How to make your own VK stickers. Free VK stickers - all in one place

Dedicated messaging programs have been around for decades. The need to somehow convey one’s emotions arose at the dawn of their existence. At first, emoticons were a set of special characters that could mean a smile, a wink, a kiss, or something else. With time technical capabilities messengers grew, and there was a need for better transmission of emotions. began to appear graphic pictures, and the so-called emoji - small pictures - have gained enormous popularity. Over time, more and more such pictures began to appear, but again, after a few years, they ceased to satisfy the growing needs of messenger users.

And then stickers came out. In Russian, for a long time they were called stickers. It is too graphic files, but of a larger size. Essentially, this is a cross between traditional emoji and full-fledged images downloaded from the Internet. They often depict various cartoon or popular movie characters. Today you can download it on the Internet great amount sets of stickers that can convey the widest variety of emotions and feelings.

The Telegram messenger also supports sticker sets. But the most main feature This application, unlike its competitors, is that you can get involved in their creation even without any special experience. You just need to download the necessary pictures on the Internet, simple processing using a graphic editor, and then using a special bot to create a set of stickers that can be shared with other Telegram users.

In today's material we will take a detailed look at how to make stickers for Telegram. You will learn what requirements apply to the images used, as well as how you can prepare pictures to create a set of stickers.

What are the requirements for drawings? Since we will be using a special bot, it has set a number of restrictions:

  • The file format must be PNG only;
  • the resolution must be exactly 512x512, neither a pixel more nor a pixel less;
  • The file size should not exceed 350 kilobytes.

It would seem that there are few restrictions, but such pictures in their pure form are not always easy to find. Let's look at how they can be prepared.

Preparing images

To download pictures in the required size, you can set the appropriate parameters in the image search in Yandex and Google. To do this, enter the desired query, then in the search settings set the file resolution to 512x512. For example, in Google these parameters can be entered in the “Tools” section, and in Yandex - in the “Size” field directly below the search bar.

If you can’t find a picture of the right size, use any graphics editor program. It could be like standard Paint, and more advanced Photoshop. In addition, there are many online editors with basic set functions. If you're using Windows 10, the photo viewer app has a built-in editor that lets you crop a photo to the size you want. Before this, you need to set the aspect ratio to “square”.

If you have some skills graphic design and drawing using a computer, you can draw stickers yourself.

Don't forget that the file must be saved in PNG format. In Photoshop, select the “Save for Web” function. Copy all the created images into one folder to make them easier to find later.

Create a sticker pack

Let's look at how to create stickers directly through the messenger menu. After all the pictures are prepared and saved in one folder on your computer, you can start creating stickers in Telegram. Please note that the developers advise performing this operation on computer version programs. So let's get started.

You can't just remove a sticker from a set. To perform this operation, you will need to use the services of the @Stickers bot.

  1. Use the /delsticker command to initiate the deletion process.
  2. Next, the robot will offer to select a sticker pack from the list of saved ones. By clicking the Select button, select the set in which you want to remove the extra sticker, and then send the sticker itself.
  3. You will immediately receive a response that the sticker has been deleted; within an hour it will disappear for all users.

If you want to delete the entire set, use the /delpack command. After you select a sticker pack, the robot will ask you to send a message “Yes, delete this pack.”


Absolutely every user can create their own stickers in the Telegram messenger, even if they do not have the skills to use it special programs for drawing. With the help of a special bot, you can turn absolutely any picture into a sticker. In the comments, share links to your own sets of stickers in Telegram.

Hello, friends! I think many of you use Telegram specifically to send messages to other users. And you must admit, it’s boring and uninteresting to just write text. Correspondence with another person can be diluted.

At first these were various signs, like “:)”, “)*”, “)P” and the like. Then it became possible to send emojis – little yellow faces with different emotions. Now they have been replaced by stickers - various images on transparent background, and users willingly use them. After all, sometimes one sticker can replace not only one word, but also an entire sentence, and conveying your mood with the help of a picture is much easier than describing everything in words.

Telegram has a lot of sets with various stickers - they are not limited to the standard one. All this is due to the fact that they are created by both professional designers and ordinary users.

