How to correctly write a domain name. Register a domain using your real passport details! What is a domain

The content of the site can be changed. It is possible (moreover, it is very useful) to optimize the site, promote it in search engines. But the site’s domain name must initially be chosen carefully, given that changing it is difficult and irrational.

Domain name- this is not just a beautiful set of letters that you write on your business cards after the words “address of our Internet site.” The domain name also has a great influence on the future fate of a commercial website on the Internet.

A domain name that people understand...

First, about the external side of the issue. The domain name should be visually beautiful (for example, you should write it on a business card). And for a commercial website, the domain name must reflect the essence of the company’s activities, the type of goods and services offered. Consider this an unwritten rule.

...and attracts search engines

In our area, clients often rush to choose a domain name not by type of activity, but by the name of the company. But the names of the companies are a different matter. Gentlemen, honestly, whose company name really reflects the essence of its activities? It’s different in the Soviet years: Glavryba sells fish, Mosmoloko sells dairy products in the capital, Tommoloko sells the same in Tomsk. Everything is clear and simple to the point of boring. And since the 90s, a general fashion began for sonorous, beautiful foreign names that are in no way connected with the type of activity. This fashion has passed, but still, in our area, the name of a company does not always reflect the services it provides. You can, of course, call the site (well, the company is called that... after the name of the founder...). But why would one guess that VasyaPupkin is engaged, for example, in the supply of wood and lumber?

Put yourself in the shoes of a potential client who is looking on the Internet through search engines where he can buy these same lumber. And search engines display a list of sites for him. Which site are you more likely to open: with words like “lesopilka” and “drevesina” in the name or the incomprehensible VasyaPupkin? The answer is obvious.

But these were domain name selection factors that were important to people's perceptions. And the Internet also has its own technical difficulties, which should also be taken into account when choosing a domain.

1) Selecting a domain zone. As you know, they are international and national. If you are focused on the Russian-speaking sector of the Internet, then it is better to choose the domain of the ru and su zones. Sites hosted on them will be ranked better in the leading Runet search engines - Yandex and Google. Of course, search engines also take into account the site’s language and a lot of other factors, but the domain name is also a significant point. Thus, if your online business is focused on a specific country, it makes more sense to register a domain name in its national zone. If for several countries, then internationally.

2) Domain level. It is better to immediately register a second-level domain (for example,,,, rather than a third-level domain (for example,, Second-level domains are “valued” higher by search engines.

3) Is it worth saving on a paid domain? Not worth it. Free domains are indexed by search engines worse than paid ones, and are also prohibited from being added to a number of large directories. In addition, the user does not have any fixed rights to a free domain. And the hoster may, for some of its own reasons, refuse to renew. If to promote the site on free domain By this time, the money has already been spent, and there are “fed” visitors on the resource - all the sadder. It is theoretically possible to organize a site move to another site. But you will lose your usual visitors. So if you have serious intentions about doing business on the Internet, you should immediately take care of hosting your website on a paid domain that will belong to you.

4) Name length. In principle, domain names up to 63 characters long are allowed in the ru zone. Only clients of “multi-book” will not appreciate it. According to research conducted by Google experts, search engine users are twice as likely to click on short and clear domain names than on long ones. So the shorter the domain name, the more convenient it is for perception and “more productive”.

5) Keywords in the name. We have already explained above that naming a site related to the essence of the services offered is useful from the point of view of people's perception. But it is also useful for promotion in search engines. A keyword in a site name significantly increases its ranking in Google search engines and Yandex. Keywords used in site page addresses are also useful for increasing rankings, but only for one specific page (and in the domain name - for the site as a whole). If it is relevant to the topic, it is useful to use English keywords (seo, web, etc.) in the domain name. However, it is better not to translate “completely Russian” words, but to write them in transliteration. Search engines also take into account transliteration. However, we have to warn against the temptation to cram too many keywords into a domain name. In domains with a length of 20 or more letters, search engines may regard this as spam, with all the unpleasant consequences that follow, such as excluding the site from search results lists.

