How to shop online correctly: master class. Pay attention to safety protocols


Explore in detail terms of payment and delivery of goods - buy goods only where the terms of delivery and payment suit you.

Do not trust companies that do not keep your payment details confidential. It is most convenient to use secure payment systems - for example, PayPal or WebMoney, and also pay for goods by or from a courier.

Protect your data credit card– make sure that they do not fall into the hands of intruders and scammers. Do not send payment details via or in an exchange system quick messages. Use data protocols only.

Be careful and observant, and purchase through Internet will give you pleasure and relieve you of the worries associated with shopping.

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  • how to order goods online

One of the popular ways of modern shopping is purchasing goods in an online store. In large Russian cities, you can purchase almost everything via the Internet - from a collection of poems to a refrigerator. The sequence of actions for purchasing goods in various online stores is approximately the same.


Go to the product page. Check out its characteristics, description, images, price. One of the advantages of online stores is detailed information about products, which can be gleaned in the process of planning a purchase.

From the page of the selected product, follow the “Buy” or “Add to Cart” link to mark it for purchase. You will be offered information about the product and agree to place it in the virtual cart.

Click the "Continue Shopping" button or simply go to the catalog sections if you want to choose something else in this store. Add the selected products to your cart according to the described algorithm.

Follow the “Checkout” link if you have added all the items you planned to purchase to your cart. Check your shopping list to see if you added anything extra! Pay attention to the total amount - most likely delivery costs will be added to it. Many online stores allow you to place an order. In this case, you simply fill out a form in which you indicate your full name, contact information and delivery address.

Please register if it is a requirement to purchase from this store.

Wait for a call from the online store manager. He will call you back as soon as possible to clarify the availability of the product, its cost and convenient delivery time.

You can also order goods in the online store by phone - find the number on the website. Tell the manager the product ID and the quantity you need.

If you want store representatives to contact you themselves, this is also possible. Exists " Back call" Leave your name and phone number in a special form, and managers will call you back. Happy shopping!


Carefully read the rules for delivery and payment for goods before placing an order. You may not be satisfied with the delivery time or its cost, or the payment method will not be very convenient for you.


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The most common payment options for purchases in Internet are payment through systems electronic money, payment from a bank card, as well as postal transfer. Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages.

You will need

  • Store details, Internet access and registration in any payment system, bank card.


Payment for the purchase by postal transfer. Having selected the product you need, add it to your cart. After this, go to the “My” section and, by clicking on the “Generate” button, select payment as an option. You will be provided with all the necessary information needed to complete the transfer. Plus this method is the fact that you will have a real payment receipt in your hands that has legal force. The disadvantages of a postal transfer include the fact that until the funds arrive in the store’s account, the goods will not be available. After making the payment, you need to scan the receipt and send it electronic copy V - .

Payment through payment systems. Initially, you need to perform the same steps as with the previous payment option (select a product, enter to select a payment method). As a payment option, select the payment system you use. After specifying the payment method, you will be automatically redirected to the payment system website, where you will have to transfer the required amount. Save the payment information and send a copy of it to the online store's customer service. An advantage is the fact that the store’s account is credited instantly - packaging of goods and subsequent delivery is carried out more quickly.

Payment by bank card. Having selected the appropriate payment method, in the window that appears, enter the twenty-digit number of your card, its expiration date, the CVV code that is printed on the back of the card, as well as your personal data. On to the pros similar method payment can be attributed to the fact that you will have real data about the seller. In case of any nuance, you can file a complaint in his name demanding compensation for damage.

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Online stores offer an increasingly wide variety of goods. Sometimes, it is not possible to buy what you are looking for in a regular store, so we “go” shopping online. But there are also situations when the desired item is available in a foreign online store. How can I order goods, for example, from America?

You will need


Select several sites that are in the first positions and study the range offered.

After you have decided on an online store, look for information about it in Russian and read customer reviews. This way you can hedge your bets and protect yourself from the unfortunate possibility of losing money.

If everything is in order and the store’s reputation is quite decent, place an order directly. Some stores require registration, some do not.

Select model, size, color and click on "add to cart" or "add to bag", then go to your cart and click "checkout".

The store will prompt you to enter your delivery and payment information. This happens differently in different stores, so each specific case has its own rules.

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An order from America will take about a week or two, it depends on the delivery method.

Helpful advice

You can track the status of your order in your personal account, focus on the words “Sign In”.


  • New-shopper
  • how to buy goods online

Currently, the number of so-called “shopaholics” is constantly growing, i.e. people who receive incomparable pleasure from purchases. Shopping is a form of pastime in which shops, shopping centers are visited, and goods are purchased.


Shopping very often leads to a rather strong addiction, akin to alcoholism, drug addiction, and passion for food. Sometimes people, when purchasing a thing, sometimes completely unnecessary, get great pleasure. To avoid becoming a victim of “shopaholism,” you should treat shopping and shopping.

