How to use the webmoney payment system. Wallets

WebMoney is an Internet payment system. With the help of funds on WebMoney, you can do almost everything that we do with money in life: pay for goods, top up a mobile phone, transfer money to bank cards, pay for any services on the Internet, exchange currency and much more.

If your time has come and you decide to start use WebMoney, then this article will answer most of your questions. To become a full participant in the WebMoney payment system and take full advantage of the opportunities, we will need to do 4 simple steps:

Register in WebMoney

The official website of this payment system is located at and before you start using this payment system we need to create our account. When you visit the site, pay attention to green button"Registration ". That's what we need.

In a few steps you will need to: enter your mobile number, personal data, confirm your email and phone number, and then come up with a complex password.

Here I described it in a nutshell, but if you need details, then read my lesson: . Everything is described there in great detail.

Installing the program

This step is optional. You can use WebMoney using a browser and the official payment website.

This is what our account looks like after registration:

Here you can transfer money, receive and pay for services. This version is called Mini. Suitable for ordinary users.

But if you want to perform operations directly from your computer, then you will need to enable the Classic version, then obtain a formal certificate and. You can read the relevant lessons using the links in that sentence and everything will become clear :)

We create wallets and replenish them

I don’t see any point in using WebMoney either by creating wallets or adding funds to them. Let's figure this out.

In our account we need to open the “Wallets” menu.

And here click the “Add” button.

B. >

Select the currency of the future wallet, check the box and click “Create”.

In your account, find the “Payment for services” section and click the first link “ Select service type».

Now we indicate our operator. In my case it is MTS.

Enter your mobile phone number and top-up amount and click “OK”.

A confirmation code will be sent to the phone number to which your WebMoney account is linked. It must be entered in a new window.

The account has been successfully replenished.

This way we can pay for other services and goods through WebMoney. But nothing is limited to just the site. You can pay with this payment system in other places; very often online stores accept WebMoney for payment.

If you provide some services yourself, then perhaps you will need the opportunity to receive money into your wallets, and perhaps transfer it to your relatives or someone else.

Now you know the main points of how to use WebMoney correctly and, if you wish, you can begin to apply your new knowledge today.

And I'll tell you what it is payment system Webmoney (Webmoney). After reading this publication, you will learn how the WebMoney electronic payment system works, how Webmoney is registered, operations within the system, replenishment and withdrawal of funds, what a Webmoney wallet is, a Webmoney certificate, BL, WM Keeper and much more. Next, let's talk about everything in order.

Webmoney payment system.

The WebMoney payment system appeared in 1998 and today is the most popular system electronic money in RuNet. About 35% of Russian-speaking Internet users have a webmoney wallet, while just over half have any kind of electronic wallet.

The Webmoney payment system legally belongs to the company Webmoney Transfer, registered in London, but it was developed in Russia, where all technical support, and also the main WebMoney certification center is located. Information about individuals, who are the ultimate owners of the webmoney system, is classified.

The WebMoney payment system itself calls itself an electronic settlement system for maintenance and states that it does not operate with money, but with the so-called. “title units” - payment units equal in value to real currencies, as well as to gold. Thus, legally, Webmoney is not a payment system and does not have such a status in Russia; it does not act as an issuer of electronic money, which is quite legal, since title units are not classified by law as electronic money - they are simply assets that can be bought, sold and exchanged.

WebMoney title units are issued in several currencies: Russian ruble, US dollar, euro, Ukrainian hryvnia, Belarusian ruble, Uzbek sum, as well as in gold, bitcoins and special dollars for credit transactions. All webmoney title units are designated by three letters, the first two of which are WM, and the third characterizes the type of currency of which they are the equivalent. For example, WMR - Russian rubles, WMU - hryvnia, WMZ - American dollar, etc.

