How to strengthen Wi-Fi reception. How to strengthen a Wi-Fi router signal and expand Wi-Fi network coverage

To strengthen the signal wi-fi router, you can use different ways, from settings wireless connection before installing a primitive reflector or purchasing a repeater. But before purchasing additional equipment or making reflective screens, you need to understand what factors affect the signal range.

What determines the size of the coverage area?

The range of a Wi-Fi signal is influenced by a number of factors:

  • Incorrect router location.
  • The presence of walls in the signal path, their material.
  • Interference from other devices operating on the same frequency.
  • Number of wireless networks around.
  • Antenna power, etc.

For example, if you place the router in the farthest corner of an apartment, then the signal on the tablet through a couple of walls will be noticeably weaker than on a laptop that is located in the same room as the router. In addition, if the device detects many neighboring access points, this also affects the signal quality - wireless networks intersect, creating interference.

These shortcomings can be eliminated at home without any special financial costs, but if you want a real increase in coverage area, or you just have a large house with several floors, then the best way The signal will be strengthened by purchasing a repeater. But first, let's see what you can do without purchasing additional equipment.

Setting up the router

If you purchased a router and found that it cannot cope with the coverage of your apartment or house, then do not rush to buy another router or wi-fi signal repeater. Try setting up your wireless network - for example, finding a freer channel. The more wireless networks that use the same channel, the weaker the signal. Use inSSIder to find the least busy channel.

  1. Launch the program and click "Start Scan".
  2. See what channels are occupied by your neighbors' routers.

The channels partially overlap, so you won’t be able to stay alone. But if everyone has channel 1, and you set it to 8, then the influence will be minimal. To change the channel:

  1. Open the router’s web interface in a browser (the address, login and password must be indicated on the case).
  2. Go to the main section Wi-Fi settings and indicate the free channel number.

In the router interface, you can select 12 and 13 channels, but if you want maximum compatibility with devices, then set the value from 1 to 11. Some devices do not support 12 and 13 channels, so, for example, on Android the wireless network simply will not be detected .

Another way to strengthen signal reception on your phone is to set the 802.11N operating mode in the router settings. Most routers have a mixed mode of 11bgn mixed by default, but if you force the broadcast to N, the coverage area and speed of the Internet distributed over wireless network.

  1. Open the router interface in a browser. Go to the section with wireless network settings.
  2. Select 802.11 N mode and save the configuration.

Unfortunately, there are limitations here too. Older devices do not support 802.11 N mode, so it will not be possible to detect an access point on them. In this case, you will have to set the mixed operating mode back, which will negatively affect the quality of the signal. On some routers, you can additionally increase the transmission power. On D-link this is done like this:

  1. Open the web interface, go to advanced settings.
  2. In the “Wi-Fi” field, go to additional settings.
  3. Set TX power to 100.

This is usually the default maximum value, but it’s better to check this point. On ASUS routers and TP-link the order will be slightly different, but the essence remains the same - you need to specify the maximum possible transmission power.

Using additional equipment

You can find it on Youtube different variants designing amplifiers and reflectors that users make with their own hands. Silver-plated mirrors, foil and even cut tin cans are used. The principle of operation of the reflector is simple: the signal from the antenna does not diverge in all directions, but receives a specific direction.

But if you want to significantly increase your coverage area, you should consider using special equipment. Three options can be offered:

  • Buying a new router operating at a relatively free frequency of 5 GHz.
  • Purchasing more powerful antennas (suitable if the router has removable external antennas).
  • Installing a wi-fi repeater.

The best option is to install a repeater, although buying a new router is also good idea. Replacing the antennas will work, but the effect will be less. Besides really powerful antennas They are not cheap, so it is more profitable to take a repeater or boost the signal using another router operating in repeater mode.

The repeater does not create a second network, but only amplifies the signal from the router. Let's say the router is in the room, but in the kitchen the wireless network is no longer available. If you install a repeater in the middle of the path, the signal will be strengthened and a wireless network will appear in the kitchen.