6) Consider the frequency of queries in search engines. Write down in a column all the successful (and free!) domain names in your opinion. Enter each of them into Yandex and Google statistics. What words does it go to? greatest number requests per month, those are more useful to choose for the name of the site.

7) Together or with a hyphen? This question is important not only for schoolchildren writing dictation. It also plays a significant role when choosing a domain name - and the role is much more significant than one might assume by looking at the “some dash”. If you have a choice, for example, “MoskowBolt” or “Moskow-Bolt,” it is better to choose to spell the domain name with a hyphen. Firstly, the hyphen divides the “long word written in Latin letters” into two semantic blocks, which makes it easier for people to understand. Secondly, Yandex likes domain names with hyphens more and ranks them better. Let's conduct an experiment. Let’s enter the word “travel” into the Yandex search engine. We look carefully at the search results and see there:, - the keyword “travel” is highlighted. And in it is not highlighted, since the name is written together, and not with a hyphen. This kind of “highlighting” of a keyword has a significant impact on ranking. So don't underestimate the hyphen in your domain name.

8) Uniqueness and recognition. Refuse the temptation to register a domain name that is similar to your competitors if you intend to position yourself as a serious company seeking to occupy its niche and become recognizable. Even if competitors have staked out, for example, for sale plastic windows wholesale, in your opinion, the most successful name is, registration is not an option. Firstly, they are easy to confuse. If their clients come to you, that’s fine, but if, on the contrary, yours come to them? Secondly, owners of a previously registered domain can sue “unscrupulous copycats who deliberately undermine their business by attaching to someone else’s brand.”

9) Useful little things, things to consider when choosing a domain name. Consider which characters to use in your domain name. For example, numbers are normally perceived by search engines, but are not convenient for people. Use underscore undesirable - a link to the Internet is already underlined with a line, go and see if the underscore is “hidden” under it. An abbreviation, especially a transliterated one in Russian, is often difficult for people to understand. For search engines, this is a completely meaningless set of letters, which has no reason to be promoted to the first positions in the ranking. And finally, domains in Cyrillic (by at least- at the current stage of their development) is fraught with registration. Some browsers do not read Cyrillic domains normally, showing instead “some kind of crap in the wrong encoding.” Moreover, for users, bilingual domains (after all, these names will still end in .su or .ru) are inconvenient - it’s like switching the keyboard layout...

In general, just as parents need to take a responsible approach to choosing a name for their child, website creators and customers should carefully select a domain name for the website.

We have released a new book “Content Marketing in in social networks: How to get into your subscribers’ heads and make them fall in love with your brand.”


The main question when choosing is its subject matter and the target audience. It just so happens that, focusing on Russia, there is no need to register, no matter how global and respectable it may seem. And vice versa - a manufacturer of cool 3D printing machines that sells them all over the world is unlikely to want its foreign potential clients suffered with [RF]. The rest is nuances. Let's talk about them.

Top-level domains are divided into two groups: territorial-linguistic (uk, ru, рф) and thematic (info, biz, mil). This division is very arbitrary, because no one can stop you from writing about animal breeding on your own website (this, by the way, is South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands) or about politics on

: great and terrible

There is an opinion that the domain [ com] got its name from common. In general, the idea was short for commercial, but everyone loved the zone so much that it began to be used almost everywhere, and commerce went into biz.

Dotcom (or dotcom - transcribed [ com]) is used mainly to indicate that the site is not tied to a specific territory. They are registered by large companies, established startups, popular services, online stores and others who want to show that their goods are sold to everyone.

And in general, all thematic top-level domains are easier to transfer between registrars or sell to another person. They are not tied to the legislation of a particular country and this process is done without submitting a pile of papers to the office of the responsible office.

