How to create a one-page for advertising. Entry in links

Trading goods through one-page websites

From this article you will learn:

Step-by-step website launch plan

Pros and Cons of a one-page website

How many products can be sold on the Landing Page?

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Many entrepreneurs believe that there is no more labor-intensive scheme for making money on the Internet than selling goods through one-page stores. Is it so?

Let's take a closer look at the one-page website "industry" and together look for the answer to this question.

In fact, trading goods through small-page sites is one of the most common ways to sell goods online.

If you want to open your own business on the Internet and are limited by budget, I recommend starting with this option. I hope that with the help of this article your path to success will become much shorter)

What is usually sold through one-page websites?

Typically this is popular goods, “curiosities” or new items, rare items or products (for example, it is difficult for residents of Ukraine to find professional frames for batik in their country - they can only be ordered from craftsmen in Russia or England: I know from personal experience).

Many one-page stores can be found in niches such as sports equipment, children's toys, and discounted clothing from famous brands.

Whatever goods or services you choose for resale, it is important to follow a simple rule: the brighter and clearer the offer, the higher the level of sales.

One-page online stores combine ease of navigation, convenience for visitors, and speed of perception. Therefore, most entrepreneurs doing business online have chosen this particular tool to promote their products.

A real example of calculating profit from a one-page website

Using the example of the famous Tag Heuer watches, let's calculate the potential trading opportunities through one-page websites.

  • The purchase price of these watches is 250-300 rubles per piece.
  • Advertising costs are approximately 50 rubles.
  • The total cost of the watch is 350 rubles.

The watch sells well at a price of 1,600 rubles (in one-page stores, the average markup on goods ranges from 200% to 500%). In addition to the cost of the watch itself, the buyer also pays the cost of delivery - 300 rubles.

Profit from the sale of one watch is 1250 rubles.

Some one-page websites are running a promotion: when you buy two watches, the price of the second is reduced to 1,100 rubles. Statistics show that about 50% of buyers participate in such promotions.

Just 24 orders will bring the owner of a one-page website selling such watches 30,000 rubles.

Even in the minimum scenario, when you receive from one order not 1250, but 1000 rubles, and you sell only 100 watches per month, you can receive 100,000 rubles in profit every month in an area that was recently unfamiliar to you. But no one limits you to one such site - create and develop in parallel as much as you can financially support)

Well, do you like such schemes for making money on the Internet?

The online commodity trading market is developing at a gigantic pace. Its great growth potential and colossal sales volumes attract more and more participants into it, many of whom quickly become successful traders. You can be one of these lucky ones!

Note:Despite the attractiveness of the statistics described above, do not try to take your first steps into online trading by selling Tag Heuer watches, because:

  • they are sold everywhere
  • the peak demand for them has long passed
Selling trending products through a one-page website

The most simple view Online trading is the sale of trending products through one-page websites. Let's look at the algorithm of actions necessary to quickly and successfully launch such an online “shop”.

What to do (in brief):

Select a product that is popular, but not yet very widespread in the region you are interested in

Create or order the creation of a one-page selling website

Call all applications received from the site

Submit orders

Inform the client about the order dispatch (call or write)

Make a profit

My cool article

Step-by-step plan for launching a one-page website

1. Select and analyze the product

Carefully analyze the niche you are interested in and decide what product you will sell.

To find out which products are the most popular at the moment, use the showcases of teaser networks, for example, MarketGida - here is a link to its showcase:

The number of queries in the Wordstat service from Yandex ( will also help assess the popularity of a product or niche.

It's easy to use - search bar Enter a phrase (must be in quotes, for example “wristwatch”) or a word and get results.

2. Find on Aliexpress . com or at Alibaba . ru supplier of the selected goods and order the goods is one of the world's largest and most famous product centers. Offers from hundreds of thousands of sellers are published on this site. The range of products is unusually wide: from women's scarves to chargers for cars. Prices on are so low that with a 100% markup, the products on your one-page website will still be much cheaper than in offline stores.

  1. Create or order a selling website and configure it

The ability to create one-page websites will be a big advantage for you in this way of earning money, expressed in saving your budget for starting a business. If you do not have this advantage, I recommend seeking help from specialists. You can inexpensively order a website from freelancers working remotely on exchanges like Workzilla or Freelance.