Setting up a repeater usually does not raise any questions and consists of simultaneously pressing the WPS buttons on both devices. It is important that you will not notice that the laptop or phone is connected to the repeater and not to the router: the network still remains alone, that is, you can easily establish a local connection.

It is not necessary to buy a repeater: if you have a second router, you can configure it to operate in repeater mode. Let's see how this is done using an example network equipment ASUS:

Not all routers can operate in repeater mode. But if the interface has the ability to enable repeater mode, then there will be no problems with indoor wireless network coverage, because a combination of two devices will provide a signal to all corners of the house.

Living in a spacious apartment is undoubtedly good, but the problem is – how bigger room, the more difficult it is to ensure that the Wi-Fi signal covers it entirely. The main “evil” here is concrete walls. It is they, the insidious interior partitions, that prevent you from freely using the Internet.

Do you want to solve the problem radically? Set aside the sledgehammer and hammer drill. Today we’ll talk about how to boost your router’s signal using twelve proven methods without destroying your home.

The first group of methods: fast, simple, without risk

Updating the router firmware

A low Wi-Fi signal level may be a firmware bug. To solve the problem, it is often enough to install a more recent version by downloading it from the manufacturer’s website.

Select a free channel

In apartment buildings and large office centers, the channel wireless communication that your network is using may be overloaded. This is indicated by dips and frequent dropouts of the Wi-Fi signal, as well as repeated failures when trying to connect to your own access point.

Changing the channel in the router settings will help solve the problem.

You can select the most free one either experimentally or with the help of free application inSSIder which shows everyone Wi-Fi users within the computer's visibility range and on which channels they are “sitting”.

Optimal placement of the router in the apartment

The question of where it is best to place the router cannot be answered unambiguously. The layout of the rooms, and the appliances themselves, are different for everyone. The optimal location is considered to be the center of the apartment, but not always and not for everyone, so it will be better if you experiment a little.

You definitely shouldn’t place the router close to heat sources. The reason for the deterioration of the performance of some models, especially those prone to overheating, is an excessively hot “climate”.

Wi-Fi signal can be turned off Appliances(electric stoves, microwave ovens, cordless phones, “frost-free” refrigerators) and power cables (even those laid inside the wall), so try to make sure that on the path between the access point and the “dead” zone in the apartment (the place where the signal does not penetrate) there was nothing like that. It is also advisable to remove mirrors, aquariums and other objects with reflective surfaces from there.

Blocking access to the network to arrogant neighbors

Too simple - a temptation for not too honest people to use your network. If some cunning “hacker” has connected to your access point and hacks into network games(watches movies, downloads torrents, sits in video chats), problems with Internet speed are guaranteed.

To check if this is the case, look in the router settings. The presence of uninvited guests on the list is a reason to immediately change the password to a more complex one and prohibit unauthorized connections by filtering MAC addresses.

If a “particularly advanced hacker” is interested in your network, then bypassing a tricky password is not a problem for him, nor is masking the MAC addresses of his devices. In this case, it is best to create a filtering rule that allows only your PCs and gadgets to connect to the access point and denies everyone else.

Some routers have one unpleasant property: the longer they work, the more the Wi-Fi signal level decreases. After a reboot, the signal is restored, lasts 1-2 days and drops again.

If the device is in an accessible place, simply reboot it as often as necessary. For those who do not have such an opportunity (or desire), methods have been invented to automatically reboot routers on a schedule. Scripts designed for this are often posted on forums dedicated to networks and network devices. However, they are not created by device manufacturers, but third party developers, so I can’t guarantee their performance.

There are also hardware solutions to this problem. For example, adapters for sockets with a timer (they turn off the power to the connected device in specified time) or IP sockets (“pings”) that control availability network devices and if there is no response from any of them, the access point is restarted. The price of such devices is approximately $5 to $50.

Transition to 5 GHz frequency and 802.11n/ac standard

If your access point operates in two bands (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz), switch to the 5 GHz frequency. Few people use it yet, so it is practically free.