For each type of title units, the system has its own so-called. “Guarantor” – entity, registered in the country of circulation of the title unit currency and issuing title units in this currency. Webmoney title units can be exchanged like regular currency at the prevailing market rate through various services, the most profitable of which, as a rule, is our own webmoney exchange -

The Webmoney payment system is well protected in terms of reliability and security of payments. For this reason, a certain part of users find it inconvenient, since registration, authorization, and making payments in WebMoney are somewhat more complicated than in other similar systems, however, in my opinion, ensuring high degree payment security is more of an advantage than a disadvantage.

WebMoney official website –, in a number of countries webmoney sites operate in their domain zones.

Webmoney registration.

Registration in the WebMoney system is carried out through the official website or its subsidiary sites in other countries. Upon registration, each participant is assigned a unique 12-digit number - WMID, to which the participant can subsequently open any number of electronic wallets in different currencies.

WebMoney registration is free.

Webmoney wallet.

A WebMoney wallet is a virtual account in which title units in a certain currency are stored, and through which all transactions with them are carried out. The WebMoney wallet is opened only to participants already registered in the payment system who have their own WMID. Registration of a webmoney wallet is also carried out through the official websites of the system, or through a special application for working with webmoney - WM Keeper. Each currency requires a separate WebMoney wallet, at the same time, one user of the system can have any number of wallets, including those in the same currency.

The webmoney wallet number consists of the third letter of the title currency identifier and 12 digits, and it does not coincide with WMID. WebMoney services allow you to find out the WMID of a system participant by the wallet number, but not vice versa.

Webmoney certificate.

Each user of the system has his own digital identity, which is called a WebMoney certificate. There are a total of 12 types of such certificates, and each of them implies certain rights of its owner. The WebMoney certificate serves as a kind of indicator of the system’s trust in its participant, and the higher the level of the certificate, the more trust in him and, therefore, the more operations he can perform.

By default, each participant registered in the system is issued a certificate low level– pseudonym certificate. It is absolutely anonymous, that is, it does not require entering and verifying passport data, but at the same time it greatly limits the capabilities of the system user. For example, a participant with a pseudonym certificate will be able to replenish his Webmoney wallet, conduct payments with other users of the system within the minimum limits, but will not be able to convert Webmoney into cash.

WebMoney certificate of the next level - a formal certificate is issued to a participant in the system after entering passport data and verifying it by providing scanned copies of the passport. A formal certificate already makes it possible to withdraw WebMoney to a bank, increases transaction limits and provides access to a whole range of payment services of the system.

Such webmoney certificate necessary for those who engage in or plan to frequently transfer funds within the system.

These two certificates entry level are issued to users free of charge, but for all subsequent ones in most cases you will have to pay, in addition, their receipt will involve a mandatory personal meeting with the registrar or personalizer of the system. Entrepreneurs doing business on the Internet or very active users will need more serious WebMoney certificates.

You can find out more about what Webmoney certificates are, what opportunities they offer, how much they cost, and what is needed to get them on the official website of the Webmoney system on the page

BL in Webmoney.

Among other things, each registered user of the WebMoney system is assigned a so-called. “business level” - Business Level - BL, which characterizes the level of activity in the payment system. BL WebMoney is calculated using a special algorithm that takes into account:

– period of use of the system;

– the number of system participants with whom payment transactions were made;

– number and volumes of payments in the system;

– presence of complaints or positive feedback about the participant.

BL webmoney can both rise and fall. The higher the BL, the more trust a participant in the WebMoney payment system evokes. Before making a payment to a new counterparty, it is always recommended to check its BL.

You can find out more about what BL Webmoney is on the official website of the system: level_(BL).

Operations in the Webmoney system.

Users of the WebMoney payment system have the opportunity to perform the following types of operations:

– Topping up WebMoney electronic wallets with cash different ways(electronic terminals, exchange offices, instant transfers, bank cards, etc.);

– Withdrawal of webmoney from electronic wallets into cash in different ways (withdrawal to a plastic card, bank account, exchange offices, instant transfers, etc.);

– Transfer of webmoney to other users of the system from wallet to wallet;

– Payment for goods and services in Internet services that accept WebMoney for payment;

– Exchange of one title units for others.

