Cross-browser layout in modern conditions - a general understanding of the necessary principle. Always think cross-platform

Good day, dear guests of my educational blog and loyal subscribers. In this current publication I want to tell you what cross-browser layout means.

That's why I'll give a definition this term and I will describe in detail what it is, explain why the problem occurs different display the same site using html and css and I will give some useful tips. Let's start the debriefing!

Cross-browser compatible, show your face!

All of you know the English name for the term “cross-browser”: cross-browser. Literally translated, this means: “works in all browsers.” This is essentially the main goal of cross-browser compatibility: to promote identical display in any existing browser.

This means that no matter in which viewing software you open the service, its style markup should not change.

Why is everyone so problematic?

In the IT field, this philosophical question can be answered. And it is, in fact, very simple. Nowadays, technology is developing at a breakneck speed, and therefore every year extensions and updates are released for browsers, support for new features of web languages ​​is introduced and, accordingly, outdated functions and methods are eliminated.

All this contributes to the fact that different browsers work differently with some software solutions, may display them incorrectly or may not support working with them at all.

It follows from this that new versions of browsers support many recently released optimizations of languages ​​and libraries, while earlier versions do not understand what the developer actually wants from them.

The second problem with incorrect display of objects on web service pages can be browser standard values. So, in every product, be it Safari, or others, most properties and attributes have certain default values. As an example, we can name different indents from the edge of the screen for the body tag.

And the third problem can be attributed to some extent to the negligence of the developers themselves. What do I mean by this? Just non-compliance with the standardized rules that were established by the special organization W3C (the official website is located at

This consortium is developing common standards in the field of web development, thanks to which compatibility between various software products is achieved.

Recipes for Solving Display Identity Issues

Having become familiar with the main “stumbling blocks” on the path to cross-browser compatibility, you probably asked yourself the question: “Then how can you make a website that functions the same in all browsers?” To answer this question, I decided to list basic solutions And useful tips in order.

In fact, there is a lot more that can be written on this topic. But I think it’s worth stopping at this point in healthy recipes, because important points I told you.

Please note that it is impossible to learn cross-browser layout in one go. It is worth practicing and trying new solutions when implementing new projects. Therefore, deepen your knowledge through books, watch courses related to this type of layout and the basics of usability, read useful articles.

Best regards, Roman Chueshov

Read: 106 times

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Our task today is to create the so-called site layout not with the help of (yesterday's layout), but with the help Div elements. Those. we will need to build on divs top part(header), bottom (footer) and three columns for example.

By the way, we already solved this problem when I wrote about.

It would seem that it is not worth repeating, but I am not going to do that. Today we will describe a fundamentally different website layout method, and also consider in parallel the purpose of directives @import and @media(from ahead) in what we have already studied (on basic level, of course) CSS style markup language.

Website layout on blocks - do you need it?

Moreover, we are at this moment have already managed to disassemble and HTML language according to the bones, while relying on the original source in the person of the consortium. However, I think that not everyone was inspired by my exhortations and immediately rushed to study, as well.

And I even partially understand you. After all, knowledge of these things in itself will not bring you either fame or wealth, but will only take up a lot of time that could be spent on a much more pleasant activity. Just as knowing how to use cutlery does not guarantee that you will have tasty food on your desk. However, in right moment this can be useful and play an important role.

About ten or twelve years ago, I decided to study HTML at any cost, but I got stuck at the very beginning, in my opinion, and quite quickly lost interest in this idea, preferring an exciting game of another shooter to mocking my dull brain.

Yes, yes, games were once my hobby, but now the website has become this hobby, and I have the opportunity to put into practice some of the things I once described. Moreover, by analogy with games, the number of banknotes I earned is still perceived as some kind virtual glasses, showing how successfully I am moving forward.

Apparently this is already ineradicable, although over the past few years my wife has quite radically changed her attitude towards my next hobby (it’s a pity that she will be the one checking this article for grammatical errors, otherwise I would have described all the changes that have taken place in more detail), because this blog contrary to all her initial expectations and doubts, it gives a real output in the form of rustling banknotes (read about how to legally materialize numbers on the screen into numbers on the current account of an individual entrepreneur.

