How to restore a page in a new VKontakte. If you delete a page in VK and then restore it, will the data be saved?

VKontakte is the largest social network in Russia and the CIS, with more than 97 million active users. It is not uncommon for people to lose access to their account or their profile to be hacked. In such cases, page restoration is required, which is what today’s article is about.

The article describes how to restore access using personal computer. You can safely repeat all the described steps on your mobile phone, since they are no different.

Account renewal in automatic mode occurs when:

  • Deleting a profile (with reservations);
  • Hacking the page;
  • Loss of access data.

More complex situations require the creation of a “ticket” and its consideration by the service support team.

Restoring a VK page after deletion

Briefly, I have already discussed the recovery procedure in a publication about . Now we will look at the process in more detail and step by step.

You have three to seven months to automatic recovery. After the deadline has expired, you can contact technical support, but no later than one year after removal.

1. Open the main page of VKontakte ( Enter old login and secret code.

2. If the deadline has not expired, you will be taken to your profile page. On the left, find the inscription “Page deleted” and click on the “Restore” link.

3. In the pop-up window, select “Restore Page”.

4. The profile has been restored in full.

As you can see, nothing complicated. The site administration took care of the convenience of users, making the procedure as simple as possible. Next, we'll look at episodes that require a lot of effort.

How to restore a blocked page

The reason for blocking always becomes violation user agreement , which is accepted upon registration. The most common reasons:

  • Spam;
  • Complaints from other users;
  • Uploading content that contradicts the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • Creating a profile of a non-existent person.

If you did not abuse the rules, and your profile was hacked, read: most likely, their simple ignorance led to this situation.

Account recovery is always free. If you are asked to send an SMS to paid number Your computer may be infected with a virus. To solve the problem, check your PC for viruses.

2. A notification about temporary blocking will appear.

3. Enter the phone number that was specified during registration.

4. After receiving an SMS with a code, write it down in a special form.

5. Create a new one, complex password by using . This will protect your profile in the future.

If the account is permanently blocked, you must. We will discuss this point in more detail later.

What to do if you forgot your login or password

Enter your access data, and the response is “Incorrect login or password”? Perhaps you simply forgot one of the authorization combinations, or maybe the attacker changed them intentionally. It's okay, we'll try to recover the password automatically.

1. Go to the page -

2. Enter the phone number or email address to which the account was registered. Click Next.

3. Enter the last name listed in your profile.

4. Select your account from the list provided and click “Yes, this is the right page.”

5. On specified number, you will receive an SMS with a verification code.

If you do not have access to a phone number, enter your email or find the desired profile through the search, by First Name and Last Name, using the links provided.

How to contact VKontakte support service

The last resort in the process of account recovery is technical support for VK users. If none of the described methods help, there is only one way out - write a letter.

3. The response will appear as a separate dialog in the “Messages” section (the speed depends on the workload of the support department).

An alternative is to write email from his mailbox to the address [email protected] .

Let's sum it up

As a result, I will give a small list of recommendations that need to be followed right now - this will help restore your account faster in the future.

In the settings, specify:

  • Current phone number;
  • Valid email address;
  • Create a separate .txt file on your computer, enter your password and page address into it;
  • Check whether the First Name and Last Name are real in the profile.

Well, if with my help you succeeded, thank the author with a like and repost.

Greetings, dear blog readers. Today we’ll talk about blocking accounts on social networks. I'll tell you how to solve it various problems and save both locked and lost account on the social network VK, and recently I already wrote an article.

Modern reality: a person cannot survive without water, without food and... without access to his social accounts. networks -))). There are few things that upset us more than losing access to our VKontakte page or having it blocked. But readers of our blog do not need to be afraid of such an unpleasant situation, because we have considered everything possible ways solutions to such a problem, each of them will be described in detail.

Most common problems with access are associated with the following situations:

  • forgot your login and/or password for your profile;
  • there is no way to restore the profile because the linked number is currently unavailable;
  • the account was not linked to any number at all;
  • the service does not send a “Verification Code” in any way to resume login;
  • you deleted the page yourself, and the deadline for possible renewal has already passed;
  • the profile is frozen due to viruses, spam messages, or suspicious user activity.

All these problems can be solved, just follow our instructions -))).

How to restore a page in contact if you forgot your login and password

According to the statistics of such requests, most often login problems arise due to the fact that users simply forget the password to their page. Don’t panic right away; first, try to find it.