Also, if possible, disconnect devices that operate according to 802.11a/b/g standards from the network - their low speed reception and transmission slows down the entire network.

Increasing transmitter power

Most modern routers support changing the transmitter power. On some, it is set to medium by default. Switching to high often solves the problem of short radio range.

Second group of methods: with moderate costs and effort

Replacing access point antennas with more powerful ones

If your router is equipped with removable antennas (or non-removable ones, but you are “friendly” with a soldering iron, and the device is not under warranty), you can replace them with longer-range ones. The antenna gain of the majority of home routers is 2-5 dBi. Instead, you can set it to 7-10 dBi.

Making a homemade amplifier

A tin can, a little wire, foil and the ability to work with your hands is almost all you need to create homemade amplifier Wi-Fi. I don’t know for sure how much such devices amplify the signal, but many craftsmen claim that it’s not bad. If you don’t mind that the device will not look very aesthetically pleasing, why not try to make it? Manufacturing instructions are easy to find on the Internet.

Third group of methods: with significant costs or risk

Installing alternative DD-WRT firmware

The DD-WRT firmware can significantly expand the capabilities of a home router, including increasing the transmitter power to the permissible maximum and strengthening the Wi-Fi signal. DD-WRT supports, but its authors do not guarantee that the device will remain operational after installation. If you bet, do so only at your own peril and risk. And with loss of warranty.

Buying a Wi-Fi signal repeater

A repeater is a distance of several tens or hundreds of meters, receiving a signal from the access point. The solution is convenient and simple, but not at all budget-friendly. The cost of such a device is approximately 2/3 the price of an average router, and sometimes more.

By the way, you can use another router as a repeater if you have one.

Buying a more modern and powerful router

This method is the most effective, but also the most expensive. Choose a new router from 802.11ac class models with dual-band support - they are by far the fastest and will be relevant for at least the next 5-7 years.

I hope at least one of the 12 methods will be useful to you. Happy experimenting!

Also on the site:

“A step beyond the possible”: how to strengthen the signal of a Wi-Fi router updated: January 11, 2017 by: Johnny Mnemonic


First, try strengthening your Wi-Fi signal reception. It's better without technical intervention. Disable the functions that allow you to enable the adapter's energy-saving mode. Open the Control Panel menu and go to System and Security. Now find and open the Power Options menu. Select the plan you are using when connecting to wireless hotspots.

Click the "Set up power plan" button. Now select "Edit" Extra options nutrition." Find the Wireless Adapter Settings menu and expand it. Now open the "Power Saving Mode" menu. Select the option " Maximum performance» when operating on battery power or mains power. Save your power settings.

Now try increasing the power Wi-Fi work router. Naturally, the easiest and most logical way is to purchase a more powerful device. Unfortunately, this approach requires large financial costs. So start by purchasing more quality antenna. Most routers have their own antennas that are fairly easy to remove.

Examine the type of antenna mounting to the equipment. Buy a device with a similar mount and connect it to your router. If you are not satisfied with the result obtained, then try using available means to enhance the signal. Bare top part antenna in order to be able to connect a wire to it.

Take a piece of metal cable and solder it to the bare part of the antenna. Connect its other end to the computer system unit. IN in this case it is better to connect with back block so that the signal propagates in the direction opposite to the wall. As an alternative to the system unit, you can use a metal curtain.


  • how to strengthen wifi signal reception

The quality of television and radio signals does not always satisfy viewers and listeners. Moreover, there can be interference even when there is a seemingly powerful antenna. In order to improve quality reception, the antenna must be configured correctly.

You will need


If the antenna is directional, try repositioning it so that there are no obstacles between it and the signal source. Such obstacles can be high-rise buildings or other structures, power lines, and so on. You can try the exact direction to the signal source. To do this, you can use the help of an observer monitoring the signal at the receiver. To communicate with it, you can use portable radios or.

If you have a directional antenna with flat polarization (type “Wave channel” and similar), check the polarization of the received signal. Adjust it according to the received data. To do this, you need to rotate the antenna relative to the axis directed towards the signal source. Most often, just trying to rotate the antenna 90° is enough.

