How to become the first among VKontakte friends. Important friends on VKontakte: what is it and how is the list formed

Today we will tell you how a list of important friends is formed and how you can find out important friends from a friend on VKontakte.

Not everyone knows, but you cannot add an infinite number of friends on VKontakte. Their final value is 10,000 people. However, the average hovers around 300 contacts. And when you look at this list, it becomes obvious that it is built according to some specific principle. Most significant contacts come at the beginning, and less at the end. Because of this, many social network users ask the question: “How to recognize important friends from a friend on VK?”

First of all, you need to establish the principles for displaying acquaintances on your personal VKontakte page. In this case, if you look at the list of communications constantly, everything becomes more or less clear.

In the first place are contacts with whom more active correspondence is conducted. But, looking at this list, you can see that in high positions there are people with whom communication is minimal.

And then it comes to mind that I had to “communicate” with these contacts a little differently. This other communication includes:

  • Reposting news and interesting articles;
  • View recent photos;
  • Commenting on posts;
  • Constantly viewing a friend's page;
  • Rating photos and posts of a VK contact.

Thus, by being active on a person’s page, you can display his name in the list of important contacts.

It's important to note that new friends' pages will also be at the top of the list. Thus, the system will remind you that it may be interesting to continue communicating with these people, and will not allow you to forget about them.

So, having sorted out your friends in your own list, you can begin to study the question: “How to see important friends from a friend on VK?” It’s easy to notice that when you open a tab with your friends’ contact list, the list is displayed completely differently.

Your own account will come first. Next, avatars of mutual friends on VKontakte will be displayed. Then their ranking will be based on the principle “the more mutual friends there are, the earlier the contact will be placed on the list.” Further, all accounts will be ranked according to registration time (more early registration online, will provide higher positions in the list of friends).

Therefore, we can draw an important conclusion that when looking through the list of contacts of your social circle, it is almost impossible to determine who is a friend’s important friends on VKontakte. This is most likely due to the administration's provision social network complete confidentiality of all accounts. Consequently, this information available exclusively when viewing your personal friends list.

Have you ever known that VK has a number of friends? Yes, yes, at the time of writing, it amounts to 10,000 users including friend requests. What if there are more friends? This means they will be your subscribers.

Finding users with 10 thousand friends is, to put it mildly, not so easy. For most, this figure is much lower - 200-500 user-friends. But today we won’t talk about friends, but about how a list of friends for a user is formed. Here, as it turns out, everything is far from so simple.

Important friends

You've probably asked yourself why some users are ranked higher than others? This is explained simply - at the top of the friends list are those users with whom you communicate most often. However, if you see a user at the top of the list with whom you have not corresponded for a long time, he did not get there by mistake - in addition to communication, other factors influence the sorting, including likes to friends, replies in comments, reposts, etc. Therefore, the list of important friends (and it is called that way) will contain those users to whom, roughly speaking, you pay more attention than others.

There is an important exception to this rule: the list also includes those users whom you recently added as friends. This is done so that you do not forget about them and communicate. If you do not communicate with them, then over time the list will be reformed and these users will be lower on the list of friends.

Friends of other users

Can the above be applied to other users' friends? No, you can’t, because in this case the list is formed based on mutual friends. If there are no mutual friends, then the list can be formed based on the date of user registration. But it is possible that users can be ranked randomly, if you do not take into account mutual friends.

Friends online

If we are talking about a list of friends who are online, it is sorted by the “importance” of the friend, that is, there is no difference in the first case, except that the list will show only those friends who are online at this moment time.

The formation of a list of friends in the “Online Friends” window is probably formed in a random order - with each update the list may completely change. We dare to assume that this was done for a reason, but so that when you see one of your old acquaintances, you decide to write to him.

Mobile app

IN mobile application There is a list of important friends, it’s called “Important”. The order in which users appear in it is the same as in the first case, described above.

Can I change my friends list?

The list of important friends itself, and friends in general, is generated exclusively automatically. But you can influence the rankings. For example, the more you communicate with the user, the more often you like him, repost him, etc., the higher he will be on the list.

Good day to everyone, my dear friends and guests of my blog. Probably many of you know that in the list of your friends on VKontakte, at the very top are the most important of them, those whose page you most often visit, communicate, etc. In this regard, many people are looking for how to remove a person from important friends on VK. I don’t know why this is so, but apparently they just don’t want to “get burned” in front of someone.

In fact it is much easier than to reduce their position. But in any case, today I will show you several ways how you can do this very easily.

The simplest and in a fast way there will be a banal deletion. But don't worry, it won't last forever. Just go to your friends and remove the one you want to move below. After this, the “Cancel” button will appear, which you will immediately need to click on.

After that, refresh the page and you will see that this friend is much shorter than he was originally. And the most important thing is that everything went painlessly. After this procedure, your friend may already be in 5th place, or maybe 12th, or maybe even thirtieth.

