Stolen iPhone. Buyers of stolen iPhones in Russia have found a clever way to unlock smartphones

A loss mobile phone few people can be happy. And if previously people, in most cases, put up with this fact, rarely turning anywhere to search, now there are several options that help correct the situation. Many Internet users are wondering how to find lost iPhone because it's worth this device very expensive. And there are several ways that really help.

Why is it important

Besides the obvious fact of the cost of the device, there are a number of reasons why you should look for a lost smartphone. Firstly, today about 70% iPhone owners store their important data in it. And it's not just about passwords or contacts. These include photographs, videos, notes, calendar dates, etc. Their loss is sometimes much more upsetting than the loss of the gadget itself. Secondly, payment information. This information, if it gets into the hands of unscrupulous people, can be used for the most unexpected purposes. Not only to steal funds from a bank account, but also to pay for various dubious transactions. Therefore, every owner of an Apple gadget should know how to find a lost iPhone.

Built-in function

Apple, despite the opinions of its competitors, is quite sensitive to its supporters. And this is expressed in particular in the fact that all devices have a built-in function that allows them to be found. Its use is absolutely free. The function is called "Find iPhone". If you set it up correctly from the first day of purchase, then there will be much less fear of loss.

How to adjust

First you need to go to the device settings. Since it is impossible to find a lost iPhone if it is lost using the built-in function, unless you adjust iCloud in advance. And you can do this in the corresponding settings item. To sign in to iCloud, you'll need to enter your AppleID, which is created the first time you turn on your device after purchase. After this, you need to select the “Find iPhone” function. To turn it on, you just need to drag the slider. It will change color to green from gray. A little lower is the sub-item “Geolocation”. It also needs to be activated.

Why is geolocation needed?

Those who are wondering how to find a lost iPhone 5, 4 or 6 (any configuration) should understand this point. Geolocation allows you to determine where the device is at the time of use or not, that is, always. It is noteworthy that the iOS 8 operating system allows you to track the last location before turning off the smartphone. The data will be sent to Apple automatically, without warning the user.

What does it give

Many of those who wonder whether it is possible to find an iPhone (lost or stolen) do not even think that if configured correctly, the process will not take much time. When a smartphone automatically reports its last location to Apple without notification, it is easier to locate it later. Even if the phone was stolen and is already being prepared for sale by dishonest people. Therefore, it is better to enable the geolocation function the first time you use it. Further, no intervention is required from the user.

Searches from the site

How to find an iPhone if you lost it, but it was configured correctly? You need to go to the iCloud website and log into your personal account. To do this, you need to enter your AppleID and password, which was created earlier during registration. Even if the smartphone is turned off, you can see where it was on the network. last time. This will significantly reduce the search radius. By the way, there is also an opportunity to notify the finder or the person who stole that the device is wanted by the owner.

How to do it

IN personal account iCloud has a feature called "Lost Mode". When activated, you can enter a message that will appear on the screen of the lost smartphone. For example, many people write their contact information so that the person who finds it can contact the owner. In 55% of cases, this helps, since a locked iPhone turns into a banal “brick” that is impossible to use.

Remote blocking

You can do this through the iCloud website. Especially if the user stores too much personal data on the device. For remote blocking, you will need to enable the same “lost mode” function. Thanks to the device PIN code, which consists of four digits, the smartphone is “closed” from strangers. By the way, a message can be sent to the screen at the same moment to increase the chances of a successful find.


Oddly enough, if you have lost your iPhone 5 (how to find it differently is described above), then contacting law enforcement agencies can help. Each Apple product has its own personal and unique serial number, which can be used to detect the device in a number of cases. The police are required to accept a missing persons report; there are practically no grounds for refusal.

Where to find the serial number

First of all, in the box from the device. Usually the serial number is written inside and is quite easy to find. If for some reason the box has not been preserved, then you should not despair. Because there is also AppleID. This is a unique login with which you can control the device remotely. And determine the serial iPhone number Same. You need to contact official service company support, in the "My support profile" section. The answer to the question of what to do if you lost your iPhone 4, how to find it, will come quite quickly. If the device is active and within the coverage area of ​​any network, be it mobile operator or wireless Internet Wi-Fi, the coordinates of its location will be displayed almost instantly.

