Corporate Facebook page. How to Create a Facebook Business Page

How to tell potential clients about your company? How to attract the attention of your target audience? Do advertising! But do you need to print advertisements in newspapers or publish videos on local TV? Absolutely not necessary! Today there is a publicly accessible resource for advertising – social networks. By creating a company page on Facebook, you can reach a huge audience and generate interest in your brand in as soon as possible.

“Launch” the company in the FB space

From a purely technical point of view, creating a public social network It’s not difficult – the whole process takes about 5-7 minutes. The developers of the social network tried to make registering a new brand clear and convenient, so each step is accompanied by explanations and tips. So that you have no questions at all, we offer our detailed instructions:

1. Drive into address bar website address – You immediately see an offer to log in or register. If personal account you already have, log in using your registration details. If not, create a personal profile.

2. In the left column in the “Pages” subsection, select the “Create Page” item.

3. The system prompts you to select the area of ​​activity of your brand. By clicking on the most suitable type of business, select the category that suits you, enter the name of the company/brand and click “Get Started”. If the name is unavailable for some reason, the system will offer to replace it.

4. Next, you go directly to the settings of the company’s future public page. First, you need to briefly write what it is dedicated to. You need to keep it within 155 characters, so no details - clear, concise, interesting. If the brand has its own website or, for example, a Twitter account, you can indicate it. And finally, you need to come up with a unique address for your Facebook page. This will make it easier for interested users to find it. When the fields are completed, click “Save Information.” If desired, you can enter this data later - click “Skip”.

5. Then you need to set a public avatar. Photos can either be uploaded from your computer or transferred from your website. Once the picture is selected, simply click Next. If you want to install an avatar later, select "Skip."

6. The system will also prompt you to send the public to Favorites. This is optional, but very convenient from the point of view of use.

7. Finally, in the settings you can define your preferred audience. Using the data you provide, the system will try to attract as many target audience representatives as possible to your newly created brand page.

Congratulations! Now you officially have a Company Page, which will most likely help you promote your brand in the future!

What else can you configure?

Working with a public site does not end with its registration. Now the most interesting and difficult part begins - setting up the Page and maintaining it. First of all, go to Settings. There is a wide range of tools for administrators here. For example, you can set restrictions on the age or place of residence of visitors, set a filter for obscene expressions, set up notifications, add administrators and view the Activity Log. In addition, in the Settings section you can download all the public information and, if necessary, delete it.

Another important section of the Page is Information. Here you should fill out as many fields as possible so that users increase their level of interest and trust in you. In particular, you can indicate the founding date and mission of the public, add company products and awards, as well as contact information.

Of course, it is necessary to engage in attracting an audience. The easiest way is to Invite Friends. Those, in turn, may want to invite their friends on Facebook. This creates a chain of invitations. However, you are unlikely to be able to significantly expand your audience through standard invitations. Therefore, in some cases it is wise to immediately address paid promotion business public according to the schemes offered by the social network.

Naturally, the materials that will be published play a huge role in the popularity of the Page. Many companies prefer to adhere to a policy of “dry” information posts. In some cases, this really works, but for small companies and those just starting to promote brands, more serious work is required. On Facebook you need to interest users, because the number of public pages and, accordingly, competitors is simply crazy. To maintain interest in your brand, it is not enough just to register a company. You need to publish useful and exciting posts that users will follow. This should be done regularly, not occasionally.

Thus, creating a Page for a company on Facebook - effective method advertising and brand promotion. Thousands of companies have already resorted to it, and every day the number of actually working business publics is increasing. So get creative and start promoting your brand on the most popular social network!

This main question when visiting your page, a potential fan decides in just a few seconds. If the decision is negative, you lose a potential client. And very often it’s also a chance to at least be etched in his memory. How can you attract a person’s attention in just a couple of moments and force him to get in touch with your company? In this article, we will tell you how to design a Facebook page, show you 5 design tips that will help your company attract more fans, and also give you a tasty bonus at the end of the article.

Since 2016, Facebook has changed the requirements for page covers, so the information in this article is outdated. We wrote new review with updated requirements. Read it.

Facebook Standard Requirements for Page Design

So, in order to issue Facebook page, at a minimum, you will need to upload a cover photo and a profile picture. Requirements for them:

Brand page design ideas. 5 examples of successful design

1. Be yourself. Your brand must remain recognizable. Even on social networks. Use corporate colors, fonts, logo, and images relevant to your business. When visiting your page, people should clearly understand who you are and what you do.

2. Integrate. Sometimes pages look very impressive where the cover and profile photo look like one.

Another interesting trick is to integrate the cover with one of the elements located below it. For example, you can draw attention to your blog, application or photo albums.