: how to please everyone

About domain zone [ru] there is practically nothing to say:

  1. popular and time-tested - included in the top 10 of all zones by the number of sites and in the top 5 among geographical ones;
  1. suitable for any topic - there are no restrictions on the placement of sites, except those that violate Russian legislation;
  1. ideal for Russian target audience – [ ru] is known to most Internet users as an identifier Russian content, and even an element of the symbol of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014.

There are a number of situations when you still have to use dotcom instead of the established dotcom:

  • You don’t want to draw up and submit an application or bother with passport scans whenever you need to change your domain contact information.
  • Do you want an easy transfer between . Let’s say the person who registered the domain does not answer the phone or SMS, and the renewal period has almost come to an end. Without this person to extend [ ru] will not work, and you will most likely lose the site.
  • Are you afraid of the court system? Russian Federation and you think that your site will be divided at the request of the local court. [ com] is not under the jurisdiction of Russian authorities, so decide for yourself

[rf]: rise and fall

Let's dig deeper into the myths

  • Robots love [ com]

Robots love optimization. It will not be possible to ride to the top on a golden chariot with a standard [ com]. Google says that for their search engine there is no difference between different top-level domains - all other things being equal, they all rank the same.

  • Need to be trendy: [ com] – not fashionable and no one needs

Yes, you need to be fashionable, but dotcom, like a three-piece suit, never goes out of fashion. Appears great amount new zones and opening old ones. For example, the recent boom in projects on [ co], which was chosen by 93% of startups from 2013 to 2014. And in 2015, the number of websites of high-tech companies on [ co] amounted to a little more than 450. At the same time, the share of dot-coms is still huge - from 2010 to 2015, more than 20 thousand new companies chose it - 81% of all zones. If this doesn't mean anything to you, here's data from research company DomainTools:

You don’t have to look at the colors of the diagram - it is needed to visually represent the dominance of dot-coms on the Internet.

  • [RF] is progressing worse/better than [ ru]

If you follow several simple rules, then the process of promoting a Cyrillic domain becomes the same as any other. You can read about these rules.


The national domain, indicating the linguistic and geographical origin of the content, attracts the user with its relevance. By going to [ ru] or [ RF], the Russian will know that the information received can be applied to him.

On the other side, [ com] more solid, and adding subdomains to it creates a certain “yours/ours” framework, showing that the information is suitable for a person in a specific geographic area.

There is also a third party – legal. We can talk a lot about it: how to choose the right registrar, how the rules of registration in the Russian-language domain zone are interpreted, anonymous registration or providing personal data... But we are talking about SEO.

Gennady Gorbachev

One of the criteria for the success of any business via the Internet is that it is beautiful, easy to remember, relevant to your activity, positively associative and. Selecting it can require significant time, so our series of articles will help speed up the process. The first one was written earlier and is called “”. I advise you to familiarize yourself with it - maybe this is what you need. If not, read below for a filtered list of domain name generators. Only the best! A bonus for those who have finished reading the article is a phonosemantic word analysis service.

What is a domain generator?

This online service, which helps you quickly and easily choose a concise name that is thematically close to the future site.

Name selection services differ in the settings that can be set to generate a site name. Some of them implement a completely random selection algorithm, others have a narrow or full range of configurations. We have divided all services according to customization capabilities.

Keyword domain generators

Instant search.COM names for your online presence. The service determines the subject of the keyword and supplements it with auxiliary terms.

You must enter a primary keyword and a secondary keyword into the generator. The service will select possible combinations with abbreviations, additional relevant terms, errors that users may make when writing, and checks all options for occupancy of the top-level domain Com, Net, Org and Info.

Conditionally free generator By keyword, which has a number of advantages:

  • Checks availability for multiple domains of the first and second levels (ru and рф are missing);
  • You can choose a selection principle, for example, the TOP most popular, by category, part of speech, and so on.

Convenient and creative domain name generator. Enter the key query into the service's search form and the selection process will start. The proposed options will be grouped into general, new, funny, short and other variations.