If you have saved the password in your browser (when you first log in to websites, most browsers ask the same question: “Save your password?”), it is enough:

  • open VK again;
  • make two quick clicks within the “Login” field;
  • From the proposed options, select your login (or phone number, if the page was registered with it).

The password will appear automatically. It will be depicted in dot format. But you can see it! To do this you need:

  • select password dots in the “Password” field;
  • click within it right click mice;
  • from the appeared context menu select the “View element code” section;
  • in the fragment highlighted in blue, look for the word “password” and enter “tex” instead;

  • On the main screen, the password will be displayed in the format of letters and/or numbers. Write it down somewhere for yourself so you don't forget again.

If the password was not saved by the browser, you will have to restore it (more precisely, get a new password to log in). The algorithm of actions will depend on the ability to use the phone number to which the page is linked, or the email that was used during registration.

1. You have access to the number:

  • follow the link “Forgot your password or can’t log in?”;
  • in the input window that appears, enter the linked mobile number;
  • We are waiting for the corresponding SMS.
  • We follow the steps that the Recovery Wizard offers us.

2. Do you have access to the email address to which the account was registered?

We follow the algorithm described above, finding in email box corresponding letter from VK support service.

3. The page was not linked to the number, or access to that mobile phone was impossible (you need to restore it without the phone number)

You cannot do without the help of the “VK login access recovery service.”

To do this, you will need to enter the address of the VK page to which you want to return access. It is not at all necessary to remember this address, because you can find it through a search (which, fortunately, works without first entering any page):

  • enter the first and last name indicated on the page;
  • in the list that appears (based on your avatar), select your profile;
  • An additional link “this is my page” will appear below;
  • Next, the recovery wizard will “ask” you to clarify the following data:
  • the old phone number to which you linked the page;
  • a new number to which she will now be linked;
  • your login with which the page was registered;
  • the password you previously used to log in (since we don’t remember it, we leave the field blank);

You can find out that the submitted application for renewal has been approved (or not approved) only on the page to which the site will redirect you after pressing the “Submit Application” button. In order not to lose her, you should copy her address from the address bar and “visit” her regularly until a letter from the administration appears on the screen about the result of processing the request. New Password will be sent to the specified mailing address. There you can also find information that the profile is attached to a new mobile number. Since the password in the letter was generated automatically, we recommend changing it immediately upon logging in to one that is easy to memorize.

Sometimes it happens that the data received in an email message is not suitable (we see the information “The login or password was entered incorrectly”). This is a glitch of the system itself. You will have to re-create a request to renew your profile, and in the “Notes” field tell about what happened. After these steps, access will be returned 100%. BUT! Re-recovery It will be possible to request only after the period of 24-48 hours has expired. There is nothing to do, you will have to wait.

The page was not linked to the number (or now there is no access to the number), and the page contains fake (untrue) data (name, surname)

If you don’t know how to restore your VKontakte page if you forgot your login and password, and even if the page doesn’t contain your first and last name, we will tell you the algorithm of actions:

  • in accordance with the requirements of the Recovery Wizard, indicate the data from the page (fake first and last name);
  • We clarify your real full name information;
  • we send a photo or scanned image of documents that confirm the new full name data, “included” with them you must also provide a selfie with a monitor, on the screen of which the access restoration page will open.

Only after access to the page is restored will your full name be replaced with your real name, be prepared for this.

The page is linked to a new number, but it does not receive a verification code, without which it is impossible to restore the profile

There are also such cases: the new mobile number is entered correctly (with a “+” entered at the beginning and the number is indicated in international format), restarting the computer (laptop or tablet) and/or phone does not help - the SMS still does not arrive. In such difficult situation come out alone - write an email to . In the letter you need not only to state the essence of the problem, but it is also advisable to leave links to the account to which you are trying to regain access, attach several, which will confirm that you did everything correctly and the problems with logging in were not caused by your mechanical error in the data entry process. An answer with recommendations from the administration will come to your email, but you will have to wait up to 5 days for it.

How to restore a contact page after deletion

Before you restore deleted page in contact (which you deleted yourself), you need to check whether seven months have passed since the deletion, because your next actions depend on this. If less than the specified time has passed, you can restore it in just a few clicks:

  • after deletion, log in again to VK using your username and password;
  • Click on the “Restore” button, which will appear on the screen under the inscription “Page deleted”. Or click on the “Restore your page” button, which is located next to the date until which you can still restore your account in this simple way.