For each transaction with WebMoney title units, the system takes a commission of approximately 0.8% of the amount, which is charged according to the method of calculating indirect taxes (that is, it is added to the transaction amount and not subtracted from it). Thus, for example, in order to carry out a transaction in the amount of 100 title units, the WebMoney wallet must have at least 100.8 title units.

For each type of webmoney, maximum fees charged are set.

All operations in the WebMoney system can be carried out either through the official websites of the system, logging in via WMID, or using a special software– WM Keeper.

WM Keeper.

The WM Keeper program is designed to manage electronic wallets and simplify transactions in the WebMoney system. Standard version programs - WM Keeper Classic is the most common and convenient for use on a computer with an operating system Windows system. There are also simplified versions - WM Keeper Mini and WM Keeper Light, which are compatible with any operating system, as well as versions of WM Keeper for different types mobile devices.

The WM Keeper program has several reliable levels of protection, in particular, separate files keys that can be placed in different places, gaining access to authorization and making payments via SMS messages, as well as through a modern E-Num service, allowing the owner to be identified by scanning QR codes or a fingerprint.

You can download WM Keeper for free from the official website of the WebMoney payment system

Webmoney arbitrage.

The WebMoney payment system provides its participants with the opportunity to challenge completed transactions if one of the parties has violated its obligations. For this there is special service– Webmoney arbitration.

You can submit a claim to webmoney arbitration against any participant in the system (including even the operator), which will be considered within a specified period, after which a decision will be made and certain actions will be taken. Filing claims to WebMoney arbitration is free of charge, but if it is a blocking claim, it requires payment of a security deposit.

Address for filing claims to WebMoney arbitration –

Now you got general idea about what the WebMoney payment system is and what main opportunities it opens to its participants. In fact, there are many more possibilities, functions and services of webmoney; in the future I will gradually consider individual of them on.

In general, I want to say that registering in the WebMoney system and obtaining a formal certificate is simply necessary for all those who in any way intend to earn money on the Internet, since this is the most common electronic payment system and the main circulation of electronic money worldwide network passes right through it.

Stay with us and improve your financial literacy. See you in new publications!

WebMoney is commonplace. They are well aware of why this payment system is needed, what opportunities it provides and how to ensure the security of their data and Money. For those who are just about to start working with the WebMoney service, this article will be very useful.

From this material you will learn:

  • Advantages of the WebMoney system;
  • How to create a wallet;
  • How to pay via WebMoney;
  • How to ensure the security of payment information.

So, let's start getting acquainted with this payment system.

A few words about the payment system

For many network users who work with Internet money, WebMoney evokes only good emotions. In fact, this payment system is the most widespread in the world, in Russia and Ukraine as well. The number of grateful users is growing rapidly, and this is not surprising!

A wide range of services and goods available for payment via WebMoney is attracting more and more customers. The low interest rate for making payments and transfers pleases employers on the Internet, as well as freelancers.

Security is business card payment system. Here the user has four ways to manage wallets, which will be discussed below. Various systems Protection for entering the site and making payments is also provided. A one-time SMS password, an e-num protection system or password-protected electronic keys will ensure the secure storage of the user’s money.

Some aspects of the WebMoney payment system will be discussed in more detail during wallet registration.

Registering a WebMoney wallet

Open the main website of the WebMoney service. It looks like this – or depending on the user’s country. Let's go to home page and we see short review website and payment system, as well as some news. On the right top corner Click on the orange “Registration” button.

Please note that registration in the system takes place in four steps - specifying your phone number, personal data, checking your phone number and assigning a password to log in. The first step is entering a number mobile phone. Attention, please use a valid cell phone number to successfully complete registration in the system. To your device mobile communications SMS will be sent with confirmation passwords.

The second step when creating an account in WebMoney is to provide your personal information. These include the user's date of birth, a valid email address, as well as selecting a security question and indicating the correct answer to it. Proceed further by clicking on “Continue”.

Check the boxes if you want to receive newsletters or information about promotions from the payment system by email, or uncheck them if you don’t need it. Next, you should double-check that all data is entered correctly and proceed to the third step - confirming your phone number.