For example, you want to send a sticker to a friend, but you can’t find a suitable one. In this case, you can add your own set of pictures to Telegram, and then use it successfully. So, in this article, let’s figure out where to get such pictures and how you can make stickers for Telegram yourself.

Things to remember

Before making stickers in Telegram, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  1. The image must be saved in PNG format.
  2. Image size 512x512 pixels. One side must be 512 px, and the other can be smaller.
  3. The background must be transparent. It will also be better if you add a white stroke and shadow.
  1. The maximum image size is 350 KB.
  2. Your stickers should not violate copyright, that is, it is better to use your own pictures. Otherwise, their author can write to the developers and the set will simply be deleted.

Creating stickers on the computer

So, in order to make stickers in Telegram, you need to find a suitable image. You can take a photo yourself - while making various faces. I'll take pictures from the Internet. Open Yandex Images, enter a suitable word in the search, select a photo, click on it right click mouse and select “Save Image As” from the menu.

Next you need to process the image. To do this, you can use any suitable graphic editor, but, in my opinion, it is better to opt for Photoshop, since here you can find everything we need. Let me show you how to do everything.

Launch the program, click on the “File” tab and select “Open” from the list. You can also use the hotkeys Ctrl+O.

In the Explorer window that opens, find the downloaded image, select it and click “Open”.

Now we need to select a certain part of the image. To do this, select the “Quick Selection Tool” from the Toolbar.

Click on the picture to highlight an area. At the top there are buttons for adding (brush with a plus sign) and subtracting (brush with a minus sign) selected parts, and you can also change the size of the tool itself.

Select the created layer and paste our cut fragment there - press Ctrl+V.

Let's delete our original image, which is labeled “Background” or “Background” in the list of layers. If there is a padlock next to the name, it means the layer is locked. To remove the lock, double-click on the layer and click “OK” in the window that opens.

After the padlock disappears, select background layer mouse and click “Delete” to delete it.

As a result, you will be left with a cut out piece of the picture on a transparent background (black and white squares mean transparency).

Now you need to create a new drawing - use the Ctrl+N keys. In the parameters window, select a different name (“Name”), set the width (“Width”) and height (“Height”) to 512 pixels, make the background transparent (“Transparent”). Then click "OK".

Return to your fragment and press Ctrl+Alt+I. Here you need to resize the image. So, if you have a value greater than 512 in the “Width” or “Width” field, change it to 512 pixels, and if less, then do not touch anything. Save the changes with the “OK” button.

My picture is greatly reduced. Let's move it to the new window we created earlier. Take the “Move Tool” and simply drag the image onto the new drawing with your mouse. Place it in the center.

Let's add a white outline to our sticker. In the list of layers, select the one on which the fragment is placed, and click the “Add a” button below layer style"(Add Layer Style) - the letters “fx” are written on it. Select "Stroke" from the list.

Select the parameters as shown in the screenshot below: “Size” – 4 pixels, “Position” – “Outside”, “Color” – white. You can choose something else - change it different meanings and watch how the picture changes. Save with the “OK” button.

If you want to add a shadow, then click on the “fx” button again and select “Drop Shadow” from the list. Set the necessary parameters and click “OK”.

You can also add text to the image. To do this, select the “Text” button on the Toolbar, write something and format it as needed.

The creation of the sticker is finished and now you need to save it correctly. Go to the “File” tab and select “Save As”, or use the combination Shift+Ctrl+S.

Select a suitable folder on your computer, come up with a name for the sticker, specify the PNG format and click “Save”.

When the window with options for the PNG format appears, just click “OK” in it.

This is the sticker I got. If you look at its size, it is 220 KB (remember that the maximum is 350 KB) and that is normal.

Using the same principle, you need to create other stickers for Telegram. This is how it happened for me. I saved them in separate folder on the computer, which she called “stickers”.

We make stickers ourselves on our phone

If you want to create stickers in Telegram, but you only have a phone for this, then it’s best to use some special application. One of these is Sticker Tools. You can also download it to your Android smartphone from Play Store, and on iPhone from the App Store.