Disconnected device

How to find a turned off iPhone? Many people ask this question, because most often those who find or steal it first turn off the smartphone in order to ultimately keep it or sell it. Oddly enough, the same tips described above will help. The changes will simply be activated when you turn on the phone. So, for example, when the iPhone is turned off in lost mode, nothing changes. But as soon as you turn on the device, you will receive a message from the owner. And the data will be blocked from prying eyes. This is the convenience of such a closed system as iOS.

If the phone is not configured

If for some reason the owner did not immediately enable the “Find iPhone” function on the device, then detecting it will be more problematic. But you can make life difficult for unscrupulous people who find the device but don’t want to return it right away. On the official site Apple It is possible to change the password for your AppleID account. This will instantly block access to many functions. For example, to the AppStore, iTunes, iCloud and others. By changing the passwords on your social networking accounts, you can protect them from prying eyes. Do it with personal computer quite simple. And what faster user will block all possible personal data remotely, the greater the chance that an unscrupulous person will still return the device, which ultimately he will not be able to use.

Contacting the operator

Since the iPhone is a smartphone that contains a SIM card, you can contact your operator cellular company asking for blocking. This will instantly disable access to messages, calls, and the Internet. However, most often, thieves first get rid of SIM cards to make it more difficult to track the device. Therefore, this measure only helps to save money that can be spent by the newly made “owner” of the gadget.

Call your number

First of all, those who have lost their smartphone call it from another number. And it is right. The world is not without good people who will gladly return what was lost to the owner. Therefore, before blocking a SIM card, you should call it. It is possible that the finder will respond quickly.

Social Media Alert

On this moment Groups where people from the same city or region communicate are actively spreading on the Internet. On social networks, you can post a post about a lost smartphone, describing the approximate course of events. It is quite possible that the finder will quickly respond to the call for return. By the way, it’s not that uncommon for the newly-made “owners” of someone else’s iPhone to post messages saying that they have found the device and want to return it. Worth a look social media during the search process.

There are no other ways to find a lost iPhone other than the ones described above. Apple is quite sensitive to its users, which is why it created this closed system. However, this brings its own positive results. Theft and irrecoverable losses apple products are only decreasing every year.

His? After all, the device is not cheap at all, and throwing that kind of money, as they say, down the drain, for many will be equivalent to big problem. A few years ago, the loss of a phone was permanent in most cases, and it was quite difficult to find out where the device was located. However, now things are somewhat different. So what to do if your iPhone is stolen, how to find the device? This is what we will talk about today.

Primary actions

Probably, if we lose our device, any of us will experience shock and panic. And this seems quite logical. But here, more than ever, cold calculation and the ability to analyze events are important. For now, let’s leave all the technical nuances aside. Try to remember where you have been since the last time you carried the device with you. Think about where you could put it and leave it, forget it, or simply drop it.

It doesn't sleep, and you could just leave the device at home. Try calling your number from another phone. Even if the gadget is located outside the house and has actually fallen out, people passing by it can hear the call and answer it. Now we no longer always count on the decency of our fellow citizens, but as they say.

What to do if your iPhone is stolen? How to find the thief?

Everything ingenious is simple. Now we will not turn to the sophisticated functions that Apple devices are equipped with. If you are sure that your device has been stolen, you can try to contact the suspect. Just one word “reward” can radically change the situation. What to do next is up to you to decide. Although you don’t really want to give money for your phone, sometimes you need to do it. An inexpensive dialer may not work as well, but we are talking about iPhones.

We are trying to find the device

From year to year, representatives of the American company Apple advise platform lovers and people who are just beginning their acquaintance with Apple devices to activate the flagship search function. You can find the device only when the function has been enabled, and otherwise you can only sympathize with the owner. Sufficient and a necessary condition for this purpose is the presence of an account in the company cloud storage iCloud and its binding to a valid address Email. The user can always handle this himself, we just remind you that this is done using standard settings apparatus. So, if you are wondering what to do if your iPhone was stolen, how to find it now, we hope that you managed to activate the search function in advance.

What restrictions will the kidnappers face?