  1. Run advertising company and start taking orders

After publishing a site on the Internet, you need to attract attention to it. potential buyers. Single-page websites, as a rule, are not promoted in search engines using SEO (search engine optimization), especially for high-frequency, popular queries. Visitors are attracted to them using the following tools:

  • contextual advertising(GoogleAdwords, YandexDirect)
  • teaser advertising
  • targeting in social networks (targeted advertising)
  • social networks(posts in messages)
  • spam on message boards, subscription services, forums
  • mailings to thematic subscription databases
  • other channels for attracting traffic (for example, doorways)

Advice: do not rush to invest money in advertising without thoroughly studying the principles of operation of various advertising channels(teaser networks, contextual and targeted advertising). Practice shows that those configured independently by inexperienced hands advertising campaigns They work very poorly and “eat up” many times more budget funds.

5. Send the goods to the buyer by cash on delivery

Your customer will pay for the parcel upon receipt - this is the most common payment method among buyers. You will also receive your profit through the nearest post office.

  • order a ready-made one-page website - it’s more convenient and faster
  • strive to raise the level to wholesale sales goods to the regions - this is much more profitable than retail trade
  • think over an expansion strategy before starting a business: trading only one or two goods is a utopia
  • on phone calls answer competently, according to scripts prepared in advance
  • use Russian Post to deliver goods
  • do not trade goods that are difficult to transport (breakable, large, etc.)
  • stop selling products that bring little profit per order

About the advantages of one-page websites +

Let me briefly list the main advantages of working with one-page sites:

  • high conversion achieved through properly prepared website content that takes into account the characteristics of the target audience, the service or product offered. Traffic to the site comes mainly from thematic resources or from contextual advertising. Conversion reaches tens of percent, which does not happen on multi-page sites
  • speed of development – ​​professionals create one-page websites in one or two days. Therefore, such sites can be quickly launched for product sales, promotions, etc.
  • low development cost compared to the cost of creating a regular online store
  • quick payback - the funds invested in the purchase of a one-page website are usually recouped by profits from the first two or three orders.
  • ease of operation - agree, keep an eye on proper work a website consisting of one page is much easier than maintaining a multi-page website

About the disadvantages of one-pagers

Of course, one-page sites also have disadvantages (for example, they are not particularly loved by search engines). However, against the background high conversions and large profits, these shortcomings become simply “invisible”.

Selling one-page sites - great addition to the main websites of most companies. Do you already have a one-page website?

Set aside 400 rubles for your advertising budget and set the cost per click to 3.5 rubles. As a result, you will receive 120 clicks (transitions to the site). If everything is in order with the site content (it is optimized to suit the wishes of the target audience), then you will receive 4-6 applications.

Received applications must be processed. A remarkable result will be the sale of at least 3 out of 4-6 positions.

Hello, dear readers! Today we’ll talk about one-page sites (aka Landing Page or LP, or Landing Page, or landing page, or capture page). And we’ll talk about this because, as usual, I rely on your questions and many are interested in how to still sell their goods or services through one-page sites. But in addition, I will tell you what a selling one-page page should be, in my opinion.

By the way, if you need to make a one-page website yourself or order it inexpensively, then these articles will help you:

  • (65 templates).

One-page or full-fledged website

Here you need to start from your goals. If you have only a few types of products or services, then a one-page website is better. Ideally, of course, if you have only one product or service. If you have a lot of products, then a one-page website will not work. One-page sites sell better than full-fledged online stores, because the information on it constantly calls for action (buy or leave your contacts). This has long been proven and tested by many.

How to sell through a one-page website and how to promote it

Many people whom I helped create a one-page website think that they set up a website and that’s it, clients started flowing like a river and the first lines in Yandex and Google are just around the corner. This will NOT happen quickly! You need to know the basics. So how do you attract people (traffic) to your one-page website? That's how:

  • Contextual advertising (Yandex Direct, Google Adwords);
  • Teaser advertising;
  • Social networks (posts in communities);
  • Targeting in social networks (targeted advertising);
  • Spam on forums, subscription services and message boards;
  • Mailing to thematic subscription databases.