Before you restore a page in a contact that has been deleted for more than seven months, remember as much data as possible that will confirm the fact that you are its owner. Because you can’t do without Contact technical support, which you can contact from the VK page or contact via mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. .

By the way, if you believe the reviews of VK users, even this is not always possible to restore access. But we still need to try to do everything possible while there is at least some chance of recovery -))).

If you need to resume an account that was deleted by the service administration, carefully read the next section of the article.

Let's figure out how to restore a VK page that has been blocked (frozen)

The reasons for blocking a VKontakte service page are different:

  • Your gadget, through which you regularly log into your account, is “infected” with viruses, which caused advertising data about attackers to be sent from your account; because of this “suspicious activity,” the page was frozen;
  • Your gadget is infected with viruses that modify the account login page and, for example, may require payment of a certain amount for the user’s access. Because of this, they can also block, for now malicious virus will not be destroyed;

To solve the first two problems, you need to clean the gadget from the malware that caused this situation. A regular scan and “treatment” with a stationary antivirus is not always enough.

If your tablet or phone is “sick with a virus”, the administration of the service, like many users who have previously encountered similar problem, we recommend using mobile version Kaspersky antivirus.

  • Your actions caused a reaction from other users who marked the distributed content as spam and, accordingly, the moderators “reacted” to outside complaints in this way. If this is the problem, the page that opens instead of your profile will have information about the reasons for denying access.

“Instructions” are also provided, following which you can renew your account, but this will not do without changing your password. By the way, it is at this moment that you can add a mobile phone on the page if there is no number associated with it, or change the number associated with your account.

The service will send an SMS to the specified number with a verification code. After entering a new password, you need to click on the “Unfreeze page” button.

Sometimes a specific date is specified until which the account will not be available for use. Contacting the administration will not help. So all that remains is to wait for the specified number. Why can’t I restore before the specified time? This is simply the policy of the service, and there is no point in arguing with it.

  • The page is blocked for serious violations policies of the service administration, and they can even be blocked for such violations forever. And you shouldn’t trust the “craftsmen” who promise to restore access “for a fee”, this is impossible, they just want to deceive you for money.

You can also try to “bring back to life” a page that has been blocked forever -))).

You need to look for help in technical support (at the bottom of the page you will find a link where you can ask questions, or, as in this case, forgive, after all, unfreeze the profile). It is very important to think carefully about the text of the letter to them, because it must indicate all the reasons why certain actions were carried out that caused the blocking. If you were “punished for good reason,” that is, for actions that grossly contradict the service’s policy, we recommend that you ask the moderators for forgiveness and tearfully promise to “never do that again,” perhaps your request for unfreezing will still be considered.

  • “Suspicious page activity” is probably the most common reason for blocking.

Before you restore access to a page on VK that was blocked precisely for this reason, make sure that you have access to the mobile number associated with your profile, because you will also need to confirm the identity of the profile owner via SMS. Come up with a new one, really. strong password, if this “suspicious activity” is not the work of you, but of those “attackers” who hacked the profile. It is better to make the new password radically different from the previous one, so as not to encounter this problem again.

If on the monitor when re-entry you are sending a message that to log in you now need to send an SMS to the specified number - this is another option for a “money scam.” You need to double-check the gadget again with an antivirus, and clean the browser from incomprehensible extensions, which, by generating pages exactly similar to VK and forwarding them to them, can also in a similar way lure money from users.

We hope that my instructions helped restore access. If none of the methods outlined above helped, describe your situation in the comments to the post, and we will try to solve your problem as soon as possible.

If the material was useful, please subscribe to the blog newsletter. Don't forget to like and repost the article. All the best!!!

Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.

How to restore a page on VK depends on the reason for freezing or deleting your profile. If the action was temporary and access to the account was maintained, there will be no problems. But recovery after a long deletion or without a login and password will require much more effort or will be completely impossible.

The period allotted for account restoration is affected by the specifics of blocking or deletion. There can be 3 possible scenarios.

  1. The account was blocked due to complaints. Before you can restore a deleted page on VK, you will have to serve your sentence. Violations like spam will ban the user for a day the first time, for 2-14 the second time, and for a couple of weeks or a month the third time. In severe cases - extortion, distribution of adult materials or propaganda of violence - they can be blocked immediately and forever without the possibility of recovery.
  2. The account was frozen due to suspicious activity. This happens when the system sees unusual user activity and restricts access to the account to protect against hacking. You can return such a page “to life” immediately - enter your phone number to receive the code and change the password.
  3. The account has been deleted by the user. If you got rid of the page yourself, you can restore it at any time. But only when from the moment last deletion no more than 7 months have passed. After this time, the profile will be lost forever.