3. Use text. Visualization is important. But you can convey maximum information only with the help of words. Don’t be afraid to duplicate the name of your company on the cover, list your services, try to hook them with a loud slogan. The main thing is to fit it all into the allowed 20%.

4. Lead to the site. No comments needed. At the end of the day, we're all fighting for clicks and conversions.

5. CallToAction! If you want something from visitors, ask. Encourage people to like your page, participate in your events, take advantage of a special offer, or download free materials. Ideally, accompany calls with pointers for greater clarity.


Some examples of our work:

Hello, dear readers! Welcome to second lesson free course ""!

So, we move on to creating a page to promote your company, brand, organization or project on Facebook.

If you are not very familiar with Facebook, then I recommend that you do not skip the lessons and follow all the instructions step by step. There are some page elements (for example, short link, page title, etc.) that are difficult or impossible to change in case of an error. For this reason, it will be better if you consistently follow my recommendations so as not to mess things up and do everything right the first time.

If you do not yet have a personal Facebook profile, register

If you already have personal profile on Facebook - it's very good! You can immediately start creating a new page.

If suddenly you are not yet registered on social media. network, then I recommend that you start with registration. Note not a personal profile with the page name, but a profile with your real name. Facebook is now actively blocking anyone who uses personal profiles for other purposes or gives themselves fictitious names like Vera Veronica. Be careful and don’t joke with Facebook, because if you lose your profile, the page will go with it (if it only has one administrator).

Registration of a Facebook page without reference to a personal profile. Is it worth doing?

Facebook has the ability to create pages without a personal profile, but I DO NOT RECOMMEND this option, since such pages have fewer functions, and Facebook is more strict about them.

For example, you will not be able to fully interact with other users (personal profiles), searching on Facebook will not be as convenient, you will not be able to share posts from your page and you will not be able to invite friends. Moreover, if you decide to create your own Facebook profile (or if you already have one), then you will need to constantly switch - log in and out of Facebook. It is very uncomfortable! It will be better if you manage the page as a manager from the very beginning, i.e. using your personal profile.


2. Enter your details and register a profile

Note: Facebook loves only real names , so use yours real name, but not Vika Vikusya etc. Sooner or later, Facebook will determine that this is not your real name and may block your profile, so be careful. At any time, Facebook may ask you to verify your name using an official document (passport, driver's license). If you cannot prove that your real name is Vladimir Putin, then you are in trouble! If you are blocked as the manager of a business page, then you may lose the entire page, since you will no longer have access to it. For this reason, I advise you to take Facebook’s rules seriously and act as it requires.

Let's start creating a Facebook page

In order to create new page on Facebook, follow the instructions in the video. Link to create a new page.

If you view Facebook as just a service for communication and entertainment, accept the fact: you are losing money and losing out to competitors. To reach new level, urgently master this social network to promote your business or personal brand.

Start with the simplest thing - figure out how to create a business page on Facebook and start publishing it online.

In this article, we have combined instructions for creating a page and tips for upgrading the interface, relevant for 2018.

What is a Facebook business page and how is it different from a personal profile?

We find the answers in the conditions user agreement. There are clear definitions for personal profile and business pages. The main differences lie in goals and functions.

A profile represents only an individual. The user creates it solely for socialization and entertainment, that is, for non-commercial use. Facebook is unforgiving: there is no advertising or sales here. If you violate this rule, your account may be blocked at any time. There are no exceptions.

If you want to make money on Facebook, create a business page. Otherwise it is called a fan page. This is an effective and free SMM tool. It is used for promotion, launch advertising campaigns, blog monetization.

The page is suitable for companies, regardless of the scale of their activities, organizations, or public figures. Entrepreneurs with small businesses often manage even without their own website. Its functions are performed by a business profile on a social network.

For work, Facebook offers page owners the following options:

  • indexing search engines;
  • access to statistics;
  • independent administration and involvement of another person for this purpose;
  • setting up advertising, including targeted and third party resources using the Audience network;
  • connecting applications.

Number of subscribers for personal and business accounts after latest changes not limited. The “Add as a friend” function is provided only for the profile.

There is another type of account on Facebook – a group. Otherwise, it can be called a community of interests. It is also prohibited to use it for promotion and earnings.

Important! It is impossible to create a page without a personal profile.

Why create a business account - 3 main reasons

The brainchild of Mark Zuckerberg attracts business representatives with the main quality of its audience - solvency.

Companies, entrepreneurs, and public figures actively use this platform, realizing several key goals at once. Let's name the main reasons to open your own online representative office on Facebook.