Efficiency antennas can be increased by antenna amplifier. But in this case, the gain limit is set by the level of interference. To reduce their level, use shielded reduction, that is, the antenna is best using coaxial cable.

Efficiency antennas, especially when receiving on long, medium and short waves, can be increased by installing additional grounding. It should also be borne in mind that the antenna must be impedance matched with the input circuit of the radio receiver. That is, it must be connected with the type and cable recommended in the instructions for the receiver or.


Long, medium and short wave antennas can be long lengths of wire. It is also recommended to install the mounting points of such antennas based on the highest reception volume of the desired stations. That is, it is necessary to change the position of the antenna.

Helpful advice

If we're talking about about indoor antenna, then the best solution There will be installation of a stationary external antenna. This will dramatically improve the quality of reception. Also to external antenna It is recommended to connect portable mobile receivers and televisions during their operation in stationary conditions.

The coverage area of ​​the Yota provider is significantly smaller than that of operators cellular communications. For a subscriber living on the border of the confident zone reception, you have to take measures to increase the signal level at the modem input.


Do not attempt to connect any amplifiers to the modem. Output power of any wireless equipment, including the 4G (WiMax) standard, is limited by law. In addition, the amplifier may produce out-of-band harmonic emissions, which is also a violation.

Radio waves at frequencies used for data transmission in the Yota network are delayed, capable of conducting current. In a house whose walls are reinforced concrete, it makes sense to bring the laptop along with the modem to the window. Even if it does not go towards the base station, the signal strength may increase. You can simply walk around the room with a laptop - due to the presence of interference maxima and minima of the point with high level signals can be located anywhere.

Move the laptop to find places confidently reception not always convenient, and even more so if the computer is stationary. An extension cord will solve the problem, allowing you to carry the modem from the USB port to a distance of up to 2.5 meters. It must comply with the USB 2.0 specification, otherwise the data transfer speed will be reduced. Move the modem slowly because quality information is updating reception occurs with a delay.

To focus microwave radio waves, you can use parabolic mirrors similar to those used in satellite dishes. Best results provide reflectors precisely from such receiving devices. Place the modem at the focus of the mirror instead of the converter. You can also use surrogate reflectors in the form of ordinary metal cans, including painted ones. The modem cannot be placed outside the room, since it is not sealed. The entire structure will have to be placed directly in the room. The antenna must be pointed at the nearest base station Yota networks. If you don't know where it is, find out the best direction through experience.

Install and configure Wi-Fi router in your own apartment there is no difficulty. But sometimes this is not enough because the standard coverage area of ​​the wireless access point is not enough.

You will need

  • metal wire, soldering iron.


To enhance signal Wi-Fi there are several proven methods. Some of them require the purchase of additional equipment, others require technical intervention in individual parts devices.

Let's look at the boosts signal Wi-Fi router, changing it. You can simply purchase a similar device in a different format. If you carefully study the structure of the router, you will see: it is attached to the device through a threaded bushing, i.e. replacing it is not difficult.

If you need to significantly increase the range signal, then you will need an existing antenna. Release its upper part from the insulating layer. Solder a metal wire to the open part of the antenna. Pull its other end out into the open.

If this was not enough, then solder the free end of the wire to the indoor television, having previously disconnected the latter from other devices.

Connect both Wi-Fi routers with a network cable. Connect one end of it to the LAN port of the device that you have already installed, and the other end to the Internet (WAN) port of the second equipment.

Open the settings of the second router and create wireless point access with parameters similar to the first network. In settings network connection to the Internet select transfer type signal WAN.

Be sure to enable the DHCP feature in settings local network first Wi-Fi router. If you did everything correctly, then laptops connected to any of the two wireless ones will be able to access the Internet.

Related article


  • how to strengthen wifi signal

Tired of low Internet speeds, but don't know how to strengthen your Wi-Fi signal? Take advantage simple tips on setting up and installing equipment to bring the Internet speed closer to what is stated by the provider.