It is worth noting that this service is paid. A new user will have to pay for forwarding one SMS message to any of specified numbers. If you have a smartphone and a program for reading QR codes, you can scan the code and simply click on send message. After waiting for the delivery report, you can safely click on “Continue”.

Let's move on to the last point, namely assigning a password. You should come up with it yourself secure password using various symbols, lowercase and capital letters and numbers. How longer password, the more reliable it is. You can also use special password generator services. They will create a secure password for you without much effort on the part of the user.

Using WebMoney

Having completed the registration process in this payment system, we find ourselves on the main page of the service. It looks like the screenshot below. What do we see here? The message window allows you to conduct a dialogue with other system participants and receive notifications from it. At the top right you can see your 12-digit WMID. On the left there are buttons for managing the system - funds, correspondents, you will also find payments and a market there, the ability to borrow funds. At the very bottom of this column there is an account settings button and a logout button.

What is WMID? No, this is not a wallet to which you can receive funds and transfers. This is the internal user ID. To make it easier to understand, WMID is similar to ID on social networks, for example, VKontakte. Using WMID, you can add a correspondent on the corresponding page. Just enter your user ID and security code. You will see information about WMID owner- add him to the list of correspondents. Now you can communicate with a person, make and accept payments.

Creating wallets

Even if you receive a personal WMID, you will not be able to make payments or receive transfers to WebMoney! To do this, you need to create a wallet. How to do it? Go to the "Wallets" tab in the left column.

Now you should click on the plus next to the words “Finance”. The system will open a wallet creation page for you. At this stage, you need to select the type of wallet, otherwise its currency. As you can see, WMR corresponds to the ruble, WMZ to the dollar, WME to the euro, and WMX to cyber currency (bitcoin). Select the required currency, review the agreement, and then click the create button.

A user can create more than one wallet. Register as many currency wallets as you need. You can also create multiple wallets in the same currency to use your funds as efficiently as possible.

account settings

The wallet creation process is complete. Now let's take a closer look at the user profile settings. To enter the settings menu, click the corresponding button at the bottom of the control column. Here the user can see profile and security settings, the ability to install and configure access WebMoney applications for mobile devices, as well as the ability to link the payment system with social networks(“VKontakte”, “Odnoklassniki”, “”, “Facebook”, “Yandex”, etc.).

Profile Settings

In this subcategory of settings you can edit and add information about the user. Here you can see WMID, user passport, levels, phone and email, as well as settings for account management methods.

Let's talk more about the certificate. What is it and why should it be done? This is a digital certificate based on the user's submitted data. The certificate serves as a level of client identification, as does the status of the wallet in the Yandex Money system. The more data is known about the user, the higher the certificate he can receive. Accordingly, the best certificate provides more opportunities to its owner. Here are just some of the advantages of a formal certificate over an anonymous one.

There are several certifications for ordinary users. Anonymous, formal, initial and personal certificates open up everything they need. If a person decides to conduct business through the WebMoney system, then he may need a certificate of a seller, service, guarantor or operator in case of cooperation with the system.

A formal certificate can be obtained without leaving your computer. All you need to do is upload scanned documents and fill in the fields correctly. But with initial and personal certificates the situation is more complicated. To do this, you need to make a visit to official office WebMoney company or one of its representatives. This information can be found on the website.

To receive a formal certificate, you must provide all personal information- Full name, passport details, registration, as well as postal address, upload copies of documents to the website and wait for the certificate to be issued.

Recently, it is possible to obtain higher certificates without visiting representatives. detailed instructions is outlined in the help on this page -

In principle, for basic operations with the system (depositing and withdrawing funds), a formal certificate will be quite sufficient. When you receive it, it will be displayed in your profile settings as follows:

Ways to manage WMID

This point should be given Special attention each user. The security of his data and funds depends on which management method a person chooses. Let's take a closer look at them.

The old names were replaced by new ones, but the methods remained the same. Immediately after registration, the user works in the system through Keeper Standard - a simplified web version of WebMoney. By choosing management through WinPro or WebPro Keepers, you get a full range of services and access to them. It is worth noting that to connect WebPro you must have a personal certificate.