First of all, go to only good mood. It should not be raised by shopping as it is only temporary. In addition, things bought in a bad mood bring joy only for a short time.

Doing purchases, do not hurry. Our psyche is designed in such a way that we are able to perceive only a certain amount of information, then fatigue sets in and the desire to quickly complete what we started. Here you may end up with completely unnecessary things that are purchased in a hurry. If you have a long shopping trip, take breaks, drink a cup of tea, a glass of water or just sit. At this time you will be able to consider the need purchases.

When going shopping, take with you only a trusted and reliable person who can give you useful advice, if required. Don't have a suitable candidate? Go alone. It is better to go shopping in the morning or at. At this time they are less crowded, so you can easily avoid the line at the cash register or fitting room. Moreover, in such a situation there is less risk of buying something while looking at others. This is especially true during sales periods, when the desire to purchase an item arises while looking at the crowd of buyers choosing things.

If you want to purchase household appliances, or an expensive item, do not be afraid to ask the seller about its qualities. Carefully read the contract, terms of sale, delivery, guarantees. Take your time, check on site the quality of the elements, parts, and the integrity of the packaging. In general, approach your purchases wisely, do not fall for traps and offers that are tempting at first glance, adequately assess your financial capabilities, and then you will receive only pleasant emotions from shopping.

Internet map is a virtual bank account specifically designed for paying for goods on the Internet. This standard is specifically designed to make purchases the Internet was safe. You can pay with money using a plastic card this way or create a virtual account with which you can manage electronic money.

You will need

  • Plastic card or electronic money
  • Telephone
  • Computer with Internet access


First of all, you need to get a virtual by card. To do this, you will need either an electronic account in a payment system that provides a similar service (for example, this can be done in the Yandex.Money system), or a plastic account with which you can pay for purchases on the Internet, in this case funds will be spent from your account. Services such as QIWI or Svyaznoy Bank also allow you to create, in this case you transfer money in cash.

For creating virtual account you can use Internet banking. In the account management menu there is an option “Create virtual”. It may be called differently, but that is the general meaning. The procedure is performed in mode. For authorization you may need mobile number, to which the main account is linked.

When creating a card, you will need to indicate its validity period and the limit of available funds. This means you limit the amount of money that can be debited from your account during an online purchase. Even if the attackers grab your details, they won’t be able to use yours. During the card creation process, you will need to indicate the validity period of the virtual account and the limit of funds available for it. This means that you limit the amount of money that can be debited from your account during an online purchase. Even if the attackers take the virtual card details, they will not be able to use your money.

Some banks provide the opportunity to obtain virtual details without the procedure of creating virtual cards. The account holder is issued several one-time codes that allow them to pay for purchases online. All of them are intended for one-time use and cannot be reused.

When the virtual account is created, you will need its details to pay for the purchase. As a rule, banks and electronic payment systems indicate the first or last few digits of the account in the control room on the website, and the remaining digits from the account number and CVC2 code come in the form of SMS. This is done for security reasons.

If the virtual card is intended for a one-time payment, then after making it you can close it yourself in your account management account.

Helpful advice

The limit you place on a card determines not only the amount of money you can withdraw from it at one time, but also the total amount of funds available for that account. So, if you created a card with a validity period of one month and a limit of 10,000 rubles, then if you immediately use it to pay for a purchase of 10,000 rubles, you will not be able to use it again, despite the fact that it should “work” for another month.


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Online stores help save time: you don’t need to go to the shopping center on your day off on the other side of the city, you can register purchase within ten minutes. In addition, through stores you can order things that cannot be found in your city. Making a purchase in each of them has its own subtleties, but you can highlight some patterns, knowing which you will not get confused on the site.


Register online store. You will have to enter your real first and last name and indicate your residential address (since the purchase will either come to you by mail or be delivered by courier). Please enter a valid email address. After completing the first stage of registration on the online store website, you need to go to your mailbox, where you will receive a letter. Follow the link provided in the letter and activate your account. Now you can make purchases.

While browsing the pages of the online store, add the products you like to your cart, indicating the quantity, color and other parameters of the items you need. After you have marked all the necessary purchases, you can go to the cart and edit their list.

Click the “Next” button and proceed to selecting a payment method for purchases. Usually there are several of them: you can arrange a postal transfer, transfer money to the account of an online store, use WebMoney system or Yandex.Money. It is possible that your purchase will be sent to you with cash on delivery.

Some stores require prepayment (for example, in cases where the online store is an intermediary and orders its goods from other countries). Be sure to read reviews about this store on the Internet to be sure that you will not be deceived.

Choose a delivery method convenient for you. As mentioned above, the purchase can be sent to you by mail, delivered by courier to your home, work, or to a metro station convenient for you. In some cases, you can come to the office of the online store yourself and pick up the ordered items, saving money.