Many users who ask: “My iPhone was stolen, what should I do?” do not realize how important it is to create a cloud account on the device. iCloud storage and linking it to an email address. In fact, the thieves who stole the device will simply not be able to activate the device again in this situation. Even installation new firmware will not bring the desired result: activation will still require your email address and password.

iPhone stolen: what to do? We control the device remotely

You may not have known that devices operating on the basis operating system iOS, equipped with the function remote control. To do this, you should use the official website of the company. There you can find an application called “Find iPhone”. The user has the right to connect several devices to the account. He will see their list in the application. You can do without the help of the site. To do this, you need to download a program with the appropriate (“Find iPhone”) name from the application store. Its functionality remains at the same level as on the site. By the way, the function we talked about in the previous paragraph will allow

Learn more about the program, or how to find your device

Let's say you opened the program. If your smartphone is online, the user will immediately see it. At the same time, we will have a limited, but still choice of actions. First, you should look at the location of the smartphone. It is possible that he stayed at home or is with friends. Especially for such cases, the American company has provided a function for remote sound playback on the device.

You can start searching for your iPhone if it is stolen by activating the lost mode. In this case, the attacker will lose many prospects, since access to the data will be blocked. A message about this will appear on the screen, which may force the robber to change his mind. The service will record the movement of the smartphone on satellite map terrain. As a last resort, there is a function to delete all data if the user believes that it is not possible to return the device.


The seventh generation operating system (and also higher) does not allow attackers to go through the process reactivation apparatus. This is how blocking mode works. To maintain the appropriate level of security, update software. The only way out in this situation, for well-wishers - to hand over the device for spare parts. However, it doesn’t always come to this, and therefore there is a chance to find your device and get it back.

I can say with confidence that iPhone 6, iPhone 5, iPhone 5s, iPhone 7, iPhone 4, iPhone 4s, iPhone 6s, iPhone 7 plus…. can be found, not just stolen. Why?

Because one day, in a hurry, I simply forgot mine in a cafe and realized it at home, 3 hours later.

My friend also lost his and undoubtedly someone found him. Where am I going with this? I just read “flattering comments” on articles on how to unlock a found iPhone.

What fell was lost. It’s a pity, of course - such devices are expensive, but as one writer said, if you knock out an eye, don’t cry, but be happy that you didn’t knock out two.

What I mean is that if you lost your phone, it wasn’t taken away from you, so it’s not the fault of the finder that someone lost it.

Keeping the phone you find (if you can) or returning it to the owner is a matter of conscience and decency.

If you find it, you can leave it - there will be no sin, but be sure to imagine a picture of how you would feel if you had to give up many benefits for a year and lose your “treasure” in a week.

Is it possible to unlock a found iPhone at home with the Find My Phone function enabled?

When the Find My Phone mode is turned on, it is impossible to reflash, restore or update it through iTunes.

When the “Find Phone” mode is turned on, after flashing the firmware, an activation lock is activated, which cannot be bypassed without knowing the data.

To disable it, you will need an Apple ID and password from the account in which this mode was disabled.

If you don’t have such data, and after flashing the firmware you will be asked for it when you first log in, then you can give this iPhone to a small child to be torn to pieces.

On the one hand, this is good, but on the other hand, the real owner can get into such a situation.

The bottom line is that the device is blocked for Apple server and no amount of manipulation with the phone will help you.

You need to contact Apple technical support and convince them that the device belongs to you.

Then they will unlock it. How you will prove this is up to you, but if you have documents, then there will be no problems.

If the phone is marked as stolen or lost by the real owner, then your best bet is to think about how to get it back (possibly for a reward).

If you can’t find the owner, then try selling it for parts. If the device is not damaged, also for latest model, you can earn some pretty good money at repair shops.

You can also find “help” on the Internet, but there are quite a few scammers there (some forge a check and contact Apple to remove the block.

A pirated option to unlock a found or second-hand iPhone with a blocked apple id function

"I forgot the code iPhone lock“- this statement often appears among the problems of Apple phone users.

What to do when the lock code slipped out of our heads or you found it or bought it second-hand?

When you buy an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, you get a tool to monitor and manage your device remotely.

This is the Find My iPhone feature. With this feature you can be sure that lost smartphone can be found on the map or, in case of theft, blocked.

Here we come to the actual important issue. Often on Olx and other sites you can buy cheap iPhones that have a lock.