A low signal is not necessarily associated with network problems and technical work by the provider. Internet speed can be affected by the settings and location of the router, electronics operating in the house, especially garlands of light and microwave ovens. To strengthen the Wi-Fi signal, just follow the following recommendations.

Update your router. The capabilities of the device could become outdated over time, which means that the signal reception and transmission rates will be lower than those declared by the provider.

Change the router location. The higher the device is installed, the stronger signal You'll get. You should not place the router on the floor, behind a load-bearing or insulated wall, a metal door, or in the far corner from the computer. Try to move the router away from the power cable. You will not be able to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal if there is an aquarium, a large mirror, a cabinet with glass shelves or doors, a mirror on the way to the router, and halogen lamps are used as lighting.

Change the router's operating frequency and you will immediately notice an increase in the Wi-Fi signal. To do this, choose instead of 2.4 GHz frequency at 5 GHz. This way you will reduce the impact of all electronics on Internet speed. This is especially important if you have a nanny radio on all the time, are running video surveillance, or often use Bluetooth.

Don't forget to update the software on your computer and smartphones. Developers are trying to improve the performance of devices, including when working with a wireless network.

Repeaters can become an effective Wi-Fi signal amplifier. The routers you have used before may also be suitable for this. It is enough to update the antennas in such a router and use it as a repeater.

If you have a common router in your house with your neighbors, you can configure Quality of Service (QoS) by setting a certain priority for traffic. This is true if your neighbors are streamers, gamers, or families with several children. Without prioritization settings, they will take up most of the speed.

Change the protocol network protection to WPA / WPA2 instead of WEP or limit the number of possible gadgets for simultaneous connection. If you have a checkmark on the Enable SSID Broadcas item in the router’s wireless network settings, then it is better to uncheck it. This way you can hide your Wi-Fi. Don't forget to set a password for your network.

Many users also wrap with foil rear housing router and place shields made of metal objects behind it. In some cases, this method allows you to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal without any additional settings.

Great amount users abandoned wired internet in favor of Wi-Fi technologies. Even some computer owners prefer to use a Wi-Fi adapter to get rid of network cables.

You will need

  • indoor antenna, USB extension cable.


There are several ways to improve Wi-Fi quality. This applies not only to routers, but also to the equipment that receives . The fact is that most Wi-Fi routers and similar devices have a very poor coverage area. Sometimes it is not enough even for a medium-sized house.

If you need to provide a high-quality signal over a large area, then it is best to use several routers to achieve this goal. They can be combined with each other, thereby creating several access points. In this case, you will still use only one cable with the Internet.

If this option does not suit you, try increasing the coverage area of ​​the Wi-Fi adapter. To do this, replace its antenna(s). Find a better analogue or strengthen the antenna yourself. Select the equipment with which you will increase the antenna. For these purposes, both regular wires and a small indoor antenna are suitable.

Ideally, you should use an antenna "". Remove part of the router's antenna protective layer. Solder a metal wire to the exposed part. Connect its other end to the grille indoor antenna. This method allows you to enhance the signal by 20-30%. At the same time, you have the opportunity to hide the Wi-Fi router without losing signal quality.

If you want to strengthen the Wi-Fi of the USB adapter, you will need an extension cable. More often system units put away under the table or in hard-to-reach places. Naturally, reception and the signal in such places will not be the best. Buy a USB extension cable the right size. Connect it and plug in Wi-Fi. Place the adapter in an open space, such as on a table.

Every country has its own craftsmen, inventors and simply inventors. It would seem that for improvement reception signal of wi-fi equipment, you will need to buy the appropriate equipment or move to the best places reception signal, but you can enhance the signal quality using improvised means. No need to run to hardware store for these materials, you most likely have them at home.

A weak signal from a home router in an urban environment is no longer news, but every active network user has faced the question of how to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal of a home router. Reasons for similar problems with reception there are several, these are: malfunctions of the device itself, interference created by other electrical appliances operating in the house, other reasons. It should be recalled that there are no less ways to “Wi-Fi” on a router; the services of a specialist are not needed.