Reason 1. Promotion of goods and services on social networks

Today, people come to social networks not only with the desire to spend time with virtual friends. People search for information about products and services on Facebook almost more often than on search engines. It is equally important that users are willing to buy here.

Reason 2. Formation and maintenance of a positive company image

Even negative reviews really turn it into a good thing. Often, when problems arise, clients not only contact the support service, but also write comments (reviews) on social network pages.

The page administrator responds to requests and offers options for resolving difficult situations. Other users see similar dialogues and understand: the company cares about people, all difficulties are solvable.

Reason 3. Ability to analyze the audience

A business page is an ideal platform for communication with potential buyers. Statistics help to understand who is interested in thematic posts and determine best time for publication. Based on the data, it is much easier to create a portrait of your target audience and find out the client’s “pain”.

Through surveys and analysis of comments and messages with questions from visitors, marketers build a dialogue with subscribers, study their preferences and interests. Formed Feedback. Such information is invaluable when forming marketing strategy.

How to create a business page on Facebook - step-by-step algorithm

Log in to your personal profile.

If it is not there, step 1 is registration. You will need an address Email or number mobile phone. Creating an account takes a few minutes. Next, click on the triangle icon in top panel profile, then “Create page”.

Step 1. Select page type

Previously, the user chose from 6 options, now only 2 main page types are offered:

  1. "Company or brand."
  2. "Community or public figure."

Option 1 is preferable for organizations and representative offices that have a specific address, a place where clients will go: office, store, cafe, gym, workshop, etc. If your business is not geographically bound or your goal is personal branding, stop at option 2. Click “Get Started.”

Step 2. Upload a photo and design the cover

If you have not yet decided on the page visual, you can skip this step and return to it later.

Image requirements:

A logo is ideal for a photo account. It will appear next to each post in the feed, as well as accompany posts and comments. Please note that on the page the photo will be standard, but in publications and advertisements it will be round.

The cover photo is a thematic image. Inscriptions, slogans and other things are placed on it. text information. It is recommended to upload images to PNG format.

Step 3. Come up with a name for the page, select a category and create a username

Name the page with the name of the company (brand) or use keywords related to the field of activity. For example, “Computer repair”, “Job search”, “SEO services”. It is allowed to “dilute” the name by indicating the city, region: “Apartments for rent in Voronezh.”

Not suitable for the title:

  • long slogans and appeals: “Come to us for delicious lunches”;
  • words general and geographical names without specifications. It is forbidden:"St. Petersburg", "Footwear". Acceptable:“Excursion tours. St. Petersburg”, “Shoes from Petrovich”.

The username must not be used by other page owners. It consists only of Latin letters and numbers. It is permissible to use dots to separate words. For example, @remont.noyt.

Step 4. Add account information

Open the “Information” menu and fill out those sections that you consider key. Stick to the essentials. Priority: history, mission, contact details, website, opening hours.

Step 5. Add a call to action button

Below the cover photo is the Add Button menu. Choose the option that suits you. For example, “Contact”. Then click "Test Button" and see how it works. If you decide to change the call to action, there is an “Edit Button” option in the same menu.

Step 6. Set up your account

Open the “Settings” section. The menu is extensive, but at the start it is worth setting up the basic minimum. In the “General” section, determine which users can see your page, publish their posts in the feed, and also be sure to open the ability to write messages and reviews to you.

Step 7. Filling the page with content

In the feed, select “Write a post,” create a post, then click “Publish.” Prepare the page for promotion, make it active and informative. The key to success is regular posting and varied content.

Post expert articles, videos, photographs, entertainment posts, and conduct live broadcasts. Only a “warmed-up”, that is, an involved audience moves into the category of clients.

Feel free to ask questions to Audience Network FB support.

Watch a short YouTube video on how to create a Facebook page:

How to design a page to attract more customers - useful tips and tricks

Sometimes a few are enough simple actions so that the visitor pays attention to the page.

A couple of interesting touches in the design and the conversion increases by 2-3 times. Here are 4 important advice, which will help you make your page more attractive and earn more.

Tip 1: Use a product or product line image on the cover

If your profile photo can be compared to business card pages, then the cover is your free billboard. Use its full potential.

Remember that you have no more than 10 seconds for the user to understand what the page is for and stay on it. Visual information combine with text. There are no restrictions now, but optimal size text block - no more than 30% of the total area.

Any important information should be visible. Therefore, tell us about discounts, bonuses and other goodies in a post that won’t get lost in your feed. Use the Pin to Top of Page feature. New posts will then appear under the publication about the current promotion. You can briefly announce discounts on the cover of the page.