In general, this lyrical digression was not made by chance, because I want to say that Html and CSS are small building blocks in building your Internet business, but possession and understanding of the principles of website layout will give a certain number of points ahead of those who neglected this knowledge.

The overall success of a web project often depends on such little things, which can easily (and often very pleasantly) be pushed into the far corner. I just can’t remember one thing - what allowed me to step over that invisible barrier woven from laziness and lethargy of thinking. It’s possible that the cards just fell that way. Therefore, I wish you to overcome this barrier too, but I cannot tell you exactly how to do this.

Okay, let's continue with those who haven't switched. How to build a website layout using Div elements and style rules? Let's get a look. Naturally, we will imitate the operation of this layout local computer, simply dumping all the files we need into one of its folders. No hosting or . To understand the principles this will be unnecessary.

So, let's start layout. First, we create and name a folder for storing files of our future web project, and then create a text file inside it with the extension .html and the name index. We also create another one inside this folder, which we call CSS (our external style files will live in it).

It will be possible to add another folder where we will put pictures used in the layout of the site, which will be part of it ( background images). I first advise you to optimize or, in other words, to the maximum.

Well, now copy the “fish” below into your index.html. It’s quite convenient to use to work with code, although, if you have the skills, Dreamviewer may be a more functional solution:


First, as always, must go, the purpose of which in more detail described in the linked article. Inside meta tag we indicate for its correct interpretation by the browser when opening our project in it. Each document must have a completed (page title), so we added that to the “fish”.

It is clear that the site is such by definition due to the belonging of all its constituent documents to one domain name, however, the main argument for visitors will be the similar design of its web pages, and this is what we will need to take into account during the layout.

Therefore, we must have external file with styles that will be applied to absolutely all pages. But besides this, there may also be additional CSS files that allow, for example, different sections of a web project to look a little different.

Consequently, overflowing the left or right column will not cause a proportional increase in the blocks with ID vnutr and vnesh (floating elements do not affect the height of their parents or, in other words, containers), which means the content will crawl beyond them, run over the footer and generally go beyond the boundaries layout. Trouble.

But we have a fourth block element with ID podporka, which does not contain any content (and therefore will not be visible on the web page) and which is intended specifically to eliminate this incident. In the obdhiy.css code we will write a simple rule for this selector. As a result, the block with ID podporka will acquire a useful property for us - it will take into account any element floating in front of it (meaning, located higher in the code).

That. when increasing the content in the right or left column, the element with ID podporka will be proportionally shifted down, and since this tag is no longer floating, then blocks with ID vnutr and vnesh will take it into account and proportionally increase their vertical size:

Now everything seems to be working correctly. However, our site layout is not finished yet. Let's say that we have done in index.html this way the layout home page, but for some other section the appearance of the layout will have to be different(for example, there should be not three, but only two columns). How to get out of this situation?

It is clear that for this purpose you will have to use a file different from index.html. To do this, the contents of index.html can be copied to a new file, for example, razdel.html, because edit already existing code It will be easier than writing it again.

Well, we will have to use a new file with cascading style sheets, for example, razdel.css. It is in them that we will make changes, and at the same time we will look in more detail at how exactly use the @import directive in such cases.

Let's start with razdel.html:

Chapter ...

We changed the title of the page Title and changed the name of the included style file to razdel.css. In this case, naturally, you will need to create this same style markup file in the CSS folder. I dare to remind you that for index.html we connected style markup via osnovnoy.css, which contained one single @import directive for loading rules from the obdhiy.css file:

@import url(obdhiy.css);

We will not be original in our smart mileage and at the very beginning of a new (still empty) style file Let's write exactly the same directive. Thus, we will again get a three-column layout, however, by adding just a few rules a little later, we can easily turn it into a two-column one. Not even that. We will create another file in the CSS folder called dvekolonki.css and the following content:

#right ( display:none; ) #center ( margin-right:0; ) #vnesh ( background-image: none; )

What have we done? We have prohibited displaying right column to web pages using . We also removed the outer space on the right for the central column, because it is no longer necessary. Well, in conclusion, we banned the show background picture all in the same right column. In general, we completely annihilated this right column in our section layout.