A simple service that shows keyword variations on a variety of top-level domains. The search results also include paid names sold in the popular store.

The service charges you with positive emotions with its name, design and generated names for sites. The algorithm mixes all the letters key query, adds funny prefixes, words and endings. However, it does not show the availability of each domain, so you have to click on each one.

The most suitable generator for those who are going to open an Internet business or representative office. If you are one of these, in the left window of the form, write in English the general name of the items or services being sold, in the right window, indicate the area, for example, for the online store “shop”, for the bank “bank”, and so on. The service will automatically select a category and provide the best names.

A specific service that contains ready-made lists of words that begin and end a domain. They are differentiated by theme and properties, for example related to speed and travel. In this case, you can add the desired word to each group. The site generates all kinds of combinations and produces good names.

Random name generator

Domain name generator is a random domain name service that saves all generated ideas in the form of a list. To check the availability of name registration, click on the desired domain from the list. Random algorithms and functions make the application capable of generating up to 3 million unique, interesting domain offers.

The service is easy and fun to use, and the suggested names are creative enough to inspire you to come up with your own names.

Multifunctional domain name generator

The best Russian name generator for websites from the company RU-CENTER, whose main service is the ability to register domains.

Its functionality:

  • Search by keywords;
  • Random issue;
  • Typos (you must enter a domain to select a similar option);
  • Filter for three-character free domains.

In addition, Nic.Ru has a set of services that check whether a domain is occupied.


After you have selected a domain, it’s time to conduct a phonosemantic analysis of it. This will allow you to determine the subconscious perception of the name of the site and company when reading and pronouncing it. In the form, enter the word for analysis in Cyrillic with a * after the stressed vowel and you will see this characteristic:

As you can see, the name of our site “Viont” carries almost completely neutral expressiveness, with the exception of the quality “Long-Short” and this one is ideal.


A selection of 10 services will definitely help you choose the name of an Internet company. However, only is suitable for searching for a domain in the Ru zone.

If you liked the article, thank me by reposting it on social networks or tell me in the comments what generator you used and the domain you got. All the best! Stay on top of the website development and internet marketing trends.

19.08.2016 22.05.2018 -

A domain (domain name) is an easy-to-remember website address that replaces a complex numeric IP address. It may look like this: a website where the end part of the domain, after the dot, is called a domain zone.

Domain zones

Generic (international) top-level domain zones,
For example:

.biz for commercial organizations, enterprises and
.com domain for commercial structures and individuals
.net network (organizations that ensure the network operates)
.org international domain for non-commercial
.info for informational projects
.edu educational
.gov government
.mil military (military)

Country code top level domains(various states),
For example:

Is there some more country codes general purpose:,,, and so on.

In addition, there are regional domains, For example: Moscow Saint Petersburg Pyatigorsk

How to choose the right domain name?

I advise you to choose a domain name yourself, and not hope that the company you order to create a website will bother itself with such a question. You choose the domain forever and when you promote it, it will be too late to change the domain name.

You can, of course, make up gobbledygook, for example:, but I’m always surprised why choose names that don’t tell site visitors anything. Abbreviations of only popular brands can attract attention on their own, for example CNN, BBC.

When we don't know URL address companies, then we start searching by the name of the company, brand. Understanding this, well-known companies strive to occupy “their” addresses. Although sometimes they are expected unpleasant surprises. For example, when the McDonalds corporation discovered that “its” address was occupied by some Mac
Donald, who placed his home page at this address, or when Microsoft discovered that the address was registered by the owner of a small window manufacturing company. In such cases, companies are ready to pay a lot of money to obtain the coveted address.