I wrote about that in Yandex too. There are a lot of teaser networks, I usually don’t use them!

When buying posts in thematic communities, pay attention to community statistics and topics, try to select the most narrow ones thematic communities. In general, all advertising is PAID with the exception of spam, but I would not advise you to engage in it.

Conclusion: You need to buy advertising for a one-page website and there is no other way. By setting up advertising, you receive TARGET traffic on your one-page page, and people are already either buying your product or service or not. Well, in order to bring potential people closer to making a purchase, you need to make your one-page website correctly, and we’ll talk about this below!

What should a selling one-page website be like?

There are more and more one-page websites, and the mere presence of a landing page can no longer sufficiently distinguish a company from the rest. To withstand competition and capture the attention of customers, you will have to pay close attention to detail, including page design, its structure and text.

1. Don't post an image mindlessly

Firstly, it is better to use real photographs and other images rather than stock ones. For all their beauty, images taken from stock sites statistically cause distrust among buyers. Those. try to photograph your product or choose the most attractive photo for your service so that it inspires more confidence.

Remember that the image evokes a mood, under the influence of which a person will either buy the product or not. Make sure that the photo evokes the right, positive emotions.

When placing an image on a website, you need to clearly understand what role it plays. It can show the result or joy of using your product. Demonstrate the size of the product or its reality, or simply create the right mood. The main thing is to first come up with an idea and select an image in accordance with it.

2. Save the client from the agony of choice

An excess of decisions made in a short period of time tires a person. This is a fact confirmed by research. If you give the client too much big choice, he will leave the site without purchasing anything. Therefore, you need to reduce the options and, if possible, push the visitor to the optimal solution using visual highlighting, that is, make the choice for him.

3. Introduce your team

Let the person get to know the employees of your company in advance. Post their photo and short biographies. This will significantly increase his confidence, and, consequently, sales. If there are no employees, then it’s okay, this point can be missed or your identity (the owner) can be used.

4. Product demonstration

Showcase your product. Or rather, the result of its use. The joy of people riding a bicycle, smooth skin after applying cream, shiny hair after shampoo. To do this, it is convenient to use not only photographs, but also presentations or videos. A person, being on your one-page website and reading the information, should already see himself with this product and already feel a kind of pleasant effect from using it. We are ruled by emotions, use it!

5. Social proof

The actions of others greatly influence a person. If a client sees that 100 people have already used your services, his desire to do the same will increase. Therefore, do not forget to include customer reviews, numbers and facts about the number of people who have already contacted you in your website design. Just try to publish real reviews, because the fake can be easily seen!

6. Indicate a call to action

Point to the call to action with an arrow. Simple, angry and extremely effective. The call to action can be a purchase or you just need to leave contact information to receive a price list or something else. People shouldn’t just leave your site. After all, you paid money to get it there, which means you have to extract it. maximum benefit from his time spent on the site.

7. Show the stages of work

They can be presented step by step in the form of a visual diagram with captions like: “You call us” - “We discuss what you need” - “We conclude an agreement” - “We get rid of your problem.” This helps you visualize the process of working with you and understand how easy everything will be.

8. Don't hide the cost

Even if it is difficult to calculate the final price of a product or service, show examples of ready-made solutions with a known cost. This will be much better than no prices at all. I don't understand those who don't show the price. After all, the client will recognize her anyway and will refuse if she doesn’t suit him, but then, on top of everything, time will also be spent talking with the client.

9. Use a map

Use interactive map indicating the location of your company. This is especially convenient if you have several branches. Your physical location also increases trust.

10. There should be nothing superfluous

On a one-page site, nothing should distract the visitor from the main goal. After all, you need to get an order, so guide the visitor step by step to the order. Think over the structure, think over the text, insert profitable and interesting offers for customers so that they cannot resist and leave their contact information or pay for the purchase.


In conclusion, I want to say that you need to try everything! You need to constantly test and calculate your testing costs. Use the Yandex Metrica counter to monitor how visitors behave on the site, to know what can be changed, etc. Constantly improve your one-page site and measure the results. Is not easy job, but if you want, you can do it!