Determine what step the page visitor should take: call, write a message, book a product, go to the order page. In accordance with this, add the “Call-to-action” button. Or connect it to the downloaded video. The appeal can also be in the text of the post: remind about it, target potential clients for certain actions.

Tip 4: Encourage visitors to visit your site

The main purpose of a Facebook business page is to attract more customers to your business and increase your earnings. To achieve this goal, work on increasing conversions—increasing the number of people clicking on your site.

Use intriguing headlines for your posts, entice them useful information. At the same time, promise to tell the entire article or all the necessary data only on the website. Offer a reward if a user shares your post. As an option: “Tell your friends about our promotion and come to the project website for a pleasant surprise!”

How to create a fan page on Facebook?

How to create a business page on Facebook?

How to create a business page on Facebook?

How to create a Facebook page for a company?

You will find answers to these and other questions in this article.

Read and use to develop your service or public personality (singer, actor, deputy, etc.)!

Facebook is the most famous and popular social network all over the world. And as a result, this is one of the the best tools for advertising and promoting your company on the Internet. And to do this, you just need to create a page (other page names on Facebook are often used, for example: fan page or business page).

How to do this?

Step-by-step instructions for creating a Facebook page

1. Selecting a page category

Next, you need to go to create a page and select its type. When you select a type, a dialog box will appear where all possible options. Please note that from the right choice The categories will depend on the tools, features and functionality of the page.

But even if you choose the wrong category or subcategory, you can change them an unlimited number of times at any time.

But keep in mind that when you change the category, reviews, marks on maps, information about page views, and so on may be deleted.

  • Local or location– suitable for companies or enterprises that have a physical address where any services are provided. This option will allow social users. the network will “mark” that they visited you or are planning to visit.
  • Company, Organization or Institution– the category is similar to the previous one, but when choosing it, your company does not have to have one physical address, that is, it may not depend on the location. You cannot leave reviews on this category page.
  • Product or– an excellent option if you represent a product that is sold through various sellers. In this case, you do not need to provide a physical address.
  • Artist, Group or Public Figure – everything is clear from the name. This type pages are intended to “promote” an individual, for example: a public figure, an artist or a group.
  • Entertainment– suitable for you if you want to present printed materials, television or music without being tied to a specific to an individual. For example, this type of page is suitable if you want to open a page for a club for evening newspaper lovers or a club for lovers of romance novels.

If your page does not fit any of the listed categories, select the Business or Community category.

2. Page Preset

Simply follow the Setup Wizard's instructions.

Now you need to select a photo for the page, add it to your list interesting pages"Favorites" and also select target audience pages.

The Settings wizard for pages of other categories on Facebook is similar.

For example, pages created in the Company, Organization, or Institution category will only be asked to add a description and a link to the website.

3. Editing page settings

When the setup wizard is finished, you will be taken to the page you just created.

Please note that immediately after setting up the page will be completely blank:

If you want to hide the page until it is completely ready, go to the page settings and select “not published” in the “Visibility” parameter.

This setting is very useful in cases where it will take some more time to finalize the page, but you don’t want to display a blank page at all. In addition, situations arise when it is necessary to obtain permission to create a page and publish content.

You can also change publishing options in the settings. So, you can publish content on behalf of the page, or on behalf of your profile. These settings can be found in the Publishing Source Links section.

Take a look at the “Notifications” section - there you can choose with what frequency and what kind of notifications you will receive from your page.

In the settings, you can assign moderators and editors of the page, and also select the list of actions that they can perform.

Remember, you shouldn’t give administrator rights to people you don’t know!

Administrator rights give full access to all page management functions.

An admin can assign and remove other admins, change the category of a page, or even delete it completely.

Be careful!

If you did not select a target audience when creating a Facebook page, you can do this directly from the settings. Or you can replace existing ones.

Also in the settings you can select some pages that will be marked as “favorites” on yours. You can also select the people who will appear as page owners.

Do you already have a Facebook page?

Leave your contacts and we will create a Facebook page for you

4. Create a page cover

You've probably already noticed that the header of your page is empty.

To fix this, you need to upload a photo into it. The resolution is 851x315 pixels.

It should visually represent the person, place or thing for which the page was created.

For a little inspiration, take a couple of minutes to visit your competitors' pages to see what they're using for their cover.

You can prepare it yourself if you have at least a little experience in photo editing. The minimum that needs to be done is to trim it according to Facebook requirements.

If this task seems too complicated, you can always choose a ready-made image or order it from a designer.

5. Page information

The information that will need to be provided will be different for each subcategory of pages.

That is why it is important to initially select the appropriate category.

Don't forget to fill in the Facebook site address field. Thanks to this, the name of your page on the social network will look like this.