How to find out your wife's SMS correspondence. SMS interceptor: how to read other people's SMS

Mobile Spy is a program/service hybrid that allows you to safely spy on your Windows Mobile smartphone in real time. This unique system records SMS text messages, calls and websites visited by anyone who uses your smartphone. The system is also capable of GPS tracking. You install a small application on your phone. This program starts every time the phone boots, but remains in hidden mode and does not appear in the Task Manager Windows Mobile even when changing the SIM card...

Mobile Spy is a program for cell phones that allows you to read other people's SMS messages. How to identify a real SMS spy?

An example of our program running on an iPhone:

IN Lately One of the most popular topics for discussion on the Internet has become the topic of being able to read other people’s SMS messages. Many people suggest using various paid Mobile Spy services or buying an SMS spy program to be able to read other people's SMS.

Most of the offers look extremely tempting - you just need to download the SMS spy program to your phone or computer, enter the number of the desired phone, and you can start reading other people's SMS. Or, even easier, go to the website on the Internet, enter a phone number, send a paid SMS message to short number, and Mobile Spy service will allow you to read other people's SMS.

In reality, everything is different. To be able to read other people's SMS messages, persons providing such services must either have permanent opportunity steal information from everyone mobile operators, which is practically impossible, or to have access to every single cell phone, which is absolutely impossible. Therefore, it is not surprising that the vast majority of offers to buy SMS spy software or use the Mobile Spy service online are fraudulent.

However, it is possible to read other people's SMS messages remotely. For this purpose, there are SMS spy programs, which differ from the above programs in that they are installed directly into the memory of the phone that needs to be monitored. covert surveillance. Using the capabilities of the phone itself, such Mobile Spy applications collect information stored in the cell phone’s memory and across channels cellular communications pass it on to third parties.

Today, the use of such SMS spy programs is the only way read other people's SMS, which does not require huge expenses and is relatively safe for people who need to access information from someone else's phone.

Demonstration of work Spy programs Phone Suite - best Mobile Spy application for today, which gives an understanding of how you can read other people's SMS.
(Viewing in full screen HD mode is recommended)

Spyware appeared GPS app for iPhone 3GS - Mobile Spy
Mobile Spy 3.0 for iPhone with GPS tracking support.

Article taken from open sources:

Hello! In front of you is mine personal blog O mobile security, where I regularly publish interesting material. Have you ever wondered whether an attacker could remotely read other people's messages on your phone? How to protect your correspondence from such attacks on your privacy? At a time when husbands try to keep an eye on their wives, and bosses try to keep an eye on their subordinates, it is useful to know basic safety rules. This is what this article will be about. At the very end of the material I will provide a link to an interesting video.

So, how do you read other people's messages on your phone? There are probably some applications for this, that's what I thought. So I went to World Wide Web to look for programs of this kind. I was just wondering if they are available to everyone. I looked through different sites and installed some applications on my mobile phone. We were unable to find anything that actually worked, but we did come across a scam great amount! Carefully monitor what you install on your phone, because you can pick up viruses!

Then I took a different path, starting to study services for Reserve copy information. They are useful in case of possible loss of a mobile phone. It is difficult to insure against this, and many people have been storing official data on their phones for a long time. Your current work project, or even your entire career, may depend on it! Therefore, it is better to set up sending data to some server where no one except you will have access. Lost your cell phone? No problem, we copied and restored the entire database. So I came across such a service, now I’ll tell you about it in more detail!

Of course, directly read other people's private messages It won’t work through it, that’s not what it was created for. But you can install it on your mobile phone special application, which will collect information. This is not only SMS and MMS, but also recordings of conversations and correspondence in in social networks. Many popular ones supported mobile clients, this application surprised me. I have never seen any analogues anywhere! I also liked the option to send files over Wi-Fi. There is always not enough 3G traffic, now there is an opportunity to save it. After setting up the service, the transfer occurs in automatic mode, every few hours. All archives go to Personal Area user, from where they will be available to everyone.

Can an attacker read other people's personal messages through similar software? Think about it for yourself. Suddenly someone will install in your memory similar program, but it doesn’t matter which one! These utility utilities are capable of sending files remotely, antiviruses do not complain about them, and uninstallation protection will not allow you to quickly clear the program from your memory. Android devices. Therefore, be vigilant, do not leave your mobile phone unattended! Especially if you are leaving somewhere from the office.

Surely you will be interested in the service described above, so I recorded a video about it fine tuning. It won't take more than a few minutes, so be sure to watch the video after the article. You will learn about setting up the user’s personal account and viewing collected information. But do not forget that such programs should not be installed on other people’s smartphones, because the owner of the mobile phone would definitely not like it!