Enter in search bar application name and select the suggested option.

The main application window looks like this: in the middle there is an area of ​​512x512 pixels; Below are various images you can use. At the very bottom there are three buttons: “Photo” – take a photo, “Text” – add text, “Gallery” – select an image from the gallery. I chose a picture from the gallery.

The creation of stickers for Telegram can be considered complete at this point. The taken image can be saved - click on the button with the image of a square with an arrow.

Then a list will open with the name of the various social networks and cloud storage installed on your phone. Choose the option that suits you - what you are most used to working with. For example, I saved the created sticker on Yandex Disk, and from there I can download the sticker to my phone.

If you look at the screenshot of the folder where I saved the stickers, you will see these cute bears there.

Like this in simple ways You can create stickers in Telegram yourself. If you are not used to working in graphic editors, then all you have to do is practice a little and everything will work out. As for the phone application, I think there is more than one (if you find something else, write their name in the comments, please). Personally, it often froze for me, but I managed to make a sticker. Good luck in creating your own personal set!

If you are an artist who draws stickers, then sooner or later the question will come to your mind about how to offer your stickers on VK. Many people consider this impossible, since there is no special button There is no adding stickers on the user page.

Sometimes artists start turning to some dubious sites, where they are charged money for adding stickers, but the drawings never appear on VK. Worse yet, in this way you can lose your VK page, since such sites usually require you to provide your personal data, including your account password.

People get disappointed, and they have a strong belief that the answer to the question of how to add stickers to VK for free can only be “no way.”

Of course, this answer is wrong.

If you just want to try your hand at creating and distributing stickers, and see how people react to your creativity, try using the Telegram network application, where you can add your stickers without prior moderation. If your work is appreciated by your friends, perhaps it makes sense for you to offer your stickers to the VKontakte administration.

There is a way to add your stickers to VK for free, but to add you need to take into account some conditions:

How to create stickers on VK yourself for free and in what form should you send them to be considered?

How to draw stickers for VK so that they pass verification

How to make stickers on VK for free and still earn money from them?

From time to time, competitions are held for sticker creators. Therefore, if you are not satisfied with the stickers that the VK store offers, you have no choice but to make stickers yourself in VK and send them to such a competition. You can not only express yourself creatively and please all VK users with new cool images, but also receive a monetary reward for your creativity.

For example, the competition that Pavel Durov held for the creators of stickers for Telegram messenger, had a total budget of ten thousand dollars.

The VKontakte administration also holds such competitions.

During the competition, all professional and non-professional artists can add their stickers via chat.

The administration tells what it expects from the competition, describes its conditions and prizes.

Participants in the competition are given approximate examples of what it is advisable to do, so that artists, in search of an answer to the question of how to create stickers in VK themselves, do not turn to other social networks.

How to make stickers on VK for free yourself using a special program?

Of course, you can make a sticker using the program. For example, you can process your photo using Photoshop, then use an eraser to remove everything unnecessary and give the image right size- and the sticker is ready.

However, such a sticker will most likely not be approved by VK specialists. Administration of this social network welcomes only highly artistic stickers that are created manually with great skill and knowledge of all the rules for creating these images. But if you think that with the help of the program your stickers turn out just as good, why not try offering them in official group VC. Maybe you'll get lucky!

Are you looking for a new creative project? Try making stickers! They are easy to make directly from scrap materials you probably already have at home; You can also create professional-looking stickers using self-adhesive paper, which is readily available at any office supply or craft store. After reading this article, you will learn how to make stickers in three different ways: based on glue, using tape or self-adhesive paper.


Production of adhesive stickers

Come up with a sticker design. When you make your own stickers, your flight of imagination is unlimited. Use whatever drawing medium you want: colored pencils, markers, pastels, wax crayons, whatever. Make sure that the markers, pastels and other drawing media you use are not washed away by water. Draw your sticker design on a separate thin piece of paper or directly on your notepad. As you think through your design, consider the following ideas.