They are described as "not turning on" etc. The phones are cheap, and sellers often don't explain the point and lie, claiming that they can be easily unlocked. Of course, you cannot return the product after purchasing it.

If you have already become a buyer of a locked iPhone and are wondering how to remove the lock, I have bad news. Officially it cannot be unlocked.

Locked phone iCloud Apple ID is 99% stolen. Stories that sellers say that " Previous owner forgot to give me iCloud password» most often sucked from a finger.

Often, in addition to iCloud blocking, the phone is also blocked using the IMEI code and also a police report after the theft.

Remember that by purchasing stolen goods, under the law, you are an accomplice to the crime.

Of course, the Internet does not know the concept of a vacuum, and hackers have long decided to answer the question “Locked phone - how to deal with it?”

They developed the "DoulCi" tool shortly after the release of iOS version 7. How does doulCi work? You need to download the appropriate software package and then run DoulCi HostSetup, which will create virtual server on the computer.

During this time, disconnect from the Internet and disable all antivirus programs.

The next step is to launch doulCi iCloud Unlocker and connect your iPhone using USB cable to the computer.

This way, you can unlock iCloud and sign in to the new account you created.

Of course, such decisions are risky. There is no guarantee that doulCi will work with latest versions iOS, in addition, Apple along with subsequent iOS versions, removes vulnerabilities in the system.

Moreover, as I wrote earlier, it is immoral and illegal to use someone else's phone that has been stolen.

If, in addition to iCloud blocking, there is also IMEI lock— you will not be able to use your iPhone even after successfully connecting to doulCi. Therefore, it is worth checking the IMEI before purchasing.

When Apple released iOS 8 (specifically iOS 8.3), there was another way to remove iCloud lock for free. Of course, also without a guarantee that it will work.

One of the Internet users discovered that iCloud can be bypassed with using DNS. The user needed to replace DNS addresses at

Sometimes this process even had to be done several times. Of course, the phone must be restored to factory settings.

Only this is not a complete bypass of the blocking. When connected to external server You can watch YouTube, videos, play games, listen to music or change settings. Only you couldn't use phone and text messages.

Summarizing a record: how to unlock a found iPhone

I have described known ways to bypass the blocking, but you will probably find many more on the Internet.

In the end, I warn you to contact various companies that charge money for unlocking a found iPhone.

Most often, these are ordinary scammers who just want to scam gullible people. Don't get caught. Good luck.

Nowadays, a smartphone is an indispensable thing for almost any person. Having lost the phone, the user automatically loses all kinds of notes, recordings, personal photos, contacts, the ability to listen to music and access to the Internet at any time. Agree, it’s hard to imagine life without all this modern man. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to find an iPhone if it is turned off, lost or stolen. Let's figure it out. Go!

First of all, if you can't find your iPhone, call it from another number, and if that doesn't help, contact law enforcement agencies. Having done everything necessary measures, you can start searching for the device yourself.

Very often owners lose their phones

Even if your phone is turned off, you can still find it. The first way to do this is iCloud service. This service is intended for cloud storage files from your iPhone. Please note that in order to find iPhones using iCloud, you need to activate the corresponding function.

If you lost your iPhone while not at home, the first thing you need to do is protect its contents. This can be done remotely. There in iCloud you can set a password or even delete all content (then you can restore it from a backup).

A very important iCloud app

The iPhone also has a so-called “lost mode”, which can be easily activated in iCloud. After enabling this function, a message will appear on the smartphone screen with phone number, which you specify. This way, anyone who finds your smartphone can call you and report their find. This function works even on a locked iPhone. In this case, you can make and receive calls from your phone, but no more.

The next way to find even a turned off iPhone is to track the IMEI number. This is a unique code for a smartphone that is assigned to it by the manufacturer. IMEI number you can find out in several ways:

  1. Enter the code *#06# on your phone. This is done in the same way as dialing a mobile number.
  2. View the warranty card.
  3. Disassemble the device and check for the number under the battery.
  4. Look on the box (as a rule, IMEI is indicated on the back).

An operator can track a phone by IMEI upon a special request from you or law enforcement agencies.