How to restore a VK page after deletion

Before restoring the VKontakte page after manual removal, look at the storage period for account data. The date of irretrievable loss of the account is indicated on the main page - log in and see. There should also be a “Restore” link here. Click it, confirm the action, and the page will quickly return to its previous form.

How to get your account back if you don't have access to your phone

Authorized users do not need a phone number to recover after manual deletion. The request is processed instantly, without additional data. But people who have lost access to social network Due to a change of number, you will have to wait. It takes up to three days for the support team to work with such a problem.

Remember how to restore a page on VK without a phone number:

When you go to the site, you will be prompted to change your password - you must come up with a previously unused one. Then you can proceed to the procedure for returning a profile after manual deletion; the link can be found in the settings.

How to restore a VKontakte page if you forgot your login and password

If there is no way to return access via email, under the login field from the third point, find the “Click here” link. On the page that opens, indicate the path to your profile, and then provide proof that you are its owner. Information about recent activity, a photo and a passport will be useful for this.

Complete the action by clicking on “Submit Application”. Within 2-3, support agents will review the application and make a verdict: return access, request additional evidence, or refuse.

Restoring a blocked page

You can return a blocked page in 2 ways.

  1. If banned due to a complaint. Log in to “contact” from your computer, read the reason for the punishment and the term. Wait until the blocking ends. After this, the social network will offer to restore the VK page by phone number. Request a confirmation code, enter, change the password and continue using the service.
  2. Frozen due to strange activity. If access to a profile is limited for distributing similar messages or logins from an atypical location, there will be no penalty period. Users have the right to immediately start the recovery process - click the appropriate button and follow the instructions.

How to restore a VK page without a photo and passport

It is almost impossible to return a profile without uploaded personal photos and documents confirming the connection with the owner. There is only one way, and one with little chance: write to support and prove that the account belonged to you.

How to restore a page if it’s hacked

When hacking a profile, the actions may be identical to those listed above and slightly different. The choice of plan depends on whether the attackers managed to change the password, number and associated email. If the hackers were unable to do any of this, log in to the system and on the blocking page, click the link to request data recovery. Enter the number as standard, confirm the page selection and enter the code sent to the linked number.

If the attackers have changed your phone number, proceed as follows:

If you used a fake first and last name in your profile, after restoration the information may be forcibly changed to match your passport. The results of processing the request will be sent to the specified contact phone number within a couple of days.

How to restore an old VK page

Working with old page will be identical, but it will be more difficult to prove involvement in its creation. It’s good if there are personal photos in the profile, and the first and last names correspond to those indicated in the documents. In this case, it is enough to restore the VKontakte page by first and last name - attach a scan of your passport and a photo in the background of the page to your support request.

If it is impossible to identify you as the owner based on the data provided in the account, it will not be possible to return the account. As in the case when more than 7 months have passed since manual removal. Consider the recordings lost forever.

How to restore a page on VK via phone

The official VK mobile application allows you to perform some of the listed operations from your phone. But even if you use third party client or outdated version, it’s possible to return your profile without a computer. For this:

  • open the application;
  • under the authorization fields, tap on “Forgot your password” or a similar link;
  • wait for the page to load inside the client or in full version website in a browser;
  • enter the linked email or number;
  • request a verification code and enter to access personal information;
  • change the password and start recovering the deleted account if you tried to get rid of it manually.

Forgot your password and login? First of all, don't panic. The fact that you forgot some data to restore the page is not such a big deal. And each user is able to independently solve the problem that arises. Now we will try to figure out how you can get your VKontakte page back. Let's study everything available methods that you can only imagine. There aren't that many of them. All of them are easy to learn. Of course, everything also depends on what data you have. If a VKontakte user has forgotten his password and login (both points), then it will be the most difficult. But there is still no need to panic. We'd better see what happens.

Password recovery

Let's start from the very beginning simple case. We have a login, but no password. As in "VK"? Very easy and simple. Just go to the official website of the social network and click there under the authorization window on the inscription “Forgot your password?”.

A window will open in front of you in which you can select a recovery option. For example, to answer how to recover your VK password, you must click on “I don’t remember my password” (or something like that). Ready?