You can check if a domain is free

Of course, now the most popular addresses are already taken, but if you try, you can find quite decent domains. If your company is not known to anyone, then it is unlikely that there will be any benefit from registering the company name or your last name as a website address. To begin with, it is better to choose words that speak about the services you provide. It’s good when you can determine the type of activity of your organization by domain. For example,,

Although, in order not to bite your elbows later, you can additionally register a domain using the name of your still little-known company or your widely known last name, so far only in narrow circles. It won't hurt to have two addresses connecting to your site. If the domains link to one site and do not act as different sites, then you will not pay for hosting a second time. You can buy as many of these domains as you like.

At the same time, the domain name should be short, easy to pronounce and remember. It’s good when a name does not have double spellings and, having heard it on the phone, you will immediately type this name into address bar browser.

A regional domain is better than an international one!

By the way, before registering a domain, you need to choose the right domain zone. It plays a role which zone you choose. If you want to present your project to the whole world, then you need to choose international zones, for example, .com, if only for the Russian-speaking population of the planet, then is suitable, if the population of your state, then you can use, for If your activities will extend only to your region, then it is better to choose regional domains.

When choosing a domain, you should not proceed from the assumption that an international zone is “cool”. If you have a company selling and installing gates in St. Petersburg, then the domain is much more useful than the domain. It is important that search engines immediately identify your region
and made regional results - visitors from all over the world, in in this case, are absolutely useless.

Often visitors don’t even notice what your domain is if they came to you via a link. But if they search for your site using a browser and don’t exactly remember the domain name, it doesn’t matter anymore!

Naturally, they will first start with, and not, and if they like that site, they will not reach yours. Therefore, for example, the domain will attract more visitors with its name than And visitors who are looking for you can become their visitors thanks to a profitable domain name.

In addition, when choosing a domain name, you need to know the following features. Accepted in the domain name letters(a-z), numbers (0-9) and a hyphen, which cannot appear at the beginning or end of the domain name.

Minimum domain name length in most zones it is 2 characters (excluding the dividing point and zone). In some zones, for example INFO, SU, BIZ, the minimum length is 3 characters. Maximum length domain can be 63 characters.

A domain is usually registered for 1 year. You shouldn’t pay more during the initial registration - what if you choose a more sonorous name, and no one will return your money for the old one. It will remain with you until the end of the paid period.

On the other hand, there are times when a person forgets to pay for the renewal on time, and someone else takes over the domain. A promoted domain may even be sold at auction. So, if you have invested a lot of effort and money in promoting your brainchild, people pour in on it - not
pull up last day, and pay for the renewal in advance, now for several years in advance.

Register a domain using your real passport details!

Please note that you only need to register a domain using your passport details. Otherwise, if, God forbid, scammers “steal” your promoted domain, only the person to whom the domain was registered will be able to prove the right to it.

Where to register a domain?

Domain registration can be done with the help of the hosting company where you plan to host your website (see - website hosting). If you pay for hosting for 1 year, they can even register a domain for you for free. 4 years ago I registered 2 domains in for $20. Now I see that on Beget hosting a domain costs only 120 rubles per year. This hosting now has a high rating, and I recently bought a hosting account from them, along with a domain (if I paid for hosting for 1 year, they registered a domain in for me for free).

Why is it better to choose a domain before starting development? The fact is that the site’s address significantly affects its position in search engines and user behavior. So much so that some companies are willing to pay up to $1000 to copywriter-namers, whose task is to come up with the most successful name for the resource.

How to choose for a website yourself? The main thing is not to rush and understand that this is not creative process, but the result of competent analysis.

Which is better?

It all depends on the specifics of a particular project. Most often we come across sites located in the .RU, .COM and .NET zones. However, in reality there are many more. For example, the largest service in the CIS, REG.RU, makes it possible to register a domain in more than 740 different zones.

All of them are divided into two large groups:

  • geographical;
  • thematic.

Now about how to choose a domain name. If you are developing a business in a specific region, best option- find the appropriate zone.


Why is this beneficial? At least from the point of view search engine promotion. When a user searches for a specific product or service, on the first pages he sees the websites and addresses of companies in his city. From a business point of view, you will get more customers for the same advertising costs. If there is no clear geography, you can use .COM addresses.