Call printout SMS messages Phone control Reviews Questions Support


MTS Beeline Megafon Tele2


    When using the RSMS control service mobile phone - this is the ability to obtain information about the owner of this phone from . By constantly having access to information about the subscriber's location and call history, you can know almost everything about the actions of the cell phone user

  • RSMS also for search lost phone there is a function for determining coordinates. If your phone has a GPS module installed, the location will be determined with high accuracy. Even in the absence GPS module it is possible to determine coordinates by Wi-Fi networks and cellular base stations.
  • In your personal account, at any time you can find out where calls were made and what calls were received, what was the duration of the conversation. The numbers are automatically synchronized with your address book.
  • SMS interception performed automatically. All received and transmitted SMS are sent to your personal account. Even if you accidentally delete important message, a copy of it will remain.
    Use this RSMS to control a mobile phone you can do the following: Everyday life– for monitoring children and loved ones, and in business life – for monitoring movements, calls and monitoring SMS from the phones of employees, partners and competitors.

    Details of other people's calls. How to make details of other people's calls!

    Each of us tries on a dozen roles every day. You have to fulfill work responsibilities, the role of a wife or husband, and devote time to friends and acquaintances. The fast pace of life forces us to speed up and accomplish more and more. We are forced to travel more, communicate more. For comparison, the average citizen who lived exactly one hundred years ago covered the same distances in his entire life that we manage to cover in a year, or even less. The same situation is with numerous streams of information that we are forced to pass through ourselves. Therefore, it is quite natural that to make life easier we use all kinds of devices - otherwise we simply will not have time to take in everything that has fallen on us. Friends have become virtual, and best companion The mobile phone has become a part of everyday life.

    Why is memory needed?

    Oddly enough, our ancestors had an order of magnitude better memory than their contemporaries. The reason is that previously people had to keep all the information in their heads - there were not so many literate people, so the main part educational institutions for the middle stratum of the population - church schools, for example - emphasized memorizing texts. In those days, it was easy to meet a person who could not read or write at all, but who thoroughly knew colossal volumes of religious texts.

    Today, education teaches not so much to memorize data as to operate with it. An ordinary schoolchild may not know all school theorems by heart, but he will find them in as soon as possible on the Internet or library. Teachers stimulate the development of logical thinking and practical skills. But what to do with reverse side medals - where to store volumes of information that are not retained in memory? And if school curriculum You can safely forget after passing the final exams, then everyday worries are not so easy to throw away as unnecessary.

    We began to pay too much attention to mobile. You can’t part with the device for a second – what if there’s an important call or message? We are always online, always in touch. Mobile operators are making services cheaper and improving service. High competition among Russian leaders mobile communications, companies MTS, Megafon, Beeline and Tele2 only plays into the hands of consumers: the better and cheaper the service, the more subscribers. The wider the coverage area, the more new clients. Today everyone has a telephone - a social network account, a bank account, etc. are linked to the mobile number, Email or even virtual wallet. Want to know where a person is? Find his phone number - a 100% guarantee that the owner is nearby. Do you want to know how a person lives? Make call details or SMS details - you will find out where, when and with whom the person communicated.

    Revealing the secrets of detailing other people's calls

    We are used to trusting the phone with our deepest secrets, sharing personal and intimate things. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, our friend the telephone is an inanimate object, has no personal motives, will not go “to the left” and will not arbitrarily reveal the owner’s secrets. In addition, the gadget is always at hand. Sometimes a person does not physically have time to use any other data storage. .
    Secondly, mobile device manufacturers strive to create the most convenient conditions for the user. Do you want a photo or video? - No problem! Do you prefer calls or SMS? – We have everything you need for this! Don't you like it when friends and family go through your phone? – We have developed a lock screen for you. And the stronger your paranoia, the more difficult it will be graphic password. No one even thinks about remote access - after all, it is absolutely not necessary to pick up a phone to open archives; you can get into its memory even from a neighboring country, if only you had the right software.

    The third reason for such trust in gadgets is advertising by mobile operators. Security has become a commodity. Moreover, the price for this product is extremely high, and the demand is high from year to year. Every subscriber, deep down in their souls, understands that over the years of use, a SIM card accumulates important contacts, the memory stores sweet SMS messages to the heart. And there are a lot of “interesting” things in the daily call log. And there is no way to allow all this wealth to become public knowledge. The mobile operator spurs this fear, convinces everyone else cellular companies personal data constantly disappears into the hands of hackers and blackmailers, pops up on the Internet and is simply erased along with the subscriber’s money. But in his company this will never happen. Only reliability. Only safety. People hate advertising, but people believe it.

    We dare to disappoint you: absolutely reliable protection does not exist. There are only those Internet resources and sites that hackers have not yet reached. Most often, programmers leave unpromising and meaningless sources for a distant “later”. But all the interesting and impeccably protected (by at least, in words) servers and companies are hacked by programmers all over the world several times a year. The Pentagon and military departments annually admit defeat in virtual war, what can we say about mobile companies...