Helpful advice

Before you make a purchase, make sure that the online store can deliver it to you. Some stores operate only within their city or region, and many American stores do not send goods to Russia.

Online stores differ from regular stores not only in their wider range, but also in their low prices and ease of choice. In addition, thanks to them you can order things from any city or country, which significantly expands the buyer’s options. However, it is important to remember about security measures so as not to fall for scammers.

How to choose the right online store

To buy online without risk, you must first choose the right resource on which you will place orders. Unfortunately, fly-by-night shops are regularly opened that are designed only to collect money from customers. They are distinguished by the absence unique content, template design, poor design or lack of pages dedicated to the company and issues of payment and delivery.

Pay attention to contact details as well as company information. If it is impossible to contact the owners of the online store, and the website does not indicate any information about the organization, most likely you are not dealing with a serious company.

Finally, to protect yourself, you can make a trial order in the online store, which will require you to spend minimal money. After receiving the goods, you will already have experience working with a specific online boutique, so you will be able to judge the speed of sending the goods, the quality of the packaging and the item itself. If you are dissatisfied with the service and product, you can immediately refuse to purchase on this site.

How to protect yourself from money theft

Be sure to pay attention to the payment options offered in the online store. It is important that the services that can be used provide the client with the opportunity to demand their money back. For example, when transferring funds using PayPal systems or WebMoney, you can, if necessary, demand that the amount transferred to the store’s account be returned to you, and if your demand turns out to be fair, it will be satisfied. Paying for an order by cash on delivery or simply transferring money to someone else’s bank account are much less secure options.

Take care of the safety of your data online. Passwords used on the store website itself and in payment systems should be complex enough to make it difficult for attackers to hack your accounts. Carefully check the addresses of sites where you enter your data: there are resources designed specifically for gaining access to other people’s accounts and differ from the addresses of real store sites and payment systems by only one or two characters.

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Today, going to the store for groceries or goods can be compared to a scout’s foray to the front line. Only maximum concentration and attention can protect you from at least most of the deception used by unscrupulous sellers.

Deception in stores

You can avoid being scammed in any store only by developing three necessary qualities: ability to count quickly in the head, observation and good eyesight. Only thanks to this necessary set can you win competitions with a seller whose experience in body kit, shortchanging and deception is beyond the control of even the most vigilant buyer.

During service in a regular store, you must carefully monitor the scale arrow, observing the movements of the seller. A sharp twitching of the needle may indicate that a thread is attached to the scale pan, with the help of which the weight of the product is manually increased. A quick throw of a product onto the scale, with the same rapid removal of it, significantly increases the initial weight and makes it impossible to discern the exact number and calculate the price.

When weighing goods on electronic scales, you need to make sure that the display initially contains zeros or a number with a minus sign. This means that the weight of the packaging material will not be included in the price of the product. You need to remember that electronic balance They will never show the exact weight.

There are more ingenious options such as attaching a magnet to the bottom of the scale pan, increasing the weight of the weights by pouring lead inside, and a host of other know-how of sales workers. If you suspect any actions of this kind, you should forget about your non-conflict and tactful nature and demand that the goods be weighed on check scales. An item of a certain weight that can be placed on the scale before making a purchase and instantly determine the estimated amount of the calculation helps.

Cheating in supermarkets

Being vigilant in supermarkets is somewhat different from behavior at a market or in a small store. Here, too, it doesn’t hurt to check the weight of the goods on control scales, but the main thing is not to bring home spoiled products with an expired expiration date. Usually, stale goods are displayed in the most visible place. In addition to determining the manufacturing date on the label, you need to carefully examine the price tag itself to see if there is a sealed analogue with an expired expiration date hidden under it.

Vacuum packaging of the product should fit tightly and have no air cavities. If the goods were not sealed in the factory, but were placed on pallets and wrapped in film by supermarket employees, there is a danger of discovering spoiled products located on its bottom layer.

Be sure to check the receipt immediately after receiving it and do not throw it away at the exit, so that you can file a claim with the store if you find spoiled products.

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Tip 10: How to avoid becoming a victim of scammers when purchasing online

Online shopping is becoming increasingly popular among Russians. Unfortunately, the increase in the number of buyers on the Internet is accompanied by an increase in the activity of scammers on the Internet. How to make your purchases as safe as possible and protect yourself from losing money?

You will need

  • Access to the Internet.


In order to avoid becoming a victim of scammers, you need to pay attention to a number of signs that distinguish unscrupulous sellers. The main trick that scammers use to lure buyers is low prices. If the offered price is an order of magnitude lower than the market average, this is one of the signs of a potential fraudster. At best, this may indicate an offer of counterfeit or poor quality goods.