How to choose a domain for a website if you are creating informational portal or do you own a whole network of establishments in different cities and countries? This is what thematic zones are for.


Such domains carry vivid images and associations, and therefore are quickly remembered. In addition, they help promote the resource in the chosen niche.

Ideal Domain Length

The shorter and simpler the address, the better. Have you noticed that popular sites are never smart? Their addresses are simple and concise -,,, There is only one limitation - the name must contain from 2 to 63 characters. But ideally, you need to choose a domain of up to 10 characters - such an address is quickly remembered and looks attractive when printed.

Is it worth using keywords in

On the one hand, such resources are promoted faster in search engines. On the other hand, a domain with a company name has its advantages. This address looks more solid and increases brand recognition. A new one appears - people who are purposefully looking for your site (recommended by friends, saw reviews on social networks, etc.).

Which domain should I choose? If you are just creating a website to make money (for example, from links), it makes sense to simply use thematic keywords. But to promote a real business via the Internet, it is better to choose a domain that contains the company name.

Competitor analysis

More precisely, you need to make sure that your name is not similar to some well-known domain. Why waste time on this? Let's imagine a situation: you decide to make a website with interesting culinary recipes, found a good domain, for example,, relatively inexpensive and (oh, miracle!) free. But what next? Thousands of people, trying to remember the website address, will habitually write .RU instead of .ST and end up with your direct competitors. And you can avoid this by spending only 10-15 minutes at the selection stage.

How to make a domain user-friendly

It’s trite, but even an accidental typo can lead to users not being able to find the site, and you will lose money every day. But even if there are no errors, the domain may fail. Why?

Primarily due to the subtleties of transliteration. An elementary example is the letters “YA”, “CH” and “SH” (they correspond to the combinations “YA”, “CH” and “SH”). Yes it school program, but even here some people get confused. Also try to choose a domain that does not contain the letters “C”, “Zh” and “Sch”. They have no equivalents in English at all, which makes them very difficult to read. For example, the word “flowers” ​​can be written as cvety, but few people will immediately understand what it is about.

A small life hack: in 90% of cases, a hyphen can be erased without losing its meaning. This rule applies to domains consisting of 2-3 short words.

Examples: >; >

As you can see, just by dropping the hyphens, you can make your domain simpler and more memorable. It is also undesirable to use numbers in the title. Many entrepreneurs ask to use car code region (for example, or simply add “1” at the end to emphasize leadership ( In practice, such addresses look cheap and have real disadvantages. Let's take region codes - when expanding a business, the owner will have to register new domains.

  • Remember that the name of your resource should remain relevant even after 3-5 years.
  • Explore Using a web archive, you can find out which sites previously existed under this name, and what “trail” trails behind them. For example, if a domain falls under search engine filters, you first need to remove it from the ban. Sometimes problems arise due to old reference mass. The previous site no longer exists, but there are still anchors on other resources that led to it. Let's say if given address belonged funeral home, then they will all be associated with coffins, hearses, etc.

  • If your budget allows, it is better to immediately buy all free domains that are consonant and similar in spelling (for example, with and without a hyphen). Even if the user makes a mistake when entering, it will still get to you.
  • Experiment with abbreviations. You can always find a more harmonious option. Compare for yourself: “sweet table” can be represented as sladkiy-stol or sladstol. The second option is shorter and looks more attractive.
  • Do not use Russian and English words at the same time. For example, you wanted to register the domain, but it turned out that it was taken. Some will try to make a “knight’s move” and use something like However this is not best idea both from the point of view of SEO optimization and from the point of view of memorability.
  • If your budget allows, it is better to buy a domain not for one, but for at least 1.5-2 years. As practice has shown, this gives the site additional benefit in rankings, especially in the first months after launch.

And finally: if you are still not sure about your choice, conduct a survey among your acquaintances and friends. Show different variants and ask which ones they like best and why.