    Why do you need call details?

    Russians rarely use the service of detailing their own calls. Usually they already know very well who they called and when. And based on their own tariff, they even know approximately how much money this or that conversation cost. It's another matter when money disappears into nowhere. It seems that all the calls were within the network, there were no subscriptions, and the money seemed to evaporate. You have to contact service center. Another situation is possible - you accidentally erased the call log, which contained important numbers. It needs to be restored through the operator. Or suddenly you got into the habit of calling in the middle of the night from a “joker” hidden number. The details will show absolutely all incoming and outgoing calls, subscriber numbers, call time and cost.

    The call and SMS detailing service for almost all operators does not cost a penny, but, unfortunately, it is not suitable for everyone. You can only get information about your number. If you bought and registered a SIM card for yourself, then a passport is enough, and an employee of a mobile phone store will meekly issue a printout. But if you want to get it, they will politely refuse you - it’s not allowed. Mobile operators protect subscriber personal data. You can politely ask and threaten, offer money and promise that you won’t tell anyone - representatives mobile operator They value their work, so they will not risk their own career and the company’s reputation for the sake of your curiosity.

    Of course, mobile operators do not keep gigantic archives for themselves. Beeline and Megafon, MTS and Tele2 - each of Russian companies will provide details of other people's calls to police officers, but only after an appropriate order. So, if you don’t have a friend with several stars on his shoulder straps, there’s nothing to think about getting details of other people’s calls and SMS regarding in a legal way. This is why it was created for you this service to receive, completely anonymously and safely for you.

    But you really need to find out with whom and when the person important to you communicated. How to make details of other people's calls? Do you doubt the fidelity of your significant other or are you concerned about the behavior of your children? Don't trust your employees or business partners? They are unlikely to agree to order call details for you from their mobile operator. But you can get the necessary printouts bypassing official mobile phone offices. On our service you can get all the information you are interested in. and start finding out the truth - call details and SMS from any telecom operator.

    Confidence in the future

    A loved one can let you down, a friend can betray you, and business partners can deceive you. Today they themselves do not know it, but the situation can change in an instant. In order not to have to regret missed opportunities tomorrow, you need to trace in advance all the prerequisites for future events and worry about the future. You will be pleasantly surprised by the wide range of possibilities that our service provides. You can always read reviews from our clients in the section.
    More than once you have wanted to find out from your significant other who she has been communicating with for so long. You may be bothered by annoying text messages at any time of the day. Or children began to devote too much time to unknown friends. Are there enough reasons for concern? Each of us has our own sadness and our own misfortune. But many troubles could have been avoided. It is enough to find out about the impending danger in time and take action: talk with your spouse about the relationship, protect your children from bad company, or simply fire dishonest employees.

    But every step requires good reasons. We cannot accuse someone of betrayal or treason based on bare suspicion. It’s another matter if you have irrefutable facts on your hands. is exactly the missing piece of the puzzle. And if earlier you could be accused of suspicion and obsessions, now you can argue every word. Detailing other people's calls is not just a printout of conversations, it is your investment in a calm future.

    However, getting the detail you are interested in is not as easy as it seems. You can bypass dozens of companies and end up with nothing. One company will refuse to work with a specific operator. The other has no influence in the regions. The third will ask for an unrealistically high amount. And so on in a circle. As a result, you will still come back to us. Only with our service you get a 100% guarantee of successful hacking. Hundreds of clients have already taken advantage of our program. Before using the services of the RSMS service, YOU can always read about our service, and we will also be glad if you leave your feedback.

    Why pay twice?

    You can try your luck in a dozen semi-legal offices, where you will be offered details of other people's calls, SMS and, in addition, a star from the sky. They may ask for money right away (motive: difficult work, deadlines, etc.) or later: like, everything is free, everything is for you. And then suddenly it turns out that for the required printouts you have to give the scammers a stack of American green or Russian red pieces of paper. Agree, it’s not very pleasant. If you refuse to cooperate on the scammers’ terms, you may be threatened that they will tell the subscriber you are interested in about your interest.

    No need to waste family budget in vain. Before contacting dubious organizations, read reviews from previous clients. Believe me, deceived people will never hide their indignation. And if the company you are interested in has at least once noted something similar, you will definitely find comments from an upset client in the reviews. We have nothing to hide, the company's work is completely transparent.

    Corporate ethics is not for us simple words. We exclude ourselves as much as possible from production process. In fact, we provide software, technical support and relevance of all programs and interface. But only you see all the data regarding your question. After using our service you get access to the best database. You can easily get details of other people's calls or SMS, regardless of region, phone brand or mobile operator.

    Do you need details of other people's calls and SMS from MTS, Beeline, Megafon or Tele2? We are glad to welcome you to our service. Register and start reading.