But let's not forget one BUT. After such manipulations, not only will your friend drop to the lower positions, but you will also drop down on his list. If this is not important to you, then go for it!

Suppression by activity

As I said above, the top of your friends depends on your activity with him, i.e. visits to the page, likes, communication, etc. This means that in order to reduce a person’s position, you need to do two things:

  • Don’t go to his page at all, don’t like anything from him, don’t communicate with him at all for some time.
  • Be hyperactive towards your other friends. Visit them several times a day, like them, comment on their posts. The introduction to dialogue is a very good addition to the list.

But the effect is unlikely to come immediately. In order for everything to work out, you just need to wait. But don’t worry, you won’t have to wait weeks or months).

Hiding news

To lower your friend's importance on your list, you can also hide his news. To do this, you need to go to his page, then click on the ellipsis icon under his photo. Next, select the item "Hide news".

If your friend posts frequently, that's even better. We go to “News” and find any of his publications. After that, click on the ellipses icon and select "I'm not interested". This will also be a great call to downgrade your positions.

But by default, you may not be able to display your friends' news. If this is the case, then go to “News” and click on the plus sign on the right side, as shown in the screenshot. Let me select the “Friends” item, which will then appear in the sidebar. This is what you should click on to get news from people, not communities.

But if you don’t want to hide anyone from the news, then after a while return everything as it was. Your friend will appear in the news again, but his position will not increase. In these simple ways you can change your friends list on VK.

So now you know how to remove a person from your important friends on VK. I hope that my article today was useful to you. And of course I hope you will visit my blog again. Good luck to you. Bye bye!


By the way, I almost forgot. January is over and I will announce the best commentators of the month, who will receive additional points to participate in my "".

  • Anna Gilyanova (12 comments) — 20 points
  • Tatyana Sukhikh (10 comments) — 18 points
  • Nadezhda Suptelya (8 comments) — 16 points
  • Vladimir Raichev (6 comments) — 14 points
  • Lara (unfortunately I don’t know the last name) (5 comments) - 12 points
  • Anna Tikhomirova (3 comments) — 10 points

Take part and then at the end of the year you will have the opportunity to receive Cool prizes! Good luck!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

Important friends"VKontakte" are detected automatically. When friends, family, and a loved one appear first on the list, it's convenient. But relationships can various reasons change, and the need to constantly see a person’s page may no longer be necessary. In this article we will tell you how to remove from your important VKontakte friends those users whom you do not want to see at the top of the list.

By what principle does VKontakte determine important friends?

When forming a list of important friends, the VKontakte algorithm takes into account the following factors:

  • how often do you correspond with the user;
  • how often do you visit his page;
  • how often do you leave “likes” and comments on user posts.

In addition, if you recently added a person, he will also appear in the top, but not higher than the important ones identified by the algorithm. If you don’t have much contact with the user, he will gradually drop down the list. This is one of the options for removing a person from your important friends on VKontakte. By the same principle, you can, on the contrary, be active in relation to other users, like and leave comments so that their rating increases and they rise to the place of an uninteresting user in the list of important ones. But both the first and second methods require a lot of time.

Let's look at more effective and simpler methods.

First way

To do this, follow these instructions on how to remove a user from important VKontakte friends:

  • Go to the "News" section and find the post of the person you want to remove from important ones. If a person rarely posts anything, go to his page and select any post.
  • Click on the three dots on the right top corner recording block.
  • From the list that appears, select "This is not interesting."

Ready! Wait a few hours (8 to 24) for the system to update the user's information and lower their rating.

Second way

The second way to remove a person from your important friends on VKontakte solves the problem radically. To do this, you just need to remove it. If there is a need to save contacts, then add the person again. The user will not receive notifications about your actions, and he will not know anything, and will be left off your list.

Keep in mind that if you continue to be active with the user you want to remove from important, soon his rating will increase and he will again take his place in the list. And remember: although it is useful to know how to remove unwanted users from important VKontakte friends, the order of friends in reality is much more important than the order of friends on the social network.

If you open your friends list, at the top of it you will see the pages of the users with whom you communicate most often, whose pages you view, etc. It is on the basis of these factors that the list of important friends is formed (see).

It is also available to your guests (see). This way, anyone can find out who you prefer.

This doesn't suit everyone. Can anything be done? Yes, you can. Now I'll show you how to remove important friends on VKontakte.

How to remove a person from important VK

This is done by lowering the priority. This is done as follows.

Open the “News” section. Here we need to find the publication the right person. When an entry is found, open the menu for it in the upper right corner and click "It is not interesting".

The entry will be excluded from the feed, and you will be asked to completely remove the news from this user. Click the button "Do not show news XXXX".

After this, we will be informed that the user's priority has been lowered.

Now this user will be removed from important friends, and will drop lower in the general list.

Video lesson: how to remove important friends on VKontakte


This is the simplest, but not the only way. It is enough to start being more active on the pages of other friends. They will automatically rise to the top search positions, and the person we wanted to remove from the list of important ones will drop lower.


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