  • Draw a self-portrait or portraits of your friends or pets.
  • Cut out neat images and phrases from magazines and newspapers.
  • Print pictures from the Internet or images available on your computer. For best results Print them on thin printer paper rather than photo paper.
  • Take advantage ready-made templates stickers from the Internet that you can print.
  • Make pictures using decorative stamps.
  • Decorate the image with sparkles.

Cut out the stickers. Use scissors for this. Make the stickers as big or small as you like. To get patterned edges on your stickers, use scissors to create an interesting cut pattern.

  • Try using shape punches to make hearts, stars, and other shapes from patterned paper.
  • Prepare the glue. This glue is safe for children, similar to what is used on envelopes. It will ensure the sticker adheres to most types of surfaces, but does not contain harmful chemicals. To make glue, mix the following ingredients in a bowl until a homogeneous mixture is formed:

    Apply glue to the stickers. Place stickers, back side up, on a piece of wax paper or aluminum foil. Take a paint brush or pastry brush and brush the backs of the stickers with glue. When finished, let the glue dry completely.

    • There is no need to completely saturate the stickers with glue, just apply a thin layer of it.
    • Make sure the decals are completely dry before using them.
    • Store your finished stickers in a plastic bag or plastic box until you are ready to use them.
  • To stick the sticker, lick the back of it. When you're ready to stick your sticker to any surface, simply lick it reverse side, just like you do with stamps, and then briefly press the sticker onto the desired surface. Homemade glue is quite strong, so be careful when applying the sticker.

    Making stickers with tape

    1. Cut out images from magazines or print your own sticker designs. For this method You will need images that have been printed on paper using waterproof ink. You can use glossy pages from magazines or books, or you can experiment with your printer's ink and try printing variations from your computer. If you are printing pictures, make a test print first to pre-wet it to test for durability before you start making the stickers themselves. Cut out the images and phrases you like using scissors.

      • When selecting images, do not forget about the width of the tape. Each sticker must fit within the width of one of its stripes. This means that the picture should be no wider than the tape.
      • If you want to make a larger sticker, you will have to line up two strips of tape. It may not be so easy. You need to align the tape so that the strips overlap just slightly, without the paper showing between them. If you fail, your sticker will be damaged. If successful, only the seam where the stripes touch will be visible on the sticker.
    2. Cover the sticker designs with tape. Cut a piece of clear tape large enough to completely cover the cut out sticker design. Adhere it to the front of your cut out or printed design. Press the tape onto the paper so that it sticks well to the drawing.

      • Be careful when applying tape to the image. If you change its position, the picture will be torn. Also try to ensure that no air bubbles or wrinkles form when you apply the tape.
      • Consider using double-sided tape. Double-sided tape is available in various types: in rolls, sheets and even as part of special machines for making stickers, for example, the Xyron brand.
      • Consider using Japanese paper tape (washi tape). It's similar to tape and is great for making stickers because it sticks when you want it and also peels off easily if you need it. Japanese paper adhesive tape is available in a variety of colors and patterns. If you want to make more durable stickers, you can use sealing tape.
    3. Rub the front of the sticker. Use a coin or your fingernail to press down on the front of the sticker and rub the surface so that the ink on the paper begins to bind to the adhesive of the tape. Continue rubbing the sticker for a few minutes to ensure the ink binds to the adhesive layer of the tape.

      Rinse the stickers in warm water. Take the stickers one at a time and rinse them under water, placing the paper side under the stream until the paper begins to fall off. The ink will not be washed away by water, and the paper will completely dissolve. You can speed up the process by rubbing the paper.

      • Make sure to wet the entire surface of the sticker tape, not just part of it. If you concentrate your efforts on only one area, then only that area will be visible on the sticker.
      • If the paper does not come off, continue to soak the sticker under warm water.
      • Alternatively, soak the stickers in a bowl of warm water. Submerge the decals completely in water and let them soak for a few minutes.
    4. Let the stickers dry. After removing the paper, allow the decals to dry completely so that the adhesive layer of the tape becomes sticky again. Use scissors to trim off the excess tape around the sticker design and then apply the sticker to the surface of your choice.

      Making stickers from self-adhesive paper

      1. Buy self-adhesive paper. In craft or office supply stores you can find paper that has an adhesive layer on one side. It is usually protected by a backing that is removed when the paper needs to be glued.