Thank you for your attention! Ask your questions in the comments!

We will have a separate article about landing pages (selling landing pages), we really love this impudent format of making money. Now let’s talk about something else: what to do if you can’t do without a landing page, and it’s awkward to play according to the landing rules? How to make a one-page website and not make a mistake in the long run? Let's figure it out together with experts from.

One-page website: is one not a warrior in SEO?

A one-page website is created mainly for context. In this case, it works well, but not for long - while they advertise for it. However, not all business owners are happy with the short term; many want to ensure competent search engine optimization. And then the question arises: is it possible to bring customers to a one-page website using SEO?

To start - brief educational program for those who consider a one-page page and a landing page to be equivalent concepts.

One page site(single page, single/one page website) Landing (landing page, landing page)
Not necessarily a landing page.

It is always one page, which can be navigated by scrolling or using links within the page.

It doesn't have to be a one-page site.
Landing can be like separate page, and be part of a full-fledged site. They often make mini-sites of 3-5 pages, each of which is a landing page. primary goal landing page- collection of contacts potential client or placing an order from the website.
One-page website (not landing page). Landing page (not one-page).

To the point - is it possible to promote a one-page website to the TOP?

One-page websites are created with the expectation of attracting active contextual, banner advertising, links to the site from press releases, mailings, social networks and other channels for receiving traffic that involve a provoked click on the link. SEO in in this case― an additional source that can be improved in some respects, but you should not rely on it too much.

Matt Cutts when asked about regarding Google to one-page sites answered: “It all depends on the specific area, topic and type of site. But if a one-pager works for you and your users, it will work for Google.” Quite a vague answer, isn't it? Let's take a more specific look, based on the main search engine ranking factors and other indicators important for promotion.

Disadvantages of a one-page website from an SEO point of view

  • Loses to old multi-pagers

As a rule, single-page sites are young sites that over time either develop into full-fledged multi-page sites or disappear from view.

Search engines are distrustful of “young people”: a newly created resource in the future can be either good or a spam fly-by-night site. Therefore, they take a wait-and-see attitude towards newcomers and do not allow them to quickly reach the TOP, especially for high-frequency queries.

Regarding the age of the domain, Matt Cutts said that it matters, but not as much as it is given credit for. Quote: "Sites aged 6 months and 1 year are not too different for Google." But as practice shows, age still matters, not just as a fact, but in relation to the number of links, content updates and other positive ranking factors that a site can acquire over a long period of existence.

Google's "Information Search Based on Historical Data" patent states that the expiration date of a domain's registration also matters:

“Valuable domains are paid for years in advance, while useless domains are rarely used for more than a year. Therefore, the registration date of the domain term can be regarded as a factor in assessing the quality of the domain and the document posted on it.” ().

As for Yandex, many have heard about its “sandbox”, into which all young sites supposedly end up, but the search engine developers themselves do not comment on this information in any way, so you have to rely only on your own experience and stuffed cones. We can only say one thing - Yandex takes into account the age of the site as a ranking factor, considering adult resources more trustworthy. This is more of a recommendation than a law. But nevertheless it is taken into account. So, we checked 150,000 sites that are promoted using the SE Ranking service, and saw that about 93% host sites on domains more than 1.5 years old.


It is often advised to buy a domain with history, but the fact is that if search engines have not indexed a one-page website throughout its existence, such a domain will be of no use. There is one solution here - to practice preliminary site promotion: buy a domain in advance (for a period of more than a year) and place it on it good content. The site will be indexed (not only the age of the domain, but also the site will begin to increase), which means that by the time the project is launched, the one-page site will not be considered too young for search engines.

It’s a big mistake to try to optimize a one-page website for a large number of queries, especially from different semantic groups. This prevents search engines from understanding which queries your site is most relevant to.

For example, a company is engaged in repairs mobile phones, and also sells new ones. It will not be possible to optimize a one-page website for both services at the same time. Requests for a one-page website in this case are “phone repair”, “smartphone repair”, etc. And for sales you will have to create a separate one-page website. If you offer many different services, it is better to make a full-fledged website.