Often scammers try to rush you to place your order. They are trying to convince you that this price is valid for the last day (hour, minutes), or that the product remains in limited quantities. This is done so that you do not have time to soberly evaluate all the details of the upcoming purchase.

Try not to purchase goods online that require 100% advance payment. Especially if it is proposed to transfer money to online wallet, or personal card individual. Such transactions are especially dangerous. But if you decide to take a risk, at least check the seller’s ratings in payment systems.

Look at what forms of payment the seller offers. If there is no non-cash payment among them, this is a bad signal.
Firstly, when opening a current account, the company always undergoes a security check by the bank. Secondly, payment aggregators that accept payments also analyze their potential partners.

If the online store does not have a status legal entity or an individual entrepreneur should also be wary of this. After all, the seller is already outside the legal framework and is engaged in illegal trade. So what’s stopping him from deceiving ordinary customers? The presented scan of the seller’s passport cannot serve as a guarantee of honesty. This does not in any way confirm his identity or the authenticity of the document.

The online store website must contain contact information about the seller. These include information about the organization or individual entrepreneur, TIN, KPP, legal address. On the Federal Tax Service website, check whether such a company actually exists, how long it has been operating on the market, what profile of activity is indicated in constituent documents, whether it is registered in the name of a dummy person (if the founder’s full name appears in many other companies), etc.

It is advisable for the online store to have its own office. See if the seller is really located at specified address. Fraudsters often provide non-existent addresses. However, having an office is not a mandatory requirement, because Many honest sellers do not rent premises simply to save on costs and offer competitive prices. But if only a mobile phone or email is listed among the contacts, then such a store is potentially dangerous.

Read reviews about the store on the Internet and check the store's rating. Not only the negative shopping experience of other users, but also the extremely positive ratings of the online store should attract attention. Unfortunately, distributing paid reviews is a very common practice today. The store's lack of history is also a reason to be wary.

What else should you pay attention to? Compare the product description with similar ones offered on other Internet resources. The presence of inaccuracies and inconsistencies, as well as numerous errors, makes you approach the purchase with caution.

Online trading brings huge amounts of money to online store owners all year round, but on the eve of such holidays as New Year, Christmas, March 8, Valentine's Day and February 23 are especially favorable times for sales. During the holidays, buyers are most active. Unfortunately, the same can be said about Internet scammers who are after other people’s money. Help you protect yourself from online fraud simple rules safe online shopping.

A suspicious message with a link can even come from a friend or relative. It’s better, just in case, to check with the person who sent you the link to see if they have been hacked. Fraudsters often hack user accounts social networks, and then on their behalf they make mailings to their relatives and friends.

Pay attention to safety protocols

Self-respecting online stores that care about the safety of their customers do not use open protocols. If the address of the page with the product you need begins with the letters http (rather than https), it is better not to buy anything on this site. Paying for online purchases on pages with an open security protocol can lead to undesirable consequences.

Do not use open Wi-Fi networks when shopping

Advantages Wi-Fi networks with passwordless access in front of closed networks are obvious. But buying online using such a network is a dangerous undertaking. Yes, if you don’t have enough free time, use it open networks It's very convenient for online shopping, but your personal data can be accessed by anyone who can connect to the network, that is, anyone. Better shop online at home on your PC.

Keep your software up to date

Even the most expensive antivirus program will not help the user protect his computer from hackers if it has outdated virus databases. And a decent level of protection can be achieved using free programs. The main thing is to update your antivirus program in a timely manner. The same applies to any other programs you use, including browsers.

Get a second card

Never use the same bank card for purchases in supermarkets and on the Internet. It is better to make purchases in online stores using a separate virtual card and top up its account only when necessary and for a strictly specified amount. In this case, if the scammers have information about your card, they will not be able to withdraw anything from it, and you will have plenty of time to block it.

Try to periodically change the password for accounts on sites where you indicate your personal data, and indeed for any resources where you have accounts. This way you minimize the risk of your password being hacked. And do not use the same logins and passwords for different sites. An attacker, having hacked one site, will not be too lazy to try his luck on other resources.

Tip 12: How to Shopping Safely Online

Mass trade is gradually moving to the Internet. More and more real stores are opening online offices, but there are simply no longer any number of regular online stores. But not all of them are ready to provide quality products. How to avoid running into scammers in the trading industry? In order not to lose your money and get the desired purchase, it is worth checking a few things.

Accurate and complete product specifications, realistic price

Another indicator of the seller’s integrity is a complete and reliable description of the features of the product. If the site only presents a photograph with a few words in the description, and all this at an extremely low price (about 30-50 percent lower than competitors), you should suspect fraud. At best, you will receive a product of a lower category than you expected. At the same time, you should not be afraid to buy from small online stores, because they are the ones who are ready to sell with minimal markup in order to attract more regular customers.