Often the router's transmitter power is adversely affected electrical devices, located nearby. A noticeable impact is exerted, for example, by microwave ovens, mobile phones, which have powerful electromagnetic radiation. Boost signal wifi router It’s simple if you place the equipment away from each other.

The router needs an open space that is freely accessible, not behind a closet or sofa. If for some reason the microwave is located close to the router, you need to strengthen the signal using a second router (additional). It's a win-win.

Strengthening the signal in the router settings

In most cases, this, of course, does not solve the problem, and the signal is still rather weak. The ability to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal of your router is in the device and its settings. The signal of insufficient strength is “designed” in the default home router settings; this happens due to the reluctance of users to change them individually for themselves. I often don’t want to tinker with the settings, read anything, or delve into the process. Therein lies the problem. Neighbors living across the wall think the same thing, and their devices located nearby operate at the same frequency, which leads to system slowdown.

Increasing the router's transmission power

You can improve a weak signal by increasing the transmit power of your home router. True, regulators are not installed on all devices and it is recommended to do this only if other methods do not help. Uncontrolled intervention in the system may damage or overheat the device. Therefore, before resorting to this method, you should carefully read the instructions (after all, read them), remember that the power indicator should not exceed 45 mW. And improve the signal strength as follows:

  1. In the settings, open the “Advanced network settings” section.
  2. Go to the perimeter Wireless Transmit Power - “Transmission power”.
  3. Values ​​are expressed either in “%”, or High - high, Medium - average, Low - low.
  4. In the first case, you need to increase it to the maximum: 100%.
  5. In the second, select “High” and set the value to “20”.

Changing the channel to free

It is also possible to strengthen a weak Wi-Fi signal by switching to a free transmission channel. If the router is configured by default, there is a high probability that no actions were applied to the neighbors in this direction. This is one of the most common reasons for slow network speed. Being on the same channel with devices located nearby, its radius is significantly reduced. In order to increase communication speed, it is recommended to select several options for changing the channel:

  • In the network settings, set the router to “Auto mode”.
  • In the same settings, set one of the static channels.
  • Use programs like inSSIDer or Acrylic that monitor free channels.

Changing the router broadcast mode

How to strengthen a weak signal from a wi-fi router in the settings is not so difficult to figure out. All that is needed is to change the existing standard of wireless networks, which usually operate in b/g/n mode. New devices are configured according to modern standard- 802.11ac, considered the most advanced. However, the outdated 802.11n is capable of increasing both the transmission speed and the network coverage range. But this won't work if wireless router only one antenna, or it does not support these standards.

Switching the network to the new-old mode is simple:

  1. Go to the settings at the router address:
  2. Open the Wireless section - “Wireless network.
  3. Go to Mode - “Wireless network mode.”
  4. In it, select the value N only – Save – “Save”.
  5. All that remains is to reboot.

Strengthening with additional devices

You can strengthen the router's signal by taking advantage of the capabilities of other devices specially created for this purpose. Significantly increase range and radius of action will help additional antennas, amplifiers, adapters, if in home router USB ports work. Often these options are more effective than other means, especially in the case of outdated wireless devices.

Replacing the Standard Antenna

If the router has a removable antenna, replace it with a more powerful one. Although slightly, the range of the network increases. This is, of course, not the best option. The effect of such changes is insignificant, but when other methods do not help, this one becomes an alternative.

One of best antennas for wi-fi routers, TP-Link is considered: high-quality and relatively inexpensive. But not suitable for all devices of this type. For the result to be noticeable, you need to choose an antenna that has a gain of at least 8 dBi.

Installing another antenna or even two will help strengthen the router’s wi-fi signal, but this is only possible if the device itself supports them.

Installing a wi-fi amplifier (booster)

Strengthening the signal of a home router is possible using repeaters such as Range Extender Booster. This good amplifiers“Wi-Fi” signals with superior antenna capabilities, but are cheaper. Other benefits of the booster:

  • Suitable for all broadcast mode standards.
  • Improves and expands the signal up to the edge of the coverage area.
  • Supports power wireless devices from 2.4 GHz.
  • Boosts transmission speed up to a maximum of 300 Mbps.
  • Stable, safe to use.