Well, now to complete the layout of the two-column layout, all that remains is to include this same dvekolonki.css in the razdel.css file, the final content of which will now look like this:

@import url(obdhiy.css); @import url(dvekolonki.css);

All the rules in the code below (from dvekolonki.css) will have a higher priority, which means it is their action that we will observe on the web page. As a result, when you open razdel.html, you can already see a two-column layout:

Actually, our additional task was to consider options using the @import directive in modern website layout, which I think we managed.

Now it remains to demonstrate the operation of the @media directive, which I mentioned at the beginning of the article. It has a very indirect relation to layout, but still it would probably be short-sighted not to talk about it.

Layout for printing using the @media directive

The @media directive may be useful not for you, but for your readers who want to print a web page without any graphical frills or unnecessary information. Users will only need the content that is located in the central column. It doesn’t need a header, footer, left or right columns—only the text of the article.

At preview print in any of modern browsers You can, of course, disable background printing, i.e. color design, but the browser will not always be able to separate the wheat (content) from the chaff (navigation) on its own, so we will have to help him with this so as not to hope for chance.

In addition, when printing, the main thing that makes the Internet so popular will disappear - the ability to follow hyperlinks to other pages. On paper it's all yours hyperlinks will become completely uninformative, if this is not taken care of in advance. Let's add hyperlinks to our three-column layout and see how it looks when we try to print a web page.

Thus, the user who prints out such a web page will never know which blog is the best. So let's get busy nuances of layout for printing, and the already mentioned @media directive will help us with this.

There are two ways to specify using media which device these styles should be applied to. You can specify the media attribute in the Link tag, which is used to connect external style files. But in this case, the browser will make an extra request to the server, which is not good. However, this method has a right to life and this disgrace will look something like this:

At the media attribute Other values ​​can be used:

  1. all is the default and means that this file styles will need to be used for absolutely any output devices
  2. braille - finger reading devices (for the blind or visually impaired)
  3. handheld - PDAs, smartphones and other small items
  4. print - printers
  5. screen — user monitor screens on which they will view your site
  6. speech - speech browsers
  7. projection - projectors
  8. tty - teletypewriters and other junk on which pixel dimensions cannot be used
  9. tv - good old TV

In the example given just above, we, using the Media attribute, connected to the web document separate file styles for display on the monitor and a separate one for printing (print.css). This is exactly what we need to implement in this layout lesson, but it would be better to do it in a slightly different way, using the @media directive written in the style file.

If you noticed, with this layout method that we chose (using @import), we have a common style file, which is always connected through this very directive - obdhiy.css. This is where we will begin to conjure.

@media has its own syntax:

@media screen, tv (a set of selectors and rules that will be executed only if the web page is output to the devices specified just above, separated by commas)

In our obdhiy.css file we will not include all the existing rules inside the @media screen directive; it is enough to simply add the necessary ones at the very end CSS rules to print a document using @media print:

@media print( *( color:#000 !important; background:transparent !important; ) html ( font:10pt serif; ) #footer, #header, #left, #right ( display:none; ) #center ( margin: 0; ) a:after( content:" (" attr(href) ")"; ) )

If you remember, the selector * means applying all these style rules to absolutely everyone HTML elements code. True, such a selector has the minimum possible priority, so by setting the color for all elements to black and the background to transparent, using the color and background rules, we are forced to avoid calculating priorities using the setting.

For the Html selector, we specified the default font in , because it is clearer for the printer. Well, the font was set to any serif (serif). Using display:none, we prohibited the display of the body (header, footer and columns), and using margin:0, we allowed the content from the middle column to occupy the entire available space in width.

Last selector a:after is tricky and, in order to better understand what exactly he is talking about, I advise you to go through the following publications about () and. But we need it for a rather simple purpose - see on paper exactly where hyperlinks lead.