By the way, using the TIN of an organization you can check its exact name and legal address. Take advantage of this opportunity if you really need to buy something in this store, but you don’t trust it. Well, if company representatives do not want to tell you basic registration data (in particular, TIN, exact name and organizational form), then this is a good reason to be wary and not risk money.

Different payment methods

If you are strictly required to pay in full in advance for a product, choose another online store, even if the product there is slightly more expensive. A safer option is the ability to pay for the goods after receiving them (cash on delivery, payment via parcel terminal, etc.). The ideal option is the possibility of a preliminary inspection of the product, trying it on (if it is clothing) and after that the decision to purchase.

If you don’t really trust the online store you want to make a purchase from, get a separate e-wallet or bank card, for which you transfer the amount necessary to pay for the product or service.

Official website of the company

Don’t forget to check whether you are on a so-called fake online store website - address (in address bar browser) must be accurate and correct. If, for example, you were advised to use the online store, the address bar should not contain, and the like, even if the design and content fully correspond to your expectations and memories. In this way, scammers, by faking sites with a good reputation, lure out money.

Our expert Ekaterina Kalacheva talks about how to shop online correctly.

Even the most avid lovers of offline shopping with friends no, no, they will order new smartphone or dress online. Despite the convenience and speed, there are also obvious disadvantages: you can be left without money and without a purchase. Ekaterina Kalacheva, Marketing Director of the free classified ad service Aiwona, will tell you how to avoid scammers when shopping online.

Ekaterina Kalacheva

service marketing director free ads Aiwona

Protect your bank card

If you use a credit card to pay for purchases, take care to protect your money. Get a separate card specifically for online purchases and transfer to it exactly the amount that is enough for the current payment. If something goes wrong, you will only lose the money intended to pay for one thing, not everything in the account. By the way, you can activate a special service at the bank: every time you try to pay for something using a card, you will receive a message with one-time password, without which it is simply impossible to make a purchase.

Use PayPal

PayPal - international electronic payment system, which is supported by most large online stores and sites like eBay. If you pay for a purchase using this system, but something goes wrong (for example, the package is never delivered or the item is not what you ordered), PayPal will return the money to your account. The main thing is to report this to the support service in time - the time limit for filing a complaint is limited, so carefully monitor the status of your transaction.

Pay upon receipt

To make sure you don’t lose money, you can choose to pay only upon receipt of your order. Many online stores and individuals selling goods online allow payment by cash on delivery or cash to the courier. Give money to the courier or postal workers only after you have carefully inspected the item and made sure that everything is in order. Sometimes you can order pickup, then you can simultaneously save on delivery and not pay for a “pig in a poke.” If you buy an item through a private advertisement, do not transfer money in advance - scammers often ask for an advance payment under various pretexts, and then disappear along with the money.

Read the rules

Often users do not read the rules for using online stores or other services. This is a big mistake - that's where all the important information. For example, is it possible to track the delivery of the package, return the item if it doesn’t fit, who will pay the postage for the return, and within what time frame you can complain. By the way, this applies not only to online shopping. For example, users of the service for booking AirBnb apartments may complain that something is wrong with the apartment they ordered only on the first day of check-in.

Read the reviews

If you buy from an online store, make sure that there are no posts on forums and websites about missing things and money, the site has been around for a long time, and the prices do not raise suspicions. And if you decide to make a large purchase (for example, a car) from a private person, take the verification even more seriously. Most classifieds sites do not allow you to post reviews about the seller, but there are social networks! Find the seller’s profile on VKontakte or Facebook - this is easy to do using mobile phone, look for his first and last name on the Internet - maybe someone has already dealt with this person.

Keep track of your data

Under no circumstances disclose your bank card or passport details to anyone! Fraudsters often offer to transfer money to your card or ask you to transfer money to their account. At the same time, they may ask not only for your card number and bank details (which are always enough for a transfer), but also for your phone number, full name, code back side cards and even an SMS password from the bank. This is usually done through deception: for example, a fraudster may pose as an employee of your bank and promise to transfer money to the account of an online store. It’s not for nothing that all SMS from the bank contain the line: “Do not share this password with anyone, including a bank employee.”

We are so accustomed to convenience and comfort in everyday life that we have begun to “plunge” into the Internet more and more often: find necessary information, order a service, apply for a loan and even buy food. But in order to avoid being deceived by numerous scammers, you need to know and follow basic rules online shopping.

Concept and legal basis of distance selling

Remote sale of goods is a transaction concluded without the direct presence of the seller and the goods itself at the time of its execution. Such purchases are based on the buyer familiarizing himself with the information about the product offered by the seller in various forms(text, photo, video), including those taken from publicly available sources:

  • TV;
  • Internet;
  • radio;
  • printed catalogues, etc.