      2. Come up with a design for your stickers. Draw stickers on your computer, or use markers or pens to draw pictures directly onto the surface of the sticky paper. You are only limited by the size of the paper. If you want, you can even make an A4 sticker!

        • Draw stickers on your computer using Adobe Photoshop, Paint or other graphics program. You can simply use photos from your personal album or from the Internet as stickers. When finished, print the images onto sticker paper.
        • If you have a printed photo or design that you want to make a sticker from, simply scan it or download a digital image source to your computer. Process this file in Photoshop, Paint, Word or Adobe Acrobat, and then print on self-adhesive paper.
        • Draw pictures directly on the post-it paper using pens, pencils or paint. Just be careful not to wet the paper too much, otherwise you may damage its adhesive layer.
      3. Cut out the stickers. Use scissors to cut out the printed sticker designs. You can cut the stickers into simple rectangular shapes, or use special shape scissors to create interesting, patterned edges. Your stickers should be spaced about three millimeters apart on the sheet so that when you cut out one sticker, you don't accidentally damage adjacent stickers.

        • When using double-sided adhesive sheets, simply peel off the protective backing to expose the adhesive layer of the sheet. Place the back of the stickers on the adhesive layer. Press them down until they stick well. Then tear off the sticker with the adhesive layer from the second backing - now your sticker will stick from the back. Glue it to any surface of your choice. You need to apply the sticker immediately since you removed the protective backing from it.
        • You can space the stickers further apart on the sheet to create white borders around the images, or you can cut out the stickers without white borders. People who are already experienced in creating stickers sometimes leave no boundaries at all and cut out stickers with a stationery knife.
  • is an application that was recently presented to users. It was created by the famous developer of the VKontakte website Pavel Durov together with his brother. Initially, the utility was experimental in nature. But after a while it became more and more popular, and the brothers decided to continue improving it and creating new versions.

    Thus, the application is available on the following mobile platforms:

    Telegram was created for foreign users. Because of this, until 2014 it lacked a Russian-language interface. Today the application has a wide language bar. Thanks to its special functions, the program quickly gained popularity. Last year it was the most downloaded, and in some foreign countries it surpassed even the most famous similar applications in the ratings.

    Features and options

    The most main function telegram - sending text messages and multimedia files. But besides this, the application allows you to tell your friends the coordinates of your location, and create group chats. It is their creators who believe main feature utilities. After all, only in telegram it is possible to add 200 participants to a group for communication.

    Separately, it is worth noting the security of conversations. No other similar program has this level of protection. The application is almost impossible to hack. Communication in a “secret” dialogue allows its participants to send messages to each other confidentially.

    In addition to all of the above, Telegram allows you to exchange emoticons and stickers.

    How to make stickers in Telegram

    Stickers are created and sent in the application using a special bot - @Stickers. The creation procedure consists of the following set of commands:

    • /newpack - create new set stickers;
    • /addsticker - add a sticker to the set;
    • /delsticker - remove a sticker from the set;
    • /ordersticker - rearrange;
    • /cancel - cancel the previous action.

    The bot has limitations regarding file size and format. They must be in PNG format and have a size of 512x512.

    An example of creating a set of stickers in Telegram

    Add a bot for creating stickers to your contacts - @Stickers. First of all, you need to create a set of stickers and give it a name, to do this, send the command to the bot /newpack then give your set a name:

    After this, the bot will ask you to send an emoticon that will correspond to our first sticker in the set. Next, we prepare an image in PNG format and size 512x512 pixels and send it to the robot

    To add the next sticker, you must first send an emoticon and then the sticker itself:

    After you add all the stickers to the created sticker set, you need to publish it. To do this, send the bot a command /publish. Next, the bot will ask you to enter a short name for the set in order to create a link to it in the sticker storage:

    After this, the created stickers can be sent to friends and family:

    The application is available absolutely free of charge and does not have any additional paid features or add-ons. Has a simple yet instantly attractive appearance. In addition, it is very easy to operate. Even the most inexperienced user can make friends with him.