Find My Phone for iPhone

In addition, you can use a special application called “Find iPhone”. It allows you to view the exact location of the device on a map, send a message to it, set a password, or delete all data. However, please note that this feature must first be enabled on the iPhone itself. This is done as follows. Go to the Settings menu and select iCloud. In the next window you will see the “Find iPhone” option. Move the slider to active position. After this, activate the “SendLastLocation” item. Thus, before turning off, the smartphone will send you information about its location. By logging into iCloud, you can get all necessary information. If the phone is somewhere nearby, you will hear a loud sound, which will appear even if the device is in silent mode.

You cannot start using the Find My iPhone app after it has been lost. Therefore, take appropriate measures in advance so that you can easily use this program when the opportunity arises.

You can also activate Find My iPhone from your computer. To do this, go to and enter the appropriate login information. Then select your smartphone in the "My Devices" section. After this, the scan will start. Once completed, a map will appear on the screen detailing the location of your iPhone. Depending on where the device is located, take the appropriate steps. For example, lock the device, delete all content, turn on sound signal or send a message.

The main thing is to activate this function in advance, if possible. This will save you a lot of time and effort if you lose your device.

As you can see, finding a disabled, lost or stolen iPhone is quite possible. The developers provided special application, designed just for such situations. The downside is that it needs to be activated in advance. So be sure to do this immediately after purchasing an iPhone to make your life easier in the future.

Purchasing new gadgets from Apple, such as iPad and iPhone, is always a very joyful event, especially if you are a fan of this corporation. Absolutely every tablet or smartphone model from the company of the same name gives its fans great amount very pleasant and quite useful surprises in the form of completely new games, programs and updates.
But if you lose your device, the joy of purchasing it can turn into disappointment.
It is worth especially noting that among the latest software innovations from Apple, this is fundamentally updated application"My Friends", which was specially created for devices that run on the operating system iOS systems. This new program is already different:

  • updated appearance;
  • special adapted design;
  • the general style of the seven (there is extremely thin icons, and the design is in light colors);

When the smartphone is turned on, it is extremely easy to find or track

The main task of the updated “My Friends” program is, first of all, to determine on the map itself the geoposition of people who use iPhone gadgets, iPad and iPod touch and so on. In principle, a very narrowly focused service, although it is quite useful application for these devices. Simply put, when any two people have installed “My friends” applications on their own devices, you just need to activate them, using your own Accounts. The program independently recognizes where the other owner of the smartphone is when the phone is turned on.

Thanks to this function, you can find out where absolutely anyone is. This application It’s also convenient because you can simply find your iPhone, but only if it’s turned on. You can also use the application, which allows you to find your iPhone. Important: if a person has lost his iPhone, then you can find it this way only if it is turned on and working.

In addition, you can find and find out where your iPhone is if it works in absolutely any mode. The main thing is that the settings are not reset. Because if the settings were reset, then the phone will automatically log out of your account.

Improved Find iPhone feature

Immediately after you purchase a mobile phone for yourself or as a gift iPhone smartphone, then be sure to ask the sales consultant to install the program “ Search iPhone" Thanks to this function, you can also find out where anyone is. By the way, you can also find someone else’s iPhone under the same conditions - it is turned on or working in offline mode.

First you need to make sure that you have original iPhone and it is configured as it should so that the function for geolocation is active (go to the settings menu, then go to privacy and there will be a Geolocation menu).

It is worth especially noting that it is necessary to activate, after which you must immediately activate the “Find iPhone” service in the tab located in system settings. Naturally, this procedure is not able to protect you from losing or having your smartphone stolen.

We would like to clarify again that special service finds the owner's lost iPhone only if it is turned on! It's quite simple and doesn't require much effort - you'll just see exactly where the iPhone is at the time of the request. What you need to do for this:

  • go to
  • select the desired contact.

After that on special card The exact coordinates of where your iPhone is located will be shown if it is turned on.

In addition, to find your lost iPhone, you can simply create a special security password on For those who have lost their iPhone, it will be very important to know that a person, thanks to the site, can completely erase absolutely all information from his own iPhone in just a few minutes, and also, if a person has lost a smartphone, he can send an SMS message to my iPhone, which I lost somewhere. But most importantly, thanks to, the person who lost this smartphone can start an “icloud emergency siren”, which will continue until the moment it is turned off by the real owner, to be recognized and possibly heard somewhere nearby. The iPhone sounds very loud and at the same time, it sounds in any state - even when turned off.