Alcoholic beverages and goods whose sale is limited or completely prohibited cannot be sold remotely. current legislation. And when selling other groups of goods, the seller is obliged to provide the consumer with a lot of clarifying information in Russian:

  • detailed description product and its key characteristics;
  • the material from which the item is made, and for food products - composition and nutritional value;
  • expiration date (or warranty), storage and use conditions;
  • detailed information about the manufacturer;
  • price, terms of purchase, payment, delivery and return;
  • whether the product was used, whether any of its shortcomings were eliminated.

This type of trade is regulated by the Rules for the Sale of Goods remotely(Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2007 N 612) and the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”.

Advantages and disadvantages of online shopping

The main advantage is, of course, convenience. This is especially true for those who work irregular working hours. Everything you need can be ordered online when a “window” appears in your busy work schedule, and paid for there.

Another plus is the cost of goods. In ordinary retail outlets, the seller spends significant sums on rent and maintenance of premises, and also pays employees. Of course, such costs are included in the final cost of the product. The online store is free from these types of costs, so its prices are not much higher than those of the direct manufacturer. By the way, many virtual retail outlets are opened by the manufacturers themselves, which means that goods can be purchased without intermediaries. In addition to this, the seller’s website always has information about promotions and seasonal discounts that will help you save additional money.

You can’t leave aside the speed of search. the desired product, she also deserves attention. Any online store provides the opportunity to find a product in the catalog by key query. Yes and third party services There is also enough to find the right thing - you can not only find everything you need, but also compare price offers from different sellers.

There is only one drawback to such a purchase – risk, which comes in several types:

  • receiving low-quality goods or goods that do not correspond to the description from unscrupulous suppliers;
  • the opportunity to get to the website of a fly-by-night company that “sells” goods cheaply, and after receiving an advance payment simply disappears;
  • long terms for receiving the goods - you will receive it when there is no longer a need;
  • and the most common is the loss of money from a bank card immediately after making an online payment.

To minimize risks and not spoil your mood, you should always remember the rules for purchasing online, which we will outline below.

Basic rules for online shopping

Seller's choice

Before you make a purchase, it is important to know how to choose good seller. Companies that work honestly and try to earn a high rating for themselves have been on the market for at least a year. Everything is clear here - they need to develop and improve, earn an honest name for themselves and gain as large a client base as possible. Such online stores will certainly not disappear with your money in an unknown direction, and in case of any misunderstandings they will meet the client halfway.

In addition to work experience, the virtual store page should contain the most detailed information about the seller:

  • full company name;
  • legal address;
  • contact details, including LANDLINE phones (good tone– telephone numbers starting with 8 (800), calls to which are free);
  • Bank details.

A professionally designed page, a rich assortment and the presence of a support service are indicators that should not be ignored either. If the seller has incurred all these expenses, it means that he is not saving on “promotion” and is going to work long and honestly.

An important thing is reviews about the seller. You just shouldn’t trust a forum located directly on the online store’s website. It is quite possible that the owner virtual point increases the rating himself, leaving anonymous praise addressed to himself, or pays freelancers for posting such a review. And all the negativity that exists could have been left behind by competitors. Therefore, it is better to spend a little time and look at reviews about the seller on independent resources.

So, Rule No. 1 – we buy only from reliable sellers.

Purchase selection

You also need to choose the right product. For example, when purchasing clothes or shoes, check with the seller which size range is indicated on the website (USA, European, etc.) and compare it with our Russian one. Otherwise, you might end up buying something completely unsuitable.

You also need to be careful when buying cosmetics and perfumes through online services. Remember that the monitor will not convey odors, and one description and composition is not always enough to understand how compatible this scent is with your preferences. It is better to buy only those products that you have already used before and accurately understand their structure and aromatic base.

It is not at all advisable to purchase food products over the Internet. You cannot know absolutely exactly what the degree of freshness of such a product is, and everything in the description is not always written truthfully. There is no guarantee that Nice picture on the screen corresponds to the appearance of the products in reality.

You should also pay attention to the price offered. A quality item will never be too cheap. Sometimes online stores, under the pretext of seasonal sales, sell fakes that become unusable after the first use.

Hence, the second rule will be to thoroughly study the item of purchase and clarify all the points that interest you before placing an order.


To pay for purchases, sellers always offer several payment options to choose from:

  • cash to the courier;
  • electronic money;
  • by bank card.

Of course, the best option is cash. Moreover, at the time of receiving your order, you will have the opportunity to first evaluate the product and only then pay for it. But courier delivery services operate mainly in large cities, and consumers from smaller ones settlements we have to consider other options for payment and receipt.

Electronic money is also convenient and uncomplicated, but you can’t use just any (first available) service. As a rule, the payment system provides the service of transferring funds between accounts, and does not bear any responsibility for other aspects of the transaction. Therefore, it is advisable to pay for goods through PayPal or AliPay, which have full buyer protection. During certain period time, you can challenge the quality or even the very fact of receiving the ordered goods. In most cases, such disputes are resolved in favor of the consumer, to whom all money is returned, including delivery costs.