WinPro is a way to manage your own WMID using a program installed on a PC. For her successful work you will need to download the program, upload electronic keys and create separate password for this type of control. Let's do this.

Click on the underlined “Enable” button next to the WinPro control method. We see that to continue the intended actions, you must log in with confirmation. Click on the link and you will be taken to the authorization page.

You can confirm authorization by entering a code from an SMS received to your cellular telephone. It is also possible to secure your account and all actions in it using the e-num protection system. How to activate it?

Creating e-num protection

Since you will need to download the e-num application for your mobile device, let's do it right away. Let's look at the example of an operating room Android systems. Let's go to Play Market and download official application, after which we launch.

In the first window we see the “Register now” button - click on it. At the next stage, we indicate your email address (preferably the same as in WebMoney) and mobile phone number. Enter the security code and continue.

The next point is confirmation mailbox. Open your email and you will see a letter confirming your registration in the e-num system. Click on confirmation. Then we return to the application and enter the code from the message received on the phone in the field.

The final stage will be authorization in the system. Enter in the last window email and activation code from the account (will also be sent via SMS). Do not delete it; you will need it if you lose access to the application. It is recommended to set a security code or graphic key for the e-num application for greater security.

Linking two accounts is quite simple. Go to the security tab in your WMID settings. Then in the e-num line, click on connection. Enter your data in the system, confirm in the mobile application through a question and answer - and e-num will begin to be used as protection.

We also recommend adding this security system to “Confirmations”. Thus, attackers will not be able to log into your WebMoney account, much less make payments without your confirmation through the mobile application.

Changing the control method (continued)

The application of this security system is designed very competently and conveniently. If at the time of going to this page your smartphone was online (the Internet), then the application itself will notify you of such actions and offer to receive a response number. Enter it in the appropriate field and confirm your entry.

On the next page you need to create a password for the new way to manage WMID. Remember that the password for the site will remain the one you specified during registration! So, let's introduce a new one strong password and duplicate it. Click on the green button!

Key generation. These are electronic keys for managing your account in the system. They need to be downloaded as a single file, which weighs almost nothing. Attention! Proceed ONLY after successful download electronic keys.

Let's start installing the WebMoney Keper WinPro program. Download installation file Russian version You can follow the link

We agree with all points, including license agreement. Be sure to download the plugin required for correct operation(just agree in the dialog box). After installation is complete, open the application.

When starting the program for the first time, given that the user is working with it for the first time, there is no need to specify the electronic key file. They will be useful if you need to restore access to the identifier. At this stage, it is enough to enter your personal WMID and password from this method management.

Remember an important detail: the password for the electronic key file is the same as for WinPro. When reinstalling the system or trying to log in from another computer, even when re-equipping your own, the program will require electronic keys.

When you first start, an error may occur, as in the picture. Don't be scared possible problems. This is the usual confirmation of your actions. To do this, you need to go to your email and copy the registration code from the letter from the WebMoney support service. You can go to the page specified in the error description directly from it or from an email.

Enter the code in the required field, and also enter the captcha correctly. WMID should be filled in automatically. Click the activation button. Agree that you really want to activate Keeper on your equipment. Activation is now completed successfully!

That's it - Keeper is created. Now you can manage electronic money through the program on your PC. All functions the usual way and even more are now available to you, a person who until recently did not even have an account in WebMoney.

Summarize. The WebMoney monetary system is the undisputed leader among its competitors. Registering an account and receiving certificates does not take much time. Using all security measures will ensure the safety of your personal data and funds. Several control methods allow you to choose the most convenient option for you. Use WebMoney wisely and have fun!

Today it is no longer possible to imagine your life without the Internet. Global network opens up to people huge opportunities: you can find out actual news, meet new people, shop without leaving home!

Types of certificates and the procedure for their registration

The Webmoney system has a unique system of certificates, which has specific features. Each type of certificate is characterized by available functionality and restrictions. Let's look at them in more detail.