Repeater installation

Repeater (repeater) is another signal amplifier, similar in principle to a booster, but much inferior to it. The repeater is capable of significantly increasing the signal, but this is where its capabilities end. And the booster, in addition, is able to expand the reception range. By the way, there is no need to buy this device; another router can act as such a repeater.

There are other ways to boost the signal. This may be possible using laptop settings or using improvised means or making an antenna yourself. It is possible to amplify a router without an antenna if you follow simple rules:

  • Set it high.
  • Do not place near flat metal objects.
  • Avoid radio interference.

Setting up the receiver on a laptop or computer

Few people have thought about how to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal on a personal laptop and whether this is even possible. The solution to a problem, unnoticed by anyone, often lies on the surface. Often, users put their laptop into power saving mode to save battery power. At home, this is of no use, since the beech can be easily connected to the power supply at any time, but Wi-Fi networks “lose” significantly due to this, hence the weak signal. To strengthen it, just change the power settings:

  1. Open "Control Panel".
  2. Go to the “Electrical control” section.
  3. Select "High Performance".

Homemade antennas

How to slightly strengthen the signal of a wi-fi router with your own hands, without resorting to standard means, many people know. What is typical is that the methods work. Increasing the range of the device is possible thanks to the manufacture of unique repeaters wifi repeater with your own hands. This does not require anything special: the manufacturing scheme is quite simple. You need to take a piece of foil or cut an empty tin can, give it a curved shape and install it behind the router, preferably near the wall, artificially creating a directed wave. By reducing the angle, the waves are reflected from the surface of the improvised antenna, the signal is slightly amplified.

Replacing the router

If none of the suggestions help, then the problem lies in the device itself. In this case, there is only one thing left: replacing the wireless router.

Actually, after this, problems are eliminated provided that users do not skimp on the purchase, otherwise they will again have to look for the cause from the outside or do “handicrafts.” Better to buy modern wi-fi a router that supports operation at a frequency of 5 GHz, then o weak signal can be forgotten once and for all.


Strengthening the signal of a router in an apartment with your own hands is an activity that does not require any special knowledge. You just need to delve into these recommendations and it will become clear that doing this at home is as easy as shelling pears.

Smartphones, laptops and desktop PCs, as well as refrigerators, TVs and other devices have this technology. Appliances. Many users use routers to connect their devices to the Internet; they may have a LAN port to connect using a cable, or a Wi-Fi adapter to distribute the Internet to other devices that also have Wi-Fi technology. Unfortunately, the distribution area wireless signal not very large, and if there are obstacles on the way, then generally very small. Of course, there are many standards on which the signal strength depends, and also important parameter is the number of antennas.

If you use Wi-Fi technology, but don't know what you can do to strengthen WiFi signal your adapter, then this article is for you. Here I will try to explain the hardware and software methods signal improvement.

But before we begin, I would like to note one important point.

Pay attention to the location of the router. It would not be bad if it was located closer to the middle of the room and the whole house, so that the signal spreads evenly and you feel comfortable using the wireless network. Signal deterioration can be caused by many factors. At home, these are walls, and if it is also concrete, then transmitting radio waves will be much worse. Any thing - from a painting, a drawing or a mirror can, to some extent, degrade signal reception. Therefore, I want you to try to position your router in such a way that the signal is available in all areas of the house. If possible, remove things that may cause interference.

How to strengthen WiFi signal reception using programs?

Many users, due to inexperience, leave the router settings at their defaults, unless they change the network name and password. This is not entirely correct and now I will explain why.

Channel frequencies match other Wi-Fi networks

If you live in an apartment building, then there is almost a 100% chance that there is a Wi-Fi network that broadcasts on the same channel as you. This phenomenon often interrupts signal reception. In the router settings, you need to change the channel to a free one or to one with the fewest other wireless networks.

You can see who is on which channel using the program inSSIDer. Download it from here and install it on a PC with an outbred adapter.