Regarding payment by bank card... Here one can only recall the words of the well-known fable “How many times have they told the world...”. There is nothing to add here; all the risks and benefits have already been discussed more than once. We recommend that you thoroughly read the article and go through it.

From all that has been said it flows smoothly third rule: it is advisable to make purchases in those online stores that deliver goods without prepayment. And if you need one, we mainly use PayPal and AliPay services(this mainly applies to foreign online stores or online auctions).

Receipt of goods

It is important not only to choose the right item and pay for it safely, but also to receive it wisely.

Below will be small instructions for receiving purchases at Russian Post, but in general it is suitable for anyone postal service(now there are a lot of intermediaries involved in the delivery of goods).

First, the parcel must be carefully inspected for damage. Until this moment, you should not put your signature on the notice - then you will not be able to prove that the packaging was “something different.”

If there are no visible defects in the parcel, it means that the post office has fulfilled all the requirements for the safety of shipments and is not responsible for the contents. In other cases, in the presence postal worker The package is opened and its “insides” are checked to ensure it matches the order. Everything is fine? Then we sign for receipt. Any complaints? This means we draw up an act, the form of which is available at any post office.

But there are also such incidents when, with excellent appearance departure awaits you inside an unpleasant surprise: the product is completely wrong, the ordered item is broken, or there is a pebble nearby for weight. This is entirely the fault of the seller, who turned out to be not so conscientious. The only option in this situation is to demand a refund from such a “trader”.

It is advisable to film the entire process of opening the parcel and removing the contents on a video camera - then you will have serious arguments in your favor. Fortunately, now there are such cameras in almost every mobile phone.

So, The fourth rule is to carefully examine postal items and their contents, and if there are any complaints, we start a dispute with the seller.

Possibility of return

Even when making a purchase at a regular retail outlet, you will never be 100% insured against purchasing a low-quality product. How many cases are there when minor defects that mar the joy of purchasing are discovered already at home? When selling remotely, this risk increases significantly - you cannot touch the product, and the monitor may distort the color gamut.

However, do not forget about the law on consumer rights. He will protect you here too. When purchasing a low-quality product, you have the right to demand:

  • a reduction in the cost of the ordered item, which will be commensurate with the detected defect;
  • elimination of all defects by the efforts or at the expense of the seller;
  • replace the purchased product with a similar one.

In cases where the purchased item fully complies with the stated characteristics and is in usable condition, but still does not suit you personally various reasons, you can also refuse it. This right is retained for 7 days from the date of receipt. And if the seller has not notified you of the return procedure in writing, you can return the product within up to three months.

Hence, Rule No. 5 – even before placing an order, you need to study the conditions and terms of return and do not hesitate to assert your rights.

There are not many rules for online shopping. Yes, and they cannot be called complex. By following our recommendations, you can make the process of purchasing your favorite items remotely as safe as possible. Enjoy the shopping!

No matter how experienced you are in online shopping, scammers do not sleep and create new schemes. Therefore, it makes no sense in the topic “how to buy safely in an online store” to try to describe and warn against every scam. I set another task - to remind you of simple safety rules, which together perfectly protect against the most sophisticated scammers.

According to statistics, the number of “divorces” increases significantly during the holidays, because people choose gifts for family and friends. In addition, stores hold promotions and offer good discounts during this period. And buyers, in pursuit of freebies, lose their vigilance. Therefore, before making your next order in the online store, go through each item. The rules are not new, but this does not prevent us from forgetting them from time to time and behaving carelessly.

1. Choose only trusted sites

During the holidays, when all sellers are vying with each other to offer low prices and gifts for every purchase, you should not test new resources. Especially the little-known ones.

The fact that a store is in the TOP 3 for your request is not a sign of its reliability. This is just high-quality work of SEO specialists. On a familiar site, the likelihood of being involved in a fraudulent scheme is much lower. For example, we all know or There are also online stores representing large offline retail chains.

Be especially careful about domains.

A fairly common trick when used famous brand with a different domain zone. Instead of .com it is written .net or .org. Yes, the price offers on such sites can be very tempting. But this is exactly how scammers collect confidential payment information from users.

2. The site protocol must support encryption

Address safe resource begin with https://. Never make purchases with your credit card on the website with the address http://. It's not necessarily a scam, but your payment details are not protected from theft.

Never send your credit card number via e-mail! Legitimate stores don't work like that.

3. Do not provide your TIN

No legal online store needs your TIN or date of birth. However, if scammers get them, combined with your credit card number for purchases, they can do a lot of mischief. Try to include as little personal information as possible.