You will be redirected to a page where you will have to indicate the email to which your profile is linked. You will receive a password there. Or rather, the form of its restoration. And just “email” can be used instead of a login. Follow the link provided in the letter, come up with a new combination and repeat it. Save the changes - and that's it, no problems.

No login

User and login? No problem. You can always return the page to yourself without this data. As already mentioned, even an email address is suitable as a login. But there is another scenario.

For example, when you forget Email, which is linked to your profile. Here you have a chance to regain access to your profile using your mobile phone. After all, all modern social networks link your mobile phone to profiles. If for some reason this was not done, it will be difficult.

Have any of the VKontakte users forgotten their password and login? Then we’ll use our mobile phone to restore it. Please note that your phone number can be used as a login. This is a very popular arrangement these days. This way you will never forget your “login name”. Let's go to official page"VK" and look at the bottom of the authorization area. Just like last time, click on “Forgot your password?”.

Now in the window that appears you need to write your mobile phone number. will come to him security code, which is entered into a special field on the screen. It will give you access to the password recovery page. We enter, we receive, we confirm, we come up with a new “password”, we save everything. Problem solved. You can log in to your profile using a new name (your phone number) and password.

No data at all

Sometimes it’s not so easy to recover. Forgot your login, password, email, phone number is not linked? In this situation, there are two options for the development of events. The first one is not particularly pleasing - the complete impossibility of recovery. By the way, for most users, especially younger ones, this is exactly the situation. Second - long recovery own profile.

What to do if you no longer have a login or password for your own VKontakte profile? To do this, go to the “Forgot your password?” section. on home page social network, after which at the very bottom we pay attention to the inscription “Recovery Form”.

Click on it. A window will appear in front of you with a huge amount fields. They will have to be filled in completely. This is a form of profile restoration. It is used when one or another user has forgotten the password and login for the VKontakte website. The main problem here is proof that the profile is really yours. You will have to write to the VKontakte administration about your problem and attach photographs/screenshots of your passport. If the data in your profile corresponds to reality, within 15 days from the date of registration of the application, the administrators will send you a link that will help you come up with new login and password. Otherwise, there is no hope for success.

Third party hosting

Now you can find many offers from sites that promise to log into VK without a password. These are a kind of hacking services. They are in great demand. But should you trust them?

Definitely not. Remember, there is no way to enter the site without a password. If the login can still be replaced with something, then the “password” cannot. All such proposals are nothing more than the most common money scam. So do not be surprised that services will not be provided to you after payment.


What do we end up with? As you can see, there are enough options for restoring access if certain data is lost in VKontakte. You can always choose an alternative. But the main thing is to enter only reliable information when registering. Otherwise you may be left without a profile at all.

If nothing helps, and the VKontakte administration refuses to restore you, then there is only one way out - registration new page. This time, don't forget to tie it to mobile phone. He will help you if anything happens.

Social networks can be annoying, annoying to such an extent that you want to forget it forever, delete all accounts and live a quiet life. As a rule, people who deleted their pages soon want to return to the network again. Most likely if long time If you look into a social network every day, a person receives a wonderful gift - addiction. But that’s not about that now. How to restore a page without losing it necessary information? We'll find out now.

If you delete a page on VK and then restore it, will the data be saved?

When many people delete a page on a social network, they don’t think about the fact that they might need it again. What do they do in this situation? They are trying to restore their page along with all the data, audio files, documents, videos, and so on. But this is not so easy to do. More precisely, this procedure does not require much effort, it only requires a quick decision.

First, we’ll tell you how to delete a VKontakte page. So, action plan

  1. Go to your page on a social network
  2. Follow the link
  3. Enter the information you need
  4. "Delete page"

That's it, the page has been deleted, and your friends will receive a notification about it. I hope it’s clear how to delete it, now let’s move on to recovery.

By deleting your VKontakte page, on top panel you will see a box saying “If necessary, you can restore the page to (date).” In other words, to restore the page you are given certain time usually from 5 to 8 months. During this period of time, the user is given the opportunity to restore his page along with all the data stored on the social network.

*To restore your page, you just need to click on the “Restore” box and you will appear online again*

If you delete a VKontakte page and then restore it, will the information be saved?

Yes, the information will be saved, but only if the user restores the page in time. Otherwise, all data will simply disappear, along with the page. It will be impossible to return anything, and all information will disappear into oblivion. If you have information that you do not want to lose, then it is better to send it to yourself via instant messengers and so on. Before deleting a page, make sure that you have all the necessary data and you will not regret deleting your account.