The after pseudo-element allows content to be generated while the browser is building the document. After will allow us to add URL address hyperlinks immediately after the place where this very link is placed. This is done using a special CSS content rule, which only works for two pseudo-elements: after and before.

Website layout is the process of combining HTML code and CSS tables based on a previously selected design solution. The primary sign of quality final result is the correct display of the resource as in all popular browsers, and on .

There is no point in reminding that a successful web project is characterized by stable functioning and provision of constant access to its content. This can only be achieved if the HTML layout is:

- adaptive;
- contain minimal amount code;
- promote high loading speed of web pages;
- be based on the use of HTML tags solely according to their purpose (consistency and hierarchy of the system for introducing elements is also considered an integral requirement);
- valid (compliance of the site code with generally accepted technical standards W3C).


Now let's start looking at the types of HTML layout.

1. Static (fixed) layout. The specifics of the application differ in that the width of the web pages will be identical when operating the site as on mobile gadget, and on a desktop PC. In the case when the monitor resolution is high and the Internet browser window is maximized to fill the entire screen, then you can see free (non-functional) space on both sides. As for portable devices, with static layout the user sees a scroll bar at the bottom of the page.

2. The fluid type of HTML layout involves filling the entire screen of the device with the page. And here it doesn’t really matter where exactly you view the content. The initial page parameters (size, for example) also do not affect anything. Since web elements take up everything free space, the process of developing a user-friendly design becomes significantly more complicated.

3. Tabular layout involves creating HTML code by creating a set of tables. It looks something like this: first, a main table is produced, in which there are many cells. They contain the following package of tables (if necessary). And so on ad infinitum. As a result, the code turns out to be quite voluminous, making it difficult for the webmaster to subsequently correct or change it.

HTML tabular layout is, as a rule, rarely used these days. The main disadvantage is the slow indexing of the site by search engines. In principle, it is possible to place several tables on a page, but we would not recommend using them as part of building the structure of the components of a web project.

4. Layout with web blocks (or div layout). It is believed that this is the most common way of constructing websites today. The grid is formed using tags

And . Access to them is provided through the class and id web elements. You can superficially study the features of such a layout using the combination Ctrl+U (the method of opening source code pages in the browser).

5. Adaptive type of layout. The main advantage is the ability to technically adapt the resource to all popular user devices(PCs, laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc.). Comfortable use is achieved by grouping several style sheets.

6. Flexible layout(flex). In web design circles they say that behind this type of layout lie unlimited possibilities and prospects in the field of programming. In order not to be unfounded, we present you with a list key advantages flexible layout:

All blocks are subject to compression and expansion necessary to effectively fill the available space;
- there are resources for aligning text materials horizontally and vertically;
- there is no need for clear placement of components in HTML;
- it is possible to write languages ​​both from right to left and from left to right (although in in this case the concepts “beginning” and “end” would be more appropriate);
- mastering CSS requires minimal time investment.

7. Semantic HTML layout is positioned as an extension of block layout. You can analyze the functionality on the HTML5 platform. Note that the updated set of tags allows us to improve the structure of the web page ( search engines prefer portals with semantic code).

In conclusion, let us remind you that a high-quality website is a platform whose pages (first of all) are designed taking into account the criteria of cross-browser compatibility and adaptability. Select the type of layout, focusing on the type of resource, as well as the range of tasks and goals that will be solved with its help in the future. Good luck to you.

Why not one?

A fair question is why couldn't one have been invented? the only way and develop it? But people are different creatures, so they came up with different ways. In fact, there are not many of them, and some are outdated today. Let's look at the basic layout methods.


Creating a framework using tables. In the past, the most basic and popular method. Today it becomes outdated every year, although there are sites that are made this way. The entire method is tied to the table tag and its children, such as rows and cells. The entire site structure is laid out as a large table.

Advantages. This approach makes it quite easy to create many columns and columns. Layouts with a complex structure can be easily laid out using a table. Also, the table tag and all associated elements are supported exactly the same in all browsers.

Flaws. Very cumbersome code is the main disadvantage of table layout. It should be noted that you can insert another table into one table, that is, a nested one. This leads to a lot of nesting and a bunch of tags. And there is no escape from this, because all these tags are needed for the functionality of our table. Understanding such code is not very easy.