Alias ​​certificate

It is usually used to buy something online and pay for small purchases. This type The certificate is suitable for beginners who do not yet know how to use all the capabilities of WebMoney. It is worth considering that the level of trust on the part of users in the owners of pseudonym certificates is low. The certificate is issued automatically after registration.

Formal certificate

It is suitable for all active participants in the payment system who constantly use an electronic wallet to carry out transactions. Holders of such certificates have access to additional options: regular payment for services, withdrawal of funds. The certificate is issued free of charge after a participant in the system enters passport data on the WebMoney website.

Initial certificate

This type of certificate is chosen by company employees. Thanks to it, the level of trust on the part of users increases. There are two ways to get an initial certificate: free (if you use Money transfers through the website and for a fee (when the personalizer checks the passport data).

Personal certificate

It is used by businessmen and advanced users who want not only to make transfers, but also to earn money online. Personal certificate– guarantor of the wallet owner’s reputation. You can get it for a fee after the registrar checks your passport data.

For each type of certificate there are corresponding limits. detailed information information about obtaining certificates is described in this review.

Deposit and withdrawal of funds

After the user has registered an account in the system, a logical question arises: “How to top up the account?” In fact, everything is quite simple, since the WebMoney system offers enough wide choose ways to replenish your balance. You can use a bank card or. The most best ways replenishments have been collected.

The Webmoney electronic wallet allows system participants not only to replenish their accounts, but also to withdraw funds.

Advantages of the payment system

The Webmoney payment system has been operating since 1998. Today it is used by the vast majority of Runet users. This indicates the impeccable reputation of the service. WebMoney is updated periodically: new features appear, the design of the service changes.

This fact is direct confirmation that the system is developing and not standing still. Now let's take a closer look at its benefits.

  • funds are transferred as quickly as possible, which saves time;
  • There are many ways for users to deposit/withdraw funds;
  • the commission for withdrawal of funds is small and depends on the chosen method;
  • The WebMoney system is popular, so almost all major services cooperate with it;
  • the payment system is considered one of the most reliable, as there are many ways to protect your wallet;
  • technical support answers all user questions, and in a short time;
  • there is arbitration that helps resolve various disputes;
  • WebMoney cooperates with many banks, so operations for depositing and withdrawing funds are carried out quickly;
  • users can manage their account using their phone (thanks to special application, developed for almost all mobile OS).

That's not all positive sides payment system, in fact there are much more of them.

A small dictionary of terms

Advanced participants in the system use quite specific terms in communication. In order for beginners to understand the meaning of these definitions, we have compiled a small dictionary. It can be found below.

  • account – Account user in the system;
  • arbitration is a special service that resolves disputes between users;
  • certificate – a special certificate that is issued to users in digital form;
  • BL – business level of the user in the system;
  • WMID unique number, allowing you to identify each user of the system;
  • keeper – a program that allows you to work with the payment system;
  • WMU – title unit, which is the equivalent of the hryvnia;
  • WMR – title sign, which is the equivalent of the Russian ruble;
  • WMZ – title sign, which is the equivalent of the US dollar;
  • WME is a title unit that is equivalent to the euro.

User Reference Materials

There is a special section on the official website of the payment system where you can view all information regarding the functions.

In order to find the answer to your question, you must select the appropriate section.

Let's say we need information on how to check BL. To do this, select the “Help” section and find the desired item. After which you can view all the information on a special page.

If you could not find the answer to your question in the “Help” section, then you can contact technical support.

If you have definitely decided that you will actively use this payment system, then you should worry about protecting your account. The developers paid special attention to security, so the user can choose any available security measures:

  1. Installation complex password. There is no need to set a password that consists only of numbers; use numbers and letters of different case. The combination must be long and complex.
  2. Confirmation of the transaction using a mobile phone. This function allows you to secure your account, since when performing any operation you will need to enter a code that will be sent to your phone.
  3. Using the E-num authorization system. After connecting E-num, you can log into your account in several ways.
  4. IP blocking. Another effective method account protection, the essence of which is that you can log in only from the previously specified IP address.