Promote your one-page website one or three at a time related requests(from one semantic group). Focus the user who visits the site on one product or service - dedicate the one-page page to a specific, albeit narrowly thematic, goal. For example, like on this Soviet poster.

On the one hand, it seems that the authority of a one-page website in the face of search engines should be very high, since all backlinks lead to one single page. And this would be so - in a world where backlinks flow like a continuous river to the same content. In reality, getting links organically without adding new content is very difficult.

Today we will talk about how to promote a one-page website using a simplified scheme. What should you base it on if building a business involves developing a Landing Page, but you are sorely lacking the resources to promote it? How to create a simple one-page portal that will generate income for the company in the long term?

Let's start with the fact that one-page websites are in most cases created to implement contextual advertising activities. With such initial goals, the web project will be characterized by high selling potential as long as payment is made for this very contextual advertising. It is worth noting that the short duration of its functioning does not suit all web entrepreneurs. And then the question arises: is it possible to form a good client base by performing competent search engine optimization a one-page site, not a Landing Page?

Is there a difference between the two concepts above? Explanations in the form of abstracts are presented below:

  • a one-page site is not always a Landing;
  • a one-page project (as the name implies) is distinguished by the presence of only one web page, which can be navigated by scrolling, as well as by using internal links;
  • the tasks for which a one-page website is created can be of both a selling and informational nature;
  • Landing can contain a different number of pages (from 1 to 3-5);
  • Landing Page can be either an independent web project or a component of a full-fledged resource;
  • Landing pages are developed to collect customer contact information, as well as to ensure quick order processing.

Is it possible to promote a one-page website?

Let us now discuss in detail how to promote a one-page website. Is it worth it in principle to engage in SEO promotion of a one-page website in the top 10? Since such sites are optimal solution within the framework of the formation of dynamic contextual, banner advertising, as well as attracting different types of user traffic (including from social networks), it can be perceived as an exclusively auxiliary web tool. As you understand, you shouldn’t place high hopes on him.

However, adjusting some SEO parameters of a one-page site, according to experts, may be quite justified if the type of site and the service distribution area you have chosen allow you to present search engines with an equivalent, equivalent product from the point of view of both successful management online business, and creating high-quality, relevant solutions to consumer problems.

1. Problem:

search engines treat one-page projects with a lower degree of trust.

The fact is that one-page portals are young projects that, over time, either become fully functional multi-page platforms or disappear from view. The attitude of search engines towards them is extremely ambiguous, because a one-page website can be both a serious starting web resource and a space that can accommodate great amount spam. That's why they block sites of this type access to top positions (especially for high frequency queries), while observing the format of their development.


Quite often online they advise purchasing domains with history. There will be little benefit from this, since search robots carried out indexing of a one-page website from the moment it was launched on the Internet.

Our advice: Apply the basics of a pre-promotion strategy. Buy a domain in advance (valid for more than 1 year), place it on it quality content with high uniqueness. After this, the site will be indexed, which will help give it the status it needs for promotion.

2. Problem:

a one-page site cannot be used to effectively promote a sufficient number of keywords.

Many people make a huge mistake by trying to optimize a one-page website for a large list of keywords. As a result, search engines cannot determine the relevance parameters of a resource, which significantly slows down the promotion process.


Implement search engine promotion of your site, taking into account only 2-3 queries from one semantic block. This way you will be able to orient target audience to study key characteristics, advantages of the product (or service).

3. Problem:

The process of forming an external link mass becomes more complicated.

A real trend in web development recent years are one-page sites.

With the development of technologies such as AJAX, CSS3, JavaScript, HTML5, it has become possible use new ways to display information on a page, creating interesting design effects without having to reload the page.

What are one-page sites and why do designers love them so much?

A one-page site includes only one page, often with navigation, which, instead of generating a separate URL, automatically scrolls to the desired part of the text. All this is accompanied by the so-called “elevator effect,” which makes such sites attractive and popular.

Here are a few examples of one-page sites that are pleasing to the eye and make you want to shake the designers' hard-worn hand.

If desired, more examples can be found here.

They look really very beautiful and stand out among the crowd of others, but is it possible? effective promotion one-page site? How to optimize such a site?

How does Google view one-page websites?