Tabular data is very difficult to adapt for viewing on various devices. It is much easier to do this with blocks (block layout, which we will definitely consider too).

Alternative. Not long ago, CSS introduced special meanings display properties, which allow you to simulate a table using actual blocks. For example, display: table, display: table-row, display: table-cell. Elements to which these properties are applied will begin to behave like a table, table row, and cell, respectively. You need to remember that this method is also imperfect, because it is not supported equally in all browsers. If you use these properties, you need to test carefully for cross-browser compatibility.


Once upon a time there was another typesetting method, but today it is almost forgotten. The essence of layout using frames is that the browser window is divided into a certain number of independent blocks (frames), which are formed by the frameset tag. It indicates the path to the html page that will be loaded into the frame.

Each frame is an independent element. That is, scroll bars appear separately for each block. It must be said that frames were never officially adopted, so today they are practically not used and are generally considered in a bad way layouts.

Rice. 1. I found this example of a site on frames on the Internet. As you understand, no aesthetics.


Here we come to the most popular website layout technology today. It has a number of advantages and is generally recognized as the most convenient. Each block is an independent element into which you can nest an unlimited number of elements. The block can be positioned, resized, and stylized. All this is done with using CSS.

Advantages. Extremely compact code that is perfectly readable, even if you didn’t do the layout. Easier to snap to blocks various styles than to tables. Such a site loads faster and is better indexed.

Block elements can be layered on top of each other, like layers in Photoshop. Given the support for transparency, you can achieve many interesting effects, highlight a certain area, or use a script to load different content in the same place.

Flaws. There are practically none. Blocks are easy to adapt, easy to hide and change. The div and span containers display correctly even in older browsers. If we talk about new semantic blocks, they do not have full support. However, this problem will probably be solved soon. Today there are files whose inclusion solves the problem of supporting new elements in older browsers. The block layout method will exist for a long time due to its exceptional convenience and simplicity.

Flexbox (flex)

Most new method layouts. It received normal support in browsers for the first time since 2014. Now many developers adhere to this method. Its essence is that display: flex is assigned to structural elements. These are also a kind of blocks, only more flexible and functional.

Many people still think flexboxes are not quite a good decision to build a site grid. For example, it has long been recommended to use flexbox for small elements on a page, but many still use float for the page frame.

Most likely, in the future, flexbox will finally establish itself as a new website layout technique, so it’s worth studying the properties of this element now.

Rice. 2. The properties of flex elements make them more flexible than blocks.

The advantages of Flexbox include new CSS properties that allow you to build a variety of grids and columns without much effort. It also supports vertical alignment, which a conventional unit does not support.


The simplest and most popular layout method today continues to be the block approach. In some places tables will also be useful to you, because tabular data is completely inconvenient to type out in blocks.

Frames have long been discarded as an unsuccessful way to create structure, but the iframe tag may well come in handy if you suddenly need to insert another site into an article.

Finally, today we have absolutely new way layout - the flex element and its properties that make it more flexible and modern than the usual block. That's all for today. Don't forget to read new articles on the blog to know everything about website building.

Did you know that 40% of users leave websites with bad design? Why lose profit? Choose and install one of them right now 44 thousand premium website templates. The ideal choice for your business!

Layout is an indispensable tool that will allow you to save yourself from unnecessary work on writing code and developing the design of your future website. When choosing a layout, you get completely ready-made HTML template, which can be adapted to your favorite platform. Do you want to know what a real modern website layout looks like and how to find a good option layouts? Then this review is for you.

Layout has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages over mockups are that you will not need to write the code for the future site. The layout designers have already taken care of this. However, the advantage of being able to choose any platform for development is also a slight disadvantage. By at least for newbies. The fact is that when using layout, you still have to have some knowledge in the field of web development in order to pull the template onto the desired platform and for the site to work well. In this case, it is quite problematic to do without a specialist. Therefore, if you need something simpler, it is better to turn to full-fledged templates for professional CMS. For example, or.