Latest reviews about the service

This is exactly what I needed!

- Nazarov

I changed mailing address how to change profile?

- Yuri A.

In general, everything is stable. Fine.

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I use it for reasonable purposes, but others don’t!

- Victoria

Was very pleased.


Fuck you doing this, my girl controlled me for 2 months, then she admitted it herself, tortured her conscience, this is not right.

- Denis V.

Admins, I wrote to you by email, but didn’t get a response, is there a system failure?

- Edik

Guys, how much does the complex service cost?

- Cleopatra

Sometimes there are delays in printing, but I'm happy with it.

- Oleg - Vovan

Recently, one person bothered me and contacted the authorities, but they refused, but you helped, thank you.

- Yuri.N.


- Vika N.

Tell me, can I put my phone on control?

- S. Oleg

We need Vimpelcom!!

- S. Oleg

Increase the number of operators!!!

- Kenedi

First time I see this.

- Basse

There are no analogues. so I'm happy.

- Azamat

Does your wife keep her phone? Constantly texting someone SMS messages and not disclosing their contents? Perhaps her mobile communication cannot be called harmless. Therefore, worried husbands are looking for a way to read SMS on their wife’s phone.

You can view the contents of correspondence between at least two subscribers secretly, without directly reading messages from the phone. How to do it? She probably lets go of her mobile phone for at least five minutes. This is quite enough to install a special spy application. Next, you can remotely control the phone of your treacherous spouse, gaining access to other people's messages.

How does spyware work?

Mobile spyware is installed without the knowledge of the phone owner. She works in stealth mode and does not interfere with the performance of the device during the period of activity. The app supports everything known to the world Android devices. That is, almost everything popular models smartphones.

After installation, it will immediately transfer the entire correspondence history to your computer or phone. When a new message appears, the data is automatically updated. Now you don’t have to look for a way to read secret messages, because you can monitor correspondence remotely, at any time, from any device.

The mobile application synchronizes with the server where you create your personal account. In addition to detailing the text of messages, information about the sender and recipient, the following functions are available:

  • phone location detection;
  • access to the list of contacts, calls;
  • viewing text, video and audio files (saved and deleted);
  • monitoring correspondence on social networks;
  • software management;
  • 100% anonymity and security;
  • constant remote access to your wife's phone.

Where can I get the program?

Use the special online service by clicking on the link below. The developers guarantee maintaining the confidentiality of profile data, high level information security. You can test the application completely free of charge. The project provides a 12-hour time period for this. Reading information from a mobile device does not affect its operation.

After activating the application through a computer connected to the Internet, it is easy to check your wife’s calls and SMS. The content of the correspondence will help you find out if she has someone on her side. The reliability of the information is beyond doubt. All actions are automated.

Finding out about your wife's infidelity in this way is, of course, unpleasant. You shouldn’t let go of the opportunity to clear your beloved’s good name. Has she suddenly become secretive because she is preparing a surprise for you? Or her secrecy is not connected with another man at all. To calm down, just take the opportunity and use a spy service.

Recently, the trend of “wiretapping” one’s personal life has become very widespread. Some people have a moral code in their heads that screams: “No, it’s not necessary, why do you need this?!” Others want to learn how to read other people's SMS at any cost.

Today, to find out how to read messages on a stranger’s phone, you don’t need to look for a specialist. Now you can save money and ensure yourself one hundred percent anonymity. For example, you can download a special spy program to intercept SMS. But it has several disadvantages:

  • Not everyone can figure it out right away;
  • It is very difficult to find a real program for reading messages, and not some spam;
  • Often such pleasure is quite expensive.

Of course, get information from another person's phone, thanks hacker program- Maybe. But not everyone can handle it. That is why the opinion is raging online that this is a myth. However, using a hacking application, a user can actually read SMS from someone else's phone.

If you have many subjects whose lives you are interested in, you will have to have many computers to keep track of. It is also worth mentioning that there is a special message interceptor for mobile phones. But the point is that it does not work as stable as other applications.

Universal to penetrate into someone else's life

All of the above methods, of course, have their advantages. But such disadvantages as difficulty to use and unstable work- This is problem. It is also difficult to find someone who can help you understand how the applications work.

It's better to find it on the Internet spyware. And then deal with them yourself. Today the network is everywhere, which means you can read other people’s SMS messages via the Internet from anywhere. From now on, personal correspondence to mobile device can become national property if you just go online.

The last advantage of the application is that the function of working with the phone has been added. Now, having gained access to a third-party communication tool, you can view and send incoming and outgoing SMS.

Where can I download spyware?

The easiest way to listen to someone else's phone is special service, which guarantees the user quality services. On it you will find many spyware, allowing access to the personal correspondence of the wiretapping target. If you are interested in recording all subscriber conversations, then go to the appropriate section of the site.