Here is direct speech from Matt Cutts, who was asked a similar question:

In short, Matt said that Google is now doing a much better job with JavaScript processing and if such a site exists useful to users, then there should be no surprises or problems with Google.

Thanks Matt, but we suspect it's not that simple.

Why are one-page sites rarely a good solution?

The difficulty of search engine optimization and getting traffic to one-page sites is a significant disadvantage. What's the benefit of a cool design if no one sees it? And here's why this sometimes happens:

  1. Internet marketing has become such a competitive niche that the battle for the most frequent search queries occurs between companies with very large budgets. Small and medium-sized businesses have to compete for Long tail requests, which is not bad in principle - there is enough traffic and opportunities here, but all this requires the creation large quantity pages “tailored” for certain keywords. This is impossible to do with a one-page site, and as a result, getting traffic from the search engine is very limited.
  2. A one-page site means having only one title, description and H1, which not only makes it difficult search engine promotion, but also negatively affects CTR and .
  3. Single-page sites often take a very long time to load due to “heavy” graphics. The search engine refers big time downloads to negative ranking factors, and the user in modern world won't wait 10 seconds to look at a page that may not have the information he needs.
  4. Single-page sites have very narrow text semantics and cannot fully answer possible additional requests user. The search engine understands this well and very often gives preference to large portals.
  5. Link promotion is hampered by the use of a small number of relevant anchors, which attracts the attention of algorithms aimed at combating spam on the Internet.
  6. There is no way to use internal linking to “boost” pages.
  7. There is a problem with tracking in Google Analytics bounce rate (since there is only one page, this indicator will be equal to 100%) and other necessary behavioral metrics.

How to still promote a one-page website?

If you think that a one-page website is capable of fully presenting your services and original design will have a positive impact on conversions, then the next step is to formulate a promotion strategy. Here are some tips to help you do this.


Good solution for receiving additional traffic for a one-page site is adding blog functionality. In this way, you can “tailor” new pages to information requests and increase the site’s visibility in the search engine.

Additional pages

You always have the opportunity, while maintaining all the advantages of a one-page site design, to add, if necessary, several static pages. This mechanism is very often used, and to prove it, here is a beautiful and simple example:

Download speed

Single-page sites usually take longer to load than usual. This is caused by tons of graphics, text, videos that are placed on one page. Google does not like such sites, as it creates a negative user experience and often the user leaves such sites without waiting for them to load (and therefore without receiving any benefit from such a resource).

Several ways to improve download speed:

  • place the site on “normal” hosting;
  • use .gzip to compress the site;
  • improve website caching by browser;
  • combine graphics into CSS sprites;
  • host JavaScript and CSS external file.

Meta tags

What can I say? You actually have one “bullet”. and you need to make sure it hits the target. Select a few keywords that convert the most for you and use them in the title and description. But it is important not to overdo it and remember that it is advisable to put no more than 70 characters in the title, and 160 in the description. Otherwise, it will simply be a waste of time and effort.

Content Marketing

In the case of a one-page website, content marketing is one of the most effective methods promotion. You actually won't be able to get many clicks from a search engine (the reason is explained at the beginning of the article), so referral traffic can be not only a lifeline for you, but also a valuable source of conversions. The following channels can be used:

  • blogging;
  • press releases;
  • reviews in the blogosphere;
  • interesting videos;
  • infographics;
  • whitepapers.

Social media

For a one-page website, running social media campaigns is a must. Having an interesting product and a unique design, you can compensate for the lack of a large number of pages by being effective on social networks. The presence of active followers is perceived search engine as a positive factor in ranking and indicates the popularity/usefulness of the product.

Google Places for Business

Google+ for business could be additional source traffic. your company in Google Places for Business, optimize the title for key queries that are important to you, indicate your field of activity, pump up reviews, and there is a high probability that you will be ranked in the TOP 10.


Creating one-page websites is justified only for small projects, where design plays a key role, and the main traffic will be attracted from social networks and through referral links. As for promoting a one-page site, it often costs great effort and achieving the TOP in many highly competitive topics is almost impossible. In this article, we have tried to describe the main difficulties that you may encounter in promotion, and provide you with recommendations on how, despite this, you can still achieve a positive result.