The program window will indicate the found wireless networks, and in the column "Channel" the channels they occupy are displayed. In the Russian Federation, only thirteen channels are usually used, in other countries either more or less.

We have figured out the channels, then we will start changing the settings of our router. Typically, the following addresses are used for this, which must be entered in address bar browser: or Next, you will be asked to enter your login and password; if you have not changed anything, then by default it is admin (both login and password).

You need to find features related to wireless Wi-Fi networks, may read Wireless. There will definitely be a section Channels(Channel), from which you can select a number from 1 to 13.

Change the channel to free and save. After this action, you will suffer much less from interference and the signal will be more stable.

Router transmitter signal low

By default, some routers may have low transmitter power. But it can be changed. Still in the same router settings, find the parameter Transmission power(Transmit Power), and set the value to 100%. Or you need to select a value High(High).

Of course, this function is not available on all models. Sometimes special firmware for similar models, if they exist, helps.

802.11n is faster

Wi-Fi has many standards by which a wireless network can operate. The fastest is, of course, the 802.11n standard, which even gives a larger coverage radius if several antennas are used. You also need to take into account the support of this standard by other devices, because if you switch to it, some devices will not detect your network due to low range.

Look in the router settings "Operating mode" or "Wireless Network Mode", or « Wireless mode» and switch to 802.11n. For the changes to take effect, reboot the router.

Using the 5 GHz band

The use of the 802.11n standard makes it possible in expensive models to use two types of range - 2.4 GHz (Used by all devices) and 5 GHz(Not used by everyone). The 2.4 GHz band is very busy, it is used by many devices around us and these are not only wireless adapters, but even a microwave oven can create problems for us. The 5 GHz frequency range is now practically free, so it is advisable to switch all devices to it.

Improving Signal in Windows

In this paragraph, more attention is focused on laptops. The fact is that when you set “Energy Saving” in the energy settings, this can affect the strength of the Wi-Fi signal. Therefore it is better to set "Balanced" mode, or "High performance". Then you will receive the signal from a greater distance.

For those who don’t know, the power settings are located in the following place: click right click on the battery icon on the taskbar and select “Power Options” and set the required control scheme.

Signal power limitation and can it be removed?

I would like to note that all routers have a strict power limit of 100 mW. Of course, in Chinese stores There are adapters that can handle distances of up to several kilometers, but you won’t find this in regular electronics stores. Is it possible to increase the signal strength programmatically? Answer: partially possible.

Unfortunately, there is some complexity - you need to use a Linux distribution, for example, Kali Linux, or an analogue - Backtrack 5r3, support for which has ceased.

The fact is that in most countries the power of the wireless transmitter is limited to 100 mW, but for Bolivia and some other countries there is no this limit, so in the terminal you need to enter a number of these commands:

IN in this example wlan0 is the wireless adapter you are using, and 100 – set power in mW (milliwatt).

How to boost WiFi signal using hardware method?

All means are good, which means that together with using software methods we can achieve a stable and high transmitter signal. Even if software methods do not produce results, the following methods may help.

Improving the signal by upgrading antennas

I have come across many methods to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal on the Internet. For example, people make a directional antenna that works in all directions and for this they use foil or a Pepsi or beer can. Of course, the use of such methods is doubtful, but for whom?

More powerful antennas, which can be purchased at the store, are more effective. You need to make sure that your antenna has a gain of 2-3 dBi, then they can be replaced with 8 dBi antennas.

Using a repeater to strengthen the reception signal

These devices are also called repeaters, and they can greatly increase the coverage area. The repeater connects to your wireless network and increases its range.

Buying a more powerful Wi-Fi adapter

You can do this: if you have a laptop that does not have a strong enough signal reception wireless adapter, replace it with a more powerful one. This also applies to desktop computers. It is best to take an adapter that connects via USB and has an antenna, which can perhaps be replaced with a more powerful one.

If you have other ways to increase the signal of a wi-fi adapter, write about it in the comments, everyone will be interested.

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