After all of the above, we can draw one conclusion: the WebMoney payment system has wide functionality that is available to all users. Anyone can register, because the registration procedure is quite simple. Thanks to reference materials and technical support, you can get all the necessary information.

An account in the system allows you to pay for purchases or transfer funds. You can pay for the Internet, buy a game or a book. If you want to get these opportunities, then join the system!

Life modern people very closely connected to the Internet. Some people work on the Internet, others like to shop in online stores. Services have been created to make life easier and carry out various financial transactions electronic payments, on which you can create electronic wallets. One such system is WebMoney. It is not easy, because it has great amount opportunities. This is why beginners often have the question of how to use WebMoney.

Getting to know the system

"WebMoney" is a long-existing electronic payment system. It was founded in 1998. The number of users choosing this system is growing every year. This is confirmed by the statistics generated by WebMoney. According to available data, in October 2017 the number of accounts exceeded 35 million.

"WebMoney" is international system settlements and environment for doing business on the Internet. It refers to several types of units of account, also called title units. Here are some of them:

  • WMR - equivalent of Russian rubles;
  • WMZ - dollar equivalent;
  • WME - euro equivalent;
  • WMU - equivalent to Ukrainian hryvnia;
  • WMB is the equivalent of Belarusian rubles.

Registration in the system: how to start “WebMoney” and how to use it

Getting an e-wallet from WebMoney is quite simple. The registration procedure includes several steps. At the very first stage, a telephone number is indicated. He must be a worker, because in the future everything financial operations you will need to confirm with codes received in SMS messages.

At the second stage, a form with personal data is filled out. You don't need much information to register. The new participant must indicate the date of birth, telephone number, Security Question to restore access and respond to it. Then all that remains is to confirm email address and phone number by entering codes. At the last stage of registration, you need to come up with a password to log into the system.

Creation of electronic wallets

After registration each new member system "Webmoney" appears in your personal account. At the top you can see the line “WMID” with numbers. People just starting to figure out how to use the WebMoney wallet in Russia should remember that this is a user ID in the system. It is not a wallet number. If we talk in simple language, then WMID is something like a number personal account, a platform on which you can create several different wallets for conducting financial transactions.

In your personal account there is special button to create wallets in different currencies. To create a ruble account you need to select WMR, to create a dollar account - WMZ, etc. Each wallet is automatically assigned a number. It begins with a letter that indicates the currency. For example, a ruble wallet begins with the letter R, and a dollar wallet begins with Z. It is important to remember that when replenishing a specific wallet or when making transfers to a specific wallet, you need to know its number. It is the wallet number, not the WMID.

What is important to know before using wallets?

After registration, every beginner can make small transfers and payments online. But there are users in the system who make large financial transactions. How to create a WebMoney wallet and how to use it so that more opportunities are available? To do this, you need to understand the certification system, which was invented in WebMoney. In accordance with it, each newcomer receives, after completing the registration procedure, a pseudonym certificate, which has certain restrictions. In order to make large transfers and payments, to be able to withdraw funds in different ways, you must obtain a formal certificate. It is issued free of charge.

To obtain a certificate, you need to go to the appropriate section. At the top of the site, for those who do not know how to use WebMoney, there is a menu “For Individuals”. It has a “Certification” section. To obtain a certificate you will need to go here and enter more details about yourself: last name, first name, patronymic, passport details, SNILS number. In the “Certification” section you will additionally need to upload copies of your documents. It is not necessary to make photocopies. You can simply photograph your documents in good lighting so that all the data is clearly visible on them. Uploaded copies are checked by employees of the WebMoney certification center. At the end of this procedure, the user is awarded a formal certificate.

For those who are “lost” on the site

People who are using the electronic payment and settlement system for the first time find it quite difficult to navigate the site. After visiting any section, the question arises of how to return to your personal account and how to use the WebMoney wallet. To do this you should use top menu website, select “About the system”, “Wallet management”, “Keeper Standard (Mini)” and click the “Login” button. After this, your personal account will open, where you will see the created wallets and the amount of money in the accounts.

