through it depends on the degree of its rounding, and the picture on the screen is formed from many such elements. But due to the uneven formation of the spiral in each element of the matrix, the level of contrast of the image displayed on it drops greatly (Fig. 1). And given that the refraction of light when passing through the formed spiral is very different from the direction of view, the viewing angle of such a matrix is ​​very small.

Rice. 1. Comparison IPS matrices and TN

Displays VA/MVA/PVA

The VA matrix was developed as an alternative to TN technologies, which were popular at that time and had already gained the loyalty of users, although not yet so widespread in the IPS market. The developers positioned its main competitive advantage as the response time, which was about 25 ms at the time of introduction to the market. Another important advantage of the new technology was the high level of contrast, which was ahead of similar indicators in TN and IPS matrix manufacturing technologies.
This technology, which was originally called "Vertical Alignment", also had a very significant drawback in the form of relatively small viewing angles. The problem was hidden in the structure of the optical elements of the matrix. The crystals of each matrix element were oriented along the voltage lines or parallel to them. This led to the fact that the viewing angle of the matrix was not only small, but also the image could differ depending on which side the user was looking at the screen from. In practice, this led to the fact that the slightest deviation in the viewing angle led to a strong gradient filling of the picture on the screen (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Monitor viewing angles with MVA technology

It was possible to get rid of this drawback with the development of technology in “Multidomain Vertical Alignment”, when groups of crystals inside the electrodes were organized into a kind of “domain”, as reflected in the name. Now they began to be placed differently within each domain that makes up a whole pixel, so the user could look at the monitor from different angles and the image would remain virtually unchanged.
Today, displays with MVA screens are used for working with text and are practically unsuitable for dynamic images, which are typical for any modern game or movie. High contrast, as well as viewing angles, allow those who work, for example, with drawings, or do a lot of printing and reading, to work confidently with them.

Do not confuse the contrast of the matrix and such a thing as dynamic contrast of the monitor. The latter is a technology for adaptively changing screen brightness depending on the displayed image and uses the built-in backlight for this. Latest models monitors from LED backlight have excellent dynamic contrast since the LED on time is very short.

IPS screen

The TFT IPS matrix was developed taking into account the elimination of the main disadvantages of the previous technology - “Twisted Nematic”, namely small viewing angles and poor color reproduction. Due to the peculiar arrangement of crystals in the TN matrix, the color of each pixel varied depending on the direction of view, so the user could observe a “shimmering” picture on the monitor. The TFT IPS matrix consists of crystals that are located in a parallel plane to its surface, and when voltage is applied to the electrodes of each element, they rotate at a right angle.
Subsequent development of technology led to the emergence of such types of matrices as Super IPS, Dual Domain IPS and Advanced Coplanar Electrode IPS. All of them, one way or another, are based on the same principle with the only difference being the location of the liquid crystals. At the dawn of its appearance, the technology was distinguished by a significant disadvantage - a long response time of up to 65 ms. Its main advantage is amazing color rendition and wide viewing angles (Fig. 1), at which the image on the screen was not distorted, inverted, or an unwanted gradient did not appear.
Monitors with IPS matrix are in great demand today and are used not only in PC displays, but also in portable devices- tablets and smartphones. They are also used mainly where the color of the picture and its most accurate rendering are important - when working with graphics software, in design, photography, etc.

Often many users confuse the abbreviations IPS or TFT, although in fact, this is fundamentally different concepts. "Thin Film Transistor" is a general technology for creating liquid crystal matrices, which can have various incarnations. “In-Plane Switching” is a specific implementation of this technology, based on a peculiar construction individual elements matrix and arrangement of liquid crystals in it. TFT matrix can be made on the basis of TN, VA, IPS or others technology.

Matrix PLS

The PLS matrix type is the cutting edge in the development of technologies for their creation. Samsung, the developer of this unique technology, set itself the goal of producing matrices that significantly exceed the parameters of the competing technology - IPS, and in many ways it succeeded. The undoubted advantages of this technology include:

  • one of the lowest current consumption rates;
  • high level of color rendering, fully covering the sRGB range;
  • wide viewing angles;
  • high density of individual elements - pixels.

Among the disadvantages, it is worth highlighting the response time, which does not exceed similar indicators in the “Twisted Nematic” technology (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Comparison of PLS ​​(right) and TN (left)

Important! When choosing which type of monitor matrix is ​​better, you should first of all decide on the tasks, since in many cases the purchase of the modern display may turn out to be economically unjustified. Latest developments, characterized by a high response time, are useful for professional games or watching dynamic scenes in videos.


Monitors with high level color renderings are suitable for designers and artists. And if you need an inexpensive monitor for surfing the Internet and working with text, then options based on old, but time-tested technologies are suitable.