Have you decided to create a website with layout? Especially for you today is my collection of the top and most modern layouts for corporate or personal use, creativity and online trading. Here you will find any option for your tasks!

Modern website layout with stylish premium design

Modern layout for various types of websites

Verso is a unique HTML template based on Bootstrap 4

A very cool layout that includes 19 demo sites with a special design. It is easy to customize and adapt to sites in various fields of activity.

LeoHunt - adapted HTML5 layout for any purpose

The theme was developed with adaptation to work on mobile devices. It has a clean design in 12 main page options, 3 one-page types and two layouts. Identical templates are available on Joomla and WordPress.

RaiseApp – Responsive Theme for a Variety of Applications

This is a layout with a whole set of UI components (2000+), which will allow you to build an excellent landing page or a classic multi-page website for a startup, a blog, as well as a personal or corporate website. Beginners will love the WordPress version.

Matex – a set of ready-made pages for a cool website in the style of material design

A creatively designed website concept, designed in HTML5 format, will allow you to create a website for any business and application: architectural office, bakery, university, construction company and portfolio.

Honshi – Creative Multi-Tasking Website Template

A stylish and simple template with a clean design will provide you with fresh solution for developing any website. It has built-in contact forms, google maps, portfolio section, blog pages and various color schemes.

Modern website layout for business

SaaSera – layout for developers and startups

Along with the theme, you get a whole set of solutions for various areas: IT, web development, creation software products and so on. The design is very beautiful, colorful and creative.

It will be much easier for developers to create a website in .

TechLine – template for corporations, companies and startups

An elegant and simple business-oriented template in any field is built on the basis of a modular Y frame with a set of 1000 options for flexible customization. Hundreds of pages, dozens of portfolio concepts and thousands of icons included. WordPress version for beginners.

TeraHoster – professional hosting company theme

The theme has added 4 home page design concepts, as well as options for other pages. Integrated WHMCS support.

We also have cool ones available for the WordPress system.

Industrial – template for an excellent website for an industrial company

This design concept is intended for websites of companies operating in the field of technology, industry and manufacturing. Fully responsive layout and 11 design options.

ConstructZilla – website layout for a construction company with a clean design

This aesthetically clean and mobile-optimized HTML template allows you to tailor its design to suit your individual business needs. More than 100 HTML files with Parallax effect and AJAX forms.

InBenefit offers wide choose WordPress themes for industry and companies.

Travel Tour – template for a travel agency or online booking service

This is an ideal option for the tourism sector, which hides stylish concepts created on the basis modern technologies. There are beautiful galleries and a rating system.

Universal – business theme for consulting services

Universal is ideal for various firms in the field of consulting and other related financial areas. Strict emphasis on mobile optimization and premium slider plugin at no additional cost. Beginners will be delighted with the WordPress template.

You can also find a huge variety of reviews and companies here.

TaxiPark – HTML5 layout for a taxi service or taxi fleet

A stunning HTML template that is specifically designed for the needs of taxi companies will be an excellent solution for rapid development. Three options included home page, Google fonts and Parallax effect.

Last year, I already selected cool and stylish ones for WordPress. Rate them now!

Modern website layout for IT and freelancers

Maestro – AJAX template for presenting your best work

The template has unique design options for websites of creative studios and freelancers engaged in various types activities: graphic design, translations, photography and copywriting. Additionally there is a version on WordPress.

Berk – a cool and stylish portfolio template in the spirit of minimalism

Clean and professional template for graphic designers and creative studios. Works confidently on any mobile and desktop device. The set includes several types of design and a Premium class slider.

Inshot – Responsive Photographer Portfolio Theme

This is a separate topic that did not fit into any category in our review. Nevertheless, it is cool, because it will allow you to create a video site with the possibility of views and advertising. High speed downloads and user-friendly interface.

Artyom is the author of numerous reviews and articles on the project website “Web Laboratory for Success”, dedicated to templates, plugins, courses and other topics of the site. Expert in selecting templates and plugins for WordPress platforms etc. Hobbies: reading interesting literature and active recreation.