4. Check your accounts

Regularly check the status of your cards and payment accounts. Especially when you are on vacation. During this period, people are less attentive, relaxed, and even use credit cards in unfamiliar places. Make sure you don't see any fraudulent payments, even from sites like PayPal. After all, there are plenty of ways to get to your savings)).

At the first suspicion, call hotline your bank and resolve the issue as quickly as possible. Confirm payment from your credit card only after carefully checking the details. This case from the series is not just “measure 7 times”, but better all 15. For reliability.

Most payment systems have a refund option. Anyone learning how to buy safely from an online store should be prepared for a negative scenario. Find out in advance about the return procedure from your bank or technical support if we're talking about about electronic money.

5. Protect your computer

Fraudsters do not always sit and calmly wait for gullible users to look at the site and leave their details. Sometimes they act more aggressively using phishing messages. Install reliable antivirus and get into the habit of not clicking on pop-ups. How to buy safely in an online store if your own computer- “passage yard”?!

6. Use only strong passwords

This means that it is foolhardy to leave your date of birth as a password for your e-wallet or online banking. The best option is a password generator that uses random characters and then stores them in its own secure database. Many password managers have this feature.

7. Use mobile devices

Reputable resources support payments from phones and process such orders no less quickly. There is no cause for concern in this regard. Abroad, users no longer remember how to buy in an online store without smart gadgets. The main feature is to use official applications large trading platforms or your bank. This way you can view products and make payments without going directly to the store’s website.

8. Avoid making payments in public places

Of course, the days when people went to check their email in an Internet cafe are long gone. But situations are different. If you still have to carry out a payment transaction in an untrusted place, do not forget to log out of your account before disconnecting. This even applies to checking email.

Better yet, just get a tablet. Make purchases with it if you are away from home. In general, be careful in public places. While you are entering your card number and expiration date, there is plenty of time for a scammer looking over your shoulder to steal your information. Think like a bandit)). Sit with your back to the wall and facing the door. Why create potentially dangerous situations.

9. Use a secure connection

Home WIFi is usually password protected. But public networks do not always have this property. When choosing public network give preference to the one that requires a password and a wireless connection.

10. Pay gift cards and purchase certificates

Our certificates for a certain amount as gifts are widely offered by large retail chains, but people have not yet fully appreciated the benefits. From the point of view of Internet security, this is an ideal option. You will not have to indicate your card number and all details will be “one-time use”.

11. If something is too good, it’s most likely a scam.

We all know this! We've heard it a thousand times! But the number of fraud victims is constantly growing. Especially all kinds of schemes bloom in magnificent colors during the holidays. For example, you can find free ipad as a gift with the main purchase and a discount coupon.

There are other mind-blowing offers. Just the other day I came across a website selling branded perfumes. An 80% discount was offered on all goods, including perfumes, the retail price of which is from 1000 UAH. Can you imagine Nina Ricci or Trussardi for 250 UAH?!

By the way, many of these “offers” come through social networks. Sometimes even from acquaintances and friends.

Maintain healthy skepticism! When it comes to how to buy safely from an online store, skepticism is the best defense.

And may the New Year please us only with pleasant surprises!

Before making a purchase, check that the online store website contains information for feedback- electronic and regular mail, the name of the outlet and the form of its organization (for example, LLC, individual entrepreneur, etc.). You will need this data in case the product turns out to be of poor quality and you have to correspond about warranty service or file a claim through the court.

Accurate and complete product specifications, realistic price

Another indicator of the seller’s integrity is a complete and reliable description of the features of the product. If the site only presents a photograph with a few words in the description, and all this at an extremely low price (about 30-50 percent lower than competitors), you should suspect fraud. At best, you will receive a product of a lower category than you expected. At the same time, you should not be afraid to buy from small online stores, because they are the ones who are ready to sell with minimal markup in order to attract more regular customers.

By the way, using the TIN of an organization you can check its exact name and legal address. Take advantage of this opportunity if you really need to buy something in this store, but you don’t trust it. Well, if company representatives do not want to tell you basic registration data (in particular, TIN, exact name and organizational form), then this is a good reason to be wary and not risk money.

Different payment methods

If you are strictly required to pay in full in advance for a product, choose another online store, even if the product there is slightly more expensive. A safer option is the ability to pay for the goods after receiving them (cash on delivery, payment via parcel terminal, etc.). The ideal option is the possibility of a preliminary inspection of the product, trying it on (if it is clothing) and after that the decision to purchase.

If you don’t really trust the online store where you want to make a purchase, get a separate electronic wallet or bank card to which you transfer the amount necessary to pay for the product or service.

Official website of the company

Do not forget to check whether you are on a so-called fake online store website - the address (in the address bar of the browser) must be accurate and correct. If, for example, you were advised to use the online store, the address bar should not contain, and the like, even if the design and content fully correspond to your expectations and memories. In this way, scammers, by faking sites with a good reputation, lure out money.