From your personal account you can:

  • pay various services;
  • make transfers to other WebMoney electronic wallets;
  • link your wallets to others electronic systems(“Qiwi”, “Yandex.Money”) and make further transfers between them;
  • issue invoices to other WebMoney users when conducting any transactions;
  • withdraw funds to bank cards.

Debt service "WebMoney": what is it?

All those people who saw the debt service probably thought about what it was. How to use this function in WebMoney? So, the debt service is a section of the site where you can receive loans from other owners of electronic wallets. The function is not available to all users of the WebMoney system. It can only be used by those participants who have at least a formal certificate.

In the debt service you can see advertisements from lenders. A special table indicates the available amounts, term, percentage. If necessary, the borrower can only choose the most suitable conditions for him and submit an application. The lender, after considering it, may provide a trust limit, or may completely ignore the request. Sometimes lenders provide loans, but under completely different conditions that are unfavorable for the borrower. Users do this in order to protect themselves from non-returns.

Taking out a loan

Lenders typically lend very small amounts at first. Their size is comparable to the monthly Internet payment. In the future, after returns without delay, lenders gradually increase trust limits. Some even reduce the interest rate, making it more and more favorable for the user.

Taking out a loan deserves special attention, as this procedure raises many questions. If the lender has provided a trust limit, this does not mean that the money has already arrived in the wallet. In order to receive them, you need to apply for a loan yourself for the required amount and the required number of days.

Example of a loan application

The lender provided us with 10 WMZ for 30 days. We list our actions in step by step instructions"How to use the WebMoney wallet and the provided trust limit":

  1. Click on the limit and indicate the amount and period. Let's say we want to receive 5 WMZ for 10 days. We indicate these values ​​in the fields that open. Below we will see the return amount - the number of title units that we will need to return to the lender. A participant in the system issued a limit with a small interest rate, so we see a small amount to be returned - 12 WMZ. Next, we confirm your desire to receive funds.
  2. At the next stage, a contract appears. It states the amount taken, the amount to be returned and the deadline. Our consent is required. We press the appropriate button if everything suits us.
  3. It appears on the screen new page"Paymer". In it we see a significant amount - 24 WMZ. Some people close the browser at this stage, thinking that this is all a scam, because at first they agreed to a smaller amount. In fact, there is no fraud here. This will be confirmed by any person who has long known how to use WebMoney and is familiar with all the features. Paymer is a service in which unconditional bearer obligations are registered in double the amount of the debt. This agreement is used by the lender only if the user does not repay his debt.
  4. We confirm our consent by entering the code received on phone number. The loan is immediately credited to your wallet. On the “Loans” page, located in the “Trust me” section, we see the amount to be repaid that we agreed to at the very initial stage, i.e. There are no double amounts.

The occurrence of debt in debt service

Users of debt services are not always able to repay their debt on time. Due to non-repayment, the specified amount goes into arrears. As a rule, in such cases, lenders turn off the provided trust limits and refuse further cooperation with unreliable participants in the WebMoney system.

Some lenders block the WMID of a user who has not returned the funds in a timely manner. Due to the blocking, the ability to pay for services and withdraw funds from wallets is lost. How to use WebMoney in this case? To remove the lock, you will need to repay the loan. Additionally, lenders can file a claim on WMID. Because of this, it will be problematic to obtain trust limits from other users of the system in the future.

If there is a delay, a letter is sent by email - a pre-trial claim. It states that financial obligations were not fulfilled in a timely manner. The user is given a two-week period. During this period, you can repay the debt without any serious consequences. If the claim is ignored, the lender can sell the debt to third parties (collectors) or go to court.

"WebMoney" is a system with wide capabilities. Of course, it may seem difficult at first. How to use WebMoney is a question that will certainly arise. However, all the complexities and functions can be sorted out. The site itself has a help section. It contains articles that discuss various functions in detail. If you cannot find information on any questions or problems, you can always contact the support service.